Duties of a Micro Servant 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is a continuation of the story "Duties of a Micro Servant" found here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/399280

It's not necessary to read it first, but it will fill in a few blanks.

This story is not wholly micro-focused, but it does start out that way. But as you see, there are many ways to enjoy a little mousey that loves to hump against feet. chuckles Enjoy and comment.

tips are always welcome [paypal is [email protected]/* <![CDATA[ /!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/ ]]> */]

Duties of a Micro Servant 2

By Draconicon, For Xalex

Musk, sweat, and darkness were the three things that made up the majority of Alex's world of late. Ever since Olag had pushed him to admit his own fetish, his servitude to the bear had changed forever.

The micro's world had been strange enough to start with; after the government had passed into law a semi-slavery act for micros, granting them a place to live in exchange for their service, he'd been assigned to his current owner, a polar bear by the name of Olag. True, he was given all that he needed - food, water, shelter, clothing, though that one was rare - but in exchange, he'd been little more than the polar bear's slave, kept underfoot, and made to do whatever Olag could task him with.

He'd never questioned it, though he had been embarrassed at some of his actions before a week ago. Pretending that he wasn't enjoying the servitude; thinking that it was just something to deal with until he could find his own place; both had been the actions of self-delusion, nothing more and nothing less.

Olag must have seen that; the rough polar bear had been pushing him with more and more foot related tasks, from licking and cleaning the bear's feet - which were as long as he was tall, so that was a time consuming task - to actually giving them a certain kind of 'lotion' to keep them nice and soft. Each task had made Alex blush worse and worse, slowly pushing him to question himself and just how he felt about everything he was made to do.

It finally came to a head last week, when Olag shoved him underfoot and kept him there throughout the day. If it weren't for the fact that all micros were naturally more sturdy than normal people, when it came to withstanding pressure from above, he would have been turned into a bloody pancake.

As it was, he had finally learned what his place was, and just what he was as a person.

He was a foot humping mouse, a drooling little foot slut for big musky feet.

The realization itself was embarrassing enough, but when Olag pushed him to admit it out loud, there had been a moment when he actually tried to deny it. It was nothing more than a second of hesitation, but it had been there. To this day, he still couldn't believe he'd tried to deny it one last time; all the fun he would have missed staggered him.

Since then, he'd become the bear's full time foot slave. The duties that he'd taken care of around the house were less, with Olag taking up the slack, but they had been replaced with more...fun...duties. From being tied to the bear's feet with a rubber band and kept there for hours, to spending the morning licking the bear's feet while he was still waking up, to being in his owner's shoes during the walks outside the house, he was kept busy for hours tending to those thick, wide feet, both licking up the sweat that popped up along the pads and giving them light rubs and tending touches.

And every day, if he did well enough, Olag would put him down on a mat and start really going to town on his body. Alex lived for those nights; though he'd never been in pain, per se, when Olag was walking on him, he felt much more pleasure when it was a grinding than just plain pressure. The mat that the bear used under his back made sure that he enjoyed every second of being ground against without the slight discomfort that came with a harder surface under his back, and the feeling of those feet on him...oooh, those feet....

The mouse never had a night that didn't end with him licking those feet clean again. They were just that good at milking his cock dry.

Even so, he knew that Olag had something planned for him in the coming days. There was always something with that bear, and his master had been looking particularly smug of late, like he knew something that Alex didn't. Despite the mouse's best efforts, he hadn't been able to figure out just what his master had in mind; none of the papers that usually showed the bear's schedule revealed anything new, and Olag was careful to keep him buried underfoot during any phone calls.

Just what was that bear up to, Alex wondered.


The day started like any other that Alex had experienced over the last week. The micro mouse woke up, still sleeping inside of the bear's slippers, and stretched his arms out over his head. His yawn was muffled against the black, fleshy pads that pressed him down against the inside of the slipper, and his body was half-drenched with the bear's warm sweat. The pressure from the foot above kept him pinned, but he still had enough room to move his arms and legs.

Alex took a deep breath through his nose, the musky scent of the foot above him only making his already stiff morning wood even harder. He shuddered softly, his whiskers bristling slightly at the way that his body reacted to the smell around him. "Mmmm, I'm never gonna get tired of this," he muttered to himself.

But even though he enjoyed the smell, he knew that it was time for him to get to work.

Reaching over his head, he grabbed hold of one of the bear's toes, tugging himself upwards a little bit to get his face lined up with the spaces between his master's toes. One hand slipped a bit, dipping down into a small pool of sweat between the smaller toes, and it splashed around enough to make his face even more soaked. Shaking his head with a bit of a chuckle, he pulled himself up a bit further, just a little past the line where the toes attached to the foot, and looked down at the master's feet.

They always looked huge, and the toes were no exception. Each one was twice as long as his head, and just a bit wider as well. They wiggled slightly in the bear's sleep, but slowly enough for the micro to avoid being bumped by them as he got himself into position.

Ignoring the temptation to tickle his master, the mouse leaned forward and dragged his tongue along the wet fur between the toes. The taste of sweat immediately covered his tongue, and his erection throbbed against the pads below. It took all of his self control to not start humping against the bottom of his master's feet right away, knowing that it would only make the mess he needed to clean up even bigger. Still, he couldn't stop himself from grinding against it a few times, particularly as his tongue was soon saturated with the taste of the bear's foot and his sweat, the taste of...well, manliness.

He was always struck by the similarity of the tastes at the bear's feet and his crotch; though he didn't serve the latter so much now, he still got enough tastes of Olag's cock to know what the bear tasted like up there. Both foot and cock tasted salty, musky, but not in the same way. Both flavors, though, reminded him of nothing more than...Master. A master that was masculine, powerful, and perfect to serve.

And so, he served. Tongue lashing over the spaces between the toes, Alex moaned freely, knowing that any sound he made would be completely stifled by either the foot in front of him or the slippers around him. His mouth filled with both the taste of sweat and the bits of sweat droplets that clung to the bear's fur, and he swallowed both the taste and the water down eagerly. It was salty, perhaps just a little too salty for his taste, but he pressed on.

Every lick made his cock that much harder, and it was getting more and more difficult to keep from grinding against his master's foot until he came. The temptation was just so strong; he already had to lick all of the foot clean, after all, so why not make it worth cleaning up, his libido asked him.

So far, he was holding back for one reason; because Olag hadn't given him permission.

Olag was a pretty good master; rough, but fair. He took what he wanted, but no more than what the mouse was already willing to give him. But the one thing that he insisted on was obedience. And if a person decided to break the rules...

Well, Alex was too much of a mouse to consider breaking them for no reason, and there was always the promise of the footjob at the end of the day if he did well enough to look forward to. He knew that if he came early, then he would most definitely NOT get that bit of fun, and that wasn't worth a morning grinding...even if the temptation to actually do it was getting nearly overwhelming.

He brought his head out from between the big toe and the one next to it, climbing along the top of the foot towards the next gap between the toes. Lapping up the sweat and grooming the fur with teeth and tongue, Alex made sure that it was clean before moving on to the next one...and the next one....and the next one...

By the time that he got to the fourth and final gap between the toes, he was whimpering with need, his body begging for him to give in to those needs. His cock felt like it would explode at the slightest touch, and the mouse had to keep his hips pulled back from the foot as much as he could in order to keep from accidentally going over the edge. Little whimpers and whines escaped his lips as he lapped as fast as he could at the space between the smallest toe and the second smallest, panting as he did. Almost...

The foot suddenly shifted below him, the toes curling above him as the bear started waking up. The curling toes trapped his head between them, and he was pushed flat against the slipper as Olag stretched out, slowly starting to wake up.

It was torture, but pleasurable torture. His back was pinned against the fluffy inside of the slipper, while his front was held flush against the hot bottom of the bear's foot. His nose was shoved right into the hottest, muskiest pocket between the toes, and every time that he breathed in, he had the choice of either smelling that musk or tasting the salty fur that remained in the area.

Making matters worse, Olag kept shifting around, his foot sliding side to side on top of the micro mouse. Alex groaned, his body tensing up as it got closer and closer to orgasm. Slide went the foot, the big black pad covering the middle of the foot sliding along his cock, slightly rough but not enough to hurt, and driving him up the wall as each rub took him SO close to the edge before stopping. He knew that there had to be trails of pre along the bottom of Olag's foot by now, but so long as he didn't cum...but if he did cum...

His mind warred with itself, and his body fought with his mind, everything wanting him to cum, everything wanting him to hold back. And the worst part was that he had no choice in it; Olag was grinding against him, probably not even aware of what he was doing, and giving Alex one of the worst teases of his life.

He felt like he was going to lose his mind, particularly when the bear pushed his slippers against each other. The pressure of the slipper he was in rubbing against the other shoved him harder against the foot above him, and pushed his groin in particular closer to it, almost like he was thrusting forward against it with his head and feet going the other direction.

This was it. He...he was gonna...

Then...just when he thought he was going to blow...it stopped.

Alex tried to wrap his head around it. His body was primed, perfectly on the edge of orgasm. Just the slightest little nudge would have sent him right over the edge; hell, a fairly sexy thought could have done the same thing. Yet, not only had Olag teased him right up to the edge, but he had stopped without actually pushing him over? He didn't know whether to think it was unfair as hell or the greatest mercy he'd ever received.

After a minute to cool down, he felt the slipper move again behind him. It was pushed out, and when he looked down, he could see a few big fingers holding it open. "That...is not fair," Alex muttered to himself. He let go of the toes, letting himself drop.

He landed in Olag's hand, looking up at his master. The bear was grinning at him, not even bothering to hold back his smirks at how turned on Alex was. "Heh, you always are fun in the morning. I bet you wanted to cum on my feet so bad, you foot humping little slut," Olag said, his voice as deep, gravelly, and booming as ever.

"You...you'd be right, Master," Alex said, swallowing what little annoyance he still had with the bear. It was better not to push him, not when he was so much smaller; tougher didn't mean indestructible.

"Hey, no complaining; you got a big day ahead of you, and you needed a good warm-up for what you're going to have to do today," Olag said. He patted Alex on the head lightly, and then dropped him on the bed.

Looking at the bear's morning wood, the mouse half thought that he was going to have to tend to it, but instead the bear just got up from the bed. Alex opened his mouth to ask why, but shut it before he could give into the temptation; the bear would pick what he wanted, and sometimes he wanted something other than the micro crawling all over his cock.

He must have looked more curious than he thought, though, because the bear looked back at him with another chuckle. "Heh, don't you worry about my cock; you'll be tending to that later, when a friend gets here."

"A friend?"

"Yep, a friend that has a LOT of fun ideas planned for you, so don't you dare embarrass me," the polar bear said, a slight hint of a growl in his voice as he walked towards the hallway. "If you embarrass me..."

Alex held up his hands in a hurry, the gesture of surrender slightly spoiled by the way that he was still hard as a rock. "I won't, Master, I promise. I won't embarrass you."


"But..." Alex managed to get out, stopping the bear at the other end of the room before the hall. "But who is your friend? Is it anyone that I might know?"

"Doubt it, you slut; I really fucking doubt it," Olag said. He laughed, shaking his head. "You'll like him though; he's got just the kind of huge, sweaty feet that you love, and you'll probably beg for him to shove you under them before he leaves."

That statement had Alex blushing like the sun, and he was almost grateful that the bear left him alone in the room. He needed a little time to wrap his head around what Olag had told him.

Just what was this friend? Must have been someone that Olag trusted quite a bit, considering how Olag talked about him, and must have been someone that Olag had enjoyed some...quality time...with in the past, if Olag could tease him about wanting to be under the guy's feet. But surely...surely Olag wasn't thinking of sharing him with another person?

Regardless of the laws that gave ordinary sized people possession and power over micros, Alex couldn't see most any person sharing their micro with another person. Even those people that had a...special relationship like he did with Olag, it would be like sharing out your partner with someone else, and while there were some few people out there that liked that kind of thing, he didn't know if he was one of them. It just seemed...very weird. Very, very weird to think of himself under someone else's feet besides Olag's.

But if he felt that bad about it, why was his cock so freaking hard?


Breakfast went as expected, after Olag called him down to the kitchen; he made his way down the stairs through the use of a slide attached to the railing, making it down to the cushions at the base of the stairs that were set up for him, and then hurried over to the table in the center of the kitchen, just past the living room. The bear was still naked in his chair, and as soon as Alex was close enough, he picked the mouse up and put him on his lap.

A quick look at the bear's sheath was enough to tell Alex where his food was. Little specks of bread were spread out on top of the bear's sheath, and where the cock was sticking out of it, he could see little bits of food jammed into that little space between shaft and sheath. Even if it wasn't half in and half out, he knew that the food would be rather salty, considering just how much pre that the bear was leaking.

Giving his master a quick look of bemusement, Alex crawled across the bear's thick thigh towards his groin. His fingers picked through the strands of fur to find the food that was jammed partway into the bear's sheath, and slowly started pulling them out. Bits of toast, little shards of bacon, yolky bits of egg; each piece was a bit of his breakfast, and no matter how quickly he got to them, all of them were stained with either cum or sheath sex juices. Not that he wasn't used to them, but it was a game that he could sometimes win, getting it out before it got too 'contaminated' with the bear's fluids.

Not today, apparently. Spreading the food out along one arm, he felt around for anything else that he might have missed seeing, running his fingers along the base of Olag's cock, sliding a finger inside of his sheath here and there when he thought he felt something promising.

There wasn't anything left, though, and he soon gave up. His questing arm was covered in pre, but he did his best to ignore it for the moment, wanting to focus more on the food.

"At least you didn't salt this stuff; your pre's salty enough to make me need some water," Alex muttered as he munched his way through some of the egg. It was like someone had up-ended a whole saltshaker on the thing. Without the lid on. Still edible, though.

It was the bacon that had him hacking and wheezing; the meat had started out salty, but with all the extra stuff poured on top of it, it was overwhelming. He gasped, looking up at Olag pleadingly as he swallowed repeatedly.

The bear looked at him with an eyebrow raised for a moment, and then rolled his eyes. He reached out onto the table, and to Alex's relief, he had a glass of water in his hand when he pulled his hand back.

Rather than giving it to the mouse, though, Olag used his free hand to lower the mouse back down to the floor. The foot that Alex had spent so much time cleaning came down on top of him, and pinned him down. Alex immediately started squirming, but the pressure kept him pinned down.

Holding the water glass over him, Olag chuckled. "I'd drink fast; this water isn't going to last long."

Alex had just enough time to open his mouth when the water started pouring down from above. It was like a high pressure waterfall started falling on him, but it was cold, it was water, and it was going more or less towards his mouth. That was all he needed.

The first few blasts of water carried a little bit of sweat from the bear's foot fur towards his mouth, but after that, it started to clear up a bit more. By the time that he reached his third drink, it was more or less just water, and Alex drank it down as fast as he could. The immense salty taste from the bacon was slowly disappearing from his mouth, and he sighed in relief with each drink.

Of course, there was the downside that the water was coming down so fast that it was coming close to drowning him, and that it was ice water and utterly freezing. Alex did his best to blow through the water, to keep it from filling his lungs rather than his belly, but it was a close thing.

By the time that the water ran out, he was right on the last of his oxygen, and he was panting hard when the water stopped falling down on him.

Olag chuckled, and must have been laughing all the while. The bear's other hand, not on the glass, was suspiciously missing, and Alex could guess just where it was by the way that the arm was moving up and down. "Heh, looks like you got enough to drink; you feeling a little more satisfied now, you foot humping little mouse?" the bear said with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah...yeah, thank you, Master," Alex panted softly. The pressure from the foot on top of him prevented him from getting quite as much air as he'd like, but it was still something that was better than drowning under the waterfall. He'd never had Olag do that before; yet another thing that was new.

The bear pressed down him just hard enough to draw a grunt out of his mouth and a twitch from his cock before pulling his foot away, and Alex watched as his master stood up from the table. The plate was left there, and Olag nodded at him to follow.

They went to the living room, Olag walking while Alex sprinted. Each time that Olag brought his foot down, Alex nearly lost his balance from the feeling of shockwaves coming from the large bear, but kept running anyway, not wanting to fall behind. It seemed to amuse his master that he kept getting close to falling, because there were more than a few occasions when the bear stomped down harder, almost bouncing the mouse into the air.

They stopped at the small sofa near the door. Olag sat down on it, his large bulk taking up about half of it, while Alex fell on top of one of the bear's feet, panting from the run from the kitchen. The sprint was about the equivalent of a 300 meter dash for him, and he was exhausted from trying to keep up with the bear.

With Olag's laughter ringing in his ears and his own panting quite loud, he almost missed the sound of the doorbell ringing. "Come in!" the bear shouted at the top of his lungs. "You hear that, you little foot-licker? That's my friend coming in. Now remember; behave, obey, and don't you dare embarrass me."

The mouse nodded, then slowly turned towards the hall leading to the front door. He could hear the door opening, then closing. A long, dark shadow fell across the wooden floor, and he could only watch and wonder what was coming to visit, gulping slightly in nervous anticipation.

It didn't take long for the shadow's owner to walk around the corner, and Alex stared at the figure.

Coming down the hall was a massive black dragon, standing at least as tall if not taller than the polar bear who owned him. He wore a pair of jeans that looked like they'd been just bought, and a shirt that was as white as his scales were black, which was to say, purely. The dragon looked down at him, and Alex couldn't help but stare back at the pupil-less eyes; they looked blind, but he could feel that the dragon really did see him.

He had little doubt that Olag was smirking by this point, particularly as he was sure that the bear could feel his continued erection through the fur on top of his foot, but he couldn't stop himself from feeling horny. Particularly as he looked down at the dragon's feet.

They were much different from the bear's, but even from here he could tell that they were going to be a wonder to be buried beneath. The dragon walked in a way that lifted them up rather high, and every time that the bear's guest took a step, Alex got a good view of the undersides. The scales were smooth and shiny, obviously well tended to in a way that he was a little surprised to see. Little droplets of sweat ran along the bottom, and he wondered if the dragon had come here without socks on, or barefoot; if he had been wearing socks, those would have been dried off, he was sure.

As the dragon got closer, the footsteps sent familiar vibrations through the floor, almost tickling Alex's feet as they were the only things still on the ground. The mouse watched with a growing blush as those big black scaled feet got closer and closer, and a part of him wondered what it would be like to be beneath those scaly soles.

Sitting down on the couch beside the bear, the dragon looked down at Alex. The mouse looked back, his face red through his fur, and the dragon chuckled. "So this is the little foot slut that you were talking about before," the dragon said.

Alex's jaw dropped. It...well, hell, he supposed that it was obvious just where he'd been looking at the dragon, but he had hadn't thought that the dragon would just come out and say it!

Before he could say anything in his defense, Olag shifted his foot. Alex lost his balance and slipped back down to the floor. No sooner had he hit the wood than the polar bear's foot was on top of him, toes and heel pointed towards his sides, while the ever so slight arch of the otherwise flat bear foot pointed towards the mouse's face. It pinned him utterly and completely, and Alex blushed at the feeling of those familiar, warm, slightly rough pads against his growing erection.

The bear smirked a bit to himself, and ground his foot against the mouse, drawing involuntary moans from the mouse as Olag turned to the dragon. "Yep, he's just a little foot slut; I swear, he'd spend all his time underfoot if I let him. Can't so much as leave the house without him trying to climb into my shoes, and if I don't set him to other tasks, he'll just spend all day licking away."

"With the way your feet sweat, he'd have to, Olag," the dragon said with a laugh.

"Hey, you're not much better!"

"That's the point," the dragon said. "I know how bad your feet can get. Not that you've had the chance to get any normal sized people to lick them for a while."

Oh dear heavens, this was making Alex blush like never before. He did his best to remain silent, but when his master's foot was grinding against him, sliding up and down, back and forth, dragging itself over him repeatedly, it was hard to ignore the pleasure building in his cock. The slow glide of those pads along his cock, the way that they were still wet from the little 'shower' he'd gotten from the bear's water glass...it made it so warm and slick and...

"Hey, remember the rules, foot-humper! No cumming without my permission!" Olag growled down at him.

Alex jerked under that foot, and nodded his head rapidly. "Yes, yes sir," he shouted back up to the bear.

Still, this was getting harder and harder to avoid; he'd already gotten so close to the edge in bed, and this was about ten times worse. Not only was Olag casually chatting to someone else while driving Alex nuts with his foot, but there was someone else to see him losing control like this. He'd never thought that having an audience was something that he'd like, but then again, the mouse had never had the opportunity to find out.

Maybe there was an exhibitionist buried in him somewhere that had just been waiting for this opportunity to come out. It was possible, he supposed.

But that didn't matter. What did matter was that he was getting harder, hornier, and more turned on than he could control. The two normal sized anthros were talking back and forth, every so often mentioning something about feet, but Alex couldn't focus on them well enough to understand the focus of the conversation. All that he could pay attention to was the foot on top of him.

Olag's foot started moving faster, and only the pressure from above kept Alex from arching his back and pressing his cock more firmly against the increasingly warm pads above him. His fingers twitched, little claws scrabbling against the wooden floor in an attempt to try and keep some control, to hold himself back, but there was nothing to grab. The wood was too strong to claw into, and there was nothing but the bear's foot to grab hold of. He doubted that Olag would appreciate him ripping fur out in an attempt to hold himself back from orgasm, but that was looking more and more like what he would have to do.

He whimpered, his body writhing around on the floor as his cock throbbed with need, the musky scent of the bear's foot still present despite all of the mouse's licking and washing before. Alex shuddered, a few breaths of the odor almost taking him over the edge. His muscles twitched, his hips trying to hump upwards, but still pinned down too securely for that to be possible.

Their laughter made it worse, in a way; he was sure that they were laughing at him. They had to be; he was just a little foot humper, a little micro that they could use to enjoy themselves, and he...

He liked it.

He loved the feeling of being underfoot, of being seen as a little slut for their feet. It was so obvious that he was completely turned on, that he was a helpless little foot-humping whore for the musky feet in front of him. His eyes kept darting between his master's foot above him and the dragon's feet not too far away. Whimpers of need slipped past his lips, and he half reached for the big, black, scaly feet, panting softly.

"Good god, just let him cum already," the dragon said, his lips turned up in a smirk. "He's going to burst anyway; might as well let him have a little fun before you drive him completely crazy."

"You're going soft, Draconicon," Olag said. His toes curled around Alex's side, driving the mouse's cock between the bear's toes. That was new to the mouse, and his eyes went wide, his breath coming in shorter and shorter gasps.

The pressure from above was still too much for him to be able to hump upwards, though, as much as his hips wanted to. He groaned, scrabbling for a better handhold, his body's instincts driving him mad with the need to cum, his balls feeling so very full, to the point of burning and throbbing with the absolute NEED to spill his cum.

Olag looked at him, and laughed. "Heh, you are just a little slut for my feet..." He chuckled, and pushed down hard with his foot. Alex groaned as the pressure pushed him flush against the floor, the sheer weight of the bear brought down on him. It drove the breath from his lungs, forcing him to breathe in yet another lung-full of the bear's musk. A throb, a twitch of his cock; so close.

His master loomed over him, and Alex could just barely hear him speaking; it was harder to hear, so little fresh air getting to his brain. "I'll let you cum...I'll let you cum all over my feet...if you'll admit to my friend what a slut you are...and remember...you'll do anything that I tell you to do..."

Alex could only just open his mouth, but he couldn't pull enough air out to speak. He could only mouth the words.

It wasn't enough for the bear. A little bit of pressure came off, and the mouse sucked in another breath, the taste of sweat and foot filling his mouth just by breathing in the air around his master's large toes and sweaty pads. "I..." Alex gasped, sucking in another breath, his eyes half glazed over with the potency of the scent around him. "I...I am just a...a foot humping mouse...a micro who loves feet...will do...will do anything...for master...want feet...want to cum...cum on feet...lick them clean..."

"And what else?" the bear asked.

"I'll...I'll do anything...obedient mouse...will obey master...do what he wants..." Alex managed to gasp out, the last word little more than a squeak as the foot pushed down on him again, squeezing what little fresh air he'd managed to get from his lungs.

"Heh, that's a good little micro," the bear said. He turned to the dragon. "Wanna help me get him off?"

"Why not? Might speed up the process," the dragon said.

Panting and moaning with need, Alex almost missed the sight of the dragon's foot lifting from the ground. He watched as it hovered above the ground, and then over him. The big black foot was almost humanoid, with the five toes and the general shape of a human's foot, but the toes were different, thicker, a little more bulbous in a way. Not to mention that they were all topped with sharp, somewhat curved claws. Up close, the scales were smooth and meshed together perfectly, allowing the little sweat drops along the underside to slide along visibly quickly.

The dragon's foot loomed over his face, and Alex couldn't hold in his moans anymore, not with Olag grinding his big flat foot against his body so hard, driving his cock mad with pleasure. He threw his head back with a moan, just as one of the sweat drops fell from the foot on top of his face.

It drenched him utterly, and filled his mouth and nose with the taste and scent of the dragon's foot. It was potent, even more than Olag's, and the salt and sweat and sheer masculinity of it shoved the mouse over the edge. His cock twitched, spasmed, shuddered under the bear's foot before it utterly exploded with cum, his balls pulled up tight against him as he hit his climax.

That wasn't enough for the dragon, though; the foot came down hard on top of the mouse, the incredibly smooth underside shoving against his face and chest. Alex moaned, every bit of air taken from his lungs by the massive pressure of the foot on top of his chest, his face shoved so tightly against the scaly underside that he couldn't get more than the smallest gasp of air, and even that was tainted with the salty, slightly sour - but pleasantly so - scent of the dragon's scaly foot against his body.

The scent, the pressure, the feeling of the two feet using him as nothing more than a little foot rest, was driving him crazy. Every grind of those feet, bear and dragon, over him was heaven. They milked him more and more, driving cum out of his cock with every slight movement. The drumming of the dragon's toes near his head was like a rowwing drumbeat on a ship, except that, instead of pulling an oar, his cock shot out another spurt of cum onto his master's foot.

Again, and again, his cock spasmed under the bear's foot. His tongue lashed out, gathering up the taste of the dragon's foot on it, licking the scales against his mouth clean. The feeling of the dragon's foot was so different, so very smooth compared to the roughness of the bear's pads; it slid along his body almost frictionlessly. He doubted that it would do the same if it wasn't so slick with sweat, but for the moment, it was heaven.

And both pairs of feet were more or less marking him with their scents, too. The sweat from the dragon, the musk from the bear, both were sinking deep into his fur, leaving him smelling of them. The only scent of his own came from his cum, and that was more wiped against the bear's foot than against his body. Alex squirmed weakly as the feet continued to milk his orgasm out further and further, his mind almost completely shut down as his orgasm went on longer and longer.

He had no idea when it finally stopped. Might have been a few seconds, might have been a minute or two. But when he opened his eyes again, he found himself looking up at his master....his masters, and there was something different about them.

Alex was used to seeing his master and anyone else in the house as giants. They always loomed over him, their bodies stretching up into the heavens for the micro. Whenever they walked, it was like thunder echoing around him, and when he was by their feet, it was difficult to think of them as anything other than a mix of monster and majesty, creatures of another order than him.


Now he was looking at them, and they almost looked like they were the same size as him. Not completely, of course; Olag and the dragon still towered over him, but it was by a matter of a few degrees, rather than by a whole new order of measurement.

Turning his head to the side, he saw Olag's cum covered foot. Rather than something that would cover his entire body - though just barely - it was just big enough looking to cover his face. It was a very...very strange change in his perspective, and Alex reached his hand up to his head. Rubbing his forehead, he muttered softly, "Did I...did I bang my head on the ground too hard? I think I'm seeing things."

"You're not." Alex looked up at the dragon, meeting his eyes. "Olag has interesting tastes in friends, and I am no exception."

"What do you mean?"

"He's a mage, slut," Olag said, and Alex looked back to his master. The polar bear chuckled a bit, shaking his head. "While you were still shaking and quaking like some druggie getting his fix, the dragon here helped you grow up a little more. Though only in height, apparently; that cock of yours still looks small even when you're generally a bit bigger."

"A...mage?" Alex asked, his mind still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he wasn't a micro at the moment; at least, that's what he thought. The furniture hadn't shrunk, or at least, if it had, so had the house in general, because everything was the same proportion to the dragon and bear as they had been before. "I thought-"

"That magic didn't exist?" The dragon shrugged. "Most people don't. It makes it even easier to use it and get away with it. People don't like to admit that things they don't understand exist. Makes them uncomfortable." His snout turned up in a small grin, and Alex shuddered slightly at the pointed teeth that grin revealed. "Heh, you would not believe the stuff that police let you get away with when they don't believe in magic. Secret of getting away with stuff; commit actions that make people feel too stupid to fill out a report on."

"But what does that -"

"Look, slut," Olag interrupted. The cummy foot shoved down on top of Alex's face, stifling any further questions he might have, and filling his nose with the smell of his own cum. White drops fell from the bottom of the bear's foot onto his nose and mouth, and despite himself, he found himself licking it clean. He was too conditioned to leave them alone when they were 'dirty'.

Chuckling to himself, the bear continued, explaining while Alex licked away. "My friend here needs a little 'relief'. He could just go out and get something with those spells of his, but considering his own little fetish, and how I got access to a good little slut like you, I figured I'd invite him over to enjoy that body of yours. You already said that you'd do what you were told, earn your orgasm; now it's time for you to make your payment."

The taste of his cum was enough to distract him for a moment, but Alex still heard everything that his master said. It was...strangely different to think of any kind of submission other than to the feet of his master. Fun, but very different. He'd helped Olag with his cock a few times in the past...well, more than a few times, but that was besides the point. Crawling over the bear's cock, licking at the head while grinding against it to help his master get off was different than doing it at this size, though, and he wasn't sure how to go about it. He'd never had a partner that was the same size to him, relatively speaking.

Still, as the bear pulled his foot back from his cleaning tongue, Alex nodded his head in understanding. If his master wanted his submission, then he was going to give it. He'd just have to learn as he went along.

"Get up, slut," the dragon said. "You're going to want to be at least on all fours for what we're going to do to you."

Right, he'd heard of this. They wanted to get him up so that they could use him properly. There was something on Olag's computer, some porn that the bear looked at sometimes. What was it...doggy style? Seemed a weird name for something like sex, but if that was what they wanted...

The mouse rolled over slowly, getting on his hands and knees. As he bumped his knee against the wooden floor, he winced slightly. The bigger body was a little more frail than the one that he had before, a little more prone to discomfort; it was something to remember, he supposed.

No sooner had he gotten on all fours than his master grabbed him by the tail. Alex yelped as the bear yanked it over to the side, and he felt one of Olag's fingers sliding between his ass cheeks. The same blush he'd had when he was so close to orgasm and trying to hold it back came back, full force, and his cheeks burned as he felt the bear's finger exploring his ass cheeks.

He had to bite his lip though as a finger pressed against his hole. With his size as a micro, there'd never been any reason for anything to go up there; his master was too big to actually use him that way, and the only time there'd been anything going in rather than out was the one time that Olag sat him on his cock and forced him to stay on the head for a while. The burst of cum at the end of that had flooded his backside that time, and the strange warmth had actually pushed him over the edge as well.

Of course, that had never been so...solid a feeling as the finger currently spreading his hole open. His ass burned as the bear's finger slid in and out, the fur creating a whole new form of friction for him as it dragged along his ass. His jaw clenched a little tighter as he tried to endure it, lowering his head as the burning slowly started to subside as his body started to get used to it.

Suddenly, a whole new musk assaulted his nose. It was...spicy, almost, mixed in with the sweaty salt of a cock that had been turned on and kept under clothing for too long. The mouse lifted his head up again, and came face to...well, face to cock with the dragon Olag had invited over.

His eyes went wide at the sight of the shaft in front of him; it was huge. That was literally the first thing that came to mind, and it was the first time he'd thought it since he'd grown bigger. The cock had to be at least a foot long, and it throbbed hard in front of him, bouncing regularly to what he would guess was the dragon's heartbeat. A set of ridges covered the bottom half of the cock, giving it a sort of accordion-like appearance, and he shuddered at the thought of how that might feel if the dragon was behind him instead of his master; Olag was rough, but this thing would HURT going in for his first time.

Of course, as he realized what the dragon would want, he wasn't sure that having it go down his throat was going to be that much better.

Scaly fingers grabbed him by the chin, and Alex's lips and nose were guided towards the base of the dragon's cock. The musk was even more potent there, and the mouse had to fight the temptation to hold still and just let the musk wash over him, send him into an even higher state of pleasure and submission.

The bear's second finger going into his ass snapped him out of what daze he couldn't shake off, and he blushed as he looked up at the dragon. The thick cock in front of him nearly made him go cross-eyed, and he blushed at the fact that it was laying more or less right over his face. The dragon looked down at him with a smirk, and said two simple words.

"Get started."

This was something that he had a little experience with, though never with something this huge, and never quite from this angle. Still, Alex wasn't going to let one of the master's friends go away unsatisfied, not if he had anything to do about it.

Slowly, the mouse reached one hand up, taking hold of the base of the dragon's cock. It throbbed hard under his hand, and a little pre jetted from the tip, falling on top of his head before he could pull back. The dragon's chuckles made Alex blush, but the mouse still pulled back a bit, pulling the dragon's cock down so that it pointed towards his mouth instead of his hair.

The tip was a little more familiar, rounded and shaped like the tip of his cock, if much thicker than that. Alex just couldn't stop making the comparisons, especially since he was not a micro anymore; the cock was just...huge compared to his, making him blush with a bit of envy. It didn't make him feel any less submissive, either; if anything, it only made him want to give more pleasure.

He opened his mouth, but before he could take the dragon's cock into his mouth, he yelped. The bear had just slid a third finger into his ass, and Alex whimpered softly at the way that it made his hole feel so stretched out. He barely had the strength to keep himself on all fours - all threes with a hand on the dragon's cock - and he could only feel how his hole was being stretched out by the bear's three fingers. It burned, it throbbed...and it felt good, in a strange, slightly pained way.

As he gasped for breath, the dragon took control. Alex grunted as he was grabbed by the chin again, his face held in place before that massive shaft was shoved into his mouth. His tongue was pressed flat against the bottom of his mouth, pinned in place by the sheer mass of the dragon's cock, and it rapidly slid towards the back of his mouth.

Alex huffed around it, only able to breathe through his nose with the way that the cock almost shoved his jaws apart on its way in. His tongue sucked up the taste of pre and sweat and cock musk as the shaft slid over it, and his eyes rolled back in his head as he went half limp in the grip of his masters. They had to hold him a bit, he knew, but he couldn't help it. It was just...so overwhelming.

Even when he felt Olag's fingers slipping out of his ass, he barely moved. He couldn't look back, after all, as the dragon had a good grip on his ears and was slamming his cock in and out of the mouse's muzzle, each thrust taking it a little further back, a little closer to his throat than the last one.

Warm goo splattering on his hole was different, and for a second, he wondered if Olag had already cum; it was warm enough to be the bear's cum. No, he realized as the bear's fingers pressed against his hole again, shoving inside just hard enough to make him grunt from the force; Olag hadn't cum, he was just spreading some lube over his ass. He remembered that from the porn on Olag's computer too, something that people used just before -

"MMMMMMPH!" Alex whimpered and groaned against the dragon's cock. Both of the big males had slammed forward at the same moment; the dragon's cock was lodged solidly in Alex's throat, almost cutting off his air supply, while the bear's cock had rammed up his hole without anymore foreplay. He was solidly wedged between the two massively hung males, and no matter how he squirmed, he found himself pushing himself more firmly against one cock or the other.

They held themselves inside of him, completely still, and Alex could only groan between the two. He'd never imagined feeling this full, not ever; as a micro, there was nobody that was this big on his size scale, and nobody bigger would be able to fit. But now...he felt like he was stretched to capacity, that his body was being treated like nothing more than a toy for the two big males.

If he could have smiled around the dragon's cock that stretched his jaws to near painful levels, he would have.

Almost against his will, he started moaning as Olag started pulling back. The bear's cock was big, not as large as the dragon's, but definitely big enough to make his inexperienced hole throb and burn with each thrust back and forth. The lube back there made sure that it wasn't painful, but he felt the burning, felt the stretching every time that he slid down the bear's cock. It thickened towards the base, too, which made it even more of an experience as Olag dragged himself forward and back.

The bear got in a few thrusts before the dragon started moving too. No, that wasn't quite right, Alex realized; the dragon wasn't moving, the two masters were moving him back and forth between them. He was like a chinese finger trap, except that instead of trapping two fingers in a little tunnel, he trapped two dicks in his holes, and was being dragged back and forth between them.

His ass throbbed as the bear started dragging him down against him harder, faster, and he was forced to breathe entirely through his nose in order to get any air. Both his jaws and his ass burned with the effort of keeping open, and while the dragon wasn't pushing him too hard, his master was driving him crazy.

Every pull, every thrust from Olag was a rough slam, a brutal shove into the mouse's hole, and Alex didn't know whether to whimper or moan from the feeling. His ass wasn't burning anymore, but the stretching feeling refused to go away. It was warm, wet inside of him, the bear's pre leaking and the tip of his master's cock rubbing right over that sensitive little bump in there, but it was still weird, still different...and still making his cock so freaking hard.

He could feel it slapping against his stomach every time that the two masters pulled him back and forth between them, so very hard and horny that he was leaving trails of pre across his stomach. Moans slipped around the dragon's cock, but were muffled against his scaly crotch. Alex tried to say something, tried to pull back enough to have his mouth free, but neither of the horny males were letting him do that.

The sensation of being just...used by the men above him was driving him crazy. It was like the submission to Olag's feet, but better. Stronger. More complete. He closed his eyes, his senses awash in the stench of sex and musk and sweat, the smells from the two bigger males on each side driving him mad with lust, making his cock bounce almost like a horse. He tried to reach down, tried to stroke himself, tease himself, but the dragon wouldn't let him; he was held too tightly, and bounced back and forth between their cocks too much for him to get the accuracy he needed to actually stroke himself to the relief he craved.

Yet, the frustration only added to his arousal. It was a...a very weird feeling, and it fed on itself. He got hornier, then more frustrated, then hornier again; the cycle built on itself, and he was getting harder, and harder with each time he passed through it. His body rocked and his ass was sore from the pounding it was getting from the bear behind him, but he couldn't do anything to stop his master from enjoying him.

Suddenly, the dragon pulled back, all the way out of his throat. The head of the cock stayed inside of his mouth, but most of it slid back out. His eyes crossed as he looked at the spit-shined shaft, his lips slightly raw from the way that the ridges along the base 'fluttered' his lips on their way out. The dragon's hand gripped the base of his cock, stroking it rapidly, and he could tell by the moans and grunts from above that his master's friend was about to -

Cum exploded over his tongue, and Alex immediately understood why the dragon had pulled most of his cock back. The flood of it coming out of his cock would have flowed back up the mouse's throat and right out of his mouth if the cock had still been down there; the thing would have taken up too much room for all the musky, hot cum to have fit inside his stomach and throat.

Even with only the head of the cock in his mouth, though, Alex was straining to swallow it all. Olag's rampant, hard thrusts from behind weren't making it any easier, jostling him around and making him drool half of the load back out. It ran down the sides of his mouth, and dripped from his chin as the dragon kept cumming, and cumming.

The flood eventually ended, and the dragon pulled back with a chuckle. "Pull him back, Olag, let's see the little mouse whore cum from being fucked," he said.

Alex yelped as the bear suddenly shifted his grip, large hands moving from his hips to his chest. The mouse was yanked back hard, his cock thrust forward, the tip soaked with his own pre as the bear hammered into him, each thrust lifting him off of the floor before gravity jammed him back down on his master's cock.

He was forced to watch the smirking dragon sit down, still stroking his half hard cock as it went down, as Olag rammed his ass hard. He'd thought that the way his master was fucking him before was harsh; this was something completely different. The ferocity that the bear showed with each thrust, the way that he was filled all the way to the brim every time that Olag slammed in, the harsh clap of the bear's balls slapping against his; it was little more than a wild rutting out in the wilderness, with the bear fucking him like he was nothing more than a submissive bitch to be used.

It didn't help that the dragon had pulled over a foot rest, shoving his feet up in front of the mouse. He moaned, whimpering as he licked his lips. His cock bounced up and down, both from the rampant, harsh fuck from the bear and the way that his own fetish came into play. His eyes locked with the wiggling toes, and he couldn't stop himself from sniffing the air, trying to catch the musk of those lovely feet.

Laughing, the dragon pointed at him. "Look at this guy; getting fucked up the ass, hard as you can shove it in, and he still finds the time to look for feet to worship. He's just about the perfect foot slut, isn't he?"

"Heh, no doubt about that," Olag said. His hands tightened, one finger brushing against the tip of Alex's cock. Just that little touch almost set him off. "Not a bad ass, either...he's gonna have a good load in there by the time I'm done..."

"And a big mess on the floor too, for that matter," the dragon pointed out. "He looks like he's about to blow."

"Wouldn't surprise me; little subby slut like him? He's the sort that cums hands-free from stuff like this. Bet you I can get him to cum in less than another minute."

"Usual bet?"

"Uh huh."

"You're on."

Alex had no idea what the usual terms were, or just how often the dragon and bear did stuff like this, but he didn't care. He just wanted to cum; whether it was from the bear fucking him from behind or something else, he didn't care, so long as he finally got to cum!

Hands slipped down to his thighs, supporting them from underneath as Olag rammed in, the hardest thrusts yet. The mouse's legs were forced apart, his stretched hole, desperate balls, and straining cock perfectly displayed. He curled his toes in pleasure, moaning loudly each time that bear cock slammed into his ass, the thickness no longer burning, but just pleasantly stretching.

But despite how much he loved being used, being put on display, being showed off like this, his focus was entirely on that little nub in his ass. The pleasure bursts that hit him every time that the bear slammed in came right from that spot, and he focused on it, panting as he squeezed his ass tighter, his breath coming faster and faster. Barely conscious of the fact that his tongue was hanging out of his mouth, Alex shoved himself back as best he could, though the bear kept him from doing much at all in this position.

Grind, thrust, moan; grind thrust moan; grindthrustmoan; everything was blurring together as things got faster and more frantic by the second. Alex gasped, barely able to catch his breath as that cock slammed in again, again, again. He begged for it, he realized; his mouth moved without him knowing it. He barely knew the words that were coming out, but they always came back to cock. Cock. Cock. Fuck him with cock. He needed to be fucked, needed to be fucked to cum.

Suddenly, the pleasure got too much, and the next time that his master slammed in, that's just what he did. Cum.

The mouse's eyes went wide as he came, and his ass tightened so hard around Olag's cock that his master was trapped in his ass. His shaft bounced and twitched as he came, his balls pulling up against his groin. He swore that they were shrinking from the sheer amount of cum that he was pumping out, and it went flying over the ground in front of him. The hardwood floors glistened from the cum strings that landed on them, and some even went far enough to hit the dragon's feet. White strings of cum stood out on the black scales, and the thought of having to clean that up made him moan even louder, bucking his hips up and down in eagerness.

He felt the heat of the bear's orgasm in his ass faintly, but all of his attention was on his own orgasm. He just kept cumming, his body spasming and shaking in the bear's grip, and only Olag's firm strength was enough to keep him from falling down. Everything shook, his muscles tightening and relaxing, his hole squeezing and releasing the cock inside.

He was still cumming when the bear started to pull him up. It was slow going with the way that he was shaking, his cock still oozing, but spasming in dry shots, and Alex could just hear that his master was moaning in the afterglow of a good orgasm. Every inch of the bear's cock was perfectly clear to him as he was pulled off, and he almost missed it when it was pulled out of him.

Lowered into a puddle on the ground, the mouse looked down at himself. Some of his cum had splattered up onto his chest, leaving his fur a little wet and stained with something besides sweat for a change, but most of it was on the ground in front of him. Beneath him, a puddle of pre was mixing with the cum leaking out of his hole. Must have been the drippings from when he was just being fucked and leaking so much pre, Alex realized, and the thought that he had been THAT productive made him shiver in pleasure.

Both his master and the dragon were sitting on the couch in front of him, and when he looked up, he blushed at the sight presented to him.

Both of them were seated with their feet pointed towards him, held up on a footrest by the couch. The soles and the toes were soaked, the dragon's in strings of cum, and Olag's in the puddle of pre that he'd been standing in while fucking the mouse up the ass. They were shiny, and slick looking, and it took everything that Alex had in him to just stay still, and not go over to them and start humping against them.

He looked down with a blush at the strength of the urge. Alex shook his head, trying to understand; in the last hour, he'd been used as a plaything for his master and the dragon, rubbed underfoot, and then fucked silly by the both of them. He'd cum twice, and his balls felt a little sore, and more than a little drained. How in the hell could he still be interested in doing anything more?

Still looking at the ground, he still caught what the dragon and bear were saying to each other, and couldn't help but keep blushing at the conversation they were having.

"He's been a pretty good slut; think he deserves a reward before I shrink him back down?" the dragon asked.

"Probably," Olag said. "But the question is -"

"There's no question in my mind what he wants."


"You said it yourself. He's a pathetic little foot humping slut, and for the first time, he's big enough to hump against feet in a way that we'd do it."

"In the way that YOU do it, you mean; I just like my subs showing their submission, unlike you."

"Don't knock it, man, it's pretty fun." The dragon chuckled. "So, we're agreed?"

"Yeah, might as well. The slut was well behaved, and after having him scream for cock while he was bouncing on mine, I guess he deserves the chance to blow his load like a normal guy."

Olag growled, "Mouse boy!"

Alex jerked his head up, and immediately stood up as his master gestured for him to get closer. He walked around the foot rest, sitting between the dragon and the bear on the floor. "Yes, sir?" he asked.

"Me and my friend have decided you were a good enough little slut for you to get a reward. Lean back, and we'll make sure that you have a hell of a good time. Oh, and move the footrest, otherwise you're going to get really cramped."

He knew from what they were discussing just what he was going to get, but Alex still blushed as he started getting the area set up. It took barely a nudge to roll the footrest away, and he leaned back as he was instructed. Looking up at the master and the dragon, he couldn't help but feel so very tiny. They were closer to his height now, but he'd never felt smaller.

The dragon and the bear lifted a foot up each, and Alex moaned as they pushed them down against his groin. The dragon's cummy toes fondled his balls, rubbing against them and drumming against his shrunken orbs, while the bear's thick toes and rougher pads sandwiched his cock against his belly. The mouse shivered, pleasurable tingles exploding from his groin. What little hardness he'd lost since his orgasm rapidly came flooding back, enforced by the feet on his cock and the smell of sex around him.

The air absolutely reeked with the scent of musk, of cock and cum and sweat and man, and it all came from the bear and dragon in front of him. The dragon's cock was hard and he was jerking it off as he played with Alex's balls, and he could see that Olag wasn't too far from getting hard again himself. Doubtless one or the other would want him to service them again later, either before or after he went back to his proper size.

He blushed at how much that helped him get hard again, just the thought of servicing them. He really was a proper slut.

The feet rubbed him and stroked him, and the pre and cum on the soles and toes made them extraordinarily slick; he felt the dragon's toes, each and every one of them, tugging and rubbing on his balls, making them hang down again rather than keeping up near his groin, making them look like a sack again instead of two small lumps from how much he'd cum, and he felt the bear's foot pressing down hard on his cock, almost trampling it against his stomach. Olag's treatment of his cock was rough, verging on stomping it into his stomach, actually pulling his foot back and shoving it down again, grinding his foot clockwise, counterclockwise, back and forth.

Leaning back on his hands was the hardest thing for him to do. He wanted nothing more than to reach down and fondle those feet, to encourage them and push them to give him more pleasure. They were so sexy, and even from here he could smell the way that the musk of his cum and pre mixed with the smell of their feet and the sweat that was coming off of the both of them. He huffed and sniffed at that scent, sucking it into his nose, deliberately inhaling as much of it as he could. Each one was like a shot of energy to his cock, driving him to higher and higher levels of arousal.

Whenever he lost control and his hips twitched, the two bigger males growled at him, pushing him back down. They made sure that he was still, giving him no stimulation until he was completely still again. Alex both loved and hated that; he loved that they were keeping him from going against their orders, loved the control that they held over him, but he hated that his next orgasm was delayed. Every time he promised that he wouldn't do it again, and every time his fetish got the better of him, turning him back into the hopeless foot humper that he was.

He needed this. It was no longer a craving, he literally needed this; their feet, his orgasm, the climax. He needed it more than anything he'd needed in his life, and if he didn't get it soon, he was sure that he was going to go crazy.

Alex slumped back further and further as the feet teased him, gliding along his groin. The dragon's foot came up from his balls, and the smooth sole rubbed along the side of his cock, pressing it down as Olag turned his foot towards his balls. The soft touch of fur against his throbbing orbs made him moan, and almost tickled, while the smooth feeling of wet scales against his cock encouraged even more pre from him. It soaked his belly almost as much as it soaked the dragon's arch and heel.

The heel pressed down on his cock head, grinding against it for a few seconds. The heat and bit of friction almost took him over the edge, but the dragon pulled back before he could go over. He whimpered, looking at the both of them, begging, pleading for the release that he had been denied.

They looked at each other, and finally sighed.

Together, they lifted their feet. Both of them, using both their feet. The dragon's feet sandwiched Alex's cock between them, the slick cum on the scales making it feel like he was being treated to some super sex toy rather than the rough feet that he was used to. The toes stayed away from his cock until the feet reached the tip, and then they curled around his cock head, squeezing it lightly, the slightest pricks from the dragon's claws making his heart race in excitement.

Olag's feet, on the other hand, rubbed along his thighs, near his balls, and along the bottom of his cock. The bear's pads were so slick that the roughness that they usually had was gone, replaced by the slimy slick feeling of an oversaturation of pre-cum. He pressed down hard, almost like he was trying to shove the cum right out of the balls directly, instead of the more coaxing actions that the dragon took.

Alex finally collapsed on the floor, his hips twitching as he felt like he was melting into a pool of goo at the wonderful pleasure coming from his cock. Those feet...those perfect feet...for the little foot humper he was.

He twitched, shook, shivered; his body was constantly under attack by those feet. He could barely watch, his body too relaxed, too tense, too confused to know what to do. The feet had his cock pointed upwards, he knew that much. They had it pointed up, and while two feet rubbed at the base of his cock, the other pair used one foot to hold his cock still and the other to grind right at the tip. Polishing his cock head with all the cummy fluids that coated the bottoms of their feet.

Rub, rub, rub went those feet. Like hands on a stick trying to light a fire at the base of his cock, and rubbing, polishing at the tip. All that pre was keeping it slick, keeping the friction off, at the cost of so...so much soreness in his balls, so much need to cum.

Olag smirked at him. "Come on, you little foot freak...let it out...you know you want to cum again...let...it....OUT!"

The growled order, combined with the increased pressure of Olag's heel on his balls and the dragon's toes curling tight around his cockhead again, shoved the mouse over the edge. He moaned, stifling himself into his elbow, as his cock exploded. The squirts of cum weren't so huge as last time, nowhere near, but they drained the last of his balls into several cum shots along the bottoms of the dragon's feet, with one final shot for Olag's flatter, wider feet.

Inside, however, he was going nuts. His body was shaking, spasming, twitching like mad, the orgasm from this one even better than the one from Olag fucking his ass so hard. He panted, quivered, moaned like a man possessed, and he felt like he might be having a seizure, the orgasm was so strong. He arched his back against the ground, his arms slapping against the ground, rubbing against the hardwood, before he shifted to another position, gasping, panting, his cock twitching in the grip of those fantastic feet.

The pleasure was so much, so powerful, that he eventually blacked out, still feeling like he was cumming against his master's soles.


Alex groaned softly as something pressed down on him hard, though the groan was cut off as a fair bit of liquid was shoved down his mouth. Sputtering softly, the mouse opened his eyes to see what in the world was going on.

Above him was the familiar black of the bear's foot, and judging by the pressure that covered him from head to toe, he was back down to micro size. At first, he thought that he might be shoved somewhere different, but as he realized that the white above him was his own cum and not the bear's fur, he realized that he was just shoved between Olag's toes.

He felt something tight around his waist, pressing against his back, and he fumbled around, trying to feel just what was going on. The mouse eventually found it, a large rubber band that was wrapped around his waist, pressing against his spine and holding him flush against the bear's foot. Another one, he realized, was pinning him by the ankles as well.

"This is new," Alex muttered against the cum soaked fur above him.

His voice must have gotten the bear's attention, because the toes spread, and he could see up to Olag. The polar bear chuckled at him. "Ah, you're finally awake. I was wondering how much longer you'd laze about under my foot."

"I...sorry, Master, I wasn't trying to be lazy."

"Eh, happens. Particularly for foot sluts, I hear," the bear said with a laugh. He took a step, Alex getting lifted in the air for a few seconds before the bear's weight came down on him again, hard. The feeling of the foot above him and the sheer stench of all they had done earlier was crushing...and arousing, much as his cock hurt as it started getting hard again for the fourth time in who knew how long.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me...you're horny again?" the bear asked. Alex blushed, and Olag shook his head. "Sheesh...you and your foot fetish. Well, better milk it all out; you're going to be on my foot for the rest of the day."

The rest of the day? "Um...what time is it, Master?" Alex asked nervously.

"About an hour past noon...1 o'clock."

One in the afternoon. And Olag normally stayed up until a rather late hour, til around midnight or something. The only time that he didn't was if he took a nap or if he was needing to get up early in the morning, and something told Alex that this wasn't one of those times.

So...eleven more hours to spend underfoot. Eleven more hours to spend underneath a big, musky, cum-covered, heavy bear foot that would be stepping on him firmly, and dragging him all over the house. Likely as not getting more musky as the day went on, and asking him to clean the toes all through the rest of the day as well.

He didn't think that his cock could take it, but he looked forward to trying.

The Monk's Changeling

**The Monk's Changeling** **For Lordrevan/Burmecianblue** This world was the last one that the raven had expected to visit. He was used to the world of temples and shrines, of the rolling hills and the shifting borders that formed his homeland....

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Writing Stream 5: Gym and Locker Room

**The Blowjob Bet** **For the Otter Lord of Perverts** "You cheated." "I did nothing of the sort," Idesin said, barely hiding a smirk as he looked down at the huge wolf kneeling in front of him. "I just went a little outside of the rules." Lupe...

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A Kitsune's Possession (WARNING: CUB BLOOD DARK)

**A Kitsune's Possession** New York was always a busy city, and seldom more so than when the Applers were playing in Babe's Orchard in the Bronx. They held so many different championships that most people considered them winners by money only,...

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