A Kitsune's Possession (WARNING: CUB BLOOD DARK)

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This story is dark, violent, and in a good bit of ways, disturbing. If violence and rape towards cubs is in any way bad to you, run away. There is a LOT of that in this one. Those of you that hate Noguchi will hate him far more at the end of this chapter for all the stuff that he does. I remind you, this is a commission, this is a commission, this is a commission, done for someone else.

You have been warned.

Part 1: https://www.sofurry.com/view/526174

Part 2: https://www.sofurry.com/view/548547

Part 3: https://www.sofurry.com/view/549760 (You are Here)

Part 4: https://www.sofurry.com/view/634285

Part 5: https://www.sofurry.com/view/647197

Part 6: https://www.sofurry.com/view/649843

Part 7: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1240415

A Kitsune's Possession

New York was always a busy city, and seldom more so than when the Applers were playing in Babe's Orchard in the Bronx. They held so many different championships that most people considered them winners by money only, attracting other players with fat contracts and getting the best through those means, rather than raising the talent themselves. They were not well liked by most of the other teams, either, for much the same reason, and any match against them tended to have fans on both sides with tempers running hot.

Michelle was one of the few that didn't have something invested in either team winning, though she had to pretend to have one for her job as a sportscaster. For her, it would be the same regardless of which team actually won at the end of the day, and she didn't need the additional stress of wondering and worrying during the game.

Still, she was at least enjoying herself this time around. Unlike most of the other games that the Seattle Torrents took part in, she was not in the general sports audience with her notebook for her eventual report. Nor was she in the VIP box with a friend or two, or on the dime of her employers, able to record her thoughts into a little voice recorder for later.

Oh no. Today, she was in the actual commentator box.

Despite all the things that had happened to her lately, Michelle Karnoupakis could not keep a smile off of her face. This was what she had been pushing for ever since she had gotten into sports journalism, to actually move from the printed page to the live action sportscasting, and here, now, she finally had her opportunity with none other than Doug White, a top representative of NSEN, the country's premier sports network.

It still amazed her that she was seated next to this smiling man, listening as he kept the crowd grinning and engaged with the game, both in the stadium and on television, and even on the older radio stations that some people still listened to for this sort of stuff. His technique for drawing people in with his voice and with his face was amazing, and that smile of his just made her grin in return. Just watching him, she was feeling like she was learning new techniques for how to work in the field.

Not that she felt like she was doing badly; even with her wedding to Hideo Noguchi - who was playing down in center field today with the Seattle Torrents - she was able to keep up with some freelance sportscasting work. It was limited to the Seattle Torrents only, of course, but it was still something.

And it was all because of her freelance work, rather than her main job, that she was called up to the booth today. Her work. Her hard, bloody-fingered work. Nothing else.

As Doug commented on a great catch by her husband - "Noguchi the Ninja performs yet another GREAT catch!" - Michelle couldn't help but wonder if she could actually hold onto this. She had no illusions that she would be invited back to this particular box with Doug again - that was too ridiculous to hope for - but maybe she could get Hideo to actually let her do a few more sportscasting jobs. Make a name for herself, be a guest commentator at some of the Torrents' games while they were on the road; it would keep her with him, which she knew was a big deal for him, and it would allow her to have some life for herself.

Even as she thought that, she knew it was next to hopeless. Hideo would never let her have that independence; he'd shown that during their 'honeymoon' whenever she tried to have something for herself. It was, simply put, not allowed. Not so long as she was going to keep to her 'proper place' and not earn more...discipline.

"And that's the second out for the Applers; they'll need to come up with a miracle if they're going to get out of this one, and turn the game around on the Torrents. What do you think, Michelle, think they have it in them?"

Doug's question caught her by surprise, and she barely pulled herself together in time as the camera turned to focus on her more. "Can't say that I do, Doug; the Torrents have been controlling this game from the start. Excellent outfield, strong infield; the only way that they can lose now is if the pitcher screws up and lets the Applers hit it out of the park, and we both know how long it's been since that's happened."

"No kidding; not since the Babe himself did it, way back when." Doug laughed at that. "Applers fans, looks like this might be it. And here comes Rubén Piñero to the plate. The last hope for the Applers here; bases loaded, two outs. Man, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes. And here comes the pitch, and -

"I don't believe it! It's flying out towards center, flying high. We got a long one here!" Doug shouted for the camera, and Michelle turned to the field as the camera did the same thing.

The Applers were already running for home base. With it already at the second out, they had nothing left to lose if the Torrents caught the ball. If it fell, they needed to have as many people across the base line as they could get, and if it went out of the park, running would just get it done sooner. If they caught it, it was game over anyways.

In the center field, she could see her husband running for the wall. His legs propelled him along like he was on rocket skates, his name on his jersey barely visible with how quickly he pumped his arms back and forth. Michelle leaned back, even as Doug continued to shout and lift the crowd's excitement higher and higher about how close this was going to be.

To her, it was already a foregone conclusion.

Before her eyes, Hideo Noguchi reached the wall, and threw an arm up onto the top of the wall that marked the border of the field. With a mighty pull, he yanked himself off of the ground and into the air. His foot just avoided going past the top of the wall, and his glove touched the ball just enough to keep it from going into the stands.

Falling back to the earth, Noguchi slid his arm out to guide the ball back to the center of the glove, and landed right on his feet just as it settled in place. Squeezing the glove shut, he held the glove and ball in the air, his other arm against his side.

"What a SPECTACULAR catch!" Doug almost screamed to be heard over the roaring fans outside of the box, sitting down and slapping a hand against his forehead. "I almost can't believe it, but what do you expect from the Ninja himself, huh, folks? That's yet another catch that's going to go down in the history books, I tell you, in how the Torrents won the game against the Applers' last desperate push for victory. That was incredible, absolutely incredible. What do you think, Michelle?"

She sat up with a smile, chuckling. "Well, I'd say that when you know the Torrents as well I do, you stop being surprised at what they can do," she said. "And I'd say that the only thing you should expect from Hideo Noguchi is to be surprised; that's what he does." Oh, more than you know, she thought to herself behind her smile. More than you could ever know.

"I think we'll all try and remember that for the future, but with the Ninja, you never know. This is Doug White - "

"And this is Michelle Karnoupakis -"

"And this is NSEN Baseball. Tune in next time for the best sports news, anywhere." Doug held his grin for a little longer before the camera shut off, and then settled down in his chair again, rubbing his forehead with a hand. "Whew, that was a good game. Never get tired of seeing them."

"And never get tired of telling everybody about them either, huh?" Michelle pointed out with a chuckle as she got to her feet. "Look, I gotta get down to the field. Hideo's going to be waiting for me, and he gets cranky if I'm away for too long."

"Sure, sure." Doug smiled. "You're good at this, Michelle. Get your Ninja to stick around for a little while; I'd like to have a talk with him and you before you go off to celebrate. You mind?"

"I don't," she said, though she wasn't so sure about Noguchi. Still keeping a smile on her face, she nodded towards the door. "Let me go get him. Meet you at the VIP box?"

"Works for me."

"Alright then. See you there."

As soon as she stepped out of the commentator's box, her smile fell. She simply couldn't keep it up if there wasn't someone else that needed fooling.

Leaning against the wall and taking a moment to gather herself, Michelle slowly slid down the wall, her arms hugging around her belly. To anyone else, it might look like she was feeling nauseous or had a stomach ache; to her, it was the only way that she could try and hold back the ache in her belly and between her legs.

Since the wedding night, Hideo had allowed her an adult form maybe four times, and each time it had been because she had debased herself to the extreme, and made herself so much less than she saw herself that it had pleased him to give her a reward. Each time, she promised that she'd never do it again, and each time, she came back because she needed to get away from the pain of being used as a kit again.

The last time that she had lowered herself had been three months ago, and Hideo had taken her in the locker room before the game, just like the first time, and even after being changed back, she still hurt. Her entire body ached from what he did with her, but especially between her legs and in her belly. He was so rough today, more than usual, and it hadn't healed everything when she was changed back. Noguchi hadn't seen fit to fix her the rest of the way, either, preferring to just let her deal with it. She was, after all, 'only a woman'.

A little tear slipped from the corner of her eye, but the sound of footsteps kept her from breaking down completely. She pulled herself to her feet rapidly, wiping her eye and making herself normal again.

A red-headed woman walked around the corner, looking like one of the camera crew. Michelle got a look from her, one that looked almost sympathetic, before the woman walked into the office and out of sight.

She blinked a bit in surprise, but ignored it for the moment. She needed to get Noguchi, and quickly; she didn't need to go through the locker room experience yet again.

The stadium interior, away from the main thoroughfares, were pretty stark and boring. After all, in the back of the stadiums, nobody really cared what it looked like. There were no paying customers, no people that were looking for a tourist experience; no ads dotted the wall to catch the eye, and the only thing that resembled posters were the safety warnings that one could find here and there near the more dangerous pieces of equipment.

While it wasn't much to look at, Michelle had to admit that it was a good bit quicker than just walking around the place where the crowds would be. These back walkways and hallways were made to get the workers in the stadium from point A to point B as quickly as possible, and they did that job remarkably well. It only took her about three minutes to find the freight elevator heading down to field level, and another four to walk from there to the players area.

She knew she got there when the sound of rambunctious men filled her ears, and despite her misgivings and residual pain, she found herself smiling slightly. There was something to be said about the honest joy of a winning team; they forgot about almost everything else in the glow of happiness from a victory.

At least, human players did, she thought as her mind turned to Noguchi again. He never let his game winnings distract him from other things; even on the games that he won at the greatest margins, he always had some nastiness saved up for her later on. It was never mediated by that joy. She wasn't even sure that he felt it.

Michelle had to take a moment, leaning against the door to the team's after-game party, to gather herself. Her arms wrapped around her stomach again, and she forced herself to take three deep breaths. In, and out...in, and out...

When she felt calm again, she pushed the door open and stepped inside.

The Seattle Torrents were shouting loud enough for the noise to nearly bowl her over, but she forced her way in anyway. Beer and meat and snacks were passed between people, plates loaded to the brim and spilling to the floor with every move of every player. Catcher, outfielder, pitcher, infielder; all of them were laughing and slapping each other on the back in the open room while they watched the replays of the games highlights on the big screen television at the far end of the room.

The only one that wasn't raising hell was Noguchi. Michelle picked him out almost immediately, sitting on the left side of the room on the single armchair. Just that stood out against the sofas and couches that made up the furniture along most of the rest of the room, but he sat with one leg crossed over the other, and his fingers steepled together as he watched the television. He looked more like an evil genius than a baseball player, and she could only imagine what he was thinking about when he watched the television.

Almost unwilling to disturb him, she nevertheless weaved through the crowd of players to reach him. When one of them accidentally elbowed her in the gut, Michelle nearly went over at the pain, only just managing to grab the edge of the snack buffet table to keep from hitting the ground.

The player turned, someone she didn't recognize - probably a bench player or something - and opened his mouth. Probably to ask her if she was alright, Michelle thought.

Before he could say anything, though, Noguchi spoke up. "Let her through," he said, his voice quiet, yet cutting through the noise around him.

Every player split to the side at that, moving out of her way. Shaking her head at the way that they all let him tell them what to do, Michelle hurried over to her 'husband's' side, kneeling down at the side of his chair. "Excuse me, but-"

"I am allowing you to speak because you're kneeling," he whispered to her, not taking his eyes off of the television. "But make sure that you keep respectful. What is the title that I deserve, woman?"

"You..." She gulped, lowering her eyes. "You are Husband, Noguchi-sama." It was another change since the wedding. She was not allowed to address him save by the role he had in her life, or by his name and title; it was another barrier that he had laid on her, lowering her from him again. There was no respect given to her in turn; always woman, never wife.

"That's right, woman." He turned his head to look at her, hot, hard eyes looking into her own. "Now, what is it?"

"Noguchi-sama, Doug White was asking if he could meet with the two of us before we left for the hotel; he said that he had something that he wished to discuss with us."

"Something to discuss?"

"Yes. I don't know what; he wanted me to tell you, Husband. He would like it if we met him in the VIP box shortly."

Noguchi pressed a finger to his chin in thought, and Michelle clenched her jaws together to keep from saying something stupid. The last thing that she needed now was to make him angry by pushing him to accept it. Likely he would, but then again, there was a chance that he would take it as an offense, that another man had talked to his wife and made use of her to pass on a message.

The silence stretched on for a minute before Noguchi stood up and nodded. "Alright. Come, woman; we will see what he would like."


As soon as Noguchi stepped into the VIP box, Michelle felt like the temperature in the room dropped at least a few degrees. He walked with her on his arm towards the double sofas in the center of the room, ignoring the secretary that was offering the two of them a drink in favor of keeping his eyes on the man they were there to meet.

Doug looked up at them with a smile, and gestured to the other sofa as they walked over to him. Noguchi didn't say a thing as he made his way to the empty one, and Michelle was more or less dragged along. She sat down with him, trying to keep some bit of dignity rather than being pulled down as he sat down.

Noguchi's eyes met Doug's, and she couldn't help but feel relief that she wasn't between the two of them. Though Doug didn't lose his smile, she could feel that he was steeling himself for something. The famous sportscaster couldn't have missed her 'husband's' hostility, and had to know that things were not well. A minute tensing of his arms and legs - just barely seen - was enough to tell her that he was bracing himself for something.

But that was nothing compared to the way that Noguchi was looking at Doug.

Even in human form, Noguchi always had a steely glare, one that burned as much as it pinned the gaze of the other person. Michelle had been the subject of that stare more times than she would care to count, and it always pinned her more effectively than thumbtacks pinned a butterfly to a collection board. It held all of his arrogance, his confidence, and his rage at anything that he perceived as less than him. That was to say, everything. It felt...dark, like something unnatural was reaching out and reminding her that she was no longer her own person.

And now, here, she felt like she really wasn't. Even in Doug's eyes, she felt that she was just a piece that was about to be bargained over rather than a person who would make her own decisions.

The silence lingered for nearly three minutes before Doug finally broke the ice. He leaned forward with a smile on his face. "Hideo, it's an honor to meet such a player as you. It's rare that a player can keep up their fame and fans for as long as you have, and I gotta say, the Torrents are very lucky to have you in their lineup."

"You have no idea." Crossing his arms over his chest, Noguchi narrowed his eyes further. "Let's not beat around the bush. You want something. What is it?"

"Well, you're a little more direct than I -"

"What. Do. You. Want?"

Blinking at the near-barked words, Doug leaned back slightly. Michelle noticed that Noguchi leaned forward the same amount. Barely an inch, but enough to keep the distance between the two men constant.

"I...wanted to offer your wife a job," he said. He turned to look at her, his smile coming back, though not quite as big as before. "I wanted to offer her a job on Field on Fire."

"I've never heard of that."

"It's new, something that I'm putting together for NSEN," Doug explained. "It would have experts on all the major sports out there, and I'd like to have Michelle join as an expert on baseball. After all the traveling around, she deserves a little more stability, don't you think?"

She couldn't help herself. "Stability?" Michelle asked.

Noguchi's head whipped around, and she shrank back into the couch at the way that his eyes bored into her. She should have kept her mouth shut, she knew, but there was no way for her to hold back her question.

Doug looked between the two of them, and she was sure that he must have seen something...something off. But he said nothing about it, instead just answering her question. "Well, yeah; the job would mean that you have to stay here in New York City. Of course, you'd get a pay raise to make sure that you could afford staying here, and you'd be able to travel when you're not scheduled to be on screen, but -"


The word brought silence with it as both Michelle and Doug turned to look at Noguchi. The baseball star had his arms tightly crossed over his chest, and his lips were pursed so tightly together that they had nearly disappeared. Even without looking directly at Michelle, his expression told her to shut up. Pain, and lots of it, would follow if she opened her mouth again.

Even Doug didn't seem to know how to respond to that. Silence continued for almost a full minute before Noguchi continued. "She will not be leaving my side; my wife will continue to travel with me; and you will never...ever...make an offer like this to her again."

"But this is a major opportunity for her. She could make a name for herself, and bring -"

"I said NO!" Noguchi growled, pulling himself half off of the couch. Michelle shuddered; so close to him, she could feel the initial bits of heat coming off of him that were warning signs of the kitsune shift. She half thought she saw a tail starting to grow out from behind as Noguchi leaned over Doug, looming over him.

Throwing his arms against the back of the sofa, he kept the sportscaster pinned as he whispered, "You will leave this room. Right now. And if you have the sense of a flea, you will never speak to my wife again."

He held Doug there for a few seconds before pulling back, sitting down again.

Michelle looked from her 'husband' to the famous commentator. He had offered her a chance to leave; he'd given her an option to stay away from Noguchi. He'd actually thought that she was good enough to be a part of NSEN, after all this time. In her head, she begged, pleaded him to stand up for himself, to stand up for her and fight to get her on his team. Surely, if she was worth making the offer about, she was worth fighting for.

Doug looked at her, and then at Noguchi. The smile on his face remained, but his eyes lowered. The second that he dropped his eyes from Noguchi, all of Michelle's hopes faded with it. He wouldn't fight. He wouldn't try and get her on his team.

She was stuck with Noguchi.

"I'll be in touch, if either of you change your mind," Doug muttered, leaving a small white card on a nearby table as he stood up. He walked out of the room quietly, shaking his head all the while.

Noguchi snapped the card up before she could so much as reach for it, and as the door shut, slapped her across the face. The blow sent her sprawling against the opposite side of the sofa, and he immediately leaped over her, holding her down with one hand on her neck, and the other supporting himself on the sofa arm.

Squeezing her neck tight enough to leave her gasping, he said, "You have been making too much of a spectacle of yourself. From now on, you will not be sending in the reports on the games. You won't be observing them. As soon as this series against the Applers is over, I am going to lock you in each hotel we visit. Your only time outside of them will be on the plane to the next city, and as soon as we land, you'll be locked in a new room."

His fingers squeezed tighter, and she whimpered silently against them, her hands shaking as she fought against reaching up for his hand; such defiance would only spur him into more violence.

He leaned down, and his teeth - shifted enough to be sharp - bit her ear hard enough to make it bleed. She felt the warm flow running down the side of her neck as she looked past his ear, hearing him whisper in hers. "You are nothing more...than a woman. I was wrong to let you keep this much freedom. For all of this...for the way you have insulted me...you will suffer."

His fingers shifted just enough to form claws, and little pin pricks were felt against the sides of her neck. She shuddered, half-wishing that they'd go deeper...begging...pleading that she'd start bleeding bad enough for him to call an ambulance. They were alone; it could only be blamed on him. It would finally show that, human or not, he was a monster.

But he was too smart for that. He pulled his hand back, and licked her blood from his fingertips. Barking a soft laugh, he nodded at the door. "Go to the bathroom and clean up; I will meet you down at the parking lot for the journey to the hotel. And do not dare try to run; no matter where you go, I can find you."

She nodded as she pressed a hand to her neck, holding back what little blood flowed from the holes. Her ear still oozed from the bite, but she couldn't walk with both of them covered. She hurried from the room, holding back her tears as she rushed away from him.

The trip from the box to the bathroom was little more than a blur; nothing stuck in her memory but the concrete walls and the whirring of machinery remained. She only knew that one moment, she was in the VIP box, and the next, she was in the women's bathroom on the same floor.

Michelle leaned over the sink, pouring water into her hand and dabbing it against her ear and her neck. The blood washed off quickly, already starting to scab lightly, but she nevertheless shuddered at the sticky feeling that the water rinsed from her fingers. Too often had she needed to do this since they were married; too many times she'd needed to wash blood from her face or her hands, or somewhere else because Noguchi had gotten too...rough.

Just the thought had her bent over the sink again, one arm wrapping around her middle once more. Her stomach clenched, and she almost threw up at the thought of what he was probably going to do tonight; even if she begged him, if she behaved perfectly, she knew that he was going to make her as small as he could, as tight as he could, and then rape her until she screamed. He would want no moans tonight, even if he said he did; he would just want her screams.

It took her a while to get her stomach and her body in general under control again, though that was almost taken away as she washed away the rest of the blood. Dabbing her neck and her ear lightly, she made sure that they were dry before opening her purse. A few band-aids - something that she'd taken to carrying of late - were quickly applied, and a little clever make-up kept them nearly invisible on her neck. Nobody would ask questions...nobody would think that she needed help.

As a whimper slipped through her clenched lips, she heard a soft set of footsteps behind her. Rapidly wiping her eyes, she turned around.

She was shocked at the appearance of the person stepping from one of the stalls. A little short, even for a Japanese woman, she looked almost reedy, thin and yet agile...almost like a cat, Michelle thought. The woman had her hair done up in a pair of pig-tails, swaying slightly as she walked, the black color almost polished looking and reflecting the bathroom light. The white dress she wore was starkly different to her hair, and the contrast brought out a surprising amount of beauty from her face.

Wiping her eyes again, Michelle tried to step out of the way, but the other woman stepped in front of her. Thinking that it was just a misstep, she stepped over to the bathroom wall to get out of the way, but the woman stepped in closer.

Michelle didn't know what to do, and so did nothing as the stranger reached up, stroking a finger along the band-aid along the side of her neck.

The finger was gentle, but had just enough pressure to erase the work of the make-up, revealing the border of the band-aid, and as it revealed more of it, the little woman began to speak. "He is getting more violent, isn't he?" the woman asked as a delicate finger stroked the edge of the band-aid. "There's nothing you can do to appease him. He simply takes more, and more, until there's nothing left to take; he pushes you to the edge, and then makes you leap over, so his hands are always clean. He is never satisfied, and he will never stop."

Each sentence made her shiver a little more; each observation, so true and so frightening, made her knees shake. How could this woman know about this? How could she know about Noguchi?

"How many times is this now?" the woman asked. "How many times has he made you bleed?"

"Thirteen," Michelle answered before she could think about it. Her mind cursed her for stupidity, but she could not stop herself. "There were....were twelve other times...this is the thirteenth."

"Unlucky thirteen...or perhaps not so unlucky." As she pulled her hand back, the little woman shook her head. "He never knew when to stop...and he will never learn. He has to be stopped."

"Please....who are you?" Michelle whispered. "How do you know-"

"I know who Noguchi is...and more importantly, I know what he is." She offered her hand, and Michelle took it, surprised at how small it felt against her palm. "I am Akiko Nishimoto. While I never had the...displeasure...of knowing Noguchi so intimately as you, he has touched my life already. I know what he is, and I know what he's like. And I know that he will eventually push you to your death if he isn't stopped, and then move on to another girl and do the same thing to them. Nobody can live down to the standards he sets for women; no matter how he pushes, no matter how he threatens, it is not possible, and they will eventually take the only escape left for them.

"I am here to stop him. And tonight, if you help me, I can stop him for good."

That announcement had Michelle pulling her hand back as though Akiko had turned into a bolt of lightning. "Help?" she whispered, her body trembling at the thought of actually standing up to...him. "I...I can't help...not...not against -"

"Michelle Karnoupakis." She even knew that name, Michelle thought to herself. "You will need to help me. I cannot take him if he is aware of me. If I am to deal with him, he must be distracted. He has to be focused elsewhere; he is too powerful for me to destroy without at least a little help."

"But what if you lose?" Michelle said, shaking her head. "He'll...he'll..."

"He will do the worst things you can imagine, and more, if you don't help me," Akiko said. She reached out, taking Michelle's hand despite her protests, and held it tight. "If you do not help me, you will never get away from him, because I can't get close to him without your help. He will do worse and worse to you until you will beg him to kill you, if he hasn't already." She paused, and Michelle felt those strange, knowing brown eyes looking over her. "He already has, hasn't he?"

She could only nod.

"I am sorry, Michelle. I truly am." The little woman squeezed her hand a little tighter, but didn't let go. "But this means that you know what I am talking about. You know what he will do if he ever chooses to take someone else as well as you. He will make their life a living hell. You are not the first of his victims, but if you help me, tonight, you will be his last. You can still recover from this, if you help me kill him. Tonight."

The thought of freedom and the fear of the pain warred against each other in Michelle's mind. It had been so long since she dreamed she might really have freedom, that she might be free of Noguchi. Even the half-hope of being given that job with NSEN had been little more than a hope of LESS Noguchi, not freedom from him. Not since her wedding night had she thought that there was a chance for freedom, and that was months ago. That hope had almost died since then.

Even now, the fear of what would happen if things went wrong was almost crushing. She felt like she would be buried under it, that she would lose herself in the fear and the dark.


The will to live - not survive, but live - was strong enough to fight it off. Slowly, she looked Akiko in the eye. She saw the need there, the same need that she had to hurt, to punish, to kill the kitsune that had made her life almost unlivable. It was as strong as hers...no, stronger, for reasons that Akiko would probably never tell her. But it didn't matter. They both had a good reason for what they were going to do.

She squeezed Akiko's hand in return. "What do you need me to do?"


The hotel room in New York was different from the one in Hawaii, but Michelle couldn't shake the same feelings of dread as her 'husband' dragged her along into the room. It was on a floor separate from the rest of the team - probably because Noguchi didn't want her screams to come up to them - and was fairly large in comparison to most of the regularly priced rooms in the rest of the hotel. It wasn't quite a penthouse, but it was better than the rest of the rooms by far, bigger and with better accommodations.

She'd seen a shadow following them in the halls, and knew that Akiko was trailing them, finding out where the room Noguchi was staying it was located. The hunter would not be far behind, and would only need Michelle to distract him for a little while. At least, that's what Akiko promised; she hoped that the little woman was able to keep that promise.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Noguchi wasted no time slipping from human to kitsune form. His clothes - fine as they were - were ripped off of his body by the transformation, shreds of high quality Egyptian cotton and silk underwear falling to the ground as though they were so much cheap fabric. The sneer on his face told it all; tonight was about punishment for her, and pleasurable revenge for him.

His tails shoved her down on the bed, and her clothes were pulled off, one by one, ripped just like his. She cried out as he slapped her breasts together, and then went silent as he slapped her face. The impact hurt, and the burning feeling of his handprint swelling on her cheek was scarcely less painful.

She kept quiet after that, letting him remove her clothes however roughly he wanted. The thought of something happening to him, something deadly, was enough to keep her mouth shut when he hit her, scratched her, and flipped her over. Even when he dug his claws into the fatty tissue of her left breast, actually piercing it and making a hole in her breast, she barely whimpered.

It was a mistake, she realized, when he pulled back and looked at her. "You do not scream," Noguchi said.

Michelle stifled a curse; she couldn't let him think that there was something out of the ordinary, or that she was getting hope again. He couldn't think that there was something wrong that he needed to look out for, or everything would be ruined.

Mind racing, she slowly turned herself over, pressing her hand to her bleeding breast and summoning a shaky smile to her face. "A...woman does not scream....or talk...she only moans. Is that not...correct, Noguchi-sama?" she asked.

"I've tried to teach you this, yes."

"I...guess I'm finally learning it, Noguchi-sama." She got on all fours, crawling across the bed towards him. She could feel his eyes burning against her, aware that he was watching for tricks. It would not be a trick then; she would simply given him what he wanted.

Slowly, she reached out and took his cock in hand. It was already hard; she'd felt it against her when he was stripping her down, when he was so rough. As it throbbed beneath her fingers, she stroked it, teasing it, giving it the stimulation that she knew Noguchi craved.

Giving it a little lick at the tip, she looked up at him, forcing her smile to be real, to look genuine. "Change me...make me a kit again...I will please you, Husband, however you wish, and with a smile for you the whole night."

The slow smile on his face would have made her shudder if she wasn't desperately keeping herself under control; as it was, a small shiver went down her spine, and she did her best to make it look like arousal instead. One hand pressed back between her legs, and she forced herself to stay in place as she licked at his cock, giving the tip a few light laps like a cat at the cream.

It must have convinced him, because he grinned at her, pressing down on the top of her head, and shoving her face down along his cock.

As always, it throbbed and bounced in front of her, but she barely noticed that. Noguchi's pre was already flowing into her throat, sliding down into her stomach, and she could feel the heat of transformation following along.

Oh, this was bad, she thought to herself.

It took more willpower than she expected to keep from biting down as the first wave of transformation pain hit her. The familiar bone crunching sensation rushed through her stomach and her pelvis, and she had to drop her hand back down to the bed to hold herself up as the pain threatened to knock her down. Already, her hips were shrinking, squeezing in to a tighter, less curvy shape as though they were being squeezed within a fist. Her legs weren't far behind, pulling in closer to her groin, shortening, and becoming thinner as well.

The feeling of her bones sliding into different places, becoming smaller, thinner, compressing into a new size, nearly made her scream. There were only two reasons that she didn't, and one of them was because Noguchi had slid his dick so far down her throat that she wasn't able to speak in anything but muffled groans.

Her other reason for not screaming was simple desperation. She needed to keep him distracted, needed to give Akiko the chance to surprise him. Just a little longer, she told herself, just a little longer, and she would be free from this monster.

Maybe it was because she was swallowing his pre directly into her stomach, or maybe it was because he was sending his magic through her faster than before; in either case, she found herself shrinking rapidly, pushed faster and faster towards her kit form. She pulled her head back from his cock, stroking him with one hand as she looked down at herself, her own morbid interest in her transformation forcing her to look.

Her lower body had changed completely, shifted to the shape of a young female kit, complete with a tail sticking out from just above her rear. It twitched as the fur and magic went up her body instead. Her breath came in short bursts as her lungs shrank and her chest and ribs hurried to catch up, and she almost fell flat on the bed as her torso and head shrunk down as much as her legs, shrinking her down to the size of an eleven year old girl. Only sheer willpower kept her upright, and she refused to look away as the change came over her breasts.

They bubbled and rippled like the river in a rainstorm, not just one set of it but many. The ripples gradually moved together, until they all centered around her nipples, and as they concentrated there, they pulled. Inwards.

Michelle whimpered softly as her breasts pulled in, slowly disappearing into her chest, but kept herself still. She did not allow herself to complain; she would not show any sign of fear, of pain, of loss; she needed to be the perfect female for Noguchi, and give her partner a chance to get here and do her part of the plan.

That didn't mean that she liked seeing her breasts disappear, however. Every time that they shrank a bit more, she had to bite her lip to suppress a wince at the sight. Inch by inch, they disappeared; size by size, they were diminished. Where they used to bounce and wobble at the slightest movement, now they barely shifted, and even that little movement disappeared a second later. Resisting the urge to reach up, she stared as they sucked into her chest, like a pair of vacuum tubes had been placed at the inside of each, sucking away the fat and pulling her nipples in.

With her hips crunched narrow and her breasts removed, the only evidence of being female she had left was her pussy, and that was so tight that it felt like it had never been touched, just like Noguchi liked it. He must have fucked her at least twice a day on average, but whenever she went through this transformation, any bit of acclimation she might have had disappeared with her old body, replaced by a virginal hole.

He pushed her back as her body finished, grinning at her as she winced from her face starting to twist in transformation. This part always hurt; her jaws were melding together, and a burning feeling of bone being created, grown at an insane rate, always made her feel like her face was being fixed with molten metal, fitted with some sort of prosthetic. Except her prosthetic lived, and hurt just as much as her original flesh did as it grew in.

It didn't take long for the full change to be done, and she looked up at him, panting softly as she recovered from the painful shifting. She did her best to put a smile on her face, but it was strained, difficult; she could only hope it looked like the exhausted smile of someone after a good round of sex.

Whether it did or didn't, Noguchi showed no sign. Instead, he leaped closer to her, his hands grabbing hold of her thighs, and his tails grabbing her ankles. He held her down hard on the bed, and she felt herself sinking down againt the mattress, his weight and the pressure of his limbs forcing her down deeper.

He leaned over her, and she felt the heat of his cock against her pussy. The size of it was even bigger than she remembered, and she shuddered in fear and anticipation of the coming pain as he shifted his weight. The tip of his cock pressed between her pussy lips, and she shuddered as the pointed dip began to descend -


The sound of the door locking was almost inaudible, but she heard it. But worse, so did Noguchi.

Just as he started to turn, Michelle did the only thing she could think of doing. Shoving herself up from the bed, she impaled herself on his cock, shoving herself onto it as much as she could. Her new body cried out in pain, and she shrieked from how much it hurt, but it had the effect she was going for. Noguchi turned from the door, thrown off balance by her sudden shifting in weight, and he gasped in enough pleasure to pay attention to his cock instead of the little woman coming up behind him.

"GAAAAAAAAH!" Noguchi shouted as his shoulder bloomed with blood, the point of a knife going all the way through the fur and skin of his back and sticking out the front. It was removed a second later, but he turned before it could descend again.

Michelle could only go along for the ride, dragged along by the fact that she was still perched on top of his dick. One of Noguchi's tails wrapped around her, holding her in place against his belly and his cock, as he faced his attacker.

"YOU!" he growled, his voice thunderous in the small room as he glared at Akiko. "How did you find me?"

"Changing your form is useless if you don't change your name, Hideo Noguchi," Akiko said. The knife in her hand gleamed red, covered in Hideo's blood, and Michelle could feel some of it dripping down on top of her as her 'husband' continued to force her down, whimpering, on top of his cock. The knife came up, pointed at the kitsune's face. "Let her go. Now. And I'll make this quick."

He shook his head. "If you want her, you'll have to cut her from a woman's proper place."

Both Michelle and Akiko figured out what that meant a moment before Noguchi acted, and neither had the time to stop him. Using both his tail and his hands, he shoved down, down, down, shoving Michelle down on top of his knot...and forcing it into her. Dry.

She screamed at that, but there was no way for her to fight it, no way to get off of it. Her eyes closed in her effort to fight the tears, and she was blind to the fight around her as she tried to ignore everything, to force herself not to feel the burning, bloody feeling between her legs. The pain of losing her virginity - again - was something she was almost used to, but taking the knot that hard, this small, while it wasn't even wet, was something entirely new.

Her shrieks echoed through the room as Noguchi and Akiko fought, each jump shoving his cock in her a little further, and each landing almost shoving her off it. Her pussy had ripped and she could feel the blood running down between her legs, running over his balls and his cock. A part of her wished it would stain him forever, but she knew that would never happen.

Run, jump, slash, dodge; each movement was a new agony for her as the two combatants duked it out for the fate of her and anyone else that Noguchi met in the future. She barely remembered what the fight was about; the pain was all that she could focus on, the ripping, burning, tearing pain that tore through her belly and between her legs.

Her shoulders and her hair were drenched in blood as Noguchi's wound continued to bleed, and the stink of it almost made her vomit. It would have if she had anything in her stomach; as it was, she was restricted to dry heaves.

One of Noguchi's jumps dragged her into the path of the knife, and she shrieked louder than ever as the blade dragged across her face. "YAAAAAAAAAH!" she shouted, trying and failing to pull her arms up to cover the wound, the grip of the tail keeping her from doing it.

A sudden crack ended her shout, but it wasn't something hitting her. The jumping stopped, but Noguchi didn't fall.

Slowly, Michelle opened her eyes. She groaned softly as she gingerly settled herself on her obscene perch, and looked down at the ground in front of her.

Akiko was laid out on the ground, her face already bruising from the punch to her nose. Blood ran from her nose into her mouth, and then to the carpet on the ground. The knife she'd been wielding, the one that had wounded both Noguchi and her, was kicked over to the side, where it would remain behind the door if someone else were to come in.

One of Noguchi's tails came around and rubbed the cut on her cheek, and he laughed. "Heh...hehehe....is that what you were hoping for, woman? Were you hoping that SHE would save you? Were you hoping that I would die, and you could go back to your ways before you met me?

"Well, that's something you'll never know again...and now, I'm going to show you how a woman that can't moan...that won't moan...is treated."

His hand grabbed her by the throat, and clenched tight. The claws sunk into her neck, and unlike the pinpricks before, these were serious wounds. She could almost swear that his fingers were sliding into her neck, and her shoulders and chest burned with the flow of blood running down from her neck. She would have shrieked, but her throat filled with blood as swiftly as her fur was covered in it.

Her mouth opened, soft gurgles emerging as her eyes began to glaze over. She met Noguchi's eyes again...those burning...searing eyes...and that grin..that...terrible...grin....



Michelle's neck almost cracked at the harsh slap, and her head hit...something wooden? So....she wasn't dead?

"Wake up, woman."

Noguchi. It...that's right, he was still alive, she thought to herself. She slowly lifted her head, pulling it back to where it should have been in the first place.

He stood in front of her, still in the shape of a kitsune. His cock was covered in blood - probably hers - and smelled like he'd used her after he had knocked her out...no, bled her out. But how was she still alive?

"You are lucky that I did not want you dead yet," Noguchi said. He pointed to her neck, and almost against her will, Michelle tried to look down. Not that she could see anything other than that she was still in kit form...and that he had apparently ripped himself out of her, leaving her swollen, gaping, oozing, and scabbed down below from the abuse.

He leaned in, dragging a finger along her neck. The gentle touch made her gasp in pain, flinching and closing her eyes as tightly as she could. "Don't bother speaking, woman...I healed your injury, but your vocal cords I left alone. You will not speak...you cannot speak...until I decide you've earned the right again. For your treachery, that's what you've earned.

"And as for her..." Noguchi turned, and the move allowed Michelle to see past him.

Akiko was on the bed, tied up and unconscious. The broken nose had been healed, from what she could see, and her dress had been ripped off of her. The kitsune hadn't done anything else to her yet, but Michelle could guess that Akiko was about to descend into hell. Tearing, huge, knotted hell.

Walking across the room, he was slow and almost graceful, belying just what he was going to do to her. Michelle whimpered, and tried to get up from her chair to...to run? To help? She wasn't sure, but to do something. The ropes around her chest and waist stopped her, though, and the ropes around her ankles and knees hurt her as she pushed against them. She was trapped.

By the time that she stopped struggling, Noguchi had stepped onto the bed, and was laying on top of Akiko. His cock pressed between her spread legs, and his chest rested on her breasts. He looked down at her, his teeth bared, and for a moment, Michelle thought that he was going to tear the little woman's throat out.

Instead, he shoved his hips forward.

Michelle knew the pain that Akiko had just gone through; if that woman was near virginal -


Virginal. She knew it.

Akiko flopped on top of the bed, shaking from side to side as she squirmed beneath the kitsune. Her voice had no words only pain, and she was doing her utter best to escape both it, Noguchi, and the ropes that held her arms behind her back.

But it was useless. Not only was Noguchi too strong for her while she was unarmed, but her arms were bound. She was helpless as Noguchi held his cock inside of her, and from this angle, Michelle could see the bleeding from Akiko's deflowering. It was crimson, terrible, flowing out like a slow run of molasses, and it spread past her rear before slowly dripping down onto the blankets below.

Only when the flow stopped did Noguchi pull out of her, wiping his cock along her belly and leaving the stain of red there as well. "A mark for the sun," he whispered, just loud enough for the two of them to hear.

While Akiko was still somewhat incoherent, he got behind her. His tails lifted her up again, one for each leg at the thigh, and one around her waist. His hands came up, pinching her nipples hard enough to draw a few yelps from her lips. He smiled from behind her, and looked at Michelle. "Let us see how long it takes for her to scream for mercy," he said, "and how much longer it takes for her to learn her place."

She started to recover just as Noguchi began to drag her down his cock. He was slow, gradual, but it was still terrible to watch as Akiko's face screwed up with pain and anger. Her soft features were drawn sharp in the agony that his cock was forcing her through. Even in an adult form like she had, Akiko was much smaller than she was, and Noguchi was, at the best of times, very big and very much a bit of work to take in. For someone as small, and previously untouched, as Akiko, this was the start of her hell.

She didn't make it further than the halfway point before she started screaming, her legs kicking again and again in vain efforts to get away from Noguchi. Blood and pre-cum leaked out of her slit, dripping down Noguchi's cock and onto his balls. They were still red, very red, from Michelle's blood, she was half happy to see; at least he hadn't had the chance to clean that evidence from his body yet.

It was scant comfort, though, particularly as she was forced to watch another woman go through something that nobody, ever, should have to feel. Akiko's shrieks and shouts echoed across the room, and with her arms tied behind her back, her breasts were shoved forward like some ridiculous porn set, as if Noguchi was trying to make her watch the show. Then again, she wouldn't have put something like that past him.

Michelle was so focused on the pain on Akiko's face that she almost missed it when things started to change.

Her jaw dropped as she saw fur start to sprout from the little woman's groin. Not hair, but fur, white as snow, white as the dress that she'd been wearing. She tried to say something, to plead with Noguchi not to do this, but her lips were only barely able to move, and no sound but that of her breath passing her lips could be heard. Tears welled up in Michelle's eyes as she was forced to watch as her 'husband' forced another woman through a transformation.

Whatever he was transforming Akiko into must have been just as painful for her as the kit transformation was for Michelle, but while she was used to it, she doubted that her partner had ever gone through something like this. The bone crunching pain as the skeleton re-arranged itself; the feeling of being crushed down by the kitsune's power into an even shorter body; the sensation of having an already massive cock inside of oneself while the hole it was in tightened to an abnormally small tunnel; all of it forced louder and louder shouts from the transforming hunter.

And she had to watch it all.

The tail that held Akiko around the torso tightened the further down that the hunter was shoved on the kitsune's cock, and Akiko's face started to turn slightly blue as her lungs shrunk and were constricted at the same time. The fur continued to spread from her pussy, heading down over her legs and up her stomach in a teasingly slow wave. Michelle could see that the fur pulled the body in on itself, shrinking it down, compacting it into the smaller shape that Noguchi seemed to crave.

The white fur along Akiko's thighs rapidly grew red with the blood that was leaking from her ever tightening slit, and Michelle looked away, unable to watch as her last hope was broken along the kitsune's cock. Silent whimpers slid between clenched teeth as she still heard what her 'husband' was doing to the hunter.

Another scream from Akiko brought Michelle's eyes up again, and she stared at how quickly the change had continued while she was looking away. Already the woman had been shrunk down to Michelle's height, the human body almost gone. White fur covered the hunter from head to toe, and the only breaks in the snow-white covering were the slight pink nubs of her nipples - the breasts had disappeared rapidly it seemed - the pink pads along her feet and palms, and the new blue color in her eyes.

The changes weren't complete. Not yet. As Michelle watched, she saw the hunter's nose and lips slowly start to tug out from her face. It wasn't the same drastic pull that she had gone through, but the face was pulling together into a point nonetheless. Lips and jaws merged with the nose, pulling out into a short, cat-shaped muzzle. A soft mewl mixed with the whimpers and shrieks of pain, and just before the lips caught up with the tugged out face, Michelle could see the short but sharp fangs of a kitten growing in where the teeth of a human had been.

Short, twitching ears moved to the top of Akiko's head, moving seemingly independently of the hunter's control. White whiskers, the same color as the fur, sprouted from near her mouth, pushing out a short distance before stopping. It was like watching grass growing at high speed, except with thinner blades of it.

From over the transforming woman's shoulder, she even spotted a tail. It was short, and it was fluffier than the rest of Akiko's body, but it was clearly a tail, one that belonged more on a kitten than on a full grown cat. It twitched lightly, staying straighter than most adult tails would, and Noguchi yanked it over to the side to have it out of the way while he had his way with the suddenly much younger woman.

Any other time, she would have thought Akiko was cute in this form. With the way that she screamed and yowled and mewled like a kitten, Michelle could only think that it was pitiful.

Noguchi dragged the hunter up and down his cock repeatedly, and every time that he pulled her down to his knot, he ground her against it. It sent shudders down Michelle's spine, her body wincing in sympathy for Akiko, knowing how that huge bulb felt against a pussy that wasn't trained for it. Even as an adult, there was some pain, but in that form...in one that was still shrinking - with kittens being somewhat smaller than kits - it was almost impossible to take.

He was getting more and more into it, his eyes closing, and his hands fiddling with the kitten's nipples, whispering little words into her ear. Michelle couldn't hear them, but she was sure that Noguchi was humiliating the hunter, reminding her of what she had, and what she had lost; it was his way. Women that had confidence was something that he could not stand, and he would break the hunter of it as soon as he could.

Just as Noguchi dragged the white kitten down on his cock again, shoving her pussy against his knot once more, there was a blur of movement. A white flash, followed by a red squirt in the air.


Akiko went flying across the room, crashing into the wall next to Michelle, hard. Noguchi leaped off the bed, and pinned the kitten against the wall, making her head bounce off of it from the impact. The ropes that had held the kitten's arms behind her back were still on the bed, having not been tied quite tight enough to hold a kitten's arms in place. A woman, yes, but not a kitten.

He slammed her head against the wall again, hard enough to make the mirrors and decorations on the wall rattle in place, one or two nearly falling to the floor from the impact. "You...for that, you will suffer," he growled at her.

Throwing her back onto the bed, he stalked over to the bed and flipped her onto her back. He slapped her face, then between her legs, making the kitten cry out again before he grabbed her in his tails once more.

They turned, facing towards Michelle once more, and she was given a front-row seat to Noguchi's punishment for this sort of disobedience. Even she had never gone this far in defying her 'husband'. She had never directly struck him like this, not since he had first transformed her. She hadn't been that stupid; she knew that if she had done that, she'd be...well, she didn't know. But it would have been terrible.

And now, Akiko was going to learn why a woman never struck a man. Not a man like Noguchi.

The tails adjusted the kitten to a better angle, and Michelle immediately knew what was going to happen. Akiko's pussy, stretched and messy as it was from the earlier deflowering and fucking, was not going to be the kitsune's target; it was pointed at the wrong angle, pointed towards her rather than Noguchi's cock.

No, the kitsune's target was that little pink hole between the kitten's ass cheeks. And Michelle knew from experience, blood made a very poor lubricant.

He pulled her down on his cock hard, and right from the start began using her more like a toy than any kind of sexual partner. Dragging her up and down his cock like a giant, furry flesh-light, the kitsune fucked her ass hard. The screams that echoed through the room as he slammed her down on his cock again and again almost deafened Michelle, but the sound seemed to spur Noguchi on, giving him extra energy to shove his cock deeper and deeper into Akiko's tight little hole.

"Please...please stop!" the kitten shrieked, finally reduced to begging for relief. "It hurts! Stop!"

But the kitsune paid no mind; he had been slighted, and that was something that always brought punishment. Michelle wanted to look away, and she almost did. But she stopped herself at the last minute. She had gone through so much with Noguchi; Akiko was only just learning what this kitsune could do. The hunter deserved someone to take sympathy on her through this, at least.

So she watched, watched as Noguchi pulled her up and down his cock again, and again. He fucked her close to the edge of the bed, giving Michelle too good of a view as the kitten's asshole was violated. It puffed out, reddened at the abuse it was taking, inflaming from the friction of a too-dry and too-large object going in and out of it so fast. It was a miracle that there wasn't blood, but it was going to be very loose if Noguchi didn't transform Akiko again after this was over.

Not that the thought of it seemed to bother the kitsune at all. He only grinned as he fucked her harder and harder, the slapping sound of knot against hole filling the air every time that he dragged her down on his cock. He growled, biting on the tops of Akiko's ears, not quite drawing blood yet but coming very close from the sounds that the kitten made when he did it.

There was no way that Akiko enjoyed it, either; what little moisture that Michelle could see on the kitten's pussy was all remnants of being opened up earlier, all from the kitsune. Other than that, she must have been dry as sand.

By now, there were no words left to Akiko's shouting, no distinguishable language. It was pure pain coming from the former hunter's lips now. Pain, pain and desperation for this to end.

Suddenly, the kitsune stopped pulling her up and down his cock. For a moment, Michelle thought that maybe, just maybe, he might have some sympathy, or maybe that the sound had finally got too annoying for him and that he'd stop.

But that was a fool's hope. No, Noguchi wanted to finish this, and that meant one thing.

His hands pressed down on top of Akiko's shoulders, and Michelle watched in horror as the kitten was shoved down on the kitsune's cock. The knot pressed against the kitten's asshole, and slowly, ever so slowly, the pressure increased on Akiko's shoulders. The knot began to spread open her hole, and the tears began again for the kitten as the pain started to grow.

The screams stopped; there was no air for them left, Michelle judged from prior experience. The pain had grown too much, and the pressure inside too strong to have any air for anything except staying conscious. The knot pushed in further, and further, and wet streams flowed down Akiko's cheeks, flattening the fur beneath them as she cried, and cried, and cried.

Passing the halfway point, the knot suddenly slid inside of the kitten, and from the angle she was at, Michelle could see the tearing happen. The puffy flesh of the kitten's ass split, and blood began to flow over Noguchi's cock again. Wordless, silent screams were all that Akiko could muster against it, back arching against the kitsune's body for a moment before she went limp, shaking and whimpering.

It must have been too much for the little kitten, because she slumped down, completely unconscious. Even the way that Noguchi ripped her off of his cock, the last of his cum landing on her thighs, didn't wake her up.

Noguchi chuckled to himself, kicking the broken female off of the bed. She landed with a thump on the ground, and was ignored as the kitsune walked over to Michelle. His bloody fingers stroked a line along her neck, and his blood and cum covered cock still throbbed in front of her. "Now...what to do with you?" he whispered to her. His 'wife'. "You promised me a pleasure filled night. I think it's time you deliver."

Michelle just bowed her head. Even if she could have said anything, she wouldn't have. Her hopes were gone, her only chance of escape taken.

There was no one out there to help her now.


The red headed woman nodded at Doug, sighing at the news from the box. "I can't believe that things have gotten that bad," she muttered. "Thanks for making them the offer, anyway."

"It was my pleasure," he said. "Michelle's a hell of a girl; I would have been proud to have her on my show. I'd have thought even the Ninja would have been proud of something like that."

"You don't know him like I do, then." She shook her head. "Still, it was worth a try. Thanks for giving them the offer."

He nodded, pausing at the door. "Do you -"

"No, you don't need to know what's going on." She smiled, giving him a little gesture to encourage him to leave. "Consider that favor paid."

The sportscaster nodded slowly before walking out the door, and the woman sighed as the door closed. She sat down on one of the couches in the second VIP box in the stadium, rubbing her forehead lightly. "Oh, Noguchi...you just have to dig yourself in deeper and deeper, don't you?"

As she rubbed her head, the illusion spell that she had cast over herself slowly faded, the image of a short human woman disappearing in a haze, like a heat shimmer over a road on a summer day. As the human disappeared, a vixen appeared in its place, slightly taller than the illusion, and definitely a good bit sexier, considering the human form had lacked most of the curves that the vixen had.

It also hadn't had the seven tails that waved back and forth behind the vixen.

As she leaned back on the couch, she cushioned herself on her tails, drumming her fingers on one of them. "I think it's time that I take matters into my own tails," she muttered.

Writing Stream 4: Elder Scrolls Requests

_ **The Story of the Foolish Foot-Licker** _ _ **Penned at the order of the Grand Perverts Guild** _ Banning had been out of High Rock for some time, but he had not shaken his nation's dislike for the lizards from the swamp in the south. They had...

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A Kitsune's Woman

**A Kitsune's Woman** **By Draconicon** The transparent white of her veil still covered her face as Hideo led her into the hotel. Everything was slightly tinted with the pale color of the thin screen, making everything look washed out, as if...

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Writing Stream 3: Foot Fetish

**Story #1 Tickled Toes, Sticky Socks** **For Frisk** Crisp groaned softly as he rifled through his sock drawer, shaking his head as he tossed different pairs over his shoulders. The pile of discarded clothing was already immense, coming past...

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