Writing Stream 3: Foot Fetish

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Another writing stream, six free foot fetish stories, and I think they're all pretty good and interesting.

Story #1 Tickled Toes, Sticky Socks

For Frisk

Crisp groaned softly as he rifled through his sock drawer, shaking his head as he tossed different pairs over his shoulders. The pile of discarded clothing was already immense, coming past his knees, and growing bigger and bigger with each passing second. "No, no, no!" the wolf muttered under his breath, considering each pair of socks for barely a second before throwing them over his shoulder. "Too normal...too bland...too white...too black...too GAH!"

Recoiling from one pair that most definitely should NOT have been in the sock drawer, he threw the green pair over to the far side of the room, watching it fall into the laundry basket with a soft puff. Rubbing his hands off on his shorts, he pushed the sock drawer shut. "Man, first day of college, and no good socks..."

The wolf had always been conscious of his footwear, ever since elementary school. He'd always had his signature red and white sneakers, matching up with the same colors in his shirt and shorts. They worked well for him, and he'd lately started working on getting some matching socks for the outfit. Nothing really worked right, as they didn't sell the right white and red colors, so he did his best to make do with the other stuff out there.

But for the first day of college, he needed something special, something new. And so far, he hadn't been able to find able to find a darn thing.

As he threw himself onto his bed in frustration, though, something caught his eyes, flying out from under his pillow. The wolf turned on his side in curiosity, looking to see what had gone flying off.

To his surprise, a pair of socks lay on the floor, a pair that he had never seen before. He cocked his head to the side, and crawled over the bed to have a better look at them. They were multi-colored, a light blue-green along the bottom, and a lighter green besides that along the parts that would come up to his ankles. They even had a nice paw pattern design along the bottom of the socks, which made him chuckle a bit.

He grabbed them by the 'neck' of the socks, sitting up before sliding them on. "Well, not quite the color that I'd pick, but it's better than all those boring ones over there," Crisp said with a nod towards the pile in the corner.

They fit well, and he smiled as he felt the soft wool rubbing against his toes, wiggling them inside the socks and watching them curl to match his toes. Giggling a bit to himself as a few stray strands tickled the bottom of his feet, Crisp pulled himself up, and started to turn around to grab his shoes.

Before he could do more than move a few feet, though, the wolf's lips started twitching, a tickling feeling coming from his feet. The wool of the socks rubbed repeatedly against the bottoms of his feet, and it stroked against his paw pads in a way that almost had him laughing already. Just standing still, he could still feel it rubbing against his feet, and when he shifted his weight, it was all he could do not to break out laughing from the tickling sensation.

He took a few deep breaths, trying to get himself ready to take a step, and eventually the tickling sensation faded. So, he lifted his foot -

"HAHAHAHA!" Crisp shouted as he suddenly fell over, both his feet suddenly assaulted with the feeling of tickles from the socks. It was almost...no, there was no almost, they WERE tickling him! Crisp's eyes watered as he looked down at the socks, watching the wooly footwear shifting around his feet, feeling loose strands of wool rubbing up and down the bottoms of his feet like feathers, attacking them. Each touch brought another gasp of laughter from his lips, and keeping him so paralyzed with laughter that he had no chance to reach down for them.

They squeezed, rubbed, stroked along the bottom of his feet, leaving them tingling with ticklish touches. The wolf rolled in place, unable to help himself as he started to get a little aroused from the tickling. His cock pressed against the inside of his shorts, making an increasingly noticeable bulge as he got tickled again, and again. His lungs hurt from laughing, but he couldn't stop himself, couldn't bring himself to reach down and stop it. It was too strong, too powerful.

He rolled onto his stomach, kicking his legs and hitting the floor with his fists as he cried, laughing louder and louder as the tickles continued. He could barely breathe...barely move...his stomach and lungs hurt, but he couldn't stop smiling, his toes curling and uncurling in the socks as they even got the spaces between his toes.

Cock throbbing at the treatment he was getting for some reason, Crisp was barely aware of a brief climax, only just feeling the cum splattering inside his underwear before the pleasure was overwhelmed with more tickling. He panted, but only for a second before he was laughing again, off on another burst of tickle torture.

The End for now

Story #2 Birthday Paws

For Bluedude


The cat blinked a few times as Azure spoke, and he started to turn to face his skunk friend. "Wha..." he started to say.

The word never had a chance to finish; barely halfway through turning around, the feline found himself falling to his knees, his body losing its ability to stay upright in moments. His hands hit the ground shortly after his knees, stuck on all fours as he found himself looking up at his friend.

Looking down at him with a smirk on his face, the skunk sat on a plush red armchair, his feet up on an footrest that was just as soft looking as the chair. The bottoms of those feet...Liam had never seen anything like them. Never seen anything that...that sparked such desire in him. It was like...like they were...

But he didn't...The feline blinked, starting to shake his head.

"Paw-Man," Azure whispered, and Liam froze in place, his eyes drawn back to the skunk's feet. "Yes...yes, that's it. Just look at them. You know how much you like looking at paws...Paw-Man...you know you love paws, love to look at them...love to smell them...rub your face against them..."

Did he? Liam didn't...he thought he was...

"Paw-Man..." the skunk repeated again, and Liam groaned softly to himself. "Paw-Man...look at my eyes...look at my eyes..."

It wasn't easy to look away from the skunk's feet - though Liam thought it should have been - but he managed it. Slowly, he pulled his eyes away from Azure's feet, away from the dancing toes, and looked up at his friend's eyes.

Immediately, they hooked him. The normally peaceful orbs were alive with color, spirals and circles dancing across the skunk's eyes. The colors shifted and warped, tugging at him and keeping him looking at them even as he realized what was going on. Hypnosis...it was...it...

Thought fled as he continued staring at the skunk's eyes, feeling the color wash over him, feeling the spirals tugging his mind and his attention deeper and deeper into the skunk's control. He panted, unable to help himself as he looked deeper, deeper into the color.

And through it all, he heard the whispered word repeating, again and again.




He wasn't a butt man...or a breast man...or a leg man...but a paw man. Someone that loved paws...loved to play with them...wanted them more than anything else right now. And Azure was a good enough friend to give him just what he wanted for his birthday.

The skunk seemed to smile, but Liam barely noticed it. The feline's eyes were finally allowed to look away from the skunk's, and the first thing that he focused on were those lovely feet pushed right in his direction. His face turned up in a grin, and he slowly crawled along the floor, making his way over to them. His nose twitched, trying to pick up some scent from them, but it was clear that Azure took care of his feet, better than a lot of the males that he was used to seeing.

Ignoring the growing smirk on his friend's face, Liam leaned forward and pressed his nose against those paws, feeling the flesh give underneath his face. He panted against them, shuddering and shivering in pleasure as he felt them against him, and he smiled. Looking through the toes at his friend, he gave one foot a good long lick, dragging his tongue along the warm flesh, watching as his friend moaned at the attention.

But the fun of knowing he was giving his friend pleasure was a passing thing; he was a paw man, and these were his feet, his paws to have fun with, and he was going to have a lot of fun with them.

Pulling them together, he nuzzled against one, and then the other. His fur was pressed smooth by the large feet, his cheeks brushed by the lovely pair. What moans escaped his lips were smothered against the large pair, whispered into the warm flesh, and he shivered as he felt the beginnings of an erection building at his groin.

Suppressing another moan, he shifted from nuzzling to licking, gradually making his way from heel to toes, licking again, and again, taking his time to make sure that he got a good taste of those feet each time. He could hear Azure moaning a bit, as well as another sound that probably meant that the skunk was enjoying this just as much as him, but he didn't care.

Long as he got to play with these paws for his birthday, he didn't care what Azure did while he licked away.

The End, for now.

Story #3 The Werewolf's Pawlicker

For Greaver

Russet red, the werewolf was not as invisible in the forest as some of his more traditional brethren. He didn't fit in with the leaves of the spring so much, nor did the weaker light of the moon hide him so easily as it did with the others as they hunted through the night. He didn't have the same huge muscle bulk as some of the other werewolves, though he was still quite a large specimen of the wolf-kin, nor did he have quite the same speed.

But considering that he hunted other things than his kin did, none of that mattered. No human would ever be able to flee from him, and he was big enough to overpower just about any of them without much difficulty. Just like the one in front of him now.

The blond haired young man looked up at him in both fear and anticipation, back against a tree as the werewolf advanced on him. Large toes curled against the earth as he walked forward, the human's nervousness causing the air to fill with a scent of sweat, of fear. It would have made the werewolf chuckle, if his mouth was shaped better for it.

He growled as the human tried to stand up, forcing him back to the ground with a glare and a baring of his teeth. What little resistance the human might have had left fled, he saw, the spark of resistance in his eyes going out as the human laid back against the tree.

A shove sent the human to the ground, and a large paw on his chest kept him from getting up again. The werewolf grinned, a large paw-hand grasping his sheath as he held the human down. A few quick strokes stimulated him enough to get his cock growing, and once that started, he didn't need to work anymore. Pulling his hand back, he let the human watch, let him see just how big a werewolf could get.

The human's eyes going wide at the sight of the red, dripping length sliding free from the werewolf's sheath was as good as an aphrodisiac to the werewolf, and he curled his toes in anticipation of having the human serve him. It had been too long since the last one...and he was going to really -

Wait...what was the human doing?

Watching with a confused look on his muzzle, the werewolf cocked his head to the side as the human leaned his head down, his mouth open as he reached for the werewolf's paw. He let the human grab his ankle, wary of tricks, but he needn't have worried.

One of his toes slipped into the human's mouth, and he could feel the human's tongue working busily along the sides and bottom of his toe. The human was careful of his claws, he noticed, but was also extremely eager, that tongue lashing along the sides and bottom of his toe as though it was something he'd wanted in his mouth, rather than something that might have been forced.

For a second, he thought that the human was trying to put him off of his guard, or maybe trying to get out of trouble. He watched, waiting for any sign that the human was going to try and turn the tables on him, a low growl of warning rumbling out of his throat.

But there was no trick, and the stench of fear was slowly disappearing, fading from the air. Instead...

That had to be a mistake, the werewolf thought as he sniffed at the air a few times. There had to be a mistake; the human couldn't be...

He was, and a look at the human's crotch confirmed that he was EXTREMELY aroused, the human's cock pushing at the front of his jeans enough to make a visible bulge. Each time that the human licked at the werewolf's toe, it got a little harder, and he could see a growing wet spot at the tip of the bulge.

A soft, chuffing laugh escaped his lips as he turned back to the human's face, seeing the lips turned up slightly in a smile around his toe, the human's expression showing nothing but bliss. Oh, this was too precious, he thought.

Pulling his massive paw back, he sat down on a nearby stump, and pointed to the ground. The human laid himself down on the ground, and the werewolf really went to town. Shoving one foot back in the human's face, he used the other to start stroking the human's cock through his clothes, rubbing the bulge, squeezing the tip by curling his toes around it. The human's moans were stifled against his foot, kept silent by the toes in his mouth, but he could feel it against his foot, feel just how much the human enjoyed this.

Oh, this was going to be a good night, the werewolf thought to himself. This was going to be a good night, indeed.

The End, for now.

Story #4 The Foot Feedback Loop

For Taiko

The bells in his piercings jingled as he stood over the charmed chameleon, but they were drowned out by the way that the reptile was slavering and moaning over his big green feet.

Bruha couldn't help chuckling as he watched the smaller reptile lick over the bottom of his feet, watching that big, thick tongue flick in and out of that mouth, and couldn't quite suppress the shudders of pleasure that spread through his body as that wet muscle dragged itself over his foot again, and again, and again. Not that he was really trying to hide his pleasure - nor did he have to, in this little warehouse behind a shoe shop - but he didn't always want his playthings to realize just how much he was enjoying himself.

His hand slid up and down his cock as he balanced on one foot, pre leaking down his hand and dripping down on the top of his other foot. Groaning softly, he jerked himself a little faster, muttering down at the reptile. "Heh...look at you, you little slut...good to see you in your place. At the feet of a big, powerful orc...serving them, licking them clean...heh, and look how hard you are, licking my sweaty, musky feet. I bet you'd stay down there all day long, licking them again and again, even after you cleaned off every bit of sweat."

His foot-licking slut nodded, panting against the underside of the orc's foot as he did. That tongue never stopped, licking again and again. Occasionally it shot forward, shoving its way between Bruha's toes to get at the space between, and the sudden movement always caught him by surprise...pleasurable, lovely surprise. His cock throbbed hard at the feeling, and he pressed his foot down more firmly against the reptile's face.

He loved putting reptiles in their place...dragons especially. Hell, he'd thought that this thing was a dragon at first, that was the whole reason he'd grabbed him and zonked his mind. But with that tongue...eh, it was just a chameleon. Still a good toy, he thought, but not quite the same satisfaction as he'd get otherwise.

His eyes drifted along the chameleon's body, enjoying seeing just how much the little slut was getting into licking his big green feet; they always got into it, but this one did it faster than most. Heh, might not even need this one to get up to his cock; he was that good at the foot licking. The big orc thought he might just get off to the foot licking alone.

Eventually, he found himself looking down at the chameleon's feet. He started looking past them, but something brought his eyes back down to those...those lovely feet.

Blinking, he tried to dismiss the thought, but it just kept coming back. And why...why wouldn't it, the orc thought to himself. After all, they were a nice pair of feet, and there had been times when he'd enjoyed the feet of another...though that was only when they were rubbing their feet against his cock, not when he was shoving his face against their feet, which was what he almost wanted to do now.

He shook his head, but the thought remained. What was...

Bruha's eyes went wide. "Oh hell no," he muttered under his breath, looking down at the chameleon. "You've gotta be...kidding me..."

Empath...he had to have picked one of the few empaths in the city...and now he was spreading that same sort of lust to him and who knew how many other people around.

Bruha couldn't fight it; it was already in his head. So, groaning, he slowly lowered himself to the ground. The chameleon refused to stop licking his feet - not that the orc wanted him to - so they laid down almost like a 69. Instead of it being dick to dick, though, they were feet to feet, though the orc needed to bend himself forward more in order to reach the reptile's scaly feet.

A few sniffs entrenched the growing foot lust in his head, and Bruha attacked those slender toes with his tongue, dragging it along the toes and between them as well before he went after the underside. The scales were moist, slightly damp with sweat, and every lick brought the taste of musk and sweat to his mouth. His cock throbbed under his hand, and he could feel his orgasm building up rapidly. His moans slipped from his lips faster and faster as he licked away, what little annoyance he felt towards being forced into this disappearing into nothingness.

Warm lips surrounded his toes, and he moaned as he did the same thing to the chameleon, the two of them sharing a toe-sucking moment. He felt the chameleon's cock explode in orgasm, cum splattering against his cock as his plaything came, and he followed suit shortly after, the two of them painting each other in cum. The air around them stank of musk and sex, and it only encouraged him to keep going.

Even as he went back to work, he felt that pressure on his mind, that pressure that pushed him into this, suddenly grew much stronger. His mind wiped for the moment, every thought was replaced with lust, and the desire to play with feet...hot...eager...sexy feet...

(24 hours later)

With the news still blaring with the update that the day long foot orgy along Gold Street was finally at an end, Bruha pulled himself out of the alley he'd hidden in. Holding his hand against his head, he watched as everyone was scanned and checked out by the medical personnel that had been brought in. They'd all be fine, he was sure, if a little dehydrated; nobody had been hurt from this, except maybe with some wounds to dignity.

He chuckled. "I'm gonna have to find out that chameleon's name sometime...he's fun."

The End, for now.

Story #5 A Foot Inspection

For Ray

Lacey rolled her eyes as she helped carry Khristina away from the party, shaking her head a few times as her friend continued to sing - and badly - at the top of her lungs. The words were nearly incomprehensible, going up and down the scale repeatedly, and echoing off of the alley walls around them.

"Okay, that's it, I'm taking you back to the clinic before you go home," Lacey said to her friend. She was a little drunk too, but not so much as her friend was. "Just make sure that you're alright before you go home, okay?"

"Y'sur, yuh...heh..." Khristina said with a giggle, hiccuping lightly. "Heee heeeeeee, sucha funnnnnn party!"

"Yeah, yeah," Lacey muttered, chuckling despite herself.

It didn't take long to get to the clinic, just a few blocks away from the party. The front door had her name and her title - Veterinarian in Chief - on it, and it was locked by a keycard. She fumbled it out of her pocket - almost got it knocked out of her hand by Khristina's wild flailing - and unlocked it with a shake of her head. Lugging the large woman along into the place, she kicked the door shut behind her and pulled her along into one of the exam rooms. It had two tables on it instead of one, but it was roomy enough in case things got out of hand.

Lowering her friend on one table, she turned to the other counter, her back to Khristina as she said, "Think you can change? It might make you a bit more clearheaded for this."

"Change? Heeeee, yeah, yeah, can change."

The sound of ripping clothes made Lacey roll her eyes. Well, it was for this reason that she kept spare clothes in the room, but she hoped that they'd fit; Khristina tended to go through them really fast, and she was a bit bigger than the vet was. Turning around with a chuckle, she saw that her friend had already transformed into her were form, that of a fairly curvaceous tigress, and was sprawled out over the top of the table she'd been laid on.

Not much sign of getting more sober, though, Lacey thought as she got closer. The eyes were still unfocused, and she still giggled like crazy. "Well, let's check you out," she said.

"Nah, check YOU out," Khristina said with a giggle.

"Heh, no, you- hey!"

The tigress grabbed her in one arm, picking her up from the floor and pushing her over on top of the other table. Lacey barely had a chance to sit upright before Khristina grabbed her by the shirt, and ripped it right off of her. "Come on, I just got that shirt!" she protested as the were-tigress giggled.

"Soooorry!" Khristina said between giggles, hugging herself under her breasts.

Sighing, Lacey leaned back a bit, kicking her feet back and forth a bit as she waited for her friend to calm down. She would, eventually; shifting to were form tended to do something for the more drunk weres out there. Even if it didn't completely sober them up, it made them think a LITTLE more clearly. Unless they got drunk in were form, of course; that was just...messy.

One of her kicks pushed against Khristina's foot, sliding along the top of it, and Lacey giggled at the feeling of fur against the bottom of her foot. "Sorry," she said, starting to pull her foot back.

"No, no, no sorry," the were-tigress said with another giggle. Even as Lacey pulled her foot back, Khristina stretched out her leg. The bottoms of their feet pressed together, and the pressure exerted by pushing them together lifted them up a bit.

Both of them chuckled a bit as they looked at their feet pressed together. The digitigrade foot style that the weres had always looked so different to Lacey, almost exotic, and it was different to have her foot pressed against that. The toes pushed up past hers a bit, but her heel went down a good bit further than the tigress's one did. Despite that, Khristina's foot still covered at least half of Lacey's, and was the same width, if not a little wider.

"Hehehehe, your foot is cute," Khristina said with a silly kind of smile. "Do you like my foot?"

"Heh, it's very nice," Lacey said.

"Well, I like your foot more," Khristina said, in that happy silly tone of a drunk that was just about to prove a point. Lacey had heard it before, and she knew something weird was coming.

Still, she'd have never guessed that Khristina would pull her by her foot closer, and then shove her toes right up against the were-tigress's pussy. Lacey's eyes went wide as she felt the tigress's warm, and admittedly very wet, pussy lips against her toes. She barely had a chance to feel that before she felt one of her toes slide into the feline's slit, sliding in up to the base before it stopped.

Khristina looked at her with a giggle, and lifted her foot up again, dangling furry toes right in front of Lacey's face. "Come on...I'm drunk, you're drunk...let's play a bit."

She sighed again, but slowly took the tigress's foot in her hand. Pulling it to her lips, she gave the toes a few kisses, and wiggled her own toes around inside of the were. The moans that she got in return made her smile.

Well, there were worse ways to wait for sobriety to return, she supposed.

The End, for now.

Story #6 Rubbing Out a Cock

For Sigma

Sigma groaned softly as his wolf shoved him back, bouncing on the couch once before he settled on it. His fur was slightly ruffled, and his tail twitched a little behind him as he watched his mate take a seat across from him. "I can't believe you're really going to do this," the king cheetah panted softly, his cock already hard and rigid in his panties, very obvious, considering they were the only clothes he was wearing.

"Heh, you've always wanted it...and besides, it'll be fun," Obrum said. The wolf smirked, lifting one leg and pressing it against the feline's crotch. The moan slipping from Sigma's mouth made Obrum chuckle, pressing his toes down harder against the cheetah's bulge. "Heh, already so hard? What, can't wait for me to get you off like this?"


"Heh, don't say anything. Just wait, and let me do the work."

He barely finished his sentence before his feet were working again, and Sigma panted as he felt that foot rub him again, and again, stroking along his cock with each little shift in position. The silky feel of the panties around his shaft made it all the better, and little shivers went up and down his spine as the wolf teased him.

Getting that cocky grin from his mate only made it worse...or better, depending on how he looked at it. Those talented toes drummed along his cock, the little extra touch making his cock leak pre already. Moans spilled from his lips quickly, and he blushed worse and worse as he felt himself making a wet spot in his panties, his cock throbbing beneath it.

He could feel the pressure getting heavier and heavier on his cock, and he groaned, squirming in place as his shaft was played with. The other foot came up, pressing down, and it almost felt like his cock was being shoved right into his groin, like it was being pushed, shrunk as much as it was being played with.

The wolf laughed, and he opened his eyes, looking at his mate. "Wh...what?" he panted, fighting the urge to buck up against those feet.

"Heh, you're going to be...a good little boi for me...when I'm done here," Obrum said, smirking as he laughed again. "Can't you feel it...I can...it's getting so very...so very small, isn't it, Sigma?"

"So...so small..." he said with a nod.

"Small...pitiful...puny..." the wolf continued, those feet rubbing and stroking him. They weren't moving as much as before, though...just pushing against his bulge...drumming the toes around his cock head...though he thought he felt them against his crotch more than on his cock now.

"So little...might as well lose it...not like you'll ever really use this thing on me, huh?" Obrum said, one toe shoving down on the head of Sigma's cock. The pressure made him gasp, arching his back, so very close to climax, but it pulled back before he could go over the edge. Instead, the wolf went back to pushing on his cock, and Sigma swore that it was really getting smaller. It couldn't have just been imagination....it really felt smaller.

He looked down, his lips falling open in shock, and a gasp of surprised pleasure slipping past his lips. His cock was less than half of its original size, and shrinking fast. At the lower end of his panties, near where his balls were...or had been...the silky material was pulling in, rubbing against something that was getting more and more sensitive. A blush spread across his face, shining brightly through his fur.

He gasped again as Obrum almost stomped on his cock, not enough to hurt, but nearly enough to make him orgasm. "Heh, that's it...just gotta get rid of this...turn you from a man...into a boi...a good little c-boi for me," the wolf said, those big feet dwarfing the little lump that was his cock, each little rub driving it further and further into the feline's crotch.

A few more rubs along his bulge sent him over the edge, but it was...different this time. Instead of the muscle twitches at the front, he felt it between his legs, squeezing and tightening and squirting down instead of outwards. He gasped, squeezing his fists against the couch in pleasure as his body spasmed in pleasure, and he felt his panties get wet, soaked with juices.

The pressure continued all through his orgasm, and only when he stopped squirming and shaking did the wolf pull his foot back from Sigma's groin.

Sigma looked down as he panted, a little shiver of pleasure going down his spine as he saw no sign of his cock. No bulge, no bump, not even the little bit of balls showing at the base. Instead, there was a feminine camel toe, showing his new slit, and the panties were so soaked that he could almost see his new pussy through the underwear.

Obrum brushed a toe against it, and Sigma hissed in pleasure again. "Heh, just think how you're going to like my cock there," the wolf said.

That thought made him wet all over again.

The End

Writing Stream 4: Elder Scrolls Requests

_ **The Story of the Foolish Foot-Licker** _ _ **Penned at the order of the Grand Perverts Guild** _ Banning had been out of High Rock for some time, but he had not shaken his nation's dislike for the lizards from the swamp in the south. They had...

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My Mind for Magic

**My Mind for Magic** **By Draconicon** The street was dark to Havok's eyes; the shadows from the buildings cast all the alleys between apartments and office buildings into shadow, and the streets themselves weren't much better. The street lights...

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Swayed by the Sizwe

Swayed by the Sizwe By Draconicon A sudden bump along the dirt road shook the rough wooden cart, and the monkey prisoner once more found himself in the waking world as he bumped his head against the sides of his makeshift traveling prison. He...

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