My Mind for Magic

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A discount story written for DrakeHavok on FA. It involves my character Draconicon, his dragon Havok, and the traditional testing to learn from the Magi of Reef City.

My Mind for Magic

By Draconicon

The street was dark to Havok's eyes; the shadows from the buildings cast all the alleys between apartments and office buildings into shadow, and the streets themselves weren't much better. The street lights around here were not reliable, either, as a good many of them were either broken by this or that gang during the day or just hadn't been replaced for months. There was a flashlight in his pocket, but he was reluctant to use it; the darkness was as much his defense as it was his weakness.

The white dragon was not the most imposing of figures, and it showed when he passed by some of the other people that were on the streets this late at night. Where the wolves and the bulls and the stallions passing by towered over him at six and a half feet or more, and some of the cheetahs and other wild cats were a few inches taller than him, he was clearing about five foot ten. Of course, that was taller than some of the other species, but for a dragon, it wasn't something that got a lot of respect. His lack of obvious muscles didn't help matters either, as his clothes didn't bulge in the arms or legs or chest the way that he'd seen some of his species do.

There were some advantages to this, though, as he had been able to avoid a few groups of thugs by ducking down an alley and then hiding between a dumpster and the wall that it was next to; most people had just assumed he'd run on, and others must have thought he was one of the Magi.

It was a little funny; he wasn't a Magi, but he was going to meet one of them.

The Magi were sort of a gray area when it came to Reef City; they weren't a gang, but they also weren't people that technically lived inside of the legal boundaries for the city either. They did things that didn't make a great deal of sense, like walking into a shop and walking back out with an entire countertop of an ingredient, or carrying a shelf worth of candles out of a candle store. They often were looked at as thieves, or as kleptomaniacs, taking things that really didn't have much value without paying for them.

But for all of that, they still weren't arrested on sight. Havok had wondered why, when he had first heard of them; after all, thieves were thieves, right? Even if they were taking things that didn't have much value, why would the police turn a blind eye?

Then he'd seen just what they could do.

The dragon leaned up against one of the office buildings as he thought back to that day a few weeks ago, when he'd been walking through the mall. It had been a more or less regular day; some friends had blown him off, so he'd gone down to the mall to try and kill some time until his part time job.

With the arcade on his mind, Havok had crossed over to one side of the walkway inside the mall. He'd passed right in front of a store that sold candles, scented ones as well as the old plain ones. There'd been nothing wrong that he could see from the outside, so he'd been completely relaxed.

Of course, that went away as soon as he was knocked down by a rhinoceros that stood almost two feet taller than him.

Though that had hurt, Havok was smart enough to just stay down rather than get up and protest; there'd been no mall security around, and he wasn't about to get into a fight with someone that big. Better to wait and just get on with his day, he'd thought.

The store owner had thought different. Coming out of the store and shouting, the wolf had run up to the rhino and started to hit him in the back.

The rhino didn't like that. Not. One. Bit.

Havok didn't know just what the big male had done, but the next thing he knew, the wolf had gone flying about a hundred feet down the mall walkway, flown up in the air, gotten pinned to the ceiling, and then fallen down on top of one of the booths that were lining the walkway. Perfumes and scents had gone flying, and the rhino disappeared while everyone had tended to the wolf.

He later found out that the wolf had been turned from a male to a female, but that was incidental compared to what he had seen the rhino do.

Since then, he'd been going through all sorts of news reports, looking into anything that was supernatural and caused by people like the rhino. The reports were few and far between, but eventually he was able to get hold of about a dozen different stories, each one about a guy that had done something that didn't make sense, and had only struck back when he was interrupted.

Of course, the stories he found were only covering the events in Reef City, so there might have been more. But even a dozen reports was enough to tell him that there was something strange about them.

Cut forward to just last night when he was looking through his emails, and Havok found out that his research hadn't been ignored. A strange email had come in, with the tagline "So you want to know about the Magi" put on it. He'd been interested, so after readying his computer in case of a virus, he had clicked it.

It was short and straight to the point. He'd even printed it off to bring with him, and he looked down at it now, still hardly believing that this was happening.


Your research into our activities has piqued our interests. If you want to learn how we do this, and learn how to do the same, come to 9696 Camico Road, and go to the fifth floor. There will be someone waiting for you in room 55. If you do not arrive by the fourth, you will never have another chance.

We're watching.

He folded it up and put it back into his pocket. The streetlight across the street - the first one that he'd seen working for nearly three blocks - illuminated the front door of the building across from him. Silver and gold letters named the building "The Royal Crown Hotel", and the address on the window told him that it was the same as the one on the letter.

Hesitating for a moment, the dragon eventually looked down the street, then up it. With no cars coming, he hurried across.

The lobby was dark, and several windows along the first floor were cracked, if not outright broken. A little push on the front door caused it to slide open, the auto-shut mechanism obviously broken. The dragon stepped through the doorway gingerly, his shoes - specially modified for his digitigrade feet - crushing glass underneath him with each step, a soft 'crunch crunch' filling the air as he walked across the lobby.

"Hello?" Havok muttered quietly, slowly turning in place. "Is there anyone here?"

Nobody answered him, and as his eyes got used to the darkness, he could see why. The lobby was trashed, with debris scattered over the front desk and beer bottles and old cans littering the floor. Occasionally a breeze from outside caused one of the trashed bottles to roll around, sliding along the room to some new position, but other than that, it was totally still.

But still...

Clenching his fingers tightly around the printed email, Havok walked over to the front desk. Pulling out his flashlight with his other hand, he slowly waved it about, dragging the light over the old wooden desk. Old cup, old pens, defunct computer...

"Heh, there we are," Havok muttered to himself as the glint of metal caught his attention. Bending over, he pushed open a small wooden door, and revealed the cabinet that the room keys were kept in. "Never thought I'd be so glad to see a business not using keycards."

The keys were arranged on hooks, each floor a separate row. As Havok dragged the light from one set to another, he saw that every hook was occupied...every hook but one.

Key 55 was missing.

"Well...I guess that's proof of something," he said under his breath, pulling himself to his feet. "Okay...if this is the front desk...then the stairs should be...that way." Havok turned, walking down a hall, keeping the flashlight on and pointed ahead of him to light his way.

Thankfully, the crunching sound of broken glass stopped echoing in the small hallway after he got out of the lobby. Apparently the glass hadn't been spread much further than the entryway; good thing, too, because he was pretty sure that there was a lot of glass getting embedded in the bottom of his shoes. If he wasn't careful, he was pretty sure that some of those shards could work their way up through the bottom, possibly actually cutting through the bottom. Dragon skin was tough, but not that tough, despite what a lot of myths and legends said.

Despite the hallway being rather short, he was still breathing a little hard by the time that he reached the stairs. The darkness in the hotel was oppressive, like there was some sort of pressure behind it. The flashlight, rather than relieving it, almost seemed to enhance it, and the temptation to turn around and leave was getting stronger and stronger the further he walked.

A sudden crash in the distance almost made him jump out of his scales, and only the tight grip that he had on the stair railing kept him from running back the way he came.

"This is ridiculous..." Havok said, holding one hand over his chest to try and calm down his racing heart. "What am I doing here? This is..."

He looked down, the folded paper just sticking out of his jeans pocket, and he sighed. There was no way that he could leave now. Not when he was this close to finding out more about the Magi and what the heck they were about.

As he walked up the stairs, he thought more about them, this time about the strange relationship that they seemed to have with the police.

It had taken a lot of digging to find out about that, but after he'd been able to determine that the different people with these supernatural abilities weren't working individually, he knew that there had to be someone that had figured that much out. Figuring that the best place to go to find out more would be the police station, the dragon had made a day trip of it, figuring he'd talk to as many people off duty at the station as he could, and try and piece together the pieces.

Havok rounded the stairs to the next floor with a chuckle at that memory. He'd only had the chance to talk to one policeman before he was hurried off to the captain that headed up the downtown part of the city. The meeting had been brief, almost as brief as his email had been. The message was just as clear, though.

Stop trying to learn about the Magi.

Bustled out of the police department a few minutes after the meeting, Havok just kept looking for more information. The name 'Magi' had been enough to tell him that it was really magic, or at least that the group believed it was; with the name and that knowledge, what other information he'd been able to gather was much easier to find.

Of course, then there was the stumbling block.

Pausing on the fourth floor to catch his breath, Havok looked down at the paper again. In the last couple of weeks, he'd managed to learn about the presence of this group; he'd learned that they did things that nobody else seemed to be able to do; he discovered that they were called the Magi, and even that they had some sort of working relationship with the police - something about mysterious help in tracking some criminals or something - and that it was supposed to be secret.

The one thing that he still wanted to know was HOW they did all of this.

Havok could admit that it was magic; he didn't know if it was, but he could admit that it was possible. Not much else would explain that wolf in the mall taking an impromptu flight and crashing hard. That was not normal at all.

But how did they do it? If it was magic, how did they cast it? If it was something else, how did it work? That was what he was here to find out.

As he stepped up to the fifth floor, Havok blinked, his eyes suddenly filled with a bright light.

Blinking rapidly to try and clear his eyes of the light, the dragon was forced to lean against the stair railing. It was almost painfully bright, and he had to bury his head against his arm, the smooth cotton sweater cool against his eyes as he rapidly rubbed them.

A soft set of footsteps made him all the more desperate, gasping as he looked up through bleary eyes for the source of the sound.

He just barely caught sight of a shadow going around a corner, and rushed forward, hand on the wall to help him keep his balance. "Wait!" Havok called. "Wait, are you one of the Magi?"

He rushed around the corner, only to see an open door further down the hall. The doors glittered with the number 55, and the dragon hurried towards it, panting as he pushed himself along. "Wait! Please, I'm here on time, please wait!"

Almost skidding past the open door at the high speed he was running, Havok caught himself on the doorknob, almost swinging himself through the doorway. The door slammed shut behind him, and the unfortunate dragon went flying forward, slamming his chin against the ground. Soft carpet barely cushioned the blow, and he grunted as his teeth clicked together, hard.

Groaning, the dragon rolled onto his side, careful of his wings and tail, and looked around. "Hello? Hel- ugh..." He pulled himself upright, ever so slowly, rubbing his chin to try and get rid of the sting from landing on it. "Hello? Is anyone here?"


Havok whipped around, looking around in the deep darkness of the room. The voice had come from the corner, but the darkness there was almost worst than the hall downstairs. "Do you have a light?"


"Do you mind if I-"

"No flashlights." The voice was...not quite sharp, but it was definitely quick, and it cut through Havok's words quickly, cutting his sentences in half before he could finish them. " left it out in the hallway."

Reaching down to his waist, the dragon gasped as he realized that he must have dropped it behind him, either in the hallway as the stranger said or in the room. Shaking his head, he spoke up again. "Um...Is there any way I can see you? I want to know that I'm actually talking to-"

"You are talking to a Magi." The voice seemed to be smiling when it said that, though Havok couldn't be sure. Even as his eyes were getting used to the darkness again, the most he could see was a silhouette, a piece of the darkness that was somehow blacker than the night around it. It was settled into a chair, fingers pressed together in a steeple, was very, very big. "I'm glad that you decided to show up. If you hadn't managed to get here tonight, then you would have been in a great deal of trouble."

"You wouldn't have talked with me after that, I know -"

" that what the weasels told you?" the voice asked. "It would have been a great deal worse than that for you...but that doesn't matter now. You made it here on time, and that is what matters."

The unspoken threat made the white dragon shiver, but he pushed on anyway, almost desperate at this point. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the paper. "I...well, I'm here now. I want to know what it is you do, and how you do it. It's been driving me crazy."

"Well, I can offer you one better than that, Havok." The voice chuckled again, and the silhouette pulled itself to its feet.

Havok's eyes followed the shape of the speaker up...and up...and up, his eyes wandering over the featureless space of the speaker towards the head. He could just barely make out the jaws moving when the shape spoke, the mouth a good half foot more above the top of his head. "I can teach you the magic that we use."

"T-teach...You're joking. You have to be joking." Shaking his head rapidly, Havok leaned against a nearby wall, his breath coming in quick bursts. "That...I guessed that you used...but that you..."

"I can teach you." The shape shrugged slightly. "Besides, I can smell it on you. Eventually it's going to come out anyway. You've thought about it, looked into it too much. It's touched you by now; sooner or later it's going to come bursting out, and either you'll make a mess of things or launch yourself into orbit. Trust me, you're not going to land safely if the second happens.

"I'm offering you a chance to learn what we do, and be able to do it yourself. Do you agree?" the shape asked.

Finding his way to a half-ruined chair, the dragon sat himself down. His head was spinning with what the Magi was asking, and even more so, with the implications behind it. Magic...being able to use it...going into orbit...burning up on the way back down if he screwed up...

With a groan, he pressed his hands against his head, shuddering as he tried to make sense of everything he knew getting flipped on its head all at once. "Can...can you at least let me see what my teacher looks like?" Havok asked. "I...I'd like to see what you look like. It might help me calm down a bit."

"I suppose I can let you have that. But you better say yes; there are penalties if you decide to say no."

The silhouette snapped its fingers, and immediately Havok went from a white faced dragon to a red faced one.

Standing in front of him was another dragon, and a fairly large one as well. Covered in black scales everywhere from head to toe - and considering that he had apparently been waiting in the nude, Havok got a good look to know that it was REALLY everywhere - the dragon stood at least seven feet tall to Havok's eyes, with a pair of horns on top of his head that let him look a little bit taller. Pure white eyes, no iris or pupil, looked down at him, the white swirling like the clouds on a windy day.

Determinedly keeping his eyes locked with the other dragon, Havok cleared his throat, blushing softly. " you teach magic naked?"

"I prefer to be naked, regardless of whether I'm teaching or not; a certain raccoon of my group tends to keep stealing my clothes, so I've given up on modesty." The dragon shrugged his shoulders lightly, crossing his arms over his chest. "Now, are you going to accept my teaching, or are you going to turn your back on your curiosity? This is your last chance."

The black dragon's gaze was too intense to match, and Havok looked down at the ground. The thought that he might be able to learn the power of the Magi...not just learn how they did what they did, but also get the ability to it himself. There was no mention of the cost - and he doubted that something like this would come free - but the temptation was so very strong. A part of him, since seeing the rhino do what he did, had wanted the ability to do the same thing. To actually have the power to stand up for himself, and be able to do something other than running and have the same respect as the bigger dragons...

Slowly looking up from the floor, he did his best to look the other dragon in the eyes. Those swirling white orbs were hard to look at, but he forced himself to look into them anyway. Havok would start now; he would not back down anymore. "I'll learn."

"Good. Something tells me that you would have been difficult to deal with if you'd said no." The black dragon held out his hand. "I'm Draconicon."

The white dragon took the black scaled hand. "I'm -"

"Already know your name," Draconicon said with a shake of his head. "Stand up."

A little bit confused, Havok obeyed the command. Rather than get an explanation, however, he just watched as Draconicon took his seat. Raising an eyebrow, he opened his mouth to protest.

"First things first," Draconicon said, beating him to the punch. "I'm going to cast a spell on you. Nothing painful," the black dragon hurried to say as Havok's eyes went wide. "Just something that I want to test. All new students go through this; it's a way for us to tell just how much self control you have and whether you can resist magic cast at you at all. Some of us can, some of us can't; the ones that can't resist tend to be able to learn easier, but they can be influenced more easily as well. Those of us that can resist the magic have a harder time learning some spells, but they don't get controlled so easily if one of our members go a little...cuckoo."

"Cuckoo?" Havok asked.

"I'll get to that later. For now, though, let's test you."

Getting the feeling that he really didn't have much choice in the matter, Havok slowly nodded his head. Shifting his weight from foot to foot, he asked, "What am I supposed to do?"

"Just look into my eyes," Draconicon said. "Look into my eyes, and wait. I'll do the rest."

Into his eyes...Havok groaned softly, but did as he was told, forcing himself to look into the swirling white mist that was the black dragon's eyes. They were so...strange looking, alien, not right at all. The white was a dramatic counterpoint to the dragon's black scales, and despite the lack of a point in them to show what the dragon was looking at, Havok couldn't help but feel a near laser focus on his own eyes, as though he was being zeroed in by some sniper.

A few seconds after meeting his teacher's eyes, Havok saw three startling flashes go off in the white of Draconicon's eyes. Each flash was a little brighter than the last, and was followed by a shove towards the front of his mind. It burned against his brain, and his first instinct was to look away. In fact, he even tried to do that, despite having been told to keep looking at his teacher.

To his surprise, he couldn't.

With each subsequent flash, the thought to look away was pushed further and further away, and as it disappeared, so did the worry from the pressure that the glance was putting on his mind. In seconds, he barely noticed it, hardly aware that there was a feeling of...fullness, he supposed might be the word, in his skull. Even the awareness of that disappeared a few seconds later.

"Your initial defenses are very low," Draconicon said with a shake of his head. "There's only a little bit of resistance in your mind; you'll be very easy to control if anyone really tries."

"Con...control?" Havok asked, slowly raising a hand to his head. "What-"

"I'm in your mind, Havok."

The white dragon's eyes went wide as he realized that Draconicon's lips hadn't moved when he said that; not only that, but there had been no sound, just the recognition of words in his head, as though he'd read them or thought them rather than heard them. "What are you doing in there?!" he shouted, his voice rising almost an octave in pitch. "Get out of my head, get -"

A flash from those white eyes, and Havok went still. A second flash, and the panic disappeared, like water that had been frozen and then evaporated.

Held in a pose of indignant, panicked pleading, Havok could only watch as his teacher stood up from the chair, slowly starting to walk around him. "It is very clear that your mind is weak," Draconicon 'said' inside of his head again. "There is so much that you will need to learn before the basic spells can be taught. But everyone has a breaking point with this kind of control; they all have something that the control cannot force them to do. I suppose now would be as good a time as any to find out what will break you free from this spell."

Break him free? He thought that he was going to learn magic, not be some kind of guinea pig for the Magi.

"You are not the first to be treated like this. All members of the Magi have gone through this testing. It is the first thing that is done with students, to find out just how much they can take before the spell can no longer hold them. Some members prefer to see how far your moralities can be stretched. Me...I prefer to see what kind of humiliations you can endure before the spell snaps."

A blush started to spread very fast across Havok's face as he felt something pressing against him from behind. Throbbing, hard, and wet at the tip; there was no question just what that was. A soft little whimper escaped through his open mouth, and he shuddered as he felt the big, scaly hand from his teacher rubbing along his rear.

"Don't worry...your ass is safe for the moment. I don't just take...I want to see just what this spell can make you give. Now, strip."

As soon as the word 'strip' slipped into his mind, the dragon could think of nothing else. His fingers rushed to the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up and off, throwing it past one of the pieces of furniture. The urge did not subside, so his hands dropped down to his waist, to the buttons of his jeans. They came undone, and the zipper went down, fast and loud as he shoved it down. His shoes were kicked off in seconds, getting them out of the way, and his socks followed as he yanked them from his feet.

Kicking off his jeans, he didn't even hesitate as he grabbed hold of his underwear and dragged them down as well. Despite normally blushing at the thought of exposing himself to a stranger, Havok moved quickly, thinking of nothing else but giving the dragon before him the best sight of his body that he could, as fast as he could give it. Clothes had to come off, clothes had to come off, had to -

As he tossed his underwear, he was suddenly aware of Draconicon's grin, and paused. Was there...something...

Those white eyes flashed again, and Havok relaxed again. There was nothing...nothing wrong with being naked. He was just doing what he was told, after all; his teacher was getting him ready for his lessons, and as long as he did what he was told, he'd be fine.

He stood still, watching as his teacher sat down in the chair again. A piece of furniture zipped across the floor to the black dragon, a footstool, and Draconicon put his feet up. Havok's eyes were drawn down to the black dragon's five toed, plantigrade feet, and he cocked his head to the side slowly.

Another flash from the eyes, and Havok felt the pressure in his skull again, briefly making him grunt in discomfort as some invisible hand seemed to be shoving things around inside of his mind. It...felt weird...

Just as suddenly as it came, the pressure disappeared, leaving him wondering just what it was.

"Look at my feet," Draconicon's 'voice' said in his head.

It was more instinct than obedience that made him look down - at least, that's what he thought - but once he laid eyes on the bottom of those feet, Havok couldn't help but blush, a familiar heat filling his groin as he looked at the bottom of his teacher's feet.

They were sexy to look at, he thought. His cock rose as he looked over the smooth, dark scales that were presented to him. His legs went weak, and he didn't fight it as he fell to his knees in front of his teacher. The large toes, the smooth scales on the underside, the sheer size of the massive feet; they were even completely clean, not at all covered by the debris that walking barefoot should have caked the underside with.

The white dragon had never been interested in feet before...but these were too wonderful to ignore. He panted softly as he leaned in closer, barely aware of the slight smirk and quiet chuckle coming from his teacher.

"You are allowed to take a sniff, Havok," Draconicon said. "Indulge yourself; smell your master's musky feet."

The word 'master' almost gave him pause, but his mind dismissed it as just another word for 'teacher'. Nodding his head in thanks, Havok leaned in, pressing his nostrils to the bigger dragon's feet, sniffing deeply from the scales, sucking in their scent.

Immediately, his body trembled from the powerful musk that flooded his senses. If he wasn't already on all fours, his nose pressed firmly against the black feet, he would have fallen to the floor. Panting as his body filled with need, with a powerful, aroused heat, Havok dragged his nose from the heel to the toes of his teacher's foot, sucking the musky smell into his nose as if it would disappear if he wasn't diligent enough.

The toes wiggled above him, some slight bits of sweat falling from them and onto his nose, but the normally fastidious dragon didn't care; the sweat only added to the smell, and he sucked it down, panting as his cock throbbed hard below his belly, craving, needing the dragon's foot musk.

One foot pressed against his cheek as he sniffed the other one, keeping his hands planted firmly on the floor as he did. His nostrils flared wide again and again as he sucked the smell deep into his lungs, his mouth hanging open and his tongue sliding out of his mouth, almost like a dog, as he enjoyed himself. He'd never felt this horny, never felt this aroused before, and the fact that his teacher was letting him -

"Just to check something...wake up."

A grinding, clicking feeling in his skull brought Havok out of his lustful trance, and he groaned as he blinked rapidly. "What...what just..."

The foot in his face made him pause, then slowly pull back, looking past the toes at Draconicon. Doing his best to ignore the sight of the black dragon erect and stroking himself, Havok said, "Did...did you just...make me..."

"Sniff all over my feet like a pup with a foot fetish?" The dragon's smile was just as silent as the laughter in Havok's head. "Oh yes...yes I did. And you know what? You didn't snap out of it at all. I think that we still have a lot of work to do before I'm done testing you, here.

"I hope your throat is experienced at taking big cocks, because unless you can snap out of it this time, you're taking mine down your throat."

Draconicon's eyes flashed again before Havok could protest, and once more he felt that pressure in his head. His hands flew up to the sides of his head, holding it as he groaned and muttered, fighting the pressure that was shoving his thoughts this way and that...making...making it so hard to think...

His thoughts...his thoughts...they were....staying...fleeing...sliding...shifting...


Havok's eyes flicked open again, the white dragon smiling as he slid forward, pushing the black dragon's legs apart. After getting a nod of approval from his teacher, he reached up, grabbing the base of Draconicon's cock, giving it a few soft strokes. "May I suck you, Master Draconicon?" Havok asked, cocking his head to the side. He licked his lips as he eyed that massive cock, over a foot of length to be shoved down his mouth, and the tip already covered with pre. "I want to make you cum down my throat so bad."

"Hehehehe....go ahead, Havok. Show me just how good you are at sucking cock. Do good enough, and Master will give you the chance to have it up your ass too," the black dragon said in his head.

"Oh, thank you, Master, thank you!" Havok said with a wide grin, meaning every word of it. He turned his head to the dragon's cock, swallowing the head of it into his mouth, and pulling inch after inch into his snout. The shaft itself was massively musky, and he could taste the pre along the length as well as on the head, panting and moaning at the taste, his own cock throbbing against his groin, getting harder the more of his master's cock he sucked.

The black dragon looked down at him, teeth exposed in a superior grin. "Mmmmm, it's going to be fun seeing just how much I can get out of you before you finally snap free. I wonder just what kind of humiliation it's going to take; anal, facials, exhibitionism, a slut walked through the park...there are so many different options."

Havok barely slowed his bobbing up and down Draconicon's cock, not in the least phased by the different possibilities for the future. Maybe he would break free, maybe not; even a submissive personality like his would eventually be pushed too far, and then he'd be allowed freedom, he supposed, though that thought was far, far away from him right now.

For the moment, he had his master's cock, and that was enough for him.

Swayed by the Sizwe

Swayed by the Sizwe By Draconicon A sudden bump along the dirt road shook the rough wooden cart, and the monkey prisoner once more found himself in the waking world as he bumped his head against the sides of his makeshift traveling prison. He...

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Stiff(y) at the Board

**Stiff(y) at the Board** **By Draconicon** Despite a lot of complaints, high school had a lot of good things going for it. There were interesting classes, sports teams that actually felt competitive, groups of people that actually had some maturity...

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In the Master's Stables

**In the Master's Stables** **By Draconicon** In the great bazaar surrounding the oasis of An-Suur, many things could be bought. Things that were banned from the markets of the world were laid out for those that could dare to traverse the desert,...

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