In the Master's Stables

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A little story done for LoneWolf69 over on FA. This is the first of the 15 commissions I picked up that I have to do. Hope you like the stream of other stuff.

In the Master's Stables

By Draconicon

In the great bazaar surrounding the oasis of An-Suur, many things could be bought. Things that were banned from the markets of the world were laid out for those that could dare to traverse the desert, and the laws of the world could not touch the merchants that sold such strange and wonderful and terrible things. Artifacts banned by the church; weapons that were banned by royal decree; even slaves that were banned in most countries were sold to those that were able to make it to An-Suur, and they were by far the greatest commodity bought and sold in the sandy marketplace.

Unlike the other slave markets in the world, the predominant species to be found were not one of the many animal people of the world, but humans. Kept in little more than loinclothes as the sun beat down on their bodies, they were bought and sold in bulk, slavers and generals both looking for numbers more than individual people. Many of the sellers treated their humans relatively well, but more to allow their stock to look good for sale than for any reason of kindness.

Among these human slaves had been a man named Nathan. His forehead, indeed most of his body was drenched in sweat, making him shine in the desert sun, and his brown hair was matted down against his head. Hard muscles stuck out against his lean frame, not enough to make him seem big, but enough to show that he was capable of taking care of himself. His loincloth hung over his front and his back, but only enough to hide the valley between his cheeks in the back, and just barely covering him in the front.

A rope hung from his neck, and he followed the length of it to the reddish brown furred hand that held it, guiding him along through the center of the market streets.

He'd been bought only an hour ago, and he had yet to learn much about his owner.

Of course, there'd been some things that he had learned almost immediately. His new master was a horse, a stallion named Mavis that apparently had some reputation throughout the market and in the desert in general for being an accomplished archer and explorer. The name had tickled at his memory slightly, but not enough to really bring to mind any further information.

It probably didn't matter too much, Nathan thought to himself. His master would tell him more if it was needed, and what wasn't brought up likely wasn't important.

Some of his fellow humans had been offended at being sold as slaves, many of them actually screaming and raving at their handlers and their new masters as the money was exchanged. They cried out about the injustice of it, how they couldn't be slaves, particularly not to the 'beasts' that they were being sold to. Some even tried to run when their rope and papers were handed over to their new owners. It never worked out, of course, but it was a mark of how desperate they were.

Nathan didn't understand their desperation, or even their anger. Then again, he'd been waiting to be sold as a slave for a while, traveling with the trader that held his papers for a while. It had gotten to the point where he'd wondered if someone would even want to buy him.

Slavery wasn't so bad, at least in his mind; in exchange for whatever work that the master wanted him to do, he was fed, housed, and on occasion, even clothed. The last one really depended on the master, of course; most of the slaves that shared his viewpoint had been sold and bought and sold again by masters that enjoyed keeping them naked rather than allowing them to go around in clothes. Nathan had no opinion on that one way or the other; as long as he wasn't being harmed, he was happy working in either nudity or clothes.

Of course, judging by his master's clothing style, he doubted that clothes would be a thing he needed to worry about.

Master Mavis walked about in a robe that went most of the way down his legs, stopping around his knees, and the stallion let the front hang open. Seeing the massive package hanging there when the horse had come into the slave tent had nearly made his jaw drop, and if he closed his eyes, it was still there in his mind's eye, just...hanging there, waiting for the slightest thing that might bring it to life and make it start to rise up, and show off just how big it could get.

The horse's mane flicked to the side lightly as Mavis turned his head, and Nathan quickly lowered his eyes, not wanting the horse to think that he was being too uppity or thinking thoughts too high above his station.

A clicking whinny of a laugh filled his ears, and the horse spoke softly. "Don't worry about admiring me," Mavis said with a smile on his muzzle. "I like to be admired; why do you think I leave myself so open to the world?" Still chuckling in that whinnying way, the stallion adjusted the bow on his back with his free hand before giving the rope a little tug. "Come, we're almost at my tent, and there I can give you a more thorough examination than I did back at your former owner's."

"Yes, Master," Nathan said with a small nod, following along quickly. He was thankful that the horse only used a rope around his neck, rather than tying his hands together, and more thankful that the leg shackles had been removed back at the slave tent. Despite Mavis's kindness, the horse's walk was a human's brisk jog, and it would have been very hard to keep up with his limbs bound in any way.

They passed by fruit and tool stands, by booths that sold weapons and gems; they walked around hawkers and shouters, callers and criers that declared their wares the best in the world. They might have even been right, but just as Mavis kept walking, Nathan was forced to keep following. For the best, he thought; slaves were not given money, so he could not have been anything but disappointed to look at the different stands.

He picked up his pace a little bit as he felt the sand start to burn against his feet. Bare, as slaves were not given sandals in the slave tent, they were heating up slowly as they walked along the sands of the market. It had been tolerable at first, but the longer that he was out in the open, the more that he felt the heat building against them. Panting, he looked around his master, looking for any tent that might have belonged to a traveler such as him. Something small, he would have thought, hastily propped up and put out of the way, so that the horse could travel quickly.

There was nothing of the sort, and Mavis surprised him by turning towards one of the larger tents. Nathan turned to follow, wondering if his new master had some more shopping in mind before they were to return to Mavis's tent.

It was a great purple tent, standing at least three times the height of the stallion, and looming over the other tents that stood near it. The top of it was adorned with a flickering banner, one that hung limp in the midday sun, unreadable for the moment. In front of the tent were two coyote guards, each one wearing a mixture of leather and hide armor and carrying spears to ward off those that might not be welcome.

Mavis approached them with a wave of his hand, and their muzzles twitched in the beginnings of a grin. "Hello, good men," the stallion said. "Have my things been laid out within?"

"They have, sir," the coyote on the right said with a slight bow of his head. He looked past the horse, meeting Nathan's eyes before turning to Mavis again. "Is this your new slave?"

"Yes, he is. I will be further examining him inside, provided everything is prepared."

"It is, sir, it is; you paid us plenty to make sure that it was," the coyote on the left said. They bowed in place, stepping to the sides of the tent entrance. "Shall we remain here to keep away any curious eyes?"

Mavis shook his head, waving his hand towards the bazaar. "There is no need, good men. Go and enjoy the bazaar and its attractions. Whatever eyes that come, I can handle myself." The horse reached to one pocket of his robe, pulling a few coins from it before tossing them to the guards. "Please, enjoy yourselves, as a favor to me."

With a bow and a nod of their heads, the coyote were off, almost running towards the many shops and booths and goods that were in the desert 'paradise', leaving the human and the horse alone.

Nathan could only stare as his master led him within the tent, his mind racing as he considered all that he had just seen. His master was much higher in life than he had initially thought. Not just famous, but either wealthy enough to afford both staff and a home like this, or with enough friends to be able to impose on them easily and without question. Either way, he felt himself both relieved and concerned at the same time. The stallion would be well off enough to be able to give him a good life in return for his service, but the question remained, would he? When it came to masters, the rich were the most chancy; either they were the benevolent sort that treated their slaves well, or they were the penny pinching misers that would harm a slave to save a half-copper. Which was Mavis, he wondered.

The purple flaps that covered the front of the tent brushed against his back, slightly drying him of sweat before allowing him into the shady interior. He sighed in relief, both at the feeling of the sun off of his back and of his feet off of the sand, closing his eyes to enjoy the soft feeling.

"Open your eyes, human," the horse said in a soft voice. "I wish you to see where you'll be spending the next few days before travel calls us away again."

He flushed lightly, opening his eyes at his master's request. "I'm sorry, Master, I was just...just..."

His words trailed off as the opulence of the tent washed over him, his jaw slowing and hanging open as he turned on the spot, taking in everything that was to be seen.

Whatever he had expected from the exterior of his master's tent had not been nearly sufficient to match reality. Great pillows and soft, plush seats were gathered at the edges of the room, with great fringes and tassels along the sides forming a curtain layer between some from the others. The great horse lounged at one end of the room, his hooves propped up along one pile of pillows, and his arms laid out to his side among others. His great sheath was plump and full, the head of his cock hanging out and forming a great contrast to reddish brown of his fur. Heavy, low-hanging, fat orbs hung along his thigh, the heat drawing them down as much as their weight.

In the shimmering light of the four braziers in the tent, Nathan could make out several other things. A great basin was laid out on one side of the room, filled to the brim with precious water. No doubt it would be for the stallion to bathe before the end of the day, to work out the oils that did not belong, and to remove the sands from his coat and tail and mane; Nathan could not imagine it would be for him.

The sole oddity to the luxurious tent, with hanging, transparent gauzy sheets, plush pillows of comfort, and burning incense was a small hole in the ground, off towards the left side of the tent. It wasn't deep, perhaps a foot down into the earth, and wide enough for a human such as himself to kneel in. The earth had been moved to the sides and kept from filling it up again with slots of wood shoved down into it, forming a strange sort of hole.

He looked to his master in puzzlement, but the stallion just smiled back at him. Holding out his hand, Mavis gestured Nathan forward, between the braziers in the middle of the tent. "Come. Let me see you up close," the great stallion said, that kind smile wide across his muzzle.

Walking forward as steadily as he could, Nathan kept his eyes fixed upon the horse's hooves as he stepped forward. As much as his master put himself on display, he had not heard the words of permission, had not been given leave to stare as much as he might have wished. The best place to look until he was given permission was the hooves; it would be the best way to show that he remembered his place.

The heat of the braziers at his sides made him break out into a new wave of sweat, lines of it running down his arms and his chest and back, the sudden moisture making him shiver slightly before he got himself under control. Smooth strands and strings of incense smoke broke into pieces as he walked through them, and he felt the smells fill his nose. Lavender, sandalwood, and even a hint of rose; they were strong smells, yet also relaxing, and he felt his shoulders and back loosen, relax as he approached his master.

He would have stopped at Mavis's feet, but the stallion shook his head as Nathan paused. "At my side," Mavis said, pointing lazily towards a spot that would put the human right beside the stallion.

A little worried that he might have done something wrong, Nathan did as he was instructed. He was all too conscious of the way that his body was trying to react to the stallion; all slaves were 'trained' to be willing to their masters bidding, no matter what it might be, and many of them were very fond of...other things...that their master might want them to do.

Nathan was no exception, a slave that wished to serve in any capacity, and he was fighting the way his body wanted to react to the horse before him. The loincloth that covered his front suddenly felt far too small, and for the first time, he cursed the smoothness of the leather that allowed him some slight modesty; if it had been rough, at least the brushing over his genitals would have been uncomfortable rather than stimulating.

Despite his best efforts, by the time that he stood at the stallion's left side, Nathan could feel that he had risen to at least partial hardness, and he didn't need to look down to know that his loincloth was starting to rise. He begged the gods of the desert, the sun, the sky, the earth, the water; any that he could think of, he begged for them to strike his master blind to this development. Just because he had been bought as a slave didn't mean that the master had that sort of inclination, and he didn't want to be -

"Now, let me get a closer look at you, human," the horse said, and his fingers grabbed Nathan by the testicles, holding them in fingers that were tipped bluntly but were surprisingly gentle and dexterous.

It took all of his self control to not jump as his sac was held by his master, and he curled his toes into the earth below as they were rolled along in the stallion's palm, felt, fondled, and squeezed gently. His shaft was unable to ignore the feelings, rapidly rising up and hardening against the meager flap of smooth leather that covered it. Nathan did not clench his fists, did not dare to do it in case it seemed a show of defiance against the horse.

Instead, he stood still as his master fondled him, tested him. When his testicles were bounced up and down in the horse's hand, he had to bite his lips to hold back a gasp of pleasure, and when the master let go of it to stroke a finger along the underside of Nathan's shaft, he had to bite his tongue. But even the pain from that was not enough to stop his too-long ignored shaft from beginning to leak.

"I see that the slave traders are still enforcing their chastity rules," Mavis said with a small chuckle. The horse leaned on his free hand while he continued to trail his finger along the twitching, leaking human shaft. "I can't say that I entirely approve, but it is always so fascinating to see your kind turn into fountains when you have been left alone so long."

"I...I am glad I...can bring you...fascination," Nathan said, his face erupting in a massive blush as the horse's fingers traveled all the way up to the tip of his penis. The blunt tip of his master's finger rubbed along his foreskin, tugging on it gently before it reached the slit at the very top of his shaft. He shuddered, trembled in pleasure as his pre caused that fingertip to slide along his member, almost threatening to dip past his foreskin and rub the part of his tip still covered by it.

Before that could happen, however, the horse pulled his finger back. Even with his eyes half closed, Nathan could feel his master's eyes on him, looking at his shaft sticking out from underneath his loincloth. The flap of 'clothing' had lost all point and purpose, as he was too hard, too erect to be concealed. He blushed softly to himself, forcing his eyes all the way open. "I...Forgive me, master, I did not mean to -"

"No apologies are necessary, human," the horse said, a little hint of a laugh to his voice as he looked at the erection facing him. "Of course, I think we will need to get you soft again for what I had wished to give you, but I think we may both have fun with that, don't you?"

"I...I am at your service, Master," Nathan said, hesitating in his confusion. This horse...he was not behaving in any way like he'd expected. Nathan was forced to admit that he was a little bit at a loss for how to handle it.

But as he half-expected, the horse took the reigns again, lazily turning his finger in a circle. "Face towards the tent entrance, human," Mavis said.

As he did, the horse's fingers returned to his shaft, but rather than simply running a finger along the slight bulge on the underside, they wrapped around his member tightly. Nathan's had just enough time to go wide-eyed before his master started deliberately, slowly stroking his shaft.

He couldn't believe how good a simple hand along his penis felt, and he could barely stop himself from bucking forward against the slow stroking. It had been so long since he'd had any stimulation; in the slave tents, slaves were kept with their hands tied up when they were alone, so that they might not spill anything without supervision. Even when they were allowed, they were further conditioned with a finger in their holes, their excess seed milked away without the pleasure of a true orgasm.

The feeling of his foreskin sliding up, over the tip of his shaft, and then pulled back, exposing the head, nearly took his breath away after so long. He panted rapidly, moaning loudly as the horse's other hand cupped his balls lightly. "Ooh...oh are going...going to -"

"I know, human," Mavis said, smiling in a kindly way. "I want you to."

He was unable to stop himself, bucking his hips forward against the master's next slow stroke. His shaft leaked, dripping both to the floor and down along the underside of his penis. He knew that it was against most rules for a slave to get his master 'dirty', but there was no way for him to avoid it.

But it seemed that the master did not mind the feeling. If anything, the horse seemed almost excited at Nathan's leaking shaft, stroking him faster, harder. "That's it, human...let it out...let it out for your master," Mavis said, and Nathan could not miss the excitement in the horse's voice as his master encouraged him on towards his first real orgasm in years.

Over his member the horse's hand slid, slick with the human's pre. It went all the way from the base of his shaft all the way to the tip, the slick palm rubbing his head directly before heading back down along the length, leaving Nathan weak in the knees as it continued sliding up and down, up and down, each stroke dragging a little more pre out of his length and making him that much hornier.

Sometime in the handjob, he lost control, bucking his hips back and forth. He could not stop himself as he slammed his member in and out of the horse's grip, rapidly bucking against it like a man gone mad, or like a beast of the desert; it had been too long, and he needed it, needed it now.

Finally, he reached his peak. With a soft moan, he thrust forward one more time, his member exploding with seed. It flew through the air, shooting several feet forward before landing on the ground again, near the closer pair of braziers. One, two, three shots of long-restrained seed landed on the floor before his shaft stopped squirting, the remaining liquid just oozing down along his length towards the horse's hand.

Mavis held his hand there for a minute or two beyond Nathan's orgasm, and the human half wondered if the horse's grip was all that was helping him stay upright; that orgasm had nearly knocked him off his feet, the pleasure so strong that he could barely hold himself together.

Finally, the horse's hand was removed from his member, and Nathan felt it slap down against his sac, hanging limp again. It was almost a relief after that to be able to be soft.

With his clean hand, the horse reached into another pocket of his robe, and pulled out something that made the human wake up again, staring.

In Mavis's hand was a ring, too big to be something worn on a finger or toe, and too small to be something for the wrist or ankle. It was mixed gold and silver, a band of the former in the middle surrounded by bands of the former at the edges. The firelight of the brazier sparkled off of a few small gems that were inset in the golden layer, and it looked to have been a very expensive piece of jewelry.

"Face me, human," the horse said.

As soon as Nathan had turned to face him, his master grabbed him by the shaft and testicles. In a move almost too quick to be seen, Mavis had slipped the ring around both his sac and shaft, and had the ring tightly in place against the human's groin. Already, Nathan could feel a little more blood heading towards his groin, and he shuddered softly at the sensation, more pleasurable than he expected.

Mavis looked up at him, the same smile that had been on his face for the entire time somehow growing larger. "It is good to have a human slave; I have wanted one for quite a while. I've saved this ring for when I finally had the chance to get one."

"W-why a human...a human slave, Master?" Nathan managed to get himself to ask.

Chuckling, Mavis shrugged his shoulders. "I have always had a soft spot, a special liking for your kind, human; there's something about your bodies, your voices, your general species that entices me. I don't understand why." The horse smiled, lightly flicking a finger against Nathan's rising shaft. 'Then again, do we need to understand why we love the things we do?"

"I...I guess not, Master," he said with a small nod. "How may...I..."

His question of how he might serve his master was silenced as a new smell began to rise to his nose, a soft but growing musk. It was almost familiar, something that he'd smelled around the slave tents, but somewhat different as well. Kind of like a stable, but more...civilized, in a way, less brutally animal, but still with that same strength and virility.

Looking to find the source of it was what had silenced him, and for good reason. A glance to Mavis's groin - something he had done before he could stop himself - revealed the source and so much more. A massive shaft had risen from the horse's sheath, pulsing and throbbing before his eyes as it went from half hard to fully, throbbing, ragingly erect. The length itself was smooth, but the head was changing, shifting, the tip flattening out before his eyes as the master's shaft got bigger, and bigger.

Another little finger stroke along his shaft reminded Nathan that he was staring, and he looked away, up to the amused semi-smirk on Mavis's face. "I...I'm sorry, Master, I won't -"

"You will stare again, little human, and I will enjoy it again next time as well." The horse stood up from his throne of cushions and pillows, gently putting a hand on Nathan's back and guiding him towards the little hole on the other side of the tent. "But for now, we have something else to do to make your new station official."

"Official?" Nathan asked. He stepped into the hole as he was directed, going bright red as he was pushed down a little bit until he was face to face with the horse's throbbing shaft. He felt a little drop land in his hair, but he held himself still; he didn't need to touch it to know that his master was dripping pre on top of him.

"Hmmm, official might be a little strong for it, I admit. Let's say that it's making it official for me," Mavis said. "And besides...I think we'll both enjoy this."

Watching as the horse's shaft was pointed downwards, Nathan couldn't help but take in all the details of his master's length as it was pointed towards him. The shaft was thick, and monochrome, rather than the more bestial shafts that the draft horses had around the bazaar. He could swear that parts of it would be larger than his hand in diameter, though at least he was sure that he would be able to work the tip with his mouth.

The tip...

It dripped as it was held in front of his face, the rounded, flattened head slick with the horse's pre, and droplets of his master's juices slipped from the head into the little hole that he stood in. The command was so clear that there was no need for Mavis to say anything; Nathan knew his duty.

He even looked forward to it.

Licking his lips, Nathan put the tip of the master's shaft against his lips, kissing it repeatedly before allowing it into his mouth. Flared wide, the tip was only just able to pass under his teeth, and only after he opened his mouth as wide as he could. He was thankful that the rest of the shaft was a little bit thinner under the head, but he didn't dare take too much of it; it was too large for him to be able to take it yet. Maybe in the future, after he was used to taking something so big, but not today.

The taste of the master's pre made him moan softly around the thick member, his lips buzzing lightly along the length between them. He bobbed his head forward, sliding an inch, two, three into his mouth before he pulled back, panting as the massive thing forced a piston effect in his mouth, pulling his cheeks inwards by sheer air pressure and then pushing them outwards by the same effect as he moved up and down the length.

His tongue flicked back and forth insistently. It was unable to circle around the entire tip; that was too big, and when he slid forward along Mavis's shaft, the tip pinned his tongue down solidly, preventing it from moving. But when he had just that head in his mouth, he attacked the flattened top with his tongue, licking it all over, dragging his tongue along the spongy surface of the head. He even pushed the tip of his tongue against the wide hole in the head, sucking and slurping the horse's pre directly from the source.

Below his waist, he could feel his own member rising up in response to the soft musk, the taste of another's shaft, and the feeling of pre running down his throat. Nathan moaned again, sliding forward to take a fourth inch into his mouth, feeling a near desperation to please his master, to bring him to an orgasm just as explosive as his own. The need was new, a craving that he had never felt to this extent, and for a moment, it almost scared him how devoted he was to his master's pleasure already.

And it was showing results. The horse's breath was speeding up, going from calm huffs to more frantic pants, and he could see the horse's legs twitching as his master was kind enough to not just ram the thing down his throat. He reached up slowly, cautiously, pressing his hands to the stallion's legs, rubbing, squeezing them gently in thanks.

The horse looked down at him, and with his lips stretched wide around the stallion's shaft, Nathan looked back up. He met Mavis's eyes on purpose, doing his best to express the need he felt to bring pleasure and happiness to the stallion, gasping as he took another inch into his mouth. The tip tickled the back of his throat, right on the verge of what he could take, but he held himself there anyway, fighting his gag reflex.

His master smiled, nodding at him in approval, and Nathan felt his lips quirking, trying to smile back around the massive shaft in his mouth as the horse patted him on the head.

He turned his attention back to the thickness between his lips, his tongue working on it as much as he could, and he sucked and swallowed around it as best he could. The musky scent of the stallion's crotch was almost overwhelming, making him shudder and moan in desperate need. His fingers tightened around his master's thighs, almost as much to keep himself from reaching down and touching himself as to show his master his devotion.

The master had remarkable stamina; by the time that Mavis's shaft pulsed in the way that told Nathan his master was going to cum, he'd been sucking on him for nearly half an hour. While the musk and the taste was wonderful, there was some slight relief as the horse started pulling back, his jaws begging for the relief to close for a few moments.

The first spurt of seed landed on his tongue, and a tremble ran through the human's body at the taste. It was hot, salty, and altogether wonderful to the taste. He already knew that he would do this again, to get that taste again in addition to pleasuring his master. He almost wished that his master would have shot the rest of his load into his mouth instead of pulling out.

Spurt after spurt of hot seed flashed through the air before landing on his face, each one making his master's cock bounce and pulse with the force that they shot out. Nathan panted hard, holding his hands out to catch any of the drops that fell from his face, licking his hands clean as they filled before holding them out to catch anything else.

Splat, splat, splat went the horse's orgasm, and he felt more and more of his face getting covered by the white goo. If he'd been backed up, then his master had been positively dammed up, holding back for something very special. Nathan grinned wide as he was almost submerged in his master's orgasm, feeling the strings of the white seed landing in his hair, settling between the strands, flying into his mouth, over his nose and cheeks. It stuck to him, slowly oozing down his face, dripping from his jawline and falling onto his chest or to the ground below.

He looked up at his panting, satisfied master, smiling. "Have I...become your slave...officially now, Master?" Nathan asked, shuddering as he did, gasping to catch his breath.

"Mmmm, almost, my human," the horse said with a slight nod of his head. "Almost. There is one more thing that I have to do."

"What is that, Master?" he asked.

"I must mark you as mine."

Marking...the thought had never crossed his mind, but it should have. A master, particularly of the animal sort, would always mark his property in some way. For some, it was jewelry or a branding. But...the way that Mavis was still aiming his shaft down at him, he knew it would be something else. Something much warmer, and something that, to most people, would be very humiliating.

To Nathan, it was just another way for him to serve his master.

The last of the horse's seed was blasted from his shaft as a high pressure yellow stream burst from tip of Mavis's shaft, the hot 'mark' spreading all over his face. Nathan gasped through the liquid, feeling some of it splashing into his mouth, over his cheeks and hair. The gooey strands of the horse's seed was carried away by the powerful drenching force of the urine spray.

He understood the point of this hole, now; it would allow the liquid to flow away, soak into the earth and be buried so that it might not trouble the master so much later. Nathan admitted it worked well, and it put him into his place as a slave very well.

The hot liquid splashed over his face, his chest; it ran down his muscles, dripping off of his limbs and falling to the ground. He panted, shuddered at the feeling of being completely marked, completely made into the slave of this magnificent stallion. The smell of it completely coated his body in seconds, and with each passing moment, he could feel the scent of the master's urine soaking into his body that much more, even overwhelming the scent of the cum that had sprayed over him a second before.

The stallion even sprayed him along his crotch, marking Nathan's shaft with his scent, showing his total ownership of the human. Even the human's member, something usually allowed for a slave to keep control of, was to be nothing but another thing for the horse to play with. The thought was enough to make him throb with need, and he barely managed to keep his hands from going to his crotch. This was good...

But...he wanted something more.

Looking up through the yellow stream raining down on him, marking him from head to toes and leaving his feet in a rapidly growing mud puddle, Nathan decided to take the initiative. He wanted Master Mavis to be proud of him, and this was the best way for him to show it.

Leaning up through the stream, getting his face soaked with the master's urine, Nathan opened his mouth wide and pulled the horse's shaft back into his mouth. Now that it was soft, it was much easier to fit between his jaws, and he didn't have to strain as much to keep his teeth away from the sensitive horse member.

He saw his master looking at him in surprise as he started gulping down his master's urine. The first few mouthfuls were hard to take, but Nathan forced himself to let his mouth fill all the to the brim before swallowing it down, forcing himself to get used to the taste. It was bitter, and salty, but after the first few mouthfuls, it wasn't that bad.

Mavis continued to let loose for about half a minute more, and both of them stared at each other, Mavis in some surprise and satisfaction, and Nathan in devotion. He would have smiled if he could, even with the taste in his mouth, to show his master that he enjoyed what he was doing for him.

When the flow of urine finally slowed down to a trickle, Nathan waited, letting the bitter, hot liquid fill his mouth as much as it could. He swished it back and forth, teasing his master's length with the moving water in his mouth, and smiled a little as he saw a little twitch at the base of the horse's shaft, right at where it attached to the master's sheath.

Slowly, Nathan pulled back, letting the master's length flop out of his mouth. He held his head back, opening his mouth for Mavis to see his mouth was still full of his urine, and then slowly swallowed it down. The warmth ran down the back of his throat, sliding into his stomach with a feeling of a splash. It was very full, and he felt like it was sloshing about inside of him as he bowed to his master, but he felt proud of himself.

Mavis looked at him with a smile as he stood up again. Strong, soft furred arms reached down and gently pulled him out of the hole. "Now, little Nathan, you're my official slave," Mavis said with that same smile he'd had almost the entire time. His big, strong arms wrapped around Nathan's back, pulling him in close. The horse didn't seem bothered by the smell or wetness of his seed or his 'mark' on the human; there was no hesitation, just an embrace.

He held his master tightly, sighing into that soft furred chest. This...this was going to be a good life, he thought.

Writing Stream 2: Wheel of Fetish

**Punished by his Lord** **For Greaver** Lord Greaver looked down at the pale human that had been brought before him. He didn't know the crime that the bound creature had committed; likely as not it had been poaching. A great deal of that had been...

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The Park of Mirari: Chapter 10 and Epilogue (FINAL)

**Chapter 10: The Final Showdown** David whirled around at the voice, getting back to his feet in an instant to glare at the man who had ruined his life. "Come down here, and I'll show you just what I'm here for!" he shouted at the top of his...

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The Park of Mirari: Chapter 9

**Chapter 9: The Climb** As the door closed, internal lights suddenly clicked on. The sudden burst of light was almost enough to blind David, and would have if he hadn't thrown his hands up in front of his face with a yelp of pain. The crashing sound...

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