The Park of Mirari: Chapter 9

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The 9th chapter of the Park of Mirari, in which David nearly transforms, and the final confrontation looms on David and Adam's minds.

We're down to the home stretch, almost there now.

Chapter 9: The Climb

As the door closed, internal lights suddenly clicked on. The sudden burst of light was almost enough to blind David, and would have if he hadn't thrown his hands up in front of his face with a yelp of pain. The crashing sound of a sign hitting the floor told him that Adam had a similar reaction, and could just barely hear a few tinier signs hitting the ground. Small ones that would be little whimpers that didn't need bigger signs? Would make as much sense as anything else in this park.

Rubbing his eyes rapidly to try and get rid of the blurriness that they were plagued by, he slowly managed to open them.

At first, he could see almost nothing but white, with brighter white coming from multiple points along the walls and the least, what he assumed were the walls and the ceiling. Despite blinking again and again, he couldn't make out the fine details through all the white, and the best he could do was tell that the lights were coming from something in the distance.

As his eyes slowly got used to the light after spending hours in the darkness, he realized that they were in trouble.

The ground was covered with different panels, each one marked with a different sort of symbol on them, and from the ceiling, dozens of lasers pointed towards the ground. Every one of them twitched slightly from side to side, fanning a line about a foot, perhaps two wide, and they formed a near impenetrable looking barrier across the floor.

His eyes shifted right, then left, spotting small lenses on the walls along the length of the room. They seemed to be mounted on something, allowing them to turn a bit. Not that they needed to, as the entire wall to the left and right of the paneled floor were covered from floor to ceiling in those lenses. Whether they were cameras or some sort of projectors, they would be able to cover the entirety of the floor.

If the lasers served as alarms, David would bet that the lenses were projectors, and if they were projectors, what they'd project was obvious.

The only remaining question was in regard to the symbols on the panels. What did they mean?

They looked very odd, ranging from a simple square to a three sided shape that pointed up, down, left or right, to Vs that pointed in the same directions. Some of them had dots, some didn't; some of them were even squares that were halved, looking like corners on a tic-tac-toe board. Each one was engraved deep onto the panel so that there was no mistaking just what it was, no way for it to be washed clean.

Not that he imagined that was a worry around here, but still.

The thing was, the symbols almost looked familiar, but no matter how much he tried to bring to mind why, their meaning escaped him. He turned his head to Adam, nodding towards the panels. "Any idea what those are supposed to mean?" he asked.

"No idea," the coyote's sign said immediately. The room suddenly shook, knocking the sign out of his hand, only to be replaced by another one a second later. "But I think someone's about to tell us."

Continuing to rumble, the room suddenly began to pull at them, the floor tugging inwards towards the other side of the room. David and Adam rapidly backpedaled, trying to keep themselves from being sucked too far forward with only moderate success; they were able to keep from being pulled onto the panels, but they were tugged right to the edge of the apparently safe, empty part of the floor.

On the other side of the panels, a bump rose from the collected pieces of floor, slowly rising up higher and higher. Though it was more than a hundred feet away, David could make out what looked like a human body moving around beneath the floor pieces, almost as though it was just -

It suddenly split, and from the ruins of the bubble stepped out a woman. Not a human woman, but one made of wires, of circuit boards, of stone, pavement, metal and wood. She had a face that was flat as a board, with two eyes, one a blinking red and the other a solid green, and as she spoke, her voice came from a speaker in her chest rather than from anything resembling a mouth.

"So, the two finalists have reached the Tower. How wonderful," the voice said, flat, monotone, yet slightly feminine even so. "This is the first time that I've had a chance to talk to those that wander my body for a very long time. Such a pity that I don't have anything to say to you.

"As you may have hypothesized, I am Mirari. The park that you wander. And should there be any fairness, the one that will relieve you of the last of your humanity."

The two of them stared back at her at that announcement. David's mouth worked, words making it to his tongue before stopping unsaid, while several empty signs appeared in Adam's hands before falling to the floor. After all, what did you say to something like that.

"You are allowed three questions before I will become silent again. You should use them well," Mirari said, crossing stone arms across an electronic chest, a monitor just under her chin beeping slightly to keep the room from becoming totally silent.

They looked at each other, eyes meeting for a second before David stepped forward. Adam didn't protest, nor did he step up to join David, so he assumed that the coyote was giving his approval for him to take the lead. He just hoped that he didn't screw it up.

Looking at Mirari, he asked, "Why is it that you can't simply transform us now? The full reason, not just that the rules stop you."

"I am bound by the Rules of Wonder, just as my creator is. There is no room to deny the Rules; once a Wonder has become, they are bound. It is not simply a matter of choosing to obey the rules; it is a requirement, a force to make us do it. There is only the ability to find loopholes between the rules that allow a Wonder free will in any matter." Mirari's monotone voice continued, though there was a slight shift in the light colors coming off of her chest and neck as she continued. "If I were allowed, you would have been transformed the moment you touched me; the feeling of human beings walking about on top of me is intolerable. Only by transforming them to something different does the itch go away.

"To my relief, I am sure that the two of you will shortly be transformed. My creator has allowed me the chance to turn the both of you before you reach him on the third floor of the Tower." She almost seemed to smile, though it was hard to tell with a machine. "That is one question. You have two remaining."

Well, that was interesting enough, though perhaps it might have been a wasted question. At least he didn't have to ask what the lasers and other stuff did; even if he didn't already know that they were going to be transformed if they screwed up, Mirari had confirmed it. One saved, he supposed.

The tiles. That's what he had to know about next. "What do the symbols on the tiles mean?" David asked.

"The tiles are engraved with the symbols of the PigPen Code. They were formerly inscribed in Sanskrit, but my master believed that it was time to become more modern. They are more simple than I would like, but it is what it is." Mirari's shoulders moved up and down as if on hydraulic lifts, settling into place again after a second. "If you do not know the PigPen code, then you may ask for a definition of it, but it will waste your final question."

The PigPen code...

David thought back to college again. Back in the library, one of the few times that he'd gone there for something other than a school project during his first quarter. He'd still thought of his friendship with Ashley and Bailey as something almost like a club, and he'd been looking for something that might be good for secret messages. He'd even checked out a cryptography book, something that he'd never done since after seeing how silly some of the codes were.

The thought of secret messages died less than a week after that, but he still remembered some of the codes. Turning his head to the symbols again, he started to figure out what they were. There, the half square, with the bottom line and the right line connected; that one meant A...and the three sided square, with the top line missing, that was B...

It didn't take him long to remind himself of the meaning behind the symbols, and a small smile started to grow on his face. "I don't need to ask what the code is; I remember it."

"Fascinating," Mirari's electronic voice said, somehow managing to inject sarcasm into the word without actually changing the tone or volume. "You have a final question remaining. What is it?"

That was the question, wasn't it? He could ask how he was supposed to get across, but that would allow Mirari to say something vague, like walk across the tiles or something that was equally unhelpful. And if he asked how to get across the tiles safely, she could answer sarcastically...maybe. He didn't know the limits on her. She looked like a machine, but she wasn't entirely acting like one.

Turning his head, David looked at Adam, not daring to ask a question out loud just in case it was taken as his last one. With a look, he asked if Adam had any ideas.

After a moment of thought, the coyote stepped up to the border between floor and panels. A sign appeared in his hands, big enough that he actually strained to hold it up over his head.

David could see why, too; the whole thing was covered with text, and considering the distance between them and Mirari, it must have been made bigger to allow for the text to be seen on the other side. It was in a single long, run-on sentence that nevertheless nailed down each question that needed to be asked.

"Provided that there is a safe route across the floor, what are the specific directions to traversing the route along the order the specific panels must be touched to avoid being changed on our way to the other side, as well as directions as to avoid anything hidden along the walls or the floor?"

The sign wobbled back and forth before eventually falling to the floor, but the question was asked. And probably in the best way possible, David thought; since it was written down and there were no periods or question marks until the end, the whole thing could technically be considered a single question rather than a series of them linked together. A good lawyer could argue that it wasn't, he supposed, but he doubted that Mirari would be able to do something like that.

She looked at them with enough annoyance that David knew his guess was confirmed. The answer spilled from her voicebox slowly, reluctantly, but it nevertheless came. "To cross the floor safely, the phrase, 'A new life is mine' must be spelled out on the panels. There is a computer below, reading the input, and if you step to the other side without spelling the phrase out - without spaces - you will be transformed. If you mis-spell it, you will be transformed. If you step off of the panels once you step on before completing the phrase, you will be transformed. If you remain on top of a single tile for more than five seconds, you will be transformed. If you are touched by one of the lasers, you will be transformed.

"That is all I can tell you of how to get to the opposite side. You have asked your three questions. I am no longer obliged to speak with you. So I will say this, and then become silent. I request that you give up, surrender, so that I might transform you and finally have relief from the last humans still causing me annoyance."

David winced at Mirari's request. Not just because of the rude bluntness of it - though that was painful enough - but also because it confirmed what he'd already guessed. They were the last two; Bailey had been taken care of outside of the Tower, probably having lost his memories just like Ashley and Cari and everyone else. He had to lean against Adam for a moment to steady himself, shaking his head as he was reminded of how much he lost.

Taking a few deep breaths, he turned to the coyote. "Do you know the code?" he asked.

", no I don't." Adam's sign dropped, and another came up. "You do though. Quick lesson?"

"Yeah, I probably should," he said.

It didn't take long to teach Adam the PigPen code; it was a pretty simple one, meant to be able to be written down and understood quickly by those that looked at it. Four sets of symbols, for the first nine, second four, third nine, and fourth four letters of the alphabet. A-I were in a tic-tac-toe shape, with E in the center and A in the top-left; J-M were in an x shape, with J at the left and M at the bottom; N-V were in the same shape as A-I, just with a dot added in each section, and W-Z were the same as J-M, just with a dot in each segment. Simple enough, just repetitive.

When he was sure that Adam understood the code, he turned back to the panels. "So...A new life is mine..." David muttered.

There were four different A panels in the front row, but only three Ns in the three rows past that...and Es were scarcer still..."This is going to be interesting." He didn't dare just leap onto the panels; just because he could read the code didn't mean that he would be able to spot the path on the fly, particularly not with the lasers that could cause more transformations if touched. And if he did delay too long, Mirari already told him what would happen with that.

No, better to plan out the path while they were still in the safe zone, and then hope for the best.

Eventually, David was able to pick out a path that ran along the middle, then the right side of the panels. He pointed each one out to Adam, making sure that the coyote saw every one of the panels, and made doubly sure that Adam would be able to recognize each letter on the way there. "And whatever you do," David added, "do not try to talk. I don't know if dropping a sign on a panel will count as stepping on it, but if a computer is reading the steps, let's not tempt fate."

"Got it," Adam's sign said. He dropped it behind him on top of the giant one, then held up another one. "Do you want to go first, or me?"

"Well..." He looked over at the other side, and then down at the panels. They weren't large, by any means; maybe a foot on each side. He looked from them to the coyote's feet, and shook his head. Those things were utterly huge, to the point where it was entirely likely that Adam was going to have to do this on his tiptoes at some points, if not all the way through. "I think I want to go first. You're close to changing than me, and if you change partway across, I don't need to be running from you at the same time that I'm making my way across the puzzle." He winced saying that, shaking his head. "Please don't be offended; I just -"

"Don't worry about it," a pop-up sign read, a bigger one following. "I understand, basic precautions. Just because I look like Wile E. doesn't mean I've lost my common sense...yet."

"Thanks." David sighed, and leaped on top of the A panel near the middle of the panel cluster. The laser blocking the N was already off to the side, so he made another jump, landing with a slight wobble before catching his footing. Thankfully, the pads on the bottoms of his feet gave him a little more friction than human feet would have, so he was able to keep his balance.

The lasers were going to be a big problem, he could already tell; they swept back and forth about a foot, maybe two in some cases, and they were placed at the most inconvenient areas. Worse than that, they were moving at a speed that meant it took three seconds from them to go from one side of their sweep to the other, costing valuable time.

He leaped back and forth between the tiles, grabbing his tail and pulling it up against his chest after he nearly swept it against a laser leaping from the W of 'new' to the L of 'life'.

And that's where things started to get tricky.

David had the path memorized. The next letter, an I, was just a few feet to the right. Not an easy jump, but a doable one. He gathered himself to make the leap -

  • and stopped as he realized that it wasn't an I he was looking at.

In the space of a second, the panels lifted and flipped over, all of the letters that he'd memorized disappearing and replaced with a new array. Though still in PigPen, the letters were strewn across the room in a completely different pattern, the path he'd been following obliterated.

This was not going to be as easy as he thought, David realized as he finally spotted an I. He leaped for it as fast as he could, hoping that he'd not stayed on the L for too long, and closed his eyes as he flew right past a laser that came all too close to zapping his chest.

He felt the panel under his foot sink down like the others before it, and sighed in relief as he stood on one foot. "Oh, crap crap crap crap," David muttered under his breath. "Can't...give"

Mirari watched with those blinking eyes as David searched out the next letters. F...F...THERE! He leaped again, all too conscious of the five second time limit that was trying to catch up with him every time he landed. His eyes already were moving around, trying to find the E for the next leap.

It was a frantic dance, avoiding lasers and finding letters that were both in reach and not completely blocked off by the lasers dancing along the panels. Even instantly recognizing the symbols for the letters they were, David was having a hard time finding where he could go without losing his footing. Several times he made a false start, only barely keeping from losing his balance and falling back, and just getting off of the panel in time.

Finally, he'd reached the second to last letter, an N that was only a pace away from the last row. It was an easy jump. He just needed to find the E that he needed to press before getting off.

There. A quick leap, the feeling of it sinking under his toes, and he jumped off of the panels, huffing, puffing, and catching his breath. He leaned forward, fingers tightening around his knees and bunching his jeans up as he sucked in air.

"Splendid. You made it across. How wonderful." Mirari shook her head lightly. "One of you will proceed, at least. The other is yet to be seen. Go to the elevator at the end of the room and wait."


"Go to the elevator. This will not be repeated, and further arguments will be viewed as a Violation, a Violation punishable by me instead of my creator." A stone arm pointed towards a sliding door at the wall. "There. Go. Now."

He flicked a glance down at the other end. Adam was looking at the panels with mixed worry and thoughtfulness, but there was no panic like David had worried about. He just hoped that the coyote had learned the pattern well enough to be able to make it to the other side; if he hadn't, then there was nothing that David could do to help him.

Stepping into the elevator, David almost jumped out of his skin as the door suddenly slammed shut behind him. He whirled around, pressing his hands against it, desperately fumbling for a handle, a knob, anything that might open it up, but the door was smooth. Not only was there no handle or anything of the sort, but there wasn't even a seem where the door and the chamber met together. A few little holes in the door - not big enough to see through, but enough to see - gave him a little light and promised that he'd have enough air to work with, but he couldn't stop himself from battering against the wall, trying to get the panel to open.

Then he heard the sound of the panels clicking, the sound that they made when they were stepped on. Adam must have just started making his way across.

Every sound made David wince, wondering if something was going wrong out there, if Adam had slipped up. The whirring of lasers, the clicking of the tiles, the shifting slide as the tiles rearranged themselves again; they all combined to make him wonder if he was hearing things right or if there was something bad happening. He knew that Mirari would forgive no errors; if Adam made the slightest slip up, he'd be gone.

And David didn't think he could take on Rannoi without at least a little back up. A distraction, a second pair of hands, something that would keep the attention not all on him.

More than that, though, he didn't know if he could take losing one more person. There was little enough hope left, and Adam had most of it wrapped up in him. He...honestly didn't know what would happen if he lost his last friend.

Time stretched on and on, and the sounds from outside got louder and louder. It was made worse by the fact that both of them were silent; Adam couldn't talk, and Mirari obviously wouldn't. No sounds of pain, or triumph, or anything that would tell him just how it was going, just the sounds of the machinery. He broke out in a sweat, sliding down the elevator wall, looking at the door as he held onto his legs in worry.

Silence. The clicking, the shifting and sliding and whirring; it just all of a sudden went quiet. The sound of footsteps interrupted it a second later, and David slowly lifted his head to look at the door.

It slid open, and on the other side, Adam stood with a smile on his canine face. He held up a sign with a cocky smirk. "Piece of cake," it said, and David couldn't help but grin as Adam threw it over his shoulder, hitting Mirari on the side of the head.

The door closed behind the coyote before the embodiment of the park could say anything about that, and David sighed, a deep breath of relief leaving his body as the elevator started going up. They still had a chance. And just one more floor...just one more...and they'd be dealing with Rannoi.

Of course, that left the question of just what was waiting for them on the second floor, he thought to himself.

They continued to rise upwards, the elevator moving slowly but with a rattle, sending little vibrations through the floor. There was no sign of just how high they were going, but the elevator kept moving, rising higher and higher from the ground.

It might have been twenty feet - the best he could guess of the height of the first floor - or it might have been much more. It was impossible to tell. But it was clear that they were on the next floor as the door opened up.

This one was not as well lit as the first floor, but there was still some light to see, mostly in the form of a red glow coming off of the walls. It illuminated it, but made the room feel hellish, hot, and cramped, the rounded interior feeling smaller than it actually was, almost like a cage instead of a floor in the massive Tower.

Of course, the presence of three Transformed on the floor didn't help with things, either.

David went wide eyed at the three of them. None of them were familiar from the horde that he'd seen before, though the alligator of the group had similar anatomy to the one that had been fucking Cari's throat back at the sailing ride. In other words, he was big, he was heavily muscled, and sticking out from a slit in his groin was a cock that dripped and throbbed with enough arousal for three men.

The other two were different. One of them was a creature that he had only seen in a television show, some sort of Digimon. It had purple skin everywhere, except for on its face and its hands, which were painted white and covered with red gloves respectively. He floated over the ground, giggling, a cock about the length of David's hand from wrist to fingertips sticking out. An Impmon, he thought to himself, though he could only barely remember the show after this long.

At the left side of the room was a more normal creature. At least, more normal in comparison to the Digimon. The creature looked like the other Transformed, a human and animal mix, this one a mix of human and coyote. Sort of like Adam, he thought, if Adam looked less cartoony and more realistic. A light brown fuzz covered the coyote from head to toe, and he walked on digitigrade legs, paw toes wiggling as the coyote seemed to get ready to pounce.

"" David asked.

Adam nodded.

It was the only real choice, David thought to himself as they leaped out of the elevator, running as fast as their feet could carry them towards the other side of the room, towards the open elevator. Neither of them were strong enough to fight off a group of Transformed that outnumbered them, particularly when one of them had more bulk and muscle than the two of them put together. Against one, maybe, but against two, most likely not. Three was completely out of the question.

David made it halfway across the room before he realized something was wrong. Neither the alligator or the Digimon were moving to stop him, and a quick look to the left showed that the coyote on the other side wasn't trying to stop Adam. They were just standing there, smirking, their eyes glowing with the familiar hunger and need, but their pose showing nothing but patience.

He slowed, still a few paces away from them, leery of getting any close. Backing up a bit, David slowly began to smell something in the room. Unable to help himself, he took a deep breath through his nose...then another one...and another one after that.

The musk...all of the Transformed were just oozing with the musk of cum, of manhood, of pure sex. David realized too late just how strong it was, how it would be much stronger in a room with next to no ventilation, and kept as warm as it was. He groaned as his cock hardened in his jeans, pressing against the front of his underwear and leaking another wet spot of pre into the already spotted boxers he wore. His body trembled in strange lust, forced on him by the scent that he just couldn't stop breathing in.

As he sucked in another breath of the potent, sharp, sweaty musk, the Transformed began to walk towards him. Their cocks drooled and dripped on the floor, and David was helpless but to watch them come at him. He moaned, half of his body wanting to run to them and serve them, worship them, the other half wanting to run back to the elevator. Neither winning, he remained right where he was.

They split, coming at him from both sides. The alligator walked behind him, soon out of sight but the musk promised that he would not stay out of mind. In front of him, the Digimon creature grinned at him, eyes a slightly different color than the red light that filled the room. Impmon bared its teeth before suddenly charging forward, grabbing David by his jeans. Despite being gloved, the creature's fingers were able to shred the denim apart in seconds, pulling them to shreds and throwing the ragged remnants over the Digimon's head, into the center of the room.

Scaly fingers grabbed the waistband of his underwear, and with a wrenching tug on the part of the alligator, they were removed as messily and roughly and quickly as his jeans. The boxers fell to the ground in two pieces, letting his cock out into the open air for the first time in hours.

He knew that he must present a rather strange figure to the Transformed. After all, except for his cock, he was from the waist down an otter, and from the waist up a human. Not the tallest or the strongest of either, for that matter.

It didn't seem to matter to his 'attackers', though, as the alligator wrapped a hand around his cock, giving it a slow, gentle stroking. The bumpy scales along the fingers made him moan, blushing as he felt the fingers tighten, the strokes get faster seconds after the alligator got a good grip. He was leaking, oh god he was leaking so much pre already, making the gator's hand slick as it slid up and down his cock.

Already panting hard, he managed to turn his head to the side, thinking he could call for help, hoping that Adam could still break free.

But that was not to be. Adam was too busy grinding his cock against the other coyote's ass, the Transformed on the ground with his rear up in the air, offering himself to the cartoon coyote. There was no hesitation on Adam's face; the corruption brought on by the transformation had finally gotten too strong for him to resist the sex he was offered. That jet black cock rammed into the Transformed's ass, filling it up in seconds, and as they went at it doggy style, Adam's toes clenched in pleasure as he finally took what he'd been tempted with all night.

He thought that he would have lost hope at the sight, but instead all David felt was more arousal. He felt hornier, wanting the same thing for himself, to finally give in to the temptations that he'd been fighting all night, to give into the sex and the transformation that everyone else had been revelling in. After all, was there really any point in fighting it anymore?

The bumpy, scaly hand pulled away from his cock, but settled around his waist. Gasping in surprise as he was lifted into the air, David watched as Impmon grabbed hold of his ankles, pulling them over to his cock. A soft coo of pleasure left David's mouth as he felt the tip of the Digimon's cock press just under his toes, the warmth of the flesh and the heat of the pre leaking along his pads making his cock throb all the harder. He had never...never quite had felt that way about his feet; apparently the transformation had messed with his mind more than he'd thought.

What little thought that he paid to the new foot fetish disappeared as he felt the throbbing shaft pressing up against him from behind. Hot flesh pressed against his ass, the slick skin pressing his furred cheeks apart until he felt the warm, gooey tip of the alligator's cock pressing against his hole. It felt massive, huge; just the tip of it felt bigger than all four of his fingers shoved together, big enough to rip him if it just shoved right in.

But...he didn't care. The musk filling the air, his nose, his mind removed all cares of that kind from his head. What his mind wanted didn't matter. What his common sense would have said no longer had relevance. All that had priority anymore, all that he cared about, was to have his ass filled, and to have it filled right NOW.

He whimpered in the alligator's arms, slowly turning his head to look back up at the Transformed. David couldn't speak, couldn't say anything, but he looked with pleading eyes to the reptile. Fill me, his look said; fuck me until I'm leaking for a week.

The gator just smiled at him in return, and the next thing that David knew, his hole was being spread open by something huge. His eyes went wide as he felt the stretching, felt the burn of something sliding into his hole. His hole throbbed, burned as more of the gator's pre splashed against it, into his rear, and with each splash of the stuff, he felt a little more of the cock slide inside of him, lubed up by its own fluids. It was a gushing fountain in him, each spurt of pre making him moan that much more, making his cock dance from the pleasure that was filling him from behind.

As inch after inch of thick gator cock slid into his ass, the Impmon in front of him turned his feet into the Digimon's personal toys. Gloved hands held David's ankles in an iron grip, and they dragged his feet along the sides of that throbbing cock. He blushed as he watched pre spread along his webbed toes, along the bottom of his padded feet, but shivered in pleasure at the same time.

It was weird to be used like this, but not in a way that was bad. Instead, it was weird just how much he wanted it, how much he craved for the two Transformed to use him further. He wanted the Impmon to really fuck his feet, to grind against them and cover them with cum until they were too slick to anything but slide around on them; he wanted the alligator to fuck him full of one load after another, loosening his hole until he was leaking reptilian seed for a week, enticing more and more of the Transformed to fuck him, use him, fill him and make him into a good little sex pet.

A sudden thrust from behind made him gasp, the feeling of a scaly groin rubbing against his butt making him shudder in pleasure. Pre flowed freely into and out of his rear, the alligator's thick cock opening him up enough to make some of it slide back out. But he didn't care; he just wanted to have more.

Slowly, the two of them started bucking him back and forth between them. It was awkward, different, but it was all the better for it being so new and different. The gator would pull him down, tug him all the way down his cock to the base, and the Impmon would keep David's feet pressed together around that shorter, but eagerly pre-ing cock, forcing the toes to wiggle right around the head of the cock, getting them slick and almost slimy with the Digimon's juices.

Then he'd be slid forward, off of the alligator's cock, and his feet would be pressed to the sides of Impmon's cock, letting it slide between the arches of his feet, using them like a pair of furry sex toys, leaking along his arches and along the undersides of his feet at the beginning and end of each sliding motion.

And through it all, he was changing.

It was subtle at first, a strange sort of tingling feeling that lay beneath the stronger tingles and throbbings of his pleasure, but it was still there. Getting stronger by the second. And as he was bounced along the alligator's cock, he could see the changes beginning again on his body.

He looked down, watched as his cock stopped pointing straight up, and started to pull in closer to his body. It throbbed harder and harder as the pale color that his skin normally had started to darken, turning less pale and more red, and then slowly further on towards black. It looked almost like Adam's cock, just shorter, more human, throbbing hard and leaking pre faster than ever before.

As it changed color, it got more rigid, as though it would never be completely soft ever again. More than that, he could feel the trembling of his skin around the base of his cock, a soft, pleasurable itch as it started to mutate, change around him. It flowed, moving like the waves on a beach, each time flowing a little bit further along the base of his cock, slowly pulling more and more of it into a tight, wet sheath. He recognized the tube of fur and skin, having seen it on many animals and on quite a few of the Transformed.

It should have frightened him. Instead, it aroused him, and he nearly came as he watched half of his cock get swallowed up in its new container. He moaned, bucked, and ground against the gator's cock as the pre flowing into his ass and covering his feet continued to shift his body around, changing him and shifting him into the shape of an otter.

Suddenly he groaned, his hole feeling much tighter all of a sudden, as if the gator's cock had grown inside of him. The sheath continued to flow up his cock, reaching the halfway point, squeezing him from the midway point downwards as the tightness in his ass continued to grow. What was going on, David wondered. What was happening? Was the gator getting bigger?


Or was he getting smaller?

He panted as he felt his body tightening up just like his hole, realizing that he really was shrinking, pulling in on himself. He watched as his legs started pulling into his hips, his arms into his chest; all through his body, his skeleton and muscles and organs followed along as he lost inch after inch of height, falling down and down.

It wasn't long before he was shorter than five feet, his shorter stature drawing the two Transformed closer together. They continued stepping closer and closer to each other as he shrank further and further, almost an inch off of his height with every hard thrust from the gator behind him falling away. Despite the strange feeling, despite the burning along his hole as that massive cock continued to stretch out his shrinking hole, David couldn't stop moaning; he wanted this, wanted the transformation to continue so that he could become what he was supposed to be, so he could gain his...his new life.

Down, and down, and down he went, getting smaller and smaller with each passing second. Four foot eight, four foot six; again and again they bucked against him, and he panted as his ass throbbed, burned at being filled to the brim. He could almost swear that the alligator could no longer fit that cock inside of him, that he had gotten too small for that massive shaft, but it was still hammering into him. Four foot four, four foot two...four foot even.

At four foot even, the pressure stopped, the shrinking ceased, and David was able to open his eyes again to see what had become of himself.

The fur had grown past his stomach, past his cock which poked out of a soft sheath that would house it whenever it wasn't out from here on out. His belly had smoothed, and even had a little bit of extra muscle on it compared to before. Streaking up from his belly, the fur had gone down his arms as well as up to his neck, leaving only his head untransformed. Slight claws pricked pads as his fists clenched, and his body shook as he panted, moaning. It wouldn't...wouldn't be long now until he was completely transformed. As soon as the alligator came in his ass, it would all be over.


Wooden splinters flew through the air, and the alligator lost his grip on David's hips, dropping him as he fell forward. David almost screamed in loss as he fell off of that cock, the hunger still inside of him for a few seconds before he hit his head against the ground.

The shock of the blow was enough to knock him out of his lustful trance, and he shook his head rapidly, turning his head to look over his shoulder.

Adam stood with two signs in hand, fending off the other coyote and the alligator as best he could, but it was clear that he was losing against him. Worse than that, his eyes were blinking, just like Cari's had been as the raccoon's mind had been overwhelmed by the changes.

He caught the eyes of the Wile E. Coyote look-a-like, and for a brief moment, Adam stopped swinging the signs around. A nod towards the elevator, nothing more, but the message could not be clearer.

"I'm done for. Run."

So he did. Scrambling to his feet and leaking pre out of his ass, he almost slid into the elevator on pre-cum covered feet. Slapping a hand on one of the buttons, the door started sliding shut, metal grinding on metal. He leaned against the wall, panting as he shook, knowing that he was leaving his last friend behind to be taken by the Transformed.

His last sight of Adam before the door shut was of his friend being forced back into the other coyote's ass, his body back in the motion of fucking, while the alligator got ready to hurry the transformation from behind.

He barely had the time to process what he saw before the elevator reached the third floor. The door opened, and David looked out upon the lair of the man who had changed his life forever.

It was a smaller room than the last two, maybe a total of twenty five feet across. Circular, it had a raised dais in the center, light shining down on the empty platform, and a single large viewscreen along the far wall. The walls danced with shadows, and electrical sparks danced along the walls, arcing from the viewscreen towards the sides of the elevator doors. Oddly, they never passed through the middle of the room, only along the walls.

Slowly, David stepped out of the elevator, walking across the room. The floor was soft, carpeted, smooth under his bare feet, and he couldn't help but walk slowly on it. He avoided the light in the center of the room, not trusting it in the least, and slowly made his way around it to the viewscreen.

He stared up at it, seeing through the lens of a camera that overlooked the Center Square of the park, and right in the center of the massed creatures, the horde of the Transformed, was Bailey.

His friend no longer looked like he once did. The semblances of Bailey's face had disappeared, all of his body transformed into the video game character Bowser. Yellow scales and white and green shell had replaced skin, and red hair and eyebrows had taken the place of the near-baldness that Bailey had sported.

It seemed that Bailey had forgotten him, only interested in sex now. The big yellow dinosaur was grabbing every male around him, ramming his new, massive cock into their asses, and growling while he did it. More than a few on the camera screen leaked with his seed, and others were apparently lining up for their turn with the big guy. David had to fight his urge to say that he would be one of them, if he were out there now.

He slumped forward against the console in front of the viewscreen, his knees hitting the ground as he panted, shook, shivered. His mind was so overwhelmed that he had to fight just to stay conscious.

However, in one sentence, all of his thoughts were focused on one emotion. Rage.

"Finally come to change and submit yourself?" Rannoi's mocking voice asked.

The Park of Mirari: Chapter 10 and Epilogue (FINAL)

**Chapter 10: The Final Showdown** David whirled around at the voice, getting back to his feet in an instant to glare at the man who had ruined his life. "Come down here, and I'll show you just what I'm here for!" he shouted at the top of his...

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The Park of Mirari: Chapter 8

**Chapter 8: To The Tower** David ran into Bailey almost as soon as he left the shop, though he managed to keep it from becoming literal. He looked up at his friend, at what he had become, and slowly shook his head; there really was no hope unless...

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The Park of Mirari: Chapter 7

**Chapter 7: The Shifting Shops** It wasn't a long walk down Main Street to reach the shops, and for a change, there was no danger of being molested by the Transformed. None of them remained near the entrance of the park, according to Adam's scanner,...

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