A Kitsune's Woman

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A continuation to "Proper Place in Society" (found here: http://www.sofurry.com/view/526174 ) though this time with no cubs in it, at least not directly. This is where Noguchi has taken Michelle after a few months. This is the first of a two part story, kept separate because the second part DOES contain cub. I hope some can enjoy this, and some can enjoy the next...and that we can come together to MURDER Noguchi afterwards.

Part 1: https://www.sofurry.com/view/526174

Part 2: https://www.sofurry.com/view/548547 (You are Here)

Part 3: https://www.sofurry.com/view/549760

Part 4: https://www.sofurry.com/view/634285

Part 5: https://www.sofurry.com/view/647197

Part 6: https://www.sofurry.com/view/649843

Part 7: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1240415

A Kitsune's Woman

By Draconicon

The transparent white of her veil still covered her face as Hideo led her into the hotel. Everything was slightly tinted with the pale color of the thin screen, making everything look washed out, as if she were a ghost walking through the world rather than a newly married woman. The receptionist at the front desk; the giggling tourists at the far end of the lobby; the golden tiles on the ground and the painted ceiling; everything, absolutely everything looked as though it was in another world.

And for her, it was.

Michelle walked gracefully, if mechanically as her husband squeezed her arm. His fingers clenched tightly through her sleeve, and she hid the wince at the pressure he was able to exert on her arm. The sleeves, opaque rather than see-through, would hide anything that he did from anyone else. Nobody would see bruising, if any came up. Nobody would see what it was like to be wed to Hideo Noguchi.

Whispers from some of the tourists caught her ears, and she couldn't help listening in.

"Is that Hideo Noguchi?"

"No, couldn't be - "

"It is! It's Noguchi the Ninja!"

Most of the whispers came from the tourists in the hotel, but here and there some of the island natives said the same thing. Not that she could blame them, much as she might like to; her husband was a star. A sports wonder that played for the Seattle Torrents, and considering how popular a sport baseball was in the USA, someone of Noguchi's status would get a lot of attention no matter where he went.

That attention might or might not spread to her, but it would never help her, Michelle felt.

Eyes followed her across the floor just as much as they followed Noguchi, and she was suddenly grateful that the only part of her dress that was transparent was her veil. Their eyes followed her body through the tight dress, and she could feel them looking at just how much it put on display.

Traditionally, the bride was the one that picked the dress. Hideo had not allowed that; just like so many other parts of her life since he'd come into it, he'd taken over the process. Every meeting with the dressmaker had reduced her to nothing more than a fleshy mannequin, where the dressmaker got to adjust her and drape cloth over her while her fiancee had called all the shots.

The result was a dress that would have looked more at place on the streets or in a low class 'establishment' rather than in a wedding. The white silk clung to her breasts, lifting them and shoving them forward, molded to them in a way that showed them off rather than hid them modestly; her hips hugged the dress to them, the white flowing down her body like a syrup rather than a waterfall, clinging to each and every curve.

She would have thought that it was skintight...save that she had every evidence it wasn't from the way that Noguchi had refused her any panties or underwear with her dress. Were it skintight, she would feel the dress in places she did not want to think about. The simple thought was enough to make her shudder again, only barely hid by the veil.

His fingers squeezed her arm again, and she looked at him once more.

His face was turned up in a cunning grin, and he puckered his lips slightly. Taking the signal, she leaned down rather than force him to lean up, pressing her lips to his.

It was just as it always was. His lips forced themselves against hers, and she held still, feigning pleasure for those that might be looking; he needed a good show, and she had to give it to him or face the consequences. She'd learned in the months of their 'engagement' that she did not dare defy him in public. Private, she might get away with every now and then, if he was in a good mood; in public, defiance was never tolerated.

He'd led her to the front desk, and a short Hawaiian woman looked up at them, blue eyes looking from her to Hideo and back. "May I have your name and reservation number, please?"

"Hideo Noguchi," he said before Michelle could have spoken. Not that she would have, she realized; she was too afraid to speak up for herself anymore. "Reservation number 53359821."

"Noguchi...Noguchi..." the receptionist muttered as she looked down at the computer. The clicking of computer keys just managed to drown out the continued mutters from behind, and Michelle found herself strangely grateful for that.

She jumped as she felt a hand against her back, and flinched immediately afterwards at her lack of control. Putting another fake smile on her face, she turned to look at her 'husband' again. "What's the matter, darling?" she managed to ask, almost proud of herself for the lack of stammers or stutters.

"Nothing, nothing at all," he said, smiling back at her. "I just look forward to getting to our room...It's been a long wait for me."

Long wait...Only if he had a completely different idea of that from most people. She could still feel the ache between her legs from his last...indulgence...of his needs. Walking down the aisle on the beach without looking like a person fresh off of horseback had taken most of her self control, so much so that she hadn't been able to hold back her tears in front of the priest.

She was lucky that everyone believed that she was just joyful for the marriage, not crying at the loss of her last escape route.

The receptionist handed over a keycard, her tanned hand interrupting the look that Hideo gave her. "Here you are, sir; the key to the penthouse. It's yours for the weekend, compliments of -"

"Yes, yes, compliments of the Seattle Torrents; the team owner does love to keep his players happy." Hideo chuckled as he put the keycard into his pocket, but Michelle noticed the flash of indignation, the spark of anger in his eyes. She allowed herself that flinch, as he was looking away from her; the receptionist should beware any room that could be locked from the inside. Hideo did not take kindly to anyone shoving things in his face, or anything that wasn't the fullest respect possible.

Taking her by the arm again, Hideo led her over to the elevators on the far side of the hotel lobby. Conch shells, coconuts, and statues of hula dancers; wooden statues, carved pieces of island plants, and paintings of the old rulers of the islands; that and more lined the walls, capturing the spirit of the islands, a spirit that had been crushed long ago.

Michelle couldn't help but wonder if there was some line of spirit like this for her, somewhere in her mind. Of what she'd once been, before Hideo had claimed her.

The dinging of the elevator kept her from thinking about it for long, and she stepped into the lift without needing to be tugged along. Her husband stood beside her, pressing the button for the penthouse before closing the doors as well. A little electronic voice announced their destination, and the elevator started its slow rise towards the top of the hotel.

Hideo turned to her, his face twisted, elongating. A writhing lump formed in the back of his pants, and she shuddered at the way that it looked like something was crawling out of his skin as he let a part of himself free again.

As his muzzle grew in, and reddish fur sprouted along his face, he reached back and allowed one of his tails free of his pants. It twitched behind him as his ears flicked back and forth at the sides of his head, and he smirked at her as he allowed himself a partial transformation.

Reaching up and stroking his hand along her cheek, Hideo grinned a little wider as her breath caught, his claws forming halfway through the stroke and lightly scratching at her cheek. "Mmmm, is my little girl finally ready to be made a proper woman?" Hideo whispered to her, his voice oozing with contempt for her.

She didn't dare speak; cowed as she was, she would stutter, she would break, and he would make things even harder for her. A nod; a nod, yes, that would do.

As she nodded, he lowered his hand to her neck, a red and black paw rubbing along the side. "Good. You're learning very well. A woman need never speak to her husband. She serves. She obeys. And the less that she says, the better."

Michelle nodded again, the hair on the back of her neck rising as the claws on her husband's hand stroked along the sides of her neck. She felt it drag lightly along the artery at the side, and she half-wished that he'd slip, prick her there. The hotel would call the emergency services, and she'd be taken away. Maybe even get a chance to talk about this, prove that she wasn't crazy...

But no, he just chuckled, lowering his paw to her breasts. He squeezed one through her dress, almost punishingly hard, and she barely bit off a whimper before it could escape her lips. His fingers squeezed the end of her breast tightly, the fatty tissue inside getting shoved into all sorts of shapes as he clenched and released, squeezed and relaxed his fingers. Blood was forced in and out, numbing it before setting it afire.

And she didn't dare do a thing to stop him. Defiance would lead to worse pain, worse treatment. The only reason she hadn't been in the hospital already was because Hideo knew how to do more than transform himself, and even so, there had been close calls. Michelle didn't want to lose it all; even this...even this life would be better than nothing, she kept telling herself.

Just as Hideo was about to reach for her nipples through her dress, the elevator dinged.

He moved in a blur, standing beside her again, his tail and his muzzle shrinking back into a dull, though still somewhat attractive human form. His distaste barely flickered over his face before it was hidden beneath his 'star' face, the one he showed to the world. Only the eyes didn't change, but nobody really watched the eyes.

The door opened to reveal another couple, a short Caucasian woman, barely five feet tall with red hair, and an African man who stood at least as tall as Michelle did. They were both dressed up and quite attractive, the woman in a dress as red as her hair and with glittering sequins around the band at the bottom, while her partner was in a tuxedo, towering over her in a top hat.

Hideo looked at them with a raised eyebrow, and asked, "Going up?" His voice was carefully neutral, but Michelle shuddered at the suppressed annoyance. This was another that would pay, if he ever got her alone.

"Oh yes, yes, we are," the woman said, her voice a tone that almost tickled the ear. It was midway between a tenor and a soprano, and it had a slight vibration to it, just a little bit off, but in a pleasant way. She stepped into the elevator, forcing Hideo and Michelle against the back wall, and looked over her shoulder at them. "Sorry about that, but considering you guys are going to the penthouse, we'll be getting out first. Don't worry, won't be long."

"You certainly won't," Hideo muttered.

Michelle bit her lip as his fingers tightened on her arm again; this one would leave a bruise, she was sure of it, and it was not going to be a small one.

The woman hummed to herself as she leaned on her partner's arm, the tune filling the little elevator and echoing slightly off of the metallic walls. Hideo's eyes narrowed for a moment, and he stared at her in a way that Michelle had never seen him stare at anyone. There was a look of curiosity in his eyes, a look that he'd NEVER looked at a female with before; it was almost...unnerving, to see him losing that look of arrogant narcissism.

Of course, that didn't last for long. The red-haired woman got off of the elevator three floors below the penthouse level, and she turned with a smile to Michelle and Hideo. "Just in case you're interested, I'll be in the third room on the left from here; me and my partner like a little...variety."

Michelle could only stare as the pair walked off, and if it had been any other situation, she would have laughed at Hideo's sudden jaw-drop, at the way that he nearly spluttered and sputtered when the doors closed. In the silence of her mind, she had a moment of satisfaction, knowing that someone had actually put her 'husband' off his guard, but she didn't allow it out. He would hurt her if she did.

The rest of the ride to the penthouse was quiet, but that was probably for the best. The doors opened with another ding, the voice announcing their arrival as Hideo tugged her out of the elevator. Keycard in hand, he barely flashed it over the reader on the door before the door unlocked. Nearly shoving her into the room, Hideo followed behind.

Click, snap, shliiip, click went the locks on the door. Every one of them was turned, adjusted, and fitted into place, to the point where Michelle wondered if the hotel would need to get someone from the police or something to get the door open.

Once he'd slid a chair against the door as well, Hideo's face finally regained the grin she was more accustomed to seeing; toothy, hungry, and all too eager to prove superiority. He turned towards her, and as he moved, he began to transform again.

It was slower this time, his body slowly, gradually taking on the elements of his kitsune form once more. His fur, white along the chest and stomach and red along his limbs, with some black along his hands and feet, spread out along his body. It made the suit he wore puff out a bit in response, but not a great deal; the fur laid smoothly along his body, rather than puffing out and making him look bigger.

His muzzle pushed out from his face, stretching his grin, adding to the toothiness of it. As his nose darkened, his tongue lashed out, licking his lips as he approached her. His tails pushed out from behind, shoving their way out from his pants and shirt one by one. Two, three, four, and finally five tails pushed out, each one moving independently of the others, writhing around like great snakes behind him.

As he stepped closer and closer, he gradually stepped out of his shoes, his feet shifting shape, pushing him out of them as they grew longer but more petite, thinner than his shoes were designed to hold. Slightly curved claws made stretch marks in the socks before they pushed free, one of the few places that his transformation was not inclined to allow clothing.

The other place was all too clear; at the groin of Hideo's suit, his transformation was showing something else that changed drastically. His shaft had already stirred from his sheath, and the outline of it was clear in the black pants. The knot was already enlarged, huge, the size of a baseball in his pants and just as visible as if he'd thrown one down into his pants.

The actual cock was just as menacing, and she whimpered behind her veil as he walked towards her, his shaft almost leading his steps with the way that it seemed on the verge of ripping through his pants. At the tip of his bulge, a hint of wetness could be seen, and she could smell his building need in the air, her body unwillingly responding to it after it had been conditioned to do so during the last few months.

He stood in front of her, fully transformed to his kitsune state, and the tip of his member stuck past the waistband of his pants, the tip eagerly leaking pre for her. "Lift your veil, 'wife'," Hideo said. "Lift your veil and greet me with the proper respect."

Michelle lowered her head, her fingers moving to her veil with only a bit of shaking. She slowly pulled the veil up, the barrier out of the way in seconds as she looked down at the bestial member in front of her. It was throbbing, thick, and she knew from experience that it would feel much bigger than it looked inside of her.

She also knew that there was no way that she could delay giving him the satisfaction that he asked for, not without risking him doing worse to her than she could imagine. Keeping her hands on her thighs, she leaned forward, pressing her lips to the tip of his shaft, feeling the warm, thin goo of his pre rubbing against her. Almost like olive oil, she thought; it was strange, but that was how it felt, slick and thin, but not quite runny. It smeared and ran with her lipstick, and she couldn't help but blush as she felt the color running down her chin.

The tip parted her lips slightly with the pressure she put on it, forcing them apart despite her attempts to keep her lips together, and she felt his pre running over her tongue an instant before she tasted it. The familiar salty taste spread along her tongue, as well as a slightly metallic twist to it. It wasn't pleasant - it never was - but she could hear his soft moan above her, telling her that it was what he wanted her to do. She swallowed the pre, giving the tip of his shaft a little suction in the process.

"Good...good." She could hear the smile in his voice at her actions, but rather than the usual hand on the back of her head to shove her down, she felt him grasp her by the shoulder and pull her back from his cock.

Michelle looked up at him in confusion as she was pulled away from his cock, half dreading a punishment, half hoping that she would be allowed the night to herself.

Instead, she only saw him smiling at her, and not in a way that promised any relief for her. "I believe that a wedding night should be somewhat different than the days of 'courtship'," he said, his lips turning up in a slight sneer at the word 'courtship'. "You have learned your place well in the last few months. If it were not for the way you still make mistakes, I would have been tempted to allow you a little more leeway. But after that phone call to the Japanese embassy last month, I can see that you still have a way to go."

That had been her last attempt for freedom, Michelle remembered. She wasn't sure what she'd been thinking; maybe that reporting Hideo to someone there would have gotten to someone that could handle him. It had been the only idea that she'd come up with, and she'd gone with it without thinking it through.

As more or less expected, it had come to nothing. They had gotten in touch with Hideo, and he'd done his usual thing with charming them away, making them look at her like she was insane. And then...

Well, after that night, she hadn't been able to walk for a week. Not just hadn't been able to walk normally, but hadn't been able to walk at all.

Since then, she had been as obedient as she could. It was her only way to avoid her punishments, and she could not take another one like that. Not now, not ever.

But it seemed that it was paying off, at least somewhat, as Hideo continued. "You've shown me that you can learn from your punishments. Enough that I believe you deserve a small reward." His paw drew a circle around her left nipple, her body reacting and having it rise up, harden in response to the stimulation, no matter whether it was welcome or not. "In all this time, you've been taking me as a kit. I will see how you can take me as a vixen."

"As -"

She didn't get more than a word; his fingers shifted, claws pinching her nipple so hard, with such force, with the claw tip, that she was amazed that the white dress didn't turn red. She let out a yelp before she silenced the rest of the shriek that desperately begged to follow, shaking and clenching her fists in the bed blankets.

His smile was bigger, more twisted as he chuckled. "What is it I keep telling you, hmm?" he said. When she was silent, he pinched harder, twisting when she didn't immediately make a sound. "What...do I keep...telling you?" he whispered, an edge of annoyance creeping into his voice.

Shuddering as her nipples were manipulated and twisted in ways that they were never meant to go, Michelle gasped out, "Women...do...do not speak...they moan...that is all..."

"That's better. Have you forgotten that?"

She shook her head rapidly, and only barely kept herself from hugging her chest when he pulled his fingers back from her chest.

"Strip," he ordered her as he sat down on the bed.

Michelle nodded as she pulled herself up from the bed. Her fingers went behind her, reaching for the little hidden knots that held the dress up. They were hidden beneath different folds near the shoulder blades and the waist, and while the latter weren't hard to reach, the former were. It didn't help that they were hidden beneath things, where Hideo could have reached up and found at any time, but anyone that didn't know they were there would be helpless to find them.

One by one, she un-knotted the different bindings, each one making the dress feel looser and looser along her body, until the last one, which let it all fall down.

It was a strange feeling, the silk rushing over her body like that. It stroked her nipples like a soft hand, a fast rush along them that brought a gasp of pleasure that was...not entirely...bad. The silk was like many pairs of hands giving her entire body a stroke at the same time, even somewhat between her legs, and she blushed as the dress actually managed to make her a little wet from the brief touch.

Hideo just smiled at that, crossing one leg over the other and enhancing his bulge. "Good. You will make a decent vixen for me. Come to me. Undress me."

Bowing her head to show her subservience, Michelle hurried to her 'husband'. Her fingers found the buttons of his shirt, and she quickly undid them, making short work of it while not jerking on him or pulling him from one position to another. He held up his arms as she pulled it off of him a bit more slowly, only slowing her down by reaching up and pulling her in closer. His teeth flicked against one nipple, and she sucked in a quick breath at the feeling of the sharpness against that hard nub.

He chuckled at her as she set his shirt and jacket aside, and moved down to his socks. She pulled them off quickly, faster than with the shirt, and set them on the floor. The shoes were near them, so that was good enough, she thought.

Running her hands along his legs, she gradually made her way up towards his groin. Her touch along his thighs seemed to spark more arousal; at least, as she moved up, it made his cock dance in his pants, twitching and spasming slightly. A little more pre leaked from it, making the tip of his pants a little wet, as well as soaking the fur of his belly with his juices.

She could feel his pleasured thrumming sound running through his body like a vibration, and she couldn't deny that her sex was squeezing on empty air in a bit of eagerness for her own pleasure. Michelle hated herself for it, but her body wanted to know what it was like with a kitsune, whether it was better in this size or not. It could not possibly be worse, but after so long...well, her body wanted to know...it wanted to feel something besides pain.

The button and zipper of his pants were all too eager to come undone, and the pressure of his cock behind them shoved them out of the way in the matter of a moment. He barely had to lift his legs for her to pull his pants down, and she pushed them out of the way, along with his underwear. Her face was right in front of his cock, her eyes locked on it as she knelt between his legs, waiting to be told what his pleasure would be.

His cock bumped her nose a few times, his muscles twitching it up and down as he looked at her contemplatively. A tail came around, stroking her cheek, a soft, warm scent that nevertheless made her shiver in forced lust filling her nose at the stroke. "Heh...get up on the bed, woman," Hideo said, scooting back a bit. "Now."

Moving fast, she got up on the bed beside him. As she folded her hands on her lap, slightly hiding her pussy as he nodded towards his cock. "I've been doing all the work. Much as I enjoy your tears, I want to see you work at it. This might be your only chance to actually enjoy yourself with this for a long time; I suggest, woman, that you make it a good time for the both of us."

She hated the fact that her body loved that idea; the way that her pussy suddenly flared hotter, and felt wetter at the idea of actually sliding along his cock at her own speed...at her own size...Michelle tried to keep herself distant, tried to keep from thinking about what she was doing as she pulled herself above his cock. She even tried to imagine how it would have felt as a kit, rather than as an adult, but she couldn't help but smile when she lowered herself towards his cock.

Whatever misgivings she had began to fade away as soon as her pussy came in contact with his cock, the heat of his shaft just slightly stronger than the warmth coming off of her pussy. It was sandwiched between his belly and her slit, and as she slid along it, grinding against his cock, she could feel it leaking against her clit. The warmth, the heat, the slickness of his juices and the hardness of his shaft; it made her shudder eagerly, panting already.

A gasp slipped past her lips as she felt a tail on each leg, pulling them further apart and nearly making her fall on top of him. Her hands shoved out, landing on his chest. It was like punching rock, and Hideo's expression didn't change in the least as he looked up at her. He even reached up and grabbed hold of one of her breasts, squeezing it almost painfully hard, but still keeping it just pleasurable enough for her to moan again. "A proper woman...only moans. But she better make me moan as well. Otherwise, you'll be moaning for an entirely different reason."

She nodded slowly, waiting until his hand left her breast before shifting her position. His tails continued to hold her by the ankles, keeping her legs spread further open. As a result, her pussy was open as well, her pussy lips pulled apart by her legs being open wide, and her inner walls on display. She blushed worse than she remembered doing in far too long, particularly when he started staring at her down there.

Moving in a hurry to hide herself more than in any need for pleasure, Michelle grabbed hold of his cock, squeezing the knot at the base to hold it upright. The tip was pointed, rigid, harder than any human cock that she could remember, and it made her shudder as she rubbed it against herself. It was bestial; it was big. It was wrong; it was so very right. It was Hideo; it was a cock. Closing her eyes, she dropped herself on it, forcing herself to take at least half of it at once.

A powerful shiver of pleasure went through her as the rigid shaft slid inside of her. The bone inside it kept it hard, and she never got used to it. It made it so much harder than anything else, and yet still had that comforting heat and living feeling that no dildo ever actually had. She could feel it leaking inside of her, and despite all of her misgivings of doing this with a...creature...like Hideo, a moan slipped from her mouth again.

His chuckles made her blush, but now that she had started, she couldn't stop. In this size, in this adult shape, she could take his cock without pain, and this time, it felt...good. Not just good, but great. All the loathing she had for her kitsune 'husband' could not stop her from feeling some sort of pleasure from this, and she started bouncing up and down immediately, her leg muscles bunching up as she rode up and down his cock.

Even as he chuckled at her, even when he started muttering things under his breath, Michelle didn't stop to pay attention; for the first time in months, she actually felt pleasure. Not pain, not nothing, but PLEASURE. With masturbation denied her, and the only form of intimacy she got coming from someone that wanted tears as much as submission, this was the first time she'd felt good in far too long. Whatever he had to say, whatever mockeries he had to give, she wasn't going to let it get to her.

The heat from her groin was already spreading through her legs and into her stomach, a pleasurable, tickling feeling that was at once familiar and foreign to her. It was...oh god...oh god....oh god oh god oh god oh -

"GOOOOOOOD!" Michelle screamed as she shoved herself back down on his cock, her pussy starting to spread around his knot. Her legs quivered and her fingers twitched as she hit her first climax, driven to pleasurable release finally. Her pussy clamped down around the cock inside of her, making it feel even bigger than it was, and she almost fell down onto the knot below. It took all of her focus to stay upright and not fall down on top of that massive thing.

Panting softly, Michelle slowly opened her eyes to look down at the kitsune, a smile tugging her lips up despite her best efforts to look like it was nothing.

But it did not fool him, she could tell; that smirk of his was bigger than ever. "Well, I see I don't have to worry about being cuckolded...nor does any other male need to worry about losing his manhood to me for the crime of stealing what's mine." He crooked a finger, and Michelle shuddered at the sudden resurgence of heat in her pussy. "But now...it's my turn for pleasure.

"No, don't bother moving yet...I'll take care of things until you transform, woman," he said as his tails wrapped around her, one around her waist and one around each limb. Her arms were pulled behind her back, and Michelle whimpered as she was lifted by the tail around her waist. Hideo's hands were free to grope her as they would, and they moved from her thighs to her hips, from her breasts to her backside; they moved everywhere along her body as he started raising her up and down his cock, driving his cock deeper and deeper into her soaked pussy, his massive knot battering at her pussy lips.

Yet, despite all the bad memories of being knotted before, this time...well, she almost found herself looking forward to it. There was something about the thought of being filled that much...of being stretched out by such a massive thing...that made her wonder how it would feel. It made her far more curious than it should have, after hurting from it so many times, but she could not deny the attraction the idea had.

The heat started to spread from her groin, much further than the glowing warmth of her orgasm had, and as she felt a familiar tickle, she was forced to look down in fear and trepidation.

Spreading from her pussy were the familiar white hairs that formed her fur coat whenever Hideo transformed her. They were spreading rapidly, fueled by both her own pleasure and the way that her 'husband's' cock was buried so deep inside of her. It spread from her pussy to her thighs, and up her belly, and as it spread, she could feel her muscles tightening, twitching...almost restoring some energy to her.

She looked at him in surprise, and he smirked at her as he pressed her body down against his knot, grinding her against it, shoving nearly a third of it inside of her before pulling her away from it again. "I'm not doing all the work tonight, woman. If you think it's a gift, think again. I just want you ready to go all night," he said, his words the whisper of skin on silk in softness and smoothness.

Not that it mattered to her; with how good it felt, she could put aside her loathing for the man attached to the cock, at least for one night. She had no idea when he'd let her have an adult form for this again, and the last thing she was going to do was waste the opportunity.

But it was clear that he wasn't going to let her go until she had finished transforming, and considering how the transformation was taking up all of her attention, that was probably a good thing.

As the fur spread across her body, orange-red and white, she could feel other transformations following it. Though there was no painful tightening like she was used to between her legs, she could feel that her body was changing to accept his cock better than before. There was a slight looseness to the interior of her pussy, though her pussy lips remained just as tight as before. Probably to hold the knot inside, she thought to herself, while her insides were relaxed to take it without so much pain.

She was surprised that the thought came to her like that, but it made sense; adults would be ready for knots, while kits weren't. No wonder this was feeling better than before.

The changes followed the fur across her body, and she blushed as she watched it shrink her stomach down. What little fat she'd managed to get while in human form was burned away in the transformation, leaving her stomach completely flat. It looked slightly drawn to her eyes, but from the way that Hideo looked at her, he preferred her stomach without anything that resembled largeness.

The changes spread across her stomach, heading up to her chest, and her face burned brighter as the fur covered her breasts. Not only did it feel like she could tell when each individual hair sprouted along her chest, but...they were growing. Her breasts were actually growing.

After spending so much time as a kit, she had begun to wonder if Hideo even liked breasts, but if his magic was changing her like this, making them grow, he had to like them in some way. A bubbling tingle spread across her chest, pushing at them from underneath, almost like they were being inflated. Not like balloons, she was thankful to see, but just...outwards. They grew slightly wider, and pushed out a bit further from her chest. An inch or two, nothing major, but definitely noticeable. Her hands tried to move up to touch them, feel them, but the tails around her wrists kept them pinned to her sides.

Another bounce, and she felt the greater weight of her breasts slapping down, then up, then down again, and she grunted at the sheer presence of them. So heavy, she thought to herself, her chest stinging slightly from the first slap back down before she started to get used to it. Well, as used to it as Hideo would let her get.

Another yank down on his knot, and she shuddered as she realized that her hips were narrowing slightly. Not much, but a little bit, her ass shrinking down and giving her a little less cushion in the back. The fur spreading over her rear was moving up to the small of her back, and the tickling push back there told her that her tail was growing in. She forced it to stay up, not wanting Hideo to think that she was trying to hide anything, or being resistant; the one time that she'd kept it down as a kit, she'd almost had it yanked off.

That thought brought a wince, but Hideo seemed to attribute it to the way that his knot was almost shoved in on the last thrust. Her pussy lips stung from the impact, and burned from being stretched around it, but he didn't force it in this time. Michelle was beginning to understand that he was probably waiting for her to reach enough excitement to shove it in herself, when she was done changing.

At this rate, from how wet she was and how much she was starting to look forward to it, she would do it without question.

The changes continued flowing over her as her tail grew in, held up over her back like a good bitch. She felt it, flowing down her arms and legs; the colors remained the same orange-red at her wrists and ankles, she barely noticed, and she could feel the blossoming of the pads at her feet and her palms. They were slightly rough, but she doubted that Hideo would feel it through his fur.

She looked down at him as he bounced her up and down his cock, looking at his toothy smirk. There was no real passion there, no attachment; just the need to satisfy himself, and the ever-present desire to put her in her place. What he assumed to be her place, she tried to correct herself; she had to remember this was only what he thought her place should be, not what it really should be.

She had to hold onto that.

As she looked at his face, she could see her muzzle slowly pushing out from her face. The stretching feeling around her lips and nose, how the upper lip merged with her nostrils, was never a feeling that she could get used to. At least there was no bone crunching sensation to go with it this time, though that was scant comfort. It still felt like her face was being tugged through a taffy puller, with the rest of her head in the grip of an Olympian strongman; her nose was tugged by invisible hooks, and her lips pulled out in a narrow, almost box-like shape before it narrowed out properly.

Her teeth and tongue stung as they were re-shaped, pulled into the proper form for a vixen; that part hurt, and it was almost enough to kill her need. Almost, as Hideo was too good to let her stop feeling her need, or at least his cock was, but it was a very close thing. The taste of dry chalk covered her tongue as parts of her teeth turned to powder in her mouth, broken from her human teeth as they were re-shaped to something more befitting her new body.

The tugging feeling of her ears moving towards their new position was the last change she experienced, and she felt a wave of relief wash over her as she felt them move to the top of her head. They twitched back and forth a few times, getting used to their new location, and she sighed as she felt the heat of transformation slowly fade from her limbs.

She became aware of a mirror hanging above the head of the bed, and she took a look at herself, taking advantage of the moment as Hideo let go of her with his tails to see what she looked like as a vixen.

Michelle was shocked at the way that change made her look. Not because it had made her look bad, but because it had made her look...good. She was more lovely than any time she'd seen herself as a human; her breasts were bigger, but they looked proportional, not exaggerated or terrible. Her hips were narrower, and she was less weighty looking than she sometimes looked, particularly after a big dinner. Even the fact that she had fur and a tail didn't detract from the look for her; the white creamy color on her chest complimented the orange-red color very well, and the tail...well, it was strange, but she almost could see it like a fur stole accessory.

Oh god, that was a terrible thought in this form, she thought with a shudder of revulsion.

A powerful slap to her ass nearly knocked her forward, and she half-winced at the feeling of claws digging into her rear. She looked down again, seeing Hideo looking up at her with more than a little annoyance in his eyes. "You are changed, woman, and you have duties to see to. See to them. Now."

"Y-yes, sir," she said, nodding her head quickly before turning her attention back to the task at hand. She could not forget that he was wanting his own pleasure; her own was incidental, and the only reason she felt this much was because of how little she'd felt in the months previous. She had to remember that, even though her body wanted to forget.

She reached back for the cock pressing between her legs, taking hold of it just above the knot. That strange rigidity to it aided her in aiming it for her pussy, and she realized just how slick she was as it slid along her pussy lips without any effort from her. It slid inside with barely a push from her, and her muzzle turned up in a giddy grin as she filled herself with the kitsune's cock.

Digging her fingers into Hideo's chest fur, Michelle started riding his cock. Her legs and hips were recharged from the change, and she started bucking along his shaft with enough eagerness that she could feel the bed shaking beneath them, the legs thumping against the floor as it moved back and forth, even up and down a little bit. Doubtless there would be complaints from below, she thought, but she didn't care. Not now. She needed this, needed to get her own release, and needed to preserve her own safety.

He smiled at her, and his fingers found their way to her breasts. They squeezed, slapped, and knocked them against each other hard, forcing her to bite her tongue to keep from whimpering. He would not like that, she knew; she had to make moans, or no sounds at all.

Not that moaning was hard this time around. Her pussy lips stretched each time that she shoved herself down that nine inch cock, taking it deep into her pussy each and every time, and she could feel the knot getting slicker and slicker with her juices as she rammed herself against it. It slid in a little bit further each time, and she felt her sex getting more and more ready to accept it. The feeling of being stretched, the thought of how full it would make her, got her shuddering with need all over again, and her thighs were drenched with her juices. Her juices drizzled down her legs, and mixed with the little bit of pre that actually managed to seep out from her slit.

His hands shoved her breasts together, and then slapped them. She gasped, hoping it sounded like one of pleasure, as she closed her eyes tightly. Better not to see, she thought; imagine that it was someone else, something else, anything else.

That was hard with a knot battering at her pussy; there was no way to think that it was a human male beneath her, no way to imagine it as something that wasn't instinctively wrong to her mind. But...but...

But her body refused to listen to her mind. It moved faster and faster, the smell of their musk and need filling the air and driving her mad, the sound of their bodies slapping together making her move more desperately, urgently, shoving her chest forward against his hands to give him what he wanted to play with. He indulged himself eagerly, his moans starting to join with hers, and she knew that he would hit his climax before long.

So would she, Michelle knew; her legs were quivering with how near she was, and she could feel her holes tightening, clamping down again and again in preparations. Her vixen body wanted to milk the kitsune for everything he had, to make him fill her up with anything that she could get him to shoot.

Just the thought of being filled like that sent her body over the edge, and Michelle's hips went into overdrive, bucking up and down his cock like a thing possessed. One bounce - his knot slid partway in - two bounces - straining at the halfway point - and a third bounce -


It slammed in! It was in!

Her mind went crazy at the thought, and her body went over the edge again, her pussy oozing with juices as she clamped and shook and moaned in pure pleasure. Her fingers squeezed tightly, curling through his chest fur for a grip on something, anything, and his growl soon drowned out her moans. She felt him twitch inside of her before the first hot squirt started to fill her up.

It was so hot, on the verge of burning her, hot in the same way that his tails were; some sort of warmth that went with his power, his magic. It both hurt and pleased her, and she collapsed on top of him, her breasts a large but slight cushion between the two of them as they rode out their orgasms.

She had no doubt that Hideo would have no need for intimacy, and she was right. He shoved her over to the side, and stood up at the side of the bed, still attached to her. He grabbed himself by the base of his cock, somehow managing to get a grip on himself that didn't hurt, and started tugging.

Even as a full adult, that hurt, and Michelle bit her lip to hold in the whimpers as her pussy stretched and burned at the knot trying to come back out so soon. It felt like it was trying to turn her inside out, starting at her sex, and she had to clench her hands into fists in the covers to keep from crying out the longer that Hideo pulled on it.

Eventually, it slid out, and she couldn't resist the urge to reach down and cover herself. She could feel her pussy gaping open, could feel how loose it was under her fingers. It hadn't torn, by some miracle, but it hurt almost as bad as if it had. A small part of her hoped that it would be the last thing he would want tonight, as the pleasure faded from her, but she had her doubts on that. Even with her pussy 'ruined' like this, Hideo would find something to make her do, and with his magic, it was doubtful it would stay gaping for long.

He pointed off of the bed, and she crawled off of it, like a dog. He took her place on it, laying down as she moved over to the floor at the foot of the bed. "Remember your place, woman. So far, you've earned a pillow for the night. Continue your obedience, stay in your place, and I might let you have a blanket as well."

Michelle nodded, lowering her head. It was the best she could hope for, just like any other night.

So far, nothing had changed. But she imagined - or at least, hoped - that things would change when they got back to their normal lives. They had to; she didn't know if she could survive this much longer.

Writing Stream 3: Foot Fetish

**Story #1 Tickled Toes, Sticky Socks** **For Frisk** Crisp groaned softly as he rifled through his sock drawer, shaking his head as he tossed different pairs over his shoulders. The pile of discarded clothing was already immense, coming past...

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My Mind for Magic

**My Mind for Magic** **By Draconicon** The street was dark to Havok's eyes; the shadows from the buildings cast all the alleys between apartments and office buildings into shadow, and the streets themselves weren't much better. The street lights...

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Swayed by the Sizwe

Swayed by the Sizwe By Draconicon A sudden bump along the dirt road shook the rough wooden cart, and the monkey prisoner once more found himself in the waking world as he bumped his head against the sides of his makeshift traveling prison. He...

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