Writing Stream 6: Wheel of Fetish 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Yep, another writing stream, though one story shorter than usual. I did this because I finished a commission earlier, and thought I'd treat myself. That writing, plus this, equals about 14,000 words written today.


I'm crazy. I swear.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy, comment if you can.

Digimon: Digital Masters

For Fang

Fang didn't quite know how he got into this situation; one minute he was wandering through the strange, bright Digi-World that he'd been shoved into, and the next, he had found himself in this dark, musky room. The only light coming in came from a window on the opposite side of the room from him, and it only served to illuminate the position he'd found himself in.

His arms were bound behind him, and one of his legs was held at a ninety degree angle from his other one, leaving him standing on one foot more or less. The tiger found it a little uncomfortable, but he had just enough of his species natural grace and flexibility to be able to stand it without too much discomfort.

Of course, the fact that he was completely naked didn't really make it too much better.

Fang shook his head again, hardly believing this. Whoever had grabbed him had even put a collar around his neck. It was a humiliating pink color, he could make out that much, but he couldn't see what was written on the tag on the front of the collar. He wanted it off of him, but with his arms bound, standing one leg, and even his tail tugged off to the side and bound by a chain to the wall...well, what was he supposed to do?

The tiger jerked a bit as he heard the door to the stone room he was in opening. He turned his head, making out the shape of a door in the shadows. How he'd missed it before, he didn't know, but if someone was coming in now, maybe he'd finally get some answers.

He curled his lip back in his best sneer, a sharp word waiting at the tip of his tongue-


The word died before it could be said as the figure at the door stepped into the light. Thoughts of escape, or of overpowering his captor, died just as quickly.

His...host, for lack of a better term, was one of the creatures of this digital world. He stood at least a foot taller than the tiger, if not more, and he was more muscled than even the biggest beach bodybuilder was. Fang's jaw came very close to dropping as he looked at the rippling muscles all over the creature's frame, the blue and white skin looking almost like a suit that was ready to rip, barely holding in all the muscles.

Looking down, he saw that the creature was just as big in the cock department as he was in the muscle. A massive erection pointed directly at him, and Fang shuddered at the thought of just what the digimon was going to do with it. Twenty inches of cock was not something that ANYONE should try to casually take, but he doubted that the digimon was going to allow him any sort of easing into the situation.

When he didn't respond, the digimon started walking around him. Two toed feet clicked lightly on the ground as the digimon walked around him, and the creature's cock rubbed lightly against his face. Suppressing a groan at the potent musk that filled his nose from the creature's pre, Fang watched him as best he could.

However, he did NOT expect to have his ass groped, and the tiger yelped at that, and louder still at the spank that followed. "Hey!"

"Oh, you want to talk? That's good, I was starting to think I grabbed a mute." The digimon chuckled, slapping its arm sized cock against Fang's ass. "I'm Exveemon, one of the different digimon in this world. I saw you wandering around, thought you looked pretty cute; and...yeah, that's pretty much it."

"That's...it?" Fang blinked a few times, then flailed against the bonds holding him in place. Didn't do a bit of good, of course, but he liked to imagine that it did. "That's IT?! You decide to grab me off the stree...out of the world, and then tie me up, strip me naked, and you just say, 'THAT'S IT'?!"

"Pretty much, yeah," Exveemon said. His cock slapped Fang's ass again, and the tiger started to growl. "Oh, hush you. There's really no way that you're going to get out of this; I've already claimed you and taken the title of your master -"


"Yes, master, thanks for getting the title right." Exveemon pointed at the collar. "See that thing?"

Fang slowly nodded.

"That's a collar that binds you into my service here. It's something that some of the other digimon have invented, and will make sure that you keep docile. Oh, and tells me where you are." The digimon thought about it for a moment, putting his hand to his chin. "Did I forget anything?"

Fang certainly hoped not; that was already bad enough, and if there was anything else, he might as well give up. At least with this, there might be a chance of finding a way out.

Exveemon shrugged, and Fang's eyes went wide as he felt those hands grab his hips. "Eh, that's enough. I've been wanting to play with your ass since I saw you walking along. Now's my chance."

Fang gulped, trying to tense himself against the cock...but of course, against something that size, there was really no point. It pushed against him, the pressure mounting, building, and his resistance gradually grew less and less, until...


The End, for now.

Becoming a Loose Lady

For Idesin

Megan grunted as Lupe manhandled her onto the couch, panting softly as she looked up at the wolf. "You...don't leave a...leave a lady waiting long," the deer gasped as the wolf pinned her against the cushions. He already her arms above her head, and his weight was enough to pin her legs down on the couch as well. "Why...why so eager today, my...hero?"

"Heh...just looking forward to the weekend, sweetheart," he said back to her. His shirt had been left at the door the moment he came in, and he had been halfway through taking off his pants when she came out of the kitchen to see him. From there...well, he was quick, and had gotten her to the living room pretty quickly after that.

She blushed, both at how quickly he'd gotten her from the door to the couch, and how different she was from the night he'd saved her from some muggers. Heh, she'd never have thought that having a big wolf like this in her building was such a good idea; an older lady like her, with a predator like him? She'd been afraid to leave her doors unlocked at night, and not because of the thugs on the street.

As he ripped open her shirt, Megan blushed, her large breasts suddenly shoved out on display for him. Her breath sped up as he handled them, furry, clawed fingers squeezing things that hadn't had much attention before he had started visiting.

That first visit was...rough. She had wanted to thank him for saving her...and that thanking had somehow ended with her sucking his dick. She'd tried to pretend that hadn't happened, but it hadn't worked out. Particularly as her hands had found their way into her panties and started touching herself to the thought.

He pinched her nipple, bringing her back to the present with a gasp. "Heh, hope you're not thinking of any other men, Ms. Murphy," Lupe said with a cocky smirk.

"Oh no, no...just thinking back to that...that first night."

"Heh, you swallowed my cock so fast that time. Of course, you've gotten even faster since then, haven't you, you big slut?" He slapped her breasts, and she jerked again, thrusting her chest forward against his hand. "Oooh, yeah, you're getting to be a good slut now, aren't you?"

Her face was so red, but she loved it; her panties were soaked already, and she knew he could smell it; his nostrils were flaring already, and she could see that his cock was getting harder and harder. His jeans already unzipped, she could see the growing bulge in his boxers. Before long, that hefty wolf cock would be out, and she'd either be feasting on hot wolf meat or having it jammed between her legs. Either way, it'd be great.

As he started tugging her skirt down, she couldn't help comparing herself to the past again. The prudish old landlady, never inviting a man up, never thinking of what a guy might be packing in his pants? She was gone, and Megan was here. Out with Ms. Murphy, and...well, she didn't know what she was yet.

Whatever Lupe wanted her to be, she imagined.

He pulled down her panties, pulling the wet cotton to his nose and giving it a few sniffs. She blushed again, but fingered herself while he watched. "Mmm, you smell something you like, stud?" she asked, her blush starting to fade a bit as she took some action for herself.

"Mmm, smell, and see," the wolf said. He growled appreciatively as he started to undo his pants. "Heh, what about you?"

"Oh...you know..."

"Come on, I want to hear you say it, Megan," Lupe said with a smirk.

"Do I really have to?"

"Say it, or you don't get the wolf cock you want," he said. He pulled his pants down just enough to allow his cock out, the knot already half formed and out of his sheath. She stared at it, unable to look away, even when he waggled his hips and made it sway from side to side.

Taking a deep breath and swallowing hard, she said, "I want your cock...I love what I see there, and I want it in me RIGHT NOW!"

Lupe grinned, grabbing hold of his cock and giving it a couple of strokes. He started to move towards her, but she beat him to it, leaning forward and licking the tip of his cock. He froze, but she kept licking, suckling at the tip of his cock.

His laughter made her blush, but she liked the taste; she wanted his cock so bad, wanted it in her, filling her...cumming in her...

"Oh, the guys are going to love a slutty MILF like you this weekend," the wolf muttered.

She blushed worse, but kept sucking; he kept talking about the club, kept going on about showing her off to different guys there. Every time he brought it up, she shot it down, not wanting to show off just what she'd become to other people.

Maybe this time, she'd go along with it.

The End.

A Lovely Living Statue

For Renzyl

Aaron shuddered as the latex continued flowing down the walls, continuing to run down the halls that formed the inside of this strange temple.

It had all started so innocently, or as innocently as exploring an illegal dig got. The white wolf had been part of a group trying to find out if there was any treasure left inside, and instead, had immediately gotten separated from the others when some strange goo had started pouring through the walls. Oh, he'd told them to leave it alone, that they should leave, but were they genre savvy enough to know to leave the strange goo alone? Nooooooo.

Now it was coming out of every part of this ancient temple, and the door out was gone. By all rights, he was probably as good as dead, or going to become the plaything of whatever was still in this temple, but the wolf couldn't let himself give up just yet. Just because that was the genre standard...

He rounded a corner, and his eyes went wide.

The dark corridor was filled with a rippling wall of the latex he'd been running from. This stuff wasn't just oozing from the walls, but actually a solid...well, semi-solid wall in front of him, rippling and shuddering with each vibration through the ground. He didn't dare poke it with his flashlight, but it looked like it was too thick to push through, and too strong to just hope to break down.

Looking over his shoulder, Aaron groaned. The flow of latex along the ground was steadily inching forward, and could only be a few dozen feet away. No other passages, no ropes, no crumbling ceiling...


His eyes went wide as he felt something warm land on his shoulder, and he looked down at it. A splot of the purple latex had landed on him, and it was spreading across his coat, sinking through it to the shirt below.

"Oh fuck no," Aaron muttered, pulling it over his head and throwing it to the side. His shirt went next, and he sighed in relief as he managed to get it off before the dot could sink down to his fur, or worse, his skin. He threw it after his jacket, backing out from underneath the spot the latex had fallen from.

Unfortunately, as soon as he took a step back, he felt the squelching squish of the latex underfoot.

He whipped his head around, and gasped as he saw that it was rapidly flowing up his leg. It was past the top of his boot already, and it clung to his leg. "No no no no no!" he shouted, reaching down towards his leg before he could stop himself. It was stupid, stupid, stupid his brain told him, but his body moved before he could stop himself.

The latex spread onto his hands, and he groaned at the strange warmth the stuff gave off. It flowed like syrup up his arms, and the wolf whimpered as he tried to brush it off. His hands flailed at the purple stuff, but it failed to disappear, no matter what he did.

As he backed up against the wall, he saw something that surprised him. To his shock, the wall of latex in front of him...shifted. Changed. What he thought was purple darkened, growing less bright and more dim, until it had coalesced into a black silhouette. The silhouette itself was large, standing taller than him, and had dripping wings in the back.

When it opened its eyes, looking at him with burning red orbs, he knew that he was fucked.

While it stared at him, he found that he couldn't move. Not so much as an inch in any direction, like he was stuck holding still. As he strained, the creature walked closer and closer to him, and the latex on his legs and arms continued shifting further and further up his body.

Somewhere along the line, his boots had been melted off, and he could feel the latex constricting around his feet. He could feel like his toes were being shoved together, forming a two toed foot rather than a five toed one, and they seemed...longer, too. Why, he had no idea, but the latex seemed to be what was in charge.

But that wasn't the worst. The worst was when the latex got into his pants.

The feeling of the syrupy stuff rolling over his junk should have been repulsive, should have been something that turned him off. Not something that was getting him ridiculously randy and horny. Aaron growled in his throat, the only sound he could make, as the rolling material forced him hard, out of his sheath and completely erect. It made him groan softly, and his neck muscles bunched up as he tried to shake his head.

The creature was right beside him, he realized, and those eyes were only a few inches from his. Out of the corners of his eyes, he could see the two latex hands that the creature had coming up to his head, and felt two...tendrils...going into his ears.

It stung for a second before everything turned...warm...comforting...


Aaron's lips would have turned up in a grin if they could; as it was, he wished he could thrust forward against the latex covering his cock. Wished he could push back against the plug sliding into his ass. Wished that he could feel the creature that was brushing up against him, moving his arms and legs into a new position.

It didn't take long for the latex to cover him completely, and the creature soon had him posed for any new visitors to...appreciate. The dragon creature chuckled, giving the latex statue a few strokes to its hard cock, before heading back into the darkness.

The new statue didn't care. It was hard, horny, and ready to keep watch over the temple, ready to wait for the next group of intruders.

The End

Demon Summoning 101: What WILL Go Wrong

For Nataraj

Demon summoning, something usually done in the black of night, with red candles and blood drawn symbols on unhallowed ground. Not in the safety of a bedroom with Barry Manilow on the radio, a dildo up one's ass, and a jockstrap held to the face, but that was how Nataraj was going about it anyway.

The thick fake cock in his ass was driving the lizard crazy, and he bounced up and down the shaft with repeated moans. One hand flew up and down his cock, while the other held the jockstrap that he'd stolen from the college gym to his face. The potent musk of the lead football player filled his nose each time that he breathed in, and sent shivers down his spine and additional rigidity to his cock. "Oooh yeah...yeah..." the big-bottomed lizard muttered under his breath.

His hand slipped from his cock for a moment, but only for him to lick up the pre on his fingers. Then it was right back to stroking. "Oh...oh great demon...rise....rise for me," he panted, sliding himself all the way down to the base of the dildo. The horse schlong in his ass was nearly a foot and a half long, the head fully flared, but it was still sliding through him easily. "Mmmm...rise....rise up...rise for a grand old fucking...rise, and take your servant...take me many times."

It was getting close now, he could feel it in his balls. The incantation was set; the fluids taken from the various living things set around the circle. Now...now it just needed his. And the lizard was going to give it. He moaned, sliding down the dildo again, feeling the flare of the horse cock rub against his prostate, drawing another shudder from him, another little spurt of pre from his cock.

He bounced, he rode, he stroked; every movement carrying him closer and closer to the final orgasm. Nataraj panted heavily, his ass jiggling and squeezing around the dildo even as his balls swayed beneath him, slowly pulling up with each second that passed. Oh, this was going to be a big one, he thought, such a big, big orgasm...a big orgasm...to summon...a HUGE demon...

The lizard's toes curled against the wooden floor of his bedroom, and he almost lost his balance as he slid up to the very tip of the shaft. He flailed, almost falling into the circle, but caught his balance. But even that wasn't enough to distract him from his need. He needed to cum...he needed the demon...and the two were one and the same.

He threw his legs up and out of the way, and let gravity just pull him down onto the dildo. It slid inside of him, well greased and well lubed, and the near 18 inches of fake cock filled him up with a wet splurch sound. Lube oozed out of his ass onto the floor, the dildo almost entirely swallowed into his hole, but it did the trick; the massive filling shoved him over the edge.

Cum shot out of his cock and landed in the painted circle, covering it with his musky fluid. He cried out in pleasure, his cock spasming and twitching as he kept on cumming, feeding his lust and his semen to the spell ritual. Oh, this was going to be good, he thought; nothing short of something huge would come out with this sort of offering.

On the last squirt, the circle lit up. Not with the usual red light, but with a line of black fire that followed the circle around, closing itself off. It burned hot, and Nataraj's scales started to shine as he started to sweat. He shuddered involuntarily, closing his eyes to slits to see what the spell would bring about.

From the fire and haze rose a huge creature. Thick and massive, it rose from the floor as if in a lift from below. Looking at it, Nataraj thought that it was some sort of faceless demon. That wouldn't have mattered, as long as it had a cock, but then he looked down a little further, and he saw that the groin was actually an ass.

The demon was the wrong way around.

Pouting slightly, the lizard crossed his arms, waiting with his legs crossed as well for the demon to finish rising out of whatever pit that it had been summoned from.

Eventually, it stopped rising, standing somewhere along the lines of six foot something, and so thick that the lizard thought he could fit at least three, if not four of himself into the demonic creature. Now that it was all the way up, he could see through the gap between the demon's legs, and he licked his lips at the sight of how huge that cock was. He'd seen horses with huge cocks, but that one put them to shame; two feet long, and soft?! Oh, he was going to have fun with this.

Slowly, the demon turned around, looking down at the lizard. Hot gold eyes looked down at him, and narrowed in slight annoyance. "Who are you?"

"I'm Nataraj," the lizard said, bowing his head. "I'm here to do whatever you want me to do."

"Whatever...I want you to do..."

"Yeah, suck your dick, lick your feet, nuzzle up to your armpit, suck your balls dry, be your muscle worshiper...anything you want," the eager lizard said, unable to keep a grin off of his face.

The demon looked at him with eyes that were slowly starting to widen. He grabbed hold of his cock, holding it up. "You do...see this right?"

"Of course; not quite the size I was hoping for, but I'm sure I can get used to something a little smaller than my ideal."

If it were possible, the demon looked a little on the scared side. Nataraj hoped that wasn't the case; that was the same look that the last one had, and he'd only lasted for a few days. He was hoping that this one would last for longer.

The End

The Gift of a Statue

For DrakeHavok

Havok was a little curious when he got back from his trip to the sea-shore. Leaving his orca form behind there was no easy task, but with a little help he'd gotten it done, and when he got back to his home, he'd been looking forward to getting a little bit of rest.

However, there was someone there waiting when he arrived.

Standing in the middle of the entryway was a shy looking otter, wearing nothing but a loincloth and holding a letter in his hands. When Havok had raised an eyebrow, the otter had handed him the letter. Curious, he'd looked through it, reading it carefully.

It hadn't said much. Just that the otter was a gift from another dragon - someone named Draconicon - and that he would serve as a little toy for a few days. There wasn't much else, except that Havok was to use the word 'Priapian' to start the shift.

Not thinking anything of reading it aloud, Havok actually read the key word then and there, and only realized that something was going on when the otter yelped.

He whipped around, and stared at what was happening. Right in front of him, the otter was slowly solidifying. The little guy's bare feet had already turned into solid marble stone, and it was creeping up past his knees. Thankfully they were locked so that the otter was standing up, but this seemed almost ridiculous.

Yet, rather than looking scared, the otter was frantically stroking his cock. Havok started to move forward, but the otter shook his head, keeping him back. Instead, he continued stroking his cock, gradually making it stick out of his sheath, getting it harder, and harder. Low hanging balls swayed forward and back as he bucked himself forward into his hands, almost like he was desperate to get hard before he froze in statue form.

Somehow, to Havok's surprise, the otter managed it. Ripping his hands away from his cock just before the stone went over it, the otter panted from the effort. Rather than looking upset, he looked like he was feeling immense pleasure as the stone flowed over his cock, freezing it erect and holding it pointed upwards. Havok's mouth opened and closed, trying to find a question to ask to demand to know what was going on, but nothing came to mind.

The stone had flowed over the otter's lungs by that point, so he couldn't answer either. However, he pointed to the letter again, then put his arms behind his back, leaning back a little to shove his cock forward more, and get it further on display before his posture was locked.

As the marble change completely covered the otter, Havok reached down and grabbed hold of the letter again. He flipped it over, and found that there was a little more to the letter than he had originally thought.

According to this Draconicon, the otter was a pet of his, and he liked to allow some other dragons to play with him sometimes. The otter was keyed to a new spell, one that turned him into a living statue and would keep him in place for a while. He could still feel, still see, still think, but would be unable to move or do anything while he was in the marble form.

Further down, the letter also explained that this form was very...malleable. A few words, and Havok would be able to twist, turn, and manipulate the otter's shape more or less however he wanted.

Finding that a little hard to believe, Havok nevertheless thought he might as well try it. The white dragon was a little bored, after all, and it might be just the thing to liven up the weekend.

He walked over to the otter, unable to avoid looking at his cock. It was a reasonable size, he supposed, though a little small for a dragon. But if this worked...

Havok read off the second word that he was given, the one that would allow him to change things on the statue. To his surprise, the stone went from the marble white to a flashing yellow, almost like what he'd seen in a few programs on peoples phones when he traveled. He slowly reached down to the otter's cock, and, after getting a good grip, pulled.

When it slid back with his hand, growing longer with each second that he pulled on it, the dragon almost fell over in shock. He let go, staring as the cock had gone from only six inches long to almost a foot long in less than a second. It was still completely rigid, too, just like stone, just like a very hard cock, and the otter hadn't moved at all.

Getting his balance back, he tried a few other things. He fingered the otter's hole, and made it wide, then tight, loose, then impossible to enter. He lifted one foot, shifting the toes around to make the foot different shaped, and then put it back to normal again. He tugged the balls down, making them hang low like a bull or a horse, and those he left that way; they looked surprisingly appealing.

A small smile crossed Havok's face at the sight of what he could do, and he reached up to the otter statue's cock again. If he was going to play with this thing, he wanted it to be the right size....

The End.

Writing Stream 7: Growth

**The Cook's Carefully Crafted Cock** **For Daryll** The smell of cooking food filled the house, and it was strongest in the kitchen. For Daryll, there was no better smell in the world, and despite the plan he had in mind, he took a moment to smell...

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Duties of a Micro Servant 2

**Duties of a Micro Servant 2** **By Draconicon, For Xalex** Musk, sweat, and darkness were the three things that made up the majority of Alex's world of late. Ever since Olag had pushed him to admit his own fetish, his servitude to the bear...

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The Monk's Changeling

**The Monk's Changeling** **For Lordrevan/Burmecianblue** This world was the last one that the raven had expected to visit. He was used to the world of temples and shrines, of the rolling hills and the shifting borders that formed his homeland....

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