Working at NOMZ

Story by Angrynightmob on SoFurry

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This is the free commission story that nabuza won from my earlier journal (From FA) with his superior number-guessing skills. Technically, it was a tie and nuclear_fusion won as well, but he abstained and allowed Nabuza to win the full thing, so here we are now.

For his free commission, he asked for a story to go with this picture.

So here it is and enjoy!

Disclaimer, this story contains adult materials including lots of vore (Mostly oral, but anal vore and cock vore get a mention), stripping, cum, large cocks, big muscles, and adult situations. This story is meant for users ages 18 and up.

Feral the Liger belongs to nabuza

All other characters were just figments of my imagination to help move the story along.

It was a drive that he had made many times.

Feral Catteneo had just finished having a nice, big meal at the fanciest restaurant in town, and now he needed to get to his job. Sometimes it was hard to get all of that bulk of his into a normal car, which was why his was specially made for someone of his size. It wasn't like he couldn't afford it. The white-furred and purple-stripped Liger made a good living at his place of employment, and the customers often tipped well.

It didn't take long for him to arrive, and he drove around back until he hit the employee parking lot. He was one of the lucky ones, as one of only five employees who had his own spot. It was a testament to how good he was at his job, and how much the customers always came back for him. The owner often used that as an example to the others as something to shoot for.

Once he was parked, the massive Liger turned off the engine and stepped outside. His first step out caused a minor rumble as he hit the ground. Feral Catteneo was not a small Liger. In fact, he was a solid eight feet tall. His entire body was bulging with muscles. His arms were thick and biceps were huge. His pecs were massive as well, with each one crowned by a firm, black nipple. The biggest thing on him, however, was his gut. While Feral looked chubby, anyone who felt his ample stomach would see that it was a solid block of muscle. He was at least 800 pounds of pure muscle.

He gave a sly grin as he headed into the employees entrance to his workplace: A strip joint called NOMZ. There was a large Doberman who watched the back to make sure that no one tried to sneak into the back. Feral fished into his tight pants to pull out his employee ID to the bouncer, who then let him into the performer's area.

The first thing that one would notice when entering the performer's area was the heavy smell of musk and manliness. Considering that almost everyone there was either naked or currently in a state of undress, that was to be expected. Everyone back here was a stripper at NOMZ, and it showed. Just from what he could see, there were ten other furs around his size in the back. Some had just finished, while others were just getting started.

Feral was about to get ready and removed his jacket, when a large arm wrapped around his shoulders. "Just got in, eh?" the voice said to him.

Feral's face soon had a sly grin. "Yep, just now." The large Liger moved out of the grip for a moment and turned around, to see that he was staring right at a massive pair of pecs.

The massive chest belonged to one of the few co-workers Feral had that was larger then he was, Sano. The shark was a good ten feet tall and just as bulky as Feral was, and topped the scales at a solid 1000 pounds of pure muscle. While Feral's grin was quite toothy, the one Sano was wearing was much larger, as expected from his species. The only difference that their body types had was that while Feral had a large and proud musclegut, Sano had a solid 10 pack of abs on his midsection. Each brick was part of a solid wall of muscle that framed his gut.

Of course, Feral couldn't help but look his aquatic co-worker over. His gaze started to drift downward, and he saw the impressive twin cocks the shark was sporting, each full and throbbing. His gaze kept going, looking all the way down to the hefty balls of the shark. It might have been surprising to others, but not to Feral, when he saw the sac of the shark squirm and wobble, a few forms clearly outlined in his nuts.

That was part of the appeal of NOMZ. If you really liked a performer, you could get closer to them then you might ever think possible. Judging from how bulged out Sano's sac was, it seemed like he had quite a party going on in him.

"Guessing you just got off." Feral said, reaching down and giving the shark's nuts a playful slap. The squirming balls vibrated and shook slightly as they wobbled from the slap, causing Sano's cocks to drool a bit with the activity. "Mmmm...yep, got a good crowd here tonight." The shark growled.

"And I see you kept it to a rather tight party," Feral grinned again, "Even with a mouth your size, ya keep em going down your cock."

"What can I say?" Sano chuckled and flexed his twin cocks in tandem, "When you got it, flaunt it."

"Well, I prefer to keep my girlish figure." Feral chuckled and patted his large gut, causing it to wobble slightly as well.

Sano shook his head and laughed at Feral's stilly joke. "I don't think you gotta worry about that. You better go get ready though. 'Big Gold's' almost off the stage, and you're on next, 'Wrecking Ball'. Although, if you're worried about your figure, then when you get off today, how about I make sure you don't lose it?" Sano's toothy grin seemed to get even wider with the offer he brought. His intention was made clear when his twin shafts shot a quick wad of pre out, splashing onto the ground.

"Sure, sounds fun. I'll catch you later, 'Double Trouble.' Just hope you're ready." Feral said, accepting his co-workers offer and returned the tease by calling him by his stage name.

The shark patted the large Liger on the gut a few more times and then headed into his personal dressing room to finish off his shift and meal. That was another perk of being a top performer at NOMZ. The best got their own rooms, while the rest shared with the others. Although, if Feral had to guess, he figured about thirty percent of the performers enjoyed finishing up with the others watching. And, while management frowned on the performers going after each other like they did the customers, there was no rule against it, as long as you didn't stop someone from finishing their shift. In other words, off-hours were pretty much anything goes.

Well, there wasn't much time to dwell on the workings of the rookies. If 'Big Gold' was almost done, that gave him about five minutes to get ready for his turn on stage. Feral made his way towards his private room and started to get in gear. There were a multitude of costumes and outfits for him to strip out of and dance through in his collection, but today, he felt like getting right to the point.

As he was getting undressed, a knock came to his door. He had just removed his pants and was putting on his ultra-tight fitting Speedo when he turned around to see 'Big Gold' at his door. It was the only Lucario that NOMZ had on staff, and they were lucky enough that he was one of the rare 'shiny' ones out there, their normal blue-fur a blazing gold on him. Feral was bigger then he was by a good half-foot, but like many fighting-type Pokemon, he was incredibly well built.

Like Sano was before, it was clear that the Lucario had just gotten off-stage. His belly was squirming with several patrons, and it looked like he had a second tail that was slowly vanishing from behind him.

"You're up." The Lucario said to the Liger, "Still got a big crowd out there for you to enjoy."

"Not a moment too soon," Feral said, putting on his tight purple Speedo and patting his amble package a few times to get ready. He passed by the shiny Lucario just as the last vestige of an otter tail slid into his rump cheeks and vanished. A few moments later, he heard the announcer call in his introduction.

"Uh oh, looks like we're in need of a real demolition man!" His introduction started, "Good thing we here at NOMZ have our very own.... Wrecking Ball!"

Hard, pulsing music started to pump through the speakers of the strip club. The curtain rose and the lights were pointed at his entrance. He took short, deliberate steps as he approached the bar. His massive shadow was seen coming out to the cheers of the crowds. Moments later, the music came to a stop, and so did he. A small grin was on his face. He had done this routine many times. A quick beat of silence to build tension and then...

The music picked up again and Feral gave a hard stomp onto the stage, nearly shaking the entire room. His massive belly wobbled and swung around his form once he hit the stage and the crowd erupted in cheers once again. The name Wrecking Ball was well deserved, as to the crowd, it seemed like if he hit anything with that huge belly of his, it would knock it over easily.

Of course, that wasn't everything that the crowd loved. That tight purple Speedo he was wearing was bulging out with his package. His balls were large and sloshing and he had a solid foot-and-a-half of cock while fully hard, and right now, that black-fleshed shaft was bulging out in the tight fabric, teasing the audience with what it was hiding. He made a point to gyrate and swing his hips in the opposite direction of his belly to give an even better show to the screaming and cheering furs in the crowd.

Feral hadn't even been on stage for a minute before bills were being tossed at him. It was almost like money was raining on him. He grinned towards the audience and grabbed the pole on stage. He swung in a few circles around it, his large gut wobbled as he circled about the pole. Even for a huge muscle stud like himself, he was quite athletic if necessary, and to show off his goods for the people, it was quite necessary.

After a few spins along the pole, it was time for the next part of the show, and one he liked the best. He eyed the crowd, seeing who seemed to be into her performance the most. After about a minute of searching, he spotted it. There was a booth filled that had four foxes seated at it, all waving about fistfuls of cash. He shot a glance to the DJ's booth and gave a small, kurt nod. It was the sign that he had found his target and that he was ready for the next part of the show.

"Uh oh," The DJ announced to the crowd, "It looks like the Wrecking Balls are about to...drop!"

The crowd at NOMZ erupted in thunderous cheers again. Feral gave a grin to the audience and rose up a hand to his chest. He teased his nips for the crowd for a few moments, drinking in their performance. The stimulation to those pleasure points on his body was making his bulging package throb out. A loud rip shot then shot though the air. His Speedo ripped right off of his body and shot forward at an impressive speed.

The flying fabric shot though the air, speeding past the heads and faces of his admirers, until it landed at the booth of the four foxes. A quick cheer broke out from that group as the four vulpines fought each other for the tattered remains of his undergarments, while the rest of the audience focused back on the show.

Feral was standing naked by the pole, still swinging his large gut around. This time, however, each of his swings also caused his personal meat pole to swish about as well. True to the announcement, his ample balls were swinging low, hanging down to his knees. His furry nuts sloshed and swung with his gyrations as well, acting true to the theme he had of a wrecking ball.

He brought his large arms behind his head and started thrusting his ample package out towards the audience, his shaft throbbing and growing as it reached its full hardness. More bills and wads of cash were tossed at him. He had been on stage for less then ten minutes and he could already tell that there was at least a thousand dollars that had been tossed at him that he had earned. Not only that, he had yet to get to the main event.

The Liger's ample package hit its full size, pressing up against the underside of his massive musclegut. His balls churned and gurgled and drops of pre began to form at his cocktip. He decided now was a good time to start his main event. Feral stopped his gyrations for a moment and turned to face the booth with the foxes in it.

The booth had finished its small fight for his ripped Speedo and had their eyes back on him. He noticed that one of the foxes was drooling upon seeing his naked form while the other three were still hooting and hollering and waving money around. Feral grinned and pointed towards them before beckoning them to come up on stage, curling a single clawed finger towards them, while at the same time, flexing his shaft to beckon them as well.

While Feral had been doing this for a while, he had never seen a group rush and crawl over each other as fast as that booth of foxes did to get to him. By the time they had actually gotten on stage, two of them had already taken their shirts and pants off, while the others were in the process of undressing.

"Looks like some lucky patrons of NOMZ were picked to ride the Wrecking Ball!" It was announced through the loudspeaker.

Feral grinned at the four small foxes that were before him. He picked out the one that was drooling before and shoved his cock right in his face. "Enjoy." He said.

He could feel the jealousy coming from the other three foxes as their lucky friend quickly got to work on pleasing that shaft that was in his face. His small fingers went to work teasing the thick veins of his rod while another one began teasing and squeezing his ample nuts. His cock was already dripping pre onto the small, brown-furred fox, but Feral had other things on his mind right now. Namely, the other three in his party.

The group had already tossed their money onto the stage, having long since forgotten how much they had spent on the huge stripper. One adventurous fox was pushing against his gut. The surprised look on his face showed that he was incredibly surprise to see how big it was in person.

"B...big..." The fox said, almost completely inaudible over the cheering crowd of furs.

"Mmm... and gonna get bigger, real soon." Feral growled back.

The large cat thrust forward, nearly knocking that fox off his feet when he hit him with his belly. The motion also caused his balls to swing forward, slapping his helper fox in the face with his musky orbs. Neither seemed to mind, unleashing a heavenly and pleasurable moan as his body came in contact with theirs. His white fur rubbed along his face for a moment before he reached down and grabbed all three of them in his massive arms.

The fox trio let out a surprised yelp before Feral placed two of them on his massive belly. They quickly grabbed onto his pecs and nipples to hang on, causing the white Liger to growl in pleasure as they stimulated that pleasure point on him. It was quite a sight, seeing that huge cat keep two furs on him, situated on just his huge belly, but what came next was an even bigger sight.

With a fox still in his grip, Feral brought him up to his face. The fox was eye-to-eye with the massive stripper before the Liger gave him a lick across his face. The vulpine struggled a bit as that rough tongue washed over him, but seemed to enjoy it. He looked to see Feral open wide again, expecting another tongue bath, but instead, his head was shoved into the large cat's open maw.

The fox yelped in surprise a second time as his entire head was easily engulfed by the muscular Liger. His rough tongue licked along his face and chest as Feral shoved more of him into his maw. The fox went all the way up to his own stomach before he hit the back of the Liger's throat, but then Feral began swallowing. A bulge formed in his throat as he pulled the small fox in deeper, gulping and swallowing him down.

His two companions gasped a bit, their hands squeezing his nipples harder as they watched their companion slide in deeper into that maw. His kicking legs were sticking out of his mouth and they could feel him slide past his chest as he swallowed the rest of the fox down. The bulge in his throat squirmed as gravity pulled him into his massive belly. One more hard swallow was all it took to get the rest of the fox past his throat and in his gut.

Feral grinned and patted his gut a few times as he felt the fox move and squirm within him. Handprints and faceprints could be seen pushing out against his flesh and muscle as his prey struggled in his belly. He started to swing his belly again, letting it slosh around the trapped fox as the other two looked in awe. One started rubbing the bulges their friend made as he pushed out against that stomach.

"You're next." He growled out and grabbed both foxes on his gut.

They looked in surprise to see that massive maw of the Liger was opening wider then it had before. The two smaller foxes both had their heads shoved into his maw, his mouth stretching wider to take them both in at once. His hot breath washed over their faces as they were pushed into the dark abyss.

The Liger put on a bit of a show for the audience, going slow and steady and acting like he was having a hard time taking them both in at once. The truth was, however, that he was fully capable of eating furs his size or bigger like this, so two small foxes were no problem. He could do this in his sleep. Actually, he probably had done this in his sleep before, remembering big NOMZ parties he had attended in the past that had ended up a few guests short while everyone was sleeping.

So, once the faces of both foxes hit the back of his throat, he let them go to struggle a bit in his mouth, stretching forward a bit to get their shoulders past his lips. He growled in pleasure, both from eating the foxes, and from the one working his cock getting even more excited. The last one was jacking him off with gusto and grinding his entire body against his package.

His deep moan could be heard even over the cheers of the audience as he slowly started to swallow. He tilted his head back to streamline the passageway and swallowed again. His neck and throat bulged out with their bodies, and the audience got a full view of the two foxes sliding into his belly. The fox still in his gut was still struggling and pushing out, creating bulges in the walls of the cavern he was in.

Feral's throat rippled and tugged as he swallowed hard again. His tongue licked and worked over their bodies as he took them in deeper. Their legs were still sticking out of his mouth and hanging in the air as they descended into his maw. With a loud gulp, he sucked in those legs into his mouth and finished the deed. The bulges in his throat continued to slide down into his belly until both foxes landed in his muscle gut.

The audience cheered again as more bulges pushed out against his belly, but the show wasn't over yet. The massive Liger flexed and posed for the audience, letting his bulky muscles put on a show of their own for a moment before he flexed his cock upward. The last fox yipped out as he was pulled off of the ground by the sheer strength of his shaft and wrapped his entire body around his length.

The Liger's grin never left his face as he grabbed the fox and brought his face to his cocklips. If Sano was there, he would consider feeding himself that way, but he had something else in mind with this one. With all of the squirms and struggles in his belly, Feral was getting more and more aroused. And with his cock pressed up against the underside of his gut, their movements and struggles were working over his black cockflesh too.

It took less then a minute for his penis to throb hard and his cockhead to open wide and fire. The fox opened his mouth as well to drink what he could, but that would be an impossible feat. He managed to only get a few mouthfuls before Feral's blast was too much for him and he struggled and sputtered as he was coated in hot, thick, Liger seed.

Wave after wave, rope after rope, and blast after blast of cum coated and covered the fox in the stripper's cum. What didn't land on his fur was shot into the crowd, with several of the furs there fighting to get a drink or blast of his seed. His orgasm lasted for a solid seven minutes and he easily blasted out at least five gallons of cum, but his cock remained hard when it was over, and his balls looked like they hadn't lost a drop.

The entire time, Feral still had the fox in his grip. He was still struggling in his paws, but he was held tight. His brown fur was almost completely covered in white, making him look more like an arctic fox.

"Mmmmm...cream covered fox. One of my favorites." Feral said, causing the foxes ears to perk up. With little effort, Feral lifted the fox up to his maw and over his head. The vulpine didn't struggle. In fact, it seemed like this was what he wanted, to be swallowed whole by the large cat. Well, even if it wasn't, there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Unlike the previous foxes he ate, Feral brought his legs to his lips and began to suck on his feet and toes for a moment. He enjoyed the taste of his cum mixed with the fox's own taste before he brought more of his cum-coated snack into his maw. His legs and thighs were brought into his maw, and the fox could feel his feet hit the Liger's throat. One swallow later, and they were compressed into that tight, slick passage that his friends had traveled down earlier.

"Aaahhhh..." the fox moaned out in glee as Feral's throat muscles massaged his legs and thigh, slowly moving up his body as he was swallowed down deeper. He kept his arms to his side to help the large predator have an easier time eat him, a gesture which the stripper secretly appreciated. It only took a few gulps for the fox to just have his head sticking out of that maw before he gave Feral's nose a quick lick before he was gulped down.

His world became darkness as the Liger closed his mouth around him and he slid the rest of the way into that throat. The slick walls squeezed around his body as the stripper continued to swallow and pull him into his belly. The bulges and squirms in his gut became more active as their final companion's feet slid into that gut and Feral could feel the foxes grab at his feet to pull him in the rest of the way.

The Liger was still for a moment before he opened his mouth wide once more. A loud belch rang through the room, nearly shaking the room with its power. He would find out later that it was so loud and powerful that it was heard over three blocks away. Once that was done though, the large white Liger patted his gut a few more times and continued his routine for the crowd. This time, however, his gut was bulging with prey within it, creating prints and outlines of the foxes in his belly as he swung around the pole a few more times.

After a moment, the struggles ended, and he could tell that the foxes couldn't hold it in any longer, and were now having an orgy in his gut. He stopped swinging around the pole for a moment and decided to give them one last bit with the audience, letting them see the movements in his gut for a few seconds as the foxes he at went at each other like bunnies. He only gave them enough time for the audience to tell what they were doing before he started swishing his gut for the crowd again. After all, he had a show to finish.


Feral headed back to his private room once his session was over. All in all, he had eaten ten of his admirers, all of them joining in that party in his massive belly. His gut had gotten so massive from his feast that if he were to fall over and land on his stomach, his hands and legs would be unable to touch the ground. It was an embarrassing situation that he had ended up in once before, and one that he didn't plan on repeating.

Still, his musclegut lead the way back to his room before he went inside. His belly gurgled as it worked over the orgy inside of him. He just gave his gut a few hardy pats, letting it wobble and swish before he sat down in his custom-made reinforced chair. It creaked a moment with his weight, but it held firm. If he had to guess, he would assume that he had eaten at least his own weight in customers.

"Great show today, Wrecking Ball!" One of his other coworkers said, a rookie horse who had potential. "Here's your take from the show."

The stripper placed a large envelope that contained his pay for that session. He also brought in a box of clothes that belonged to the customers that he had eaten.

"Thanks Muncher." Feral said, likewise addressing his coworker by his stage name, "Although you can call me Feral."

"You're welcome." Muncher said, "Gotta go. I'm up soon."

Feral just nodded and the horse closed the door behind him. Minutes later, Feral's gut gurgled and churned some more, and began to digest and absorb the patrons that he had eaten. It didn't take long for all ten furs to get digested, and the Liger could already feel his muscles growing and expanding from absorbing them.

It was a lovely pattern he had. He got to eat all the customers he liked, digest them into more muscle mass, and they paid him to do it. He also made it a habit of his to clean out their wallets from their leftover clothes. The best part was, when they woke up back at their homes, he kept the mass and money, they didn't remember what happened, but they always came back for more. Once then, the cycle continued once more.

Feral belched loudly once again and patted his now empty gut. "Mmmm...great show indeed." He said to himself, his muscles still growing and expanding from the added mass.

He would wait about twenty or so minutes to finish the process before collecting his money and heading out. Normally he would head home and then deposit his new funds in the morning, but tonight was different.

He hadn't forgotten about his date with a certain duel-cocked shark after all...

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