A Personal Trainer

Story by Angrynightmob on SoFurry

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Hey, it's another story by me! And this one is a birthday gift to my friend tachi who is probably the reason I'm even submitting stories in the first place and not just lurking like I normally do! Happy Birthday big man!

As a disclaimer, this story contains Pec, Oral, Anal, and Cock Vore. It also contains gasp Story Canon! It also contains muscle growth, hyper cocks, and gallons of cum and cumflation. So, again, this story is for people 18 and older.

Ryu the Lucario and Torch the Typhlosion belong to me.

Tachi and Tal belong to tachi

Isy the Yoshi makes a quick cameo, and he belongs to uspats

Pokemon and Yoshi belong to Nintendo.

Again, happy birthday big man. Hope you enjoy it!

The muscular, blue-furred jackal looked up at the massive building that he was standing in front of. "This place is a gym?" Ryu the Lucario thought to himself.

Indeed it was. This was the Sapphire Gym. It was a large, three-story building that stood on the outskirts of town. It was lined with marble, complete with four marble columns that lined massively along the front.

"Quite the impressive place, isn't it?" The Typhlosion standing next to him said, almost as if he was reading his friend's thoughts. The fire-types fur jostled a bit in the slight breeze as the pair stood at the bottom of the great steps that lead to the double-doors that served as the entrance.

The Typhlosion looked back to his partner. Truth be told, just from looking at the pair, one would wonder if they even needed a gym. Torch looked to be a mountain of muscles covered by his cream and dark-blue fur. One could tell just by how his fur was stacked that a powerful body was underneath that fluff. His back and shoulders flexed and tensed as he moved. His strong legs would put most other males to shame, which framed his large rear, while not distracting away from the rest of him.

The Lucario looked no different, if not a bit smaller then his partner. He was massively built as well, sporting a solid six pack of abs with large legs and chest muscles, as well as powerful-looking arms and arm muscles. A quick glint of sunlight caught the tips of the spikes on the back of his hands and between his pecs, shining a bit in their eyes.

Torch the Typhlosion couldn't resist anymore and gave the Lucario a quick pinch on his firm rear while the jackal-like Pokemon stared up in awe. "Hey! Come on!" Ryu snapped at his friend, rubbing where the fire-type had gotten him.

Torch just chuckled a bit as Ryu shot him a quick glare. "Come on, you promised that you would join. Just be yourself, and you'll be fine. I know Tachi. He's a great guy. He'll get you all settled up. After all, he didn't have to offer you an entire week as your personal trainer. Most guys here would kill for an opportunity like that."

He wasn't exaggerating that much either. As owner of the Sapphire Gym, Tachi was one of the biggest members in it. He also made a point of being at the reception desk to greet any newcomers who would want to get bigger and stronger. Perhaps it was an example of showing of what could be possible, as Torch knew that it was always a goal of the owner to get his patrons to reach their full potential.

The Lucario continued to rub his rump for a bit as he did promise that he would join up. Once the sharp pain in his rear had subsided, the two Pokemon headed up the large stairs towards the doors and entered the gym.

A large black and white room opened up before them. At one end of the checkered floor was a large, mahogany desk. Sitting at that desk, was a large, blonde wolf. His blue-green eyes seemed to be focused on filling out a few forms. His biceps bulged out with every move of the pen as his muscles were so huge that he seemed to occasionally bump them into his massive pecs. The 9'4" wolf looked up after a moment to see the Poke-pair enter the room.

"Torch! Hey there!" The large wolf said, his deep voice echoing through the room as he stood up and came to greet them. His tree-trunk like legs attached to his massive thighs easily strode across the room as the grey wolf walked up to them. His cream-colored belly and chest bounced slightly with each step. As did his impressive package, bulging out as it was covered in his gym-issued Speedo. Ryu could swear that he heard his groin sloshing as he walked towards them.

"It's Ryu, right?" The wolf said, extending his massive hand towards the Lucario, which was accepted as they shook hands, "Didn't get to talk with you much last time."

"Yeah..." The Lucario replied, "That was...quite the party."

"Oh don't say it like that," Torch said with a grin, "You were enjoying it like everyone else there." The fire-type looked up towards the wolf. "So let's get him signed up."

Tachi nodded and pulled a piece of paper seemingly out of nowhere. "Just sign here." The buff wolf said, "And we can get you started right away. I did make you a promise."

The Lucario accepted the paper and quickly looked it over for a moment before signing his name at the bottom. Almost immediately afterwards, the membership form turned into water and floated around the gym owner for a moment before it popped into water droplets.

"Alright, let's get you set up." The large wolf said, "I'll go get a few machines ready for you and your gym wear is in your new locker. Your locker number is 34. Everything you need to get started will be there for you." Tachi handed the pokemon a small bronze key with the number 34 engraved on it.

The Lucario nodded and locked around for a moment before the large wolf pointed him in the direction of the locker rooms. "That way." He said, "Don't be too long though. We've got a lot of work to do."

Ryu hurried off in the direction of the locker rooms, finding them to be mostly empty. There were only three other males in the room at the moment. A large kangaroo with wide hips and large pecs, a rather beefy horse that had to be at least a foot taller then he was, and a rather well-built rat. Out of the group, the 'roo and horse were wearing their gym issued Speedos, while the rat was hanging freely in the locker room, his sac easily larger then his head. None of them seemed to pay Ryu any mind as he looked for his locker, although Ryu could feel himself started to grow aroused just from seeing the large men in the locker room.

Locker 34 was off in one of the corners and the Lucario hurried over to it, inserting the key to reveal exactly what was inside. There were a few towels, a gym issued Speedo, and a few canisters that looked to be filled with protein shakes and muscle supplements. There was also a large glass in his locker filled with a mysterious white liquid. Leaning on the glass was a hand-written note. "Welcome to the gym!" It read in fancy writing, "Drink this before starting. It's a specialty made protein drink just for you, Ryu."

The Lucario looked over the drink as he picked it up. It didn't smell like a normal protein shake. It smelled much sweeter then normal. Ryu then just shrugged his shoulders and drank the free gift down. The liquid went down smooth and tasted even sweeter then it smelled, although there was a distinct salty aftertaste to it as well. "Not bad." He thought to himself as he wiped and licked his lips.

He placed the glass back in his locker and pulled out the Speedo. He then turned around and gasped a bit as he noticed that the rat was standing right behind him.

"'Ey there." The rat said to him, "You new here? Don't think I've seen you around before, but damn if you don't look like you don't need to be here. You're already pretty huge."

Ryu blushed a bit at the complement. "Just joined a few minutes ago actually." He said, "Just checking out everything before meeting with Tachi for training." The Lucario looked around for a moment and noticed it was just him and the rat in the locker room. Apparently, the 'roo and the horse had gone back into the gym while he hadn't been looking.

"Cool." The rat replied, "He's the best trainer here. I got a whole day with him myself a few weeks ago. Got these built up." The rat flexed one of his arm as his bicep started to bulge on his arm, a thick vein popping on the sphere of muscle. "I can only imagine what he's gonna do with a guy like you though." The rat added, "You're already built like a god. Look at these pecs of yours!"

Without warning, the rat grabbed at Ryu's pecs. He squeezed at them, feeling those hard chest muscles between his fingers. His thumb started to tweak and roll about on his nipple, getting harder under his presses and rubs. "What are...?" He started to protest before moaning out a bit as the chest and pec massage he was getting from the rat started to feel very good. Ryu's cock started to harden a bit as his balls churned as shockwaves of pleasure ripped through his body.

The rat seemed to notice that he had Ryu in the throws of pleasure and started to work more on the blue-furred Pokemon's nipples a bit more, getting those nubs harder and harder. "I can only imagine how big Tachi will get these..." The rat said to Ryu as he brought his head towards the Lucario's chest muscles. Ryu's chest was rising and falling with his breath before the rat brought his hands between his mounds.

Ryu moaned out, feeling his skilled fingers work between his valleys. His cock was growing and throbbing, small drops of pre forming at the tip of his slit that slowly drooled down the length of his enlarging shaft. The rat seemed to be enjoying it as well, his balls bouncing as they churned as he reached over a foot of hard erect cock.

What made the rat gasp, however, were two things. The first was that the Lucario's cock was still growing. It was over three feet long and a foot thick as he rubbed between his two pecs. The second was that he couldn't pull his hands out from between those massive mounds. Ryu was unconsciously flexing his pecs around the rat's skillful hands, and he was pulling his arms in deeper. It only took a few moments before the rat's head and face were pressed up against Ryu's pecs.

The Lucario's pecs gave a loud SCHRLUP as the rat's head was pulled between them. The shoulders of the rat were pressed up against him now before his flexing chest continued to pull him in deeper. For a few brief moments, their hard cocks were pressing against each other as both throbbed hard next to each other. The feeling of those thick rods gently pulsing and pulling as it traveled up his length was making Ryu moan out again as the chest and stomach of the rat were sucked into his body.

Soon, the large balls and rod of the rat were pulled in, a large stream of pre dripping onto Ryu's chest. The kicking legs of the rat were the only thing left sticking outside of him before the Lucario's pecs pulled them in too. Lewd sounds continued to come from his pecs as his muscles pressed and squeezed around the rat now in his chest before they bulged out some as the rat hit his orgasm. Ryu's nipples started to leak a bit with the smell of rat cum before the fighting and bulging in his chest slowly subsided.

Ryu's pecs contracted and squeezed, converting his meal into more muscle. The Lucario moaned out in pleasure again as his chest rippled and expanded outward, his nipples growing larger as his pecs ballooned out more. Thick veins popped on his chest as power flowed through his body as his arms tensed. More veins popped up on his biceps that snaked their way up and down his arms.

His abs pulsed and shook as well, growing more solid under his blue fur as he grew an extra three inches from the gut. A new set of bricks looked like they were forming on his gut as his shoulders and neck thickened. His firm rump plumped out a bit, but was still rock hard as his leg muscles and thighs expanded and fought to keep up.

Finally, his cock poured out more from his groin, another six inches in width and length filled his sheath as his plump sac inflated a bit before the underside of his cock bulged out. A massive stream of cum exploded out of his slit as his orgasm hit; spraying the various lockers and benches with his musky seed. After nearly five minutes, his cum flow died down, leaving Ryu panting and gasping in the locker room.

"That was new..." He thought to himself, pressing a paw up to his bigger pecs. He hadn't even started yet, and it looked like he had been working out for over a year his muscles had grown so much. He looked around the locker room again, as it seemed like no one had seen him eat the other patron of the gym, but he wanted to be sure.

A quick slam of metal echoed through as he closed the cum-covered door to his locker. Locker 34 smelled greatly like his seed now, and he did crack a smile a bit as it seemed like he had just marked his own territory within the gym. It wasn't until he tried on his gym-issued Speedo, however, that the smile vanished.

It was way too small. Yes, it did manage to cover up all of his naughty parts, but they were very obviously outlined in the fabric. Just by looking at himself, he could see three massive bulges barely being held back by the garment. He could also feel the fabric stretching it out, feeling like it might snap off of him at a moment's notice.

"I better go tell Tachi." Ryu thought as he exited the locker room.

There was no sign of the big wolf back in the reception area, meaning that he must have already went to the main floor of the gym. Ryu scurried over to the main floor of the gym to see that there were a few others working out in there. Most were doing various exercises and workouts on the equipment that was set up in the gym.

The Lucario looked around for a moment before finally seeing the buff, blonde wolf near a large barbell station, but he wasn't alone. There was another Lucario with him. He was shorter then the wolf, but had a stunning silver coat where normally his species would have black fur. His pectoral muscles and gut bulged out greatly as well as the other muscular Pokemon seemed to be on the look-out for him as well.

Tachi spotted him first and waved Ryu over to him. "There you are!" The deep-voiced waterwolf said, "I was afraid you had gotten lost or something." The large wolf looked over the Pokemon for a moment before grinning at him. "Guess that was a misplaced fear. You find everything in your locker? And you remember Tal'Kuro, right? He's going to help us today."

Ryu nodded. "Not sure what was in that drink, but it was very sweet. Although..." Ryu blushed a little bit as he brought attention to his bulging Speedo, "I think you got my size wrong."

"I say it's just the right size for you." Tal'Kuro said with a grin, giving Ryu's bulge a quick flick with the back of his paw, making Ryu yelp a bit.

Tachi just chuckled a bit. "Tal, you mind going and getting him a larger size?"

The blue-and-silver Pokemon nodded. "Don't have too much fun without me. After what happened last time, I owe it to you since I was such a persuasive salesman." That last sentence was said with a grin as Tal headed out of the area to find a larger sized Speedo for Ryu. The large wolf then stood at the end of the bench and placed several hundred pounds of weights on the bar.

"So, just by looking at you, I'm guessing you can do about five-hundred, maybe six-hundred pounds?" The wolf said, adding larger and larger weight to the bar.

Ryu looked on, a bit awestruck as more and more weights were added to the bar. "I did seven-hundred before, but just once. I haven't tried that again though."

The large wolf smiled. "Alright, then we'll start with seven-hundred."

"But I just said..."

"Trust me." Tachi said with a soft grin, before placing the last weight on the bar.

Ryu wasn't sure what to say. Tachi was his personal trainer for right now, and he was pretty sure that he was only doing what was best for him, but hitting his previous limit right away? He was a bit skeptical but trusted the wolf as he got on the bench, getting into position under the heavy weights.

The Lucario brought his arms up to the bar before the top part of his vision was filled by the massive bulge coming out of the buff wolf's groin. His face was less then two inches away from Tachi's sac, and he could hear the massive balls trapped within that fabric churning and gurgling. The wolf was quite virile, it seemed as Ryu could actually see Tachi's balls inflate slightly as more cum was produced in them. Not to mention the heavy musk of the wolf starting to fill his senses was causing his own groin to stir, making him wish that Tal would hurry up with the larger Speedo, because he was pretty sure his was getting tighter and tighter.

"I'll help you with the first few, after that, I'm sure that you can do the rest yourself. We'll start off small though. Only a hundred." The wolf said, holding the bar while waiting for the Lucario to get comfortable.

Ryu nodded slightly, his forehead lightly tapping Tachi's bulge, making the entire thing sway and jiggle with vibrations. He could have sworn that the fabric of Tachi's Speedo started to stretch out more after that, but he chalked that up to his imagination. "Alright." Ryu said as he gripped the bar and brought it to his chest. The massive paws of the wolf held the bar steady as he spotted the Lucario.

Ryu took a deep breath, his pecs expanding out slightly as he pushed hard to lift the bar. He was expecting it to be a bigger struggle to lift the seven-hundred pound weight, but he found it to be surprisingly easy. He couldn't tell if it was the wolf holding the bar or his own strength, but it definitely wasn't as hard to lift the weights as he remembered. He grunted softly as he brought the bar up, his arms bulging a bit.


Ryu was a bit surprised. There was the chance that he had gotten stronger since then, but to go from struggling to lift seven-hundred pounds to finding it kind of easy? Maybe. He kept his grip on the bar as he brought it up again and back down to his chest. The smell of Tachi's musk continued to fill his senses, making his Speedo bulge out more as he felt himself getting harder. His tongue slid out of his muzzle a bit as he brought the bar back up.


He still couldn't believe that it felt so easy. Still, Ryu knew that you needed to go nice and slow to avoid pulling something. Even though he was tempted to go faster, he continued the slow, steady pace that was developing. But what happened so after caught him by surprise. The bulge in Tachi's Speedo left his field of vision as he was bringing the weight up again. The wolf was no longer helping him. He was getting the entire weight up under his own strength and power.

"There we go, nice and easy." The blonde wolf said, stepping back a bit as Ryu continued to effortlessly lift the heavy weight up and down once more. "Keep going at that nice and steady pace. I need to go check on Tal. He should have been back by now. Remember, we're shooting for one-hundred!"

The Lucario grunted loudly as he brought the bar back to his chest. "Are...you sure?" He grunted out, his arm veins popping as he lifted up again.

"You'll be fine. Just have some confidence in yourself." Tachi said, "Just remember. Nice and slow. And let what happens come naturally to you."

Ryu could see the large rear of the wolf bounce a bit as he walked away, leaving Ryu on the bench, slowly continuing his ascent to one-hundred. Still, even though the wolf was no longer around, he could still smell his powerful musk around him. It seemed like every lift and pump of the barbell also seemed to lift and pump his cock up more as he felt himself get harder and harder.

He was starting to sweat hard, his fur starting to glisten with his aroma when he hit number twenty-five. At that pound, he heard a loud SNAP sound and realized that his growing arousal had just caused his Speedo to snap off, leaving himself freely exposed to the others in the gym. His face blushed as he expected to hear comments from the others in the gym, but then realized that there was no one else in the area.

Well, almost no one else. There was one other patron in the weight area with him. A large, green, and massively muscular Yoshi had been on another machine and was looking right at him. That was likely because wrapped around his nose was Ryu's Speedo. It had landed on him when it burst off of his body.

Ryu wanted to stop his set, but it felt like his body was forcing him to stay at it, ignoring what had just happened to focus on getting to one-hundred lifts. The thought of why there was only one other person in the gym with him right now, or why Tachi and Tal were so late were quickly swept out of his mind as his focused went back to the bar.

The Lucario was still grunting when the Yoshi walked up to him, his ruined Speedo in his grip. "Looks like you lost something." The green dino said with a grin. This Yoshi was massive. If Ryu's thoughts were clearer, he would almost think that he was bigger then Tachi was. He must have been at the gym for ages to get a body like that. But, Ryu's mind was still focused on getting those weights lifted.

"Guess...so..." Ryu grunted out, continuing his slow and steady rhythm with the weights.

"The name's Isy, and this seems kind small to hold something that big in it." The Yoshi added, sending a hand to Ryu's throbbing cock, lightly tracing one of the popping veins with one of his fingers. Isy's hands slowly traveled down his length, reaching the Lucario's sheath as he slowly traced his finger around that ring.

"Yeah, much too small." Isy's said, almost like in a haze as he gently tugged and pulled at Ryu's sheath, placing a finger into it, making his shaft squirt out a shot of pre before another loud SNAP echoed through the gym.

The Yoshi's Speedo had snapped too, the muscular Dino sporting a shaft that was at least six feet long. Still, Ryu kept lifting as the Isy's long tongue suddenly wrapped around his throbbing cock a few times before he went to his knees. His long, slick tongue dragging down Ryu's shaft as the muscular Yoshi went to his sac. Ryu's sac was churning and pulsing as it filled with more potent spunk. His sac was the size of softballs, and still inflating, those orbs filling up as the Isy started to fondle and squeeze his sac.

Ryu continued to grunt as he concentrated on the bar. But soon, his grunts became moans as Isy continued to fondle with his balls. Shots of pre poured out of his slit as the massive Yoshi lightly lifted his sac up and started to nose around Ryu's exposed tail hole.

"Mmmm...don't see why you'd want to hide this though..." Isy said, giving Ryu's tail hole a quick flick with his long tongue, making the Lucario moan out again. Moans replaced the grunts as Isy nosed a bit deeper to his backside, Ryu still pushing the bar, continuing his sets. It just felt like this was the natural thing to do, and that was what Tachi told him to do before he left.

And the natural thing to do was to feel his anal ring open as Isy nosed into it. The large Yoshi still pushing a bit deeper as Ryu felt his cheeks spread a bit wider to get Isy's face between them. A loud SQUELCH was heard as the muscular Yoshi's head was pulled into Ryu's ass, the lewd noises continuing to come out of that hole. Ryu moaned and grunted again as he felt his internal muscles start to contract, pulling Isy's head all the way inside of him. His breathing came a bit harder and faster as he felt his anal ring stretch open wider to take in those muscular, broad shoulders.

The Lucario's cock jutted to life, spurting pre everywhere as he felt Isy's head slide past his prostate as he continued to suck and pull in the massive gym patron. His legs were spread wide as he felt Isy's hard body slide under his sac as he pulled him in deeper, getting those huge, massive pecs of the Yoshi into him as Isy's arms started to get pinned to his side.

Still, Ryu was concentrating on his exercises, having hit over sixty now as he felt the stomach of the powerful Yoshi get pulled in by his rippling and pulling ass muscles. His abs and stomach were starting to bulge out as Isy was pulled into his gut, Ryu's lower body bulging with his form as he continued to slurp him in. The soft red spikes on Isy's back slightly tickling Ryu's sac and insides as they were pulled in with him.

Isy's abs were soon pulled in, the bricks on his gut gently rippling through Ryu's stretched and sucking hole as the Lucario's body pulled him in deeper. The Yoshi's hard, erect cock had been forced to point downward before the rippling motions took in his thighs and groin. The large shaft sliding in as its popping veins forced Ryu's hole to pull around them, the stimuation making the Lucario's shaft throb harder and harder.

Soon, just Isy's thick and powerful legs were outside of Ryu's hole, as well as his massive and hyper shaft. The Lucario's pucker pulling hard to get the rest of its meal into it, slurping up Isy's legs as it slowly began to contract down around the Yoshi's cock, pulling his manhood in with him. Soon, just the head of his throbbing shaft was sticking out of Ryu's body, and his internal muscles clenched hard around it, sucking the last of him in with a wet SCHLORP!

"Ninety-five" Ryu thought as his gut was bulging out with the form of the Yoshi he just ate. A few bulges and pushes came from inside of his stomach as Isy moved about a bit before he felt his gut bulge out massively as the Yoshi hit his orgasm. Ryu's gut ballooned out with the Yoshi's load as his stomach stretched out to accommodate not only the giant fur he just devoured, but the great orgasm within him.

Still, the bulges and pushes from inside of his gut soon started to subside as Isy started to digest. Ryu was still focused on getting the last of his lifts done, when he roared out powerfully as he felt his body absorb the digested fur. His cock throbbed and pulsed as foot after foot was added to his length, reaching a solid seven feet of pure hard, Lucario cock as it neared four feet in width.

His body started to grow, his form growing over seven feet tall and heading well into eight. Almost nine. His six-pack of abs finished the extra set from the rat and then some, hitting a solid ten as his gut bulged out a bit with them. The valleys of his abdominals clearly defined in his fur. Even his tail felt like it was growing muscles as his spine lengthened to compensate for his new growth.

His legs and thighs ballooned out, giving him extra strength to carry his grown body as his sac fell of the bench. His balls were the size of watermelons now, filled with potent Lucario spunk.

"One hundred!" He thought triumphantly as his pecs expanded, nearly hitting his chin and muzzle. His arms and biceps grew out as well; his new body looked like a mountain of muscle. Even his spikes seemed like they were stronger. And then he roared out again as his cock swelled at the base as it bulged out on his underside before he felt his slit open again and unleash a massive torrent of cum. His seven-foot canine shaft was like a fire hose going off, spraying the walls, ceiling and equipment of the room with thick, potent seed. His balls bounced, flexing like they were muscles of their own as throbbing veins covered his sac as he continued to flood the room with his cum.

It took ten minutes this time for his orgasm to cede and the fog in his mind started to pass. He looked around for a moment before he noticed that the room was empty, covered in cum, and he was much bigger then he had started out. He remembered vaguely a Yoshi was with him, and thinking about that just made his stomach growl.

"What on..." Ryu thought to himself, trying to figure out exactly what happened as he put the weights back on the bar. It felt like he was picking up a piece of paper as he put the weight back on, his mind not yet registering that was seven-hundred pounds yet.

"Looks like you had a good warm-up."

Ryu looked behind him to see that Tachi was standing behind him, carrying a new Speedo. He didn't seem to notice or care that he was standing in at least six inches of Lucario cum that was flooding his gym.

"Although I think I picked up too small of a size for you again." The wolf said with a smirk, looking obviously at Ryu's new, grown package. His own seemed to be stretching out his Speedo more and more as he looked over the jackal Pokemon's massive equipment.

"Tachi!" Ryu said, "Something strange is going on. I seem to be losing tracks of time and then growing while that's happening."

The large wolf just chuckled. "You're full of potential, Ryu." The wolf said, "More then I've ever seen in anyone. You just need help bringing it out. That's what I'm here for. That's what this gym is for. By the end of seven days, I'll have helped you reach your fullest potential."

"That doesn't answer my question, Tachi." Ryu growled a bit.

"It does." Tachi said mysteriously, "You'll see soon enough. Just trust me. We're ready for the next step. How do you feel though?"

"I feel..." Ryu started to say before his mind fogged out a bit again. He did trust Tachi, since Torchi did as did his other friends. They had mentioned to him before that odd stuff happens sometimes in the gym, but they always said that it was safe. What broke the fog again was his stomach suddenly growling.

"Kinda hungry, actually. Feel like I could eat a lion or something." Ryu finished with a bit of an embarrassed grin. He started to rub the back of his head with one of his new massive arms. He was a bit surprised at how big he had gotten so far.

"I know just what you need." Tachi said with a grin, "You're ready for the second floor. Tal is already there waiting for us."

"I thought Tal was..." Ryu started to say before he just let it go. It was obvious that the wolf had something in mind with him, and he was just going to have to accept that. The large wolf put his beefy arm around his shoulder as he lead him to the famed second floor of the gym.

"I know Torch and the others must have told you about what the second floor is like." Tachi said softly, to which Ryu nodded. Torch had indeed told him what sort of things happen on the second floor. "He also told me that you have a special ability. I hope you decide to show me."

That caught Ryu a bit by surprise as the beefy Lucario flinched a bit at his secret being revealed. "It's how I caught Tal at the party." He said, a bit shy as to his own ability as the pair continued upwards.

"No need to be shy about it," Tachi said, "I was hoping that you'd show me when we get up here."

The door to the second floor of the gym was opened and Ryu's senses were immediately flooded with the scent of male. There seemed to be regular mats and other pieces of exercise equipment, but it seemed like only some were in use. Most of the other patrons here were full out having sex with each other right in the middle of the room.

Tal was in there, moaning loudly as a large lion was riding his ass hard. He could hear a few squelches coming from Tal's ass as pre flowed from his hole onto the floor. Ryu's cock was growing harder and harder as he watched the few males work each other over before he felt a large hand pat him on his back.

"Go for it Ryu," Tachi said in a low, almost hypnotic voice, "You did say that you were hungry enough to eat a lion, didn't you? Don't be shy about it. And I know you can take him into you."

Ryu looked at the large lion that was plowing Tal'Kuro's ass hard. He was as large as Ryu was now. He had a massive chest that burst out forward with a thick mane around his head. His arms were as thick as some furs entire body as his gut bulged out over the other Lucario's back. Based on how hard he was riding Tal, he had to at least have a two-foot long shaft inside of him as his balls swung freely between his beefy legs.

Ryu's gut growled and rumbled again. His mind was saying that he was too big for him, but both his heart and his stomach said to go for it. He took a step towards the large beast. He felt more confident in his ability to take him in. Another step forward and more doubts left his body. Each step that Ryu took towards the massive lion made him feel more confident in himself.

His breathing was hard as he stood in front of Tal'Kuro, his massive shaft pressing right in the other Lucario's head and face. Even though he was being ridden hard, Tal grabbed at Ryu's shaft and started to stroke and lick at it. It made Ryu moan as the other Lucario worked his cock, but his mind went to the lion as he grabbed at his shoulders with his large arms.

"Hmm?" The lion murmured to himself when he noticed that he had company as he looked up, seeing Ryu before him. The jackal Pokemon opened his mouth wide as he pulled the lion towards him, bringing his face and head towards his open muzzle.

There was a quick gasp from the feline as his head was stuffed into the large Lucario's open mouth, and then Ryu started to swallow. That first big gulp was enough to get his entire head down into his throat, bulging out Ryu's neck as he started to pull more of the lion in. His grip on his struggling prey was firm as the lion's thrusts became more wild and frantic in Tal's rear as the other Lucario started to swallow him whole.

Another hard gulp from Ryu got the neck of the feline into his maw and throat as Ryu stretched his mouth open wider to get the large, broad shoulders of the lion into him. Tal continued to work over Ryu's throbbing and pulsing cock before he moaned out as his gut bulged. The lion released his full load into Tal's ass, shooting at least four gallons of cum into the Lucario as his struggles started to slow down a bit as he came off of his orgasmic high.

Ryu felt that large paw on his back again as Tachi came up to him, rubbing the bulging form in his throat and chest as he pulled him down deeper into his stomach. The massive pecs of the lion were soon swallowed as his cock pulled out of Tal's ass with a lewd popping sound. Ryu's arms started to bulge as he lifted the massive lion up with ease, holding him upside down as he pulled his head back to let gravity help him devour the massive meal.

"Show me." Tachi said, whispering into Ryu's ears, "You can take in so many others. Show me your ability."

Ryu gulped hard again, his maw easily stretching over the great gut of the lion as he felt a stirring in his balls. Tal was now fully focused on Ryu's shaft as the silver-furred Lucario licked and slurped along his veiny, throbbing shaft. Pre was flowing out of his shaft freely and covering the other Pokemon, getting his entire body slick with his juices.

At some point, Tachi had lost his Speedo, as Ryu could feel the wolf's uncut cock teasing around his thighs as he pressed it up against the small of his back. Ryu's body continued to bulge out in his throat and chest as he continued to swallow down the lion, his head finally reaching his stomach as he pulled him in deeper.

As he was doing so, he could feel Tal's hot mouth over the head of his cock, and his body knew it was time. He flexed his shaft a bit as his slit opened, and a small pink heart floated out of his cock before hitting Tal'Kuro in the face. The other Lucario's eye's went hazy for a moment before he began licking around the lips of Ryu's cockhead before shoving his muzzle into it.

Ryu's cockslit easily accepted the face of the other Lucario as his shaft began to pulse and pull, sucking the other Pokemon into it. "Mmmmm...that's quite the ability." Tachi said, leaning into Ryu's form as his pecs started to flex on his back, "You use Attract to get them into your body."

Ryu grunted as he felt his cock gripped and pulled Tal in deeper, his shaft stretching out with the other Lucario's form. Only the lion's kicking legs were left sticking out of his throat as Tachi continued to rub his bulges down. A few hard swallows later and Ryu slurped up the lion's tail into his maw as the lion was forced to curl up in Ryu's swollen gut.

The Lucario nodded to Tachi's previous question as he got Tal's broad shoulders slurped up into his cock, pre flowing around the other Lucario's head. Tachi soon moved away from Ryu's back and towards his front, now moving to the bulges in Ryu's cock as he felt Tal's body sink in deeper.

With one massive hand, Tachi started to rub the bulging underside of Ryu's cock, and with the other, he lifted Tal's body upward to assist in the feeding. The silver-furred Lucario's massive and swollen pecs were soon gobbled up by Ryu's cock as his slit stretched open wider to get his great gut into him.

His shaft continued to pulse and throb as he flared it open wider to get that great gut into him. Ryu's cock might have been massive, but it was easily filling up with Tal's form as the great bulges continued to get pulled closer towards the base of his shaft. Tachi brought his paw up to Tal's full, sloshing balls and pushed them through Ryu's slit. The hyper poke-cock now had the other in up to his thighs as he felt the muscle ring at the base of his cock get poked with Tal's muzzle.

Ryu thrust forward slightly as he felt his internal ring open and Tal's head began to pour into his balls. His kicking legs were still sticking out of his slit as Tachi let them go, letting Ryu's cock continue to snake over its meal as he continued to lovingly stroke the beefy Lucario's bulges. His massive paws went lower and lower down his shaft as Tal's feet were the only thing left outside before a loud SLURP sucked in those massive jackal paws.

Ryu's cock continued to ripple and pulse as he began to pull more of Tal into his balls. The Lucario's face pressed out against his expanding sac as Tachi soon knelt down to kneed and rub over Ryu's sac. Ryu's cock soon flexed upward and Tal's body soon quickly slid into the other Lucario's balls, filling them out with his massive, bulky form.

The bulges in Ryu's penis vanished as it returned to its normal shape once Tal'Kuro was fully inside of him. He shuttered a bit as Tachi gave his sac a long, slurping lick over the hills and bulges the other Lucario was making in his balls. A great feeling of accomplishment washed over Ryu's body as he patted his massive gut, feeling the lion's squirms inside of him start to fade as he started to absorb and digest him.

"Mmmm...Ryu..." Tachi moaned out, breathing in the deep and powerful musk that Ryu was producing as his body started to work over his prey. The bulges in his sac began to smooth over as Tal began to digest, becoming a massive load of Lucario spunk inside of his balls. He felt Tal hit his orgasm inside of him, adding more spunk to his sac as it inflated more as he melted away into cum.

Ryu's breathing became heavier and harder as he felt his shaft growing larger and wider. The thick veins that pulsed on his shaft bulged out more as it shot to over ten feet in length as his balls expanded out, pushing against the massive wolf who was near them. The Lucario howled out in pleasure as he felt his body grow again. His abs grew thicker as his gut evened out as fourteen of those bumps formed on his gut. His nipples grew and expanded as his pecs jutted out more, those chords of chest muscles bulging out so much that he couldn't even see his feet by looking down.

His arms ballooned as veins popped on his biceps and forearms as strength and power continued to flow through his body as muscles he didn't even know he had burst forward and bulged up in him. Ryu looked forward and saw that he was eye-to-eye with Tachi. No, the buff, blonde wolf was slightly smaller then he was, and partially obscured by his massive, throbbing shaft. The gym owner's blonde hair was getting sticky with his dripping pre as he took a step towards him.

Ryu's great shaft slid between the valley of Tachi's pecs as their massive chest muscles pushed up against each other. The two large males both started to flex their pecs, massaging the great Lucario's cock between their massive chest muscles. The scent of Ryu's musk was invading Tachi's nose as he pulled the hyper cock closer to his muzzle and started licking and slurping at the massive obelisk of flesh.

"Mmmmm...Ryu..." Tachi said, "Do you feel it yet? All this size and power? You're not even near your limits yet. No, I could tell when I met you at the party. Seven days of this would get you to your fullest potential, my great muscular poke-god...."

Ryu growled in appreciation as his shaft was flexed and licked around, soon feeling one of Tachi's massive paws squeeze at his gurgling, pulsing sac. A feral need for release started to fill his body as he grabbed the wolf's massive biceps and pushed Tachi onto his back, his shaft throbbing hard between the wolf's pecs before he slowly and deliberately pulled it out from between his valley.

The massive Lucario stepped back slightly as his shaft traced its way down Tachi's body before it found its destination; the open hole between the wolf's massive rump and under his sac. With a feral, lustful growl, Ryu lined up his hyper cock before ramming in hard into Tachi's ass.

"RRRRRRR FUCK!" Tachi screamed out as the massive Lucario cock forced its way deep into him. The great massive cock flexed and bulged out Tachi's body as he forced his way in deeper. The wolf clenched hard around Ryu's shaft the Lucario began thrusting hard and wildly into Tachi's backside, stretching his hole as his rippling tunnel eagerly accepted the large poke-dick.

"Tachi..." Ryu growled low, "You want it all, don't you." The Lucario thrust deeper into him, making the wolf howl out as he never felt so full before.

"Huuugghhh! Yes!" Tachi moaned out, his own black shaft throbbing hard as Ryu grabbed it, stroking Tachi's own veiny shaft, teasing the head and tugging on his foreskin.

"Every day for seven days, don't you?" Ryu growled out again, pulling out more before ramming Tachi hard. His balls filled with Lucario spunk slapped against the wolf's thighs audibly.

Tachi moaned out, his voice trying to find the words to answer, but he couldn't. All he could feel was pleasure as Ryu was filling him fully with his shaft.

"So, for seven days you wanted to fill me. Feed me. Make me a Poke-god. Unleash my full potential." Ryu added, working Tachi's cock harder and harder, stroking it faster and faster as he started to tease his slit.

"Gods...YES!" Tachi shouted, his shaft throbbing and flexing as he continued to squeeze around the invading Lucario cock deep inside of him. He could feel his stomach fill with Ryu's slick pre as his gut inflated to keep it inside of him.

"Okay." Ryu said, pulling more of his cock out of Tachi's backside, making the wolf gasp out as he suddenly felt empty without the thick poke-cock inside of him. "I want to see too. I want to see how far I can go."

Ryu thrust in hard one final time as he balled his hand into a fist and shoved it down Tachi's slit. The great wolf howled out as his balls pulled up as his cock throbbed and pulled around Ryu's fist. Gallons of hot wolf spunk bulged out of his shaft, only to hit the block in his cum tunnel as Ryu's massive hand refused to budge.

With no escape, some of Tachi's cum flowed out in whatever tiny entrance it could find as its path was blocked, covering Ryu's hand in white spunk. But, for the most part, all he could do was watch and moan as his shaft bulged out as more of his seed was forced back down into his balls. The wolf's sac churned as it was forced to fill with more of his seed, over twenty gallons being pushed back into him as he thrust upward, trying to release his load.

Ryu, however, was howling in pleasure as his huge nuts churned and pulled up. The thick underside of his cock bulged out and expanded as Ryu exploded into Tachi. The former Lucario in his sac was fired out into Tachi, filling the gym owner with gallons of hot, musky cum. Semen flowed out of Ryu's shaft like a fire hose, making the large wolf's body start to inflate to take in all of the gallons that he was being filled with.

Tachi's belly and chest filled with all the seed being pumped into him. The massive Lucario was leaning onto him, treating him like a cushion as he pumped more and more of his essence into him. "Ryu..." Tachi started to gurgle out as he started to taste cum from all of the semen the Lucario was filling him with. His cock clenched around the fist of the Pokemon before Ryu pulled his massive hand out with a wet pop, finally letting what was left of Tachi's orgasm fire out into the open.

Tachi's ass could have easily engulfed the rest of Ryu's massive shaft, but the Pokemon pulled out once he felt over three-hundred gallons fill Tachi's body. The mighty wolf's body filled nearly to the breaking point with hot Lucario spunk before Ryu pulled out and left the rest of his orgasm spray all over the walls, ceiling and other patrons of the second floor. The great wolf's cream and grey fur was splattered and painted white as Ryu's massive cock sprayed over him, covering him fully both inside and out.

The Pokemon's deep pants echoed as his chest rose and fall with each breath. Tachi lay prone on his back, looking like a balloon that was about to pop, he was filled with so much cum. "Seven days, Tachi?" Ryu asked again, getting a small nod from the wolf.

Ryu smiled as he pressed down on the wolf's massive gut, causing gallons of his cum to pour out of Tachi's spent and abused hole. "And you'll be here for all seven?" Ryu asked again, getting yet another nod from the wolf. "I'll see this through until the end, Ryu." Tachi said, reaching up to stroke at Ryu's wet, cum-soaked fur.

"Good." Ryu said, as he picked the large wolf off of the ground, holding him up in the air before pointing his face to his cock, "Then I can do this without worry."

The wolf's eyes went wide as Ryu's thick cockslit opened wide and his head was pulled into the hyper poke-cock. "Ryu...I...!" Tachi shouted out before his voice was muffled out as he wiggled and squirmed as the massive poke-cock enveloped further over him.

Ryu's shaft began to slurp and swallow as the giant Lucario dick continued to suck in the massive wolf, his head taken in as Ryu's slit began to work over Tachi's broad and wide shoulders. His tongue was hanging out of his mouth as he continued to hold Tachi upside-down as his amazing newfound strength made it easy for him to feed the wolf into his hungry cock.

Ryu's cocklips spread open wide as Tachi's shoulders slipped past them, the cumbath Tachi had earlier making it easy for him to slide into the tight, musky tunnel that lead to Ryu's balls. The massive Lucario had just unleashed tons of cum into his body, and the smell of his seed was still heavy inside of the tight cock of the Pokemon, and Tachi could do nothing but breathe it in as he was fed deeper and deeper into Ryu's body.

The Lucario gasped out as his slit stretched open wide to take in the gigantic pecs that were on Tachi's body, shivering a bit as his thick nipples slid past his entrance as the great wolf continued to bulge down his shaft as he slurped and pulled him in deeper. It didn't take long for Ryu to feed Tachi's massive pecs into his slit as his cock started to work down the thick, bulging gut of the wolf. His shaft spread open wide to take in the cream-filled gym owner when he finally let go of him.

The Lucario's cock was still pointed upward, its strength was enough to keep Tachi going down as Ryu no longer needed to assist in feeding the wolf to his shaft. The more Tachi squirmed and moved, the harder Ryu's cock pulled and clenched around him. Ryu moaned as more of his cock was filled with the massive form of the wolf. Every pull and pulse around it pushed more of the cum he had filled Tachi with out of the wolf's body, spilling it back into his massive sac.

As Ryu's cock continued to work on pulling in Tachi's massive gut, the Lucario flexed his shaft to bring it towards him, sinking it between his pecs as he started to flex them, using his flexing pecs to massage his shaft to help bring Tachi down faster, as well as to rub the bulges the wolf was making. This also had the added effect of bringing the wolf's massive groin to his face as Ryu began sucking on the huge, fuzzy orbs of Tachi, enjoying the feel and taste of Tachi's balls in his mouth as he continued to eat him.

Once Tachi's massive gut was pulled in, the hardest part was over. His cock eagerly sucked down Tachi's massive thighs before he released the wolf's balls, pushing his cock and balls past his slit, leaving only his broad, kicking legs sticking out of his slit.

"Mmmm...so long Tachi..." Ryu said as he felt his cock pull and suck harder a few more times, pulling in the great wolf's legs past his slit. His cocklips closed slowly as Tachi's feet were pulled into his cock as the great wolf bulged out his entire hyper cock as it continued to pull him towards his huge, musky prison between his legs.

Ryu gave out a quick sigh of pleasure as he felt Tachi's head get sucked down to his base, the beefy wolf fully engulfed by his cock as his internal ring opened and the blonde wolf was pulled into his sac. His pecs continued to flex around his cock as he pushed the bulge in deeper, feeling more of the wolf fill his balls out as his balls accepted their newest meal.

More and more of the wolf was collected in his sac as Ryu removed his cock from between his pecs as he felt his balls push out as Tachi began to squirm and wiggle in his balls. Ryu rubbed his huge dick as he transferred the rest of the wolf into his balls, enjoying the movements Tachi had as he slid through his internal muscle ring before being fully taken by the Lucario's balls.

Tachi gasped a bit as he felt himself breathing in Ryu's cum as he pushed and wiggled a bit within the Lucario's sac. "Every day." He heard Ryu say, his deep voice echoing through his body. He could feel the Pokemon's balls work him over, his cum washing and splashing all over him as he was engulfed by the white ocean of spunk within him.

"I did make that promise..." Tachi thought, "A full week of this should get his full potential unleashed." He made a few mental notes to himself about what else he needed to do with Ryu before he began to feel his body diminish and sink into the sea of semen.

Ryu jiggled and sloshed his balls a bit as the bulges that Tachi was making in his sac began to even out as the great wolf was melted down and digested into potent Lucario spunk. His balls had made quick work of even Tachi himself. He couldn't help but smile as he looked at his cockslit as he brought his massive manhood towards his muzzle.

"You were so good Tachi, I have to have you again..." Ryu said to himself as he brought his gaping cockhead to his lips before he began to suck himself off. The thick shaft easily flowing into his muzzle as he brought it as deep as it could go, pulling his cock between his pecs as he flexed them to help him masturbate.

As he was doing so, he rubbed the massive underside of his shaft with his large hands, working his shaft hard as he felt his edge coming faster and faster. He stuck his tongue between his slit to get a taste of his insides before he felt his cock bulge out massively at the base. He kept his grip and pecs firm as the torrent of cum flooded out of his sac and down his throat as he began drinking down Tachi's liquid remains. Splashes of cum escaped from between his lips as he guzzed down his cumflow, drinking gallons of his own potent seed as his gut began to bulge out with all of the semen he was producing and making himself.

Ryu gasped out in pleasure, needing to take a breath every few seconds as his massive orgasm continued, cum splashing out through the corners of his mouth as he continued to suck on his massive tool as he drank Tachi away. Gallons of spunk that the wolf became flooded into his body as Ryu felt his form changed once again.

His balls grew to the size of tires as they hung between his massively growing legs and thighs before reaching the ground. His cock was quickly becoming too large and unwieldy for him to take before his body increased in size and mass again, his muscles exploding out with power and strength.

Ryu roared out as he unleashed his cock from his maw, spraying the remains of Tachi all over the walls and ceiling, painting the second floor gym white with his spunk as he felt more and more strength and power flow through him. His firm rear bulged out as well, maximizing in size with his thighs.

By the time his newest growth spurt had passed, Ryu was at least fifteen feet tall with a cock easily twice the size of his body. He was almost as wide as he was tall as well, muscles bugling and bursting over his body as he examined his new massive form.

"Just one day...?" He thought to himself, seeing his huge body flex and pulse with every movement. Ryu then gasped out a bit as he felt someone forcing his way behind him. He turned around a bit and saw that the kangaroo he had seen in the locker room earlier was forcing his way up his ass, his rear eagerly accepting him as the boomer was getting sucked in.

The Lucario grinned as he then noticed that the other patrons of the second floor gym were all looking at him with hunger and lust in their eyes.

"One day so far..." He thought with a grin.

If he had gotten this big and powerful with just one day with Tachi being his personal trainer, he could only imagine how he would be after the full week...

Hungry for Hooves

Tris adjusted his tight-fitting muscle shirt and jeans for a bit as he stood outside the black building. A large neon sign over it read "The Den". It wasn't one of the more exclusive clubs in town, but Tris knew the owner and often frequented it. The...

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Eating Right

"Looking good Crom." "You too, Karn!" The twin kangaroo's chuckled a bit as they both continued to work on their leg presses. It was always the easiest part of their exercises for the cream-colored pair, giving how working their legs and thighs...

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A Birthday Bash

Eustathios Maxime Marin, better known to the world as Tachi, sat at his computer in his room as he went over the recent records for the Sapphire Gym. Ever since those new predators had joined up about a month ago, the disappearances within his gym were...

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