Eating Right

Story by Angrynightmob on SoFurry

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I decided to try out another story. This one isn't nearly as long as my last story, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Mostly written because tristanhawthorne wanted some Pec Vore.

So as a disclaimer, this story contains Pec Vore. And Cock Vore. Because I enjoy writing cockvore. It also contains lots of cum, hyper cocks, and muscle growth. Needless to say, this story is for ages 18 and older only.

Calvin and all characters belong to me. Although technically all named characters belong to Calvin now :p

"Looking good Crom."

"You too, Karn!"

The twin kangaroo's chuckled a bit as they both continued to work on their leg presses. It was always the easiest part of their exercises for the cream-colored pair, giving how working their legs and thighs were their favorite things to do. It showed too, with the 'roo twins legs were almost as muscular and thick as a regular fur's entire thigh. Balancing it out on each of them was a nice, rounded ass that bounced with every step they took, and with every press they did.

Crom and Karn noticed that they were getting several stares from the other gym patrions, and even more so from their mates. Crom had found himself a nice, muscular shark by the name of Chase, while Karn was mated to a big jackal named Cid. Chase was working hard on a bench, pressing at least six hundred pounds, while Cid seemed to be taking it easy with just a few slow reps on a pair of dumbbells.

Still, the 'roo twins could see the hunger in their mate's eyes as the group worked out, feeling the burn in their muscles as they sweated and panted hard, pushing their bodies harder and harder. It was a good thing the two of them had nice, round cheeks, because they could just tell by the looks in their mates eyes that they were going to be stuffed hard before today was over.

Crom gave a smile and a wink over to Chase, admiring the sweat forming over his shark's glistening blue skin as his arms bulged and flexed. Each flex accented his muscles beautifully as veins popped out of his arms. He could feel his erection starting to form, pressing out against his gym shorts as he watched the shark grunt and flex, veins popping up over his body.

"Looks like you need some help, brother." Karn said with a smirk, noticing Crom's growing arousal.

"I can say the same for you." Crom said, noting that Karn was having the same reaction watching Cid's pecs flex and bulge as he continued to methodically work the pair of dumbbells in his grasp. It was like watching a roadmap form on the jackal's arms as his biceps and triceps flexed and bulged, causing Karn to drool slightly as his tongue slipped out of his maw.

The 'roo twins giggled for a bit before giving one last press and then leaving the machine, putting an end to their exercises for now. Their legs and thighs burning and throbbing a bit from the workout they had before the twins stretched to get some more blood flowing through their bodies.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Crom whispered into his brother's ear.

"Meet them in the shower and then have them fuck us silly? Yes." Karn whispered back.

The twin kangaroo's often had the same thought process, especially when it came to their beefy, buff mates. It wouldn't be the first time that their workout sessions devolved into steaming passion, and knowing each other, it would certainly not be their last.

"We'll let them keep going for a while longer." Crom said, "They still seem into it. But what a wonderful surprise they'll have when they come in to get cleaned off."

"Agreed." Karn said as the two 'roo's headed towards the locker room in the back before heading to the shower facilities in the gym.

The buff pair could hear one of the showers running as they entered the locker room area to undress, but paid it no mind. The sweaty gym shirts were placed in their locker, as well as their wet gym shorts, although that moisture wasn't caused by sweat, as their growing and drooling arousals proved otherwise once they were free to the world.

It wasn't until they were both nude that one would be able to tell Crom and Karn apart. Crom was the elder brother, and sported two solid feet of thick roo cock once he was fully hard. Karn was the younger of the two, and while he wasn't as big as his brother, he made up for it in other ways, as his full, gurgling balls hung below his knees, while Crom's didn't hang nearly as low.

The pair flexed a bit once they were exposed to the world, admiring the progress the other was making before heading into the shower room. A thin veil of steam was covering the room as hot water flowed out freely. The moisture from the showers stuck to their fur, causing it to glisten slightly in the shower room as the pair prepared to give their mates a fun romp before they stopped in their tracks.

They had heard the showers running as they entered the locker room, but they had no idea who was in there. Now they saw him.

The great, winged reptile had to be over eight feet tall, possibly approaching nine, with a large pair of wings coming off of his beefy back. His wing membrane was a deep shade of red, but the rest of the scales on his body were black. His thick, long tail perfectly framed that massive, round rump on the reptile, the underside of that tail the same red shade as his wings. His thighs had to be bigger then their own, with a powerful pair of legs that held up that mighty form. A small trail of red hair was atop his tail that slowly trailed up his back, between his wings and rested on his head into a slight mane.

Crom and Karn didn't even see his face, and their cocks were already at full attention, their slits spilling pre over down their shafts and onto their sac, slowly dripping down before being washed away by the showers.

"Jeez..." Crom whispered, looking up and down at the beefy male in the shower, "His balls are bigger then yours, bro!"

The kangaroo wasn't lying. The reptile's balls were at least the size of beach balls. The only reason they didn't go past his knees like Karn's was because the reptile's legs were longer.

It seemed like the reptile hadn't noticed that he had company in the showers as he continued to wash up, a mix of soap and water glistening off of his scales as he turned slightly, letting the kangaroo twins see more of his massive form. His arms were flexing and bulging with his movements as he washed his body.

The first thing that they noticed was that the reptile they were spying on was hung so well that horses would be brought to shame. A double horse at that, as two cocks were jutting lazily out of his groin, resting on his massive balls. They had to be over two feet long, even while flaccid like that, and were at least a foot thick. They had to force themselves not to drool before they saw the perfect ten-pack of abs he was sporting, at which point they gave up trying.

But then, they got to his pecs. Those massive chest mounds were the same red as his abs and wings, but were absolutely massive. They looked to come out as far as his muzzle, and did a good job of hiding his neck if you were shorter and looking from the front. But they could see that his neck was just as thick and massive as the rest of him. His eyes closed as he washed, water dripping from his horns and onto his red mane.

Just the sight of watching this muscular reptile was clouding their mind and judgment. "I never thought I'd see a multi-cocked stud that was bigger then Chase..." Crom said, wiping his mouth with his paw to remove some of the drool.

"Look..." Karn said, pointing to the reptile's crotch, "Near the's thicker there. Fuck...if he got hard...he'd have to have knots the size of a volley ball!"

"Basketballs, actually. They're bigger and I've measured."

The kangaroo twins suddenly froze up as the reptile spoke up, his eyes suddenly opening as he turned to look at them.

"Liking what you see?" He said with a devilish smirk, posing a bit and flexing a bicep.

Crom was stunned speechless, actually starting to pant a bit watching the big reptile show off. Karn, however, was a bit more worried. "You're not upset that we were spying and ogling you?" He said, not realizing that he was unconsciously stroking his shaft. His 'roo cock throbbing and pulsing a bit as he watched the reptile. Crom, in a bit of twin empathy, felt his own shaft being stroked before he started to lazily stroke himself as well.

"Heh, not at all." He said, "Won't be the first time, won't be the last. Though from the looks of things, you've pretty well built yourself. Especially in the leg department. Name's Calvin, and why don't I help you out? Hell, you two look like you're about to pop just by looking at me.

Calvin raised one of his beefy arms and motioned with that clawed hand of his for the pair to approach him. It was almost like they were in a daze as they obeyed, moving towards the beefy reptile, their rumps bouncing with every step.

"Fuck..." Crom said, the musk of the reptile starting to overpower the shower, filling both 'roo's senses with his pure male scent, "You're huge! How do you do it?"

Calvin laughed and flexed a bit more. "Been going at it for a few years. Gotta make sure that you eat right too. Feel free to feel, if you want though."

The twin 'roo's didn't need a second invitation, as Crom reached up and grabbed at Calvin's arm as he flexed it, only to feel that it was rock-solid. Karn, however, had something else in mind and grabbed one of Calvin's cocks, giving it a squeeze as well, only to gasp when he couldn't! That flaccid cock was hard as a rock, and only getting harder as he felt it pulse and throb between his digits.

"Mmmmm...." Calvin said, lightly flexing his shaft, the roof feeling that massive piece of male meat getting harder and fatter in his grasp. Calvin's other cock was getting hard too as Crom moved off of Calvin's arm to the other shaft. The roo twin's own throbbing erections were ignored as they felt compelled to get Calvin as hard as he could.

They started to grind their shafts against Calvin's scaly sac, feeling the massive reptile's balls churn under their manhoods, filling with cum and still making more. More of Calvin's length began to flow out of his vent, the reptile passing three feet in length as the roos could actually feel the reptile's heart beating through his throbbing cock. Crom went close to the base, feeling the knots on Calvin start to inflate and engorge, tracing his fat fingers along the throbbing veins before he started to tease at Calvin's vent, feeling that flesh ripple as it let more of his manhood out.

The elder roo was feeling adventurous and started to put more of his hand into the reptile's vent, feeling inside of Calvin's body before his eye's opened wide at what he felt. It couldn't be, but...

"Do..." Crom said, looking up at the reptile, "Have more?"

Calvin chuckled a bit. "You think two is all I have?" He said, "I let the rest out when needed. I have four testicles too. Two on the outside, and two internal ones."

Crom blushed a bit as he removed his hand from the reptile's vent, Calvin easily over three feet in length now. "Jeez," Karn said, "How much can those things fire?"

Calvin grinned and placed both of his beefy arms behind his head and thrust out a bit. "Why don't you two find out?" He said, his twin cocks drooling pre in anticipation.

The roo twins were on Calvin's cocks like a starving man on food, quickly stroking and masturbating the muscular hydra, Calvin moaning out as their skilled fingers traced his throbbing veins as they worked his shafts masterfully. "Fff....Fuck!" Calvin moaned out, his tail starting to twitch, "You two have must have practiced a lot."

The complement from the larger male seemed to give them energy as they picked up the pace, stroking the massive penises Calvin was sporting, making sure every centimeter of his arousals were licked, stroked, or rubbed. And in return, they were rewarded with a fountain of pre pouring from his arousal, as well as those throbbing dicks pulsing in their grip. Calvin was involuntarily flexing and flaring his shafts, nearly pulling them off of their feet as the started to point upward more and more, his cockslits forced wide open by the continuous release of pre.

It was when Calvin felt the roo twins start to move in unison that he felt this orgasm starting to rise. When both of them began grinding their shafts against his balls before moving lower and beginning to lick on the underside of his shafts, Calvin couldn't take it any longer and the roo twins would feel his cocks begin to bulge and swell out as his balls finally released their load as Calvin roared out, a stream of fire erupting from his mouth that hit the water of the showers, causing the room to steam up even further.

Gallons of cum erupted out of Calvin's twin cocks, splashing everything and anything in the vicinity. The walls and ceiling were splashed white with Calvin's man milk, the reptile erupting like a fire hose as the roo twins treated his shafts like a plaything, pointing them at everything they wanted covered in thick reptile seed, including each other and Calvin himself.

For over fifteen minutes, the showers were sprayed with copious amounts of reptile cum. At some point, Karn and Crom released their own loads as well, however their own seed was quickly overtaken and engulfed by the massive orgasm Calvin had. The heat of release was causing the shower room to steam up so much that the roo's could hardly see each other through the thick of it.

Eventually though, the beefy hydra's orgasm died down, his cocks drooling cum slightly as it dribbled down his still hard, throbbing shafts.

Crom and Karn were breathing hard, rubbing against Calvin's still hard shafts as they started to come down from their orgasmic high. "Fuck..." Calvin's deep voice said as the cum started to wash from their bodies before going down the drains, "You two really emptied me out. Gotta get more cum in me soon..."

The roo twins were starting to lick Calvin's shafts clean, reaching the twitching and flaring tip of his shafts. "You want us to fuck your shafts?" Crom said.

"Your slit's big enough for us to do so." Karn finished.

Calvin grinned through the steam. "Fun ideas...but I've got something else in mind..."

Calvin's cocklips suddenly flared open widely before his tail wrapped around Karn, lifting the roo off of the ground as he reached forward with his beefy arms and forcibly shoved Crom's head into one of his cocks!

"Wait! What are you...!" Crom shouted out before his voice was muffled by Calvin's shaft, his cock easily taking in the head of the roo before stuffing Karn head first into his other shaft with his tail.

"RRRRRGGHHH!" Calvin roared out as his cocks were stretched by the two males, thrusting upward and flexing his cocks as he further engulfed his meals, the heads of the squirming males easily engulfed as his cocks flared wider to take in their shoulders. The roo twins struggled and squirmed within him, bulging out his cock obscenely as a lewd squelch echoed throughout the showers as more of them were dragged into his body. Calvin's cocklips pulled them deeper, taking in their chests easily as he started to work down their stomachs.

Soon, both of Calvin's cocks were filled with prey, stretched out with their upper bodies as he thrust forward and flexed once more, pulling them in deeper. He felt a muscle ring at the base of his cock open, leading the twins into his balls, moaning out as he felt their heads stretch that hole open as they started to pour into his testicles. Calvin moaned out once more as his slit stretched even wider to take in their massive thighs, even broader then their shoulders as he pressed their cocks against them to suck them in as well.

The twin roos were moaning in pleasure as their senses were assaulted by pure male musk coming from Calvin's balls, their fear and surprise turning into pleasure as the internal walls of his cocks massaged their entire bodies as they were pulled down.

With most of them claimed, Calvin flexed his cocks vertically to have gravity assist in pulling them down, slurping and swallowing until the large kangaroo feet soon the only things sticking out of his engorged and bulging cock, before they too were sucked down with a slurp.

"Mmmm...there ya go..." Calvin said, rubbing the descending bulges as they went down his cock, "Enjoy the ride."

The roo twins soon fell in head first into the ocean of cum within Calvin's sac. Even with all that he had fired just moments ago, they were still this full of seed. Either the hydra could produce quickly, or that massive load was barely a drop in his production. Either way, the two splashed around a bit, pushing out against his sac.

Calvin chuckled for a bit as he watched the bulges move about. It was like they were trying to find each other. A shame. One went into his left testicle, and the other had gone into his right. Soon though, the bulges and struggles began to die down as Calvin kneaded his balls a bit to help the process along. His balls gurgled and rippled as they worked over their meal.

The hills and bumps that were made against his scaly sac soon diminished and were still. The roo twins were soon nothing more then hydra cum weighing his sac down, now large and wide enough that they went past his knees.

Once they were fully digested, Calvin began to grunt and moan in pleasure a bit as his cocks grew larger and wider, throbbing and pulsing as they reached up past his pecs, each over four feet long and over two feet thick now. His muscles started to bulge as well as his tail grew longer and thicker as more muscle mass was added to his body. He stretched and flexed as a few cracks were heard as his body adjusted to the new mass he added to himself, reaching an even nine feet now. The majority of the new mass went to his thighs and legs, bursting with muscles as he felt strength and power flow through him.

"Wow..." Calvin said, feeling the strength of the digested roo twins flow through him for a moment, "Not bad. Shame I never got their names though. Oh well..."

The hydra was still a mess of cum from the previous escapade, and he needed to get cleaned up.


"Dude, have you seen them?"

"Not since they came here, Chase."

Chase and Cid were in the gym's locker room. Both were positive that they had seen their boyfriend's come back here, and their possessions were still in the lockers, but there was no sign of Crom and Karn anywhere.

"I bet I know what they're up to." Cid said, the jackal acting like a light bulb had gone off, "Take a listen."

The shark was quiet for a moment as he heard the sound of water flowing coming from the shower room.

"I bet their in there, wanting to have some fun in the shower rooms." Cid said, giving Chase a big grin, "I bet as soon as we come in, we're gonna see their tight asses ahead of us, just waiting for us to give them a good pounding."

Chase thought for a moment, before returning the toothy grin, "I like they way they think." He said, "Come on!"

Chase started ripping off his sweaty gym clothes, exposing his already-hard twin shark shafts, each a good foot-and-a-half long as Cid did the same, showing off his grand doggy dick as well.

As soon as they stepped into the showers though, two things occurred almost simultaneously. The first was that senses were completely overtaken by the powerful scent of a muscular male who had just released himself. The musk was so powerful that both Chase and Cid lost control of themselves for a moment and fired a load out of their shafts on the spot. Hot waves of cum poured out of them as they moaned and thrust into the air, sending arcs splashing and splattering in front of them.

The second was that through the steam and their lust-addled minds, they caught sight of the largest reptile they had ever seen. His scales were black and red and he was sporting a pair of dicks that put Chase to shame. The two males gaped in awe at the reptile, seeing his throbbing dicks reach up to his massive pecs. And his muscles...dear lord he was covered in them.

"Fuck...." Cid said, the black jackal still rock hard after that orgasm and starting to drool looking at the reptile.

"I...I..." Chase started to say as he began fingering his cockslits, collecting the spent cum and pre that was still there.

Calvin had seen them as soon as they had entered the showers and grinned a bit. "You don't have to admire from over there if you want to enjoy my body, you know." He said to them.

The two males went wide-eyed as they were invited to join him, practically falling over themselves and each other to make their way over to him. Calvin was slowly stroking his massive, throbbing shafts while at the same time flexing his pecs at them as they made their way towards him. The free show was removing all inhibitions from Chase and Cid's lust-addled minds.

"Heh, you two boys are eager to go, aren't you?" Calvin said as the shark and jackal got to him and immediately started to work on his massive cocks. Those massive obelisks of manliness started to throb and pulse in their grip before Chase pushed Cid away.

"These cocks are mine!" The shark said, "I know the best way to work two at once!"

Before Cid could complain, Chase opened wide and managed to take both hyper cocks into his toothy maw, Calvin moaning out as the shark worked both shafts, starting to swallow them. Calvin moaned out as more of his meat went down Chase's throat as the shark continued to suck him down. Chase grinned as he swallowed, starting to feel Calvin's pre enter his stomach as he pulled more in, planning to get every inch of both of those shafts into him, even the knots.

"What about me?" Cid complained, watching his friend suck down those giant dicks before Calvin grabbed him with one of his beefy arms, giving him a devilish smirk.

"I've got other plans for you..." Calvin said, flexing his beefy pecs as he pulled the jackal closer, bringing his muzzle between those two muscular mounds.

The musk coming off of Calvin's scales started to overflow Cid's mind as he started to lick and grope into those huge mounds as Calvin continued to flex his pecs. Cid didn't notice at first as he continued to rub and squeeze those mounds, but each flex of the reptile's chest brought his muzzle deeper into those valleys. Cid could feel the veins in Calvin's chest bulge around him as he felt the desire to push in deeper into his chest.

"Mmmm....good boy..." Calvin hissed to himself as he suddenly moaned out as Chase fully took in his cocks, his thick knots passing into his mouth as the shark started to reach around and fondle Calvin's firm ass with one hand and stroke his own twin cocks together with the other as he started swallowing to massage the reptile's dicks with his throat.

Calvin flexed and flared his shafts, releasing more pre into the sharks stomach as his balls started churning and gurgling as Calvin started to thrust into Chase. The reptile flexed and pulled and soon Cid's entire head was engulfed between his pecs. Cid moaned as those chest muscles squeezed around him as they pulled, almost like they were chewing him.

Calvin's chest began to give an audible "SCHLRK" as his mounds kept pulling Cid in even further. The moans Calvin were emitting were vibrating throughout Cid's body as Calvin's flexing pecs pulled him in deeper, his arms pinned to his side as his shoulders and chest were getting pulled into Calvin.

Chase either had no idea his friend was being devoured, or he didn't care. He was fully focused on getting Calvin's massive nuts to release their load, wanting to take in every drop as he started to grind his balls into the crevice between Calvin's right and left testicles. The thick undersides of Calvin's cocks were bulging out, stretching his mouth out more as Calvin's pre flowed out freely. Chase felt his abs start to vanish as his stomach filled with Calvin's warm pre as the water from the showers glistened off of his skin. He started to rub his gut slightly, a bit sad that his abs were leaving, but fully enjoying the feeling of being filled with the hydra's spunk.

Calvin flexed once again and Cid was pulled off of his feet, his toned chest fully engulfed as Calvin started to pull in his stomach, his pecs bulging out more with their meal. The hydra reached forward, grabbing the bottom of the jackal's feet as he started to push them in, moaning out as he felt Cid's erection brush up against his scales. The jackal's struggling and wriggling pushed himself past the edge as ropes of cum fired out of his shaft, raining down on Chase, who paid the sudden cum bath he got no mind. He was fully focused on getting Calvin to fire.

Moments later, only a pair of kicking legs were poking out from between Calvin's pecs before he flexed one more, sucking them into his body with a SLURP! That was the final moment Cid had outside the great hydra as he was now fully engulfed in those mammoth mounds of muscle. Calvin moaned and thrust, feeling the jackal squirm inside of him as his climax suddenly struck him.

Calvin roared out as his cocks bulged from the base, practically flooding Chase with gallons of hot, hydra spunk. The shark pulled out a bit to rub those throbbing, pulsing shafts as he felt his body inflate with all of the cum being fired into it. The entire time, his moans were muffled as his mouth and throat were filled with Calvin's cocks and cum. As Calvin was firing, his pecs were bouncing and flexing, molding Cid into more muscles for his body.

"Gods..." Chase thought, "He's delicious...and he kind of tastes like Crom..."

The shark was in heaven as he felt himself get lifted off of the ground, Calvin's cocks still deep within him. The hydra was so strong and powerful that he could lift his entire muscular form using just the strength in his shafts. The entire time, those twin reptile cocks were firing, causing his gut to dome out even further as Calvin reached up and brought his back to his body.

Chase could feel the tip of his tailfin and his feet press against Calvin's pecs. Was it his imagination, or were those massive chest muscles even bigger then before? And were they gurgling like his balls were? If he didn't know better, he would have said it felt like Calvin's chest muscles were digesting something. He didn't know, but he did moan out as he felt his feet and tailtip slip between Calvin's pecs as the reptile flexed again.

The shark could feel himself slowly get pulled off of Calvin's firing cocks, still filling him with gallons of cum even after all this time as his eyes rolled back in his head. His mind long since gone to the lust and musk that Calvin was filling him with. He just moaned as best as he could as he felt more of his tail and legs get engulfed between those massive pecs, not realizing that he was joining Cid inside of them.

More of Calvin's meat was slowly being pulled out of his mouth and throat as Calvin's chest took in its second meal for the day. Chase moaned as his massive gut bulged out over his field of vision, but he could feel those strong muscles on the reptile's chest flex around him, lightly squeezing his sac and cocks. Chase thrust weakly into them as another orgasm hit him, firing his load into Calvin's pecs, the warm shark seed only helping to slide him in deeper.

A few moments later, those ravenous pecs were around his sloshing gut, filled to the brim with hydra spunk. Those massive mounds squeezed and pulsed around them, causing some of Calvin's cum to shoot back through Chase's throat, making the shark drool white with his spent cum. One wet pop later, and he was freed from those hyper shafts, getting a massive flood in his face as Calvin's orgasm continued, covering what was left of his upper body in cum.

"Fuck..." Chase said, still not realizing he was being devoured, "You...taste a lot like my boyfriend Crom. Fuckin' sexy kangaroo."

Calvin moaned out as that massive gut of the shark was pulled into him, leaving only Chase's chest and head outside his pecs, the sharks arm's lazily hanging behind him. "Oh?" Calvin said, his voice much deeper then before, "Was that his name? There were these two boomer's who were in here just a bit ago. At least before I sent them to my balls to make them more hot cum."

Chase wasn't sure what the reptile was talking about. He was still too lost in his afterglow as his chest started to get pulled into Calvin's massive pecs.

"I wonder where Cid went?" Was all he could think of before his vision went dark as those massive chest muscles of Calvin pulled his head between them, flexing and bulging like they were chewing its meal. Soon, just his arms were outside of those massive mounds, and they were soon slurped into Calvin's chest like a spaghetti noodle, the shark fully taken by Calvin's body.

Calvin's chest bounced and wobbled as they started to work over their second meal. His pecs bulged out slightly as he felt the shark squirm a bit within him. Calvin soon felt his entire body tense as his arms bulged, veins spreading out over his biceps and down his forearms. His clawed hands increased in size as well.

Calvin roared out as he felt his stomach expand, billowing out a bit as his ten pack of abs grew to a twelve pack, becoming a near-perfect cobblestone path along his front. His thighs grew even larger then from when he had taken in the roo twins, pushing apart from each other as he bulked out further, veins popping over his lower body. The curves of his body became more pronounced as his muscles inflated with strength and power.

Even his clawed feet felt like they were growing as they tensed and expanded. He could feel his legs getting stronger as well to keep his massive, muscular frame standing. His pecs soon ballooned out, easily expanding past his muzzle as his neck thickened as well, pushing his head up slightly as he grew taller and wider with the added mass he had just taken in. His horns grew longer as his blazing red mane grew more pronounced as his tail shot out further.

Finally, the creeping veins of his body returned to his groin, his balls touching the floor of the shower room as they filled with more of his potent seed, his cocks growing and expanding out of him. He felt his thigh bulge out and expand more as he felt his internal testicles grow as well. He wanted to let more of his cocks out, but he resisted; just enjoying the feeling of his shafts growing larger outside of him and inside of him as well. Those massive, vein-covered shafts pushed up towards his pecs before growing past them, going over his head as each one was nearly as half as thick as he was.

Soon, it all came to a stop, leaving Calvin panting breathlessly in the showers. His chest and balls weren't moving without him flexing them on their own. Once he caught his breath, Calvin growled deeply, the deep bass in his voice vibrating through the room. "Fuck..." He said, "That might be one of my top five growths."

Without warning, Calvin's massive cocks flared and exploded again, each one of them an eruption of his hot spunk. The entire shower room was soon covered in a thick layer of his spunk, even with the running water. The cum levels began to rise as the drains of the shower were overloaded, creating a pool at least two feet deep of his spunk.

It took over an hour for Calvin's orgasm to die down, his cocks finally returning to a flaccid state. Even so, they were still over four feet long as they rested over his massive balls as two feet of spunk became four feet before the drains started to kick in, even though it would take a long time for all of that semen to drain. Calvin took a deep breath, his great pecs expanding outward before relaxing as he exhaled.

Calvin took a moment to examine his new body, veins popping and tensing with every movement. "Might need to even this out later, but for right now, I'm loving this." He thought, tracing one of his claws between his pecs, feeling how deep of a valley he had.

Other's often wondered how Calvin got so massive. He wasn't lying when he said he had been doing this for years. It also was a matter of eating right. "Looks like eating all of them was the right thing to do." He thought with a chuckle as he finished getting cleaned up before leaving the showers.

A Birthday Bash

Eustathios Maxime Marin, better known to the world as Tachi, sat at his computer in his room as he went over the recent records for the Sapphire Gym. Ever since those new predators had joined up about a month ago, the disappearances within his gym were...

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