Fire and Water

Story by Angrynightmob on SoFurry

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What happens when Torch the Typhlosion gets together with Tachi the waterwolf?

A steamy situation. Pun brick'd

Disclaimer. Adult Story. So only 18+ read it. Contains hyper, muscles, Pokemon, lots of vore, (Mostly cock and pec, but oral and anal show up) and loads of cum. If you like that stuff, enjoy :D

Tachi and his poke-harem belong to Tachi

Torch belongs to me.

Pokemon in general belongs to Nintendo.

Eustathios Maxime Marin, better known to the world as Tachi, had a long day. The owner of The Sapphire Gym had just finished with another day of his massive, month-long membership drive. While the large wolf loved meeting new people, especially those who wished to better themselves, it had been a nearly fifteen hour day. Still, it brought joy to his heart to see all of those new members today, each one of them wanting to reach their full potential. Several more of them wanted to be huge, muscular, beefy beasts, covered from head to toe with bulging power. There were also several more who wished to just be healthier.

It didn't matter to Tachi. All were welcome at his gym.

The massive wolf was tall. Very tall. Nine-foot-four to be exact. Tachi wasn't a string-bean though. Oh no. The great wolf was at least 800 pounds! He would have to duck in more normal buildings to avoid hitting the ceiling, and in regular doorways, he would have to squeeze through sideways. Yes, not only was he tall, he was wide as well.

Most of that width came from his large gut. It was clear that the large wolf ate regularly, and probably ate quite a bit. However, placing a hand or paw on his belly would show that it was solid muscle. Yes, it was a powerful musclegut that domed out his belly. What was even more impressive; however, were his massive pecs. Both of his pectoral muscles extended past his muzzle. They were easy to grip into, but once he flexed his chest, they could bend steel. Their tensed form bulked up so much that they would engulf his muzzle.

And this massive mass of muscular wolf was ready to relax.

"Mmmm..." The great wolf thought, "I love having new members, but I really shouldn't overdo it."

He stretched a bit as his massive, tree-like thighs tensed under his weight. His fur was gray, while his cheeks, chest, belly, and crotch were covered with cream fur, and they were dripping slightly with sweat from his long day of breaking in the new members. His long, flowing blond hair was slightly frazzled from his excursions and his bulging biceps, triceps, and lats were throbbing as his body cooled down.

There was one thing that was preventing Tachi from plopping down on his king-sized bed in his room on the third floor of the gym, and that was his stirring crotch. The large wolf only wore a blue Speedo, allowing him to better show himself off to the world, and the equipment that the stretching fabric was barely covering was sloshing and churning.

Still, he was somewhat tempted to ignore the feeling in his groin and plop his big, bubble-butt onto his bed, but he knew he wouldn't be able to relax until he took care of his loins first. "Heh, alright, you guys win." He said as he patted his package, hoping to keep them from busting out of his Speedo. It was a problem that happened often, and was the reason he bought them in bulk.

There was one thing he knew that would help him with his current 'problem'. That would be his personal Pokemon harem. As some of the gym patrons were aware, Tachi kept a small group of Pokemon with him for training and pleasure. Six Lucario's and two Houndoom made up the group, each of them close to his size or bigger. All of them enjoyed having fun with their 'trainer', and once a week, Tachi got them together for a group training session. Today happened to be the day of that group session.

"Should be at the pool..." Tachi thought to himself. If his mental schedule was accurate, they were going to get some training done by working with water resistance.

The big wolf stretched again as he left his room, heading back down to the main floor of the gym. There were still a few of his regulars still on various machines at this point in the night, but most of the new visitors had left. Tachi gave them a few curt nods as he passed by as he walked through the gym floor, heading for the large pool room of the gym.

"Alright guys, I hope you're ready for..." Tachi said as he walked into the pool area, only to stop himself when he realized that it was empty. He raised an eyebrow in curiosity at the scene. He was positive that today was the group training day, and that they were going to meet at the pool for this session.

"I'm not early, am I?" Tachi thought to himself, before he checked the time. Nope, this was the exact moment that they usually did meet for these things. He was pretty sure that none of them would be late either. So what had happened?

There was no sign of them, but the massive muscle wolf had more senses then just his eyesight. He closed his eyes and took a big whiff of the area. It mostly smelled of male musk and water, but his nose soon caught the scent of his Pokemon. They had been here recently, but they had recently left. It couldn't have been more then five minutes ago. Tachi opened his eyes again and took in a few more sniffs of the area.

The powerful male scent of his Pokemon was leaving the area and heading towards the sauna. He did grin a bit. They must have been planning to surprise him before they got started for the night. Tachi imagined they had plenty of things prepared for him before they got started. Well, no sense in putting it off any longer. He grinned as he walked towards the sauna door, his big package sloshing and his pecs bouncing with every step.

When Tachi opened the door, however, the surprise wasn't what he was expecting.

There was just one other male in the sauna. It was one of the biggest Pokemon he had as a member, Torch the Typhlosion. The massive fire type was reclining on the benches of the sauna, his body lightly sweating from the heat. He was fully exposed, his sauna towel nowhere to be seen. His impressive cock and full balls were displayed prominently to the wolf.

The surprise, however, was that Torch's belly was full and squirming. His balls were as well, as there were clearly detailed shapes and outlines pressed out in his sac. It seemed like he wasn't done either, as a pair of grey and gold legs were sticking out of his maw, the large fire-type swallowing it down, making his chest and throat bulge out. Likewise, his rump looked to be enjoying a meal as well, as Tachi could see another set of legs getting pulled into that hungry tailhole. However, the set was blue-and-silver instead of grey-and-gold.

Most impressive, however, was that his massive cock was bulging out with a very large and very muscular pair of legs sticking out of Torch's slit. Just by seeing the feet, Tachi knew that those quickly vanishing legs belonged to his Lucario's, with Tremor going down that hungry poke-cock.

The surprise on Tachi's face was quickly replaced with amusement. At least he knew what had happened to his team. Torch's bulging body seemed to be the answer to that. The fire-type had an expression of bliss on his face as he finished swallowing down the pair of legs in his maw. A resounding GULP echoed throughout the sauna as that Lucario was fully swallowed and sent to his stomach.

"Hey Tachi," The Typhlosion said, "Wasn't expecting to see you here."

The Typhlosion moaned out again as he clenched his rump more around those legs. His body pulled and tugged at them, pulling the set deeper into his body until just the feet were still visible beyond his anal ring. One more solid pull, and the Lucario was fully pulled up his rump.

That just left the muscular legs sticking out of his cock. Torch's shaft was bulging massively with Tachi's biggest Lucario. That large cock continued to gobble down that muscular Lucario, pulsing and pulling the last remaining bits of Tremor into it. The waterwolf's Speedo had snapped off as soon as he had entered the sauna, watching the fire-type eat. The now-nude muscular wolf walked over to the prone Torch and started rubbing that hungry cock.

"They all in here?" Tachi asked, figuring he knew the answer already. His large hands rubbed the bulging underside of Torch's cock and slowly moved to his squirming sac. He could feel several forms within his scrotum. One of his hands managed to locate Tremor's large pecs, and he gave them a firm rub through that ballflesh, pressing into Torch's sac.

"Don't know how many you got." Torch grinned, "Two Lucario up my ass, swallowed one. Three down my cock. Two Houndoom in me as well, but I slid them past my foreskin, so they're just in my scrotum." The Typhlosion pulled at his foreskin, letting the big wolf see just how much it could stretch. It could easily take in a large fur.

Tachi looked down at those huge Poke-balls. Sure enough, he could tell that his two Houndoom were in there. They looked like they were humping and grinding against a massive orb. He realized that they were squeezing Torch's testicles from the inside. Occasionally, he could see a paw or face from one of his Lucario's press out as well, and one of his Houndoom within rub them. "I see, and what will happen to them?" Tachi asked.

"They'll be added to my ball mass." Torch said, "They'll merge in with it and make my sac even bigger."

Tachi chuckled a bit as his cock throbbed at the thought. His three-foot long, one-food wide cock brushed up against Torch's sac. His cockhead was gently tickled by the fur on the Typhlosions balls.

"Well then..." Tachi said, "Looks like you ate my whole team. They must have needed much more training if you alone could take all of them at once...." His shaft started to find its way between Torch's massive sac and rub between those large orbs. Tachi's big paws moved to that thick, hungry spire that lead into them. While Tremor had been engulfed, he hadn't fully fallen into Torch's balls, and he rubbed that bulge he was making until he felt him slide past the base of Torch's shaft. A few more pulls from the fire-type and soon all the Typhlosion had all of them within him.

" for the fun part..." Torch said softly, giving the wolf a toothy grin. His belly and his balls were squirming as the prey within him pushed out against the inside of his body. His stomach seemed to go first, gurgling and rippling around their forms. Their movements began to slow down somewhat as the hills and valleys they were making started to smooth over. A churning sound started to echo through the sauna as Tachi realized that Torch's balls were digesting their prey as well.

The Typhlosion's sac started to ripple a bit as it began to smooth over too. His belly and balls began to become rounder and rounder until nothing was left of them. His tire-sized balls shifted a bit as the Houndoom outlines began to merge with his sac as well, inflating more with their added mass. A few more gurgles came from the fire-type as his balls finished claiming their meal, melting all three Lucario within them into Typhlosion spunk. His belly rumbled once more and soon was still as well, the rest of Tachi's team digested within him.

Torch sighed contently as he rubbed a paw over his stomach and one of his feet over his newly grown sac. A few more rumbles came from the fire-type as his body began to grow and expand. His balls inflated like balloons as he spread his legs apart to give them room to grow as his cock throbbed hard, growing longer and thicker right before Tachi's eyes. Torch's chest and pecs began to grow out more, spreading out to look more like Tachi's before increasing even further in size then the wolfs! His biceps, triceps, and lats expanded out as well, and the waterwolf was confident that his back was bulking out as well, all the way down to his rump.

Torch sighed again and brought another foot up to rest on his sac. Tachi had been rubbing his thick, throbbing cock the entire time he was having his growth spurt from eating his harem. It had grown so thick that the wolf couldn't get his entire paw halfway around it. It had to be at least three feet thick and so long that when Tachi pushed it towards it's owner, it easily slid right between his pecs, nearly to the top of them.

"Seems like you're enjoying playing with that." Torch grinned as his shaft slid between his two chest muscles. He flexed them a bit to rub his cock between his pecs. The wolf's mouth was gaping open as he watched his pecs flex and bounce before his eyes. "I'll let you play with mine if I can play with yours..."

Tachi's cock throbbed between Torch's sac again as the offer presented itself. He gave the fire-type a goofy grin as he climbed onto him, only to be surprised when Torch wrapped his arms around him and flipped him over, reversing their positions so that he was below him. He was soon staring right into Torch's pecs.

Tachi grunted with the changed positions, but still reached to grab at those furry mounds on the Typhlosion. His fingers gripped at the pecs of Torch as he began to squeeze and rub at those chest muscles of the Pokemon. Torch growled in pleasure and started flexing his pecs in the wolf's grasp.

Tachi was impressed as those muscles started to spread his fingers apart easily as Torch thrust them forward into his face. His arms moved about, rubbing all along that fur on his chest. Tachi started to pant from the heat, not only from the sauna, but from being in close proximity to the fire-type. He started to sweat profusely as he found Torch's nipples hidden under his chest fur. Without thinking, he started to tweak and squeeze at those nubs, causing a few growls of pleasure to come from the Pokemon.

"Rrrgghhh...yeah...." Torch growled out as his flexing continued. He grabbed the wolf's head and started to slide it closer into his chest. The heat from the fire-type's fur rubbing together was starting to become too much, even for Tachi. He started to gasp and pant as he sweated and breathed in Torch's powerful musk.

He continued to squeeze and play with the Typhlosion's nips, feeling them harden and expand in his finger's grip. He started to press his thumbs into them, eliciting another loud growl from Torch. At that moment, Tachi started to feel something slide up between his own pecs, something long, hard and hot.

The fire-type thrust upward hard, and Tachi suddenly had Torch's cock hit him on the chin as it pressed up through his valley. His face was still pressed into the Typhlosion's chest, getting rubbed and pushed as he flexed. Tachi began to return the favor, flexing his own pecs around Torch's shaft, jacking him off with his chest muscles.

That massive poke-cock began to throb and pulse as the waterwolf continued to flex his chest muscles around it. Torch gasped out and pulled back slightly, giving Tachi more room to work and play with. He leaned his head down and opened wide, sucking the head of Torch's cock into his maw. His tongue licked and played along that slit and around his cockhead as he squeezed Torch's pecs even more.

Torch was gasping and growling and soon grabbed Tachi by his broad shoulders and shoved him onto the ground. The fire-type was sitting on his large belly now, thrusting and shoving his cock between his pecs. Tachi gasped for air when he could, but every time more of his mouth opened, it was filled with hot, thick, Typhlosion cock. Tachi's own shaft was throbbing with need as he unconsciously flexed it, slapping the broad back of the fire-type with his shaft.

"Rrrughhh...guess the pup needs some attention too..." Torch gasped out before pulling his cock out of Tachi's maw. The fire-type adjusted his position, adjusting himself so that he was now laying atop of the wolf, his massive cock right in Tachi's face, with Tachi's own member poking at his own.

With a grin, Torch opened wide and brought that three-foot long, foot-long wide cock into his maw. His hot breath washed over Tachi's rod, causing it to throb and shoot a wad of pre into his throat. Tachi responded in kind, taking the cock that had eaten over half of his Pokemon team into his own mouth, continuing to suck and slurp on that thick, veiny shaft. The full balls of the Typhlosion moved over his face, making Tachi breathe in more of Torch's manly musk.

The fire-type worked his tongue over the full length of Tachi's cock as he brought more of it into his throat, reaching up slightly to fondle the sac of the wolf. He squeezed and slapped those nuts lightly, feeling them wobble and pulse in his paws. His own ballsac was being grabbed by the wolf, squeezing Torch's balls as they churned.

"Torch...I...!" Tachi gasped out, before the fire-type thrust deeper into his throat, moaning in pleasure as he sucked along that shaft. Tachi could feel Torch's sperm pressing out against his sac in his grip, feeling the small bumps form along his balls as they churned and gurgled. He moaned out more and squeezed Torch's sac again, causing the fire-type to gasp out and shoot a thick wad of pre down his throat. It was thick enough to be an average fur's normal cumshot, and that was just pre!

Tachi's own shaft was pulsing as Torch soon hilted it, taking all three feet of his thick cock down his throat, swallowing hard around it. His throat muscles squeezed along his rock-hard shaft, and caused him to shoot his pre right into the Typhlosion's stomach. His base was licked and teased by Torch's hot tongue as the sweat and musk from his body began to drip onto Tachi's own.

" seem to like my balls..." Torch gasped out, his voice slightly muffled by having Tachi's cock in his throat. His statement was met with a moan from the wolf, who swallowed down more of his pre and squeezed his hefty balls again, causing the Typhlosion to shove his cock deeper into Tachi's throat.

Torch grinned at that silent answer and slowly began to pull Tachi's throbbing, aching cock out of his throat. Neither had cum yet, but Torch could tell that the wolf was closer to his edge then he was. His slick tongue teasing Tachi's shaft as he pulled it out of his throat caused Tachi to pound his massive arms against the ground. That action caused several small dents to form in the floor of the sauna.

"Torch...I...need!" Tachi gasped out again before the Typhlosion pulled his shaft out of Tachi's throat.

"I decide what you need now, pup," The Typhlosion said with a devilish grin, "But don't worry. You're going to love this.

The Typhlosion wrapped his arms around the prone wolf and flexed hard. The flame jets around his neck went off, creating more heat in the sauna as he lifted the 800 pound wolf off the ground like it was nothing. Tachi yelped at his being manhandled so easily as Torch got back to his feet, holding the wolf upside-down. The powerful Pokemon pulled him up a few more feet until they were eye-level with each other.

Tachi saw the grin on Torch's face as he was lowered again and looked down. He only had a second before he saw Torch's cock stretch open before the Typhlosion thrust upward, engulfing his head in his shaft! The massive wolf's released a gasp of surprise before his voice was muffled by that huge poke-cock.

"Since you like my balls that much, I think it's only fitting that you feed them, don't you think?" Torch said. The wolf responded by his cock shooting another wad of pre that landed right on Torch's face. The Typhlosion looked up at that drooling, throbbing shaft as it grew closer and closer as he fed the wolf to his cock. His shaft spread open wide to take in Tachi's shoulders, and soon the wolf's cock was back within range.

Torch teased that shaft by giving his cockhead a quick lick before opening wide once more and started sucking off the wolf while his cock sucked him down. His cocklips spread open wider as they slowly began to drag in the thick chest and pecs of the wolf, Tachi continuing to flex his pecs as he was being swallowed. His movements were making Torch's cock bulge wonderfully and swallow him up faster, sliding over his own nips while Torch continued to work his shaft.

The Typhlosion's cock continued to ripple and pulse as it sucked the muscle wolf into it, reaching the biggest part of the wolf once his pecs were engulfed. Torch's cock continued to stretch as it began to take in Tachi's hefty gut, and soon the Typhlosion no longer needed to hold him in place. His cock had taken enough of the wolf into it that it was holding him in place, leaving the Typhlosion free to continue working on Tachi's throbbing cock.

Tachi was moaning out as the musk within Torch's cock was thicker then anything he had experienced before. He pushed out and flexed powerfully, doing his best to bulge and press out against that cum tunnel as it swallowed him alive. Torch sucking him off as he was being eaten was filling him with an amazing sensation before he finally howled out in pleasure, his deep voice causing vibrations to run through Torch's cock as he finally blew his load.

Gallons of thick wolf spunk shot through his cock and into the Pokemon, sending his white-hot load directing into Torch's belly. He thrust and pushed as best as he could as his orgasm rocked his body, but the inside of the Typhlosion's cock left little room for him to rock his body as that tight cum tunnel dragged him in deeper.

His orgasm continued to shoot through him as his face reached a tight muscle ring at the base of Torch's shaft. He moaned out as another hard tug pulled in more of his muscle gut into the hungry cock as his head was pushed in past the ring, entering a wide-open chamber filled with hot spunk. A second hard pull from Torch's cock brought the rest of his huge belly past the hungry slit and he started to fall into the balls of the Typhlosion. Once his shoulders had passed through the tight muscle ring, he reached out, causing Torch's shaft to bulge out more as he moved his arms up and began to rub the fire-type's balls from the inside.

As Tachi began to fall into his sac, Torch continued to drink up every drop of cum that he had fired. Tachi's orgasm lasted for nearly five minutes, and finished just as his cock pulled in the rest of his belly, leaving only his groin and kicking legs sticking out of his cock.

His cock continued to suck down the wolf like a snake swallowing its prey, and Tachi's thighs and groin were soon right at his cockslit. Torch gave Tachi's balls one more firm squeeze and his ass a quick slap before his cock tugged and pulsed again, dragging them into it. Only Tachi's legs were sticking out of his shaft right now, and those soon would be sucked in.

"Aahhhh...there we go..." Torch sighed as he sat back down onto the wooden bench of the sauna and leaned back to relax. He watched with a grin as Tachi's kicking legs were dragged into his hungry cock, leaving only his feet sticking out of his shaft. The Typhlosion pushed his feet down past his hungry slit and the wolf was now fully engulfed by his cock. It continued to tug the rest of the wolf down into his balls and his shaft began to take its normal shape as his prey slid the rest of the way into him.

Torch's balls were still expanding and stretching as the massive wolf continued to fill out his sac. He could feel the wolf rubbing and pressing out along his internal walls as his cum splashed and washed over him. The Typhlosion's hungry cock was still fully erect and pressed up along his belly and chest, drooling a bit of pre onto his fur as he felt the last of Tachi slide into his sac.

"I figured since I already ate all of your Pokemon, I might as well get their trainer as well," Torch said and rubbed his sac with his feet and thighs. Each ball was easily bigger then a truck tire as the wolf's form slowly began to diminish. The bumps and hills that were Tachi's outlined form began to smooth over and shrink away as the wolf began digesting into a thick load of poke-cum.

Torch's balls began to slightly pull up closer to his body as he digested Tachi into his cum, and soon his sloshing sac was still. It gave one final gurgle as the face of the wolf pressed up against his sac diminished and was soon gone. Torch rubbed along his furry sac for a moment and moaned in pleasure at the full feeling he had in his nuts. "Don't worry," Torch said, "I'll make sure you're put to good use. I think this room could use a few more stains on it."

Torch chuckled a bit as his body began to absorb Tachi's mass. His pecs began to grow and expand out as his arms became more powerful and muscular. The fire-type's back became more pronounced and his fire-jets around his neck began to glow from a bright red and orange to a hotter blue and white. His legs and thighs expanded as well and his cock began to audibly grow, stretching past his belly until it was right in the middle of his new, expanded pecs.

"Not bad..." Torch said to himself, flexing his arms and pecs a bit to get used to the added mass digesting Tachi had given him, "Now for the fun part..."

Torch's balls began to gurgle and churn again as his cock began to bulge out at the base. He gasped in pleasure as that bulge began to expand out, pressing upwards through his shaft as the underside of his cock pushed out with the massive load he was about to fire out. His feet pressed against his balls and squeezed, causing him to growl out in pleasure, shooting a massive stream of fire out of his mouth just as a huge jet of cum spread open his cockslit and powerfully shot against the wall.

"Arceus! Fuck!" Torch shouted out as his throbbing cock continued to blow, unleashing gallons of spunk out of his bulging shaft. The former wolf and several of his Pokemon were being blasted out at high speeds along the walls of the sauna as Torch's orgasm continued to rock his body as his balls emptied themselves.

For nearly ten minutes, the Typhlosion growled and thrusted and orgasmed hard before it came to an end. Untold gallons of cum nearly flooded the sauna by about three inches of spunk before Torch leaned back and gasped to catch his breath.

" about intense..." He said to himself, his cock still rock hard. His balls were about half the size they were before and were still sloshing between his legs.

As the Typhlosion continued to catch his breath, he caught a glimpse of something he wasn't expecting. The massive cum flood he had made was starting to come together in a single spot. It began to swirl together and move. Soon, a white form started to pull itself out of the cum, looking like a large paw.

Torch was surprised at first, but soon realized what was happening. More of his cum began to pool together as the form within it started to take shape. Soon, all the cum in the sauna began to join with the reforming shape as it began to become more solid. A large figure made of cum soon pulled itself out of the mass and gasped for air. It soon turned from a white form of cum and solidified itself into something Torch wasn't expecting.

A Suicune.

"Heh, almost forgot," Torch said as the Suicune continued to reform itself out of his cum, "Non-pokemon who end up in my balls can come out as Pokemon themselves. Although normally I gotta turn you into an egg. Guess you're a Suicune now, Tachi."

The Suicune-Tachi shook itself a bit as he finished reforming, sending a few cum splatters along the wall before he stood up straight. He had the same look as a regular Suicune, except that he was a lighter shade of blue then a normal one, closer to a light-grey then blue, actually. His mane was yellow instead of purple, and his eyes were red. The biggest difference, however, was that the normal, white tails and tendrils of a Suicune were much rounder and thicker on Tachi. They looked closer to tentacles then anything else. One thing that didn't seem to change was that Suicune-Tachi still had an impressive and beefy set of pecs and gut on him, in contrast to a normally lithe Suicune.

Tachi stretched a bit, the new Pokemon cracked his neck a bit as he got used to his body. "Actually," Tachi said, his voice still deep and booming, "I've been able to turn into a Suicune since I was a child."

"Mmmm...good to know..." Torch said with a grin, "I was about to offer to help break in your new body, but I suppose that's not necessary now."

"Who said it wasn't?" Tachi replied with a grin of his own.

That was all the invitation that Torch needed. The fire-type got up from the sauna bench and quickly had the Suicune bent over. He brought his throbbing rod right between Tachi's ample rump cheeks and shoved in hard. Tachi moaned out as he was penetrated, feeling Torch push him down onto his belly as the Typhlosion began to ride him.

"Mmmph, oh gods!" Tachi gasped out as that thick, poke-cock throbbed within his tailhole. It was sliding in easily due to the cum that Torch had already fired, and he clenched his internal muscles around that shaft as best he could as the Typhlosion pounded into him. His own shaft was starting getting harder as well, leaking pre onto the floor of the sauna.

Torch continued to push down onto the Suicune before he had Tachi on his belly. The fire-type wrapped one of his arms around the other Pokemon, rubbing along his beefy pecs. His other hand was moving right towards the water-type's growing cock and hefty balls, teasing the foreskin of the Suicune as he got harder and harder.

Tachi moaned out as Torch began to pick up the pace, the fire-type's pre spilling out again as that thick cock filled his insides. He could feel the tip of Torch's cock pressing along his abdomen as Torch rode him hard and rough. Tachi started to move his tendrils along Torch's back and chest, rubbing into the valleys of his muscle structure with his wiggling tails. Like earlier, both started to move towards Torch's chest. His tails began to push and squeeze along Torch's expanded pecs, before he gasped out when the fire-type fell onto his back.

Tachi's head began to slide between the fire-type's chest muscles, filling his senses with more potent musk. The Typhlosion's poundings were becoming faster and more frantic before Torch gasped out and his cock erupted once again. Hot, thick spunk bulged out of that thick meat rod into Tachi's ass as he was pounded hard. He could feel every thick, pulsing vein his Torch's cock around his clenched internal muscles as the fire-type cummed hard up his ass. Tachi gasped out as Torch continued to press down on him, sending more of his head and mane between his pectoral muscles.

Tachi couldn't hold it in any longer and began to cum hard himself, shooting his massive load out along the floor of the sauna. The sauna began to steam up with the heat they were emitting together, the fire-and-water types mixing together to make a steamy situation.

Their orgasms lasted for nearly fifteen minutes before they both began to subside. Tachi could taste cum in his mouth and his belly was sagging with how much Torch had fired into him. He was in a pool of his own cum that was slowly spreading out from under him. His head was still mostly engulfed between Torch's pecs, his face sweating from the heat between them.

"Oh gods..." Tachi gasped out. That was all he could manage before he felt Torch's pecs flex around his head and face, slowly pulling them deeper into his valley. His vision went dark, as soon all he could see was the fur along those massive muscles as Torch flexed and bounced his pecs more, dragging more of him between them.

"Hope you didn't think you were going to get out of this uneaten, Tachi," Torch said, his pecs flexing hard, pulling his entire head between them. The Suicune could feel the powerful muscles in Torch's chest throbbing and pulling him in deeper as he flexed.

"Mmmph phhmmm mhmmmmph!" Tachi muffled out, Torch's chest muscles squeezing and pulling him in deeper. His shoulders were soon pulled in by the flexing Typhlosion, pinning his arms to his side as his chest was starting to get dragged in by those powerful pecs. Those flexing muscles were almost acting like they were chewing him as Tachi felt himself get dragged in deeper into that powerful chest.

The fire-type's pecs were starting to jut out even more as Tachi was dragged into them. His own chest and pecs were getting squeezed in between Torch's own. The wolf was being devoured yet again as those flexing muscles worked over his upper body. His arms began to rub alongside Torch's chest as best as he could from his pinned position as he was dragged in deeper.

Torch soon got back to his feet and flexed hard once more, pulling Tachi off the ground as he engulfed the rest of the Suicune's chest and began to work on his stomach. The fire-type reached forward and grabbed at the other Pokemon's feet and started to push him in as his pecs continued to flex and pull him. Torch's pecs began to bulge out with it's massive meal as he started to work over that huge gut the Suicune possessed as he took in over half of Tachi's body into him.

The wiggles and squirms of the Suicune brought him to orgasm once again, shooting his load into the air in large arcs as his cum splattered along the walls and floor of the sauna. Thick ropes of Suicune seed pulsed and fired out of his cock. The fire-type continued to feed him into his chest, pushing him in deeper from his feet as his pecs continued to pull him in. Soon, his great musclegut was sliding fully between those two mounds and his spent cock began to slide in as well.

Torch shuddered a bit as the wet cum from Tachi's spent shaft slid past his fur. His pecs lightly squeezed Tachi's cock and balls as they were dragged into him, and soon only a pair of weakly kicking legs and Tachi's long tails was out of him. A loud, lewd SCHLURP echoed through the steamy sauna as Tachi's legs were dragged into Torch's valley, and a second one soon followed as his tendrils were sucked up by his mounds like thick strands of spaghetti.

The former wolf was fully engulfed in those massive mounds of muscle, the Typhlosion's pecs bouncing and flexing the entire time as the Suicune he had just taken into him was molding him into more muscle for his chest. Tachi gave a muffled moan and squirmed within his predator, pushing out slightly along the Typhlosion's chest before he went still.

Torch's pecs made quick work of the Suicune before his entire body tensed. He started to grow several inches as his body became more defined. His thighs began to billow out and push apart from each other as he bulked out with Tachi's mass a second time. His muscle structure's curves became more defined as his legs grew stronger and more powerful to hold up his bigger form.

His pecs soon ballooned out, pushing out greatly past his face as that seemed to be where most of the pass from Tachi was going to end up. He continued to grow taller and wider with the absorbed Suicune, his entire form covered in veins. It was like he was using Bulk Up much more then the six times normally allowed.

Finally, the last of the mass he had absorbed from Tachi reached his groin and crotch. His sac filled with rich, potent seed as they grew and expanded, the bottom of them hanging just below his knees, but fully capable of expanding further. His cock grew longer and thicker, pushing up to just past his newly grown pecs, and growing as wide as he was.

"Mmmm...fuck...." Torch growled out, his voice deeper after growing so much. He stretched out slightly to get used to his newly bulked out form. "That felt really good."

Torch's cock started to pulse and throb once more and his huge shaft flared open and an eruption of thick cum shot out of his shaft like a volcano. Pump after pump and wave after wave of seed shot out of his shaft with the force of a geyser behind it. Each blast was easily hundreds of gallons of seed, filling and staining the sauna with his cum and musk.

The Typhlosion orgasmed for over an hour, his entire body rumbling and shaking with the massive blasts his cum cannon fired. By the time he was done, he had flooded the sauna up to his neck in cum. The entire room was mostly covered in his musky seed.

Torch chuckled as he sat back down on a wooden bench. It would take a while before the drains in the sauna would be able to finish off the flood he had made. While he waited, he would sit back and enjoy the soak in his semen, letting his powerful musk penetrate his fur and body.

"You know what happens to trainers who run out of Pokemon, Tachi," Torch said to himself as he enjoyed the flooded room, "They white out. Just like you did...."

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