Ride you'll never forget

Story by Angrynightmob on SoFurry

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Hey all! Just a quick story to show that I'm not dead! Just got busy with classes and life and all that. Sorry about that.

Anyway, disclaimer: Story contains Anal Vore, Cock Vore, muscles, hyper, multi-cock, and a reverse full-tour. As such, it is a very adult story so only read if you are 18 years or older.

Havvy gave another hard swallow. The struggling Otter was already over halfway down his throat. The squirms and wiggles of the small mammal bulged out his throat slightly before those webbed feet slid past his long muzzle as the Eastern Dragon closed his mouth. One more swallow and the last of the squirming mammal was fully in his throat, taking the long trip down his extended body into his belly.

"Sorry kid," the Eastern Dragon said as he patted the squirming bulge a few times as it continued its trek into him, "Just happened to hit the wrong place at the wrong time." The bulge was clearly outlined as it slowly descended down his long form. Every move and wiggle the prey made caused Havvy to shiver a bit in pleasure. That was one of the joys of having a long throat. He always got to enjoy the trip they took down longer before they reached his stomach.

After a few moments, the bulge reached his midsection, sliding out of his throat and into his stomach. There were more wiggles and squirms coming from his gut as his prey pushed and moved around inside of him, but it didn't last long. The movements started to slow down before they finally calmed to a stop. The prey was soon nothing but a large bulge in his gut that he would slowly digest.

"Mmmm...not bad. Still hungry though." Havvy thought to himself. His snow-white scales reflected off of the small bits of sunlight from the wooded park area he was in. Normally he wouldn't prey in public, but after many weeks of heading to clubs and bars and meeting up with prey there, he was getting bold. He had managed to lure that small morsel of a squirrel into a secluded part of the park with the promise of a good time and a ride he would never forget. Technically, he wasn't lying.

Well, with his meal starting to settle as the squirrel began to digest, he went back to his original thought. He was still hungry. It was starting to get late as the sun was setting, but he figured he had enough daylight left to try and score one more meal before heading towards the nightlife scene if he wanted to continue hunting. If he could catch a big one, he'd call it a night, but if it was another small fry, he'd probably need to be up all night to satisfy his hunger.

The eastern dragon patted his bulge a few more times. His prey had digested enough so that he might just seem a little bulgy, but otherwise normal. It wasn't enough to arouse suspicion that he had just finished eating someone. Now he needed to find someone to go join it.

It didn't take long for Havvy to find his target, and when he saw the man, he thanked his lucky stars. Sitting on one of the benches in the park was an absolute mountain of muscles. It was a fellow reptile like he was, who was wearing what had to be the tightest-fitting jeans in existence. His black and red scales reflected off of the setting sun, brining his attention to the red mane of the reptile that traveled down his back between his wings. Havvy gave a silent prayer of thanks as he saw who would make a great target as he slid over to the massive male.

He was even bigger up close. That was the first thought that went through Havvy's mind as he got even closer to the other male. He had to be at least nine feet tall. His pecs easily jutted out past his muzzle and his arms and legs looked like they were tree trunks attached to a body. And to make it just more perfect, he was reading a book, and was using his massive chest like a table, keeping the book flat on his pecs as he read. This would be the biggest meal in Havvy's life if he could get him. But just from the size alone, he'd need to do this somewhere secluded. First, he needed to get the big man's attention.

"You know..." Havvy said with a smirk as he slid into the spot on the bench next to the male, "Those jeans of yours make you look a bit off."

The other man looked up from his book before noticing that he wasn't alone. "Ah, yeah, but it's kinda necessary," He said with a bit of a laugh, "Public decency laws and all that. Otherwise I wouldn't bother. Not even kidding about that. These were specialty made. They've got a pocket dimension in them to keep me all in and decent."

That caught Havvy by surprise. He was so massive that he needed a pocket dimension in his pants? It was just at that moment that he caught the other male's scent hitting his senses. He smelled of pure, manly arousal. The eastern dragon's mind was slowly switching gears. He was still going to eat him, but he might have a bit of fun with him first.

Much to Havvy's surprise though, the other reptile took the conversation exactly where he wanted it to go. "Why are you so interested?" He said with a bit of a calm demeanor, "Did you want to get into them?" The large red and black reptile chuckled a bit, his entire body shaking and flexing with even the tiniest movement.

Havvy choked back a gasp for a bit as he regained his composure. "Actually, yeah..." He said, "I was interested in having some time alone with a specimen like yourself. Name's Havvy." The eastern dragon extended his hand which the other reptile accepted.

"Calvin," He replied, "Alright, I've got some time to kill before I get going. Was going to finish another chapter in my book, but I think I'll enjoy having some fun with you a bit more then that." Calvin gave Havvy a playful wink as he closed his book and placed it in his jeans pocket.

The massive reptile stood up, more of his muscles flexing with each of those movements and Havvy was finding it very hard to keep himself focused on his main goal. Every moment he spent around him, the more he was thinking of how wonderful it would be to get those jeans off of him. He wanted to see just what exactly this...

"Species?" Havvy asked as he lead the large, beefy male to the spot that he had finished off the squirrel not too long ago.

"Hydra." Calvin replied.

"I thought..." Havvy started.

"Again, convenience." Calvin finished, "I'd be a lot bigger if I let myself completely out. Including the heads."

"Oh." Havvy said, the dragon wondering just how big Calvin could get. He could already hear his muscles stretching and flexing as the red and black reptile walked by him. And if he didn't know any better, he could swear that he could hear sloshing coming from inside of him. Was that his stomach, sloshing behind that tight, ten-pack of abs he was sporting? Or was it...coming from something hidden in those jeans...?

Havvy quickly shook his head for a moment and brought a hand up to his mouth. He didn't want to drool. Not in front of his meal. He picked up the pace a bit, heading back to where he had lead the squirrel earlier, his long body moving a bit faster ahead of the muscular reptile.

"Heh heh, slow down a bit," Calvin said, "We have plenty of time. I'll make sure you'll get a ride you'll never forget."

Havvy brought the pace down slightly and once he was sure he had brought Calvin to a place where he wouldn't be interrupted, he turned quickly and went straight for the reptile's jeans. "Let's get these things off of you," He said, clawing and tearing at the specially-made denim.

Havvy couldn't help his drooling anymore as his nose and muzzle were straight at the other reptile's groin, filling his senses even more with his potent and powerful musk. His hands went to unbutton the offending pants and lower the zipper as he finally dropped the special jeans...and was quickly slapped in the face by a massive, and flaccid, reptile cock.

Havvy backed up a bit as he rubbed where Calvin's shaft had hit him softly as the hydra finished removing the jeans himself, tossing them aside as he stood full and proud in front of the eastern dragon. His balls hung low, even past his knees as it seemed like they were slightly forcing his legs apart to keep them all there. They were at least the size of beach balls, fully inflated and his suspicion was right, they were sloshing as he moved.

And resting over those mighty orbs was the cock that had slapped him...and its mate. The hydra was sporting two cocks, each flaccid and resting over his balls, and they were easily over two feet long while soft, and over a foot thick. And judging from how they were throbbing and pulsing, when they were going to get fully hard, they were going to be gigantic.

Equally gigantic was the tail that had been given its freedom. It was red on it's underside like the rest of the hydra's body, but it was just as thick and muscular as his powerful arms and legs. And unlike those appendages, judging from how the reptile was swishing and twitching it, it looked like it had free movement as it hung lazily over his round buttocks. Calvin wasn't kidding. He was much more massive without the jeans and obviously needed an extra dimension to keep himself inside.

Havvy could feel his own arousal start to slip out of his vent as well, a small series of shafts poking out of the underside of his long body. Every few feet down his form, a new one popped out, the eastern dragon sporting six shafts along his underside, each topping off at eight inches.

"Well..." The hydra chuckled as he saw his new friend oogle him as he got hard himself, "Not every day I meet someone with more cocks then I have. But I'm pretty sure I still win on size. Now my little draggy..."

The hydra took one of his massive arms and brought Havvy closer, bringing his muzzle between those thick, growing cocks. "While I get nice and hard for you, why don't you go please my rump?"

The eastern dragon took in a big whiff of the delightful musk that they hydra was releasing as he saw Calvin flex his pecs a bit as his shafts got harder and harder and nodded weakly. His thoughts of eating the reptile were getting replaced and overrun with thoughts and desires to please and worship this massive, muscular form. And if the hydra wanted his ass teased and pleased, then he was going to obey.

Havvy slid his long body between the hydra's twin shafts and slid under the reptile's testicles. He made sure to arch his back enough to slide between the valley of the massive orbs as he reaches the round rump of the reptile. Calvin's tail lifted and moved slightly around him, gently wrapping around his upper body as he reached out and grabbed those buns.

Havvy squeezed the round rump of the hydra, enjoying the feeling of those scales in his grip. He grinned a bit as he started to clap his rump together, the ass of the other reptile clapping slightly as he brought those cheeks together. He couldn't help but chuckle as he failed to notice Calvin's tail continuing to wrap around him as he squeezed and rubbed his ass cheeks. So much so that he didn't notice that he was drawing ever closer to the ass of the hydra until he noticed that his cheeks were spreading apart.

Before Havvy knew what was going on, a loud SQUELCH echoed out as his muzzle and face were pulled into the hydra's ass. Calvin started to moan out as his anal muscles began contracting, pulling the long head of the eastern dragon into his rump. He could feel the scales of Havvy slide into his backside as he pulled more of his head in, his anal ring starting to stretch as he pulled more of the long dragon into him.

"Heh heh heh...guess you got a bit too close," Calvin said, clenching his ass to pull more of the other dragon in deeper, "Not what I planned, but I can work with this."

The hydra's cock's sprang to full attention, each of them spilling pre out with every throb as he continued to pulse around Havvy's long body as he pulled more of him in. Each pull of Calvin's ass dragged a few more inches of his body up his backside, making the hydra moan out as his long form slowly dragged between his testicles, making those large orbs audibly churn and produce potent hydra spunk.

Havvy started to struggle and thrash a bit as he was pulled deeper into the hydra. A few minor bulges started to press out against Calvin's abs and belly as he continued to feed the eastern dragon up his ass, using his tail to continue to feed him into that hole. Every cock on the eastern dragon slurped up into that tight ring as Havvy continued to get fed in deeper, sliding in more and more into the hydra's body.

More and more of the eastern dragon was getting pulled in like a wet noodle, and over half of his body was still outside of Calvin's hungry rump. His belly started to bulge out a bit as he felt the head of the dragon slide in, the hydra patting his gut a bit as he felt him squirm and wiggle inside of him. "Heh, wasn't planning on sending you there. At least not yet." Calvin said with a chuckle, "I really was hoping we could have some fun first, but oh well."

The movements of the eastern dragon continued to make Calvin moan out in pleasure as he slurped up more of the dragon, enjoying the bulges his body was making as more and more fed into him. However, after a minute or so, Calvin could feel Havvy more up more and more, feeling him start to poke through the bottom of his esophagus. "Oooohhh...feisty one..." The hydra said, feeling the bottom of his chest start to bulge, "Haven't done this before."

As Calvin's ass continued to pull more of the dragon into it, Calvin started to stroke his shafts, making sure they were nice and hard for what was to come. The twin cocks of the reptile were each over five feet long at this point and drooling pre like a fountain as they pointed skyward, bending only slightly to his jutting pecs.

The hydra continued to enjoy the bulges the dragon was making in his entire body as he felt him continue to come up through him before he opened his mouth wide. A few moments later, the head of the eastern dragon pushed its way out of his throat, coated in his saliva. He continued to push his way out, sliding over his forked tongue as he gasped and hacked a bit.

"That...was..." Havvy started to gasp out before he felt the strong hands of the hydra grab his head. He felt them pull at his body, dragging him a bit more out of his throat as he could still feel the last bit of his body getting pulled into Calvin's ass. He was wondering if the hydra was going to let him go, until he saw that the reptile was aiming his head towards one of his cocks.

"What are!" Havvy managed to get out before that cockslit opened wide and Havvy found his head shoved past the gaping slit on the massive, muscular cock of the hydra. The reptile's muffled moans vibrated and echoed through Havvy's body as he found himself being eaten again, the powerful cock of the hydra already having a tight grip on his head as it started to throb and pulse as it pulled him downward.

The eastern dragon could feel the last of his body slide past the gaping hole of the hydra's ass as he realized that he was caught. It must have been quite a sight had anyone come by, seeing a muscular reptile like that suck him up through his ass, only to pop out of his mouth to get fed to one of his cocks.

Havvy felt the hydra slide his long body through his pecs, feeling those massive mounds flex and squeeze around him, only serving to help feed him in deeper to that hungry shaft. He wiggled and squirmed more as that cock throbbed and massaged over him. Pre and musk flooded his senses as he continued to descend down, soon reaching the base of the hydra's cock. A tight muscle ring prevented his entrance until it opened up and he felt his muzzle get pushed past it, sending him to Calvin's testicles.

The hydra moaned out again, feeling his body fill his balls, his mouth still muffled by the eastern's body as he continued to pull it through him. He could taste the pre of the eastern dragon as the first cock on his body slid past his tongue, the hydra giving it a quick flick with his forked tongue as it was pulled out and soon slid between his pecs to join the rest of him in his cock and balls.

Havvy continued to push and thrash in the hydra's sac, splashing about in the cum ocean that was inside as more of his body was fed into those massive balls. He could feel his tail and backlegs in the reptile's stomach, pushing out there as well as they started to slide upward into the hydra's throat as more was being pulled out of one digestive chamber and into the other.

"Guess I should have found someone else to try and eat..." Havvy thought to himself as more of his long body was sliding into those balls. Calvin patted at his sac a few times as the eastern dragon bulged his sac out as he fed more of him into it. He coughed a bit as the last of the eastern dragon's body slid out of his throat and out of his mouth as he guided the rest of the long dragon into his cock.

"There we go," Calvin said, guiding Havvy's lower body through his muscular pecs into his gaping and throbbing cock. His shaft was easily stretched out by the other's wiggling form as his cock continued to grip and tug like a snake as it hungrily pulled for the rest of its prey. His massive cock continued to bulge out as he fed the rest of Havvy past his gaping cockslit, pulling slightly to suck up his tail with a long and lewd SLURP!

"Phew," Calvin said, "Not the biggest meal I've ever had, but definitely one of the longest. Gotta say, I think I prefer wide to long though. Makes better bulges."

Havvy pushed and wiggled in the tight chamber that he was stuck in, but soon Calvin could feel the eastern dragon begin to diminish and digest. His balls were sagging and hanging low with the curled up form of the long dragon, but soon the hills and valleys he was making were beginning to fade away. Havvy felt himself cum hard one more time, making Calvin moan out as he felt six different cum blasts push out against his sac from the multi-cocked dragon as his sac continued to churn him away.

It didn't take long for the dragon to melt away into hydra spunk. The hydra could feel Havvy's mass soon get absorbed into his own. Thick veins popped up on his cocks as they started to grow out wider and longer, each sprouting up at least another six inches as Calvin's pecs and arms ballooned out slightly more as well. Most of the growth seemed to be around Calvin's tail, his powerful appendage growing another two feet long and six inches thick, covered in thick and powerful muscles.

The twin cocks of the hydra soon opened wide and gushed out a geyser of cum. Gallons of spunk shot out of his twin titans as he gripped his shafts and started to pump his throbbing and pulsing members. He sprayed his seed everywhere he could, covering the grass and trees in a thick layer of hydra spunk that used to be dragon for over ten minutes. The undersides of his cocks bulging out with how much cum he was making before his flow finally died down. He had shot at least twenty gallons of spunk all over the area, filling the air with his thick and powerful musk.

"Well, thanks for that, Havvy," Calvin said to the spunk, "Guess that is a ride you'll never forget."

The reptile gathered some of his spent seed out of his gaping slits with his claws before he licked them clean. He enjoyed the taste of himself for a moment before he picked up his jeans from where they had been discarded before deciding to just place them over his massive shoulders as he headed off to the gym. He didn't really care if anyone saw him hard and naked like this, and it might even help him out at the gym.

"After all, night's still young." Calvin though as his balls gurgled and churned, hungry for more.

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