A Father's Dedication

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#5 of The Goddess Files

A continuation


Now was the time that Jon-Tom, or as everyone now knew him, Dasher, had feared would come. It wasn't that he didn't find the girls attractive, because they were young replica's of Rose. He was still dealing with the fact that somewhere in all this he was their father. Still, he was a human who had fathered two tiger cubs who was now, decades in the future a cheetah, who had been magically brought back in time. He was ready to throw the whole thing out the window. It was too much for even his heightened intellect. The only thing he could do was do what everyone wanted. It would be a sacrifice but...

But indeed. He had little choice in this matter. Outside of telling them who he was, he would have to carry through with his promise. If they knew the truth the entire dynamic would change. Since Jon-Tom knew when Rose would die, among other things, it would taint anything he would have to say. The girls also didn't know a thing about the human who had been paramount in their creation. He could hardly enlighten them to that fact before they had a chance to learn about it in the future. That left him with figuring out how to best go about their first experiences. He and Rose did it out in the wilderness. It was hardly something he wished to suggest. It might draw more notice than he wished to have on himself. He finally decided to ask the girls.

They weren't much help. They both wanted him right then and there. He patiently explained it to them. "There will come a day when you'll look back with a more experienced eye. When you do, I want you to see your first time as your best. I will not rush into this without some forethought." Bastet perked her ears up before looking crestfallen. "Uncle Dasher, you got my hopes up. I though you were going to say foreplay!" He pulled them in close. "Look girls, you have to trust me. Now get together and figure out how you want to do this, and where."

Silef whispered in her sister's ear. Bastet whispered back. When they spoke, they spoke as one. "We want to go to the ocean. Mother says it's very beautiful." Jon-Tom considered their request. He remembered their mother quite well on the beach, as a dolphin, and a lovely lioness, and... His erection needed to be fought down again. There would be a time and a place. "OK girls, the ocean it is. Now, where at? I hope you realize that there are countless stretches that run from horizon to horizon. You need to be more specific." That proved to be a snag they had not considered. "Uncle Dasher, do you know of anywhere we can go?" He gave them a squeeze. "Yes I do. But you have yet to explain how we're going to get there. If you haven't noticed, this kingdom is no where near the shoreline."

Bastet came up with what she thought was a good idea. "You could carry us there. You're super fast!" That set him off laughing. "Oh that's rich. No offense girls, but I could hardly carry you and run the whole distance. You've become lovely ladies, a bit more than the cubs you were when we first met. You'll have to come up with a better idea than that." Silef whispered something in his ear. "Now that young lady, proves that you've managed to pry into my business. But you are correct." He pulled the girls tight and in a blink and without a word they were standing on an expanse of pristine white beach, salt water lapping at their toes.

They let go of him and ran into the water. Tigers liked water, but they hardly got a chance to play in it like this. Their first taste, however, put the ocean in a new light. They spit it out. "Ugh! This tastes nasty!" He chuckled. "It's salt water girls. There is a lot more of it in the world than fresh. But smell the air. Isn't that invigorating?" Their noses were more sensitive, but they agree it was better than the taste. They ran up and down the shore, throwing sand at each other and diving into the vegetation  a few hundred yards from shore. In the old days he would have worried, but he had already scanned the area and found it deserted. It was in part the reason he picked this spot. It was half way around the world in the tropical south. No one lived around here for two hundred miles. They would be alone.

As he watched them, he concentrated on their ability to fathom his powers. He had been careful not to show them, but Silef seemed to sense something. Perhaps it had luck, but he didn't believe in it A direct confrontation would be necessary. He called them over. "Now that we're here, I'd like to know young lady, how you knew that." She looked sheepish. "Uncle Dasher, don't be mad. When you didn't say no, I kinda figured you had some way of getting us here. I think that your unicorn friend gave you more power than you told us!"

So it had been a well educated guess. He should have figured. Their parents were both pretty bright too.  "Well girls, I have to make you promise not to mention this to anyone. It is very important. If anyone finds out, it will cause nothing but trouble. Like before, with my healing, you must promise not to tell." The girls looked at each other and in unison cried, "We promise!" They had not told before; he had, so he knew he could trust them. He could wipe the information from their mind if he needed to, but he wished to interfere in their lives as little as possible.

"Uncle Dasher, can we ask for a little more magic?" He sighed. "What is it dears?" They giggled. "We didn't think about it before, but out here there is no house for us to stay in. Can you make one?" He sat down om a dune and ran his fingers through the tiny white grains. "Girls, let me get this straight. You  want me to just make a house out of nothing? It seems to me perhaps we should return to Colivra. It appears you really want something pampered and comfortable." "But Uncle Dasher, we didn't think about stuff like food and shelter. We got so excited by what we got to do, we didn't think any farther ahead, like you told us we should always do. If we have to go back, we will." Those last words had a tinge of sorrow to them.

He stood. "Now listen up. I don't like being put into situations where I am expected to fix every little problem. This beach is nice, the sand is plenty soft, and the weather is beautiful. What more would you want?"  Bastet raised her paw, just like it was a lesson. He sighed. "What is it dear?" "I would say, our very own castle, if it wasn't too much." He plunked back down. "Girls, don't you think you're expecting an awful lot out of me?" They held a conference. "No Uncle Dasher, we don't. If you do it for us, we promise never to tell anyone about it. Heck, who would believe us?"

He pinched some sand between his fingertips. When he opened them up, a solid little pebble fell to earth. He looked at it and said, "Grow!" Nothing happened at first, but the girls didn't take their eyes off of it. All at once it seemed to sprout like a seed. He warned them back. "This is going to be spectacular, so I would suggest watching from a safe distance. The three of them retreated a few hundred yards, walking backwards as to not miss the spectacle. The sand around where they had just been started swirling like a dust devil. Soon the air within a limited area was thick with tiny white particles. Grains of sand started creeping across the dunes and over their toes to join in the fray.  This went on for nearly twenty minutes before the miniature tornado dissipated, leaving behind a lovely white house overlooking the water.

The girls were stunned. Whatever they were expecting, it had not been this. This place was hardly a palace, but it was more wondrous in that it was a work of art.  It looked like what they imagined fairies lived in. They said as much. "Uncle Dasher, what is this place? It looks like something from one of our picture books!" He could only smile, having drawn its appearance from their own imaginations. "You wanted something special, so here it is. Why stand here gaping at it slack-jawed when you could be inside, checking it out?" They all ran forward, though he dropped back to give them the first look. The front door was like opaque glass; they could see into the interior but only vague shapes. They ran their hands over the outer wall, finding it as equally smooth as the surface of the door.

Bastet grabbed the handle, which seemed to glow as green as an emerald. If she had asked, he would have confirmed her thought. What his magic had done was separate the individual grains from the beach sand. Even white sand wasn't entirely pure. She would be equally surprised by the red and green knobs leading to the two bedrooms. They were garnet and jadite. She flung open the main door and gazed about in amazement. They both stood there too stunned to speak. Silef finally found the words. "Uncle Dasher, are you certain we can't tell anyone about this?" He chuckled softly. "Girls, you can try, but they're never going to believe you and I'll deny the whole thing." They gave him a dirty look that lasted about ten seconds. Then Bastet looked at her sister. "If he can do this, I can't wait to get into bed with him. And whatever happens here is staying with me. You can go telling if you wish!"

She didn't wait for a reply. "Uncle Dasher, which room is which?" He walked over to the one on the right and opened the door. Inside was a wonderland of greens and blues, Bastet's favorite colors. She let out a screech of delight and bounded in. He opened the other door and pushed it wide. Inside the room was all reds and pinks, Silef's favorite colors. She jumped up and gave him a kiss and dived in to discover the wonders within. He was glad to have a respite to gather his nerve for the upcoming task. He went outside and sat on a lump of rock exposed by the shifting sands. His mind drifted back to when he had had the girls for an adventure. They could only sit on the throne one at a time, and he had been charged with giving them a chance to see the world. No one had mentioned this little escapade, which meant the girl's had kept their word. That was pretty impressive. But what was sticking in his head was what Rose had said when he told her he would give them an adventure like he had given her. She had said she hoped not, because they were his daughters. But now he was going to do just that, and with her blessing. He shook his head. Life here was just too weird!

He was sorely tempted to dive into the water, but his present form was hardly ideal for water. If he changed into a tiger, they girls would surely want their own cubs by him, which was beyond what his mind could tackle. Heck, they weren't even aware yet that their mother could change form. So cheetah-form it was until such time as this portion of his life was over. Eve had never told him when that would be, which both irritated him and made him happy. If he knew, he might try and alter the end. Therefore, he concentrated more on the moment by moment events as they occurred. There would soon be two more memories to be permanently forged in his mind. He wanted them to be perfect.

He was watching the sun set over the edge of the great ocean. The water transformed from blue to yellow to orange, finally glowing red before the light winked out over the horizon. It was then that he realized that he had two guests sitting on either side of him. The girls watched in rapt silence as the sun dipped down, presenting them with its daily light show. Colivra was somewhat mountainous, so this was a rare sight indeed. As the last flash raced across the waves, he stood and took them by the paws. "Well girls, lets get something to eat and see about making a little history, shall we?" Inside there was a kitchen of sorts, but Jon-Tom, that is Dasher, had magicked anything they might need or want. He set the table with glass dishes filled with grilled meats. The silverware wasn't metal, but gemstone, forged from the sand like the rest. He even pulled out a bottle of wine, one of the few things here that hadn't been made of local materials. The girls had never had the stuff before, and were eager to try it.

Though they didn't question it, they wondered to themselves how this abode was lit, for it seemed as if the very walls gave off an ambient glow. There were no lamps; not here where they were eating, nor anywhere else in the house. They pondered only briefly, for the smell of food drove all questions from their minds. The meat was delicious, and the wine they drank gave them a warm ambient glow on their insides, just like the light in the house. Bastet summed up their present feelings. "Uncle Dasher, could we stay here with you forever?" It wasn't a bad suggestion. He was, after all, now pretty close to being eternal. He might even be able to do the same for the girls. But as much as he found the idea enticing, he knew that their life went on as did most everyone else's. They lived and they died. Rose was technically gone, even if she was still alive here and now. He had no intention of wasting time debating it.

"Girls, it's a really sweet thought. I want you to know that living here for eternity with you would be more than I could ask for. But there is much more to life than getting to do what you want. You are soon gong to be grown tigresses. One or both of you will take over for your mother once she assumes the throne, and you know how your grandfather is in failing health these days. I intend to pamper you and treat you like the ladies I feel you are, but when we're done, that will be it." Bastet got into his face, not angry, but saddened. "Uncle Dasher, are you saying that once we lose our virginity, you wouldn't have sex with us any more?" He hadn't considered that particular aspect. "My dears; I am at your mother's disposal and she has placed me at yours as well. I will be available whenever you wish...within reason." Two sets of eyes lit up like the evening sunset.

The only thing left was to pick who was going to go first. It turns out the girls had already settled that matter between themselves. "Uncle Dasher, because we're twins, even though one is older than the other, we feel that we should go at the same time. Can you handle two ladies at once?" His mind ran over a lot of things, including the fact that he once had pounded away on one female with three cocks. It was a bit easier than working on two with one cock, but not impossible. The thought of a menage a trois was appealing to him. Besides, it might teach the girls a little something about entertaining themselves mutually in a sexual manner. For all he knew, maybe they already did.

That left only one more decision to make. "Whose room are we going to use?" he posed to them.  Silef giggled. "My room. We decided that since it was already done up in pinks and reds, a little more of that color would hardly be noticed!" He about choked trying to swallow that bit of logic. "OK girls, let's make so history, shall we?"

The girls were out of their clothes in seconds. He took a bit more time, deliberately removing them a bit at a time. It was like a Chippendale show, only manned by one. Once he was done he turned, showing off his erection. They were both so excited he thought they might have an orgasm before they even got started, which proved to be the first snag. They knew where his cock was to go, but not how he intended to handle two of them at once. Since is as Silef's room, and since she liked red, he felt it was befitting that she lose her maidenhead first. He lay down and pulled her up across his pelvis. She was all ready to dive in, and be dived into, but he motioned for her to wait. He called to Bastet. "Come on up. There's plenty of room." She looked at him questioningly. He grabbed her paw and pulled her close to the bed. "Turn to face your sister." She complied. With one strong pull he hoisted her up and over his face. She smelled wonderful and was dripping with moisture. His hard-on got harder. Before he set to driving her crazy, he gave one last set of directions. "I would suggest you two hang on to each other. This may be a bumpy ride. And feel free to express a little sisterly love I you wish. No one here is going to judge you."

He got his arms free enough to get to Silef's hips. He reached in between her thighs and rubbed. She was as wet as her sister. Still, lubrication was only part of this. He adjusted his cock to something a bit more slim and tapered. There was no point in giving her any more pain than necessary. He then eased back and allowed her to rest on his cock. She instinctively started sliding up and down. He could feel a hard nub that he figured had to be her clitoris. It was as stiff as he was. She built up speed, groaning in delight. Bastet meanwhile had discovered another part of his anatomy; his tongue. A cat's was normally a bit rough, but his was something special. Had she only known that he had made adjustments to it as well. He had discovered that not all beings where created equal. For example, an okapi's tongue was an appendage to be reckoned with. His was now a copy of one and exploring her crotch with incredible energy.

Suddenly, Silef  snagged on the tip of his cock, ramming him in partway. She arched her back and whimpered. He was tempted to ease her discomfort, but then, that would have ruined part of the experience. He held still, except for his mouth, and allowed her time to acclimate. He could feel a trickle of blood pooling on the base of his cock. Then she pushed a little harder and he could feel a tearing as the hymen gave way. She tightened up and pushed down hard, engulfing him completely. He looked up and could sense, rather than see, that her sister was giving her a kiss.

While their mother had been tough, with all of the transformations and the accompanying hymens, he decided to put some healing power into her. He could tell when it was enough, for she both eased up and tightened down. It was hard to explain, but he knew she was feeling pretty good right now. He kept his cock the way it was, allowing her to stretch her cunt muscles in a comfortable way. Besides, he didn't want to ruin her for her future husband, whoever it might be. As it was, he was going to be doing things no living creature would be able to duplicate.

She began moving with greater confidence, rubbing his length with the walls of a tunnel of tightly woven muscles. His cock was less than half his human size, while their mother had taken the whole thing. But then, she was older and more experienced when the had first had sex. If he had tried that here and now, he would be doing some serious damage. As it was, she was making a purring/rumbling deep in her chest that said all was going well. For that matter, so was her sister. His mouth was giving her cunt a workout. She had a hard little clit too, and every time he ran his mouth over it, she arched down against it. He didn't want her to cum to fast, for her sister was just getting into a rhythm. He pulled Bastet down and ran his prehensile tongue across her ass, making her gasp. He worked it until his saliva had it well lubed. Then he slid in, working it like it was a cock. Since he could continue to make adjustments to it, he lengthened it until she had it eight inches deep and an inch in diameter. She rode it  like it was a cock, He steadied her hips, more afraid of her falling off than of any potential damaged she could do to him, which was nothing.

He could feel Silef pumping with increased aggression as the passion inside her welled up, looking for escape. He didn't like cheating, but he pushed a bit of power into both of them, tipping their scales and sending them both into a series of orgasms that shook the bed to its base. Considering the bed frame was essentially stone, that said something. He joined in as well, blowing his first load deep into her body. She gasped as she felt the hot liquid boil up inside her. Bastet came with her first anal orgasm, which threatened to pinch off his tongue and keep it as a memento. When they were done, the girls fell in each other arms, and nearly off the bed. He grabbed them and eased them off of his body and onto the sheets. Sure enough, there was a spot of bright red under his ass.

The girls were out like a light. They each had had their first sexual experiences, but by no means their last. He arranged them in a comfortable position, magically cleaned them up and walked out to the beach. The house was still lit, throwing more than enough light for him to see by. He sat down on the rock again. Well, he thought, that wasn't as emotionally painful for me as I thought it would be. They remind me so much of their mother. She was; still is, a sexual powerhouse. He wasn't certain how much time they could spent here without their absence getting noticed, but he intended,  if nothing else, to return with them from time to time.

His thoughts were giving him another hard-on. He hardly felt right about going back in and waking them up just for his own pleasure. The paws on his sides therefore, caught him off guard. He hadn't heard anyone approaching. The eyes that swung over his shoulder to look at him were very familiar. "Eve! What are you doing here?" She giggled mischievously. "So macho man, how did things go? Are the girls happy?" He pulled her in and sat her on his lap. It wasn't difficult, because she was a cheetah cub now.  "The girls are resting peacefully. From what I could tell, they're quite happy." She giggled again. It may have been his erection tickling her crotch. She straddled him and plunged down on it. He didn't say a word. "Oh I see husband, now that you've suffered through a session with your daughters, a simply little underage sex doesn't bother you?"

His lesson had been learned. Now he needed to teach one to her. He grabbed her arms and pinned her tight and literally used her as a sex toy, stroking his cock with her tight little cunt until he came. If she minded, you would never have known it. As he relaxed his grip, she took over, furiously pumping until she came in a cascade of fluids. She pulled herself up to look in his eyes. "I knew you'd get over it. But the girls will be out until morning, and neither you nor I need to sleep. What say we try out some aquatic forms. I seem to remember someone having a good time with a dolphin?"  He stood, with her still on his cock, and walked out into the water. An instant later there were two dolphins diving and flipping across the waves.

Come morning, the two returned to land, after scandalizing a pod of real dolphins, who had never seen such racy behavior before. Eve just chuckled. "Oh, don't let them fool you. Ten minutes from now they'll be trying what they caught us doing, and telling every one of their friends it was their idea!" They sat for a few minutes, watching the sun rise over the treetops. "Jon-Tom, I have to go again. You're doing wonderfully. There will come a time when this will have to end. You will likely know it when it arrives, but I cannot tell you any more than that. Rose and the girls will grieve, but you will leave a hero to them. There is no better ending." She kissed him and vanished just as the girls walked out.

"Uncle Dasher, where have you been?" He motioned for the girls to join him. "I decided to swim a little. Then I was absorbed in watching the sun come up. Now, it looks like you're awake, which means there is another bed to break in; am I right?" Bastet grabbed his paw. "Yes there is. This time I get to lose my virginity. And my dear sister can find out that a tongue in her ass can fell pretty darn good." The three walked back inside and didn't leave for the next day. During that time they became very acquainted with a tome Jon-Tom, err, Dasher spelled up for them to use. They wondered a bit that the images were all of humans. Then too, the title was a bit weird. They had never heard of a Kama Sutra before. It quickly became their favorite book.

Getting Back What was Lost

It was now many hours after the two had retired to their room at The Tooth and Claw. Eve was draped across Jon-Tom in a form new to her. She was a human girl, and a very young one. He would have argued about it, but she did it in the middle of their...

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No More Regrets.

In the morning, a very weak legged wolverine kissed Jon-Tom goodbye. In his head, Eve was making notations for "future" reference. She found the thought funny considering they were presently decades in his past. He could catch bits of her fanciful...

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All Good Things Come to an End

Mudge and Brute, aka Mordoi the Brute, used the shallow grave he had dug to bury the body of the now dead assassin's assassin. Brute was more kind to her body than he figured she would be, considering that the little bitch had stuck a sword through her...

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