No More Regrets.

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#2 of The Goddess Files

This is a continuation from The Return to the Highlands, Final, and also linked with a Re-Greta-ble Happenstance. I would suggest reading those first before reading this one.

In the morning, a very weak legged wolverine kissed Jon-Tom goodbye. In his head, Eve was making notations for "future" reference. She found the thought funny considering they were presently decades in his past. He could catch bits of her fanciful notions, but chose to ignore them until later. Walking out into the street he mentally motioned for her to join him. In a flash she was there, fully fleshed again. "Jon-Tom! The things you did last night!" He changed into their presently favored form, the Mavros Tiger.  She matched him down to the last whisker. He growled a little in mock irritation. "What's the matter? Did I shock you at some point?" She grabbed him up and kissed him. "By no means. I was making notes for later. There are a few things I would like to try!"

He kissed her back, a passionate embrace of epic proportions. She finally pulled away. "You know how I get husband. If you still have that much energy left, perhaps we should head back to the highlands. I have more to discuss with you, but I suppose it can wait." They held hands and in the instant their fingers touched, they were back. Jon-Tom was fighting between the urge to ask today's allotted question or throwing her down and getting busy. He chose the first one. "Eve, I have to ask. How is time travel possible?" The look she gave him was a bit jaundiced. "Really. You would rather ask that instead of making love to me?"

"I would rather do both. Can you concentrate enough while we're doing it to tell me?" She twisted up her mouth as she thought. "I don't believe I can. Not with what I have in mind anyway. So I guess I'll answer your question." She drew in a breath. "I suppose on your world, with all your intelligence, you have decided that it is impossible?" It was a question, but she knew the answer. His reply confirmed it."Yes, more or less. It seems that is a lot of debate on the issue. But it's all moot. There is no way of accomplishing it anyway."

Eve smiled. "Maybe not on your world. The last I looked, we were on my world. And here, it can happen. And it can happen because I saw to it that it could." He sat down and watched her speak. "I'm all ears wife of mine." Eve sat down across from him. "It's like this. When I created the highlands, I placed magic over them to protect me and all those within its borders. I also attached a time link. The best way to describe it is a life line. The highlands became a fixed point where time was tethered. From this point you can go back to any other physical point along the tether."

Jon-Tom thought it over for a while. "I think I see what your saying. Because this world moves, not only by spinning on its axis, but also within the solar system and the galaxy as well as the universe at large, going back becomes problematic due to locating the object on which you wish to appear. By applying a constant link, a marker so to speak, you can precisely pinpoint the location of this world at any point in time/space. It's a bit like a point specific wormhole!"

Eve gave him a kiss. "I believe you have gotten the general principle, though I am unsure what you mean by wormhole. If you mean a passage through the time/space phenomenon, then yes. Since I created the tether, I can navigate it. More importantly, only I can navigate. From here, I can go to any previous time, like we just did."

Jon-Tom scratched his head. "Isn't there the possibility of paradox, like if I met myself back there at the bar?" Eve smiled warmly and hugged him close. "That is a possibility you have negated. When you rescued me, your entire makeup altered. You appear to be still the same person, but your body is no more what it was then than my spirit is the same as when I was locked away. Therefore, in physical form, you are different. No paradox." He thought about it for a while longer. "But Eve. That would mean that we could go back and rescue you before I already rescued you. That would be paradox!" She laughed. "But if you had done this, it would already have happened. You see, everything we do has already happened, if it was meant to happen. Since I was not rescued, it will not happen, largely because I won't allow it to happen. Do you understand?"

She couldn't see him with her face buried in his chest fur, but she knew is was a no. "Look husband, we were in The Tooth and Claw not long after the original human you walked in. We changed nothing because we were part of it. There was no change because it worked out the way it was supposed to. I did not recognize it at the time, when I was observing from my prison. Only after you freed me did some enigmas solve themselves. There are others to which I can now see the solutions to. Will you help me to make them happen?" She knew he could not resist, but was equally certain he would want to know more about them. He didn't disappoint.

"I don't like messing with things like this. It makes me nervous." She smiled at him. "Always cautious with the unknown. I would say it is a wise characteristic, but in this case I do know what will happen. And I promise you, if you don't fulfill them as they have transpired, then indeed you will be changing history!" He sat and thought and thought and thought. In the end he gave up, for his mind kept running in circles. "Alright Eve, I'll do it. I don't think I'm going to like it, but I'll do it."

She literally beamed with joy. "Good. There are a number of people we need to make happy, or keep happy. Time demands it. I would say that we should start here and now." Jon-Tom looked around before speaking. "Here and now? What's wrong here?" Eve gave him a hug. "Remember Jon-Tom, there are many beings here that share a love for you. I have taken you away from them, though they do not hold it against me. I think we should leave them something to ease the pain of separation. A gift that will keep your name alive for years to come."

He stepped back and gave her a searching look. "And what do you suggest I leave for them that will do that. I'll have you know my wife Talea will take nothing less than having me around, nor will Dari. If we are to go running off on these errands, I will be missed regardless." She gave him a squeeze and whispered in his ear. He got a huge grin on his face. "You know Eve, you're one sly devil!" It was later than Jon-Tom said goodbye to the goddess. Talea, Dari and his countless other wives said farewell to her too, tears streaming down their faces. She waved to them all before turning and vanishing from sight.

She reappeared on the mountain, where Jon-Tom was sitting comfortably, awaiting her return. He gave her a come hither look and asked, "So, I assume that they couldn't tell the difference between me and my doppelganger?" She plopped down beside him, chuckling. "No, not a bit. But then, he is you. You will know and feel everything he feels. He is an extension of your physical being. You can direct him, and he can contact you via your mental link. They will never know that you have left." Jon-Tom was impressed, and though he had a thousand reservations about this bit of magic, he kept his mouth shut."

Instead, he inquired about their future excursions into the past. Eve was evasive. "I'm sorry Jon-Tom, but the less I tell you, the better the outcome will be; I think." He pondered her nebulous information for longer than he wanted. "Look Eve, let's get this done, shall we?" She gave him a kiss. "As you wish!" When they broke from the kiss, they were standing back in Brownbrun. Jon-Tom sighed. "I thought we were just here! What more can I do on that day that I haven't already done?!" Eve let him have his little tirade. When he calmed down, she explained the situation to him. "Husband, this is not the same day, nor the day after. This is two years later. We have arrived just in time for a birthday party. And you happen to be one of the birthday gifts."

Jon-Tom started to say something, choked, and then found his voice. "This has to do with Greta again, doesn't it?" She looked at him approvingly. "Very astute. You see, she has missed you very much. When I gave her the toy you spelled up, I told her she would see you again. I even thought of a time and way of doing it." The spell-singer dropped to the ground. "I don't like this one bit." Eve dropped next to him. "Why? Right now she is a fierce young lady, able to make up her own mind on matters. She is a far cry from the child you rescued from the snow and cold. She will soon take over the reigns of her father's kingdom, and she needs someone to help give her what she needs. That person is you!"

He sat on the cold ground and refused to budge. "Eve, I hate getting entangled with royals. Look at all of them that I have had to deal with!" She gave him a hug. "I know. Why do you think it happened? They were important for many reasons, few of them being their rank. Roseroar, Lorissa, Mel-Aura, who by the way is the only instance I know of someone surviving a rupture in my time line, as well as a few others; they all had children that would go on to do great things. Greta needs that chance too. Look at what you did for Talea, and Dari, and the rest of my special children. Would you deny this poor creature an equal opportunity because of what you consider a failing on your part. The child adores you!"

He flexed his muscles, changing from his tiger form to a rat. Eve looked on, mildly amused. "It's not nice to pick on my lesser children. You especially know better!" He shifted and this time was his human self. "Fine! I guess I'm stuck for it anyway. But if I die..." She laughed so loud she attracted the attention of several passerby. "Oh you are too funny. You idiot, you can't die. Leastwise not by some silly mortal. Even removing your healing ability, you simply have too much power to perish. You will be fine!" That brought him up short. He knew this, but going back in time made him think in archaic terms. Back in the day he very well could have been crushed to death. Now, not so much. "OK Eve, let's go." She held up a restraining hand. "Not so fast. You're a present, remember? I need to gift wrap you." He wasn't amused. "Ha, ha, ha. I don't think you have a box big enough!" She giggled. "Oh, I think I can manage!"

Thus, a short while later, a large and dark tigress knocked on the carved wooden doors of a carved wooden palace. The door was answered by the same old bear as before, Grom. His eyes lit up. "Madam! We did not think you would come. Greta said you would, but we knew not where nor how to find you. Thank you for keeping your promise!" Eve bowed. "Old warrior, you look good. Time has been kind to you. And I would never break a promise I have made. Where is the child?" Grom pointed to the main hall. "She is in there with the other guests. There are many here, and many more to come. She will be quite happy to see you."

Eve walked into the hall, carrying a small wooden box. The room was filled with a rough lot of characters, including, but not limited to, some ferocious looking bears. Some, like Grom, had bits hacked out which left gruesome scars. All eyes turned onto her. Not only was she fearsome in appearance, she had not a single scar on her hide. Many of them were sizing her up. Right up to the point, that is, that Greta noticed her. "Lady!" Poor Greta had never gotten a name from the dark sultry tigress those two long years ago. The bear child, now nearing adulthood and nearly double her former size, was almost a match for the goddess, leastwise in height and mass.

Greta ran up and hugged her fiercely. "Oh thank you for coming! I have been waiting and waiting. I thought this day would never come. Did you find him? Did you bring him? Oh, is he here?" The bear was doing a little dance. The solid wooden floor was vibrating. "Yes child, I found him. He is very busy. But he said that he would arrive here for your birthing day. He promised me he would. He even sent a gift." Eve handed over the ornate box. The birthday girl tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. She handed it back. "I cannot open this." Eve smiled and returned it to her paws. "Dear, only you can open it. You will need to figure out how."

The young bear took it and bounced back to her seat. Eve was shown to one nearby. She sat within earshot of Greta's parents, who looked at the tigress expectantly. The king finally motioned for her to approach. "Dearest lady, at the time we first met I was so glad to get my daughter back, my etiquette escaped me. I never learned your name nor where you were from, nor your reason for being in my city. I  feared that you would never return, but here you are. I hope that my daughter will not be disappointed. I must admit, I have been curious to see this human she is so taken with. She has dismissed all her suitors in preference for this one she calls Jon-Tom."

Eve smiled and did a bow. She knew it should be the other way around, but when in Rome...or Brownbrun. "Your majesty may call me Eve. Myself and my companion where simply traveling through the area, and chanced upon your wonderful city. As you know, your daughter, in her haste, crashed into my companion. She apparently lost this human you speak of in her hurry to rejoin her family. I see she has grown up since then." The king glanced a his daughter. "Oh, she has grown all right. In another year she will outstrip me in size! There are few capable of asking for her hand. She will need to be wed, but few have the size or courage to vie for her. All she wants is this human. It's no good, I tell you. He will not come, and if her does, it's folly. A kingdom needs an heir!"

Eve smiled and patted the king in an overly familiar way. He didn't seem to mind. "Your majesty, have faith. Sometimes things work out differently then how we envision them. But they always work out." The queen leaned in. "I like her. I believe I told you the same thing." Eve smiled at the queen. "It's a woman's intuition. That's what makes us superior!" The queen nudged her husband. "I really, really like her!"

Their conversation was interrupted by a cry of success from Greta. The box was open on the table in front of her. In her hands was a piece of cloth. "It's the cape!" She cried. "Oh look father! I told you about it. Here it is, just like I remember it. Oh I wonder if he is inside!" She pulled it out and unfolded it. But try through she might, she could find no opening. She looked up to Eve, who gave her a mischievous look. "Try what you did to get the box open." Greta called out, "Jon-Tom!" An opening appeared along the top seam. She pried it open and called into its depths. A hand rose out of the gap. Those gathered in the hall who could see it gasped. Greta stuck her paw in and latched on to it, allowing the cape to drop. As it fell, the form of a human man was exposed. The young bear pulled him up and gave him a bone-crushing embrace. "Oh, Jon-Tom! I thought I would never see you again!"

The king was watching all this with morbid fascination. For the past two years he had been willing to believe that his daughter had imagined the whole thing as part of some hunger induced delirium. Now the human male was here. It did not bode well, no matter the magic involved in his appearance. But as he was king, he came forward to meet the poor fellow. "Greta dear, who is your friend who arrives in such a splendid manner?" The bruin princess was still hugging him tight, in an embrace that could crush boulders. She loosened up, belatedly remembering her strength. She set him down. The human brushed himself off and straightened his clothing as if nothing special had happened.

The king appraised him with a careful eye. His daughter was full sized now, and capable of breaking the bones of many of the males in the court. The only ones who dared to still vie for her paw in marriage were those from other villages who, quite frankly, were too naive or too stupid to know better. There were several of them in the hall this day, hoping to impress her. She had ignored them all, in the vain hope that this human would appear. And now he had. The king put out a massive paw. "I am King Brusus. My daughter you already know, so I am led to understand. Allow me to congratulate you on a spectacular entrance just now. I believe that there is more to you than appearances would lay claim to. Am I correct?" Jon-Tom stuck out his own paw, that is, hand, and shook the king's with surprising strength.

"Your majesty, I am very glad to finally meet you. And yes, your daughter and I are very acquainted with each other. Without going into personal details, I will say that we were able to keep each other warm and in high spirits until we arrived safely here." The king coughed. "Oh just say it man. You screwed my daughter. I hold nothing against you for your actions. I get the feeling that you feel that you have done something wrong. Trust me, if my daughter wants it, she gets it. I don't see how you should be exempt. I only wonder at how you survived it!"

Greta let out an indignant squeal. "Daddy! Do shut up. Jon-Tom was wonderful. He made me feel so good inside. I've waited a long time to feel that good again! It's my birthing day, so don't go spoiling it for me!" Since she had her paw balled up in a fist the size of a car tire, her father backed off. But he did lean down and whispered to the human. "If you survive her again, you and I have to talk. I need some pointers for dealing with her mother." He then returned to his throne. Greta picked up Jon-Tom again. "So my Jon-Tom, where have you been all this time? I have missed you very much!"

"Well Greta, I'll tell you what. I'll sit next to you and tell you al about it." It turned out not to be that easy. There was a chair for him, but it was of a size comparable to hers, and he felt like a child eating at the adult table for the first time. So instead he had her set him on the edge of the massive slab that served as the hall's main table. He regaled her with stories of his travels. She listened intently, captivated by his tales. Those around listened too, unwilling to lay much truth in them. But they were also cautious of irritating her to wrath, so they refrained from commenting. All went well until a voice came from behind Jon-Tom, from across the table.

"I challenge this stranger for the right to Greta's hand!" The spell-singer turned and gazed at the owner of the voice. It was a huge,  young Grizzly. Greta snapped at him. "Go away Hertak! You know I don't like you!" The young male stood his ground. "You have laid claim to this puny piece of meat as your partner. He is not even of bear descent or a citizen of this kingdom. He has no rights here!" Greta stood, towering over her suitor by several inches. "I don't like the way you speak Hertak! I have made my choice!" There was nearly a brawl with Jon-Tom in the middle. The king separated them before a fight broke out. "Greta! Hertak has the right to challenge your decision. You know the rules. If you wish to keep this human as your husband, he must prove he has the ability to defend you and provide you with children." To Hertak he had this to say. "This human was made a citizen by my proclamation two years ago when he returned my daughter to me. He has as much right to her as you do." The king hoped that would settle the matter. After all there was no way a human could breed with a bear. There simply was no way...

Hertak drew himself to his full height. "I challenge this puny human to a fight. If I win, I get Greta and he leaves, if he is able." Jon-Tom nodded. "That sounds reasonable to me. And if I win, then what?" Despite the obvious fact that he had survived Greta's bone crushing embrace, it just didn't dawn on many of them that he could possibly win in a fight. Hertak was fairly certain the outcome would be decided within a few seconds. "If you win I will eat nothing but grass for a year, I will clean out the palace privy with my bare paws and never challenge you again." Jon-Tom smiled. "Done!" He turned to the king. "What are the rules of the contest?" The king was bemused. "Rules? There are no rules. You fight until one of you gives up or dies!"

The spell-singer could sense the paw coming towards him and dropped off the table just as it swished by. He knew it was hardly going to be a fair fight. He cleared the edge of the table and ran around to confront the big brute. The paw came in again and knocked him into the wall. Cracks appeared in the plaster. He slid down and landed on the floor, upright and on his feet. He stretched and cracked his shoulders and neck. As his head around he was staring straight at Hertak. "Is that the best you've got?" The Grizzly came running at him, coming in with that big fist. This time he aimed directly at the human. His fist stopped dead. He looked at the paw holding his stone-still and gulped. Behind it was a dark gnarly arm. Behind the arm was a dark gnarly shoulder connected to a dark gnarly chest...well you see where I'm going with this. Hertak looked up at a pair of blood red eyes.

"Hello!" Rumbled a deep voice that came straight from the depths of hell itself. "Are you still looking for a fight?" The Grizzly did the only sensible thing and crapped himself before passing out. Jon-Tom the were-bear, the prehistoric, Short-faced bear known to none them prior to this, pulled the limp body off the floor. He noted the pile of stool on the floorboards and sniffed. "This cretin is melting, I think." He dropped him back into his own filth. The fearsome creature that the spell-singer had transformed into gave an order. "Get this mess out of here before I finish him for good." The king motioned the guards who dragged the unconscious bruin out of the hall and into the street. A moment later the pile of feces he had deposited was cleared.  So too were the shredded clothes the human had been wearing. The hall returned to normal.  However, the new normal was silence.

Jon-Tom looked over the crowd. "What? The king said there were no rules. And it's not like I hurt him, which is more than I can say for him. He would have killed me in an instant if he had had a chance!" Greta was gazing between the shattered wall and him with new admiration She didn't say a word but hung on his arm. It was the size of a tree trunk. She finally found her tongue. "Jon-Tom? What have you done? You must like Greta very much it you were willing to transform and fight for me!" He looked down at her, pushing down the gathering urges this body was harboring. "Greta, we will talk about this later." He looked to the king. "It seems that I am now you heir, your majesty. Is there some formality I need to undergo to officiate this union?" The king was just sitting there staring.

Brusus finally came out of his stupor to realize the question was aimed at him. "Uh, human, or whatever you are; if my daughter wants you, she can have you. I certainly have no power over her decision. Personally I think she has taken on more than she has the ability to handle. Since I have no apparent power over you either, the matter is out of my hands and I decree it settled!" He sat down and poured a three gallon mug of beer down his throat and called for more. He watched over the top of his next mugful as his daughter walked out of the hall with the huge brute that had made him feel like a simple badger. His new son-in-law was going to be the talk of the kingdom!

The new couple walked out of the hall and to a set of steps. Despite the fact that they made for bears, his present form was a bit overwhelming for them. The first one creaked warningly. He chose the wisest course and returned to his human self. Greta went from staring up at him to looking down. "Jon-Tom! How do you do that?" He had his hand in her paw. "It will take some explaining dear. There is a lot I need to tell to you." She pulled him off the steps and carried him in her arms. "No you don't. The nice lady tiger told me all about it when she brought me the gift you left behind. She didn't tell me that you could change from human to bear though. Why didn't you change back then, in the cape? I would have loved it even more!"

They arrived at her rooms. She set him down and opened the door. The inside was an embarrassment to the spell-singer. Here and there were drawings, obviously done by her, of him in his cape playing his duar. Mixed in were pictures of him and her in loving embrace. She was actually a good artist, despite her huge paws. Some of the pictures were quite pornographic. Leastwise, they were by his standards. She pointed them out proudly. "See! This is what I hoped I would be doing on my birthing day. It looks like my wish has come true!" Jon-Tom understood that they would be having sex too. Eve had been adamant about it. He hoped she knew what she was doing. As he saw it, the bear was still a child. Of course, she was the biggest child he had ever seen. She was now in what he would call her teenage years. He remembered his hormones when he was that age. The bed wasn't going to handle the stresses tonight!

But he wanted to talk with her first. "Greta, I still think we should engage in a little conversation." As he spoke, he grew to her size and shape. She was now looking at a very handsome male Grizzly. She cooed. "I'll listen to every word you say!" That was a start. "Greta, when we first met, I had no idea you were so young. Had I known, I would never have touched you." She leveled her eyes to look deep into his. "Why? Did you not like me back then?" He smiled with genuine warmth. "I liked you a lot. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have had sex with you. But I grew up with the idea that you can be too young for sex. Therefore, because I was so much older than you, it bothered me. I felt I had taken advantage of you."

Greta gaped at him for a moment before deciding he was speaking truthfully. She fell off the bed, roaring with laughter. She was shedding tears faster than her eyes could produce them. When she calmed down she stood, still snickering, and climbed back on the bed. "I though the nice tiger lady was being funny when she told me you'd say that. Greta loved the feeling Jon-Tom gave her. No one was ever nice to me just because I was me. Yes, I was a lot simpler back then. But I knew what I wanted. I really thought I would maybe not make it back home. But I was supposed to be brave. And then I found you, and you helped me. You didn't know who I was; I was just someone in need of help. Who wouldn't fall in love with a soul like yours? And yes, I did just say that. I think I love you. Father said I was being silly. He told me it didn't matter. There was no way we could have children. But look at what you just did!"

Jon-Tom sighed. Greta was sweet. But love? He was back where he always ended up. But Eve had coached him. There was an end result that he needed to create. How he got there was up to him. Sometimes all one needed to do was to be honest. "Look Greta, I like you a lot. That's why I felt bad about taking advantage of you. Now I see my error. But understand that while I like you, I don't necessarily love you." She was hardly crestfallen. "That may be so, but you didn't say that you don't either. Look Jon-Tom, maybe you're correct. But right now, I don't care. I've abstained from further sexual activity waiting on this day. I say we explore each other bodies before we go exploring the finer points of love. Give this some time and if you still think it's not going to work, then I promise you I'll let you go without a struggle."

Considering her inherent strength, he felt that was a fair shake. "OK Greta. You've got a deal. But today is going to be more than your birthing day." She wiggled with excitement. "Really? What else is today?" He put a big arm around her. "Today you get one more present!" She knew the sex was coming. What she didn't know was that today would also be her conceiving day. Eve had been quite clear that she needed to get pregnant on this day. He hadn't argued about it. He simply pushed his powers into her, initiating ovulation. Eve had promised him that once he accomplished his task, she would explain the reasons behind to him. But not until the young bear with pregnant.

The day wasn't getting any younger. He didn't need to strip, for his clothes had disintegrated when he had transformed into the Short-faced Bear. True, he could have magicked some back on, but what would have been the point to that? Greta stripped off her own clothing, throwing it with abandon over a huge chair. She was in the bed, pulling him in after her. "Jon-Tom?" He raised his eyebrows. "What is it Greta?" "Jon-Tom, are you going to be gentle with me?" He wrinkled his nose at her. "No." She settled back on the bed with a smile on her face. "Good! I want to make sure this is as memorable as my first time with you." He rolled over on top. "Oh, I'm pretty certain you'll remember this for a long, long time."

The two years separating their encounters had been enough for her to regrow her hymen. This time she was expecting the pain. It didn't come. She didn't know it, but he muffled the discomfort with a boost of healing power. At the same time he sent a surge of sensation into her body through his cock. It purpose was two fold. The first was to stimulate her ovaries. The second was to prime her sexual urges for a nightlong lovemaking session. She grew so engrossed in their passion that even in this comparable body, Jon-Tom could feel her crushing power. He marveled that he had survived her during their first meeting.

She had never sexually experienced a member of her own species. Jon-Tom's present form didn't count, because he could make subtle adjustments to it. His present cock was his human one, which seemed to be the only thing his species seemed to have over the others of this world. It was the one she had pleasured herself with before. The fact was, a bear's was pretty small considering their bulk. His was now scratching at an itch somewhere in the vicinity of her cervix. It sparked a sensation she hadn't been able to duplicate in two years. The orgasm climbed down her spine and out her vagina like an earthquake. He followed with his own, blowing in a load right where it needed to be.

She collapsed back on the bed, heaving a huge sigh of happiness. "I missed that so much. You have no idea!" Then she started giggling. He looked down with a questioning look. "I'm sorry Jon-Tom. I was just thinking how you thought you were raping me! If this is rape, then you have my permission to do it until my dying days!" They carried on for several more hours until she was exhausted. She drifted off to sleep, leaving him awake beside her. He used his power to see if his sperm had united with her egg. The answer was; yes. Two eggs as a matter of fact, merged with two customized sperm. It was to be the start of a new species. Tomorrow he would have to tell her all about it. He mentally touched Eve. She was close. She had remained nearby, but had granted him privacy for the act.

"Eve, are you going to tell me now what this was all about?" He could feel her lighthearted humor in their mental connection. "What if I told you there was no reason other than I felt the poor girl needed the comfort of your experienced touch?" His tone was terse."I would say that you were pulling my leg." The humor was still in her thoughts. "Which one? That middle one can put up a fight you know!" He choked back a laugh. "Knock it off Eve. It was a serious question. Why was me bedding this  girl so important?" She relented. "She carries within her the potential for creating offspring that will handle the cold weather even better than her kind already does. There will come a time, I foresee, when they will need to move even farther north. To do so as they presently are will be an end to them. With your gifts and power, you are the compliment to her potential. Without you, the potential would be lost. As she matures, that part of her will decline, so by tapping into it now, you have the best shot at giving her the  most precious gift you can give her." Jon-Tom could hear a longing in that last sentence.

"OK. So she will have cubs. But what am I supposed to do now? I have never liked being a ruler. As it turns out, I'm going to be a king again." Eve's humor was never ending. "You will be king in absentia. You will give the reigns to your new wife, who will rule in your stead. I already told her that two  years ago, or as you saw it, two days ago. She has grown to understand it, but she will still try to get you to stay." He growled a little through their connection. "The girl is only four years old, a teenager by my standards. You want me to leave her with two cubs on the way and a kingdom to run? I've already done that a few times and I'm not proud of it."

Eve laughed. This time it was in his ear. He turned to see her standing over him. She put her finger to her lips and motioned for him to follow her. They walked to one of the adjacent rooms. "Look Jon-Tom; Roseroar, Mel-Aura and Lorissa all came out fine in the end." He spoke a bit tersely. "Maybe they did, but I never got the chance to see my children grow up. It's happening again with over two hundred of them back in the highlands. Now with Greta. I love you Eve, but this can't keep going on like this. I'm not sure the ends justify the means." Eve looked saddened. "You don't think so? Perhaps you should ask Greta what she thinks about all this. After all, she has fantasized about having a child with you ever since you left. She wanted no one else except for her Jon-Tom. Now you have given her the one thing she wanted more than anything else. I told her you would. She'll let you go if you just tell why you can't stay."

Jon-Tom growled deep in his throat. "Look Eve, I don't like feeling like I'm nothing more than someone's tool, even if it's for a good cause. I care too much for this girl to just abandon her. You'll have to give me a better reason not to stay than the flimsy stuff you're presently dishing out." He hoped to get her dander up, but she carried on unperturbed. "Greta has more than enough strength to carry on without you. If you're so worried about it, then just ask her yourself." He grunted and replied in a falsetto vice, "And just like that, she's going to say "Why yes, you can go!"

Another voice came from the doorway. "Yes, if you must. You know Jon-Tom, I understood a long time ago that you were far greater than anything I could comprehend. It didn't mean that I ever gave up on my dream. Your lady friend gave me enough details of your life to allow me to make an informed decision. I have spent two years deciding. I would rather have you to myself, but there are many who have said the same. I'm not the little child you met out in the blizzard. I understand what you have done tonight. This wonderful tigress gave me a taste of foresight. All I would ask is that you visit from time to time, to visit our cubs and to remind me what it's like to be loved by you."

He had turned at the sound of her voice. When she was done, he was in tears. "Are you certain of that? Loneliness can get to be pretty hard on a person." Greta smile and patted her belly. "From my understanding, I won't be lonely for too long. Besides, I still have my parents. If you wish to be helpful, then teach my father how to love. He loves mother, really he does, but he is stupid and clumsy in bed. I know, because I've heard mother complain many times. I would rather have my cubs growing up in a peaceful environment. I've grown tired of all of this "macho" crap. My cubs will grow up knowing that there is as much to be respected in peace as there is in violence. If I could have my way, the Redpaw ordeal would be outlawed!"

"Tomorrow." It was all the Jon-Tom would say. He mentally dismissed Eve. "I'll see you tomorrow too. Meet me at The Tooth and Claw." With that he put an arm around Greta and walked back to the bed. Since she was awake, there was no point in wasting the moment. Besides, it was time to teach her something new, like anal sex. It turns out she was really surprised how big of a cock she could take that way. It found a whole other group of itches she didn't even know she had. It did a marvelous job of scratching them too.

In the morning, the couple met with her parents. The poor king and queen were initially confused as to who this new bear was, until he transformed back into his human self. He had a lengthy discussion detailing his life and his abilities, leaving out the most recent ones. He found no reason to stretch their imaginations past the limits of believability. He told them that she was expecting and that he would return, but for know, all of his power over ruling the kingdom was to be granted to her. Later, he gave Greta a necklace made of lovely red gems. She gasped. "Jon-Tom, do you know what these are?" He smiled at her innocence. "Of course I do. And the best part is, I didn't magic them. I received them as a gift from a town I did some work for. I have saved them to give to just the right person. I have decided that is you." She jumped up and hugged him. "I have a gift too." She dragged him back to the bedroom and kept him occupied for several hours. He finally called a halt to it. "Look Greta, you're already pregnant. No matter how hard you try, you're not going to be anymore pregnant than you already are." She kissed him soundly. "It never hurts trying!"

He told her to close her eyes and when she did he gave her a passionate kiss. When she opened them, he was gone. She let out a long sigh. Across town, he appeared back at the bar, where Eve gave him a hug. "You always make these things works out. By the way, do  you know you gave up a king's ransom when you gave her those gems?" He shrugged. "I had no use for them anyhow. I like red, but I prefer it in hair color, not rocks. Rubies just don't interest me." Eve chided him. "But you have to know those came from deep within my own old body. There is a reason they call them Bear's Blood!" He shrugged. "So tell me all about it! Unless you have a better idea?" She rubbed his crotch. "I already have a room upstairs reserved and waiting!"


All Good Things Come to an End

Mudge and Brute, aka Mordoi the Brute, used the shallow grave he had dug to bury the body of the now dead assassin's assassin. Brute was more kind to her body than he figured she would be, considering that the little bitch had stuck a sword through her...

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Introduction to The Goddess Files

  Hello Everyone,   I would like welcome you all to the newest group of stories here in The Goddess Files. It may be a while before any stories actually appear, and I apologize for that. I am presently re-editing a documentary to add more material...

The Return to The Highlands, Final.

The Goddess, or Kuja-Yotay, or as Jon-Tom liked to call her, Eve, was absorbed in the finer points of being made of living tissue. The whole outside world had once been her skin, but the hide covering this assortment of organs, muscles and bones was...

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