The Return to The Highlands, Final.

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#26 of The Spellsinger Tales

The final part of The Return to the Highlands series. From here on out, you will find the stories that follow in The Goddess Files.

The Goddess, or Kuja-Yotay, or as Jon-Tom liked to call her, Eve, was absorbed in the finer points of being made of living tissue. The whole outside world had once been her skin, but the hide covering this assortment of organs, muscles and bones was entirely new to her. The fact that her new partner could do things to it that drove it to near madness told her how much more she needed to learn. Despite her great wisdom, there was nothing like experience to teach you something new. He too had much to learn. Together, they might very well rewrite history!

He had questions for her she had not yet answered. It seemed to her that she needed some small hold over him. After all, she had never expected to be released from her captivity. That was one thing she had not foreseen. She had hoped for an extension of her life. No one, not even he could understand what that meant to her. His faith in plunging into the lava that had served as her life blood was as great a gift as she could have received. That he found her, enveloped her, separated her from the planet with the skill of the finest surgeon, and then wrapped her up in his love to pull her free was more god-like than he understood. But he went even farther in giving her this living body made from his own! He would have gladly released her and taken her place; she knew he would have, but he pumped the planet with so much power that the core reverted to its early heady days at the dawn on time. Whether he realized it or not, he gave this world another two or three billion years of life.

She decided to answer his questions one at a time. She could have simply touched minds with him, but he was too polite to intrude on her private thoughts. "Jon-Tom?" He was laying beside her, watching the cosmos in a way that superseded simple eyesight. "Yes Eve?" "Jon-Tom, I will answer a single question right now, if you would like." He was still gazing at the stars. "Eve, you know I have a lot of them. Which one should I pick first?" She looked at him with admiration. He was smarter than he let on. "I would ask first about this place, which is so special to me." He turned and looked at her, but didn't pose the question. He gazed into her eyes for a while before looking back at the ceiling. He managed to focus on a living being light-years away. It was Mnexma, the horse of a thousand suns making his journey through the universe. The funny thing was, he still had a saddle strapped to his back.

Eve waited impatiently for him to ask. The truth was, she wanted to tell him all about it, but he was silent. "Husband? Why don't you ask?" He didn't look at her directly, but he allowed his eyes to glace sideways. "I already asked my question. I asked you what I should ask. You told me. I thought I was only allowed one!" It took her a moment to catch on. She sat up and glared at him. "There has never been another living being that could make me feel stupid!" Jon-Tom didn't move for a moment. Then his arm lashed out and snagged her waist. In one swift motion he pulled her on top of his body. She was left looking into his eyes. "Look Eve, you're not stupid; far from it. But you did say one question, didn't you?"

She wasn't certain if she should be impressed or angry. He swayed her opinion with a kiss of such passion that her heart melted and turned to lava again. The moisture he was so good at drawing forth was erupting again like a spring of clear running water. He was quick to notice. "My, aren't we horny?" She sat up on him and rubbed her lubricated parts against his cock. "I believe, husband, that you are the one with the horn!" She wasted no time in sliding over it. She knew he had the power to adjust his size, but she had the power too. She slid down deep and tightened up for a snug fit. She reveled in the sensation these bodies could feel! It was the most amazing thing, something she had observed a thousand million times of the innumerable centuries without understanding what it really was. He and she had remained in form of the black tigers. She knew, however, that he did not keep the cock that belonged to the beast. She knew why, and after trying both, agreed his was better. He already knew that.

Her mind was capable of flying through the universe, yet she found more delight in the sensation produced by a few square yards of flesh and hide. She had lived in the deepest depths, sheltered by little more than the highlands. Her blood had run hot then, but now he brought forth even greater heat from within her. It was of such strength than she was rarely able to contain it. When they made love, every female on of the highlands was feeling their embrace. Her orgasm sparked one in everyone single one of them across the highlands. She had apologized the first time it had happened, but Jon-Tom assured her there were worse things to suffer through than that. The ladies agreed.

So here she was now, riding him like this was her last day to be with him. He was reciprocating in like, pushing strongly against each of her moves. At any moment she gathered that they would merge into one. He caught that bit through their connection. "We could you know! We could become one in flesh as well as spirit. After all, what is you was once part of me." She would have responded, but her voice was frozen, making way for a huge roar of passion as the orgasm flowed out of her like the energy of a solar flare. The heat of it was strong enough to glaze the marble walls of their new private chambers to the slick consistency of polished glass. The bed didn't fare so well. Later, before he spelled it back into its former glory, the sheets were scorched in the shape of Jon-Tom's torso, and the posts looked like burnt matchsticks. Even the skylight had turned to stalactites of melted lead and glass.

Since neither fatigued easily, they spelled themselves off to a mountain top overlooking the Highlands. Eve cuddled up next to him, not from cold, but because she liked the feeling. "Jon-Tom? Would you like me to tell you about the highlands?" He smiled and pulled her in close. "You know I would. There is much here that is different from anywhere else on this planet." She waved her paws towards the sky. A faint rippling ran from where they were, across the plains to the mountains on the other side. "I was able to build this place a long time ago. It was my little haven, the one spot I could come to for comfort. It protected me from some of the awful things that were aimed at making my existence miserable."

Jon-Tom had figured that out. "It provided you protection like an umbrella does from the rain." She found the analogy overly simplified, but agreed. "The rain I did not mind. There are graver things in the universe to be afraid of. But you are correct. I could huddle under it and stave some of them off. Eventually my heart, such as it was, congealed under the dome, and it was here that my consciousness coalesced. Eventually, my children found me and marveled at my power. They had no idea that I was trapped. To them, I was the greatest being in the world." Jon-Ton stroked her fur. "They were right!" She purred into his neck. "Shut up! I want to tell you a story, and if you go complimenting me again, we will flatten the mountains with our loving!" Jon-Tom arched his eye brows. "Really?"

The Goddess pinched him. "Shut up husband. We have all of eternity to do that! Now allow me to continue. The eldest of them were the tigers, whose form we now occupy. I cannot say how long ago that was, for time has little meaning to me. They worshiped me, for what it was worth, and built the stairs and the beginnings of the palace. In return, I did my best to give them intelligence and magic. Little did I know that the effect eventually covered the entire planet. Have you not wondered that your own world has such few intelligent species? Even then, you have not gone so far as to be able to communicate readily with one another. Your world has someone just like me, trapped under the skin of the planet. Whoever it is, I feel sorry for them. Had they expended more energy, they too might now be free!"

Jon-Tom considered that. "You're saying that there is another being trapped on my world. Shouldn't we try to help them?" She breathed heavily. "Yes, I supposed you would suggest that. But remember this, if you free them, there is no guarantee that your planet will survive without them. Life has to come from somewhere. I would suggest you think it over before attempting it. The results may not be as they have turned out here." He sat thinking while she continued her story.

"I tried to get one of my children, any one of them, to develop the capabilities to free me. Alas, it was too much for any of them. Dearest Dari was the last of the line, though there were many others. It became clear to me that I needed to find someone from outside the world, someone the fates could not interfere with. I felt your wizard friend searching the cosmos for someone to help him, so I went with him to extend his power. He just about gave up when we found you and pulled you over. From there, it was nudging you in the right direction. You have no idea how close you came to not finding the duar hidden in that sack of goods. I spent great energy overriding the mind of the traveling merchant who left it there. I do not like doing such things unless they are necessary. I gave him hints to the location of underground riches, which he thereafter found. He died happy, so I guess I feel better about forcing him to comply."

Jon-Tom remembered his duar. It was like a distant memory. He concentrated and it appeared in his paws, large enough to accompany his increased size. He strummed the strings lovingly. Eve smiled and continued. "I watched you from afar, never able to get close to you. I watched as you made incredible journeys, defeated terrible enemies, and made wonderful love to so many females. I knew I had chosen well. I grew impatient though, and when you found out about Silef from that gorgeous tigress, I opened your mind to coming here. The map the wizard gave you was important, so I impressed upon it to stay in your head, for without it you would never have found this place. The magic I put into the highlands makes it nearly invisible. You were the first male outsider that had entered the land for a very long time."

He thought about it. It all made sense. The map was supposed to be a one time deal. He had come here looking for answers to the riddle of the White Lions. He had found only one remaining. There were plenty of other females here, and every one of them wanted a piece of him for their own. That was before many of his magical powers had come into existence. He talked about that. "When I came, it was to find the White Lions. I found so much more. But why didn't you try contacting me then?" She pulled herself onto his lap. "I did. I found that you were not yet mature enough for the job. I wanted you to experience more of life, for I was getting to the point I was ready to value my life over yours. If you were going to free me, then you had the right to live your life first. You did so much good, as the years passed, I had less surety of my claim on you. At the same time you filled yourself with love, caring and power. Oh the power you carried. Mihandra was right you know. You could have stopped this world and set it spinning again.

The orang had been a good teacher. So had everyone, even the cranky turtle Clothahump and his lecherous friend Mudge. They all taught him something about life. Roseroar had opened his eyes to the possibility of lovers beyond the boundaries of species, a frame of mind he carried on to Mel-Aura, Lorissa, and many others. Eve watched his eyes as his memories flooded his soul. "You see Jon-Tom? You often felt cheated, but I hope now you understand that you were nowhere close to your goal. I suppose I should say my goal, but I intend to make it all worthwhile for you!" He kissed her. "I can now see that I had more than enough. The ends justify the means. There are no regrets."

She heard a sigh in there somewhere in his words. "No regrets? I believe you have just lied to me Jon-Tom.  What do you regret?" He looked uncomfortable. "I don't like talking about it Eve." She gently nudged his mind. He caught her prying with a mental grip of iron. "Oh no. I stay out of your head and you stay out of mine. We had a deal!" She got a pouty look on her face. He stared her down until he couldn't help smiling. "You females are all alike. Even you, a goddess, use the same tools." She snuggled in tighter on his lap. "So do tell Jon-Tom; what still bothers you?"

He looked away a moment. He turned back, a determined look on his face. "I did something terrible once. Because I didn't know better at the time is no excuse." Eve looked in his eyes and saw a flash of memory. She smiled tenderly. "Oh my husband, you are so sweet! Even when you think you have done harm, you have done so much good. You have given yourself pain for no reason other than your own simple sense of morality. Come!" She stood and pulled him to his feet. "Where are we going Eve?" The question wasn't even out when he realized that they weren't on the mountain anymore.

Oh, there were mountains, but they were standing in a town, melting snow squishing between their toes. Surprisingly, he didn't even feel chilled. He looked around. The place seemed vaguely familiar. He looked up and with a pang recognized the carved wooden beams. Before he blurt it out, someone ran into him, nearly knocking him down. Considering his size, that was saying something! He turned to confront the person stupid enough to try tackling a Mavros Tiger when he saw her picking herself off the ground.

"Greta?" The dazed bear got off the ground. "Yes! Greta is so sorry sir. She is so excited to be home again, she wasn't watching. Please forgive me. Your lady too!" Then she turned around, searching the empty street. "Did you see my friend. He was just with me, but now he is gone!" Jon-Tom's tongue was frozen in his throat. He remembered this day all too well. Eve spoke for him. "I'm sorry child, but I saw no one. Our backs were turned at the time. Was he escorting you home?" The bear shook her head. "Yes he was. I found him, and now I have lost him!" The goddess put her hand on Greta's head. "Don't worry, we'll see you home. Nothing would give us greater pleasure!" Eve looked at Jon-Tom. "Shall we see what transpires? I think you will find it interesting!"

Even now, with all his great power, Jon-Tom loathed confronting Greta's parents. They came to the door and knocked. With his powerful arms, the sound echoed throughout the building. A great Kodiak bear, wearing an eye patch and suffering the scars of a hundred fights, pulled it open. His good eye widened when he saw the tigers. But his jaw fell to the floor when he beheld Greta. She was all bubbly charm. "Hello Grom, you nasty old thing. Tell mommy and daddy I'm home!" He nearly died on the spot. Jon-Tom grabbed him and pushed his healing power into him, restoring his heart for a few more years. Grom looked up and thank him. "You have saved me from disgrace. I have never shirked my duty, nor ran from a fight, but I nearly passed out just now. Thank you!"

Greta gave the Kodiak a big hug. "I'm hungry! Is there anything to eat?" Without further ado she took off for the kitchen. Screams began erupting all over the hall; screams of joy. Jon-Tom was prepared to leave. Grom grabbed his paw. "I don't know who you are, but please stay. If  for no other reason, I will need someone to explain how the king's daughter has been returned safely. A dirge was already sang for her demise." Eve stepped into the doorway. "We know nothing more than what has happened in the past few minutes, when this child nearly ran us down. But we will stay and tell you what we know." Jon-Tom followed her in tight-lipped.

A great roar filled the hall. Jon-Tom could have matched it decibel for decibel, but it was uniquely filled with the joy of an obvious reunion. Eve nudged him. "Does that sound bad to you?" He leaned in close. "Her father hasn't found out yet that his daughter was repeatedly raped by a stranger!" She poked his ribs. "Such an attitude! I believe I recall she enjoyed herself very much. Your presence gave her hope and much pleasure after being alone and lost in the wilderness. It seems to me that I remember it was her that initiated it." He grunted. "I don't care. I should have known better!" Just then a huge bear came in, holding Greta in his arms. "So," he roared, "These are your saviors?" Greta giggled. "No daddy. I ran into the black man on my way here. They said they would see me home. I don't know where I lost my Jon-Tom!"

The ursine king mulled that over. "What is a Jon-Tom?" Eve smiled. "Your majesty, I believe that sounds like a name." She looked at Greta. "Is that correct child?" Greta smiled. "Yes! Jon-Tom is a hue-man!" The king's eyebrows knit together. "A human out here? That's unlikely. The damn things haven't got enough fur to keep a baby warm." Greta stamped her feet. "He was my hue-man. I found him in a sheet. He kept me warm and made me an adult!" The king paused. "He did what dearest?" Greta stood up tall. "He made Greta a woman; just like how the other ladies say it happens. We got real close and we made love. Nagho told me how to do it. I thought I would never see you again, so I wanted to die a big girl. Jon-Tom made me feel real good. He tickled my insides with his boy parts. But now I lost him!"

The king looked to Eve and Jon-Tom. "What do you know about this?" Jon-Tom started to stutter something out, but Eve intervened. "Your majesty, we were simply walking the streets. This fine young lass had the misfortune to run into my husband in her haste to return to her household. That is all I can say. However, it seems to me she is a truthful child. Does her story bother you?" The king growled. "What bothers me is that there is some human out there who had the courage to bed my daughter. There hasn't been a single warrior in this village who had the bravery to handle her under the sheets. I do not object to her activities, I only wish I could meet the one to satisfy her. I might learn a thing or two on how to handle her mother." Just then another big bruin can in, scooped up her daughter and cuffed her husband. A trickle of blood ran down his cheek.

"Maybe if you acted like you actually cared about what you were doing, instead of thrusting that piece of meat you call a cock like it's a damn sword, I might be a little happier!" Greta giggled. "Mommy and Daddy are fighting again!" The king hushed her. "Greta dear, run along. There is grown up stuff to discuss." She made a face and ran from the room. The king addressed Eve. "Thank you for your minor part in seeing her home. If you would  like to earn my eternal gratitude, find this human. I wish to grant him the right of being a citizen of my kingdom. He would be the first to be granted that right, let me tell you. How a naked ape like that saved my daughter and survived making love to her is beyond me!"

Eve bowed. "We can investigate the matter for your majesty. But perhaps this gentleman has already left." The king growled. "If he did, then he knows not his loss." The two of them turned to go. "We will return when we find something." As the door closed behind them, Jon-Tom lashed out at Eve. "Find him? I know exactly where I am. I'm sitting in a bar just up the street!" "I am aware of that my  husband." He got a blank look on his face. "Huh?" She grabbed his hand and they walked together down the street. As they got closer to The Tooth and Claw, he felt her paw change. He looked over and then down to see a rough looking cougar. He got the point and changed too, matching her species and appearance. They walked in, stepped over a busted mug and an unconscious badger and sat down. There, sitting at the bar, was a tall lanky human in a cape. He was making small talk with the barmaid. She was obviously feeling flattered. She broke away from him to take their order. Eve ordered for them both. "Two beers, the best you have!"

The "new" Jon-Tom let out a growl. "How the hell can I be in two places at once?" Eve shushed him. "Magic you idiot! Now be quiet!" They watched as the barmaid and the human went upstairs and came back down. The bar was getting busier, and while the cougars got a few looks, there was more interest in the human sitting at the bar. Soon, even his presence was drowned out by talk of the return of the king's daughter. The room was abuzz with the news. Jon-Tom the cougar listened intently, remembering his conversation with Horwah quite well. When his past self got up and went back upstairs, he knew he was going to spell himself away. So did Eve. "You know Jon-Tom, you did a sweet thing for Greta, but you left a willing female very disappointed. That wolverine was all set for a night of fun."

He shrugged. "So I left. Sue me." She wasn't certain what that meant, but got the idea easily enough. "I think that you should make amends!" He rolled his eyes. "And how should I do that? This was a long time ago!" She nearly spilled her beer and fell off the chair. "You idiot! We're here now. This is the past and yet it is also the present. All you need to do is walk upstairs after your other self is gone and give her a good time." He had to think that one out. It seemed weird, but it might work. But he still found a flaw. "But when I spelled myself out of there, I left behind a gift. What am I supposed to do about that?"

She gulped a swallow of the brew. "Husband, I am ashamed of you. You can be so obtuse when it comes to doing something you don't want to do. We will stay until closing. When she goes up and finds you gone, she will come down here with your gift. You will be sitting in the back corner there in the shadows." She pointed to a dark recess near the south wall. "When you go upstairs with her, you will explain that someone is taking your gift for the newly found princess to the palace while you perform the services you promised."

He shook his head. "That's no good. I left money to pay for my room and beer. How do I explain that?" Eve shook her head. "You dense man! Tell her you were going to go the the palace yourself and didn't want her to think you intended to cheat her. Trust me, she will be stunned by your honesty. Not to mention your phenomenal love making abilities. I have no doubt you'll leave her wobbling come morning." Jon-Tom was beginning to wonder why she was pushing him into this. Her answer was pragmatic. "I want to join with you when you do it. I want to see what this is like from your perspective. It will give me some insight into what you like and enjoy. You presently have the advantage of me in that department. He agreed, but not without some reservations.

And so it went. Eve took the gift to little Greta, but only after she changed back to her black tiger form. The child was excited by the gift, but disappointed by the absence of her Jon-Tom. Eve consoled her with a whisper in her ear. The child's eyes lit up. "Do you mean it?" The tigress grinned with mischievous happiness. "Yes child. I'll see to it." She turned and walked out the door and onto the street where she promptly vanished. She reappeared inside Jon-Tom's mind, and not a minute too soon. He and the wolverine were just getting it on like, well, animals.


The Return to the Highlands, Part 6

Everyone in the room turned towards the voice. It was deep, resonant, and yet still seemed somehow soothing. Leaning in the doorway, ears brushing the top of the opening, was the most extraordinary sight. There had been some drastic changes going on...

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The Return to the Highlands, Part 5

Dari dragged herself up the steps. The climb was arduous at any time, but doing it now with a heavy heart made it even worse. As she wove her way back up, she propped herself against the wall from time to time. For some reason it made her feel better....

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The Return to the Highlands, Part 4

A few months had passed in the highlands. The lionesses and their cubs had all weathered the time well, as had Jon-Tom. The only new development was the birth of three extraordinary lynx cubs. The three healers were delighted about being pregnant, once...

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