All Good Things Come to an End

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#5 of The Otterly Sinful Stories

A continuation

Mudge and Brute, aka Mordoi the Brute, used the shallow grave he had dug to bury the body of the now dead assassin's assassin. Brute was more kind to her body than he figured she would be, considering that the little bitch had stuck a sword through her chest. "Mudge, I don't hold grudges for long. I either kill the irritation or I ignore it. If it persists, rule one kicks back in. I don't like killing unless it's absolutely necessary." The otter about choked. "What the 'ell do you consider to be necessary? You're a trained killer!" She kicked out a leg and dropped him on the ground. Before he could move, she was on top of him. "I make up my own rules, my sleek little lover. I have been offered commissions to kill innocent folk for no more than obtaining their money, or their property, or their females. That's no reason to kill. Offering me a commission to do such a thing is unwise, and has earned many clients a trip into the cold, cold ground. I'll have you know I investigate every one of my hits prior to carrying out the kill." She leaned down and kissed him.

Mudge was immediately aware that he shouldn't have questioned her judgment. That was a millisecond before he hit the ground. Therefore, he was much relieved to find out she wasn't mad.  "Look Brute, I wasn't be'in critical. It's the stories I've heard since I was a cub." He stopped talking. Since he was a kid? How old was she really? "Brute darling? Would it be impolitic for me to ask how old your really is?"

She fell back onto the ground next to him, full of mirth. "You naughty boy! Asking a lady her age is a direct violation of the gentleman's code." Mudge gulped and timidly mentioned, "But Brute! I ain't no gentleman!" She ruffled his fur on his belly, allowing her fingers to wander a bit lower. "Don't be too hard on yourself. I've met many who claimed to be who were nothing more than fluffed out fancies or religious bigots. You are true to yourself. You don't walk six inches off the ground. I like that." He was ready to thank her, but decided it would be better after she was done with her fingers. After that he would have even more to be thankful for.

They got themselves sorted out an hour later, dressed and continued on to Gortletown. "Say Brute, you think that possum was really from there? I ain't never seen her type around here before." She shrugged. "I doubt it Mudge. I'm guessing someone from the guild sent her. It's even possible they sent her to be killed. It wouldn't be the first time it's happened." Which brought up his question of earlier. "So my fine-furred assassin, you never did tell me your age." Her look grew dreamy as she remembered back through the preceding years. "Mudge, I'll make you another deal. Ask me again after we've had a few drinks. If you still want to know, I promise I'll tell you, Oh, and I'm buying!" The otter never passed up booze, especially when it cost him nothing. "Done!"

The best tavern in Gortletown was a place called Tytole's. Mudge chuckled as they entered. "What's so funny  otter?" asked the monkey. "If you wishes to spend your money on watered down  booze, you go right ahead. I've been 'ere before and they cheats ya out of your right to a good 'angover!" As they entered, an odd thing happened. Every other customer (there were only five) got up and left from a motion by the one behind the counter. He looked around, completely spooked, but his friend sat down with a look of nonchalance. "Brute, what the 'ell's up? Everybody left except for you, me and the barkeep. Is this place haunted or what?" She patted his hand. "I wish you wouldn't insult my place Mudge. I've owned it for a long time now." He was watching the sole employee filling two mugs of beer when the words sank in.

"Say what?" She couldn't hold her mirth any longer. "Yes, believe it or not, I've had to do something with my money. Gold coins are good, but they're hardly of any value stuck in a hole somewhere. I purchased places for hundreds of miles around. That way, when I have a job to do, I have some place to stay. If I need some money, I tap the till, otherwise I allow the manager leeway in handling the business. Since they all know who I am, I rarely have had trouble." Mudge was staring at her. "How long have you owned this place?" She scratched her head. "I guess from clear back when it was a whorehouse." That got his attention. "I didn't know this place was ever a whorehouse! When was that?" She patted his hand. "Probably about ten years before you were born."

He was certain she was fooling with him. "What the 'ell does that mean?" She shook her head, knowing he was having trouble grasping the facts. "Mudge, this place was originally called Tight Holes and was run by Madame Petajo. She wanted to retire so I bought out her interest. The girls were given the choice of staying or leaving. I really didn't care what they did. Over time they drifted away, and it became strictly a saloon and inn." He was wrangling with this bit of information when a grin split his face. "Well bugger me for an alderman! I never put two and two together. Tytole's - Tight Holes. That's a bit of me own 'umor and I didn't even see it! No wonder the sign over the door!" The emblem was two puckered circles, one atop the other.

He pulled a draw off of his beer. "Well, I'll say this Brute. I'm not certain I feel like calling you that anymore. Your a fine person at 'eart, and I'm proud to call you me friend!" She smiled back and threw a long arm around his shoulder. "I'm so very glad Mudge. You're right up my alley, so to speak, and I wish I had known you years ago. But then, I never was much of one for sex with cubs." He spit beer across the table. "Brute? You're not kidding, are you?" "No Mudge, I'm not. If you really must know, I passed my one hundred and twenty seventh birthday three months ago. Life gets old without something new. I'm hoping you can generate some spark inside where it's grown dank and dim. I feel lighter inside after only spending a few months with you. I can only hope it grows over time."

Mudge was stunned. Here he was, screwing around with someone who very well might have offed his great, great grand daddy. Of course, he had no idea what happened to his parents even, much less that far back in his lineage, but that wasn't the point. Brute was a living legend. He was either lucky or cursed to be in her acquaintance. He decided he really needed to think out his future relationship with her. As his mind was already flummoxed, he figured adding more beer would help in lubricating his thoughts. Pouring down one foaming mugful, he asked for another. Then he got smart and switched to brandy. As his motto had been for years, why drink any more water than you have to? And since beer was mostly water, he decided it was time to upgrade.

His next mugful was Lythgoria brandy. Brute raised her eyebrows at this, but said nothing. His first sip was nearly spit out. "Oi! No wonder they dilutes this stuff. Tis strong enough to loosen rigor-mortis in an elephant!" The monkey laughed around a mouthful of her own brew. "What's the matter otter? Haven't you ever had a full pull of the finest of the fine?" He stuck out his tongue, more because it felt like it was on fire rather than anything else. " 'ell no, I 'aven't. I just figured they was cheatin' the customers!" he fumbled out over his slowly numbing oral appendage.

Brute picked up his mug and downed the entire thing in one long pull. She set it back down and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "I guess it's an acquired taste." Mudge stared at her, his eyes full of admiration. "Now 'oh the 'ell did you just do that? That stuff's potent enough to pickle me jewels, it is!" She kissed him, blowing the fumes in his face. "Mudge, I've been drinking that stuff for years. I've even tried to permanently drown my sorrows in it. I'm certain I've died a few times, but I still woke up in the morning. You have no idea how depressing that can be. For now anyway, I have reason to look forward to the light of day." He took that as a compliment.

A well appointed room was awaiting them upstairs. It wasn't on the second floor, but was a separate attachment on the top. From the windows he could look down the slippery slope of the roof to the street below. "I say, you don't take no chances, do ya?" She came and stood next to him, gazing out the window. "I'm not stupid. I may not be able to die, but I don't court attempts on my life. As you have already seen, it's common enough as it is." She turned and went to the bed and stripped her clothes off. She pulled back the covers and climbed in. The otter wasn't sure what he was expected to do. She patted the spot next to her. "Come on Mudge. A good night's rest in a nice bed will do us both a world of good." He stripped and joined her, though he made certain his sword was within easy reach. He curled up next to her. Before he fell asleep, he heard her let loose of a long sigh. He snuggled in even closer.

Morning made its presence known with a single ray of light entering through the side window and right in the otter's face. He grumbled and blinked.  His partner under the sheets had the pillow over her head. He pulled it off. She grumbled even more loudly. "What the hell did you do that for. A lady needs her beauty sleep!" He decided to play it cool and suave. "If you get any more beauty sleep you'll need to switch careers to being arm candy." She rolled over and looked at him. "You're such a liar! I'd never win any contest based on looks. I think you need punished for saying such a thing." Before he could move, she pinned him down and kissed him soundly. She kissed him again when she felt his cock rising to the occasion. She slid over it in one wet push. "You see Mudge, it's nice to have someone to wake up to. Leastwise, that's my feelings on the matter." The bed was a wreck by the time they were done.

The next morning, she was happy to show him again how much she liked waking up with someone she cared about. She knew he had some reservations about some aspects of sex, but he quit his complaining as her ass muscles stroked his meat like a fletcher working an arrow. She rubbed  it nearly raw before they came. He would have pulled out, but he enjoyed the feeling way to much. Her muscles continued to twitch for nearly twenty minutes. By the time they stopped, he was hard and ready to go again. She was more than willing. This time, when they finished, he was feeling even more like she had rubbed his shaft to a point.

After a decent breakfast, they headed out again. Mudge normally would have been plying his trade, that is, thievery, but Brute's ready supply of money gave him plenty of leeway. Therefore, they could avoid the small villages where he was likely to be recognized for his past discretions. They spent several days out in the wilderness before heading back towards some small vestige of civilization. It was the town of Horttleback. Mudge was less well known here, so his appearance was not duly noted, anymore than was that of Brute. It turns out she had a place here too. The Sword and Scabbard seemed a name more appropriate for her than some of the others. Again, they had a room on the top floor. It turns out they were to have it for several months.

Mudge wasn't the quickest whit, but he caught on after a while that despite the apparent happiness of the rough and ready monkey, there was something dark brewing inside her. It wasn't dark as in evil, but dark as in sad. He wasn't certain he wanted to know the cause of it. After all, someone like her had snuffed more lives than he wanted to know about. But it finally became too much for him. He had to know. "Hey Brute? You's seem kinda down lately. I ain't done nothin wrong, has I?"

She smiled and ruffled his fur. "No Mudge. You're doing just fine. Maybe too fine. " She sighed and sat down. "Have you ever tried going against your grain?" Mudge rubbed his chin. "I can't say I knows what you mean. My whole life is against the grain according to some." She grinned but it faded quickly. "I shouldn't be alive anymore. I suppose not being able to die sounds great, but it's really not. Oh, the first dozen times; the first twenty years; that's all fun and games. But after a while, you begin to feel like you're missing out on something. It took me until now to figure it out. I've been missing out on life." Mudge sat down beside her.

He wasn't certain what she needed, so he gave her a hug. "Thanks otter. But being with you has made me understand that you really do give up something important if you chose the wrong paths. I gave up a chance at love and a family. Don't take this the wrong way, but the happiness you've brought into my life is making the rest of my life look even sadder. Even looking back at all of the evil I've managed to eliminate, it still seems pretty empty. So I think I need to make a decision." He was all ears.

"Mudge, I need to find the wizard who put this botched up spell on me. If he can remove it, I can perhaps live the rest of my life with some degree of dignity." He considered her suggestion for a moment. "But Brute, won't that mean you'll die outright, being so old and all. No offense meant, of course!" She grinned like a fool. "Mudge, I am old. As for that, I have no idea. I'll need to find that out from him." Mudge shook his head. "What makes you think he'll remove it, even if he's still alive? It was a good question, one which she had been pondering. "I don't know. It was a mistake to begin with. As for if he's still alive, rumor has it he still practices. It's just a matter of finding his location."

Mudge stood up to his full height. "Brute, if this is what's you want, I'll 'elp if I can. What's the name of this 'ere wizard. I know of a few of them." The spider monkey eased down into a chair. "He's an old one by now. He's a turtle. Goes by the name Clothhump." Mudge's eyebrows went up. "That old fraud. 'ell yes I knows where 'e's at. Lives in a tree in the Bellwoods. Tried breaking into 'is place once and got a scorched backside for me bother!" Brute's eyes lit up. "Mudgie, you're not funning with me are you?"

The otter stood even taller. "Cross me 'eart and 'ope to die! 'is place is easy enough to find. I wouldn't expect much 'elp from 'im though. He don't like doin nothin for no one." She seemed unconcerned. "I have a way with words. If that doesn't work, I have a way with money, and if that still doesn't work, I always have my sword." Mudge freaked a little. "Brute, you can't go threatening this guy. He's too powerful!" She smiled at the otter. "So which is it? Is he a fraud, or is he powerful? Besides, what's he going to do, kill me? In the end, it's what I want anyway."

He actually teared up. "You don't mean that, does ya?" She pulled him in and sat him on her lap. "Mudge, I'm tired. I really thought I could escape that feeling being with you, but facts are facts. Every time I experience a high, I seem to sink even lower. It gets hard to take after a while. Besides, as you say, he may refuse to do anything. Fixing the problem would mean he would have to admit that he created it in the being. A lot of wizards don't like having that kind of blow to their ego."

It was decided to go find the wizard. Brute, now that she had made the decision, seemed reluctant to follow through on it. She lingered at the inn for weeks. Every couple of days, someone would drop in, hand her a package, and disappear again. He was curious, but remained politely out of the way. She clued him in after the second week. She opened a large leather pouch filled with gold. "If he can do it, remove the spell that is, then I will have no need for all this. She pulled out a handful and handed it to Mudge. "Here friend. When I'm gone, drink to my memory. The rest I'll use to pay him to fix what he did so long ago." After another week, the visitors stopped flowing in. "Alright Mudge, let's go!"

The trip took them into the Bellwoods. The place was pleasant enough; boring even. She began looking from tree to tree. It was Mudge who knew the landmarks. "See that there knothole near the base of that tree, right about where a ladies..." Brute shushed him. "Tell me you haven't..." "Nope, I 'aven't. But I gots ya goin, didn't I?" He continued. "Anyway, that means we're close. Should be another mile or so." He was right. The tree was a huge oak, filed with windows and a solid front door. Brute looked at it. "Dimensionally expanded. Nice! He wasn't living so fancy back when he did this to me." She walked up and rapped on the door. A voice called from inside. "Go away. I'm not entertaining today!" She took out her bag of gold and whomped the door with it. It took precisely seven seconds to open. Out stuck a turtle's head, adorned with a pair of spectacles.

"I say, did I hear someone offering payment?" Brute dropped the bag on the ground. "I am. It's all yours if you can undo a spell that has been laid on me." A little spittle of drool went down the wizard's chin. "Come in, come in!" She picked up the bag and walked through the door. The otter was unwilling to follow. "I don't like this one bit!" he cried. The turtle looked him over. "And I don't necessarily like you. But business is business. Get in here or stay out. I don't care." The otter squeezed in just as the door snapped shut. The wizard was already taking Brute to his workshop.

"OK, my dear, ummm, spider monkey?" He was looking her over. "My, my, my, you look awful. I suppose someone placed an ugly spell on you?" Mudge about choked on his stifled laughter. Brute was more contained. "Wizard, does the name Mordoi mean anything to you?" His face blanked out as he cudgeled his brain. It took him several minutes to come to the here and now. "Mordoi? Yes. That's the name of an assassin that used to exist in these parts years ago. Why do you ask?" Brute smiled and kept the conversation going. "Does the name not ring a bell in any other way?" He went blank again. This time it took him longer to come around. "There was one, a long time ago, who came to me for a spell." He looked up and stared at the Spider Monkey.  His jaw dropped. "You're her, aren't you? You're the one all those decades ago! I knew I never should have performed that magic when I was sick!"

She had her sword out and at his throat. Just as quickly she pulled it back and resheathed it. "Yes wizard, it's me, still alive, after all these years. I asked you for a spell to protect me, what you gave me was a spell to raise me from the dead. It's funny what an awry spell can do." He was still freaking over having a sword at his throat. "How dare you threaten me!" Brute laughed. "Wizard, I demonstrated for you who I was, so that you would have no doubt in your mind. If I wanted to kill you, there would no longer be any discussion." She dropped her gold on his worktable. "I want you to remove the spell. I have enough gold to cover the cost. To be honest, I'm tired of living. One hundred and twenty seven years is too long for a simple soul like myself."

The turtle's eyes got huge. "Has it really been that long? Oh my! I hate to admit this, but I have no idea how the spell went wrong. Had I known it at the time, I might have been able to correct it, but now, after all these years, I can't say." Brute gave him incentive. "Look wizard, one of us will not leave your home alive. I would refer it to be me, but that's up to you." He got his dander up. "You can't threaten me!" She pulled him in close. "Yes I can. Right now, between the two of us, I'm the one who can't be killed. Remember that." That settled the matter.

The two newcomers were given a room together. The turtle eyed the otter a few times but never asked anything about him. Mudge swore that he had been recognized. Brute dismissed it. "Maybe so, but he won't kick you out as long as I'm here. If this works, I have a feeling you'll be out the door quicker than a cheetah on locoweed!" The otter agreed fullheartedly. "You bet I will. Look Brute, are you sure ya 'ave to do this? I'm not afraid to admit I'm kinda attached to ya now. I'd 'ate to lose ya for no good reason." She ruffled his fur and snatched his cap, holding it out of reach. "Mudgie, there is a time for everything. It's way past time for me to be gone from this world." She tossed his hat on the bedpost. She began stripping. "If you want to show me you care, make my last days interesting!" He was out of his outfit in a flash.

She grabbed a hold of the front posts and wrapped her toes into the comforter. That left her ass sticking out. Mudge knew just what to do with it. She was already wet, so getting it in was as easy as pie. He slid in like a hot knife into butter. She pushed back and began pumping furiously against his cock. She got so wild about it that he could barely keep from falling over. He stopped her and with an apology, slid off the bed and grabbed two cords from the window. He tied each around the bedpost for something to hang onto. Then he was back up and in place. "OK Brute dear, give'r a go again." This time he was firmly planted were he needed to be. A few thrusts found his anchoring to have done the trick.

From then on it was one session after another. Mudge was as horny as the next guy, but Brute had the advantage of him. She didn't need an erection to have fun, and he did. When his blood supply seemed to have tapered off to nothing, he got down on his knees and used his tongue. He soon found his faced buried in her private parts as far as they would go. He came up for air after five or six minutes and plunged in again. As he told her later, "Being semi-aquatic has its advantages!" She agreed when she had the breath for it herself.

The days went by quickly. They stayed out of the wizard's way, and he stayed out of theirs. Brute would occasionally inquire as to his progress, and he would politely deflect the question. She knew that wasn't good. But one day he called them into his workroom. "I believe I have found what happened." He went on for an hour explaining the details of how this powder mixed with this other powder, and his sneeze changed the way the spell was laid, and so on and so on and so on. Brute finally got tired of his prattling. "Look wizard! Can you remove it?" The turtle got flustered. "Yes! But I must warn you, you will die rather quickly, and possibly in a horrible manner. Your body may age in a matter of a few minutes to the age it is now. I have no experience in this whatsoever." She lightly knocked him on his head. "Look wizard, I've already died a couple of dozen times. It wasn't a picnic any one of them. One more will be tolerable."

He spread his hands wide. "Well then my dear, it's only a matter of you choosing the time of your own demise." She thanked him and turned to go. She turned back. "Can I buy another spell? I need one that isn't going to be permanent." She explained her need. He found what she needed and told her how to use it. She thanked him and went upstairs. Mudge was sitting there looking sad and forlorn. He brighten a little when she came in. "So Brute dear, did you get your wish? Is the old hard-shell going to undo the spell?" She smiled down at him and poured them each of glass of wine."Yes Mudge, he is. When I'm ready that is." The otter was going to try once more to talk her out of it. But his heart was telling him to let her go. "So when are you going to do it?"

She held up a little bottle. "Just as soon as the effects of this wear off." He tipped back his glass and leaned forward to look at the vial. He plucked it from her fingers. "What's this then? It looks empty to me." He handed it back. She gave him a come-hither look. "It was full until I dumped it in your glass. Remember how skilled I am at being an assassin?" He could feel a warmth coursing through his body. He dropped the glass. "What the' ell did you do to me!" Brute giggled. "Nothing bad. I have no intention of going to the great beyond without having a great send off. I asked the wizard for an aphrodisiac. He guaranteed it to last for twenty four hours. The clock's ticking now, so you had better get busy!"

There was no need to tell him twice. If he was going to having nothing left of her except his memories, he had better make some good ones. He threw her on the bed and plowed into her like a meteor impacting the ground. He went a little wild, partially because of the potion and partly because he knew he couldn't really hurt her, not at this point. He bent her over, sideways and upside down. She didn't even have to ask for him to hit her ass. It was well lubed and he slid in at least a dozen times before the twenty four hours was up. By then they were both exhausted. After making certain he was asleep, she slid downstairs and woke up the wizard. "It's time.' Was all she needed to say. She turned her eyes up the stairs. "Goodbye dearest otter. I wish you a long and happy life. But I hope that it's happier than mine, and not nearly as long!" She turned and entered the workroom. The door closed heavily behind her.


Introduction to The Goddess Files

  Hello Everyone,   I would like welcome you all to the newest group of stories here in The Goddess Files. It may be a while before any stories actually appear, and I apologize for that. I am presently re-editing a documentary to add more material...

The Return to The Highlands, Final.

The Goddess, or Kuja-Yotay, or as Jon-Tom liked to call her, Eve, was absorbed in the finer points of being made of living tissue. The whole outside world had once been her skin, but the hide covering this assortment of organs, muscles and bones was...

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The Return to the Highlands, Part 6

Everyone in the room turned towards the voice. It was deep, resonant, and yet still seemed somehow soothing. Leaning in the doorway, ears brushing the top of the opening, was the most extraordinary sight. There had been some drastic changes going on...

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