Getting Back What was Lost

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#3 of The Goddess Files

A continuation

It was now many hours after the two had retired to their room at The Tooth and Claw. Eve was draped across Jon-Tom in a form new to her. She was a human girl, and a very young one. He would have argued about it, but she did it in the middle of their love-making. One minute she was a Mavros Tiger, and the next she was a young girl. He noticed mostly because the weight sitting on his pelvis suddenly lightened. A frown creased his face. "Not funny Eve! You know I still have my doubts about this sort of thing." She leaned down and kissed his chest, being too short now to reach any further up on his sleek black-furred body. She changed again, becoming even younger looking. He went to push her off. She clamped her cunt muscles so tight around him that she was stuck fast. He fell back a moment, then turned into a rat. Before she could adjust, he pushed her off.

"Damn it Eve! You know I can't do it with kids! It just isn't right!" She let a tear fall down her cheek. "But Jon-Tom. I'm very nearly eternal. Would you rather I turn into an old hag?" She changed into a loathsome looking old woman. She flipped back to the smooth skin young girl again. "I admire your morals, but we both know that you would love screwing a nice hot young thing like me!" She curled up on the bed in a sexy pose befitting a girlie magazine; the type they sold in seedy bookstores on back streets. She wiggled her ass fetchingly. "Come on Jon-Tom! You been having this problem for years. I think it's time to get over it. Besides, you should realize somewhere in that thick head of yours that whatever form I chose, it's still me inside. You won't be doing anything wrong." She was right. He knew she was. But his honor demanded that he stick to his moral code, even if it was considered absurd here. Eve had been in his head, so she knew some of his desires. But this was one he didn't want to succumb to. Greta had worked out for the better; better even than he would have considered possible. But she had still been a child.

Eve was watching him think. She never minded waiting, because a male who thought before he acted was a rarity. All at once she saw his eyes light up. What came out of his mouth was anything but what she was expecting. "You! Your the reason my spell went screwy! That's why I ended up where Greta could find me!" Eve the little girl rolled her eyes at him. "Well aren't you brilliant. It took you long enough to figure it out. You keep assuming that everything happens on this world by chance. I'm here to tell you that very little goes on that isn't studied, twisted or controlled in some way by the fates. I find pleasure in thwarting them when I can. I brought you to Greta because she needed you. My strength wasn't enough to keep you around at the time. Since you freed me from my restraints, I took you back. Right now, in your proper time-line, your children are adults. Did this even dawn on you?"

He was shocked into temporary silence. He finally found words. "You see Eve, this is what I'm talking about. When I go back, I'll have missed their entire lives." She jumped up and pounced on him. His rat form was no match for her strength. As he lay pinned to the floor, it dawned on him that they both had enormous power. Somewhere down the line there had been a unspoken deal to keep those powers reined in. He turned the tables by becoming his human self. She let out a yelp of joy. He rolled her over and held her down. "Oh no. Not yet. How am I supposed to be part of this family with Greta if I miss the important years. I hardly want doppelgangers filling in for me all over this world!"

Eve grabbed his hair and pulled him close. "I can take you back to any point in time. When we return to the present, we can arrive within seconds of when we left. To be truthful, I had you make the copy of yourself to satisfy your need for closure. It would actually seem to them that you were hardly gone during these excursions, unless I chose to space them out over a greater span of time. But now, it doesn't matter. You see, you can be two places at once, over and over again." Jon-Tom didn't like the sound of that. "I don't get it. Why shouldn't I just stay with her? If I can essentially live forever now, which I'm not certain is something that agrees with me, then why don't I just go live with her until the cubs are grown, then have you pull me back here?"

Eve was afraid he would think of that. He was correct. It was one solution. "Is that what you want? There is a whole world waiting to be explored and lives to be helped. And through it all you're interested in only one?" She managed to do what he had tried to do to her earlier. She got him angry. "Look Eve, you're one life. See what I have done for you! You seem to disregard everything I do in regards to anyone besides yourself. I love you very much Eve, but I can do without the attitude." He rolled over and did his best to ignore her.

She ran her finger up his spine, pushing just enough power through her fingertips to send a chill down his vertebra. She whispered in his ear. "I think that you may be misunderstanding my intentions. I know what a fine person you are; a kind soul, a great lover, a wonderful father. There is no one on this world I would rather see my children be with than you. But you still think in small ideas. A female here, a female there. Yes, yes; I asked you to do this for Greta. When the time comes, you will see how important it was. You cannot go on thinking like a human anymore. You quit being one when you merged with me in the lava. You still have the same mind and soul, but you are no longer what you were. I told you this already. You are so much more!"

He flipped over. The anger was still plainly visible on his face. "I think like I always have. I care for these ladies just like I care for you. Would you like it if I suddenly left you when you were expecting?" She got a wan smile. "I don't think I'll like it very much, no. But I can see the bigger picture. There may be things in the future that you'll need to deal with, things you will have to do alone. I can see the big picture. Even Greta could do that, with a little help from me. You need to let go of those things that tie you down. I was trapped in this planet, but you are still trapped in your own morality. It has little place here, even if it does do you justice. There will be times you will need to do things you won't like at first. But given time, you will see that they will come out alright."

He was furiously running his mind over the things she was telling him. His mind kept returning to something that was tripping him up. "Eve, is it really true?" She curled up close. "Yes Jon-Tom, but I am holding it in stasis for now. I hope you don't think that is bad of me, but there is much I need to do, and I really do need you to help. There will come a day when our baby will be born, but I really need to see more of my world from this living perspective before I can allow that to happen." He was confused. "I don't understand." She kissed him soundly. "I know you don't. But you will, over time. We have plenty of that now, thanks to your sacrifice. We can discuss it if you like, but there is little to debate right now. You need to trust me that everything I do, I do for a reason. I would never harm you, nor myself, nor our future children, nor any of my worldly children unless they deserved it. Believe me, some of them do. But there are many ways of dealing with such things besides direct punishment."

He was still confused, but it was being over-ridden by his feelings towards Eve. He had insinuated that she would need to have some maternal experience, but he wasn't fully aware that their encounter's had actually impregnated her. She didn't seem upset, only concerned for their child's welfare. I seemed that for the benefit of the unborn child, he would need to change how he viewed matters in this world. He wasn't sure he could. "Eve. I don't understand why you want me to do what your asking. I'll do anything for a good cause, but you have to throw me a bone."

She knew what he meant, but plucked a large femur out of thin air and threw it at him. He very nearly didn't duck it in time. It clattered on the floor and stopped up against the wall. As he turned to look at it, she made it vanish. "Ha, ha, ha," he cried mockingly. "You know what I mean!" She leveled a look at him that spoke volumes. "Look Jon-Tom, there are many deserving beings on this world, both now and in the past. Those in the past that I watched over as best I could had some remarkable things happen to them, all because of you. Like I have said before, there were many things I did not understand at the time, but which make sense to me now. Your part in these lives is only now beginning. And you will need to adjust your views before they can happen. I wish I could tell you more, but as you well know, seeing the future, even if it's in the past, doesn't always tell us what we want to know. My excuse is that I have already been there. My knowledge is first hand, so to speak"

He shook his head. "You know my dearest little goddess, you have successfully told me less than nothing. All I want you to do is give me sufficient reason to why I should make love to you as a child!" The problem for Jon-Tom was that he couldn't take his eyes off of her anymore. She was a lovely little nymphet, with curly  blonde hair and a cute birthmark over her left buttock. She reminded him of a little girl he had gone to grade school with... "Eve." he said evenly. "You dredged up that body from my memories, didn't you?" She smiled fetchingly. "Yes! I did see something like this in your regrets section of your head. I believe she came on to you once and you turned her down?"

He sighed. "Yes I did. I wanted to, but my upbringing said that it would have been wrong." Eve giggled. "A girl your own age wants to discover the joys of the body with someone else her age and you turned her down.  You would hardly have been taking advantage of her, now would you?" He grunted. "No! But it's in the past and on another world. Let's drop it!" But Eve persisted. "But you can do it over again. All you need to do is transform your body to the same age-appearance as mine. Then you will no longer feel like an adult taking advantage of a young girl. We will be two equal partner's again."

He thought it over. It was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard of. For that reason alone he thought it might have a chance of working. "Alright dearest," he replied. "let's give it a go." On the last word he turned into a much younger version of himself. Eve bounced with delight, acting way too much like a little girl. He had to laugh at her good humor. But her acting stopped when she climbed on top of him and pushed him down. "OK Husband. It's time to show me what you've got. Remember, your normal endowment would have been too much for even an adult on this world,  depending on the species, but now you can adjust to suit your partner. Let's see what you've got."

He kept to his human cock-shape, but dropped it down size-wise to something more appropriate for his apparent age. She too could have adapted to take whatever he had for her, but this was a serious endeavor. She kept her cunt small and tight, just like a girl this age. She knew he wouldn't do anything to purposely harm her if she really had been a girl of this age. He allowed her to position herself on top, in part to take away any feelings he had about "forcing" himself on her. She  slid over the the tip and up against a purposely created hymen. She knew he had popped a lot and that it wasn't a big deal to him anymore, but right now this was vital. He grabbed her ass with a little more confidence than his youthful self would have felt, but then, that was OK. As she pushed down, he pulled her forward. There was a snap, a little blood, and then he was in.

They made love for hours until he literally forgot they were both in child form. Oh, he knew it, for his doubts were lurking a the fringes of his conscience, just waiting to take over again. But the fact was, it had been fun making love to Eve like this. He had tried all kinds of things, but this was maybe the kinkiest. She was laying across him, making such a variety of contented sounds he knew not which species there were from and any given moment.  Whatever they were, he agreed with them all. Eve was a fantastic lover, and he only wished he could make the same sounds." He was content to lay there, feeling the rise and fall of her chest. She was thinking the same. One of the advantages of being in a living body was that you could concentrate on the little things, which she found out, were sometimes the biggest things. The mantle of this planet had no nerve endings. This skin did. There was so much to explore that she didn't know where to start sometimes. Plus there were things to be done.

She decided that there would be time for one more bit of experimentation since it might prove vital to him later, then it would be time to see him off for a while. Well, actually, it would be only a short while for herself, but much longer for him."Jon-Tom?" Hmmm?" he replied. "Jon-Tom, can we go again? It was so much fun!" He pulled her up to his face and kissed her delicate little mouth. "Yes dear. I have as much as you can take." She smiled and kissed him again. "Good!" She slid up and over his cock, riding it gently for a few minutes. Then all at once she arched her back and slipped out only to impale her tight ass with his meat. He was ready to protest. She put a finger to his lips. "Hush husband. I know you like this, and in this form you find it even more naughty, therefore, more enticing. I did it to you, not the other way around. Lay back and enjoy it!"

She was noticing the sensations running through this body. No wonder some of these creatures liked doing it like this. There were as many nerve endings in here as there were in the front hole. She remembered his time with that young orang. She would have to have him try two cocks, but she would give him the choice of bodies to try it out on. She didn't want to completely blow his mind. She was working herself back and forth, at times bending herself back at impossibly odd angles. When he blew, it was with the force of a geyser. Literally. He had gotten so lost in the passion that he forgot to curb his power. It felt like she was going to explode from everything he was pumping in. When he was done, her belly had a bulge. In an instant, she spelled it away for safe keeping. She knew in her mind that it wasn't something to allow to go to waste.

She pulled off and fell on top of him again. "My husband, you blew a big one. I told you you'd like this form." He grinned and ruffled her hair. "Yes, I did. But I hate to think what this is going to mean for my future, if I'm to get my kicks from screwing children." Eve sat up and decked him. "The age of the body is irrelevant. It's the quality of the mind inhabiting it. You will see what I mean eventually, and when you do, I expect a full apology!" He changed to his adult self. "I'll give you that apology right now!" This time he roll her over on her back and slid into her cunt without a word. She had several on the tip of her tongue, but his was locked tightly with hers. This time when he came, it was a bit more contained. It was his turn to collapse against her. She whispered in his ear, "So lover, are you ready for your next task?"

He sighed. "I suppose so. I really would like to know more, but after all the fun I've been having, maybe your right. I have always done my best on the fly." Eve grinned like a fool. The bed suddenly shifted to being the largest bottlefly he had ever imagined. Then it was gone and the bed was back to normal. "You know Eve, you really need to get your sense of humor under control!" She was giggling uncontrollably. She sounded just like a real girl her age. It was almost creepy.

They didn't need to sleep, but they proposed to do so anyway. Eve liked being close to him and hearing his heart beat. He liked the smell of her body, and the tickle of the air as it escaped her lips with each breath. But when daylight stole into the room, she yawned and got up. "Jon-Tom, I hate to rush matters, but I would like to get the things done that I feel need to be done so that I can get on with my life with you." He stretched and rolled over, staring at her pert little ass. He got a hard-on immediately. She turned and  saw the look on his face. "For once I'm saying no! Save it for when when you get back!" He sighed and crawled out of bed. "If you say so, but this is what you're going to be missing." He dropped it down to the floor. She turned and raised her eyebrows."Oh, I'll give that one a try too. But first things first."

She turned around to find her clothes, bending down to pick them up. She felt a poke in her backside. "Now who's being the funny one?" she asked, knowing full well he had just slid that monstrosity between her little legs. She grabbed it and slid her mouth over the tip. Whether he was expecting it or not she didn't care. She pumped her power into him, forcing an orgasm to run its course in a matter of minutes. She took everything he had. When he was done spouting, she wiped her mouth and turned to him. "Don't point that thing at me unless you're always willing to use it!" He had a dreamy look on his face. "Oh, I am always ready to go!" She nodded approvingly. "Good, because there are others who need what you have.

She quit fumbling with her clothes and spelled them back on, changing to the form of a cheetah. Jon-Tom changed to match her. This was the regular sleek feline like Roseroar had changed into once, not the big tank of a feline he had changed to for Dari. Eve turned and kissed him soundly. He heard her in his head. "Goodbye for now husband. I'll see you in a while." He opened his eyes to the sights of a city. He was uncertain where he was precisely, because where ever it was, it was one of the least desirable sections. Some of the buildings were less than sound. He glanced around and realized that there was no one around. He could her the commotion of a market place nearby, but this block was empty.

He was looking about, trying to determine where Eve had dumped him. That was when he saw the two tiger cubs running along the rooftops. It was bloody dangerous, he thought, allowing cubs to play unattended like that. They made their way  farther down the block, oblivious to anything but the fun they were having. All at once they sprang onto a roof whose tiles broke loosen and began cascading down towards the edge; and a four story drop. The cubs were falling with them. Jon-Tom pelted forward at top speed, He jumped just in time to grab one in each hand and fling them to safety before the entire roof and part of the facade gave way and tumbled over top of him.

He wasn't hurt, not in the normal sense, but he allowed a few injuries to appear on his body. A gash to his head, a cut here, and bruise there. When he went to see how they had fared, he would give them paused for thought. What he hadn't expected was hearing them trying to dig him out! All the better! It meant that they had some scruples after all. He would sit until they succeeded. Heck, for that matter, he might just have to really play this up. He allowed his body to collapse. He was till aware, but his brain might just have well been in a coma.

He could hear cries for help, knowing that the cubs were trying to locate assistance in digging him out. It finally came in the form of a dozen different creatures, all pulling together to remove the rumble. It would have been easier to just stand up on his own, and awe them as the tiles slid away from his frame, but it would have taught the youngsters nothing. He could sense when they had his body free. He was certain it looked awful, with the blood commingled with the dust and dirt from the collapse. He would now have to wait until they got to where ever they were going, heal himself, and then give them a lecture. It was all so simple.

Yeah. Right. He as catching bits and pieces of their conversations, including the sobs from the cubs. But he wasn't too concerned until her heard those ominous words he had learned to loathe; palace. They were taking him to some palace. Why were they taking him there instead of an infirmary? Oh well. What could they do to him? He could spell himself out of any situation. He laid back and actually fell asleep. He woke up to a dream.

The voice buzzing in his ear was familiar. The last time he had heard it was in his head. He blinked open his eyes, to find one of them still matted shut. One was all he needed. He was looking up at Roseroar. He corrected himself. She was dead. Then another part of his brain kicked in. She wasn't dead in the past, which is where Eve had sent him. Shit! She was looking down at him with great admiration. "Oh great warrior, I'm so glad that the fates have not snatched you from our ministrations. We have a new reason to rejoice now!" Jon-Tom shuddered, mentally and physically. When he got back to the future, even if he had to wait all those long decades, he was going to put Eve over his knee and paddle her until his hand hurt!

The tigress was all compassion. "Oh please don't try moving. The royal physicians say it is a wonder you came away as lucky as you did. Not many can survive the crushing weight of fifty tons of stone, and you have escaped with only minor injuries." He laughed inside. Not many could survive the heat of lava either. That's just hot rock!

He was watching her every move, feeling a longing he thought long buried. But why was he here? If he was to have been with Roseroar, he would have preferred it back in the day. Now, what was he supposed to say? For that matter, who was he to say he was. The bump on his head was a good enough excuse for claiming amnesia. But what to do from there? He was simply glad he had been a cheetah. Not only did she not recognize him, she would never have guessed it. All he had to do was keep his soul under wraps.

While he was silently contemplating his next move, two voices entered the room. He assumed they were attached to bodies. Two sets of eyes hovered into view and looked down at him, full of admiration. They were a bit bedraggled, but they were otherwise intact. "Hey mister, thanks a lot for saving our skins. Mama said that if we had died, she would have killed us." Jon-Tom felt sick to his stomach. He lifted an arm and pulled them in close. "Your mama would do no such thing. You can see the worry in her eyes. You should be more careful in the future. I'm certain she is a wonderful person." Roseroar shed a tear at his words. One of the girls piped in, "Hey mister, you were fast. You dashed in there as fast as lightening. Too bad you got buried. Can you teach me to be that quick?"

He struggled to get up, more for show than anything. His body was damaged, but he could have fixed it at any time. But then a lesson might not be learned. He looked awful, even more so now that he was upright. He looked at the tigress. "Madam, thank you for you assistance. I will not bother you any more than you have already expended yourself." She growled in his face. "You sir, are going nowhere. Until such time as I deem you fit, you are the honored guest here at the palace." He stood, rocking on his feet. "Your kindness is magnanananmous, he stuttered out. The cubs got behind him for support. He smiled inwardly. They weren't bad, his girls, just high spirited and adventurous. He tilted to one side and purposely fell to the floor. From all appearances he was out.

But he heard everything going on around him. "Girls!" cried Roseroar, "get him back on the bed!" His limp body was too hard for them to lift, so the tigress stepped in and hauled him up. For an eternal second he could feel her body next to his. The next she dropped him like a hot potato. The girls were appalled. "Mama, why did you drop him?" The tigress was rubbing her paws. "I don't know girls. It felt like I got shocked!" The girls touched him themselves. "Nope. Nothing." As for the spell-singer, he had felt it too. It was love, only now in a higher degree. However, he had the feeling that he wasn't here for Roseroar. Eve had to know that the girls were his. That meant that anything between them would be considered incest. But his brain sorted it out for him. It was hard for it to be incest when he was a human, who had cubs with a tigress, and he was now in cheetah form. This world really screwed with a persons head. But then, there was no talk of sex, so there was no point in jumping to conclusions.

He opened his non-matted eye again. "My dearest lady, I am so sorry. I seem to keep falling asleep. I don't remember being so tired before." He sat up a little. "Actually, I don't remember much of anything. Something about a roof and some cubs and..." He trailed off. The tigress supported his back. "Dear sir, you saved my children and my heirs. I have no way of sufficiently repaying you. I would like to make a proclamation to the city, telling them of your courage. Could you grace me with your name, sugah?" That last words gave him a pang. He rubbed his head for a bit, looking at the blood on his paw. His charade was pretty good. "Uh, my name? My name name is..." He faltered. Then he latched on to something one of the girls had said. "You can call me Dasher."

So it was announced that the girls had been saved from certain death by someone who couldn't remember his name. Dasher would be considered proper until such time as he came into his own memories again. The girls doted on him. The first time they went to introduce themselves, he held up a paw. "Let me see if I can guess. I think I used to be pretty good at guessing. You're...Selif; and you're...Bastet." The girls giggled nervously. "How did you do that?" asked Bastet. "Yes, how?" asked her sister. Jon-Tom shrugged. "When I remember, I'll tell you. I just wish I knew my own name."

As the days passed, he "healed" quickly. He didn't want to make a show of it, but a little faster than normal would impress them without piquing too much curiosity. Within a week has was looking like normal. The king, far older than when Jon-Tom had first met him, arranged a meeting with him to give his personal thanks. "Good sir," he said, "I wish to thank you for saving my grand-cubs from themselves. They are a constant handful. One of these days they will not be so lucky. If you had not been there, my kingdom would have been lost." Jon-Tom the cheetah bowed low. "Your majesty owes me nothing. I did only what I felt should be done. A young life is worth more than gold." The king considered that. "Is that what you would like? Gold?"

Jon-Tom could conjure up gold with a mere thought. "No your honor. I have no use for the stuff." The king looked perplexed. Someone on this world who had no use for gold? "Then what can I offer you? I will grant you anything you wish." Jon-Tom sat down on the floor, a very undignified thing to do in a king's presence. "Your majesty, I will ask for what I want, but you will not like first." The king stood. "I give you the right to ask for anything!" Jon-Tom stood likewise. "I wish to have your granddaughters." The king dropped back in his throne. "What?" There was no emotion whatsoever in his tone.

"Please do not misunderstand me," continued Jon-Tom. "I do not wish to take them as trophies or gifts. I do not wish to lay any more claim over them than I already have. But it seems to me that they need guidance and watching over. Their episode on the roof is proof enough of that. I wish to offer my services to watch over them and protect them until such time as they can be trusted by themselves." The king regained his feet and stood in front of the cheetah. "You sir are either the noblest cat I have ever met, or else you have not yet recovered your brains from the accident. Ask me again in a week. If you're still willing to put yourself through more pain, and believe me, my grand-cubs are just that at times, then I will grant you your desire. In the meantime, you had better discuss this with their mother. She has more say in their lives than I do."

Jon-Tom went to leave, but turned back. "Your majesty, might I ask where the prince is?" The king scratched his head. "Prince? What prince?" The cheetah spread his arms. "The father of these cubs; your heir." The king choked a little. "Ask their mother. It is not for me to talk about." Jon-Tom headed for the door leading to the hallway. From behind a tapestry came the huge form of his lovely Roseroar. She followed him out into the hall. "Look Dasher. I overheard what was said in there. Why do you have such an interest in my family?" Her words held a bit of menace to them. "My lady, there is much in this world that is dark, dank and sometimes just plain evil. In my heart I can see good in you, your father and especially your daughters. They may be mischievous, but they have much that is good hidden beneath their skins. So too do you, I believe. You have something you hide away, am I right?"

Her paw came out and grabbed his neck. "How do you know that?" He squeaked out something unintelligible.  She loosened her grip. "I said that madam has expressive eyes. There is something too, concerning your husband." Her paws opened and closed several times, just wishing for that neck to squeeze. "I have no husband, not that it's any of your business!" He put out his paw and placed it in hers. She could feel the electricity. "Dearest lady, do not be angry over what wasn't; be thankful for what is." He dropped her paw and walked away. The clawed appendage came up and grabbed his shoulder. He turned to face her. "Listen you, " she spit out. "How do you know these things?" He shook his head. "My dear, I  wish I could tell you. Perhaps some day when I get my memories back, then we will both know." It was only a little lie.

She refused to let go of her grip. She stared at him hard. All at once he was staring at a lovely female cheetah. He also remembered what a tight fit she had been back then, when hadn't been able to adjust his size and..." He fought down a budding erection. She was staring into his eyes. "This Dasher, this it is what is hidden inside me. For the sake of the goddess, I have no idea why I'm showing you, but I want you to know this was a gift from my lover. He turned down this kingdom because he felt it was the right thing to do. If you wish to protect my girls, you will have to prove yourself capable of being that dedicated." He did a little bow. "I am unsure if the lady offends me, or impresses me. Therefore, I will simply prove to her that I can be as good as this other gentleman, though I have no wish to try and better him. He sounds like an amazing fellow." Roseroar stood back and appraised the cheetah. "You and I might be on the same page after all. You've got yourself a job Dasher!"


No More Regrets.

In the morning, a very weak legged wolverine kissed Jon-Tom goodbye. In his head, Eve was making notations for "future" reference. She found the thought funny considering they were presently decades in his past. He could catch bits of her fanciful...

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All Good Things Come to an End

Mudge and Brute, aka Mordoi the Brute, used the shallow grave he had dug to bury the body of the now dead assassin's assassin. Brute was more kind to her body than he figured she would be, considering that the little bitch had stuck a sword through her...

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Introduction to The Goddess Files

  Hello Everyone,   I would like welcome you all to the newest group of stories here in The Goddess Files. It may be a while before any stories actually appear, and I apologize for that. I am presently re-editing a documentary to add more material...