The Return to the Highlands, Part 2

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#21 of The Spellsinger Tales

A continuation, hence Part 2

Several months later found the palace filled with pregnant females. I need not mention to you how that happened, unless you would like a detailed account of each and every encounter he had with each and every willing female there. I mean, I could. But it would get tedious and tiresome for both myself and you the reader. After all, there is only so much sex that you can describe before it gets repetitious.

This morning, like so many others here, was bright with sunshine and promise. Jon-Tom, in his regal-looking lion form, was sitting on a simple throne set outside to make full use of the  wonderful morning rays. With him were his mates Talea and Lendari. While the rest of the females were technically his wives as well, it was understood that their claim to him was limited. He was having a discussion along these lines. "Lendari, why is it that every inhabitant here is female? It would have made my job a bit easier if there had been a few males to transform." She sighed, patting her bulging belly. "It has to do with the spells that protect the highlands. You were extraordinary in your ability to find your way here. You see, I am the protectoress of the earth mother." Jon-Tom made a face. "But this planet isn't Earth! I grew up on Earth!" She smiled. "What a funny name for a planet. Earth in this sense means literally the ground beneath your feet; the cold rock, the lava, right down to the planet's heart."

He mulled it over for a bit. "Are you trying to say this planet is alive?" She understood his disbelief. "It does not think, nor breathe, but its blood flows under our feet. If it was not for the spinning core of molten metal, this place would cease to exist as we know it. If the heart is stopped, life stops. You need not believe me. But it is the truth. All life, all magic is generated from deep within this orb of ever changing stone. Even the oceans would cease to flow and the clouds would stall in the sky. This I cannot allow to happen." Jon-Tom knew enough about magic to know he knew nothing about magic. He had had the opportunity once to fill his mind with the knowledge, but the influx of information was too much for him to handle. "So what part do you play then, in keeping this planet alive?" She smiled. "I will show you some time, but not this day. I'm afraid that I must protect my unborn cubs, and showing you will be dangerous."

Jon-Tom smiled, not about the danger, but when she said cubs. His healing power went far in helping to determine sex of the unborn cubs, but his overall magic had granted each and every lady lion in his pride - twins! He was going to regret life when they were born, for there was going to be four hundred and six sets of squalling lungs! Talea was expecting girls, and Lendari was expecting boys. That worked out for the best. Amongst the rest, it was mostly girls, as it should be for lions. One male could service several hundred, or in his case, at least two hundred and three.

He changed the subject. "We still haven't decided on names. It would help if I had a name book to peruse." Talea nudged him. "So spell one up!" It was a good idea, but Dari tapped him on the shoulder. "There are more than enough names in the archives for us to chose from. But don't you have any ideas? You are, after all, the king. Whatever you chose will stand." He sat silent, thinking of the numerous names he had heard over the years. Dari spoke up. "You know, you could use my mother and grandmother's names for your girls." Talea shook her head. "Maybe, but he already has a daughter named Silef." Dari was surprised. "You dared to name a non-feline Silef?" Jon-Tom calmed her down. "I didn't name her, her mother did. Roseroar bestowed upon her daughters the titles Bastet and Selif because of a conversation we had. I would take it as an honor if I were you, for to her your line was nearly only a legend. She might not have had the temerity to do it had she known you still existed."

The queen relaxed. "You are correct. And without her ability to transform, my line would be dead. So I must thank her." Jon-Tom didn't know how to respond. "Uh, you know she's dead, right?" "Oh stupid human, is she dead? You yourself dealt with the spirits, the gneechees, more than once." He remembered. Roseroar had come to him once after she died, and some of his unique powers came from a unicorn. But what was she suggesting? He watched as she held up her immaculate white paws to the sky. She closed her eyes and hummed. He could feel the vibrations in his soul. A little point of light appeared. It hovered in front of the queen for a few minutes. It then swung around and dove into his body.

His mind became unhinged from his physical being. It was like having Dhoov in his head all over again. Only in this case it was Roseroar. "Hello sugah! It's been a long time. I'm glad to see the ability you gave me has come to good use." He was standing there slack jawed. "Rose? Roseroar?" She ran forward and scooped him up. It was only metaphysically, but it seemed real enough. He hugged her fiercely." Roseroar, I've missed you so. What are you doing here?" She dropped him back on the ground. "I was called forth by Lendari! I had no idea that I had such great magic when I chose her form. But then, the magic you gave me was always more than enough!" He smiled. "Yes, the transformation talent was really something." She slapped him. "I meant the girls, you dolt. Of course, without the talent, I would have died alone and barren, so I will give it credit for that."

"Roseroar, I hope you're not mad at what I have done here." he said, trailing off his words. "Jon-Tom dahling, you're doing things just purrrfectly. I constantly dream of the day when you will pass from this world into the next, for I look forward to the time we can be together again. It seems however, that I will need to be sharing you even in death. But for now, you have the potential to do things no one else could even hope to imagine. I'm so proud of you, I can't find words to express it." She didn't have to. She pounced on him, and they made love within the deepest recesses of his mind. Dari knew ahead of time what was going on and commanded that his person not be touched until he came out of the trance. That was a good hour later. A light rose from his body and his eyes fluttered open. He looked embarrassed. Dari patted his hand. "The king does as he wishes. Thanking the one who made this possible is nothing to be ashamed of."

He choked back a few tears. "Thank you for calling her here. You did do that, didn't you?" Dari smiled. "I can call upon any who have passed from this realm to the next. It is part of my power. I do not do so lightly, but I felt that this fine feline whom you had such love for was worth pulling across the universe to thank." His jaw dropped. "She was where?" The lioness winked at him. "She told me she was visiting your world. There was apparently a lot about it you never mentioned to her." He cringed. "Yes there was, and for good reason. A lot of it isn't worth mentioning." "She agreed. In her opinion, the best part of it came here, for which she is eternally thankful."

He sighed, remembering their time together. He was very glad that the wizard had made the mistake of pulling him across the cosmos. But something was nagging him. What were they discussing before; oh yeah, names. "Dari, I have chosen names for our boys, as well as for my girls with Talea."The females leaned in. "Do tell!" they said in unison. "Well, I've thought about it a long time. I wanted names that would be fitting and unique. The problem is, I have mostly my own world to draw on, so they will mean nothing to you." He drew in a breath. "I have chosen Tolstoy and Davinci for the boys." Dari mused over the names, repeating them out loud. "Might I ask were they come from?" He figured she would want to know. "They are both humans whose first name was based on an old language term for lion; Leo. The first was a prolific writer. The second was a great inventor and scientist whose mark on our history has lasted for hundreds of years."

Dari leaned back in her chair and smiled. "I like the names Jon-Tom. They are new to me, but then this is a new beginning. It is appropriate to begin fresh. It will be done. But which boy receives which name?" It was a good question. "I believe they will be given as the are born; the first will be Tolstoy and the second will be Davinci." Just like that, the matter of naming the new princes was settled. Now it was on to Talea. "So husband, what names have you thought up for our children? They had better be as good as the last two!" He stroked her belly. "In their case, I have decided to be more direct. I have chosen Leo-na and Leo-la. If you want to know why, my grandmother was named Leona, and I happen to like the similar form as well. Call it a dedication to my family line." "Oh Jon-Tom, I love them! And how fitting!"

There were still over two hundred more cubs to name, but he largely left that up to their respective mothers. His head would have overheated trying to come up with so many. But he trusted the ladies to chose wisely, for he had known most of them before. There was Buota the cheetah, and her sister Comri, along with a throng of similarly lithe ladies he had only just met; there were the leopardesses Seeloy, Hieta, and Gralho. There were a large number of normal tawny lionesses whose names kept getting confused in his mind, and so many others he got dizzy thinking about them. Many he had met and made love to all those years ago. Some of them were new, either to the highlands or else to him personally. It would have been easier to determine who was who if they were still in their natural forms. As it was, he had to learn a new trick to figure out who they were. His nose could distinguish what his eyes could not, the distinct scents each one had. He had to train his brain to associate names with smells. That had proven hard to do with that many horny females.

For the moment, most everyone was fairly satisfied. The raging hormones that accompanied the youthening process had put a strain on his resources. He was no nutritionist, but he had to be consuming roughly fifteen thousand calories a day. He needed that not only to keep his strength up, but to supply the needed energy to his healing ability to restore his sperm as fast as it was drained. In years past it had hardly mattered, but now every drop was important. He was glad, at this present stage, that he could relax a little. In fact, he had not had sex for a week. It was he who was the one no longer satisfied. As king he could command any of them, but felt that doing so would be an abuse of power. He motioned to his wife. "Hey Talea, how would you like a little alone time?" She was looking out over the rest of the females, enjoying the sun. "No, I'm fine..." She stopped as her eyes met his. "Oh, that kind of alone time! Why yes I would!" She hopped up and grabbed his paw.

The two vanished down the corridors to the royal bed chamber. The room had been outfitted with two beds, one for him and Talea and one for him and Dari. Huwen remained in her own quarters, though she made certain that he was welcome whenever the urge struck him. So had everyone else. Talea was pulling him towards their bed. "Come on, you sexy hunk of male you. You've been going easy on me ever since you found out I was pregnant." He had been, that much was true. He went to a lot of work getting these females pregnant, he certainly didn't want to be the cause of a miscarriage. Dari had laughed at that. "Do you think my breed so feeble that we would lose our babies because of having sex? I assure you we are made of sterner stuff than that." Still he remained cautious.

Not Talea. She pulled him onto the bed and threw him down first. "Look Jon-Tom, I'm not fragile, but I am pregnant. We need to do this just like before, with me on top. That way my belly doesn't get in the way." Who was he to argue? She was already wet and slid over him with a purr of satisfaction. He was still worried, but decided that with her in control, not harm would befall their unborn cubs. The pleasure running through his body displaced any nagging doubts anyway. She was really getting a rhythm going, despite her encumbering stomach. In fact, the added volume in her uterus was pressing down on the walls of her cunt, making her already snug fit even tighter.

He was really getting off on her motions. It hadn't been that long ago that he had felt himself done with sex, after the forced fertilization of so many. But now, in a relaxed environment, with his true wife, it was amazing. She was so wet the excess was coating his belly like butter. She was using it to build up speed. Without it there, she might have started a small fire with the friction she was generating. All at once she let out a yelp, which grew to a roar/moan. She went to work so fast she became a blur. It felt like his cock was in a hurricane. She came with a gasp and fell on his chest, panting heavily. He hadn't even been close to cumming.

She lay there for a few minutes, a satisfied purring emanating from deep in her throat. She wiggled a little, feeling that he was still hard. But then, she thought to herself, this ass was always hard, whether it was after the first or the twentieth time. She sat up and slid off. Before he could whine about not getting to blow his load, she slip his cock into her ass, tightening the muscles as she pushed down to engulf it. Whatever words were in his mouth, he swallowed them back down. "You mentioned us doing this a few months back, husband, and I have yet to get it. It's about time to pay up!"

Anal sex had been a routine of theirs, but not so much as of late. Not only because of their present situation, but because they had been getting older. But now, young, and in new forms, it was a whole new re-discovery. Talea liked it, but this body loved it. He had told her about his experiences along these lines with his tigress. Talea's brief foray with Jon-Tom's feline penis had explained a lot about why this species refrained from anything more than procreative sex. She could only imagine what one of those would feel like up her delicate ass. But Jon-Tom could adjust his size and shape to anything she might want. He was always just what she needed. She could see why he was so popular. If she had had a tiger with just the right cock, she would have been happy too. She was staring lovingly at her husband, and he back at her. "You know Jon-Tom, I can see why you like having me change. There is a lot of interesting things one can be and do if given the chance."

"I can't argue with you there. It's hard to imagine now how much I missed when I arrived to this world. " She nodded. "Don't feel bad. I found reason to distrust any species outside of my own, and even then, there wasn't much love between me and them. But now is different. Will you do me a favor?" His eyes were filled with love. "You know I'll do anything except to kill for you, and then, I''ll kill anyone who tries to harm you in any way." She bit him playfully, sliding up and down on his cock simultaneously. "Don't be stupid husband. I don't want anyone killed. What I do want is this." She whispered in a very private manner. . He grinned ear to ear. "Now that; that I can most definitely do!"

When Dari walked in on them later, she was at first flabbergasted and dismayed. That lasted about three seconds before she figured out what was going on. Talea was on the bed, riding the cock of the most handsome male tiger she had ever laid eyes on. Jon-Tom saw her and motioned to his wife that they had company. Talea turned, and without missing a beat said, "Don't you wish you would have thought of this?" Dari got a sly grin on her face. "Yes dear, I wish I had. But since you opened my eyes to innumerable possibilities, I will thank you now for when it comes my turn to enjoy him!" Talea scowled. It lasted until the orgasm inside her fought to escape. This time Jon-Tom was ready. The two of them shuddered together and fell back on the bed. He lay there enjoying the afterglow until his stomach rumbled.

There were no set eating times here, but Jon-Tom had learned quickly that food was vital to his well-being. He had also learned that his present form was ideal for hunting. Dari had laughingly told him that the hunting was done by the ladies, but he had pulled out his chivalry card and  trumped her. Besides, he found hunting to be exhilarating, almost as much as sex. He headed to the plains with several of the females to help herd those unique yellow lizards he had encountered on his first visit. They populated this place like gazelles did on Earth. A cart was brought each time he went out to carry back the numerous bodies. By kicking in his healing talent, he never even broke a sweat. The palace was never without fresh meat.

Today was no exception. After his tryst with Talea, he headed out to hunt some more. He got more than he bargained for when he came across a lizard of immense proportions. It reminded him of the one that had attacked him, Laila and Ruhgal so many years ago. This one was no meat eater, but it looked mighty dangerous. Dari was along and cautioned him against attacking it. "Yes dear, I know the meat would feed us for weeks, but you'll never take it down on your own, and I'll not risk the cubs on such a harebrained stunt." He was still pondering the large lumbering beast. The closest thing he could think that it looked like was some prehistoric herbivore, albeit with scales. That thought dredged up memories of other such animals. That gave him pause for thought. In turn, he pumped Dari for information on his ponderings. She looked at him admiringly. "Yes, you might be right."

He debated. Was it worth the risk? Throwing caution to the wind he tried it out. He knew the instant it worked by the look on Dari's face, which was now a foot below him. He took a paw and felt his mouth, noting the sharp incisors and the huge canine teeth. The fur on his arms was orange, spotted with black. His claws stuck out like an assassins daggers. He could feel his muscles ripple under his skin like bands of iron. In his heart he found he had no fear whatsoever. Whatever he was, he had no idea how it ever could have departed from this world, for within this body he felt invulnerable.

Dari was walking around him, appraising his present transformation. "Well, well, well. I think I found my bed mate for tonight. I never would have thought I'd live to see the day the Giant Cheetahs returned to the highlands!" So that's what he was. He was trying for any prehistoric predator capable of handling this  giant grass eater. He half expected to become a Smilodon, the great long toothed cat he favored as a child. Apparently his magic found a better choice. His voice was very deep and resonant. "Don't count on it yet. I'm only one man, err, cat. And I have a job to do." He turned and raced after the creature. In one incredible leap he landed on its back, sank in his teeth, and hung of for dear life as it reared back. His claws raked away scales until its neck was fully exposed. From there is was a matter of positioning his teeth and hitting the jugular. He withdrew his fangs and dropped to the ground. The beast died within minutes.

He reverted back to his human self. "You know, I feel bad about that. I've never been much of a killer, but I see where everything has to eat according to its nature." He turned back into his kingly white lion self. "Funny, in this form I have less remorse for killing the beast. I had best stay out of my own body while I'm here, or I'll have a nervous break down." With the beast dead, the newest problem was in how to get it back to the palace. It was too large for the cart. Jon-Tom considered the difficulty for a moment and changed. When he and the lionesses returned, his form attracted much attention. He dropped their meal ticket on the ground and returned to his new "normal" body. His harem was full of questions. "What was that thing Jon-Tom. We've never seen the likes of it before!" Neither had he. It was another animal out of legend and time. "It was a Mastodon. They used to live on my world, and perhaps they used to live on this one too. I can't say. But I knew it would be big enough for the job."

With the next week's meat already taken care of, Jon-Tom spent more time entertaining. True to her word, Dari had him change to the huge form he had used to tackled the beast on the plains. He was uncertain it was a wise request. "Look Dari, just because it's me in there doesn't always mean it's me in there. Are you sure you can handle it if I get out of hand. This creature seems rather strong willed. I mean, I had no qualms about attacking that poor beast out there, even though I was aware it could have trampled me to death, even in a body this big. I would hate to be responsible for getting out of control. This beast is from another time altogether, a time when you had to be tough to survive."

She had patted his arm and kissed his cheek. "My grandmother remembered the Giant Cheetahs in their prime, so its maybe not so far in the past as you assume. Like my race, they became threatened and eventually died off. You are correct in saying that they are strong willed. It was part of their downfall. They refused help. The last to die was the great Tahedero. He was also one of the last males of any species to live here. Many of  the regular cheetah lasses were asked here in an attempt to breed life back into the species, but to no avail. I wonder if it would be worth trying to salvage it back from the ravages of time?"

Jon-Tom transformed, feeling the incredible power rippling through his body. "I don't like it. I'm not about to say that this body is bad, because it's not. But I think I would rather tackle the issue of lovemaking with another of my species. That means arranging a similar transformation. I really think that you're not up to what this impressive creature can dish out. I'm certainly am not going to risk the cubs to find out. Ask me another time." He dropped back down to his lion form. "I'm sorry Dari, but that body is something else. It's like being in a suit of armor fused with a race car. I'll be happy to give it go, but only well after our boys are born. That is, after all, the most important thing right now." She wanted to ask him what a race car was, but figured she got the idea.

She was far from put off by his refusal. He was being cautious, and that was wise. She opted for him to take a different form, something he himself had made love to in the past. He transformed into the most sultry looking black panther she could possibly imagine. On a whim, he gave himself blue eyes, shot through with green. Talea looked on with envy, but departed the room to give them privacy. "My, my, my. Aren't you a hunk of smoldering felinity! I am so glad that you came back, Jon-Tom. I had great fun the first time, but this is absolutely, positively the best time I've ever had in my long life. I just wish I hadn't had to wait so long for either of them!" He pulled her down onto the bed. "You know, I see what my wife means about talking too much." He kissed her as best as he was able. "More action, less talk!"

She was wise in choosing the position that Talea had done. There was just too much belly to lay on her stomach, and even on her back it jutted skyward. But being on top was absolutely wonderful. The fact that he maintained his human style cock was another plus, for she had dealt with the feline type for years. Some wizard needed to do them all a favor and spell the bristles off. It might be good for the guys, but not so much for the girls. She rubbed her  cunt up and down his shaft, lubricating it. She would run from his scrotum all the way to his tip. With each pass, she swore she was traveling farther. She looked down to see he had purposely lengthened it. "Very funny Jon-Tom!" He wiggled under her. "Hey, what can I say. It felt good. I figured the longer it was, the better it would feel." But he returned it to something she could handle.

She happily slid over his manhood, and in no time had plunged herself ever farther down his length. His tip was tickling her cervix before she stopped pushing. She whispered to him. "I hope the kids don't mind that you're knocking on their door." He spit out a laugh. "That's kind of rude Dari!" She laughed too. "Sorry about that. It just struck me as funny. I shouldn't make light of my pregnancy, seeing as it's my first in nearly two hundred years!" That would have surprised most other males, but Jon-Tom already knew her age. She had been taking the water for years, keeping herself the same age in hopes of restoring her race. If she hadn't, the very world on which they lived would have died. He wasn't certain the logic followed the rules of what he knew of physics, but then physics never had allowed for magic.

"There is nothing wrong with a bit of lightheartedness. You have reason for it now. But what will happen when the children are raised?" She was silent for a moment. "I don't know. I mean, they will be trained in our history and lore, and some will become caretakers of the heart. But you mean me, don't you?" He nodded, quite aware of the sensations coming from her body. "Jon-Tom, I had hoped to restore my race and pass into the great beyond." He looked up at her. "But?" "But now I don't want to die. You have given me my purpose back. I want to live as long as you do." He gently did a few thrusts. "That's no bad thing. Like you, I'm now in no hurry to leave. Neither is Talea. I would be happy to stay here forever." She pulled herself onto him as tightly as she could. "I'm happy to hear you say that. But you understand how this place works. Forever has a far different meaning here than elsewhere." He tickled her insides. "Yes, I know. That's why the water is here. I understood it when I left before. But you know there are times when I will need to leave. I have a duty outside of the highlands. I would return after each trip, I promise you."

She would have replied, but deep inside a growing feeling was reaching into her very fibers. It was an orgasm so strong it might very well have been the onset of labor. She didn't know if it was a mere physical manifestation of pleasure or the release of pent up frustration and anxiety over her life's failings. Some had considered her a goddess; indeed this young human had called her that more than once. She was far from it. She simply had power. The problem was the responsibility that had come with it. Now her tiring lifelong duties could be distributed to her heirs. Then she could actually have a life. And she had the perfect partner. She was so glad his wife had been so instrumental in making this happen. When the time came, she would have to grant her anything that the kingdom could offer.

Her vision clouded and her brain numbed. The overload of stimuli was incredible. She was floating in a vacuum with pinpoints of light, each one bombarding her with pulses of pleasure. She had traveled the stars before, but it had never been like this. A warmth spread over her body. At the same time, she could feel him adding to her fluids with his own. He had done this many times before, but this time there was something different. She could feel a power flowing from him and into her. The pleasure became so intense she had to scream. She tried to muffle the sound, but it came crashing out like a crazed rhinoceros. A final hoarse cry escaped her lips and she fell forward.

When she awoke, she was lying on the bed, stomach up. Jon-Tom was next to her. "My dear beautiful lioness, what a show that was. You would have thought I was killing you." She looked at him tenderly and put her paw to his face. Her claws came out and sunk into his cheek. She pulled him closer. "I'm not stupid spell-singer. What did you do to me?" He ignored the pain in his flesh. "I did the only thing I could have done. Your power has been fading over time. The elixir can restore your health and appearance, but it cannot replenish your magic. That fades over time. It's why all of you die, regardless of the water. I have magic to spare. Since I did not need it, I gave it to you, and through you to our sons. You have yet to show me what you protect here, but I know what I protect. You. You and Talea and everyone else here. Like you, I will do anything it takes to preserve what I make mine. Besides, the king can do as he pleases."

His last statement was true. He could do as he pleased. But transferring power? No one gave up power without gaining something in return. He was gaining nothing. "Jon-Tom. You're either very altruistic or you're a fool. I'd rather like to think you're a fool." He pulled her claws from his face, feeling his power kick in. "Look Dari. I have my own magic, which is formidable now that I can control it. I have some of the power of the unicorn. I didn't ask for it, I got stuck with it. Plus I gained the full powers of an apprentice wizard when I saved her race from destruction, just like I'm doing here. How much do you think I need?" She didn't know the answer to that. But she could find out. She tried her powers. "You need only that which you can expend at a single time. That is well within the limits of your natural power." She started and looked at him. "My ability to see that which is not visible is back!" She concentrated.  She could see a tree. Inside the tree was a home, his home. It had taken her months  to find it before. "Oh Jon-Tom, thank you so much." 

"You don't need to thank me. You should already know I would do anything for the lady with the bottomless pools of blue. My soul sank into them a long time ago. It's never been the same since. For that I thank you from the bottom of my heart."


The Return to the Highlands, Part 3

It was strange seeing a feline in the palace who wasn't snow white. Seeing three was even weirder.  Seeleni, Crasic and Ghertu were there in the capacity of midwife. They were just starting what would be a horrible few weeks as the various females went...

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The Return to the Highlands, Part 1

Jon-Tom came home one day in a very good mood. He had been asked by the local wizard's guild if he would consent to deal with a group of ugly trolls who were terrorizing a mountain village. The town was important because it was home to miners...

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Until Death Do Us Part

Mudge stayed at the guild for several weeks, but he grew increasing restless. Even the continued attention of his ladies was growing old. He knew he needed to leave and do something; anything, to keep his skills honed and his mind clear. Sex was great,...

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