The Return to the Highlands, Part 3

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#22 of The Spellsinger Tales

A continuation, Hence Part 3

It was strange seeing a feline in the palace who wasn't snow white. Seeing three was even weirder.  Seeleni, Crasic and Ghertu were there in the capacity of midwife. They were just starting what would be a horrible few weeks as the various females went into labor. The lynxes were sisters, and they had been preparing for this day for months. It didn't mean that they were ready for it. When the first lioness was ready, they hardly felt up to the task. It made it even more nerve-wracking for them when Talea was the first to go into labor. Jon-Tom refused to be absent. After all of their years together and everything he had seen, he wasn't about to be put off by the birth of his new brood. Besides, he had his healing power to make labor go more smoothly for his wife. He always seemed to have it on hand, but he  just hoped had had some left by the time the last lion was delivered.

Talea was round. She barely had room in her belly for twins; none of the lionesses did. She had complained bitterly about the damage the upcoming births would do to her/their bodies. "Remember husband, I did this for you and your lady friend!" He patted her hand and stroked her belly. If she thought he was being condescending, she didn't say anything. The fact was, a healthy application of his power would restore their bodies to normal. Of course, from what he had seen over the years here, these beings handled it way better than his fellow beings back on Earth.

She was in labor for a few hours before Leona saw the light of day. Leola followed close behind now that the way was clear. They were both beautiful little babies. Since they were twins, they looked identical, posing the problem of telling them apart. But his nose found subtle differences, and his mind latched on to the distinction. The midwives had barely any respite, for Dari went into labor soon after. It was probably because the two ladies had embarked on a contest to see who would be first to conceive. His wife had won. But now it was time to be with Dari. Her labor was shorter and easier. Tolstoy was the firstborn regardless, and he had a small birthmark to make him stand out. Davinci followed a half hour later, apparently in no rush to leave his mother. Like their half sisters, these two cubs were perfect.

Jon-Tom pushed his healing into both of the mothers, and they relaxed on their beds with their cubs. The three lynxes motioned for him to follow them out of the room. He was annoyed but complaint. "We're sorry your majesty, but now is the time that the mothers must bond with the children. There will be time for you to get acquainted with your progeny later. For now we recommend that you too relax. This palace is going to have its paws full once all have been delivered." He agreed. "You're right of course. It has been a bit trying on my nerves as of late. First it was impregnating them, then it was waiting, and now its making sure they all come through this in good health." Seeleni put a paw on his. "Yes, your majesty. You have a done a great thing. If the mistress is correct, then when she would have died, the world would have followed. No wizard could have stopped it. No offense, of course."

"None taken." He had been told once that his magic was powerful enough to stop the world from spinning. He doubted it then, and he doubted it now. Once life had settled down to a dull roar (pun intended) he would have to look into this heart of the earth matter. Crasic drew him to a chair. "Your majesty must remember to look after himself too. You cannot forgo your own health while assisting  the others." She pulled up a stool and began massaging his back. He had to admit, it was nice. Had he realized that he had been so tense he could have used his healing powers. But why brush her off when she trying to help?

The next thing he knewGhertu was massaging his arms. Seelini was observing with a critical eye. "I don't wish to be accused of being a downer, but this looks uncomfortable for the king." Jon-Tom opened an eye. "I'm not complaining." Seelini persisted. "You know, your highness, as a healer, I feel that I should tell you that your massage would work better on a proper surface." He grumbled. He was just getting relaxed. "What do you suggest? My chambers are presently occupied. I don't suppose you could bring a cot or something here?" She twisted up her face in thought. "No, I'm afraid not. Nearly every room is occupied right now. I do have a suggestion, if you would please follow me." He sighed and heaved himself up. "OK. I guess I'll follow. I'll need to find somewhere to sleep tonight anyways.

They led him down the side hallways, down corridors he had not yet traveled. He had no idea how big the palace really was, but it had to be monstrous. Here and there were open doors, and his nose gave names to the personal scents that flowed from the rooms. It was bringing back recent memories of mating. He sighed. Boy, it had been nearly enough to burn him out, but oh had it been fun! The three lynxes stopped in front of an ornate door. He recognized the symbol for the healer guild branded in the wood. "These are our quarters. We apologize for them being so far from the main rooms, but with the water of youth here, there was never much need for our talents."

Seelini opened the door. The aroma of camphor, essential oils, herbals and spices wafted out. It was heady and intoxicating. It was like being in an herbal shop and a bakery all at once. "Please come in your majesty. Pardon the odors, for these rooms have been occupied by the healers for centuries. The walls are rather imbued with the smells of the trade." He walked in and looked around. It reminded him very much of Clothahump's work room. As he ducked under bundles of herbs, rolled up quicho bark, and countless other rarities, he made his way to the back wall. There were four doors, all open. Seelini motioned to a middle one. "This room is presently unoccupied. If it would please you, perhaps you can make it home for the night. And if you would like, we could given you a full treatment. Oils; massage; relaxation therapy. It would not do for our leader to collapse when it can be avoided."

He was feeling a little loopy from the smells. Somewhere in here just might be some good old fashioned grass. He hadn't had any in so long he forgot what it smelled like. Oh well, take what you can get. He got a grin and contorted his body. "Ow!" The ladies stepped back. "What's wrong your majesty!" He grinned from ear to ear. "That was you twisting my arm. I'm all yours." It took a moment for his joke to sink in. "Your majesty is too funny. We would never cause you harm. It's against our code." Seelini poked her sibling Ghertu. "He was actually making a joke sister. He is well aware of our duties. What we need to do is show him our capabilities."

They led him into the room. It was simple enough, with a large bed, clean sheets, a few pieces of furniture, and a mirror. "We healers lead a simple life. On the other hand, we have a lot of free time since our services are needed few and far between. It will be good to feel useful again. Of course, we will be running full time with the children on the way. I expect their mothers will need time to stretch and hunt from time to time. Still, you are the first male we have had the privilege of knowing in a very long time. It will be our honor to assist you." All the while they were talking, they were disrobing him. He should have protested, but there was something erotic about it. They made no attempt at anything sexual, something he found a bit disappointing.

They had him lay on the bed. "Your majesty, we will anoint you with oils before your massage. The process makes it easier to knead your muscles" Each held a small bottle with aromatic oil. It was almost overpowering to his acute sense of smell. They had his four limbs out at his sides, fluffed his mane and went to work. Jon-Tom endured it for about two minutes before realizing that it was almost as good as sex. He slipped into a semi-comatose state. It got to the point where he could hear them, but he was disassociated from his body. He knew they were still working on his muscles, but it was like being in a spa bath. He felt wonderful all over his body.

He was literally floating on another plain. He was feeling things he never had, including one sensation he couldn't place. He forced himself back to the present. One of them was massaging his balls! That wasn't the weird part. Another had rubbed oils on his rectum, and was working in her fingers. He would have complained except that it felt pretty damn good. All of a sudden another set of hands reached under him and found his cock. He heard a little exclamation. "My! You've got a nice one!" Seelini voice whispered in his ear. "Would your majesty please flip over? It's time to work your front. He sighed. His muscles were so loose he didn't think that they would work. But he heaved and rolled over on his back. He got a mild surprise. The ladies had all stripped down. His mind told his that the oils they used might ruin the material. His cock suggested something else.

His cock was right. But the surprises weren't done. His keen eyes noted that each of them was a bit different than the usual females he dealt with. Seelini noticed his scrutiny. "Yes your majesty, we are not normal." Each lady sported a cute cock overhanging their cunt. They were hermaphrodites! He was nearly speechless. "Uh, that's the first time I've ever encountered that. Does it make you female or male?" The lynxes smiled. "Technically it makes us both, but the truth be told, we are sterile as both aspects. We neither have eggs in our ovaries, nor do we make sperm." That sounded pretty sad to the spell-singer. "Is there no way you can fix the problem?" Crasic looked at him. "Do you mean our sexual duality or our infertility?" "Either or both I guess. I'm never discriminatory against someone for what they are, but this sort of ambiguity seems like it would be frustrating." Seelini answered him. "It is sad to know that we can never have children of our own. But sexually, it opens more doors than it closes. We have each other for the release of sexual energies. But you are correct; it's not the same as having a fulfilling life. A true male is something we have never had the chance of bedding. Would your majesty consent?"

It was a lovely idea, but he was king and the sire to four cubs and plenty more on the way. "Look ladies, I'd love to. But since I'm king, I have responsibilities. I cannot go bedding every female in the highlands." That brought forth a giggle from the three lynxes. "You are king! You can do as you please. Lendari said so herself. If you do not wish to, we will understand, but please don't blame it on your position. When you married our mistress you became ruler over every part of Sorenthu. You have the right to ask anything of your subjects. The reason the mistress never married any of the few males to make it here was that they lacked the necessary scruples to rule. You have more than enough to last for eternity." He choked. It came out as a startled roar. "I'm not certain I'd say that!" They hushed him. "Be quiet your majesty. To say anything like that casts doubt on the mistress's judgment. If she says you are honorable, than that is enough for us!"

Who was he to argue? It was true that he had done a lot of good in this world, but he was usually self-depreciating. Perhaps he had better start having a little more pride (no pun intended) in his work. He looked at each of them in turn. "So? Do I commend you to join me in bed, or must you ask permission?" They got sly grins of their faces. "There is no need to command us, but it might make it more fun!" "Fine. I, your king, hereby command that you join me in bed. I command you to entertain me as is fit for a king!"

The oils were out and the girls were all over him. He was used to being an active participant, but Seelini shoved him back down. "This is still a therapy session. The only difference is that now we will receive some much needed therapy as well." They rubbed his chest and his arms, working down to his belly and legs. One of them even massaged his tail. He felt totally relaxed. He felt fingers working his ass again. He hated to admit it, but it was a nice feeling. Someone was stroking his balls, working in the oils. Someone else was stroking his cock. The feeling changed and he knew someone had their mouth over the tip. The overall sensation was too much to handle. The rest of him was relaxed, but that particular part of his anatomy spilled for violently. The mouth never moved. He could feel a suction pulling every last drop as his contractions eased. He glanced down to see Seelini, with a bit of leakage around her lips, smile up at him. "Your majesty blows quite the load. I'm looking forward to having some more inside me, but maybe a little lower?"

He was all for it. The ladies got into position. He had counted on one at a time, but they had other plans. Therefore, is was a surprise when they pulled him down the bed until his tail flopped over the end. One of them got between his legs and slid her cock into his relaxed rectum. Seelini climbed up on his belly, while Ghertu straddled his face. He had heard of a threesome, but this was over the top. Seelini slid over his cock, but had trouble getting any depth. "You highness is a little to large for what I have to offer. Could he perhaps change to something more suitable for a lynx?" He closed his eyes and triggered his power. She slid over with a gasp of satisfaction. He couldn't see her, for his vision was filled with the lovely underside of Ghertu, who was rubbing her crotch in his face. But he could hear her well enough. "Oh, thank you ever so much! It's more than I was asking for!" She did several happy thrusts across his engorged cock.

His only active participation was running his tongue across Ghertu's backside, cunt and cute little cock. He found that he could curl it tight and stick it into her pink recesses or wrap it around the the other. It must have been a good thing for she moaned loudly. He could feel Crasic working away on his ass. It dawned on him that they lacked true male paraphernalia, or else he would be feeling a pincushion  instead of a soft internal massage. It was like having her fingers there, only longer. Seelini was grinding herself down hard. It was the first time she had been with a male; ever. It was the first for all of them. He thought about it. If he was going to fair about it, they would each have to have time in one of the three positions. He wasn't certain that would be enough; for him. This just might be his new favorite activity. He would have to reward them in some fashion.

So went the night. The ladies gave him their all, and he did too. In fact, he gave more than they asked for. By morning, the morning light found the four lynxes curled up together on the bed. Jon-Tom opened his eyes, cursing the ray of light that dared disturb his comfort. His arms held the three ladies in close, still sleeping soundly. He remember the previous night's activities. He had found that having anal sex was pleasurable. He should have figured it out a long time ago, but he was concerned about how he would feel about being on the receiving end. Certainly, many of his partners had not been against it, assuming he didn't try a dry run. He was glad that they had prepared him for it. And their little cocks, which he still though of as more like overly enlarged clitorises, had been kind of fun to play with. But the best was the energies they put into their regular lovemaking. He had been thinking (his usual defect) during it all that he should give them something for all of their services, not only to himself but to Lendari as well.

As he was thinking, he felt his cock harden. It was then that he noticed that someone's paw was still on it. That someone stirred, made a few squeezes and spoke. It was Crasic. "My, your majesty is up early this morning! We must have been derelict in our duties!" The other ladies awoke and stretched. "Indeed! But we have a busy day today. There are many of the lionesses who will be delivering soon. I think we shall find our time limited." It was a let down for Jon-Tom. "What if I commanded you to stay?" There was a giggle. "It is not a matter of what we wish to do, it is what is now necessary. If you command us, we will stay. But I think you really need to see your new cubs and be with your wives. I'm sure we will find time later." He sighed. "Of course you're right. I free you to go about your duties." With a light kiss from each, they vacated the bed and got dressed. Two of them were out the door in a flash. Seelini lingered.

"You're majesty is too kind, thinking of others over his own desires. Allow me to help. She was on top of him in an instant, with her face planted over his cock. She wiggled her ass in front of his face. He rolled his tongue and slid it into her cunt, all the relishing the feel of her mouth over his cock. It didn't take long for either of them to cum. She gulped a few times and slid around on his belly, kissing his chest. "You are a good person, Jon-Tom. I am happy to call you my king!" She slid off the bed, with him right behind her. She turned to look into his eyes. That's when he noticed...her eyes.  They were level with his. That was wrong. He looked up at the mirror and was greeted with a vision of a lynx couple. "Uh, Seelini, when did I change?" She ran her paws across his chest. "You don't remember? I asked you for something to fit inside my lynx body. I assumed you were going to adjust your cock size, which I heard rumors you could do. Instead, you chose this form, which was much better!" She kissed him again and left. As she departed the room, she called back. "You might want to wash. All those oils will make sitting on the throne rather slippery!"

He took her advice and washed, but only after reverting to lion form. As the last of the oils swirled down the drain, he sighed. That had been a lot of fun. It had been sex and relaxation, not a push, push, push until this or that female had been made pregnant. Listen to myself, he thought. Here I am complaining about the quality of the sex I was having! Mudge would have my balls in a noose if he knew. He dried off, dressed and headed to his chambers. Talea and Dari were awake and feeding the cubs. Both mothers looked radiant. Talea saw him first. "There you are! I wondered were you went. Did you have a good night?" He kissed her on the head. "Yes I did. The healers said that I needed to look after myself, as well as the mothers of my cubs." Dari raised an eyebrow. "And did they extend their powers to the utmost pinnacle?" He wrinkled his nose at her. "Why yes they did!"

Four more sets of twins were delivered that day. It turned out to be the average number, so over the next month, the lynxes were kept rather busy. They demurred from more sexual activity, claiming that they needed their rest to see to the mothers, both pre and postpartum. After a week, he laid down the law. "The king commands it!" They shuffled into the room, looking tired. "It's not that we don't wish to have some fun, but we really are worn out." Jon-Tom looked at each of them. "So, your spirits are willing but your flesh is weak?" "Seelini ran that through her head. "Yes, that about sums it up your majesty. For some reason we are fatigued." "OK. First of all, quit calling me that. It gets old really fast. My name is Jon-Tom. Secondly, come here." As they came forward, he pressed his head against theirs. Each one brightened, the droop from their shoulders was gone, and the tiredness left their bones. "Oh my. And to think we call ourselves healers! I wish I could do that!" He laid down on the bed and appraised his subjects. "So, who goes first?"

The day finally came when the last of the lion cubs were born. It was to Ortay, the only bay cat on the highlands. She was as rare as the white lions, but had selflessly offered to repopulate Lendari's species. Jon-Tom knew that he had to offer anything within his power to each and every one who had sacrificed to keep the line going. It could not have been a easy choice, he thought. It was Ortay who had corrected him. He remembered their night together when she conceived. "We are all here thanks to the kindness of our queen. If it were not for her, I would be nothing more than a memory. Like her, my kind has faded. It is a part of life, I know, but it still makes me sad. The world changes and we must change with it, or we get left behind. Here, time is different. Here, perhaps I can make a stand like her. Of course if I die, the world continues. If she dies, the world stops."

He could see in his memory Ortay's natural form, for he remembered her from before. They had refrained from sex then due to their incompatible sizes. "So you're willing to have children that will not benefit you in the long run?" She had bitten him hard. "You live on this great space ball too, don't you? You see, a lot of those who came here to the highlands, did so as a last resort. But time still catches up with you. So many have faded away. I remember the elders; the saber tooths, the giant cheetahs, the cave lions, the great leopards. Time moved on and forgot about them. I am nothing so great, but I do not wish to be like them." He had considered that for a moment. "You know, I've heard of the saber tooths before. A friend of mine had an encounter with one." She was not convinced. "Maybe, but have you yourself laid eyes on one?" He had to admit he had not.

It brought to mind his brief transformation as a Giant Cheetah. It had been nothing he was aiming for. In fact, he had never even heard of it. It was a magnificent beast, but was it worth bringing back to this world. In his own, many creatures died off, whether due to changing times or to his own stupid negligent, shortsighted species. Was there any good to come from trying? Better yet, since he knew he could, was there any point in doing it? It was a moral question he wasn't prepared to answer just then. Tackle one problem at a time, he had been told more than once.

With the cubs all born and healthy, he was ready to relax. It was then that something else rose up to confront him. It wasn't bad, and he had been expecting it. He just didn't know when the parties involved would catch on. When they did, they weren't as happy as he thought they would be. Seelini was nearly caustic at first. "Begging your pardon your majesty," using the term in her anger, "who gave you the right to do this?" He smiled at her display. "I'm king. I decided. I did it under my own power and discretion. If you would like, I can take back what I have given." Her eyes got wide. "You wouldn't!" He shrugged. "Wouldn't I? I figured the least you could do was thank me." Talea had not figured out what the fuss was about. Dari had an idea. "Jon-Tom, did you...?" He smiled. "I tipped the scales. They were neither male nor female. There is nothing wrong with being different, but being sterile was unfair. I pushed my healing to tip the scales in favor of the female side. Turning into a lynx gave them the seed to conceive, just like it did you."

Dari smiled down on the three. "Are you not happy?" Seelini was still seething. "Yes, but he never asked us if it was what we wanted!" The queen flared her nostrils. "Well, was it?" "Well yes, but there is more!" The queen listened patiently. "He did something else to you? Change your anatomy to something more fitting?" "No mistress. He gave us his power!" Dari looked at Jon-Tom. "You did something similar to me, I seem to recall. How much do you think you can part with?" He made an expansive gesture with his hands. "As much as I want. I'm king after all. Besides, I have to top it off. Ever since I came here, it has been growing inside like, well like...a child. I might as well be pregnant too! It's not like I have lost any magic in doing so. Being here has caused it to increase. If I don't start using it or giving it away, I have no idea what will happen."

Dari was confused. "You mean all of your transformations, your extension of your talent of healing, all of that hasn't drained your power?" He shrugged. "As long as I eat enough food to keep my body going, if seems I can generate lost magic faster than rabbits can breed." Talea coughed. "Or lions?" Dari hushed her. "This is a serious problem. A body can only contain so much magic. After too much builds up, the body it is tied to will self-consume. I had hoped this would not be the case with you." That got him thinking. "To me?" "Yes, to you. You see Jon-Tom, it has happened to every other male here. The magic inside builds. You came here with the magic of three! At least you have been wise in unloading it. But the time will come when you will either have to leave or be consumed by that within you."

That got him thinking. He was also using the anti-aging water, as had everyone else. "Dari, what can you tell me about the water?" It was a question no one had ever asked. They simply thanked its properties. "I don't know really. It has been bubbling up here on the highlands for centuries. As you are aware, it removes the years from your body, dependent on how much you take." He was thinking. "Can an overdose kill you?" She protested. "The water is not toxic!" "Yes I know. But if I were to take enough to wipe sixty years off of my life, and I was only fifty five, what would happen?" It had been a question asked before. "I don't know. Hypothetically speaking, you would revert to the egg from which you were conceived." He nodded. "Which, since it was outside the body in which it was conceived, would die." "Yes, I suppose so."

"I wonder if the water has something to do with the increase in your magic?" This from Talea. "No darling, I don't think it does. You see, Dari has been drinking it for a few centuries, but her magic has diminished until only recently." She smiled lovingly at him. "But only thanks to you!" "There must be something else boosting it. The question is, what and why?" Dari sighed and cuddled her cubs closer. "I really don't know Jon-Tom. But I will say this. You have done more in the short time you have been here, than a hundred males have been able to do in two centuries. I would prefer it if you wouldn't go up in flames."

By this time the three lynxes were bowing at his feet. "We are so sorry your maj..." He glared. "Uh, remember? Jon-Tom will do." "We are sorry Jon-Tom. We thought that you felt that you owed us in some way." He snarled, making them draw back. He converted it to a smile. "You three are as deserving as any here. What I gave you was a gift; from me. It matters not if you think you deserve it; I think you deserve it. Therefore it was given. There are no strings attached. I commanded you once, and that was when I decided you needed a reward for your faithful service. It is now up to you to make the best of it." They bowed and returned to their quarters.

Talea, with a cub cradled in each arm, came up to her husband and kissed him. "You do good work husband!" Dari did the same. "I agree. But the problem remains as to your magic. How strong is it?" It was a good question. "I don't really know. How does one measure it?" That too was a good question. Dari had no answer for it. "You see, Jon-Tom, a wizard is often stingy with his magic, knowing that it is finite. It is conversely proportional to his age and wisdom. A young wizard will use more than he should because he knows no better. An old wizard uses it more wisely because he knows he has less. Only a few run counter to this." He sighed; again. "And I suppose I'm one of the lucky few?" "So it would seem. It may be the combination of your otherworldly self, combined with the spell-singing, the healing power and the addition of another wizards fresh power. It could be causing a self-perpetuating loop."

Talea was confused. "A what?" Jon-Tom knew what it was. "She means that my natural power is being recycled through the unicorn's healing power, boosted by the power I got from Marianis. But I've had the same powers for years. Why would it start growing now?" Dari could only guess. "It must be something here in the highlands. This place is old and imbued with great power. Perhaps you are somehow absorbing it directly into your body. I just can't say for certain." He scratched his head. "That might be so. It would account for what happened to the others!" "Yes," said Dari sadly, "yes, it would."

Jon-Tom sat down heavily. "I guess I'm going to have to figure this one out for myself, hopefully before I become one with the cosmos!"


The Return to the Highlands, Part 4

A few months had passed in the highlands. The lionesses and their cubs had all weathered the time well, as had Jon-Tom. The only new development was the birth of three extraordinary lynx cubs. The three healers were delighted about being pregnant, once...

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The Return to the Highlands, Part 2

Several months later found the palace filled with pregnant females. I need not mention to you how that happened, unless you would like a detailed account of each and every encounter he had with each and every willing female there. I mean, I could. But...

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The Return to the Highlands, Part 1

Jon-Tom came home one day in a very good mood. He had been asked by the local wizard's guild if he would consent to deal with a group of ugly trolls who were terrorizing a mountain village. The town was important because it was home to miners...

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