The Return to the Highlands, Part 1

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#20 of The Spellsinger Tales

His past once again comes back to haunt the spellsinger. In this tale, part one of a series, Jon-Tom reunites with another love of his, one he has never spoken of before now, and for good reason.

Jon-Tom came home one day in a very good mood. He had been asked by the local wizard's guild if he would consent to deal with a group of ugly trolls who were terrorizing a mountain village. The town was important because it was home to miners excavating rare minerals and gems. Jon-Tom wasn't impressed by that, but he was curious about the trolls. There had never been mention of such in this world before. Disappointment was going to be the word of the day..

It turns out the "trolls" were a family of gorillas who had contracted a nasty form of mange. With their fur in clumps and sores on their bodies, they looked dreadful. They had been looking for help, but since everyone ran away from them for this reason, they grew increasingly ill-tempered. Who could blame them? In the end, after much gentle persuasion, Jon-Tom got them all together and sang a song of healing. When he was done he admitted openly that they were the most handsome primates he had ever seen in his life. It was a lie really, but he told them that anyway. They needed the boost to their morale. Once the villagers learned their mistake, they were ever so sorry. Jon-Tom didn't believe it for a minute but kept his mouth shut. The situation ultimately worked out even better than he could have hoped though, for the town needed extra hands capable of heavy lifting. When he left, the townspeople and the apes were as happy as he could expect them to be.

Now that he was back to the Bellwoods, he had every intention of relaxing with his wife. She had been entertaining him over the years with her transformations. He considered having her try a gorilla form tonight, but he had already had several offers in that regard that he had turned down in the most respectful of manners. So maybe he would ask her another day. He came through the door, half expecting her to greet him. That was when he heard the voices. One had to be his wife, he was certain, but she sounded odd. The other voice was female too, but he couldn't quite place it. He hung his cape and duar on a hook and entered the sitting room. He looked from chair to chair and sat down hard on the floor. His legs didn't give him time to find a chair of his own.

Here were two visions of perfection. The first time he had seen such a sight, like this anyway, was with Roseroar. Since she was departed from this world, neither image could be her. One of them could be, had to be, his wife. As he glanced between them, one looked shocked at his impromptu test of gravity and the other said, "Nice! Do you always show off your innate grace to guests in this fashion?" "Talea?" "Yes husband. I was entertaining our recent visitor. You should recall Lendari. It seems you entertained her once or twice in the past?" His day just went to hell in a hand basket. Lendari? She wasn't supposed to know he was still alive, much less have figured out where he lived. Oh, he was as good as dead! He struggled to his feet and stood on wobbly legs. "Lendari, I can explain." The White Lioness with the Ocean Blue eyes, shot through with seaweed green, purred out, "I didn't come here for an explanation. I came for help."

Talea smiled with her nearly identical face. "We've had a wonderful little discussion while we waited for you to return. By the way, how did it go?" He gulped. "It went just fine. I handled the whole problem with a single song." He was staring at Lendari. "Great Queen of the Hidden Highlands of Sorenthu, what brings you to my humble abode." Talea choked out. "Damn It!!!! Jon-Tom, not another one?!!" The lioness started, upsetting her glass. "Excuse me? What does she mean, another one? Do you consort with royalty with such abandon?" Talea answered for him. "Your majesty, allow me to ask your forgiveness for not using your title earlier. If I had only known..." The lioness dismissed her apology with a wave of her paw. "If I dwelt on such things you would have been appraised of my status upon my arrival. Out here, my title means nothing. It may mean nothing back in the highlands either if I don't receive some assistance."

Jon-Tom was listening to her intently, all the while fighting down an erection of enormous proportions. His body was reacting in a rather embarrassing manner. His normal cock was large enough for most females, but his present growth threatened to rupture his pants. He panicked and forced it into the size of a lemur's, which was effective at hiding it, though not in softening it. Oh the time he had spent with Lendari! She was a goddess in her own right. His emotions for her were still branded in his memories like the afterimage of a lightning bolt. He had never discussed her case with anyone. His promise to keep her kingdom secret had been the price of his being allowed to leave. The problem hadn't been in leaving. It had been in wanting to leave. And here she was again, looking no older than the first day his eyes beheld her magnificence.

He cleared his head. Oh that day was a humdinger! He was walking along, minding his own business, when he was nearly stampeded by a herd of yellow scaled lizards. He turned to watch them run off into the distance when he was knocked off his feet and to the ground hard, the air from his lungs joining the breezes swirling across the plain. When he came to his senses, the loveliest blue eyes were staring down at him. He was staring into them now. Just like then, he felt himself falling into their depths, his soul drowning in their infinite promise. Talea's voice, with a distinct purr, called him back.

"Jon-Tom, quit drifting off on us dear. It's ever so impolite." He blinked a few times before he managed to clear his head. "Sorry about that. I believe something of the kind happened the first time we met." Talea didn't know who he was talking about. "I do say husband dear I think your brain is addled. When we first met you were with Mudge and I was looking for some help in disposing of some bodies I had just relieved of their trinkets." The lioness made a face. "I hope that was a joke." Lioness Talea smiled, showing her set of pearly whites. "Not in the least. That was back in the days when I was rather less savory. I've improved a lot since then." Jon-Tom cut in. "Yes she has. She has even spent time as a queen in her own right!" Lendari raised an eyebrow. "Well, I am intrigued. It seems that we will have much to discuss on our trip."

"Trip?" Jon-Tom gulped his heart back into his chest. The lioness carried on as if she hadn't heard him. "We will need to leave soon, unless your magic is a little better attuned than it was when I first met you?" He stuttered a little,. "I tthink I ccan perform wwell enough for wwhatever yyour nneeds are..." The lioness smiled and licked her lips. "Ooh good! Just like before. You were such a dear." Talea had shifted from her lion form back into being a human. Her eyes were fixed on her husband. "I'm not even going to ask. But I think I deserve some details before I go sprinting across the world to; where is it again?" The lioness purred out the words, "The  Hidden Highlands of Sorenthu." Talea scratched her head. "I've never heard of them. Somewhere around Kellarkel?" Jon-Tom knew of Kellerkel. This wasn't even close. Lendari must have been traveling a long time to get here.

He found his voice and took command of it. "The highlands are in the far north, past the Ourthis Plateaus. They are a wonder to behold. Without a doubt they should remain cold and snow covered, but are instead perpetually warm and tropical. There is some very old magic in that place which protects all that lives there." Talea grasped his arm. "But Jon-Tom, you've never mentioned this place in all the years we've been together. How come?" The lioness spoke with the sound of birds singing after an afternoon rain. "Because he has kept his promise to me. It was really too bad he would not stay. He would have been an excellent king."

Talea tightened her grip on his arm. Her tone was terse. "So, my husband. Is there more children out there that I don't know about?" The lioness smiled. "Children? How do you suppose we would have done that, you silly girl. There is no way..." The red-head  held her finger up to the lioness' mouth. "I'll have you know he has children from three separate species. So I will ask again, are there children I need to know about." The lioness for once appeared confused. "But Jon-Tom, we tried for so long. How did you finally manage to do it?" Jon-Tom knew his goose was cooked. "Lendari, remember Roseroar." The lioness purred. "Yes, an excellent choice in a mate. It was too bad that you two couldn't..." He coughed. "It turns out we were able to procreate. I have two daughters that share the rule in Colivra."

The lioness thought this over. "You will need to explain this to me. The last you told me you had no intention of returning to her. But who are your other children?" Talea stood proudly. "We have a son together!" "Yes, that is good, but then you are naturally compatible!" Jon-Tom thought of all the times he and Talea had fought. Compatible wasn't quite the right word. "Dari (here he started using her nickname), I have a son who is a phoenix. His mother was an eagle." She processed this information. "An eagle who lays with a human to produce a phoenix? That is beyond the scope of my powers to comprehend. So there are more?" He sighed. "Yes. I have children by unicorns." Her eyes got huge. "You know Jonny-Tom, I remember when I held you in awe of my power. To think I have lived so long as to have the tables turned on me."

He had to ask. "So you're saying that we never did produce an heir for the kingdom?" She reached out and grabbed his shoulders and pulled him in. She kissed his head gently. "No, spell-singer, we did not. But now you give me renewed hope. A child is what I must have, in some fashion or another." Talea was displeased with where this was going. "Are you suggesting that my husband become your bed mate until you two have a child together?" The lioness purred. "You read my mind exactly." The red-head got her dander up. Everyone was always wanting to screw her husband. "And why should I consent to allow this lanky miscreant to do such a thing?" It was Jon-Tom who answered. "Because she is the last one of her kind."

Dari spoke to Talea. "It's true. You got my hopes up when you changed into one of my kind. It was an amazing display of magic, one that I hoped would prove beneficial to my need. And understand, my need is great. For when I finally die, the highlands will go with me. We are one and the same." That knocked the wind out of Talea's sails. Her husband always managed to do so much good. She hardly had the right to deny someone something as important as propagating their species. After all, he had managed to work things out with that group of ring-tail mongooses. But he had managed that without dipping his wick, so to speak. She was angry, partially with herself and partially with life. She made a decision she hoped she would never have reason to regret.

"It will be done." The lioness looked on with kindness. "I thank you dear woman for your blessing, though it is hardly needed." Talea's temper kicked in. In an instant she had assumed the form of the nastiest looking wyvern he had ever seen. She hissed out, "My blessing will have everything to do with your salvation. I wouldn't take it too lightly!" The lioness stepped back in alarm. Talea flared her scales.  Jon-Tom spoke during the intervening silence. "Uh, Lendari, I would suggest you respect my wife and her decisions. As you can see, she is formidable in her own right, just as you are. I would hope you two can get along. Besides, I have the feeling that she is way ahead of us on this one. Am I right dear?"

She lashed out with her tail and nailed his leg, dropping him to the ground. Boy was she pissed! "Yes, I think I am. And I don't need some hussy from far away insulting me when I think I have a solution. Which, by the way, is going to leave a bad taste in my mouth." Blue eyes stared back. "I don't understand darling..." Talea bit him on the leg - hard. He yelped. She let loose and changed back, eyes glowing like embers. The lioness was alarmed, but Jon-Tom waved her away. "I'm fine; see?" She watched in fascination as the oozing bite filled in and healed. "Jonny-Tom, you never had such power in the past. What have you been doing with yourself?" Talea cut in. "It's what happens when he goes messing with powers he doesn't understand." "You mean like wizards and the like?" Talea had her hands on her hips. "No, you great white furry fool! Women!"

Whatever plan Talea had to help, she wasn't letting them in on it. She had been royally pissed off by the whole thing and refused to elaborate. All she said was that she was coming or no one was going, unless it was the lioness. She could go right back to where she had come from for all she cared.  Jon-Tom hoped that she would simmer down enough to let them in on her plan. Apparently she was going to tell them when she was good and ready. He sighed, for he knew that is was better to let her unwind in her own way, and had pulled out his duar for a traveling song. Lendari reminded him that he would not be able to make the entire trip that way. "The magic that protects the plains is still quite significant." He countered her. "I believe I can land us where we want to be." She was quiet. Considering how his magic had grown and her's had weakened, he very well could be correct.

His strumming on the strings of his duar picked up speed. The song was hypnotic, a lovely lilting melody, but the words shocked her into  harsh clarity. He was singing the Poem of the Twin Pools! All at once the world flipped upside down and inside out. When reality folded back in on itself, the three of them were standing on the front steps of a spacious palace. She lost her balance and fell against a white pillar encircled with flowering vines.  She looked around to make sure it was truly home. The air was fresh, the sky was clear and the mountains surrounding her home were white capped and forbidding. She was glad the trip had been short. The passage through those mountains was arduous.

Talea was looking around. "What, no guards? What kind of palace is this?" "The best kind. Mine!" The lioness said as she got her feet under her and walked up the steps. Once inside, she pulled a cord. A gong could be heard in the distance. In a few minutes the pattering of soft feet could be heard coming down a side corridor. All at once a lovely ocelot came into view. She stopped, her eyes lit up, and she launched herself at the lioness. "Oh Great Queen, you have returned!" She looked at the humans. She recognized the spell-singer right away. "And you've brought back that wonderful lover! Hello Jon-Tom. It's been too long!" Talea let loose a low growl from deep within her throat. He looked, alarmed.. She hadn't even changed form yet. Throwing caution to the wind he opened his mouth. "Yes, Huwen, but you never said it was too long back then." The ocelot giggled. "No, but it was nearly too large. You used to rearrange my insides in such a..." She trailed off as she noticed the human female. "Uh, I suppose this is your wife?"

He nodded. Nothing else needed to be said. But the smaller feline wasn't done. "Dearest madame, I envy you. You have the most talented, kind, and sympathetic male in the entire world. It was once our plan to split him into many pieces and grow ourselves duplicates. Sadly, such magic doesn't exist." Talea was a bit mollified. At least she didn't turn into another minor dragon and wreak more havoc. His wife stuck out her hand and grasped the ocelot's. "He is something. Some days I'm just not certain what though." The ocelot smiled weakly, not certain what she meant by that statement.

Lendari motioned for them to follow her.  They passed through several corridors, hallways and into an atrium lit from above with a beautiful skylight. The sun's rays hit the glass and refracted onto the walls like little stars. Some of them hit the water burbling in the simple fountain sitting in the center. Talea went to run her hands through it, but was warned away by the rest. Jon-Tom made it clear she didn't want to do that. "Uh Talea, that water had best be left alone. If you're thirsty, I'm sure something can be provided." The lioness agreed. "Yes, we have supplies of just about anything your heart might desire. There are even still bottles of wine from the steppes of Sarwol in the cellars." That got Talea's ears to perk up. "Really? I thought that all of those vintages were long gone after fire swept the vineyards away. If you still have some, they must taste exquisite."

Jon-Tom had just learned something new. The steppes he had never heard of, and with his mental map gone, he couldn't call the place up. "Uh, ladies, I must admit I have no knowledge of this place. Where is it and when was this fire?" His wife put a hand on his shoulder. "Wow, something you don't know! Well, husband of mine (she said this to stress her right to him) the steppes are behind the Gorol Peaks. You know; where Rockhaven sits. The weather was perfect for growing grapes, and the grapes were even more perfect for making wine. The longer the wine aged, the better it tasted. If your friend here has some bottles, they are worth a king's ransom, for they would have to be at least 120 years old." The queen corrected her. "True, but these are from the Lorati Estate, from their private reserve. They date back some 150 years."

The spell-singer shook his head. He never had much of a taste for wine, having followed Mudge's lead in preferring Lythgoria brandy. But heck, if someone wanted to open a rare vintage just for him, he wasn't going to complaint. "Wine it is, if her majesty doesn't mind." She purred, "For you Jon-Tom, anything within my power!" The ocelot ran off to fetch a bottle. The remaining three retired to an outside portico set with wrought tables and chairs. Lendari looked to Talea. "So she-human, what is your proposal?" Now that it came down to it, Talea's idea did seem to hold as much water as she had originally hoped.

"My dearest queen, my idea has merit, though  now that I have thought about it, it has flaws." The queen was hardly crestfallen. "Every plan does have its flaws. That does not necessarily void its usefulness. Please tell us what it is." She sucked in a breath and began. "I have the ability, which you have witnessed, to become any creature that has ever existed. That talent was not originally mine, but belonged to Roseroar, a gift from my husband." At that, the lioness looked over to the spell-singer, but said nothing. Talea continued. "When she was dying, she gave it to me. I didn't think such a thing was possible, but it was." The lioness pondered that for a moment. "Are you suggesting that you give it to me? That is very kind, but it would be of no use. I don't want to change, I want to breed!" Jon-Tom started to interrupt, but is wife kicked him. "Let me finish! Yes queen, it would serve little purpose to you, though it would still work if you stretched your mind to it. However, you are not the person I was suggesting I give it to." Silence. "Then who would you give it to?" The red-head turned to her husband. "Him!"

Jon-Tom was amazed. The idea had never occurred to him that she could transfer her power over to him. It would have been another solution to some of his stickier problems in the past. His wife continued. "You see, if he becomes a male white lion, then you two can propagate. I don't have to like it, but I do consent." The lioness purred. "So what is the flaw? Your logic seems impeccable to me." Talea turned to her husband. "Jon-Tom, what was that fable you told me from your world. The first humans?"

The spell-singer chuckled a little. "That's not supposed to be a fable. It's from something deeper than that." She laughed. "Sure it is. Believing in that nonsense in this world will get you declared cuckoo!" He turned to the queen. "The story is of the first human male being created by a god. Since this god made no mate for him, he fixed the problem by taking one of his ribs and making a female from it." The queen considered the story. "So then, basically your telling me that this god, who was supposed to so powerful, was too stupid to make both sexes in his creation? And in making a she from his parts, does that not make her his sister? That would mean your entire race was born of incest. I find that disgusting!" Talea stepped in. "My point exactly. If you and my husband manage to have children, they will be brothers and sisters. Your future generations will be living under that curse. It would be far better, I think,  to  die out with dignity."

Jon-Tom's mind was racing. Not over the story, with which he had doubts over since his earliest years.  Really, he thought, if the those kids found wives out in the world, then where the hell had they come from? No, he was thinking about a unique possibility. "Talea, I have a proposal for you." She looked at him and winked. "Don't you usually? What's it this time?" Since the wine had not yet made it to the table, he motioned for them to stand. He led them back to the fountain and pool. He stuck in the tip of his finger and put it in his mouth. Lendari growled menacingly, which made Talea cringe. So did her husband's action. "Jon-Tom, you said that was poison!" The queen snarled out, "It is not!" So which was it. Jon-Tom stretched his shoulders. "That can sure make a difference." He looked at the queen. "I know, I promised I would never touch it, but these are extraordinary times. And besides, I believe that my wife will need some to make this work."

Talea was confused. Water that they weren't supposed to touch, only it wasn't poison. She put her hands on her hips. "Just what the hell is going on you two?" Jon-Tom chuckled. "Oh dearest wife, this is Lendari, daughter of Hashi, daughter of Selif, the original queen. Selif died over 400 years ago." She still didn't grasp the situation. "Talea darling, this is a fountain of youth. If you were to inadvertently drink from it, it would erase the years on your body in a blur." She noticed that his graying hair had disappeared, to be replaced by his normal color. The lioness sniffed diffidently.

"That is true, and in demonstrating it's power you broke your promise. You must fulfill your part of the agreement." He nodded. "I know. But I hope the ends shall prove beneficial to the means." His wife was catching on that there was something here she wasn't going to like. "Jon-Tom?" He shrugged his shoulders, relishing how they didn't pop and creak. "I promised her that if I ever touched that water, I would marry her. Sorry about that. I never figured it would ever come up again before I died. I guess I was wrong." Her eyes narrowed.  "So be it. But what of me?" He grabbed her hand and held it tight. "You will always be my wife, from now until we die. But I must fulfill a contract such as this. To not do it would be ruinous. But I will tell you my idea." He sucked in a breath.

"It's simple really. I want you to change to a white lion, imbibe the water, the give me your power." She scratched her head. "And what will that do?" He smiled at her lovingly. "It will make you young enough to have children again. And then there will be two lines for the species to carry on with, even if they both have the same father. It will certainly be better than the alternative." She thought it out. "But Jon-Tom, I can't do it. If I have children, I would want to raise them. I would never be able to give birth to more children, or cubs, without wanting to hold them and love them and care for them." She was crying. Funny how not that long ago she was a dragon leaving bite marks in his flesh. "You don't have to worry. We'll live out the rest of our lives here if necessary, and raise another family.

Talea changed, and was ready to put her paw in the water. Two voices stopped her. "Whoa dear," he said. "This stuff is potent. The queen will mix some with regular water to dilute it to the necessary strength. You see what my fingertip's worth did. I need you to be younger, not infantile." She got a sly look on her face. "You know Jon-Tom, my early sexual experiences weren't all that great. Maybe I should start over..." She let her words hang. He looked at her lovingly. "If there's time later, and you wish it, then perhaps I can make it so." He got a hard on thinking about it.

By this time the wine was served. The ocelot called them back to the portico, where some fine cheeses were laid out as well. The wine bottle was a nasty thing. One side of it was thick with dust and mold. But the wine in the diminutive glasses was as brilliant red as the throat of a hummingbird. The aroma was of roses, oranges, and something else he couldn't quite place. A touch to his lips flooded his mouth with heady flavors. Lendari didn't touch hers, but instead stood, excused herself and left. She was back in a moment without explaining were she had been. She drank her wine and offered more. No one refused. After the third glass, Talea was growing impatient. "So, when are we going to handle this transformation." The queen purred. "Oh, you mean making you young and fit and  viable again?" "Yes, that's what I mean!" Jon-Tom poked her. "First of all it's not polite to talk to the queen that way. Second of all, if you were  any younger, I'd get it for child molestation!"

The queen presented her with mirror. What Talea saw was a lovely young lioness. She could feel the heat rising in her as she stared. She transformed to her human self and dropped the mirror. There, staring back wide eyed, was a red headed, freckled little girl just barely in her breeding years. "Shit!" It was only now, in her true form, that she noticed her voice was higher. "How did you do this?" Then her eyes narrowed. "You spiked my drink!" The lioness laughed. "Yes, I did. I figured it was best not to allow you to get worked up over it. The question is, would you prefer your husband to be a bit younger as well? His seed is still potent, but it seems he will be satisfying two females, full time. It hardly seems fair to tire out an old man." Jon-Tom heartily agreed with her assessment.

Ten minutes and thirty five years later, a young spell-singer stood looking at his two new mates. "Well Talea, let's do this transfer and get it over with." The young lioness came forward, put her hand to her chest and gathered a light. With her other hand, she pulled loose a portion of it and pressed it against his flesh. It crawled across the surface of his skin before sinking in. He shuddered as it latched onto his soul. He could feel its power, but didn't know how to use it. He was thinking of a male counterpart, but was uncertain how to activate it. "Talea, how do you...?" She was staring at him, lust in her eyes. "I think you already did it, my love. You look good enough to eat right down to your bone!"

The queen laughed. "Your wife's exuberance was once mine. Even the fountain of youth can't take away the wearing away of ones zest for life by the ravages of experience. Or can it?" She poured a few drops of the water into her glass of wine and poured it down. In a moment there were two hormonal lionesses to deal with. He was ready! The problem erupted as to who was going to go first. Jon-Tom settled it pragmatically. "Lendari, you know we have to get married first, or the cubs won't be legitimate heirs. Therefore, you get things organized for the wedding and I'll entertain my wife Deal?" "Deal!"

Talea didn't inquire as to where their quarters would be. She dragged her husband down and started undressing him. Her own dress was a loose fitting pullover, and her present form wasn't too much larger that her normal stature. She had it off in between disrobing various garments from his body. The queen bowed out politely. "I'll not stand in the way of progress!" She was into the palace proper with the ocelot in hasty attendance. "Rrrroaw!" Cried Talea. "I haven't felt like this in years! It seems that every part of me wants every part of you! You had better deliver mister!" Her paws went to his crotch. He already had a hard-on." She knew his propensity for talking and shut him up by jumping on his pelvis and sliding over his cock. "Ouch!" She had forgotten not only about her hymen, but that cats had a rather bristly cock. "Jon-Tom, I intend to enjoy myself, so turn that thing into your normal pleasure-inducing manflesh...only a little smaller please!" Once he was suitably endowed, she tried again. Her maidenhead had to go. She pushed down hard and with a grunt, popped over his cock. A little trickle of red dribbled down onto his belly.

"Ooooh that's nice!" She purred. "Now push it in deeper Jon-Tom. Adjust it if you have to. I want all of you inside me!" Jon-Tom was gaining momentum while simultaneously configuring his size and shape for maximum efficiency. By that he meant the most pleasure for the bang. Or was bang for the buck? No, that would have been that time with the elk harem at..." He drifted away from that thought and onto the present. He hardly needed to have his normal size for her present form. She was tight at half his size. Her furry cunt lips were stretched to capacity, with their fine hairs tickling his shaft. He was already thinking about plugging away on her ass, but he knew that would have to wait until she was with child. It wasn't that Talea would mind, but his primary goal right now was producing children. Once she was pregnant, there would be time for other pleasures.

When they were done later, his tail hurt from being crooked under him the whole time. Having never had to deal with such a thing, he found it more novel than irritating. Besides,  his front "tail" was presently smarting from pounding the daylights out of his transformed wife. Damn, he thought, look at all the fun I missed when I was xenophobic! Of course, he couldn't go back and relive his life, but he could try things again now that his body was rejuvenated. Talea was picking up on his thoughts. "You know Jon-Tom, we can start over. I mean, Buncan is on his own and we hardly see him anymore. I'm sure if you drop him a line from time to time he won't worry too much. I find that I like it here. I thought I was too old to be useful anymore, but now I'm not so sure."

"Talea! You're my wife. How can you say you're not useful?" She smiled thinly before frowning. "Dearest husband. Look at all you have done over the years. Compare that with what I have done. The scale is heavily lopsided in your favor. But now, just maybe, I can have a shot at redemption. I have found that doing good makes you feel better than doing bad. If my participation will help such a beautiful place as this to remain intact in this world, then I will have done a good thing." He was angry at her self depreciation. "Look wife, I know about your past, better maybe even than you do. I have never held your past against you, anymore than you did mine. You have done some great things; you have been and still are, a queen. Your kingdom is my heart!"

Tears flowed from her eyes. "Oh, Jon-Tom! Over the years you've said some very stupid things. You've just erased every one of them!" She thanked him by holding him down and making making passionate for another hour, by which time they were both beginning to feel it. She was going to change into a unicorn and heal them both, but found herself locked into her present form. "Sorry! I forgot!" He pushed her off, gently, and drew on the form of Dhoov Capell. In an instant he was back to working order, and a touch of his horn to her head restored her as well. They were set to resume their sexual activity when Lendari walked in on them.

"I appreciate your vigorous attempts at repopulating my species, but can I ask that you take a break." She looked Jon-Tom up and down, remembering his claim of kinship to the magical equine. "So I see. A unicorn. You will need to tell me all about it when you have time to spare away from your wife. Of course, by this time tomorrow, I can claim that title as well." The spell-singer's eyes lit up. "That's right, our wedding! You mean to say you have already made the necessary arrangements?" The queen did a curtsy. "It is a mere formality. Any pairing, regardless of the species, is dependent on the resolve of the two involved. In this way, it doesn't denigrate your vows to your woman, except perhaps the matter of fidelity. But where there is leeway allowed, much can be accomplished."

Talea was on her feet. Lendari nodded to her and then looked around her backside. "Blood? I hate to ask, but how is it that you're a virgin after all of these years?" She started to explain, but her husband stopped her. "I'll explain tomorrow during our matrimonial conjugation." The queen fell down laughing. "Our what? Look Jon-Tom, we skipped that formality decades ago. Tomorrow night you and I are going to screw like you and your wife have been doing this day. I want, nay need a child. To hell with pomp and ceremony!" It was a good thing he had the potent healing power of the unicorn form to hasten his recovery. Two horny lionesses were going to do more than drain his energy. Something told him he was going to be going through sperm like a river goes through water. After tomorrow it was double or nothing, or worse.

He and Talea were shown to a room he remembered quite well. It hadn't changed a bit. Well, that was a lie. There was a tapestry hanging that he didn't remember. He did recognize the words on it however. Talea started to read it, silently to herself. She remembered the words too, in the song that brought them here.  She was envious of the lioness to have someone pen such a rhyme.

Into the  pools of deepest blue,

shot with green, through and through.

I lay my life, and love and fate,

before your self, mine so great,

Whose beauty has taken me to,

the harshest edge of time untrue.

With whitest white, so heavenly fair,

My love for you I do declare,

For sharpest fang and softest fur,

Eternal suffering I would endure,

To catch the merest fleeting flare,

of the dawn's brightest pair.

Your eyes so bright, are jewels indeed,

Within your heart I sow the seed,

of burning love, and passion, and desire,

that lifts us up onto the spire,

of the highest mount, so cold and bleak,

and drops us down again so weak.

My truest one, in the form of grace,

has lifted me up from the darkest place,

within my heart of sad remorse,

and sets my sails straight on course,

to the journey I yet must face,

The walk away into blackest space.

And from this journey I may never return,

or my eternal reward will be earned,

A throne so high, in sapphire sky,

There to view with an unblinking eye,

The kingdom given, and never spurned,

until the end of time.

"Jon-Tom? Who wrote this lovely poem? I've never heard the like of it before." He was standing behind her, his arms wrapped around her waist. "That is the Poem of the Twin Pools." She nudged him in the ribs. "I can read. But there is no attribution to it. Just this undecipherable mark." He squinted. "Oh, that's the royal symbol for the royal pair. It means that this was written by either the king or the queen of the highlands." They heard a voice behind them. "He's a liar. He was never officially made king, or else he would never have been allowed to leave." It was the ocelot. "Your husband wrote that to my mistress several decades ago, though they hardly seem like that now. He was in love, in a bad way. I suppose it had something to do with his first love-lost, the tigress Roseroar. You know that's why he searched this place out?"

Talea was lost. "What and what?" The little cat smiled. "Your husband was, how do they say this in his dialect, "on the rebound" from the tigress. She sounded like a truly worthy feline. Apparently she remembered the old ways for she spoke of Selif. She was even able to change into the lioness' form, as you have done. He was struck with the beauty and grace inherent to my mistress's body. Who wouldn't? He was able, through his magic, to find a way into the mountain pass that leads here, despite the heavy magic laid across it. You see, because of the fountain, and several more important things here, it is protected with the strongest of spells. By that same manner, we are isolated from the outside world. As some of us die, and we do die, there are no others to replace us. My mistress is now the last. If she dies without an heir, the world may die. For this is the Heart of the World!"

Jon-Tom knew the legend. Talea did not, but it would have to wait. "Are you telling me my husband wrote this love letter to Lendari?" The ocelot smiled. "Yes, and many others, but this was always her favorite." Talea looked at her husband. "No wonder your spell-singing got past the perimeter spells. You overrode it with love." He looked rather sheepish. "Should I apologize?" She kissed him fiercely. "For loving? What kind of idiot question is that?" He knew better than to answer.

Huwen however, had a question. "Great wizard, I would ask a favor." Jon-Tom bowed. "You need only ask." Talea hit him. "Look husband, don't you think you had better know the question before saying that?" He shrugged. "What could she ask that could complicate matters any more than they already are." He turned to the ocelot. "What can I do for you?" She looked down. "I want to help the mistress so very much. Can you turn me into a white lion also, and have children with me? It would mean so much to me if you would consent to having a third wife." Talea slumped to the floor. "I told you to find out the question first!"

He thought it over. It was a sweet thing for her to do. But he wasn't certain how many times the transformation talent could be separated from a person's soul and passed along. "Look Huwen, it's a great idea, but I'm not sure it would work." She planted her hands to her hips. "If you do not try, it will not work. If you try, it may work. I ask that you try. It is all that can ever be asked." He looked to his wife, who wrinkled her nose at him. "Oh try it. What's one more female in the mix but a faster way of repopulating the species. It seems weird to me, but then, you're the spell-singer!" He focused, pulling out his soul. The talent was attached to it like a gemstone in matrix. He pulled it off and set it against Huwen's chest. It sunk in and disappeared.  She patted herself down. "Now what?"

"Think of being just like your mistress." The ocelot concentrated. She was still standing there with her face scrunched up in the effort of changing when Jon-Tom shook her to her senses. "Relax. You did it already." She looked down at her feet and saw lovely white. "Hurray!" She did a somersault and ran circles around the room. It was hardly becoming to her form, but she didn't care. She could now help her mistress! She jumped on Jon-Tom, heedless of the presence of his wife. "Oh let's do it! It's been so long!" He pushed her off. "Huwen, not now. Tomorrow, at the ceremony, join Lendari and we will make it so. But not until then!" She snarled, showing teeth. "OK wizard, but you can't play hard to get for very long!" She twirled and walked out. Jon-Tom sighed. His wife groaned. "Husband, you do manage to get yourself into fixes, don't you? He nodded. "Yes, and they usually get worse before they get better. I hate to see what tomorrow will bring." She purred in his face. "OK, then don't think about it. Tonight, I'll keep you distracted and drive it from your mind." And she did!

The next morning he went to change into the unicorn for a quick restoration when he remembered that he hadn't fetched the ability back from Huwen. He would need to track her down soon, or he would be wobbling to the wedding ceremony. Luckily for him, she showed up all bright eyed and happy. She repeated the gesture he had done, touching her chest and pulling it out. She handed it back to him and watched with satisfaction as it sunk into his skin. It was a weird feeling, like he should be heavier but he was instead lighter. She spoke her mind."That is the most interesting and versatile spell I have ever seen. I can safely say I doubt there is its like anywhere in the world. Your first love was wise not to take it to her grave. Her foresight with save this entire planet, though it may kill you in the process."

He transformed into the unicorn and regained his strength. "What does that mean, little feline?" He said this half jokingly, for he was now much larger than she was. "It means that you will have more than one wife to satisfy. Your duty is to produce enough children to restore the White Lions to their rightful place. I believe that you will find your hands full, though I don't think that's precisely the meaning  I wish to convey." He transformed back to his lion self. He glanced in the mirror for the first time, seeing the handsome white mane flaring out over his shoulders. He did look pretty awesome. He turned to Huwen. "Look my dearest little ocelot, I had my hands full with you females once before. I think I can handle you again, even with my wife here as well." Huwen kissed him on the cheek. "I hope you're right, Jon-Tom, I do hope you're right."

The ceremony was held in a special chamber that was lit with the morning sun. Huwen escorted him to a solitary cell. "You must wait here until you are called for. Then you will perform the cori'lea deuso." She handed him a blindfold. You must wear this and make your way to the marriage platform." This was new to him. "Where will you be?" She giggled. "Stupid man, I will already be there. The female to be married is always present first for the purifying ritual. After it is done, you will be called forth." She left him in the room alone. He figured he had better be prepared, so he put the cloth mask over his head and allowed his eyes to adjust. He could see thin cracks of light from under his chin, but was blinded otherwise. He sat and listened intently. He could here chanting echoing from somewhere. It was a melodic singsong, comprised of many voices.

That got him thinking. He hadn't seen many inhabitants since arriving. He knew that only a few remained at the palace. Others lived on the surrounding plains and highlands. They must have gathered quickly, but then this was an important event in their life. All at once he heard clearly his name being called. He stood and made his way, thankfully bumping into relatively few things. His feet found purchase on a runner, which he assumed ran down the middle of the hallway. He followed it until he could hear murmurings. A few more steps and there was sunlight on his chest. A hand grabbed his and pulled him to one side. Lendari's voice rang out. "My people, you are here to witness the binding of this male to those females present whom can conceive with him the children necessary to preserve the line and thus save this world. I ask that you verify this with a vote. All in favor of this will call forth "Yea!"" The area erupted in voiced affirmations.

She spoke to Jon-Tom."You will pledge yourself now to this task. Repeat after me. "I, Jon-Tom, will hereafter claim the right of husband to the white lionesses of Sorenthu. I will make it my primary responsibility to provide children to repopulate the highlands with the blood of the heirs of Selif." He repeated it. The crowd roared and cheered. Lendari leaned in and whispered to him. "Take off the blindfold and greet your wives." He pulled it off and smiled at the queen. And Huwen. His eyes went out to the citizens who had gathered. They consisted of about two hundred white lions in the audience chamber. His jaw dropped. "What the hell?" Either she had lied to him or..." "Huwen! Tell me you didn't abuse the power I gave you!" She looked unapologetic. "I did nothing of the sort. I applied it in a manner consistent with the task at hand. The more females you can impregnate, the faster your duties will be done. Each lady out there volunteered readily, and you may remember some of them quite well. If not, you will have plenty of time to get re-acquainted!"

Talea came up behind him. "So husband, it seems to me you have really gotten yourself into a pickle this time!" Huwen disagreed. "I think your wife is confused. What is to happen is that you're to get your pickle into us!" Talea did not think it was all that funny.

There is more to this tale, but for now I will say only this for the nonce. Jon-Tom did have his hands, errr, paws full, usually of lioness ass. Between liberal application of his healing power and tiny doses of the potent youth water, the various females grew gravid in rapid succession. The only problem was choosing names for the children. But if that was to be the worse thing to occur, no one really complained. There is more to tell, but for now, this will do. It is always best to let newlyweds be newly weds, especially when it's one male to two hundred and three females. With that many in the mix, there was always going to be an uproar!


The Return to the Highlands, Part 2

Several months later found the palace filled with pregnant females. I need not mention to you how that happened, unless you would like a detailed account of each and every encounter he had with each and every willing female there. I mean, I could. But...

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Until Death Do Us Part

Mudge stayed at the guild for several weeks, but he grew increasing restless. Even the continued attention of his ladies was growing old. He knew he needed to leave and do something; anything, to keep his skills honed and his mind clear. Sex was great,...

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Revenge is It's Own Reward

Mudge had a name. He hadn't given it to his dearest little gibbon for fear that she would be rash and go after this formidable being. He was simply not a person to trifle with. At the same time, he was someone that needed to be removed from his present...

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