Revenge is It's Own Reward

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#3 of The Otterly Sinful Stories

A continuation from the last story. Mudge is on the trail of the being who put the hit out on his lady friend.

Mudge had a name. He hadn't given it to his dearest little gibbon for fear that she would be rash and go after this formidable being. He was simply not a person to trifle with. At the same time, he was someone that needed to be removed from his present position. Some people had no morals, but even a thief had a code that he or she lived by. An amoral being such as this was deadly dangerous. He did whatever he wanted, to whomever he wanted, whenever he wanted. Mudge sucked in a deep breath. He was going to have to stoop to the same level.

Now a casual observer would say that he already had. Torture isn't for the weak of heart. Mudge was often more satisfied with a simple killing. His old nemesis had been an exception. In the end (the hyena's more specifically) he had nothing to do with his ending pain and suffering. But he rather liked to look at the flip side. The hyena had provided amusement for his friend. When the horse was tired of playing, the otter acquiesced to Moredec's request and killed him. The lion wizard was another story. Oh he gave him pain. The fool had set himself up for it. But it was the girls who had carried it to heights he had never considered. He tried to block it out of his mind, for it made him shudder to think about it. In the end, he did the poor sucker a favor of releasing his life through a slit in his throat.

But the whispered name still clung to his mind like a voracious parasite. To kill him and get away with it would be no simple matter. For one, he was well hidden away. Secondly, he was tough. Thirdly, well...Mudge would deal with that later. In the meantime, he would need help. Wallah would have been all over it, had he confessed it. That piece of information would have likely been the end of her.  She would have gone after him on her own. She might succeed, but she was too well known to get away with it. That's why he was now traveling alone.

He had been loathe to leave his old flame. She had lodged in a little cottage near where they had killed the wizard. On top of having Pirly, she had accumulated several more spider monkey lasses. He wasn't interested in learning about them until one night when they all came into his room, stripped his clothes off and kept him awake until morning, for several nights in a row. Then he was very interested. 

It turns our two of them were cousins of Pirly's. Two others were sisters from some place he had never heard of, which was intriguing in itself. The last was a rough looking specimen who had seen some action on both ends of a sword. Her one ear was split and she had a truncated tail.  She refused to give her true name. All she told him was to call her as everyone else did; Brute. She may have had the look of someone ridden hard and put away wet, but she was nothing short of a fireball in bed. Mudge didn't engage his bed mates in much conversation, feeling, in his own words, "that it just messed up the best part." But he was interested in Brute. She wasn't afraid of him or anyone. She was a tireless lover, much like Wallah. Her normally brownish fur was stained with red and black. When he questioned the colors, she answered in a pragmatic way. "Look little otter, when you see the others (meaning the other spider monkeys) they don't immediately instill a feeling of fear in your heart, do they? That's because we are viewed as slim little playthings, cute and cuddly and weak." He shrugged noncommittally. "Well then, when you see me, you stop and think - there's something different about this one. And if I'm doing an assassination, I leave at least one person alive long enough to leave my description behind. Red is blood and black is death. It gives them something to think about."

She was correct, but he was trying not to think right now. She had stopped talking and repositioned herself. Her head was over his cock and she was working it like she was a carnivore. He was glad she kept her teeth out of the action, for her tongue was strong enough to pull his cock by its roots. He instinctively grabbed her head when he felt the urge building. She grasped his ass and compressed her face even harder. He blew like a cannon!

Brute cuddled up to him later in a very feminine way. He was immediately on guard. "You know Mudge, I like you. Don't take this the wrong way, but I like your style. Wallah says you never expect too much from a girl. I like that. Every male I bother getting interested in wants to own me, bone me, and then kill me. I don't see that in you." He smiled warily. "I hope you don't mind one out of three? I owns meself, I do, and I don't kill no one except 'e that needs killing." She smiled at him, showing a gap where a tooth had been knocked out. "You're a good guy Mudge. I really do like you. Do you think there's a chance we could travel together. I think it might be fun. After all, if we get tired of each other, you can go your way and I can go mine."

It was a mighty fine offer. His libido tried to over rule his common sense. "Look Brute, I 'preciate the offer, I really do. But I 'ave some business to take care of, and I need to stop at the Thieves' Guild before I can call it done. I'd love the company, and as much as me cock's going to 'ate me for saying this, I think I 'ad better do it alone." He hoped she wasn't going to be mad. She leaned in and kissed him. "I understand. I do better without interference too. But remember, my offer is open ended. If we happen to run into each other again, I expect to be shown a good time!"

His journey to the Thieves' Guild was unusually uneventful. The way there was normally punctuated with run-in's with some of the local thugs. Since he knew most of them, there was never any trouble. But not once did someone pop in to say boo. The mystery was solved a few days later as he neared the headquarters. He ran into Greequo the marmot. It turns out that the entire membership had been called to a meeting to determine the next leader. Mudge laughed. "The next leader of the Thieves' Guild? It's been that old asshole Kolki for the past decade. Who would bother challenging him?" The marmot shrugged. "My message didn't say. Did yours?" Mudge shrugged, having not received any notification at all. This new development might make his trip here a bit more complicated, for it was Kolki he had come to see. He might have to wait and see how things turned out.

The door to the cave was actually standing open, to allow easier passage of the numerous members making their way in. The guard was that old snaggle-toothed wolf Missavo. He gave the otter a dirty look. "I didn't think they would bother inviting you, you little cheat!" Mudge smiled. "Oh Missy (the wolf growled at this abuse of his name), are you still cross over that money I owe you?" The wolf's mouth snarled into a mock smile, showing crooked teeth. "Why Mudgie, what would make you think that?" The otter pulled out his purse and withdrew several silver coins. He grabbed the wolf's paw and counted out; "One, two, three, four, five. And two more as interest!" The wolf closed his hand around the coins and glared. "When the hell did you turn honest?" The otter patted his back. "Now Missy, you cut me's to the quick, you does. I'm just fulfilling our bargain. It just took me a bit to get the money." He bowed and slid inside the cave.

In the meantime, a steady stream of thieves were passing the two on their way inside. It was going to be crowded in there tonight, thought Mudge as he glanced over the throng. The flickering lights made identifying individual members difficult. The air was thick with creosote and the smell of unwashed heathens. He felt he could call them that, because liking water, he had taken a swim earlier that day. There had been no reason really, just that he might meet a lady or two during his stay that would require some attention. He liked to be at his best on those occasions.

He found a small corner in an out of the way storeroom to tuck himself away for his stay. The regular rooms were all full to overflowing. He was an old hand at outdoor living, so the thought of having a dry floor to sleep on and no chance of getting soaked was good enough. A few other stragglers made their way to his area and quietly set themselves up on some large crates. As per the guild code, he didn't bother them and they didn't bother him. He sat and watched as they unpacked their supplies. It was an uninteresting mix of foodstuffs, sleeping rolls and the like. A flash of bright red caught his eye as they unrolled their blankets. Damn, he thought to himself, they're a ballsy lot. No one dared to travel with anything that attracted attention like quality goods. They kept themselves covered, so he couldn't tell if he knew them or not. After he was done, if he was still alive, he would have to make their acquaintance.  And perhaps relieve them of some of their goods to teach them a lesson.

The election, as it was humorously called, was to be held the next day. Since Mudge had been left off of the official roster of "voters", he scrounged around until he managed to lift a ballot off of a sleeping (drunk?) civet. Mudge could read, despite what others thought. He perused this little scrap of paper with growing excitement and nausea. A challenge had been given to Kolki alright, by none other than his lovely Wallah. Was she nuts? Kolki was a rara avis, not only in this section of the world, but in this world in general. He was a Sabre-tooth who had been tossed out of his own country by his people because of his despicable ways. Here he had made an excellent leader. For one thing, he ruled with an iron tooth, and for another, he killed anyone who crossed him. He really had no negotiating skills outside of his ferocity.

Mudge would have to find her and stop the challenge. If she lost, and he knew she was going to lose, Kolki would simply drive his teeth through her body as a demonstration of his ultimate power. He couldn't let that happen. The problem was, she was holed up in her own quarters, as was the big cat. Not only were the hallways jammed with a hodgepodge of theives and cut throats, there were guards posted outside of both doors. He was going to have to change his whole plan to accommodate these latest developments.

The next day found the entire guild gathered in the "Cathedral", a huge underground chamber filled with stone formations and slick with dampness. Torches were lofted high, illuminating the room with a weak reddish-orange glow. Kolki stood on top of a huge broken stalagmite. His voice roared. "I have been challenged! By who? This little piece of pri-meat who thinks she can overthrow me! You will decide who you want to lead; me or this cuntmeat monkey!" His face was contorted by rage.

Wallah climbed an intact formation not far from the cat. "Hello my friends," she began in her lovely lilting voice. "This oversized mouse with buck teeth seems to think he can scare you into making a decision. I disagree. I believe that I can convince you to vote for me without placing yourselves at the mercy of this piece of elephant dung.  I mean really, have you ever seen a worse result from the mating of a vampire bat and a rhinoceros?" Kilko nearly exploded in rage. No one insulted him and lived to tell about it. Mudge was proud of his Wallah, but he had wished she had chosen a nicer way to die. Oh well, if she was going to go, he would join her. He edged around behind a group of onlookers, picked up a chunk of rock, and with unerring aim, threw it at the cat.

The rock hit solidly on his left canine tooth, breaking it off midway up. Kilko stopped his raging and started screaming. He was holding his mouth, so whatever it was he was saying was unintelligible.  Strangely, no one came to his aid. Those in front were wise enough to know that if they did, they would take the brunt of his anger. Mudge picked up a second rock. He felt a little better being armed with something. So when Kilko took his hand away and began roaring epitaphs to the room, Mudge lined up and prayed to anyone above  that his aim would be just as good. Bingo! The other tooth snapped off with a resounding crunch.

The Sabre-tooth fell off of his perch and lay on the ground screaming. Everyone panicked and ran for cover. He still had his claws and they came on the end of paws with a remarkable reach. He stood, blood pouring from his lips. "I'll kill whoever did this to me!" He never had a chance to even figure out it was Mudge. An arrow sliced into his shoulder, one sank into his chest, and a third found the perfect distance between his eyes and visited his brain. The cat collapsed in a heap. All this time Wallah was holding firm to her stoney pillar. "So? Who would like to vote for me?" Cheers went up from the crowd. It went very quiet again when several shapes descended from the high ceiling stalactites. Each was a bit rotund. And each was wearing crimson. There were five of them total and they each had a bow and a quiver full of arrows. The Crimson Scourge had returned with a vengeance!

The election proved unanimous. Wallah was proclaimed the winner by default. She was happy with the outcome, except for a solitary matter with Mudge. She grabbed him, gave him a kiss, and then slapped him. "'ere now! What the 'ell is that for?" She put her hands on her hips and glared at him. "Look Mudgie, I appreciate your attempt at saving me, but I had that particular matter well under control. Now you've gone and ruined my trophy. Her "trophy" was Kilko's head. But she didn't take the damage too seriously, for she already had an artisan gluing in the teeth and fixing the cracks. "I'll have you know that this will hang on the main wall as a reminder to all thieves that they are free to do as they please within the rules of the guild. Never again will it be ruled by sheer force."

Mudge was not in the mood to argue, but he did anyway. "Wallah darling, you did a good thing, but it was damn dangerous! For that matter, 'ow did you find out it was Kilki who ordered the 'it on ya?" She smiled and pulled him close. "Mudgie dear, I've never ever told you this before, but you talk in your sleep. You rattled off the big asshole's name more than once after we dealt with Vistrow. Brute pumped you for information. When you said you were going to the guild, we figured out your plan. I came up with a better one." She didn't look apologetic.

"Wallah, you mean you set me up?" She smacked him in the head. "No, you stupid jerk. You set yourself up. I simply beat you to the punch. I sent a challenge to Kilki as soon as I knew it was he who ordered my place attacked. Apparently he didn't like my fame, and wanted my riches for himself. I was going to have Brute accompany you on your journey. When you declined her offer, she came with me instead." Mudge's eyebrows went up. "And 'ow the 'ell did you beat me 'ere?" She grinned and tweaked his nose. "Long arms are great in trees lover boy. You forget that we're as fast in the branches as you are in the water. And we didn't beat you. We entered when you did."

That got him thinking. He had never seen any of them until the confrontation with Kilki. "''ow did you get your lethal band of assassins past the guard?" "You mean that old nearsighted wolf? He can't watch the doorway when he's busy collecting on old debts, can he?" Mudge started. "You sneaky little bitch (it wasn't said as an insult), you used me as a distraction?" There was nothing but admiration in his eyes. "But where did your girls hide? There aren't a whole lot of places to stay concealed in that place." Brute came up behind him. "We followed your lead. We stayed in the same room that you did." His eyes narrowed. "Those sleeping rolls with the bright red material! Those were your costumes hidden in the rolled up blankets!" Brute kissed him on the head. "Very good. I was afraid you might catch on, since you were keeping an eye on our activity. If you had figured it out, I would have been forced to distract you for the rest of the night and into the next day until we accomplished our purpose."

The otter stepped back. "Distract me? 'ow did you propose to do that?" She came up and slid her hand across his crotch. "How else?" Mudge's brows arched high over his eye sockets. "You mean to tell me I missed out on some fun?" Brute pulled him close. "That depends on you. I've got no place to be for a few weeks. Besides, I'm still presently in the employ of Wallah. I take orders from her. She told me to do my best to protect you from harm. You turned down my offer before. I hope you're not going to do it again?" It was rhetorical. He looked at Wallah. "What about you? Where are you going next?" She made an expansive gesture. "I'm not leaving here for a while. Kilki left a mess, not the half of which are his thugs. They are being thrown out or cut down where they stand if they resist. Once the guild is back in order, who can say? For the time being, I'm not in a rush. Are you?"

Mudge wasn't too good at math, but he knew how to add things up. One otter and six willing ladies equaled an opportunity too good to pass up. "Well ladies, 'ow can this 'umble otter be of service to you?" They laughed and dragged him to Wallah news quarters. He didn't struggle a bit.

All's Hell that Ends Well.

"Mudgie?" The otter sighed. "Yes Wallah?" "Are you ready to go again?" Mudge dearly adored the girl. He didn't love her, and she would have dumped him the minute he said he did. Like him, she loathed attachments. Also like him, she loved sex. Whenever...

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Violent Beginnings

Mudge, for those familiar with the spell-singer's good friend, is known to have had a history of stealing, wenching, gambling, and otherwise living a less-than-noble life. We have learned little of his years before he met up with Jon-Tom that fateful...

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A Gaggle of Mongeese

She was sitting alone in front of a fitfully burning campfire. Her purpose out here was to work on her scrying ability. It was still functioning erratically. Her crystals kept showing the same thing, over and over. No matter what she tried, the images...

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