All's Hell that Ends Well.

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#2 of The Otterly Sinful Stories

Don't piss off lovers, especially when they think that the other one has been murdered. But then, all's hell that ends well.

"Mudgie?" The otter sighed. "Yes Wallah?" "Are you ready to go again?" Mudge dearly adored the girl. He didn't love her, and she would have dumped him the minute he said he did. Like him, she loathed attachments. Also like him, she loved sex. Whenever he was in town, every other male was kicked out of her compound for the duration of his stay. He rather liked it. She was one of the few people who could make him feel like a king. He flexed his muscles and cracked his joints. "For you my dearest plaything, anything." She giggled and spread her legs wide.

Mudge had met the pretty little gibbon when he first was admitted to the Thieves' Guild. What she was doing there was anybody's guess. He recognized her right away. Heck, everyone knew her, for she had a lovely singing voice. She sang in the larger cities to sold out crowds. It was a grand surprise then to find out she was also a master thief and pickpocket. Her singing, while it earned her fame, didn't pay nearly as well as stealing. And with her long arms and talented fingers, she could pick the quills off of a porcupine without him realizing it. Those fingers were presently massaging his back.

His front was at the same time massaging her insides. "Mudgie?" Another sigh. He hated that  pet name. "What is it Wallah?" "Mudgie, why have you been away so long? Did I do something to make you mad?" He laughed internally. What she did was wear him out, chafe his cock, and "Mudgie!" him to death. It was fun, but over the years, he found he had less patience for it. But he still adored her, even if it was just for her bedroom talents. "Look, Wallah, I does a lot of traveling. It's not like the old days. People remember your face if you show up too many times to, uh; demonstrate your talents." She giggled. "Oh just say it. Stealing, thievery, purloining, pickpocketing, relieving the rich of their excess,..." He put a finger to her lips. "Yes; that."

She clamped her long legs and long arms around his body. "Look Mudgie dear, that's why I led a double life. No one would suspect the famous Aria Wallah to also be the Crimson Scourge." She was referring to her alter-ego. She had a special outfit tailored so that when she wore it, her body appeared to be beefier that she really was. It was like putting a giraffe in an elephant suit. Mudge had thought it a hazard to the art of stealing. He was certain she would get caught on account of it. But the fact was, the plump suit had stopped arrows more than once from reaching the gibbon within. A thief who couldn't be killed was a formidable adversary indeed!

He did like her singing, for she had a remarkable voice. She could project so strongly that her lovely melodies could carry for miles in the right setting. The only other primates he knew who could match her were the howlers, and none of them had voices worth shit. He turned his eyes on her. It was hard not to do since she had her nose pressed against hers. "You sees Wallah, I don't like notoriety. I like's to keep to meself, if you get's me meaning." She let out a gurgle of pleasure and ground against him, hip to hip. "Oh my dear otter. You think on such a small scale. You must take the whole world when you decide to become a master. I haven't had to steal in a year now. I have wealthy patrons who support me and my lifestyle, and none of them are aware than my lower vaults are stuffed with treasure I stole from under their noses. I'm still young, and I'm already retired. Oh I sing now and again, just so people don't forget me, but I don't have to pull on the suit and ply my trade."

He was thinking to himself, "Big whoop!" But he didn't say what he was thinking. "Yes, and I congratulate you. But what do you do for excitement?" She squeezed tight around his cock. "Duh!" He smiled and worked a little harder on their mutual pleasure. He was amazed that after all of the partners she had been with over the years, she was still capable of feeling like a newbie. The only thing missing was the spot of blood, and some days he half expected that. He should have known that she was lying to him. After all, reports of the Crimson Scourge were still circulating. The fact was, she really did like the low life. She kept fit, exercising nearly every day, except when the otter was there. Then she saved her energies for the bed. She learned to tone every muscle in her body, including some where the sun didn't shine. She always kept her edge.

Mudge however, was delivering blunt force trauma to her deepest recesses. She always loved the way he felt. He was always so earnest. She knew he had a reputation as a love'em and leave'em sort of guy. But the fact was, that was what most of his partner's wanted. If they were looking to get their hooks into a man, they would stick to their own species. Mudge had confessed to her that he had bedded ladies from seventy six different species. He was young yet, she had thought  to herself. It was easier being female. The men came to you quite readily. She was over the one hundred mark. But only one was Mudge and he was one of a kind.

He had his little quirks, though. She was about to test the limits of one of them. Wallah loved sex; she loved it in all its many forms. Some of them weren't up his line. Without warning she slid off of his cock, and slid back father and slid her ass over it. He grunted. "Damn it Wallah! You know how I hate..." "Oh shut up Mudge and give a girl what she wants. I know what happened to you, but if a girl says she wants it that way, have the good grace to shut the fuck up and give it to her." Mudge shut up. The sad part was, he liked it. Her ass was so fucking tight he nearly came after only a few strokes. But he never wanted to put anyone through what he had gone through, leastwise not if they didn't deserve it. He would never gain pleasure from hurting someone else, leastwise a female he was in bed with. Anyone else was fair game.

The gibbon was constricting her sphincter in a desperate attempt to pinch his cock off at the base. He blew, and she followed shortly behind his climax. She smiled and stroked his fur. "Mudgie, I thought you didn't like plunging my sweet little back door? Your body just said otherwise!" He lay there panting. There were a few responses floating around his skull. He wisely left them there. "Wallah dear, I like it anyway with you. I wish you wouldn't 'arp on me about me preferences. I've got me reasons and you know 'em."

She pulled him tight, not once allowing him to slide out . "Yes my dear little otter, I do. But never let your past rule your future. You'll only live long enough to regret it." She was clamping down hard, keeping him from going limp. "Come on lover, I haven't gotten anywhere close to being satisfied yet. This here girl's still raring to go!" Since she had rolled them over so that she was on top, he had little choice. If she  squeezed his cock any tighter, she was going to do some permanent damage. Fifteen minutes later they came again, both of them trembling in the final  joy of orgasms. "Mudgie?" "Yes dear?" "You've got me shaking!" He could feel it. All at once their eyes went wide, and the door whipped open. One of her female guards screamed "We're under attack!" Indeed, the house was vibrating, cracks were appearing the walls and plaster was falling from the ceiling.

Mudge grabbed his clothes, which he wisely had bundled together with his other affects. He dropped them again, threw on his personal robe (for his visits) grabbed his stuff and Wallah's hand and pulled her out the door. He was headed for the exit when the gibbon pulled him another direction, deeper into the house. He had no idea was she was doing. It didn't matter. A huge chunk of the upper floor came crashing down. He jumped back. When the dust cleared enough for him to see, there was only a pile of debris. His heart nearly broke.

Anger welled up inside him. He knew that this had to be a magical attack. There were no species in the area large enough to generate this kind of damage. He ran for the door, just barely dodging a fireball blast that sent flames skyrocketing up a wall. He hunkered down and peeked over some rubble. There were only three of them. And they were wizards. The most formidable of them was the lioness. He had never seen one with magic before. They had enough power between their teeth and claws. The other two where close together. The one of the left was a fat little wombat. His neighbor was a raccoon. That one Mudge was familiar with. The masked little pervert was a magic-for-hire mercenary. He had been banned from every guild in the region. It would have meant more to the otter had the other damn wizards simply stripped him of his power.

The wombat was throwing some pretty wicked spells; flame and lightning. He was regularly alternating between them. Bingo! Mudge had a plan. He rummaged through his things until he found a long coil he had stole from a jeweler. He tied a chunk of stone on it and tied the other end to the pommel of his rapier. He pulled the cowl of his black robe down over his face, said a few prayers to no-one in particular, and dove over the wall. The wombat had just thrown another flame spell and was working up for his next one. The wizard saw the figure coming at him out the the smoke and freaked. At the same time, Mudge twirled the copper wire and aimed it at the raccoon. It sailed to one side and nicely wrapped itself around his neck. He then poured his energy into attacking the wombat. That wizard threw his next spell directly at the otter. It hit the sword tip, followed the blade and exited the pommel through the wire. Mudge's hand clamped tight on the grip from the charge, as did his whole arm. There was no flex in his extremity when the sword went through the wizard's chest to exit the other side. The wombat's eyes went wide before he died.

Mudge pulled the sword out rather clumsily, since his arm was now numb. There wasn't a drop of blood. The glowing hot tip had cauterized its path as effectively as a healer might have done. He turned to deal with the other wizard, but found only a burning statue of charcoal. That must have been some spell! That left the lioness. She was watching him intently. She showed little fear, but this was a miniature likeness of death himself. And two strong wizards lay dead. She was no fool. In a puff of smoke she was gone. Mudge dropped to the ground, utterly spent. He wasn't afraid to admit it to others later, after many drinks, that he cried that day. The compound was in ruins. Fires were burning, smoke was pouring into the sky, and the upper stories were now commingled with the first floor. And somewhere in all of that destruction lay his dearest little Wallah. He vowed that day to do two things; never trust a wizard, and to find the one he hadn't manage to kill. Wallah would be avenged.

It was now eight months later. Tracking down the lioness wizard had been none too easy. There was a reason. No one knew of a female of that species that could do magic. His best clue came one day while he was drinking at the Wayward Mink, a combination whorehouse and saloon. The owner was a fat little meerkat that called herself Loli. Mudge tried not to snicker. She may have been a loli once, but that was many years and a few thousand rough rides ago. It turned out she had never heard of a lioness wizard either. "Listen up, you little aquatic piece of fluff. There ain't no such wizard. The closest thing you'll find to that is Vistrow." Mudge knew what she meant by aquatic, but at the moment he was swimming in drink. "Vishterowwww?" he mumbled. She grabbed his head. "You heard me. He's a bit weird, and that's something coming from me. He keeps his mane shaved close, and he wears earrings and paints his nails and he likes taking it up his bum. Been in here a few times to have a few of the girls tie him up and shove things up his arse. He pays, so I really don't care how he gets off."

His mind was too cloudy to function properly, but a few brain cells latched onto the information and stashed it away for future reference. The next morning he awoke to a headache and two girls in bed. He cracked an eye and looked to either side, hoping neither of them was the madame. He was in luck.  It wasn't often that he got a chance at making it with his own species, and these girls didn't look too bad. He was just sorry he couldn't remember what hey had done last night. He eased out of bed, slid on his clothes and worked open the window. His luck was still holding; no alarm. He was on the street and heading to the local wizard's guild.

Mention of the lion's name provoked much debate. Yes, he lived in town. No, he wasn't a member in good standing. As one prim little ferret said it, "I say sir, that if you are looking for a wizard, he is probably on the same moral level as yourself. Now quit bothering us and go away." The door was slammed in his face. Vistrow's home was large without being absurd. Mudge stood across the street watching it for activity. Once or twice he caught sight of someone farther up the street watching him. He tried following them, but they always managed to lose themselves in the crowd. He went back to his sentry post. Later that evening a lone figure walked up to the door and was immediately admitted.  Mudge stayed in his position all night. He woke in the morning to dew on his cloths and the sound a of door slamming shut.

The figure was leaving. Mudge fell in step with them. A face turned his way. "Hi ya!", the otter called. The other yawned at him. It was a languor. "Hello yourself. Look, if its all the same to you, I'm done for the night. If you want some fun, make an appointment at the house." Mudge was interested. "And where might that be?" "Oh for simian's sake. The Whip and Shackle on Morkey Street. Tell the majordomo that Utho sent you." The otter watched him go. "Hey Otho! Are you available tonight?" Laughter rang back to him. "Good gracious no. I'll be busy back there for the next week!" He pointed to the house he had just left.

That night there was a switch in the roster. The languor found himself unconscious and tied up in a back alley. In his place was an otter. Mudge had all of Otho's toy's with him, and hoped the lion wouldn't catch on. He knocked on the door, dread growing within him. The old oak plank creaked open. Mudge had to crane his neck to look up. "Yes? You're not Otho?" It was a question. Mudge put on his best airs. "No sir, your magnificent eyes see true. I am here in place of him, for he was in need of rest. I hope that I might take his place in a suitable manner for the evening."

The lion was impressed. "I think I like you already, and I'm not even tied down. You might break up the routine very nicely." He allowed the otter in and closed the door. "Care for some wine before we start? I like to loosen up a bit before getting started.  Already finished four bottles. I have room for some more." Mudge considered the offer."Your majesty is most kind. I think some wine is an excellent way to start." He couldn't believe this language was coming out of his mouth. The lion opened a rather large bottle and poured a generous amount for the otter. "Say little otter, what's your name?" What the hell. Give him some truth. "I am called Mudge, dear sir." The lion ran the name over his tongue. "Mudge is it? I've never heard of you before. Are you new in town?"

"Yes your lordship. Very new." "Oh well, that means that you have no preconceptions of me, and I have none of you. Playtime will be most refreshing." The lion took a swig from his bottle. I think I'm just about ready. How about you?" Mudge smiled. "Oh, I think I am." The lion led them to his play room. It was equipped more like a torture room in a dungeon. Mudge was quivering for the opportunity to inflict some pain until it dawned on him that the kinky lion was the one who liked to be tortured. His plan had a flaw. How was he to torture someone who liked being tortured? But then it dawned on him that it didn't matter. As long as Mudge got some satisfaction out of it, it was going to be worth it.

The kinky wizard climbed up on his table and motioned for the otter to secure him. "Look at these," he boasted proudly. "I have these straps custom made so that I wouldn't break them." In a jiffy he was secured. Mudge would have preferred killing him right then and there but there were too many "toys" not to try out some of them. Remembering his old hyena nemesis and what they had done to him until he begged for death, he pulled out a large dildo. It was probably standard fare for this perv. The otter reached into his private bag and pulled out some reddish powder. He got the thing wet and sprinkled it liberally with the powder. "Ok Vistrow. I think I'l start by taking things up a notch." He shoved it in all the way, leaving just the removal cord dangling out. "OH!" cried the lion, "you're rougher than Otho! I could get" His eyes went wide. "OW! OW! OW! OW! What did you do?" The lion was fighting his straps feverishly. Mudge sat back in a chair and watched. "Oh nothin much your gracefulness. I put some of my 'ot spice on your toy cock before I shoved it up your arse. And I ain't takin' it out until after your dead, if then."

The lion was roaring in pain. Mudge's mixture had come from a traveling Capuchin who had a thing for fiery food. The otter had found the stuff tasty for the first three seconds. After that it had blistered his mouth. He had every idea of what it had to feel like up the lion's ass. The wizard was thrashing so badly that the otter could hear a bone or two crack. He was so engrossed in his fun that he failed to hear the movement behind him until it was too late. He smelled ether and then the lights went out.

He came to with a splitting headache. He couldn't see either. Then it dawned on his added brain to open his eyes. He did and still couldn't see. There was a black hood or bag pulled over his head. He was also tied down. His heart raced, thinking he was now on Vistrow's table. But there was a rather comfortable mattress under his naked butt. Naked? Oh shit! He struggled with his bindings. They didn't cut in, but at the same time they were quite secure. Someone noticed his struggles. "Oh ho! You're awake you little miscreant. How dare you take on the great wizard Vistrow? You are either very brave or very stupid. Would you care to enlighten me as to your purpose?" "Why should I tell you shit?" But he was curious. The person asking was definitely female. A sniff in her direction spoke volumes. She was a spider monkey. He didn't know any personally. In fact he hadn't seen any in nearly a year.

"Because I asked nicely?" He considered that. "Fine. I was avenging the death of me friend, that this big asshole took from me. "e deserves to die. And if I get's meself loose from here, I'll finish the job I came to do." There was a chuckle. "Ooooh! Aren't you a feisty one? I think that you need a lesson." He felt someone climb on top of him. He was trying to figure out what kind of torture device she was going to use. What she chose threw him for a loop. He felt a warm and wet hole slide over his cock. She was soon grunting with pleasure. If this was torture, he needed to get more of it than he had been. He barely listened to her voice. "Well otter, how do you like being tied down and forced to have sex against your will?" He choked back a laugh. Before he could answer, another voice cut it. "You think this is funny?"

The bag was pulled off. There looking down at him was indeed a spider money. But she was at the head of the bed, smiling down. Her face was upside down, but he thought he knew it. Then it struck him. She was the guard who came crashing into the bedroom while he was making love to..." He looked at his torturer. "Hello baby! Have you missed me?" He blew his load right then and there. "Wallah? How the hell? I mean, what the fuck! You're dead!" She hurried up in her grindings, forcing herself to a quick climax. She sighed as she pulled off.  "As you can see Mudgie, I'm in one piece. You should have been with me. That place had a bunker built underneath it. When I crawled out the next day the place was a mess. I figured you were dead after we discovered the wombat with the hole through his chest.. We kind of figured you were the pillar of carbon standing next to him."

Mudge was too flabbergasted to speak. He just watched her. She was untying his extremities. "Imagine my surprise to learn that you were here in Manbreytown. Pirly here recognized you when you were staking out the wizard's house. She told me, and we kept an eye on you." The otter sat up. "Wallah I'm in ten thousand ways glad to see you, but what the hell are you doing here?" She laughed. "The same reason you are. I found out this bastard was here, and I intended to kill him for taking you from me. But it looks like the joke is on us. " Mudge made a face. "I'd laugh if it was funny. Where is that bloody bastard? I 'ad 'im going good until you stopped me." He actually sounded angry. "Oh Mudgie! Calm down. We're still in his house. He's still down on his favorite little table, screaming his lungs out. I'm not certain what you did to him, but I fully approve!"

He relaxed. "Still 'ere, are we? Good. I can think of a few more things to do to 'im before 'e dies." Wallah jumped on him. "Get back in this bed, lover. You're making me all horny!" She had him down on the sheets. Mudge was full of conflicting emotions. He really wanted to watch the lion suffer, but he was so glad that Wallah was alive he had to show her how much he had missed her. Pirly walked over to the bedroom door and flung it open. Roars could be heard coming from the basement. The monkey then pulled off her clothes and climbed up on the bed too. "You know otter, I was supposed to get some time with you until this big asshole ruined the party. Now's my makeup time."

Wallah was already riding his cock, and the monkey straddled his face. This was new. He lapped out with his tongue. She tasted pretty good. She moaned as it found the just the right spots. It turned out to be the most exhilarating experience he had yet had in his life. The screams coming from the lion were already titillating, but having his wonderful friend back was icing on the cake. And the spider monkey, well she was just a load a candles needing to be blown...out.  When the gibbon finally gave way for Pirly, Mudge was tired out. But the thought of a new partner riding his cock got him going again.

After resting a few hours, they had a meeting in the play room. "Mudgie, I really missed you. We need to catch up on  whats been going on this past year. But we need to dispose of this hunk of feline flesh before we go. Who will have the honors, you or I?" Mudge fingered his sword. The tip was still warped from the heat it had endured that day. "To be honest Wallah, I'd rather stay here until he dies on his own." He reached underneath the lion and pulled his cock backwards. Reaching into the little play kit he had brought, he pulled out a thin flexible whip. He rubbed some slippery ointment on it and sprinkled it with his powder.

"What is that stuff?" Mudge smiled at her question. "The reason for his screaming." Wallah grabbed his hand. "May I have the joy?" He smile even wider. "Be my guest!" She walked behind the lion and lined up for a blow. His testicles where too big to miss. But as she drew back her hand, her arm relaxed. She brought it back down. Mudge thought she had lost her nerve. She grabbed the lion's cock and motioned to Pirly. "Come here." They held a brief exchange. "Oh Mudgie, I don't think you want to miss the look on his face when I do this. Be a dear and go watch." The otter moved in front of the lion, who had tears streaming down his eyes The look was pitiful. "Please don't do anymore. I'm sorry. I was only doing a job." Mudge scratched the big cat's ears. "Oh? Is that so? Well whisper a name in old Mudgie's ear and maybe we'll leave you be." The lion did as he was told. "Is that so?" The lion nodded. "Well, this will teach you to take a commission from him!"

The lion's eyes went huge. The blood vessels around his pupils burst and vocal chords strained so badly they tore. Mudge walked around the table to where the girls where. The end of the whip was sticking out of  the tip of his cock. Pirly grinned evilly and brought her fist down on his balls,  pulling the cord out in one fast motion. Wallah took it from her and shoved it back in. "Here Mudgie! Have a go at it!" He gulped and politely declined. In his mind, he could only think one thing: Wallah was as close to perfection as a female could get, and never, ever mess with perfection. It could prove hazardous to your health!


Violent Beginnings

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