Until Death Do Us Part

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#4 of The Otterly Sinful Stories

A continuation. Mudge leaves the guild with Brute, his new "friend". He discovers something remarkable about her.

Mudge stayed at the guild for several weeks, but he grew increasing restless. Even the continued attention of his ladies was growing old. He knew he needed to leave and do something; anything, to keep his skills honed and his mind clear. Sex was great, but even he was getting a little jaded by the constant barrage of willing females.

He was frank about it. "Wallah, you've got a lot of responsibility cleaning up the guild. That ain't for me. I'm 'eadin out, I is, and I 'ope it don't make you mad." Wallah gave him a squeeze. "Mudgie, I was wondering how long it would take until you lost your mind in these tunnels. Go!" He didn't wait for her to change her mind. Packing up his belongings he slipped out the door. He had company. Brute was dressed and waiting for him on the outside. "I agree with the boss lady. You lasted longer in there than I would have given you credit for. It was driving me nuts just waiting on you to crack."

He glared a bit at her, trying to figure out her angle. "Waiting on me? To do what?" She spread her hands, indicating the surrounding forest. "Leave. I've been wanting to be on my way for days now." He eyed her suspiciously. "So why didn't you?" She grinned and pinched his ass. "Because, you numbskull, I wanted to travel with you. I've got nowhere to be right away, and no one to work for, so I might as well spend my time with someone I like. Unless that bothers you."

He still wasn't certain of this rough gal, though he also had no complaints with her. She just took to him in too easy of a manner. No one ever liked him that quickly. But as he thought it over, he relaxed. If she wanted to kill him, he'd be dead already. "Brute, I'll be 'appy for the company on three conditions." She cocked her head and pursed her lips. "And those would be what exactly?" "First, we come up with something new in the sex department every night so's that neither of us gets board. Secondly, you fix supper every other night, and I'll do the same." She grinned. "Done! So what's the third thing." He stared right into her eyes. "Before we part our ways, you tell me your true name."

She got a look of anger on her face. She said nothing for a few minutes. "OK Mudge, you've got a deal. But you may not like the answer your nosiness is forcing out of me." He gave her a hug. "Look Brute, I like to respect another person's privacy. But I find that it's the one thing that bugs me about you. Nobody changes their name unless there's something infamous about it." She patted him on the head. "You may be right, my friend, you may indeed be right. After all, you may find yourself needing to do the same thing some day."

They traveled toward Gortletown, not for any reason other than that was the direction the wind was coming from. They knew better than to have their scent travel ahead of them. That night, by the light of a glowing hot campfire, Mudge threw together a meal. Brute was polite and tried the concoction of dried meat and fresh berries, wrapped in a large leaf and baked in the coals. "I'll tell you what Mudge. You find  fresh berries again and I'll stick with that. I've never had a taste for meat." He looked at her with a side glance. "As bloodthirsty as you is, and you eat no meat? That's a fine kettle of fish!" She ruffled his fur, and he tackled her to the ground. Their clothes came off seemingly of their own accord.

Brute was all over the otter. She got behind him and wrapped her arms and legs around him. He was stuck in her grasp, and it made him nervous. "Listen Brute, I don't mean to complain but..." He trailed off as her nimble feet found his cock and started stroking it. Her toes were as gentle as a nightingales tongue as she played with his man-meat. He couldn't help but think of the destruction she could render and was glad that she was on his side. Her long arms and thin fingers joined in, and  in no time he blew all over the ground. He was waiting for her to release him, but she didn't. His cock was now slippery, so she went back at it, this time with more force. There was less friction, so her many digits made quick work of him again. He shuddered almost painfully and fell back against her chest.

He looked back at her. "You know Brute, I can see how you became an assassin. You know more ways of killing a guy than I know of picking a pocket!" She kissed his head and gently rocked him in place. He thought she was trying to put him to sleep when he realized his balls were rubbing on her crotch. He gently struggled out of her grasp and flipped over, presenting a more suitable target for her pleasure. She grabbed his hips and pushed him in. Her arms went around his body again. She held on tightly, but not crushingly. He had plenty of room for maneuvering and boy did he maneuver.

She was wet, warm and tight, and he had no problem sinking deep into her depths. She felt like a combination virgin/retired whore. She knew just what she wanted and wasn't afraid to ask for it, but at the same time tight and compliant and willing. If he stuck with her for too long, he might never come back to Wallah. His third climax coincided with her first. Her muscles clamped down hard, wringing his cum out like his cock was a wet towel. He felt bad, since he was pretty much done for the night. But the next instant they were flipped over, and she was on top. She still had a tight grip on his cock.

Without a word, she started stroking his nether regions internally. All the blood that had vacated his cock to serve the rest of his body's oxygen needs halted and reversed course. His meat was hard and ready like it had been for round one. She was literally sitting on his crotch, grinding her hips down in tight gyrations. At the same time her internal muscles were contracting in the same manner as a balled up fist. It was like having sex with a seizuring marmoset (not that he ever had done such a thing...). When she started to cum, he was no longer in control of his body's activities, and he spilled forth again into her deepest reaches. They fell back and  lay there until morning.

Morning provided a kink in their plans unlike any they had expected. When Mudge awoke, he caught the scent of someone who didn't belong there. His twitching nose woke up Brute, who was still encasing his body with hers. She was quiet. "I smell it too. Species?" He sniffed. "I'm not certain. The smell seems familiar but nothing's coming to mind." She disengaged from his body and rolled over carefully. She was going to search for the interloper but stopped short. There, next to the remains of their fire lay the culprit; sleeping.

Mudge sat up and followed Brute's fingers. There by the ashes of last night's heat source was a striped possum. It's clothing was ambiguous, but the otter's nose said "female". The two stood and towered over the possum. "Well what the 'ell," exclaimed Mudge. "Will you look at that. Snuggling up close to our fire after we was too tired to notice." Brute wasn't as curious. "I say we either wake this little creep up and send her on her way or put a sword in her now before she knows it's coming." Mudge restrained her hand. " 'ere now! She could 'ave some value or purpose that might be of interest. Let's wake 'er and see." He kicked out with his foot.

The possum was up and on her feet, panting. Her eyes were wide as she took in the two. Both carried swords and both looked less than hospitable. "I-I-I-I-I'mmmm soooorrryy! I was cold and your fire was warm and you were asleep so I didn't think you'd mind." She was talking as fast as a mynah bird holding an auction. The otter held out a restraining hand. "Look-see here miss. It ain't polite to 'unker down next to someone else's fire unannounced like. That kind of trick can get your guts slipped, if you catches my meaning?" Her eyes were wide as she nodded. Brute stepped up, her blade leveled at her belly as a counterpoint to his statement. "Look girl, who the hell are you and what are you doing here?"

The possum dropped to the ground, wailing. "I'm lost! I got separated from my family and now I can't find my way." Mudge nudged her with his toes. "That still doesn't tell us your name." She sniffed and looked up at him. "My name is Lannaugh. I'm trying to get to  Gortletown." Mudge looked  at Brute, then back to the possum. " Gortletown isn't that far. We're heading that way. If you promise to be good, we might consider taking you. That is, if you make it worth our while." The sniffing stopped. "But I have nothing of value." That much was true. She had on boy's clothes that were too big for her, and no hint of any money or weapon. She was about the worse thing you could be out here in the woods. Mudge licked his lips. "I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement." Brute kicked him.

Later, she questioned his judgment. "Why the hell didn't we just kill her and be done with it? Oh never mind, you can find use for her, can't you?" He shrugged. "Look Brute, I've got a hobby, I does. I 'ave been keeping track of the ladies I bed. I 'ave a growing list of species, and this 'ere possum is a new one to me. All I needs is one quick stick and we can dump her at Gortletown and forget about her."

Brute stuck her tongue out at him. "You men and your trophies!" He started to protest but she held up her hand. "I'm not mad, Mudge. I'm just being judgmental. I have no say in what you do, and the same goes for me. But I would prefer to get rid of her sooner rather than later. If your going to wet your cock in her waters, do it tonight. We can have her to the town tomorrow." Mudge bowed to her suggestion and went and sat next to the little striped possum. At one point she got up and walked away in a huff, but returned a few minutes later with her head hung low. Brute watched and shook her own head. Sex was going to be the death of him some day.

That night, after a rather silent supper, Brute moved to the far side of their camp to allow the otter a bit of privacy for his exploits. She was a bit angry at him, for they had been having some great sex. She could understand his need for variety, since he had made that a priority in his life. But she didn't like this new female. She couldn't put her paws on what it was, but there was something not right. The she started laughing to herself. I'm just jealous, that's all. She lay down and watched the two of them get it on.

The possum was hesitant to remove her clothing, pulling them off one at a time. By the time she had managed to strip entirely, Mudge was ready and standing at attention. Lannaugh was silent, standing there shivering in the cool air. Mudge directed her to lay down. She complied with more than a little hesitation. The otter was on top. Brute could tell what was going on by the sounds emanating from that side of the fire. A sharp squeak signaled Mudge's cock entering her hole. The monkey wondered if it was her first time. As the minutes ticked by, the sounds became more mixed, with grunts and coos and... Brute drove the sounds from her mind. All she had to do was ignore it this one night and she would have him back again.

She turned her back to them and pulled her blanket up to her ears. If they kept this up for too long she would need to plug her ears with the thing. At one point she was drifting off despite the sounds when the situation drastically changed. It happened in mere seconds and it wasn't for the better. Mudge let out a squeal of pain. In the time it took for her to roll over, the possum was coming at her from across the fire-pit, kicking sparks in her face. With the blanket tangled around her, the monkey was powerless to act. The next moment, she felt the stab of steel enter her chest. Her arms went numb. The possum was standing over her gloating.

"You think you're so good! You cannot go on as the champion assassin forever! I, Lannaugh now take that title for myself." Brute smiled up at her attacker weakly. "Yes, indeed you have caught me off guard, and I should have known better. But I'm not worried about myself. If you have caused permanent damage to my friend, then you will pay!" The possum never once moved. "He'll live. Males! Get'em by the balls and they drop like stones!" In the distance, the otter could be heard groaning and cursing.

Brute sighed, a thin trickle of blood running down her chin. A slight gurgle escaped around the edge of the blade sticking in her chest. "Well youngster, you did it. You killed the greatest assassin of all time. But it's been done before. And everyone had the title for only a short while. With that, she withdrew a dagger from under the blanket and thrust it up the possums cunt. Her eyes went wide with pain. In the next instant it was withdrawn and sticking out of her throat with the blade erupting out the back. She dropped to the ground dead. Brute was trying to get her breath. A collapsed lung was interfering something awful. She heard Mudge crawling weakly towards her.

Mudge was still trying to recover from his unexpected attack. One minute he was pumping away of the nicest little striped pussy you could wish for, and the next his balls were crushed into a painful mass of agony. He was barely able to keep his eyes open as the possum grabbed up his sword and jumped across the fire. He had no idea was had happened over there, but he needed to know. He started crawling over the ground, ignoring the hot coals that burned into his knees. He saw Brute  laying there, the handle of his sword sticking up from her chest. His heart dropped into his feet.

Brute could hear him crawling closer. She smiled to herself. It was nice to have someone with you when you died, she thought. When she opened her eyes again he was there, looking horrified. "I'm so sorry Brute. I had no idea she was an assassin. She seemed like a simple girl." The monkey dragged him in with her arm, though it cost her her strength. "I, better then you, should have known. She was no different than I was when I started. Now she's dead." She smiled a little. "But at least you got to add one more to your list!" Mudge cried. "I was stupid. I had a good thing going with you and I blew it over another notch in the bedpost." His tears fell hotly onto her forehead.

She whispered in his ear. "Mudge, I'm dying. I had hoped to have a lot more fun with you, but that doesn't seem to be what the fates had in store for us just yet. Would you do me a favor?" He knew he had no choice. "Anything!" "Done!" she said, coughing up more blood. "I want you to make love to me one more time before you bury me." Mudge about choked. "Brute, you're in no shape for sex..." He was looking at the sword, the blood, everything." She smiled one last time. "You promised!" She breathed her last. Mudge stayed by her side all night, holding her lifeless body.

Come morning, he pulled out his sword and carried her body to the stream. He washed it, watching the clotted blood as it flowed downstream with the water. He carried her back to camp and dried her fur, allowing the warming breeze to finish the job. In the meantime he found a secluded spot and dug a shallow grave. She deserved better, but it was all he could do right now. He came back to find her body dry. She almost looked like she was sleeping. He sat down heavily beside her. "What the 'ell was I thinking, making a promise like that. I've done some despicable things in my time, but I ain't never porked no dead body before." All he wanted to do was bury her and go as far away as he could.

But his conscience reminded him that a promise was a promise. He stripped off his clothes, did his best to work up an erection, and lay down on top of Brute's body. She was cold, but Mudge had had a few flings with some of the salamander varieties, so it wasn't as much of a turn-off as it should have been. He keep his eyes closed, not wanting to remember her this way. He wanted to get it over with, but his mental disgust was dampening his ability to orgasm. He was about ready to give up when  he got the second freakout of the day.

Brute whispered in his ear, "Thanks loverboy!" The otter would have sprouted wings and flown away had she not had her arms around him. He had been so put off by what he was doing that he never noticed her cunt was now warm and her breath had been tickling his neck. "'oly fuck, what the 'ell!" He was trying desperately to escape. "Whoa, calm down Mudge! I'm not going to hurt you!" He was too freaked out to listen. He finally did the sensible thing and passed out.

When he came to, Brute was looking down at him, a look of tenderness that he didn't understand. His mind was still racing, but it was slowly making some sense of the situation. "Brute, you're dead." She stood back and exposed her chest. There was a scar, freshly puckered, showing where his sword and slid in between her ribs. "Yes indeed, my wonderful friend. I was dead. And thanks to you, now I'm not." His head was spinning. " 'ere now, I've screwed the life of out a couple of lasses, but I ain't never screwed no life back into anyone before." She was laughing. "Mudge, you have never screwed a dead person before now...have you?" He looked sick to his stomach. "No! And I don't plan on ever doing it again. Just what the 'ell 'appened?"

She lay down next to him. "Would you like me to explain?" "Yes please, and make it quick, cause me heart can't take the suspense." She smiled and ran her fingers through his fur. "Mordoi." He cocked his head and looked at her. His ears were waiting for more, but his brain was percolating on that. His eyes went wide and he scampered away, cowering. "Are you telling me that your horny, wonderful self is Mordoi..." She finished for him, "the Brute." Mudge's brain got up to speed and then shifted to neutral. He just lay there and stared. He had been spending time with the most notorious, the most heartless, the most horrible assassin that had ever lived. And that was only half the story. The problem was, the stories had always said that Mordoi was a he. And Mordoi couldn't be killed. But those were just stories...

He had been fucking the brains out of a legend. By all rights he should fall on his sword right then and there. His sword! His sword had spilled the blood of perhaps the most famous person in the whole world! Everyone knew the stories about Mordoi the Brute, Mordoi the Silent, Mordoi the Stealthy. And Mordoi who had been dead just a few minutes ago. Whom he, Mudge, had been screwing with the life gone from her body. It was fucking creepy. He needed to know what was going on. "Brute, you need to do some explaining. Use small words and keep the sentences short."

Her laugh was music to his ears. "Oh Mudge, you're so much fun. Wallah said I shouldn't introduce myself as who I really was. She said you'd get all goofy on me, just like you are now." She rubbed his head. "Look otter, you know the stories. Mordoi can't die. Do you remember what the tales say?" Mudge dredged his memories. Mordoi made a pact with the dark powers to grant himself everlasting life. He had now been alive for a century or better. The otter's eyes went wide in fear. She saw the look and laughed even louder. "Oh don't be stupid. Would you like to know how I really got the power to do what I just did?"  He could only nod feebly.

"When I was young, and after several lovers had tried to do me in after they found out my profession, I decided to go to a wizard and have a spell of protection placed on me. The wizard I chose was sick at the time, unbeknownst to me. He said he could do it for the right price, which we negotiated. He was in the middle of the spell when he sneezed. I'm sure that doesn't sound like much, but it was. Powders fell from the shelves, his crucible fell over, and the whole room went dark. I heard him hastily finish the incantation, and the lights came back on again. Nothing was the worse for it, so I thanked him and left. I was murdered the next week."

Mudge was listening intently. " 'ere now, are you saying that instead of protecting you from death, the spell brought you back from the dead?" Brute ruffled his fur lovingly. "That was it entirely, though there is some debate if I actually completely die each time. It doesn't replace missing parts,," she added, showing off her tail and ear, "but it's good for whatever kills me." Mudge did a back flip and stood a few feet away. She was afraid that he was going to run. Instead, he launched himself at her and hugged her for all he was worth. "Brute, you 'ave no idea how bad I felt that you 'ad died, and by my sword. I saw what you did to the one who did it to you. And to think I was getting off on that little bitch." Brute grinned. "Yeah, I know. That's why my blade went into her privies before I ended her misery. I don't like sharing much. Call it a character flaw!"

Mudge was still running things over in his mind. " 'ere now, if this spell could bring you back to life, why the 'ell did you having me porking your corpse for? I mean, it's indecent and all!" She pinched his ass. "Oh Mudge, you are delightful. Yes, I could have recovered on my own. I found out though, that it works better with someone close at hand. Inside works even better. Seems they provide a little energy of their own to the magic. One of my lovers decided to do me in for the reward. He wanted "one last time" and so was screwing my lifeless body when I returned to occupy it. I never even needed to pull a blade on him. Died of a heart attack!" Mudge snorted. "I know 'ow the 'ell he felt!"

Revenge is It's Own Reward

Mudge had a name. He hadn't given it to his dearest little gibbon for fear that she would be rash and go after this formidable being. He was simply not a person to trifle with. At the same time, he was someone that needed to be removed from his present...

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All's Hell that Ends Well.

"Mudgie?" The otter sighed. "Yes Wallah?" "Are you ready to go again?" Mudge dearly adored the girl. He didn't love her, and she would have dumped him the minute he said he did. Like him, she loathed attachments. Also like him, she loved sex. Whenever...

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Violent Beginnings

Mudge, for those familiar with the spell-singer's good friend, is known to have had a history of stealing, wenching, gambling, and otherwise living a less-than-noble life. We have learned little of his years before he met up with Jon-Tom that fateful...

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