Simba's Reunion

Story by Silverwolf626 on SoFurry

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The Sequel to Simba's Discoveries is here!

It was another beautiful morning. Simba, Timon and Pumbaa were lying at the shore of the water; close to the lagoon they had made their home. He had grown quite a bit in the last few months. His chest pluming with a soft, red mane as the hair on his head had begun to grow long. His form had long surpassed Pumbaa in size and in appetite as well. Consuming more bugs on a daily basis then Timon and Pumbaa combined, he was always scouring around for the freshest wriggling critters to eat.

Simba took a long drawn out breath, gazing up into the sky as his body melted into the sweet state of relaxation. He still had the dreams about coming back home, seeing Nala and his friends. However they shared time now with the more recent encounter with the opposite sex.

Suri and Sari were regular fantasies. The girls visited a few times more, but rather abruptly their fun was cut short. They had warned him, they might have to go, but still he worried and longed for the two.

"Hey, Simba?" Pumbaa called out, rolling onto his belly.

"What's up, Pumbaa?" Simba answered, glancing to his friend.

"I'm starving, think we can go find some grubs?" He pleaded.

"Yeah! I could eat." Simba agreed, bounding to his feet.

"Yeesh, the two of you's are always hungry lately." Timon waved off, not wanting to follow the two hunting.

"We can bring you something back if you like?" Simba suggested.

"Yeah sure." He compliantly agreed. Timon took a good long stretch and yawn before trying to lull back to sleep. Simba and Pumbaa made a break for the tree line and started out into the trail. He took quick wiffs of each tree, attempting to sniff out any possible snacks beneath the bark.

Pumbaa had already snared a few grubs trying to leap from the long verdent shrubs, each time glancing back to Simba with a smile.

"How many are you up to now?" Simba questioned with a smile.

"Five and counting." He beamed happily. With a subtle buzz by his ear, Pumbaa took a quick snap and felt the satisfying crunch of his next victim. "Six."

Simba gave a soft laugh and continued on with his search. Back at home, Timon had fallen fast asleep. His chest slowly rising and falling as he murmured with each breath, oblivious to what was stalking him in the bush. Slowly the dark figure crept from the brush, barely disturbing the leaves as it moved toward the sleeping meerkat.

A smile bloomed across its face as it hovered over his body. Giving him a few quick prods, it managed to stir him awake. Opening his eyes and giving his chops a few quick licks, he was greeted to the sight of a panther standing over him, a bright white, toothy smile consuming the near entirety of his view.

Timon panicked and immediately leaped to his feet, screaming.

"Hey! No running!" The panther ordered, snaring Timon's tail. He clawed repeatedly at the ground to break free, but only found himself nearly burrowing into the ground. Taking his tail between its fingers, the panther lifted Timon to its face.

"Please don't eat me." Timon pleaded desperately.

"On one condition." The feminine voice consented. "Is Simba, your friend?" She asked.

"You know, Simba huh!? Well if you don't put me down, he's gonna wipe the floor up with you!" Timon threatened, swinging for her.

"Tell me where I can find him, I need him. Now!" The panthress insisted.

"Why should I tell you anything?" Timon retorted.

"Timon!!" Simba cried out, rushing through the trees. "You put him down, right...." His voice trailed off, seeing the panthress before him. Her beautiful green eyes grew bright with joy, releasing Timon from her grasp she sat down nearly in awe of the sight.

"Simba." She stammered. "I found you."

"Suri?" He breathed. Her eyes began to brim with tears as she shook her head. "Sari!" He exclaimed.

"Yes!" She nodded eagerly. Rushing for his arms, Sari gripped him tight. Simba was still stunned in disbelief, but took his friend into his arms and held her tight.

"Sari, where is Suri? Is she here, with you?" He asked eagerly. Her ears flipped back as she choked back a whimper. A tear raced down her cheek as she shook her head.

"I lost her. I don't know where she is." Sari stammered.

"What?! What happened?!" Simba pleaded. He ran his paw lovingly along her arm, waiting for her whimpers to subside.

"What's going on here!?" Timon demanded.

"Don't worry, Timon. You're not in any danger. Go grab Pumbaa, I told him to wait near the edge of the tree line." He instructed. Timon gave a brief scratch to the back of his head, unsure of his friend's decision. But without a reason to interject, he complied with Simba's request.

"Sure, kid. Just be careful." He advised, disappearing into the brush.

"Sari." Simba addressed. "Tell me what happened."

Sari lead Simba off into the deeper parts of the jungle. His body was getting covered in traces of vines and leaves as they passed through, in an effort to find Suri.

"Where exactly did you see her last?" Simba asked, ducking under a spider web.

"We were hunting a gazelle that had fled here into the forest from the plains. I caught it and took it down and waited for her to help, but she never showed up."

"I know, you told me. But where?" Simba reinforced.

"There is a small clearing with a pool up ahead. We passed through it when we chased the gazelle and I still heard her behind me. I checked their first before, but, I keep checking just to be sure." She continued to explain.

"Alright, we'll get started there." Simba agreed. "Could be tricky though, the jungle here is really thick."

"Yes, I know." Sari paused and sat down. Her paw wiping at her eyes, Simba felt as if the tears were coming again and placed a paw on her back.

"You ok?" He asked sympathetically.

"What?" She glanced back in surprise. "Oh, yes it's just. I'm very tired. I have not slept since she went missing."

"How long ago was this?" Simba pressed, taking her a little closer to him.

"This will be my second day looking for her." She answered, a soft rasp escaping with her voice.

"We'll get her, don't worry." He comforted, planting a soft kiss on her cheek. Glancing ahead he could see a break in the tree line and smiled. "There, is that the pool?"

"Mmm!" Sari woke herself a little. "Yeah, let's go." Sari and Simba made a break for the tree line and passed through into the small opening between. Once within, they found the small pond, which was little more than a larger then average puddle of rain water. The clearing wasn't anything big either, at the most thirty feet across and little less then that wide. Two small breaks in the bushes could be seen. Simba approached the one furthest from him and looked in.

"Jeez!!" He shouted, his paw nearly slipping down the deep slope that followed. Pulling himself back with his heart racing in his chest he looked to a smiling Sari. "Looked down here yet?"

"Yes, it was the first I checked when I came back here." She replied, joining him at his side. "It was so very scary to climb down, and took a long time to find a way back up. Simba braved a second look and found that while slick with mud, the angle of the hill wasn't too steep. Digging deep he might be able to scale it as well.

"Maybe this is where I should start." He decided.

"Good, because I'm afraid of doing that again. I will go see where I took down that gazelle. Maybe she has come back, if not I will go around and meet you at the bottom." Sari plotted, looking off toward the second break. "Simba?" She asked, moving in close to his face.

"Yeah?" He answered softly. Sari gave a soft kiss of her own to his cheek and followed it up with a lick along his muzzle.

"Be safe. It hurt so much when I lost Suri, please don't get hurt." She begged.

"I'll be careful." Simba agreed, giving her a quick nuzzle before starting his descent. Letting his tail-end lead, he dug his claws deep and slowly began sliding down the hill. He understood immediately why she was scared to take the plunge again. His paws went in fairly deep into the mud and caught on a mixture of roots and clay buried beneath, causing erratic stutters and sudden loss of grip during the descent.

As the curve of the hill became a bit more favorable, he took to taking steady steps down the remainder. His paws were soaked in mud along with his belly but it hardly bothered him. The scent of the fresh earth actually brought back memories of being home in the Pridelands. Back when he and Nala would sneak out in the rain to play.

Finding the bottom with ease, Simba took a great breath of satisfaction and looked up the top of the hill with a smile. "That was fun."

Simba shook out his paws one by one as he started to navigate the jungle. He tried using Sari's scent as a guideline for Suri's but it was next to useless. Among the fruits, plants, fungus and leavings of other animals, the scent had to be close or it would be buried within the others. "Suri!" He called out, now and then. "Suri where are you!"

Far off in the distance he could hear Sari doing the same, but following it up with a mournful and drawn out roar. He took his time, parting almost every bush, checking behind every rock and under every tree he found nothing of her.

With the sun passing high noon, the search seemed in vain. Sari had caught up and broke off in another direction to search. Simba doubled back a little, and followed along the base of the cliff to see if anything had been disturbed further off. Ducking another rather large spider web, he found something unusual. A hint of dried blood on tip of a broken thorn bush. He took in the scent, but it was just too old to catch.

Along the hillside he noticed something as well. One of the rocks had claw marks on it, and they were fairly deep. From this he found an angle back into the jungle to work with and followed it.

"Suri!!" Simba called again without answer. "Suri, where are you?!" His care for the webs and vines were little as he barreled through. In his vision ahead he could see a large rock protruding from the brush line between the trees. "Suri!?" He called again.

Stepping within spitting distance, the scent flooded his nose. A combination of blood and other rather unpleasant smells barraged him. Passing the bushes he looked to the base of the stone and saw what he was looking for, and stammered at the sight. "Suri!!" He cried out, rushing to her head. She was barely conscious and badly hurt. Her hind leg was cut fairly deep as well as a goodly amount of blood along her head.

"Watch, step.. the cliffs, a ... the." She rambled softly.

"Shh, Suri it's me. It's Simba!" He assured her, stroking the uninjured portions of her head.

"S..." She stammered.

"Yeah! Sari came and got me, it's gonna be ok. Just stay with me." Simba comforted.

"The gazelle... Got.. Sari?" She asked.

"Shh, it's ok. Just stay awake."

With Suri on his back, Simba made his trek through the jungle to find Sari and the path leading back up. After a good while, he did manage to find a trail that would lead him back toward the clearing. Survaying the area, he checked for any signs of Sari's arrival. Giving one good roar he awaited a response and took his time ascending the hill.

Thankfully an answer came. The bushes alongside him began to toss and rustle as Sari revealed herself. Her expression in horror at the sight on Simba's back.

"No!! Sister!" She screamed rushing for Suri.

"Easy, Sari. She's hurt pretty bad, but I think we can help her." Simba insisted, trying to keep Sari away from ripping her sister down. She settled for grasping her paw and kissing her cheek repeatedly.

"Sissy, are you ok? I'm so sorry I couldn't find you sooner. Please don't leave me!" She begged.

"Sari..." She moaned.

"Yes, sissy?" Sari whimpered.

"Hungry..." Suri managed to get out.

"Don't you worry. I know where we have food and lots of water. You'll be ok." Sari comforted. Simba carried on the wounded panther to the crest of the hill. After a fair amount more drudging through the jungle, they managed to find the pool from before. Sari lead the way over to where she had the kill taken down. Walking in on it, they found that the carcass was littered with bugs, along with large chunks missing.

"What now?" Simba asked softly, feeling the weight of the panthress on his back.

"Well. Hmm, I will go hunt and bring her something back." Sari suggested.


"Yes, I think I can do it." She told herself.

"No, you should let me."

"Simba." She interrupted. "I am not hunting bugs. I do not think you are up to this task."

"I see." He sighed, hanging his head. Gently placing Suri down, he found himself attached to Sari's lips before realizing she had moved in.

"I'm sorry. I do not mean it to be cruel. It's just, we have done this before. You haven't. It's not fair to ask you and risk you getting hurt." Sari explained, putting a paw on his. "And, I do not trust anyone else with my sister other then you."

"Thank you." Simba smiled, warmed by her remark. The two gave each other a quick nuzzle before she aimed off for the tree line. Simba settled in, laying next to the wound on Suri's leg and began to bathe. She cringed each time his tongue made contact, but allowed him to continue. It was the only way to get the wound clean enough to heal.

Once Sari had returned, Simba went back briefly to inform Timon and Pumbaa of what had happened with the twins. He explained to them in more detail about their previous encounter and asked for permission to stay with them for a while within the deep jungle. Though hesitant, the two gave their blessing and let Simba off to tend to Suri's wounds alongside her sister.

They days that followed were not easy. Simba and Sari slept in shifts to watch over Suri. Though her head began to clear within the first day or so, feeling the refreshment of a new kill and clean water. Her movement was somewhat limited by the damage done to her leg. They kept the wound covered as best they could, shielding it from the bugs that would crawl up there body in the night. As the third day came, Suri found it easier to get up and walk on it at least. Something the three actively celebrated.

The fourth day had come and the sun rose with a loving warmth along the three. Simba awoke, his head still resting on Suri's thigh while Sari's paw dangled over his chest. It had been hard, particularly on his stomach readjusting to the meat in his diet, but at the same time so exhilarating. Such warm bodies all around him brought on the feeling of being at home once more. A feeling he wished to keep for as long as he could.

But something else was off this morning, something he had never noticed before. The air seemed a bit sweeter than usual. A tinge of a rather strange scent was filling his nose, the taste in his mouth. It was a little sour, yet sweet at the same time. He couldn't pinpoint the exact location of the smell, until his nose shifted up along Suri's leg.

His nose crinkled as it the scent hit it hard. The taste on the roof of his mouth was overwhelming. He had never before noticed a scent like this come from the twins. He dared to take a closer whiff, his nose just slipping below her leg. His whiskers brushed passed her thigh while his muzzle indulged again in the smell. Again his nose crinkled up, exhaling a little as the smell overwhelmed him.

Suri moaned and began to stir from Simba's motions. Looking down to him over Sari's shoulder she whispered to him.

"Simba?" His eyes darted to hers in a flash of panic. He felt as though he had been caught doing something he was not supposed to. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Oh uh.. I uh, well that is." He clamored for an answer. Suri's face contorted a little as she rubbed her legs together. She could feel the warmth between them, and the tingle that came with it.

"Oh." She moaned, wiping at her eyes. "This has happened before. It's ok, Simba."

Simba had begun panting rather audibly. The scent was getting even stronger, as if it had begun to surround him. Releasing himself from Sari's grip, he backed away a little, feeling a strange surge of instincts start to well within him. Suri studied his behavior with suspicion. She had never seen him act afraid of them before.

"I should.. I should go. I mean, I can't... the smells so strong." Simba stammered once more, wiping his face as if it would hide the smell.

"Simba! It's ok!" Suri assured him, rushing to her feet she attempted to reach him. Her hind leg hindering her a little in the process. Taking him into her arms she stroked his neck. "It's ok. It's happened to me before; the smell just means I'm craving some, relief."

"But it's so strong. Is it coming from just you?" He questioned.

"No, most likely not. Sari and I seem to have this together. It is probably because we are twins." She explained.

Simba still felt a little frightened by the new sensations surging through his body. His member below stole away all his attention. He was hard, throbbing and seemingly wanted to relieve itself as soon as possible. It was nothing new to be aroused, but this was different, deeper and almost primal.

Suri finally looked down to see what he was trying to conceal below. Sari had begun to wake and was watching with eyes half open. But even to her, the bright pink flesh stood out above all else.

"Simba, your pink thing is back out." Suri smiled, stroking his arm. "Do you want to play with us again, is that it?"

"No." Simba shook his head. "Well, yes and no. It's just. I don't think I want to just play. It kinda feels like, I need to be in there."

"You need to be inside?" She questioned more sternly.

"Yes. Oh wow that scent. Please, just let me in. Or I gotta go. It's too much with the both of you." He demanded lightly.

"Hmm." Suri pondered, looking back to Sari. She took her time joining her sister and reached for Simba's paw.

"Simba, what's wrong?" She asked softly.

"Sister, I think I know what our heat does to males now." Suri interjected.

"What?" Sari questioned, examining Simba's condition more thoroughly. "Simba, are you wanting-"

"To jump you and not stop till I pass out? Yes, oh please yes." He blurted out.

"Simba!?" Suri exclaimed. "I'm surprised you are being so forward."

"Sister, please." Sari argued. "He is suffering, if he needs to be inside. He may come inside me." She offered, lying down on her back.

"Sari, are you sure?" She questioned, watching Simba eagerly mount Sari below.

"I am." She assured her. Grasping for Simba's face, she pulled herself up and planted the softest of kisses on his lips. "He has never been like the males, mother told us of. I feel safe with him."

"Sari, thank you." Simba stammered once more, leaning down to give her a kiss. Between his legs, his member was coming truly alive, frantically searching for the delicate area it had known just months ago. In a rather frantic flick, it caught across the lips of her entrance, without a moment's hesitation, he buried himself within.

Sari's eyes blew wide from the intrusion. He had gotten quite big, much bigger since their last encounter. Simba pressed himself to the hilt, indulging in the warmth of her body. Sari moaned, tossing slightly to and fro, it had been so long since they had last been together.

"Oh, Simba!" She cried out, feeling him eagerly thrust inside. He was working her much more vigorously than usual. The last time was slow, easing them into the motions, letting his cock gain the lubricants found within her body to ease the mating. This time was more instinctual, more of a need. Sari was squeezing hard within, the walls wrapping his cock tight with each push inside. The tip brushing across her cervix, giving the most feint tickle each time.

Suri watched the display with mixed emotions. Seeing Simba so rampantly mate her sister was a little disturbing, yet at the same time she could feel the fire between her own legs building. She seemed barely aware of the fact she was touching herself in the process.

Simba's panting grew more and more rapid, his tongue dangling just inches from Sari's open mouth. Her moans only egged him on further, finding higher and higher speeds to invade her body. Sari's moist walls were leaking; the sweet juices came ebbing out from around her entrance. Each thrust gave its own, soft squish as the tender meat slid deep inside.

Sari cried out, throwing her head back as the moment overtook her. Her body convulsed and began its climax, wringing Simba's cock tight within. It was too much for him, the scent, the sudden tightness and the heat of her body set him off without warning. Hot, thick streams of sperm shot deep inside. She could feel it spurting against the walls inside, filling her to the vault. It felt as though he was urinating the fluid to flood her body. Sari worried she would well up and the pressure to cause too much pain.

To her relief, he did slow. Panting loudly over her body, Simba seemed frozen in time, lost to the relief. Sari gazed lovingly up to him and smiled, reaching for his cheek she woke him with the touch. Running her paw along to his chin, she pulled him in, soaking tongue and all and buried it in her mouth.

Withdrawing from her body and mouth, Simba smiled down and pressed his nose to hers. Suri observed the mess between their legs with awe, fixated on Simba's dangling penis, saturated in fragrant seed.

Simba felt her nose bump between his legs, she inhaled deep, taking in the rich and sweet smell.

"Suri?" Simba wondered, glancing back to her.

"Yes?" She replied, though with only a soft breath.

"Like it?" He proposed, observing her as she admired his equipment. Suri took his meat into her mouth, sucking off the seed and letting the cock fall out with a slurp.

"Mmm. The taste seems better." Suri sighed, moving along Simba's body. She pushed him off Sari and lowered her body down, letting her pussy rest inches from Sari's muzzle. "Wanna watch, sissy? It was really neat to watch you two."

"Sure!" She smiled, wrapping her paws around her sister's belly. "Come on, Simba." He had little issue getting hard again, the scent of heat had not relented from Suri's or Sari's bodies. Swinging around he propped himself a little higher to compensate for the two of them stacked together and began his search.

Sari giggled as his cock flashed across her nose in its attempt to penetrate Suri's damp and yearning pussy. With the aid of Sari's muzzle and subtle push, she watched as her lips spread wide and enveloped the entirety of his shaft.

Suri threw her head up and closed her eyes as she loosed a long drawn out moan. She was discovering what her sister had learned just moments ago. Simba had a little more patience this time, allowing her to really adjust to his new length and girth, taking long slow strokes to stimulate her gradually.

Sari studied the scene before her with intrigue. Each time he pulled out he drew just a little more dampness from her body with his cock. She cracked her mouth, hoping just a drop would reach her tongue, but it was too early on yet.

Suri's head eventually came lower, her eyes still closed while she occasionally bumped forward with each press from Simba. As her eyes opened, she began to fawn over the sight before her, Sari's wet and fragrant folds, decorated with Simba's seed. Suri gave a little tug at her sister's leg and drew her pussy to a more accessible range. She started to clean the stains that were forming around Sari's lips and inner thighs, basking in the taste of the sperm that was matting in.

Simba returned to his usual pace, his balls tapping on her backside with each push. The only change from before was the soft kiss of Sari's breath across his damping sack. She teased a little, by pressing on Suri's belly now and again, hoping to make the experience just a little tighter.

Having toyed with her sister enough, Sari began to suckle on her tits in an effort to please her further. Suri stopped cleaning and loosed a soft roar, the combination of being mated by Simba and nursed on by her sister was becoming too much.

Simba snared Suri's scruff and began panting loudly once again. She gave a meek moan with each deep penetrating thrust as the climax built up. Her legs began to quiver, the injured one in particular. Sari noted this and released the tit, steadying her sister with her paw.

With a fairly solid roar she began to spasm violently on Simba's cock. The jolts were so violent he was forced to simply lean in and let her orgasm run its course. After a few gasps for air, Suri came down from her climax and began panting. Simba didn't hesitate, he took he took the opportunity to resume his pace and began pounding her back end.

This time he could feel it coming, the tingle in his balls spreading across his thighs as if they were supplying the muscle for the release. Dropping her scruff he twitched violently within and began to inseminate her. Much to both of their surprise, Sari began licking eagerly at the scene, her tongue trying to part her lips and gain a taste of the seed Simba was pouring in.

Simba grasped her sides tight, trying to keep himself steady as he emptied himself into her. His breathing grew long and drawn out as the last drops ebbed their way out his well worn meat. He pulled from her body, releasing a gush of seed that was quickly lapped up by Sari's overzealous tongue. Still struggling to catch his breath, he backed away and planted himself down, taking the chance to recuperate.

After sating her appetite, Sari rolled her sister off and rose to her feet, stretching herself out. In contrast, Suri flopped to her back and rolled over and over. Embracing the feel of the seed basting her sore pussy.

With a very content look, Sari strolled over to Simba and tucked her head beneath his. Taking a deep breath, she sighed as she brushed her head along his chin and down his chest. Simba, still breathing heavily wrapped a paw around her and pulled her in. Sari was always the first to show him affection, one of the few traits that separated her from her sister.

Suri concluded her bask in ecstasy and cautiously rose to her feet. Walking over with her little hobble she joined her sister in nuzzling and cuddling with Simba. He managed to get a little better control of his breathing and began squeezing in brief kisses to each of them.

Sari placed her muzzle next to his ear, letting a soft giggle brush passed she whispered.

"Lay down." Simba happily complied and allowed the girls to lower him to the ground. While Suri continued to kiss and lick his cheek, Sari took soft nibbles at his ear. "Now, you just relax. Let us take care of everything." She instructed.

Sari nodded to Suri. With the tip of her paw, she flowed down along his neck, over his chest and down to his belly. Spreading his legs a little wider, the two took to bathing each inner thigh, until their tongues met atop his wet sheath.

Caressing it between their tongues, they licked up and down along Simba's sheath. After a few strokes, Sari went down lower and took to bathing his sack. Her warm tongue, lapping across and under his near empty balls while Suri toyed with the soft sheath in her mouth made Simba stammer.

"Oh wow." He moaned, his paws wrapped across his chest. Simba shut his eyes and let the girls work him over, feeling his shaft rise from its sheath.

As his erection grew, the girls positioned there back ends closer to Simba's face. He watched as they inched closer and closer together, their legs criss-crossing his body to allow as little room as possible between them. Simba felt the rush of their scent his nose once again. The sour yet sweet scent that seemed to emanate from there slits was overwhelming him once more.

He was growing harder by the second, the length of which was all but swallowed in Suri's mouth while Sari continued to bathe and massage his balls. He could stay idle no longer. Leaning up a little, he dove his tongue into Suri's slit while his paw began fondling Sari's.

Simba's encouragement only pushed the twins on harder. Suri began sucking on the length of his cock while Sari took his balls into her mouth. Simba's breathing grew rapid once again though his climax was not near. The feeling of his most sensitive areas being all but devoured, toyed with in their mouths was overwhelming.

His tongued washed up from inside her slit toward the soft pucker of her ass. Simba's paw slipped inside Sari's pussy, soft squishes of juice squeaked out with each prod.

Suri released his cock and opted to trade with her sister. Sari eagerly enveloped his wet meat as Suri began bathing and occasionally taking in his sack. They each began rhythmic motions, Sari's muzzle pressing down hard in an attempt to swallow him while Suri took in his balls and gently tugged.

The twin's free paws began kneading on Simba's inner thighs. Simba switched and began gorging himself on Sari's pussy while prodding on Suri's. The girls let out soft moans that seemed to vibrate along his cock and balls. Eventually, they both began to purr, adding a deeper massage to their efforts.

It was more then he could take. Withdrawing his tongue, he closed his eyes and began to breath rapidly. Groaning and even whimpering softly he felt the release coming. With a shallow cry, his cock came alive in Sari's mouth and began releasing. A few hot jets of sperm shot to the back of her throat and on her tongue. The streams this time however, were far fewer. Though his meat was still spastically twitching, it seemed that he had been emptied out by his previous endeavours.

Simba's head fell back; his breathing grew soft as the orgasm slowed. His body could take no more, within moments he passed out. Sari moaned and swallowed the deposit in her mouth contently while Suri released his sorely drained sack. The two rushed to his head, worried they might have injured him. What they found instead made them smile.

Simba was fast asleep, but his face, his smile looked outright euphoric. The two lowered themselves down, each taking one of his paws to wrap up in. In synchronicity, they took a long deep breath and sighed happily.

"Sister?" Sari asked softly.


"Our heat last time. It lasted days." She reminded her.

"And?" She questioned.

"I want to do this again with him. For all these days." Sari stated. Suri paused for a while before submitting her thoughts.

"I agree. But we cannot do it this fast. I do not think he can take it so rapidly." Suri noted.

"Yeah. Let's let him rest up. When he gets up, I'm sure he'll want to please us again." Sari agreed, cuddling in a little closer to Simba and resting her eyes.

"I think so too. So let's keep him comfortable." She stated, following her sisters example and cuddling up closer. "Goodnight sister, goodnight Simba."

"Good- uh. Sister?" Sari paused. "It's still morning." Suri sighed and shook her head.

"I love you, silly sister."

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