Kovu's Lesson

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The sequel to Vitani's lesson!

After a hard days training with Zira, Kovu is offered some secret training from his brother.

"Faster Kovu, you must get faster than this!" Zira bellowed across the scabbed and arid earth of the outlands. Kovu was being out manoeuvred by his sister, the two playing a game of tackle-tag. Vitani kept herself poised to pounce away, her head low and tail and hind-legs high.

"Come on Kovu, whatcha got?" She snickered, shooting left and right. Loosing a snarl he leapt for her, taking a good bite of dust while she ducked out of the way. Leaping up, he quickly shook it off and took another charge to follow it up. Vitani laughed as their bodies collided, rolling and kicking up dust as she managed her weight atop of him.

"Stop letting her dictate the fight! Get her under control! Dominate!" Zira cried out to her cub. Kovu roared and took firm grasp of his sister. With a snap he threw her over and planted himself on top. "Yes! That's it Kovu! Again!" Releasing Vitani he kept his ears low and threw himself at her once more.

Vitani was able to roll him onto his back again, planting a foot on the inside of his thigh, she leaned her weight hard on his body. His hind legs were lost, but not his front. She had trouble getting his front paws under control, Kovu was entering his earliest stages of adolescents and his muscle was starting to overshadow his sister.

He threw the back of his paw across her face, knocking her off she grasped her head.

"Easy, Kovu!" Vitani scolded.

"Sorry." He quickly apologized. Zira rushed over and grabbed hold of Vitani's arm and dragged her close.

"No, this is not a time to take it easy. Do you think Simba or Nala will avoid your face? If you cannot take a strike from your brother, what use are you to me?" Zira angrily lectured.

"Well if you want me to take him apart, fine. But I don't think Scar would like me killing his chosen one." Vitani retorted. Zira growled, pulling away from her daughter.

"Oh, that mouth." She grumbled, looking away briefly. Turning back she started to grin, and even laugh. "There's a reason I favor the two of you." Pulling the both in close to her.

"Are you proud of us, mother?" Kovu asked, his face half covered by her paw.

"Oh yes my son. When the two of you are done, the pathetic Pridelanders will be no match for you." She chuckled.

"We'll kill them all, for you, mother." Vitani cackled.

"Zira!" One of the lionesses called.

"What is it?" She snapped right back with a scowl.

"The girls are ready to hit the trail near the border, if you are."

"Gonna try again, mother?" Vitani asked. Zira was taking chances over the last few days, invading the Pride Lands and trying to steal a kill or two to drag back home.

"Of course. Vitani, patrol the border for us while we are gone. Kovu?" Zira glanced down, meeting her son's eyes. "Find your brother, he is to watch you while we are away."

"Yes, mother." Kovu nodded. Zira scooped up her daughter and took to the border of the outlands with haste. Kovu watched them disappear into the distance before turning back toward home. He dragged his feet, feeling fairly tired from the rigors of his training but overall quite satisfied. Though brutal, it was fun to try to get the better of Vitani. With each session he was finding it easier and easier.

Releasing a good long yawn as he entered his home, he spotted Nuka in the corner of the den. He seemed set on flicking a rock into a triangular pile of them he made. His head low, one eye closed and the other raised unusually high, he flicked the stone and knocked the top one over, leaving the other two standing perfectly still.

"Grr!" He snapped, rushing over to pick up his primary means of fire and started to set the triangle up again.

"Nuka?" Kovu called, slowly approaching his brother.

"Whaaat, termite?" He answered, not giving him so much as a look.

"Mother and the others have headed out to hunt, you're supposed to watch me again.. If you can." Kovu snickered.

"Great, that's just dandy." He groaned, taking another shot at the target. The stone flew right over the mark and tumbled a little further behind. "Darn it you little termite! You messed up my shot!"

"Relax, I'll get it for you." Kovu insisted, walking by his brother. Finding the stone he swiftly leaned down and mimic'd his brother's pose. Taking the shot, he nailed the three stones dead center and toppled them, much to Nuka's displeasure. "Bulls eye!" Kovu laughed. Nuka growled and kicked the earth, rushing over to his brother. His face pressed against the cub's.

"You're picking that up, right now!" He demanded.

"Bet you wish you could do that?" Kovu taunted lightly, brushing his brother's cheek he picked up the stones and set the target up once more. "Come on, Nuka. I'll show you." Nuka huffed but took to his brother's side and watched as he began his lecture. "Ok, come down here." He insisted.

"Ok." Nuka played along.

"See, the trick is, you gotta aim right for the center-"

"That's what I've been doing!" Nuka interupted.

"And, not hitting too hard." Kovu elaborated. Giving himself a moment to line up the shot, he gave it a good flick and once again nailed the center and toppled the rocks. "Ha, see?"

"Alright, set it up again. I'll try." Nuka complied, snatching the stone while his brother reset the target. Lowering himself down, Nuka took aim while Kovu took to his side.

"Easy, Nuka." Kovu whispered. Flicking the stone, he shot the top off just barely, clipping it as it nearly soared straight over. "Ugh, here. Watch me again." Kovu insisted. "Set em up." Nuka wasn't happy about the miss, but set the target up once more.

"Alright, show me again." Nuka insisted, sounding a little more brotherly this time. Kovu gave a quick nod before lowering himself down. Nuka was set a little further back, noticing the form his brother took. His body was good and level with the ground, save for his hind legs which held his backside up high.

His gaze turned between Kovu's legs, his tail turned high in the air gave a clear view of the tiny sack and hint of sheath, dangling between his legs. He found himself fixating upon them instead of paying attention to the shot Kovu was making. His ears confirmed his little brother's success, but still he kept locked between Kovu's legs. It had dawned on him that such a fixation had happened before.

Looking away from Kovu, his mind rushed to the day he introduced Vitani to mating. The way her body rippled and waved beneath the water during the bath, the warmth and tightness of her body. He started to drift off, lost to the immense pleasure of that moment.

"See how it works now, Nuka?" Kovu asked, swinging around to his brother. His face contorted a moment before turning unimpressed. It was obvious Nuka hadn't been paying attention at all. "Hey, I'm talking to-" Kovu cut himself off. A flash of pink had caught in the corner of his eye. Looking between his brother's legs, he could see his exposed penis, slowly rising and falling with his breathing. Giving an occasional twitch as it grew more and more exposed. "NUKA!" Kovu cried out.

"Bwah! Huh!?" Nuka clamored, snapping back to reality in an instant.

"What's going on with you? You got something coming out of your sheath." Kovu wondered. Nuka was made suddenly aware of himself, peeking out between his legs. Immediately he covered himself and scowled at his brother.

"It's none of your business." Nuka insisted, waiting for his erection to contract.

"Well something was on your mind. I started seeing that happen to me a little while ago to." Kovu noted.

"Just take another shot." Nuka demanded. Kovu shrugged his brother's curt response off and started setting up the target once more. Nuka grumbled to himself, finding himself a little embarrassed at the situation.

As Kovu leaned down to take another shot, Nuka's eye's wondered once more. Running up the inside of his thigh and catching again on the dangling sack of his little brother. He even ogled the tiny pucker at the base of his tail, before darting back to the baggage below.

The idea's started to bloom just like before. The little things he and Kovu could do that might get him off. Though not overly fond of Kovu, he figured there were no doubt some things the two could share, and perhaps it was time to impart a little brotherly wisdom on the cub.

As the shot made contact and toppled the rocks, Nuka was ready this time. Kovu swung around with his little smile and gloated.

"That's three for three."

"Well, I guess you have to be better at some things then me." Nuka replied.

"I'll be better at everything then you, some day." He carried on.

"Maybe, but not if I were to, I don't know say, withhold the little lesson mother told me to teach you." He suggested with a smile.

"What lesson?!" Kovu demanded. "Mother would kill you if she knew you were holding out!" Nuka leaned down, bringing his paw to his cheek.

"Well it's uh, kind of a private one. If you follow me." Nuka whispered.

"Oh?" Kovu grinned wickedly. "I like these kinds. Big secret, no one else can know?"

"Yes and no." Nuka chuckled.

"Well come on! Tell me!" Kovu pleaded eagerly, the young cub in him coming out in his words.

"Alright, but not here, we gotta find a safe place to talk. No one to walk in on us, you know?" He carried on, pulling away from Kovu's ear. "Come on, I know just the spot."

"Awesome!" Kovu cheered, following behind his brother.

The two exited the cave and headed out around the back. Their bodies concealed by the shadow, the afternoon sun cast on the den. It was also an advantage having most of the lionesses out in The Pridelands while the few that did remain were watching the border like Vitani.

"So come on, Nuka. Tell me!" Kovu eagerly demanded, pushing on his brother's arm. Nuka smiled looking down at him. It was surprising how much he was growing. Though still a cub, his head shot just shy of his chest, even the pushing felt like it had gotten a little muscle behind it.

"Alright, well. Tell me, Kovu. What do you know, about these?" Nuka asked, widening his legs. Kovu's eyes followed and saw the soft sheath resting upon Nuka's balls.

"Oh, it's about this." Kovu grinned. "I had a feeling it was."

"So what do you know?" Nuka reiterated.

"Not much. Mother hasn't covered anything about this. Lately it's just like what you did before, that pink thing of mine has been coming out." Kovu explained, widening his legs as well. Nuka looked down to see the cubs sheath resting in the same pose.

"What do you think about that brings it out?" Nuka questioned, still locked on his brother's equipment.

"Oh, I'm usually thinking of K- uh... I mean.. King. Yeah, being king." Kovu stumbled, trying to feign confidence in his answer.

"Being king?" Nuka snickered, closing his legs up a little. "Come on, I know better than that." Kovu folded his ears back and sighed, knowing he had been caught.

"Kiara." He submitted.

"See, was that so bad." Nuka consoled, snickering a little in the process. "So want to know how it works?"

"Yeah!" Kovu's eyes bloomed wide, eager to learn.

"Ok, here." Nuka insisted, pushing Kovu back. He braced himself up on his elbows while his feet spread apart on the ground, exposing himself completely to his brother. Nuka leaned down, his breath passing over Kovu's little sheath.

"What are you doing?" Kovu asked.

"Relax, here's how it works. See, when you are pleasured in this area, your pink thing will start to come out." He began. Nuka took a quick lick along Kovu's sheath, following it up with a stroke along his balls. Kovu stammered a little at the feel of his tongue stroke up on him.


"Like it?" Nuka asked, ensuring his brother's compliance.

"Yeah." Kovu nodded. Nuka gave a soft chuckle before starting to bathe, his tongue ran up then down the little sheath, across the top of his balls, caressing them before taking soft licks at the base. Kovu closed his eyes, feeling the rise of his shaft within. Nuka did all he could to keep coaxing it to the surface.

As the pink flesh breached the tip, he took the whole of Kovu's cock into his mouth.

"Whoa, what are you?!" Kovu started to protest, but silenced himself once he felt what Nuka was doing. His meat was being pressed against the roof of Nuka's mouth, swished between his teeth as he massaged it along his tongue. Pressing his muzzle down, he engulfed every bit of Kovu's most delicate flesh within his mouth. Surprisingly long enough to near the end of his tongue.

Running to the tip, he released Kovu's penis and let it throb above his belly. Smiling down, he took hold of Kovu's sack and gently rubbed.

"Now, the next part. Do you know what these are for?" Nuka questioned.

"Uhh, guessing it has to do with the pink thing, right?"

"You got it, small fry. See that pink thing there, is your real penis. When you get nice and hard like that, it means you want to put it inside a lioness." Nuka elaborated.

"Inside them? Those little folds!" Kovu exclaimed, the idea finally making sense.

"Exactly." Nuka snapped his fingers and nodded.

"Wow, so then the balls?"

"They have your seed in them. Well, maybe they might have yours. I don't know if you're old enough to make it yet." Nuka answered, still toying with the little sack.

"Oh, bummer." Kovu moaned.

"Wanna find out?" Nuka suggested with a wink.

"Yeah!" Kovu smiled back, eager to find out if he could.

"But you gotta promise to let me get off after, ok?" Nuka threw in.

"Uh, ok. Whatever that means." Kovu agreed happily. Nuka repositioned his muzzle and once again engulfed the length of Kovu's member. Closing his eyes, the cub sighed and fell to his back, basking in the warmth of his brother's mouth.

It was the strangest taste, somewhat sweet and salty as he rolled him all about his mouth. Leaning his muzzle in, he pressed his tongue up against his cock, pinning it to the roof of his mouth. Nuka ran his tongue along it as fast as he could, salivating at the taste of the meat.

Kovu moaned and groaned, his legs occasionally coming up to the side of Nuka's face as he pleasured him. Nuka started to pull back a little and push down, letting him get the feel of being mated.

He ran his paw along Kovu's tail, up to his little pucker and started playing with it. Though not penetrating, he pressed on it, letting the saliva that escaped his muzzle lubricate the little entrance.

He was really working him, his muzzle rapidly descending and ascending. Kovu could feel something start to build up within him. Nuka scooped up his brother's sack as he came down and engulfed it in his mouth. Though his movements outside stopped, the ones inside were unrelenting, his tongue firing rapidly down his cock, seemingly parting him from his balls.

Kovu was being sent over the edge. Gasping for air he could feel it coming, his sack readied he began his release. A hard shot made the roof of Nuka's mouth, nearly down the back of his throat. The little cub spurted over and over, his cum diluting the pool of saliva that built up within. Kovu clawed the ground, squirming and groaning, his eyes shut tight. His first ejaculation, had filled Nuka's mouth.

Panting loudly, Kovu came down. Nuka slowly released the flesh he had pleasured to the breaking point. A pool of cum and spit followed, splashing over the entire lower length of Kovu's body.

"So, how bout that?" Nuka admired, seeing the seed covered genitals before him.

"Huh?" Kovu braced himself up and examined himself. "Oh, wow. I had so much!"

"Yeah, not bad for a first timer." Nuka complimented. "Now."

"Now what?" Kovu asked between pants. Nuka spread his legs wide, revealing the long lean cock. "Oh."

"Here, let's get me all slicked up." Nuka stated, hovering his cock over Kovu's privates he started to smear the flesh. He basted himself in the fluids Kovu has been so kind to provide and rested himself at the base of his tail.

"What are you going to do now?" Kovu asked hesitantly.

"It'll hurt a little, ok? Just try to grin and bear it." Nuka advised.

"Wait, Nuka. That'll never fi-" Kovu tried to argue, but as he spoke Nuka breached his anus. "Ahh-HAHHH!"

"Easy, it's just the tip." Nuka insisted, getting a feel for the entrance. Kovu settled himself down and dropped to his back once more. "There ya go, just relax." Nuka assured him.

Slipping a little deeper with an audible spurt, Nuka began filling the back entrance of Kovu's body. Thanks to the seed, he was able to get himself down to the sheath with little issue. Nuka braced himself a little more, pressing on the cub he delved himself deeper, wrapping Kovu's legs across his belly.

"Nuka! It's too big!" Kovu protested, feeling himself be spread apart. Nuka pulled back a little before resuming his dig. Kovu moaned and whimpered as Nuka's cock made its full trip in.

"There we go." Nuka sighed, letting himself stay locked for a moment.

"Are you done yet?" Kovu pleaded, looking up to his brother with one eye open.

"Yeah, the worst part's over. Just relax, get used to it." Nuka insisted.

"Ok." Kovu nodded. He could feel the little twitch of his brother's meat inside. It was pressing on his own cock somehow, enough to slowly reveal Kovu's pink flesh again. Nuka began his slow movements in and out, Kovu being bumped back each time he made it to the limit.

"Guess you know what a lioness feels like, huh?" Nuka smiled, still gently humping.

"Ha, I guess." Kovu agreed, still moaning with each thrust.

"Ahh, yeah." Nuka sighed, quickening his pace. Kovu's rectum was becoming more and more welcoming. The tight clinch he gave now and then really spurred him on. Kovu could feel something happening within him, with each thrust it felt as though some strange sensation was putting pressure on his balls. It was an odd, but good feeling, as though something about Nuka mating him was getting him off to.

"Nuka, this is weird." Kovu stammered, grasping the earth once more.

"But good weird?" Nuka posed to him.

"Yeah, kinda like that." He agreed. This was all the encouragement he needed. Nuka started really taking him like a lioness, pounding away vigorously as Kovu's cries bounced with each thrust. Kovu was clinching tight, gritting his teeth as the new sensations were sweeping his body.

The build up within him happened rapidly, as though he was being milked by Nuka's rampant mating. It took only a few moments for the sensation to wash over him, wrapping him in a strange euphoria.

Kovu's eyes glazed over with pleasure, his body taking full control he began to ejaculate once more. Streams of cum spurt into the air, decorating his and Nuka's chest. Feeling the cool splash of his brother's seed started to set him off. His legs began to quiver as his thrusts slowed, Nuka gasped as he felt his release meet the tightness within.

Hard jets shot against the cub's walls, warming his cavity with seed. Nuka hung his head, continually filling his brother up. Lowering his paw to Kovu's belly and rubbing the seed he had released into his fur.

Nuka was finally able to calm down, his cock slowly falling from Kovu's body. As the last bit of flesh escaped, so too did a trail of sperm gush out onto his tail. Nuka looked down, the little anus bubbling with white fluid and began to grasp the reality of the situation. They had spent a lot of time hidden away, mother would be home soon and they were soaked with seed.

"Hey, Kovu. You ok?" He asked, tapping his brother's side.

"Ughh...." Kovu moaned. "So tired, and kinda sticky."

"Yeah, we gotta get cleaned up in a hurry." Nuka urgently explained. Lowering himself beside Kovu's body he extended his arm. "Come on, up."

"Mmm, do I have to? Can't I just sleep?" Kovu pleaded.

"If you want me to tell mother about, Kiara. Sure." Nuka stated. Kovu's eyes bloomed once again. Rolling onto his belly he climbed up on his brother's back. "Come on, the streams not far. We can make it."

Nuka took a good while to wash himself and Kovu off. His little brother eventually woke up enough to finish off the job and shake himself out.

"Good, were all clean." Nuka sighed in relief.

"I thought this was supposed to be a lesson?" Kovu pondered aloud, looking up to him.

"Well..." Nuka trailed off, scratching behind his head. "The lesson part, yes. The practicing though.."

"Oh." Kovu snickered. "Well, it was fun anyway. But honestly, I think I'd rather practice on Kiara next time."

"We best act normal when we get home to, termite!" He insulted lightly. Kovu laughed and looked back up.

"If you say so, fumbling oaf." The two carried on laughing, enjoying their moment before starting their way back home. As they headed off, they were unaware of the prescience of a little cub along the shore. Vitani smiled as they disappeared and rose to her feet.

"Next lesson starts, tomorrow." She cackled, walking back toward home.

Pleasures of War

Vitani crept her way through the tall grass of the Pridelands. Having been ordered to investigate the goings on, after Kiara's accidental stumble into the Outlands, she was told to discover what provoked her visit. Zira was convinced Kiara's arrival...

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One scar, for another.

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Finding Nala

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