Pleasures of War

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Kiara's carelessness comes back to haunt her as Vitani's mission to investigate the pride lands goes awry.

Vitani crept her way through the tall grass of the Pridelands. Having been ordered to investigate the goings on, after Kiara's accidental stumble into the Outlands, she was told to discover what provoked her visit. Zira was convinced Kiara's arrival wasn't a mere accident but rather an attempt to spy on her pride. Vitani was to get as close as she could to Pride Rock and listen in to confirm the truth.

She loved sneaking around, her feet gave the ground the softest kiss before fading away, leaving only the faintest of tracks behind. She continued her stalking, embracing the feel of the grass, whisking by her ear and nose drawing long slow breaths to pick up the scent of any hostile lionesses. With her eyes shot wide, she halted. Hearing behind her the grass rumble and break beneath two sets of fumbling paws.

Growlingly she swung her head around and found herself nose to nose with Nuka, seemingly shocked to find himself so close to her.

"You clumsy oaf! Get away from me; I'm supposed to be on a stealth mission for mother!" Vitani scolded, swatting his nose away from her.

"Hey!" He protested.

"Shh!" She reminded him.

"Mother said for me to come back you up in case there's trouble." Nuka stated formally. Vitani rolled her eyes and returned her attention toward Pride Rock.

"Then back me up by staying back. Far, back!" She reinforced. Vitani wasn't about to have her cover blown by her own brother. She took a few steps further, trying to resume the focus she held before, but once again she could hear the tussling of grass and the footfalls of paws. She gave a quick glance back to Nuka who seemed to be amusing himself by fawning over a wildflower and affirmed it wasn't him.

Gaining a little bit further ahead, the sound become more and more obvious. As the grass parted, and a trail revealed, she managed to spot Kiara out for a walk.

"The Princess." She whispered to herself, ducking back into the grass as she passed by. Giving Vitani her rear was a big mistake, she had no reservations about hitting from behind, something Zira happily enforced as a lesson. She gave only a few seconds to see if her entourage of Timon and Pumbaa were anywhere nearby, but when no sign of them showed she readied her move.

Leaping from the bush, she gave Kiara no time to react and plowed her to the ground. The dumbfounded cub was left in a daze, gazing up at the two evil blue eyes staring down at her in amusement. "Oh Nuka? Why don't you come bring that muscle now?"

"Huh?" He questioned from further back. Kiara made a small attempt to escape but Vitani's claws locked in on her throat and discouraged a second attempt. Arriving on the trail, he looked down on Vitani's prey and shared in her smile.

"Looky what I caught." She gloated.

"Oh hohoho. The little princess, caught off guard." Nuka chimed in.

"Leave me alone!" Kiara protested, giving another half-hearted attempt to escape.

"Easy there, princess. One fel move and I'll take your throat." Vitani warned, pressing her paw down harder.

"What do you want?" Kiara begged, gasping for breath.

"Me?" Vitani smiled. "Nothing, but mother. Oh I'm sure she could find a good use for you. Nuka?"

"Mmmhmmm." He smiled, leaning down to her face.

"Take her back home to mother right away. Make sure you, keep her safe. Wouldn't want anything to happen to our dainty guest." Vitani laughed, easing her grip on Kiara's throat. Nuka was quick to snatch up the cub in his maw, though he wasn't fond of the taste. "I'll continue with the mission, come find me once mother has her secured." Vitani ordered. Nuka gave a quick scowl but complied with his little sister's request.

She carried on, moving herself closer and closer Pride Rock. She had kept her pace slow and steady, not wanting the lionesses to catch on to her movements within the savannah. Though not quite as skilled at fighting as her pride, Vitani knew the pride landers were very prominent hunters.

"I don't care if it was, what did you call it?" Simba bellowed, questioning Timon and Pumbaa. Vitani was surprised how close they were and immediately leveled her body with the ground.

"Bug-a-paloosa?" Timon suggested shyly, riding atop of friend.

"We're sorry, Simba." Pumbaa replied, hanging his head.

"Just, get out there and find her. I keep telling her not to run off like this, it's bound to get her into trouble." Simba complained.

"Hey, we'll find the kid. We ain't so easy to get the slip on you know." Timon argued, trying his best to defend his case. Vitani couldn't help but let a soft little laugh escape. If only they knew, she thought to herself. Her amusement didn't last however, as she suddenly found the ground falling away from her feet. Looking to her left, she saw Nala's smug face, amused by the object she found.

"Well now, what do we have here?" She posed to Vitani.

"Stuff it, queenie!" She fired back, taking a swing for Nala.

"Ha." Nala laughed, unimpressed with the attempt and tossed her over toward Simba. She rolled over and over on the ground until halting beneath Simba's paw.

"Vitani." He growled, leaning down to her face.

"In the flesh." She mocked, returning to her coy little self.

"Where is my daughter?!" Simba demanded.

"Now hold on, Simba. Kiara's disappearance and her being might be two different events." Nala advised.

"Oh? Is your pretty little daughter gone?" Vitani asked with no loss of sarcasm.

"Though I could be wrong." Nala immediately corrected herself. "Vitani, where is she?"

"Pah, like I'll tell you anything." Vitani dismissed.

"Kid! You better speak up, or you're gonna answer to me and my buddy here." Timon threatened, rolling up his arms as sleeves. Pumbaa gave a good grunt, affirming his side on the idea.

"The stick armed meerkat and the gas bloated pig? Oh, I'm so scared." Vitani mocked.

"You do know something, don't you?" Nala asked softly, Vitani smiled looking back to her.

"Nothing I'm gonna tell you, filthy pride landers." She scoffed again. Nala swatted her husband's paw away and hoisted up the cub once more. Much to Vitani's surprise, Nala hurled her hard, slamming her into a rock and knocking her unconscious. "Timon, Pumbaa. Go get Rafiki, tell him to bring vines to string her up with. Simba, do whatever it takes. Rip the answers out of her."

"Wow, Nala." Simba complimented, attempting to nuzzle her side.

"Nobody messes with my daughter! Especially not that, bitch."

Back in the Outlands, Nuka was arriving home carrying the most precious cargo. He practically strutted his way through the mess of lionesses, toting the cub as a trophy. Many of them smiling at the sight, eager to offer their praises.

"Well well, he finally did something right."

"Princess Kiara. Oh this will be good."

"Zira's gonna have a field day with her."

"Way to go, Nuka. Now don't fuck it up and drop her." This one set the other lionesses into a subtle uproar of laughter. Nuka brushed them off and carried on into the den with Zira waiting inside. Seeing him return so early, she was ready to thrash until she realized what he was carrying.

"My son!" She exclaimed, rushing up to him. "Fortune favors us this day it seems. The little princess Kiara, snared up by the jaws of an Outlander. How, precious." She laughed, smacking Nuka's back he spat the cub out abruptly. Coughing a few times, he began to explain.

"I caught her while Vitani was slacking off, as usual." He retold.

"What?" Kiara exclaimed. "No you didn't that other girl caught me first." Zira's smile melted away as she looked to her son in disappointment. Nuka tried to shyly laugh it off, but a quick swat across his face corrected his mood.

"Never take credit for your sister's achievements again, Nuka." She scolded. "Get back out there, you are supposed to be supporting Vitani!" Nuka cowered down and immediately rushed for the door. Zira watched her eldest son flee away then gave her attention to the trembling cub before her. With a devious smirk she leaned down, letting her claws stroke through her fur. "Now my dear, why don't you and I get better acquainted, hmm?"

"Uhh." Kiara trembled, cringing at the feel of her claws. Zira chuckled and swatted the cub over to Kovu.

"Kovu, make her comfortable."

"Comfortable?" Kovu questioned. Zira walked over and picked him up by his scruff, placing him down atop of Kiara's body.

"There now, snug as a bug." She laughed again under her breath. "Now Kiara. Here is how things are going to work. I'm going to ask a question, you're going to give me a straight answer. If I catch you in a lie, I'm going to have Kovu take something, precious."

"Please, don't hurt me." Kiara begged.

"Shh, It's ok." Kovu whispered. "Just tell the truth, and I won't."

"What was that Kovu?!" Zira snapped.

"Uh, I was telling her if she lies I'll rip her ears off." He quickly conjured up.

"Hmm." Zira wondered, looking away. "Girls, I want you outside in full patrols. Make sure that Simba is nowhere to be found."

"Yes, Zira!" The lionesses replied, rushing out the door.

"Once we can confirm that we are alone and secure, our little question game will begin." Zira warned. Kiara continued to tremble beneath Kovu's body. As Zira headed toward the entrance to check on her troops, Kovu leaned down to her ear once again.

"Listen, no matter what mother asks me to do; I just want you to know I'll go as easy as possible." He assured her.

"What is she gonna do to me?" Kiara pleaded quietly.

"I don't know. She has me holding you here for a reason though. Be thankful it's me, and not my idiot brother." He chuckled lightly.

"You'll go easy?"

"Yeah, I can't promise she won't make me hurt you. But, I'll do everything I can to make it easy." Kovu advised. Kiara continued to tremble beneath him, as Kovu wrapped his paws a little more tightly around her.

"I'm so scared." She cried.

"Shh. Just tell her the truth, ok? Tell her whatever she needs to hear, and she'll let you go, unharmed." Kovu consoled. Zira glanced back briefly but continued watching the girls patrol. Chuckling to herself, she was sure now, she had the edge she needed to bring Simba to his knees.

Back in the Pride Lands, Rafiki had arrived with a few loops of vines rung around his shoulder. The group of them brought Vitani toward a small tree, just off from Pride Rock and out of sight of the other lionesses. Simba and Nala didn't want anyone to interrupt there interrogation of the cub.

Rafiki laid Vitani on her back, her paws over her head and wrapped them well; he kept them just tight enough to avoid inuring her. He tethered her bonds to another vine and looped it around the base of the tree. Seeing the cub bound on the ground, he sighed in displeasure of his own work.

"Dis is not something I care to see." He stated, covering his face.

"It's ok, Rafiki. Let's go back home." Nala replied, patting his back gently. "Simba, do what you have to. I'm gonna rally the lionesses and move in toward the Outlands.

"I'll see what I can get from her." Simba acknowledged, while Timon and Pumbaa took to his side. Nala escorted Rafiki away as the trio awaited for Vitani to regain consciousness. Timon passed the time, pacing back and forth while Pumbaa flopped to his back and went off day dreaming in the clouds. Simba however kept his eyes locked on the target, waiting for even the slightest hint of her awakening.

It wasn't a long wait; Vitani began stirring and moaning as her eyes gradually opened. Looking up at Simba's mug she became suddenly aware of her situation. Wriggling back and forth she felt her paws strung up in a line, tied to the tree.

"Hey! What the?!" She cried out.

"I wouldn't bother struggling; we've got you good and tight." Simba stated, bringing his face closer to the cub.

"What do you want?" She growled.

"Tell us what your mother is planning for Kiara!" Simba demanded. Vitani scoffed and shot away from Simba's face. "Fine, if you want to do it that way."

"What are you gonna do? Torture me?" She laughed, looking back to him.

"Whatever it takes, Timon?" Simba looked to his friend. Cracking his knuckles, Timon stomped his way over and pounced up on her chest.

"Alright missy, start talking! Where ya stashed her!?" He demanded. Vitani clenched her teeth and smiled. Timon's face turned to panic and leapt off her body. "Ok then, you wanna play rough huh?" He cracked back. Taking to her tail end, he set himself near her pucker and started stroking his sheath.

"Timon? What are you up to?" Pumbaa questioned. Simba placed a paw on his back to steady his friend.

"Let him try, Pumbaa." He assured him. Vitani was uneasy about what the little meerkat was doing near her backside. She twisted and turned her paws, trying to get a little give from the vines, but they seemed lashed in fairly tight. Timon was getting hard, letting his member escape from his sheath he started lining it up with the pucker of her ass.

"Let's see if this won't coax a little explainin from ya." Timon chuckled to himself. "Haha!" He roared, slamming his cock inside the young cub. Without a moment's hesitation he started to vigorously hump away, panting as he felt his meat slide along inside her ass. Though it stung a little on entry, Vitani was hardly in any pain. The meerkats member was much smaller then she had feared, and felt more along the lines of something itching between her legs.

Timon looked up, seeing Vitani stare down at him with boredom, her eyebrow raised she took a deep breath and sighed.

"Really?" Timon hung his head and pulled from the cub's pucker.

"It was a good try." Simba complimented, seeing his friend disappointed. Timon raised an eye of his own though, reaching down for the cubs folds he spread them apart and revealed the little seal, still intact within.

"Well, look at that." Timon smiled, showcasing the cherry to Simba. Vitani felt a little shudder at the meerkat handling her delicate area. The touch of his little hands, toying with her body was enough to set her off.

"Get off me you rat!" She snapped, with a swift lift of her leg, she managed to shoot Timon off.

"YEEOW!" He cried out, rolling away from her tail.

"Timon! Are you ok?" Simba begged, helping his friend to his feet. He rubbed his head, feeling for any blood but luckily found none.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Simba returned his focus to Vitani and growled, slamming the ground near her head he bared down on her with fangs ready.

"I've had enough of you! Tell me now! What is Zira planning!?" Simba bellowed, forcing her to look away. Vitani gave her reply in the form of a quick spit to Simba's cheek. He was bewildered by her response, wiping away at his cheek he cracked a shy smile and laughed. "You really are a tough one, aren't you?"

"You'll get, nothing from me!" She barked right back.

"Not true." Simba argued, bringing himself closer to her tail end, he settled his sheath between her legs. "See, unless you want to go back home carrying the seed of your mother's enemy, you'll talk."

It was her turn to be bewildered, staring down at Simba's cock nestled between her legs, she felt a shot of panic. He was stroking himself on her privates while feeling the fair weight of his balls on her tail. His fur, tickling along the thin fuzz that lined her belly and tits. Still, she found her courage, recalling her training with her mother. Slamming her eyes, Vitani threw her head up and hid the image away.

Pumbaa took to tending to his friend while Simba continued to amuse himself on her body. His sheath grew heavy; the long rough member was revealing itself, running between her tits. "Last chance." Simba offered. Vitani didn't answer, but felt her breath, quicken. He was so big, heavy and what was worse was she wasn't sure if he was bluffing or not anymore.

The choice left her hands, Simba propped her up a little as his cock went low. Skimming passed her folds once or twice, he eventually caught on them.

"Don't." She whispered, the words too soft to reach his ears. His tip found her seal, she could feel it trying to split her apart. Simba was astonished at the resilience of the little cub's virginity, but knew she could not hold out long. Putting just a bit more weight on, he deflowered Vitani, a portion of his cock breaching in.

Vitani cried out as he entered, kicking at his belly in a futile effort to fight him off. Simba put a little more of himself inside, stretching the little cub's tender entrance further. It was painful, as though she was straddling Pride Rock itself and yet still finding its way in. Simba gave pause to the intrusion, keeping himself locked with just a hint of flesh outside her slit.

"Alright, I'm gonna ask you again. What is Zira planning?" Simba questioned once more. Vitani gasped and moaned, still trying to break free from the throbbing cock inside her. She tried pulling on the vines that bound her paws to the tree, but still to no avail. "Knock it off, you're just gonna tear your arms apart at this rate. Just answer the question and I'll pull out." Simba offered.

Vitani stopped trying to work with the vines and gained control of her breathing. Drawing long deep breaths, she kept herself quiet and refused to comply with Simba's interrogation. Shaking his head, he looked down, seeing his cock partially buried inside. "Guess we'll have to keep going then." He concluded.

Pulling on her body he tried to work in the portions buried beneath the sheath. Vitani cried out, feeling his tip come up and press against her cervix. Opening her eyes, she looked down to see Simba had almost run himself completely in. Stammering a little at the feel of the tight cub's body, he started to withdraw ever so slightly.

He took slow motions in and out, his cock rubbing hard against her depths and testing the limits of her flesh. While it was still quite painful, Vitani began to feel the onset of pleasure from her entrance, which seemed to run right to her vault. She forced herself to relax her body and it seemed with each press the pain was beginning to subside.

Simba started withdrawing a little further, coming back in each time Vitani let out a soft little moan. She was tight and getting wet, little slips of dampness within were making the penetration of the cub more smooth each time. For Simba it was a completely foreign experience. Closing his eyes, he had found a good pace and started to really enjoy her form.

Though the pain never went away entirely, Vitani found the pleasure beginning to overtake it. The initial intrusion long behind her, she actually started to enjoy her so-called "Punishment." Still moaning with each press inside, Simba had begun to pick up the pace. Utilizing his paw, he used her to stroke himself, the lubricants inside making the job easier.

She threw her head back again, her eyes slit as she bounced up and down on his cock. Simba started to groan louder, as she started to really give way, letting more of his cock inside. Vitani's cries grew more rampant, as a fire between her legs began to swell. She felt a rush from her waist, shoot up her spine and tingle all over her body, while her pussy began to convulse.

Her climax was enough to set him off. Simba gave a sharp cry as he leaned the near full length of himself inside. With the final spasms of her climax, she ripped from his cock the hot jets of cum that were awaiting their release. Simba squeezing her belly in his paw, ejaculated hard, filling her tight little pussy near instantly. The pressure was too much for her to take, from the lips of her entrance, spurts of cum breached forth, spilling over his balls and along her backside. The seed made its trail over her pucker before finding the ground.

The two stayed locked for a moment, panting loudly as the torrent within began to diminish. Simba opened his eyes and saw the cub beneath him in an unusual light. He wasn't sure if it was affection, or respect for her conviction. But she had taken him to climax, keeping her vow of silence.

"Is..." She moaned, slowly opening her eyes. "Is that... the best... you got?" Simba couldn't help but smile, giving a soft laugh as he shook his head. Oddly enough she returned it, letting a laugh of her own escape.

"Alright, Simba. Enough messing around!" Timon exclaimed, waving in Pumbaa's backside. Simba releived himself of Vitani's pussy and backed away. Timon grabbed hold of Pumbaa's tail and swung it up and directed the bristles toward her. "Now listen up ya little brat! This here is loaded to the brim with enough gas to knockout half the savannah, think you can take it, up close and personal?" He threatened, cocking his tail like a shot gun. Vitani's face melted, her ears folding back with her eyes blown wide.

"Uh, I, well uh... oh man." She moaned, sweating the anal cannon pointed at her.

"Sire!" Zazu called aloud.

"What is it?" Simba shouted back.

"Come quick, Nala has encountered the outlanders. They seem to want to trade!"

Zira re-entered the den and stared down at her prize. She stroked her paw along Kiara's cheek, pulling away swiftly with her claw. She didn't break the skin, but took a little chunk of fur with her.

"Well now, why don't you and I have a little chat?" She suggested, lowering herself to the ground.

"Better do as she says, princess!" Kovu chipped in, scowling down at her. He kept his weight on her, but was still doing his best not to bring any harm.

"First of all, tell me what you Pride Landers do during the night." Zira began.

"During the night?" Kiara whimpered a little. "We sleep."

"Yes, I know that. But any of you sleep outside?" She reiterated.

"Uh couple, usually one or two." Kiara answered.

"Good girl. How about hunting, how many of you go out?"

"Hunting? Well, that kind of changes." Kiara answered once more.

"Explain." Zira demanded lightly.

"Well, if the weathers bad, we have a big group go out and get enough for breakfast and dinner. But if it's nice out, mama only sends a few." She explained, calming down a little bit.

"A few, hmm? Alright, how about your daddy. Why don't you tell me about him?"

"My daddy? But, what do you want to know about him? I thought you knew him, that's why he says you two don't get along." Kiara answered.

"Tell me what he does when he gets up, what are his habits, his favorite things to do." Zira elaborated, wanting to pull as much information from the compliant little cub.

"Uh, well daddy usually gets up every morning and gets a drink from the water hole. After that though it's hard to say." Zira lunged and snatched her muzzle in her claws

"I don't care if it's hard to say, it'll be harder to say without a mouth!"

"I don't know! Daddy hasn't told me what else he usually does. He gets his report from Zazu and goes off! I spend the rest of the day with mama, I swear!" Kiara pleaded, her mouth still in Zira's clutches. She gave another good tug on Kiara's muzzle and growled.

"If you're lying to me..." She threatened.

"I'm not! I swear! I'm telling you I'm either with mama or Uncle Timon and Pumbaa! I mean it, please, don't hurt me!" She begged.

"Mother!" Nuka cried from the entrance. Zira tossed aside Kiara's muzzle and looked to her son.

"What is it?"

"They've taken, Vitani! There's lionesses on the way!" He explained between huffs.

"You let them take your sister!" She roared, rushing her face to his.

"But mother! I was doing what she told me! She told me to take Kiara back and she would complete the mission!" Nuka pleaded, shielding himself from his mother's fury.

"Hmm." She pondered a moment, running her paw along her son's back. "Perhaps I'm being too hard on you. Vitani is quite capable, and if you were doing as you were told, you were at least being somewhat useful." Nuka wiped his brow and took a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, mother."

"I won't have my daughter in Simba's clutches. I'm sure he's using every effort to rip the information from her." Zira thought aloud. Looking to her claws she fawned over them for a bit before continuing. "And knowing my daughter, she won't speak no matter what threshold he pushes."

"We have to get her back, mother." Kovu insisted.

"Agreed. But in the mean time, we best even our playing field with, Simba." Zira replied. "Nuka, Kovu? I want you to take her."

"Take her?" Kovu wondered.

"Oh boy!" Nuka giggled, bounding over to the two of them.

"Since you are the chosen one, Kovu. I'll let you make the choice of what entry, you'd like to defile." Zira explained.


"You want her piss hole, or shit hole!?" Nuka more abruptly explained.

"Uhh, piss I guess?" Kovu answered.

"Damn it! You always gotta take the best one, don't you termite!" Nuka bellowed.

"Silence, Nuka! Be thankful I let you take anything!" Zira scolded.

"Yes, mother." He complied. "Come on, termite. If we're gonna do this, you can't be on top of her like this."

"What are you gonna do to me!?" Kiara demanded, struggling underneath Kovu.

"Shut up, missy!" Nuka barked.

"Kiara, just follow along, ok? And, if I hurt you. I'm really sorry." He whispered.

"Come on, before I blast a load across the room!" Nuka insisted, tossing the two over. He worked Kiara onto Kovu's belly, putting her legs ahead of his.

"Nuka, help your brother. Then fill up her backside as much as you like." Zira called, settling in to watch the show. Nuka guided her rump a little lower toward Kovu's sheath.

"Come on, Kovu. Wakey wakey." He insisted, stroking his brother. Kiara was baffled as to what was going on, and growing increasingly nervous rested atop of Kovu's body. She had a horrible feeling it had to do with her privates, cowering a little she looked to Kovu for guidance. She found him, his eyes relaxed, enjoying the massage from his brother.

It didn't take much coaxing for his full length to come out. Nuka chuckled to himself and lined his cock up atop of Kovu's. He easily overshadowed the little cub's length. "Least I got ya beat here, termite." He whispered to himself.

Grasping his brother's member, he lined it up with Kiara's folds. She felt a cold shudder as he caught inside. Nuka took hold of Kiara's body and slowly melded the two of them together. Kiara's eyes went wild as she felt Kovu penetrate through her hymen. Kovu to was overwhelmed by the new sensation, the warmth that seemed to envelop his cock entirely.

"Oh wow!" Kovu cried out. Kiara shut her eyes and buried her face beside his.

"It hurt!" She whimpered. Kovu wrapped his paws around her and hushed.

"Sorry, I'll be more gentle."

"Not as much as this will." Nuka cackled, rubbing his cock along her second entrance. Eagerly he raised her tail and began to slip his adolescent cock inside Kiara's body. The second intrusion caused her to shoot up, squealing in pain. Kovu pulled her back down as her cries subsided, easing her back into position.

Kovu felt his brother, moving about inside. The pressure from his intrusion seemed to push right through to the walls of her once virgin pussy. It grew tighter, pressing downward hard, the further Nuka delved into her depths. Kovu rocked himself a little back to keep from slipping from her body. On instinct, he started to slowly hump, embracing the extreme tightness the two of them were causing.

"Oh Kiara." Kovu moaned, slipping himself in and out slowly. Nuka joined in, his balls caressing his brothers as he stroked inside her eagerly. As Kovu came in, Nuka was pulling out, the two alternating while she panted and moaned, feeling the two violate her so deep inside. Nuka's shaft alone was splitting her apart, while Kovu's cock seem to caress inside and ease the pain with pleasure.

Though the ache in her pussy was waning, the tension in her rectum was not. She tried hard to push the larger brother from her body, but all it did was provoke Nuka's desires. Her tail, running across his chest and feeling the little cock of his brother below was really setting him off.

"Hey.. Kovu?" He asked between pants. "Got a deal for ya?"

"Wha?" He moaned.

"First one to unload, has to collect mice for a week."

"You're on." He agreed, losing a sharp laugh. Kovu took his time stroking her insides while Nuka foolishly continued plowing. He hoped the sudden zealous rush would set Kovu over the edge.

Kiara gripped tight to Kovu, she actually started to enjoy the motions. He was so loving, so affectionate while Nuka was pushing for more stimulation. The elder brother bit his tongue, suddenly aware of the mistake he had made rushing headlong in at high speed. His legs trembling, Nuka pressed his cock in slower and slower, his balls contracting and spilling their contents inside of the young princess. Kiara was strangely relieved; the sore and tenderized halls of her ass were being cooled and lubricated with his seed.

She smiled looking down at Kovu, knowing the worst of her punishment was over. Nuka stammered as he whipped his cock out from her ass, letting the last few trickles decorate her back. His seed ran from her pucker, along her pussy to which Kovu was still humping away.

Kiara leaned down, stealing a kiss from him. He smiled looking up to her, and rolled her on her back to continue. Zira watched on, unimpressed with affectionate display. She decided to herself if he slipped just once more like that, she would tear him away.

Kovu took after his brother though, bouncing Kiara on the ground she smiled as he took her. Her legs wrapped tight around him, she started to squeeze him tighter. Kovu lunged for her neck and gently held, giving a few hard pushes in, he tried to force the seed from his balls. His breathing grew short as his cock began to twitch inside the little cub, pressing up spastically against her walls.

He was still fairly young though, and only a slip of his immature seed could escape the tip of his wildly twitching penis. Gasping for air, he released her neck and panted, looking down to her. She smiled stroking his cheek and chuckled.

"Thanks for being gentle with me." She whispered. Kovu returned the smile, as the two leaned in for another kiss. Their lips barely touching, Zira bolted to her feet and ripped her son off of her body.

"So, enjoyed yourself then!? How bout I give you another hole for Nuka to-"

"Zira!!" A lioness called from the entrance.

"What!? Can't you see I'm busy?!" She snapped.

"Please! We can't hold them off. All of the pride landers are here. We can't-" She gasped, grasping her bleeding arm. Zira shot a growl to Kiara before giving the lioness more direct attention. Walking over she grabbed her arm and examined the cut. It was deep, and off in the distance she could see her pride being forced back by over a dozen lionesses.

"Grr! Fine! Tell that pig-headed arrogant I'll trade for Vitani! And clean yourself up!" She ordered. Zira came back over and stared down at Kiara, still laying there on her back. "Best thank every lucky star you have, princess. The only reason I'm sparing you is for the sake of my daughter and my pride." She warned.

Simba arrived, the pride at his back and Vitani snared in his muzzle. Her paws were still bound together, but she wore a smile on her face seeing Kiara in Zira's jaws. Nala stepped forward and called out to the wounded pride.

"We'll set them down, together. Try anything funny, and we'll finish the job!" She stated firmly. Zira scoffed, but slowly lowered Kiara to the ground. Simba followed suit, and with a quick cut, he unbound her paws. Vitani still carried her smile, walking toward her mother, seeing Kiara come up beside her.

"Hey, Kiara?" She said, stopping side by side.

"What?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Your daddy's got some, spunk." Vitani laughed. Kiara smiled, patting the ground.

"And your brother, is a wonderful lover." She replied. Vitani laughed a little again and couldn't help but ask.

"Which one?"

"The chosen one." Kiara winked, heading back toward her father and mother she lunged in and nuzzled them both. Simba took his time embracing his daughter, before looking back to Vitani who had taken to her mother's side. He gave her a quick wink, to which she returned, before heading off back home.

One scar, for another.

Scar was pacing impatiently around his home near Pride Rock. The lionesses that were supposed to bring him his meals were late once again. The kills had been brought to Pride Rock quite a while ago, Sarafina or one of the others would usually bring him...

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Finding Nala

The Pride Lands were in disarray; Scars rule was having devastating consequences on the entirety of the kingdom. The hyena's he had brought were feeding constantly, driving the once abundant game well away from the Pride Lands. Pride Rock itself was...

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Simba learns a new lesson from Timon

Simba was fast asleep, dreaming the day away as Timon and Pumbaa talked quietly nearby. They had given him a little space, setting a fair distance away hoping not to wake him. Pumbaa was preparing to head off, hoping to find more bugs while Timon was...

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