One scar, for another.

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This story was requested by Aviose! Credit for the story goes to him.

*******************************Fair warning************************************

The material in this story is much darker then my usual writing. If you came here to find snuggly, consensual sex, you came to da wrong spot. :P

(This isn't usually material I go for, but the harsher things I have been experiencing lately, allowed me to delve into more darker material. Love this story, or hate it, this is not something I wish to write on a consistent basis.Please also be respectful to the source on this story. Aviose is an awesome guy with a lot of patience for me. <3 If you liked the story, give him a shout out on his page for a great idea.

Scar was pacing impatiently around his home near Pride Rock. The lionesses that were supposed to bring him his meals were late once again. The kills had been brought to Pride Rock quite a while ago, Sarafina or one of the others would usually bring him a leg or chunk of torso to eat. It was the one luxury he was entitled to since residing at Pride Rock was out of the question.

His ear perked up, as a small mouse tried to creep passed him. Snatching it, he picked it up between his paws, chuckling as it tried to free itself from his grasp.

"Hmhmhm, well now. No Zazu to save you this time." He mocked. In a snap he severed the mouse from his tail and discarded it. He gave a few chews before gulping the rodent down. Returning his attention to Pride Rock he sighed and began to wonder away. "I suppose I'm left to fend for myself again, hm brother?" He spoke. Spitting on the ground he headed out for Pride Rock.

Upon arriving he was greeted with the usual disdain from the lionesses. The quick spit and snap at his tail were the so called, punishment for him refusing to show for Simba's presentation. Leering into the den, he saw Mufasa sitting across from Sarabi and Sarafina chatting away as usual.

"Oh I do hope I'm not interrupting." He called out. Mufasa and Sarabi we're quick to give their attention while Sarafina chose to remain ignorant of him.

"Scar, I didn't send for you." Mufasa replied, rising to his feet.

"No you indeed didn't, in fact you've all but forgotten I exist all together haven't you?" He quipped, standing his ground as his brother approached.

"What do you want?" Mufasa sighed, seemingly uninterested.

"A little more consistency from you, once again your stupid lionesses have neglected to bring me the little sustenance you guarantee."

"I told the girls to send it out." Mufasa replied shaking his head.

"Well your follow through is somewhat lacking of late isn't it. Even father had the decency to leave me a few scraps, surely you, the benevolent Mufasa can keep to that." Scar quipped.

"The kills have come and gone today, Scar. Why don't you hunt something and keep it for yourself for a while. I'll be happy to send you some when your stock has run out."

"Oh your charity is immeasurable." Scar glared, turning away.

"Again, you turn your back on me." Mufasa growled.

"I care little for your idle threats brother, after all you hardly know I exist." He shot out before taking down the ramp. "But that, can be corrected." He said softly as he left Pride Rock. Heading out he began his search for something more to feed his belly then a rat.

His anger for his brother continued to broil the further he traveled from Pride Rock. He was tired of Mufasa either ignoring him or throwing in his face his son's most recent achievements. The thought constantly racing through his head, It should have been mine. He growled as he looked away and walked on ahead.

"Hey uncle Scar!" Simba called from up ahead, catching Scar's attention.

"What does the little wretch want this time?" He asked himself quietly, hiding his disdain with a smile. Scar waited until Simba landed right below him with Nala in tow as usual.

"Uncle Scar, uncle Scar! Guess what?!" He chirped, bounding about in front of him.

"Do tell, it seems you can hardly contain yourself." He answered, feigning excitement.

"I beat Nala in a race, haha!" Little Simba gloated.

"Hey! I beat you right after." Nala corrected.

"Yeah, but I beat ya first." Simba argued, proudly holding his chest.

"Oh please." Nala rolled her eyes. "Come on Simba, I gotta get home already."

"But I wanna stay here with uncle Scar!" Simba protested.

"No, no. I uh-" Scar began to argue, instead he halted himself. As a rather perverse idea for revenge against his brother began to bloom. He cared so little for the cub and had no qualms about sending Mufasa a little message through him. Scar smiled and leaned down to Simba, meeting him face to face. "Simba, why don't we go chit-chat a while? It would be nice to get to know my little nephew's, ins and outs."

"Yeah!? Alright!" Simba cheered. Scar extended his paw, and gestured for Simba to climb onto his back.

"Come; let's go for a good walk. Perhaps we can go visit Rafiki?" He suggested.

"Sure! Maybe he's got something cool to play with." Simba agreed.

"Nala my dear, why don't you run along home. I'll send him back when we're done having fun." Scar advised her, kindly shooing her away.

"Ok then, but if you don't come home in time for dinner, I'm eating all your food, Simba!" She lightly threatened, bounding off toward Pride Rock. Scar gave her a moment to head off before turning toward the north. He took his time, pacing slowly and casually with Simba bouncing on his head.

"Hey uncle Scar." He called.


"Rafiki's is that way." He pointed off to the south.

"Oh all in good time, Simba. Why not tell me more of your adventures today?" Scar suggested.

"Ok!" He cheered. Simba began to ramble on about all the fine details of the day's events. Scar's face all but melted, bored to tears with his endless droning. He continued on towards the entrance to the gorge and walked down, casually nodding and acknowledging Simba's stories.

"So then, I went underneath the rocks and waited for Zazu to fly by. He landed right on top, so I went really quiet and waited for him to make his move. Then he like, jumped down and stood in front of me. So I went WHAM, pinned him to the ground and jumped off his nose!" Simba laughed, sliding off of Scar's head. The little cub carried on, rolling and laughing for a while longer before seeing the grim look on his uncle's face.

He settled himself down and rose to his feet, gazing up at Scar's sneering mug.

"Uncle Scar? Are you ok?" He asked shyly.

"Oh Simba, I'm quite fine." He dismissed, turning away he started to pace back and forth before him. "Yes quite fine with the fact your father is too stuck up to feed his own brother. I'm very well with the fact I'm not permitted the pleasure of a lionesses company when I should desire it. Oh, and did I mention how fond I am of sniveling little cubs, prancing around, telling stories of trivial nonsense I care absolutely nothing about!" He shouted. Simba cowered away from his uncle; lowering his body to the ground he folded his ears back.

"I'm sorry." Simba whimpered.

"Oh no no no, Simba." He hushed, pulling the little cub to his body. "I said it's quite alright. Do you know why?"

"Uhh, no?" He submitted.

"Oh my dear boy, you are going to make things all better, aren't you?" He asked in a more soothing tone.

"I am?" He inquired, his ears coming back from there hiding.

"Oh yes indeed. You see, I have been wronged in a great many ways. It's only fair for these things to be, remedied." Scar explained, stroking Simba's back with his claws. "You see Simba; you are the one who is going to correct these mistakes. A selfless sacrifice made for your family."

"Sacrifice? I don't know what you mean." Simba protested.

"Oh you'll find out, soon enough." Scar stated, snatching Simba's scruff with his claws. Pulling the little cub between his legs, he revealed his softened sheath. Simba had nothing more than a full view of Scar's cover, rising and falling as it rested upon his sack.

"U-uncle, Sca-a-r?" He stammered nervously, casually trying to pull himself back away from his body.

"Silence, and do exactly as I tell you." Scar threatened sharply, looking down on the cub. "Start arousing me with that tongue of yours." He instructed.

"Wha?" Simba asked, bewildered by the request. Scar snapped a good smack across Simba's backside to scold him.

"Lick it! Or I'll carve another hole in you to relieve myself in!" Scar bellowed. Simba whimpered once more but complied with his uncle's request. Taking short, swift licks near the tip of his sheath, he began bathing. Scar let his finger slide down to Simba's ass; teasing it he playfully fingered the rim of the cub's backside.

"Like this?" Simba asked, his voice trembling nearly as much as his body. Scar was starting to escape from his sheath; the long pink flesh working its way through the tip was brushing Simba's cheek.

"I don't recall asking you to stop. Keep licking until I tell you otherwise!" Scar scolded. Simba was compliant, but tucked his ears away once more. Bathing along the sheath still, letting the bristles of his tongue occasionally flick across Scar's sack. "Simba?" He asked, calmly.

"Yes, uncle Scar?"

"Did you think you were getting off, that easy?" Scar questioned, taking his reposed tone once again. He let the tip whisk by Simba's chin before attempting to push it into the cub's mouth. Simba turned away, shutting his eyes in fear.

"No!" He protested. Scar extended his claw, lightly digging into Simba's tail end.

"You've no choice." Scar replied, casually. Running his paw up to Simba's head, he pressed it against his cock and forced the entry. Simba's eyes opened wide in shock, as Scar's long cock found the back of his throat. He slowly retracted his member before slamming it back inside. Simba was panicking, the horrid taste and violation of his maw was frightening enough. But to know it was coming from his own uncle made it so much worse. His hind legs began to buckle under the pounding force Scar was applying.

Scar observed with amusement Simba's little attempts to struggle as he felt his meat slide along his tongue and down the cub's throat. He gave pause only a few strokes at a time to let his nephew breath before using his muzzle as his toy.

Simba slammed his eyes tight, trying to block out what was happening to him. Scar couldn't help but laugh at the gesture, if anything it pushed on his urge to take him. He took to quick, persistent thrusts into Simba's mouth as his eyes shut tight as well. The balls he repeated slapped against Simba's chin were readying their release.

Simba groaned louder and louder, while Scar worked to keep his meat flooding Simba's mouth. With a low growl, he began his release, torrents of seed flooded Simba's throat. Gagging he spewed what didn't find his belly, while his uncle's cock continue to decorate the cub's face. Scar sighed with relief as his balls emptied out, letting his flesh come to rest on Simba's nose. His face turned to a scowl once more, as the relief began to pass.

"Clean it up!" Scar demanded, smacking the back of Simba's head. He felt the tears start to well up once again, forced to clean the smelly fluids Scar decorated his face with. He resumed bathing the messier areas of his uncle's balls and shaft before working his way back to the flesh. Scar had grown a little limp, but with Simba's forced commitment he was easily growing in size again.

"Please uncle Scar, no more." Simba begged, folding his ears back as he tried to hide from his face.

"Oh, I suppose so." Scar agreed, snatching the cub by his scruff he pulled him up to his face. "Yes, I don't think there is anymore more I can do with that muzzle of yours is there?" He asked. Simba didn't answer; he remained silent as he dangled by his uncle's paw. "Well, I suppose I'll move on to the next phase then." He decided, dropping Simba on his back.

"Oof!" Simba huffed as he slammed the ground. "What's a phase?" Scar gazed down at the little flaccid cub before him. He grabbed hold of Simba's balls and lifted them, exposing his tiny tail hole.

"Yes, I think this will do quite nicely. You see Simba, I'm not afforded much of the luxury you are granted and I've decided since your buffoon of a father can't so much as remember to feed me let alone allow me the comfort of a lioness, I might as well take the next best thing." Scar explained as he lined his tip along Simba's pucker.

"No! Don't, what are you doing?!" Simba cried out. Scar tossed the little cub onto his belly. A second rush of panic hitting him while Scar took a fast hold of his backside. He realigned himself, keeping his tip pressed against Simba's ripe pucker.

"You may feel a light pinch." Scar advised, letting his tip breach the delicate flesh of Simba's ass.

"Ahh!!" He cried out, his eyes blowing wide as he struggled against the new intrusion. Clawing the ground, he tried to tear himself away from the shaft that was spliting his backside apart, but with little success. With the cub steadied Scar continued to penetrate, stretching the tiny entrance and filling the little body with his slick meat. Simba had taken him just passed the sheath, as Scar paused a moment.

Simba's claws continued to rake the earth, desperately trying to escape his uncle's grasp. Scar continued to softly laugh, pressing his meat deeper into the cub.

"Oh, yes." Scar praised, feeling the last little bit coming in.

"Ahhh! Stop it!!" Simba continued to cry. It was too late, Scar's sack had found rest upon Simba's tiny balls. He embraced the little squirms and clinches he made, trying to excrete the cock that was violating him. Scar wasted little time and began to take short thrusts into the cub's depths.

The adrenaline was surging in Simba now, each push forward into his body he used to loosen the grip Scar held so fast. His hind legs, spread apart as far as he could to ease as much pain as possible.

Scar took more and more enjoyment out of penetrating him. The grip around his cock was tight, pulsing spasms we're being sent through Simba's rectum, unintentionally massaging Scar's cock. He raised the rump higher, letting more pressure build around him as he came in. Simba groaned and gasped with each harsh thrust, seeing the little tree of in the distance he aimed to crawl toward it each time he extended his paw.

Scar was ready to ridicule the attempt to flee he was making; instead he decided to afford a more direct approach. In a snap he reaffirmed his grip and took the cub to the very base of his shaft, his balls nearly crushing the little cubs sack against his own. Simba cried in agony, feeling the pulsing cock so deep inside him.

Scar decided to increase his pace, his balls tapping on Simba's with each rapid thrust. The little cub was sending him over, and quickly. The smile on his face couldn't be smacked off by Mufasa's hardest blow. Finally, he had a means of punishing his brother, and silencing the annoying little cub to boot. His little pucker wasn't that accommodating at first, until his dick stretched it to its limits.

The fire in his loins was ready, leaning his cock in deep Scar began ejaculating into Simba's depths. Simba's eyes flew wide open, gasping as each jet shot his uncle's hot cum deep inside. Once again he tried to claw himself away but Scar held fast on the little cub, refusing to release the little seed catcher.

Scar let his cock flood him to the point it breached and bubbled from the rim of his ass. Moaning with satisfaction, he let the pressure off and withdrew from Simba's body.

Simba felt it immediately, the hot gush of cum rush out of his ass, while the cool wind blew by it. He was stretched, and the depths of his ass were exposed, taking time to contract back to its original shape. Scar sheathed his weapon and looked down, turning the cub's head to meet his gaze.

"Take this message to your father when you can walk." He stated. Scar let his sheath rest over Simba's head before releasing two quick sprays. Simba crouched down, disgusted by the strange fluids felt along his head and neck. Scar turned to walk back towards the entrance of the gorge.

"Scar, why?" Simba pleaded quietly. Cackling he turned around to the cub.

"Ask your father; after all he was so swift to come to your rescue this time, wasn't he?" Scar continued to laugh as he walked away from the scene. Arriving over the lip of the gorge he looked out onto the savannah with a smile. "Now then, on to business. I think it's time for a decent lunch."

Finding Nala

The Pride Lands were in disarray; Scars rule was having devastating consequences on the entirety of the kingdom. The hyena's he had brought were feeding constantly, driving the once abundant game well away from the Pride Lands. Pride Rock itself was...

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Simba learns a new lesson from Timon

Simba was fast asleep, dreaming the day away as Timon and Pumbaa talked quietly nearby. They had given him a little space, setting a fair distance away hoping not to wake him. Pumbaa was preparing to head off, hoping to find more bugs while Timon was...

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Simba's Discoveries

Simba was walking the forest floor, looking for any signs of Timon or Pumbaa. It had been just over a month since he fled the Pride Lands, and life had developed some form of normality for the most part. He had grown just a little; fragments of darker...

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