Simba's Discoveries

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Strange new feelings start to arise in Simba, when two unexpected visitors arrive near his home. Hakuna Matata, may not always be the answer, especially now as he begins to come to terms with growing up

Simba was walking the forest floor, looking for any signs of Timon or Pumbaa. It had been just over a month since he fled the Pride Lands, and life had developed some form of normality for the most part. He had grown just a little; fragments of darker fur breeched his forehead and elbows, hinting that he was beginning his ascent into adolescents. With that, strange new feelings had begun to develop within. It was confusing for him at first, the pink member escaping from his sheath at strange times. More than once he has had to conceal it from Timon and Pumbaa to avoid potential embarrassment.

But nonetheless he tried to not let it bother him and continued his search. He had a hunch they would be out, digging for grubs underneath nearby fallen trees. He followed a rather slender path down towards the water and sure enough, there they were, bickering as usual.

"Come on Pumbaa! You gotta stop taking a bite and putting it back." Timon scolded, tossing aside a leaf covered in slobber.

"Sorry Timon. But you know I like the slimy ones best."

"Oy." Timon slapped his head. "Ya never even try em! You get one nibble in, then splurt em out like ya swallowed a spiders web." Simba started walking over, giggling at their conversation.

"What'cha guys talking about?" He asked, walking up beside Timon.

"Kid! Perfect, you're the tie breaker here. Come on now, which ya like better, slimy or crunchy." Timon proposed.

"Grubs?" Simba asked.

"Nah, pinecones. Course we mean grubs kid, comon work with me here!" Simba laughed, looking on to Pumbaa.

"What do you think, Simba?" He smiled.

"I gotta go with "Slimy, yet satisfying." After all it's how I got hooked." He answered proudly. Pumbaa threw up his chin with a smile, so happy to come out the winner.

"Oy, ya gotta be kiddin' me." Timon sighed, walking away with his head slunk down.

"Hey, that doesn't mean I don't like crunchy, I just prefer slimy." Simba said, trying to regain his friend's attention. It worked well enough; Timon swung around and marched over to Simba once more.

"Good! Maybe you can lend us a paw then?" He asked.

"Whatcha need?" Simba happily agreed. Pumbaa headed over to an end of the log and explained.

"We need a little more muscle to get this log rolled over. Could you help us with that, please?" Pumbaa asked quite politely.

"Sure!" Simba answered, bounding over to the log. He steadied his paws on the opposite end and waited for Pumbaa's word. Timon braced his back against it in the middle and the two of them started to count.

"One, two, three!" They counted out, Simba pushed hard for a good bit before the log started to give. As it rolled, the hole underneath revealed a stockpile of squirming, squishy bugs.

"Woo hoo! Thanks a bunch!" Timon cheered, snapping up as many as he could find. Pumbaa gorged himself, before realizing they had left Simba out.

"Oh Simba, I'm sorry. Are you hungry?"

"Yeah comon kid, eat up!" Timon chipped in, swallowing back a bug in the process. Simba laughed and shook his head.

"I'm ok guys, I was eating before I came looking for you."

"We're responsible for you now, Simba. Are you sure you ate enough?" Pumbaa asked with concern. With a chuckle Simba placed himself less than an inch from Timon and belched. It was loud and strong enough, to blow his fur back.

"Yeah he's good." Timon casually agreed.

"Alrighty then!" Pumbaa cheered, bounding back into the ever fleeing pile of bugs. Simba turned around and started his way off but quickly realized he had come here for a reason. He scolded himself a little and turned back and took to their side once more.

"Hey guys?" He asked shyly.

"What's up kid?" TImon replied, still stuffing his face.

"Can I talk to you about something?"

"Ya alright, Simba?" Pumbaa wondered, a little worried for him.

"Yeah, I'm just fine. It's just I've been having these, weird feelings lately."

"What, you sick?" Timon questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't think so." Simba dismissed.

"What kinda feelings?" Pumbaa asked now.

"Well, you know. The ones, down there?" He replied, tucking his paws in nearly withdrawing from the question himself.

"Down there?" Timon asked, giving him more direct attention. "Ya mean?" He dreaded, pointing down.

"Yeah." Simba softly answered.

"Oy kid, I gotta level wit ya. I ain't no expert on lions. But whatever's going on down there, you can leave alone. Side's I don't think you're ready to know about the birds and the bees."

"The what?" Simba wondered, confused by the reference.

"He means-"

"Pipe it, Pumbaa!" He swiftly darted in, covering Pumbaa's mouth.

"Oh, sorry." He smiled.

"Look kid, just sleep it off for a few days. I know it's weird, but don't let it bother ya. Hakuna matata, right?" He suggested with a smile. Simba rose his head up and met him with a smile.

"Yeah, you're right!"

"Fantastic. Why don'tcha go find us a cozy little nook to plant our rumps tonight, huh? We'll bring ya few bugs to boot." Timon advised, patting Simba's shoulder.

"Sure, thanks Timon, thanks Pumbaa." Simba bowed, turning back towards the path he came from. Though he didn't get the answer he wanted, he was relieved to just get it out in the open. As he arrived at the path, something up the waterfalls caught his attention.

"Huh?" He glanced up. The bushes moved a little, and though not sure, he saw something black move. Simba watched a moment longer, waiting to see if the incident would repeat. The wind ruffled the leaves a few more times, and that was enough for him to shrug it off. "Just the wind." He dismissed and continued on the path ahead.

As the night came along, Simba lay on his back gazing up at the stars as usual. His mind wondering off, thinking of what it would be like to fly to a star. The feeling of the wind, the rush of looking down and seeing the world below. He started to think about home as well, what was happening in the Pride Lands. Also, what was happening with Nala. He sighed, thinking of her all alone. He felt awful leaving her behind. Picturing her in Pride Rock, bored out of her mind, maybe even coming to find him.

He could see her, bounding around in front of him as they played in the past. The times they would tumble and wrestle, he could hear it clear as though she was saying it now. "Pinned ya, again." Simba laughed a little, remember how fun it was to play fight with her. Trying to wrestle with her weight, the way she could flip him over and land the pin perfectly. Her weight on his body, pressing against him.

It stirred the strange feelings once more. Her body, pressing on him in particular. He didn't understand it, but it caused the most warm of tingling sensations in his lower reaches. Suddenly aware, he sat himself up and gazed down. His penis lifting and falling, the small pink flesh, peeking out from the tip. He reached down, touching it and flinched a little. It was very sensitive, yet still felt nice.

He flopped back on his back, trying to figure out why it was happening. He recalled Timon's advice and did his best to shut it out of his mind. He squinted hard, trying to repress the thought that brought him to it in the first place. Thankfully, Timon's voice would break his train of thought.

"Hey kid! Where are ya?!" He called out.

"Over here, Timon!" He replied, rising up once more. He quickly shot down to his sheath and noticed it had gone soft. Heaving a sigh of relief he smiled and flopped back down, with Timon and Pumbaa at either side.

"Ahh, you really like this spot, huh Simba?" Pumbaa asked, looking over to him.

"Yeah, the grass is nice and soft. An I love looking at the sky."

"I gotta admit kid. You pick a good spot to crash. Not quite the cozy nook I asked for." He chuckled lightly.

"Oh, sorry." Simba apologized. Timon waved it off.

"Nah, you're fine kid. You feelin any better?" Timon asked.

"Huh?" Simba thought a moment. "Oh yeah, a little. Hakuna matata." He smiled.

"You got it!" Timon praised, high fiving Simba's paw. "Well, I'm beat."

"Good night, Timon."

"Night kid."

"Hey, Simba?" Pumbaa spoke up. "If you're hungry, we brought ya some bugs. Timon left them a little further back."

"I'm ok, thanks Pumbaa." Simba nodded. "Good night."

"Good night, Simba. Sleep tight." He replied, closing his eyes.

"Night buddy."

"Night Timon."

"Simba, come on! We gotta hide from Zazu!" Nala shouted, running up ahead of him.

"Alright, I'm coming!" He agreed, keeping close behind. Giggling they snuck off and hid underneath a tree. Simba pressed his back against it, while Nala pressed herself against him. Holding her, he could feel her breath, rising and falling rapidly from the run.

"There." She whispered, looking up. Simba gazed up to see Zazu flying over head. The two waited for a moment until he took off in another direction. Nala giggled and released herself from him, darting around she seemed playfully ready to pounce.

"Ah, wanna go again?" He snickered, squaring himself off with her.

"Like you've got a chance." She laughed, circling around him. Simba leapt at her with a subtle roar, tumbling with her again and again. She easily found her foot holds and flipped him over, slamming his body to the ground. "Pinned ya." She smiled, gloating over him.

"Grr, let me up!" He demanded. Nala complied, looking away from him, the same silly face as Simba tried his luck again. The two tumbled over and over, just as easily as before she flipped him over. This time, he was ready, sweeping his legs out she toppled over, letting Simba roll on top. "Ha! Pinned ya this time!"

"Nice trick! Bet ya can't do it again." She smiled, still laying underneath him.

"Bet ya I can!" he countered with a smile. She laughed, reaching up to stroke his cheek. Simba was confused at first, but went along with her affections. She kept stroking him, up his cheek and down to his neck. He could feel his shaft, pressing up against her. He shuddered a little at the feel. Pulling him close, she took his ear to her lips.

"I miss you." She whispered. Within an instant, Simba awoke. Sitting right up, he panted loudly. The dream was so vivid, and he could feel his heart racing. He felt the need to ensure it was Timon and Pumbaa still beside him. After affirming this, he started to settle down.

His attention turned below, between his legs his pink flesh was fully extended. Simba covered his face with his paw and moaned.

"Not this again." He whined, perhaps a little too audibly. Timon licked his chops and rolled over to him. Simba raised his leg and concealed his embarrassment before looking to him.

"Kid, could ya keep it down?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah, sorry. Just a dream." Simba replied, looking away.

"Ah, ya ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just. Gotta go pee." He stated, rising up off the ground.

"Night." Timon moaned, rolling over. Simba wasn't really lying, he did need to go. With his erection hidden now, he found his way to the trees nearby and raised his legs. With a sigh of relief, he dumped the contents of his bladder on its base, giving a light shudder as it concluded.

Giving his fur a quick shake out, he looked on to heading back to the others until a rustling in the bushes stole his attention away. Strangely not far from where he just relieved himself, he cautiously waited to see if it would happen again. This time, he caught a glimpse of a tail retracting into the shrub.

Simba folded his ears back and darted for the shrub; tossing aside the leaves he revealed what had caused the sound. He found himself staring straight into the eyes of two small cubs. Their coats, solid black lit by a pairs of green eyes. He wasn't sure what to do. They were younger than him, but perhaps not by much.

"Who are you?" He asked. The two cubs folded their ears and cowered back a bit. "I'm not gonna hurt you." Simba insisted, reaching a paw out to them. One of them swatted it away, to which Simba retracted immediately. They didn't scratch him, but he wasn't impressed. "What'd you do that for?!" He demanded.

"No." One of them whispered.

"It's male." The other spoke, just as softly.

"Tell me who you are?" Simba demanded lightly. The two cubs cowered once more, and scurried off into the dark. "Hey!" He called out. But it was too late, the reclusive cubs were too hard, or too far gone to be seen. Simba waited around a bit, trying to see if they would return, or cause any further disturbances. The night only offered silence, save for the gentle wisp of wind over the trees.

Simba decided he had chased them off, and took to rejoining Timon and Pumbaa. Laying between the two, fast asleep. He laid down, keeping his eye on the tree line. His eyes grew heavy though, and it wouldn't be long before he was fast asleep once more.

The next day passed by with little event. Simba kept a careful eye out for any sign of last night's visitors, but kept the news of their arrival secret from Timon and Pumbaa. The trio took to dining in a similar location near the water, but decided this time to sleep nearby instead of out in the open field. Simba wasn't a big fan of this idea, since he wanted to check to see if the two would make a reappearance, but like a good friend he stayed.

"Hey kid?" Timon asked, poking Simba's shoulder.

"What's up Timon?"

"You've been a little spacey today, looking all over."

"Yeah, you've been really quiet too." Pumbaa chipped in, joining the conversation.

"It's ok guys, really. Just, that dream I had last night, kinda messed with me a little. I'll be fine if I can just get some rest tonight." He explained. Timon, not being to prod much further easily accepted his answer.

"Sounds good kido, night Simba. Night buddy."

"Night Timon, Night Simba."

"Good night you guys." Simba replied, laying on his back. Within minutes the two were conked out, dreaming the night away while Simba gazed up through the trees to the stars again. He felt his eyes getting heavy, as he fantasized once more when an all too familiar sound up ahead stirred him.

Bounding to his feet, he pointed himself in the direction it came from. He snuck away from his sleeping guardians and disappeared into the bushes. Passing underneath them he searched for the sound once more. Again, the creatures managed to mask there location well enough. Simba huffed and fumed, breaking from the bush into the open. He looked around eagerly, and found nothing.

Shaking his head in disappointment, he felt the call of nature return. Taking to a tree nearby, he raised his leg once more and began to release. He rested his foot on the tree, letting the stream trickle down to the ground, when he heard a snap come from nearby. Halting his stream, he darted around to see a tiny green eye, watching him beneath a bush.

"You!" He exclaimed. The little green eye widened as Simba gave chase. This time he wouldn't let it escape. The cub made the mistake of crossing an open trail, giving Simba a prime target. With a burst of speed, he leapt and tackled the creature to the ground with a yowl. Pinning it down, he gazed into the little green eyes, staring in fear up to him.

"Oh no, you're male. Don't kill me." it whimpered. Simba was baffled at the statement.

"I'm not gonna kill you." He quickly assured it. "But I wanna know who you are." Simba gave the cub a quick look over. It was smaller than he anticipated. Its legs couldn't even reach passed his backside. It was also relatively easy to keep down, either it was weak, or weighed very little.

"Please, no hurt." It whimpered once again.

"Look I'm not gonna hurt you ok." He replied in a more reassuring tone. He eased the pressure on its body but didn't let it get up. "My names Simba, what's yours?"

The little cub darted to the left. Simba turned as well, to see the other cub cautiously creeping up.

"Sister?" It asked from the distance. The cub under Simba whimpered once more.

"Sister? You're a girl?" He asked.

"Sister, help." She moaned from beneath him. Simba turned back to her in astonishment.

"You both are." He breathed. The cub creeping up was getting a little bolder and moved in close. She mocked swats at him and backed off quickly. "Hey, knock it off. Look, I'll let you up if you promise not to run. I just want to talk to you." Simba insisted. The cub beneath him tilted her head.

"Talk?" She asked.

"Yeah, is that ok? I mean, I don't see a lot of cubs like us around." Simba suggested.

"Like, us." She said softly. "Ok, let me up." Simba complied and let the little cub rejoin her sister.

"Alright, so come on. I told you my name, it's Simba. So what's yours?" He asked. The two little cubs huddled together, talking in whispers. Pausing a moment they turned around and darted away. "HEY!!" Simba cried out. "Don't run! You promised." He whimpered. His ears fell back as he hung his head. Feeling the tears well up, he fell to the ground and covered his face.

He cried for a little while, disheartened that these new cubs did not want to be friends with him. Within moments however the two came creeping up through the bushes, watching Simba cry into the ground. It was such a strange sight to them. They revealed themselves and stood over him, gazing down in wonder. Simba peaked out from his paws and saw them, looking him over.

"You're back? Why'd you run?" He demanded.

"Suri." The first one replied.


"I'm Suri." She said again.

"Sari." The other said. "I'm Sari."

"Suri, and Sari?" He asked. The two nodded in sync as he sat back up. Wiping his eyes he tried to recompose himself. "So, why were you watching me?"

"Momma told us to watch out for males." Suri answered.

"Momma said males are dangerous." Sari contributed.

"Males have the different thing between their legs." Said Suri.

"They go when they stand."

"That's how we know, you are male. You are dangerous, no?" Suri asked.

"I'm not dangerous. Only if you try to hurt my friends." Simba answered.

"Huh." They said in sync, looking to each other. They glanced to Simba then back and forth.

"You're friends?" Sari asked.

"The pig, and little creature."

"But they are prey."

"Prey we can't defeat." Suri reminded her.

"Yes. We have to eat bugs." Sari moaned, lowering her head.

"Bugs are nasty. Momma can't hunt for us anymore." Suri joined her.

"Why not?" Simba asked. Taking a deep breath, they stammered.

"Momma died." They cried in unison. Simba looked away; he knew the pain of losing a parent. Reaching out he did his best to comfort the two as they sobbed for a few moments.

"I know what that's like too. Trust me." He consoled them.

"You do?" Sari asked. Simba nodded, shifting his focus between them.

"Can I ask?" Suri asked.

"Ask what?" Simba wondered.

"What are you?" Sari questioned.

"I'm a lion. What are you guys? I've never seen a lion with black fur before."

"A lion?" Sari wondered.

"We're not lions. We're panthers."

"Twin, Panthers." Sari corrected.

"Momma had us both at the same time." Suri agreed.

"Cool." Simba smiled. "Nice to meet you."

"We can't stay." Sari informed him.

"No, not now. We need to sleep."

"So much to hunt tomorrow."

"The bugs can be hard to find." Suri sighed.

"Wait, can I see you again?" Simba pleaded. The two huddled close and whispered amongst themselves. Swinging around together they nodded.

"Yes, you can see us again."

"Great! Maybe we can play together tomorrow." Simba suggested. The girls smiled and giggled.

"We'd like that." Suri chuckled

"We'd like that a lot."

"There's only so many games we know."

"And we've played them all." Sari sighed, with a giggle.

"Alright, till tomorrow then?" Simba asked.

"Tomorrow night." Sari replied.

"Tomorrow we'll meet here. We will keep a watch for you." Suri added.

"Awesome." Simba smiled. "Good night, until then." He waved off, returning to Timon and Pumbaa. Settling in between them, he could hardly wait to see what tomorrow would bring.

Simba eagerly bounded through the day, to Timon and Pumbaa he seemed more energetic and more like his usual self. He reflected on all the games he used to play with Nala and thought how much fun it would be with another friend added into the mix. As night finally settled in and Timon and Pumbaa settled near the water once again, Simba said his good night and waited for them to fall asleep.

Luckily, this was something that was never an issue for them. Timon lay atop Pumbaa's belly and within moments the snoring fest began. Simba crept away, passing through the bushes and out into the open. He looked around, for any hint of their presence.

"Suri, Sari." He whispered loudly. This time instead of just rustling in the bushes he heard giggles to back them up. Simba playfully crept up on them and revealed them from behind the leaves. "Gotcha!" he smiled, as the girls pounced him to the ground.

"We got you!" The said together, giggling at Simba as he lay beneath them. Letting him up, he sat before them.

"I'm so glad you came. It's been too long since I had friends like me to play with."

"Yes, we're glad you are not like the males we have heard about." Sari complimented.

"He is strange, so unlike them." Suri added.

"Well, what do you know about males?" Simba asked. The girls Hmm'd and paced around him.

"We know they are usually stronger than females." Sari began.

"They have the strange part to pee from."

"They like to fight a lot."

"And do not; stick around after making mommies pregnant." Suri finished.

"Well, I'm nothing like that. Except for the, pee part." He insisted.

"Yes we saw." Sari giggled.

"Can we ask a favor?" Suri requested, dangling her paw effeminately.

"A small one, for sure." Sari assured him.

"Ok? What's that?" Simba asked. The girls stopped in front of him and smiled.

"Can we look you over?" They asked together.

"Oh. Well, I guess. You're not gonna hurt me are you?" He wondered. They both shook their heads.

"No." Sari answered firmly.

"You are nice, and we think you are a good friend."

"So we won't hurt you." Sari concluded.

"Ok, have a look." Simba agreed, rising to his feet. The girls started out, examining his face. They prodded his cheek and looked in his ears. Sari had a particular fascination with his eyes.

"Very neat." She said softly.

"His eyes?"


"Hey look at this." Suri insisted, brushing through Simba's few strands of mane hair.

"Oh, different color." Sari awed.

"That'll be my mane when it gets longer, don't pull on it." He begged. The girls giggled and resumed their investigation. "You know, you girls kinda talk funny."

"The way we talk?" Sari asked.

"Momma only taught us so much. We don't get to talk to others very much." Suri explained, pawing down his body. She stroked down the length of his tail and caught a fascination with the fur at the end. "Why does it do this?" She asked.

"I don't know, all lions are like that." Simba explained. Sari looked to her own tail, then back to his.

"I think you're tail is prettier, Simba. I'd like to have fur like that at the end." Simba smiled, looking back at them. Suri's curiousity grew as she lifted his tail higher. She exposed his un-erect shaft somewhat covered by his sack.

"There it is, sister." She stated.

"Yes, I don't get it. Why are those things there?" Sari asked, pointing to his balls.

"I don't know." Simba answered honestly. "They've been tingling now and then lately, I'm not sure why."

"Oooo" they awed together. "Is it, ok to touch?" Suri asked.

"Gently." Simba agreed. Suri gave them a brief touch, feeling the texture and responsiveness of the flesh. Satisfied she let her sister try as well. Simba wasn't sure what to feel. It was a strange, yet pleasurable sensation letting them feel such a tender area. He closed his eyes, just enjoying each gentle movement they made.

"This is where he was peeing from." Sari declared, gently patting his shaft. "Hey, it's soft." Suri reached in and began pressing it and stroking it.

"His fur here is, rather nice." She added. Simba began to shudder; he could feel the tingles coming again. He didn't know what to do. It wouldn't be long before his pink member would start to creep up again.

"Uh, Suri. Sari. Please take it easy there, if you keep doing that. A really sensitive part of me starts to come out." He pleaded, hoping they would ease off just a little.

"Sensitive?" Suri questioned.

"I think he means, it feels stronger then other parts." Sari answered.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, Suri leaned into her sisters ear and whispered once more.

"Yes, exactly. Just like there." She agreed.

"It wouldn't be a bad thing then." Sari stated, still wanting to explore Simba's body.

"True. Simba, if we are gentle. May we see it?" Suri asked politely. He turned around, only to hang his head. It was a little embarrassing for him. He knew so little about his own body, what it would do. It seemed they had more knowledge on the topic then he did. It started to dawn on him that if Timon and Pumbaa didn't know, this may actually be the best way to find out.

"Well, I guess. But I should tell you, I don't really know much about it." He confessed to them. Suri scratched her chin and pondered what it could do.

"Well, it's a male part. So we don't know much about it either." She assured him. "Hey!" She snapped up with a huge smile. "Let's explore it together! Then you'll know, and we won't have to be as afraid of males in the future since we'll know more about them!"

"Oh! Yes!" Sari agreed. "Simba, this might really help us. Will you let us learn?" She pleaded.

"Sari." Suri sighed. "Maybe we should offer to teach him about females as well. If he has been alone for a while, perhaps he doesn't know."

"Ahh, a trade." Sari smiled again.


"So, you'd teach me about females and how, you know. They work? If I let you look me over some more?" Simba questioned, regarding the agreement.

"Yes, that's what we would like to do." Suri nodded. Simba started to smile, it made a lot of sense to him. It would be nice to really understand what a female really had that was so different than males. His father only really covered what he needed to know to be king. Lionesses like Nala, were still something of a mystery to him.

"Alright, I'm in!" He happily agreed.

"Ok!" Suri smiled, circling around him again. "We've seen him standing like this, Simba, could you lay down?" Simba complied happily and settled his belly to the ground.

"No no silly." Sari corrected, pushing him lightly. "On your back."

"Oh ok, sorry." Simba apologized, rolling over. Letting his paws dangle in the air the girls took to circling around him. Their eyes, looking over every inch of his body. It felt soothing almost, being studied so closely by them.

Suri gently ran her paw down along his chest, tickling the fur along his body's natural slant down lead to his belly. Sari on the opposite side was already touching and massaging her area of interest. She gave no hesitation to resume rubbing his soft sheath, stroking it down to the base, pressing lightly on his sack.

"You are really curious about that part." Suri commented, finding her way back to Simba's face.

"It's just so strange, and kinda neat." She explained, continuing her massage.

"Simba? You're breathing faster." Suri noted.

"What she's doing. It feels really good." He shuddered lightly.

"It does?" Suri wondered.

"It's gonna come out again. My pink thing, just be careful. Don't press on it too hard." Simba advised.

"Sister?" Sari called, a little fearfully. "He's right, something is coming up." Suri stepped over Simba's muzzle, exposing herself to him as she watched his penis reveal itself. He found himself entranced, looking up at the small black folds at the base of her tail. It only expedited his excitement, his pink member growing out more rapidly.

"Oh wow. What is that?" Suri asked in astonishment. She reached down briefly before returning her attention to Simba. "I'll be gentle, ok?" Simba nodded and allowed her to continue. Lowering her paw, she made contact and Simba flinched. Feeling the weight start to come down, the sensitivity started to fade.

She could feel it twitching in time with his heart beat, it was fairly rapid. It's rough texture and stiffness were so strange, almost like their tongues but so much more firm.

"I wonder what it's supposed to do." Sari asked, a little more eager to touch it again. She moved her sisters paw away, stroking the sheath she exposed more of the stiff flesh beneath. Putting it between her paws, she grasped the tip and stroked down. Simba gave a deep shudder, closing his eyes he grasped onto Suri's leg. "Oh?" Sari noticed, it had stirred a new reaction from him.

"Sari, I think that makes him feel really good. He was right when he said it was sensitive." She explained. Simba opened his eyes, honed in now on Suri's opening.

"Suri?" He moaned. "Can I see yours now?"

"Just, one more thing first Simba." She insisted. "Sari, let's try tasting it. Maybe that will tell us something too."

"You first." Sari agreed. Leaning down, Simba could feel her breath on his shaft. With a slow lick from the tip down to his balls, he shuddered again. Moaning in pleasure. He wanted her to do it again.

"Hmm, it's a lot like another tongue." She proclaimed, licking her chops and teeth.

"Let me try." Sari dove in, licking from the base up. It was against the grain, and a little painful. Simba gave a sharp cry, pulling his legs in. Sari recognized her mistake. "I'm sorry Simba, let me try again." She swung her body around to get at the right angle. Licking from the tip, she slowly bathed his cock down to his aching balls.

"Was I right?" Suri questioned.

"Yeah, seems right." Sari agreed. Simba was starting to pant. He wanted them to do it again, maybe for longer than just a few strokes of the tongue.

"Girls, please. Do it again, it felt so good." He stammered.

"It did?" Sari questioned. Simba nodded eagerly, his flesh still hard was burning with the desire to be groomed like that again. Suri and Sari however felt they were satisfied enough with the taste, but didn't want him to leave something so sensitive exposed if he couldn't pull it back in.

"Well, Simba. The taste was kind of, strange. But here, you can take a look at mine now if you want." She suggested with a smile, lowering her rump to his face.

"Here! I'll sit down on it so it's not all exposed." Sari suggested as well, sitting facing her sister. Simba let his legs fall to either side, letting her rump conceal his throbbing member.

"Ok, lemme see." He agreed. Reaching up he gently opened the skin folds and looked inside. A bright flash of pink was hidden within, a small crevice, closed tight like the hole above. Watching it for a moment, he saw glimpses of it opening a little wider. But the depths within were too hard to see.

"Simba, it stings a little if you keep it open like that. Close it for a second or lick it if you like." Suri insisted, feeling the sting of the dry air. For Simba at this point it wasn't a question. Wetting his tongue, he tasted it's full length. His spit bubbled a little on the opening of the slit. Gradually growing wider then thinner, seemingly with her breathing.

He desired to taste it again; giving another lick he re-moistened her entrance. Each lap of his tongue made Suri cringe a little, but not in pain. It was pleasurable each time he licked, and yearned for him to delve deeper. She was understanding now what he meant when he asked her to do the same to him.

Sari was noticing something as well. Adjusting herself atop of him, his member was still stiff, having found its way pressed, up between her lips. She found herself rocking on it, stroking it with her body. It was odd to her, so pleasurable. Like a desire to let it inside, it ached each time she put her weight on him, pressing against her slit. It started to dawn on her, what the function of it was.

"Suri, I think I know now." Sari stammered lightly.

"Huh?" She asked, between Simba's feverish licks.

"The hole we have. I think it's supposed to go inside. I feel like, it needs to be inside." Sari explained, still rocking on his body.

"Inside?" Suri exclaimed, moving her body away from Simba's mouth. "Are you sure?" She didn't answer, just nodded, still rocking back and forth.

"That hole you have, it might fit, it opens up." Simba stated, panting softly. Sari was at her limit. Instinct was beginning to drive her. Rising up a little, she tried to sure a way into her body for Simba's throbbing cock. Her aim was lousy, and on his back Simba was little help. She moaned and groaned, trying to get it to catch inside her.

"Sis, help me. Get it in there." Sari pleaded to her sister.

"Ok, if you're sure." She complied, heading to their two tail ends. Leaning down, she grasped a hold of Simba's stiff shaft and attempted to guide it toward her sisters awaiting pussy. "Stop moving then!" Suri lightly scolded. Following her sisters orders, she remained still. Suri guided the tip to her entrance, encouraging her to come down a little more. With a gasp she felt it slip inside, and on instinct, she set all her weight on it, sinking deep within.

Simba's eyes went wild. His cock was housed inside her, the walls of her wet pussy gripping him, squeezing right from the base to his tip.

"This is so much better than the lick." He whispered. Sari moaned, feeling him so deep inside, her eyes were shut tight. Placing her paws on his chest, she started slow motions forward and back. The movement was subtle, parting her inside, feeling his balls pressed against her pucker each time she came down. Simba closed his eyes as well, his mind lost to the new pleasure she was giving him.

"Sis, are you ok?" Suri asked. Sari swung her head up, opening one eye.

"Oh it's so... It's so big.. So good. But, so big." She answered between moans. Simba started to press up as much as he could each time she came down. Lowering her head, she extended the claws on her feet and started to ride him a little faster. Sari was letting little squeals escape every few seconds while Simba's tongue fell out, panting harder.

Suri leaned down to get a better view of what was happening. Though not much was visible passed Simba's balls, she could tell he was being ridden well. A sharp cry from her sister stole away her attention, bounding back up she grasped her shoulder.

"Sari?" She asked eagerly.

"Ahh! Something's happening!" She cried out.

"Me too. Ah! That tingle, it's all over me!" He called out. Both of them grunted and moaned as she rode him harder and harder. Her body couldn't hold out though, slamming down she took in his full length and lost herself. Her vagina, convulsing, stroking his meat uncontrollably.

Suri watched below as Simba's balls twitched as well. Crying out, her climax was too much and he began to ejaculate. His first ever, the thin streams of sperm splashed against her heated flesh within. The new sensation was overwhelming for them both. She wasn't sure if he was peeing or not, but didn't care. It just felt right, feeling him lubricate her inside.

Simba panted loudly as he came down, Sari slunked herself over and fell on his chest. He felt compelled to hold her, keeping her pressed against his body. The euphoria was washing over them, the tranquil wash through their bodies as they embraced each other's warmth. Suri was forced to watch in total confusion as to what had happened.

Patiently she awaited her sisters or Simba's explanation. Finally, she dismounted him. His pink flesh had retreated back inside the comfort of his sheath. Simba smiled, his panting subsided as Sari happily fell into her sisters arms. Tucking her head underneath her, she giggled softly.

"That was nifty."

"Nifty?" Suri wondered, holding her sister. Simba rolled to his belly and picked himself up. Walking over to her, he licked Sari's cheek and smiled.

"That was great." He giggled.

"Yeah." She smiled, giggling to him. She licked his lip and gave him a quick nuzzle.

"So weird, what happened to you two? The things I saw, they didn't look like they felt that good." Suri interrogated. She seemed a little agitated by the situation.

"I don't know, it's kinda hard to explain. You gotta feel it." Sari answered. Suri looked back and forth between them.

"But, his pink piece is gone now. I don't think he can do it again." Suri whined.

"Well wait, Simba? What made it come out before?" Sari asked.

"Just, touching and stuff. It brought up these tingles and the next thing I know, it's there." He explained.

"Well there we go, we'll just do the same thing again and-" Sari cut herself off, picking up her rump she looked down to find it was dripping on the ground. "Oh yeah! What did you do inside me?" She questioned.

"I don't know, lemme see." Simba said, turning his attention to her back end. He lifted her tail to find her slit had been soaked in a strange fluid. Sniffing it he found the scent was really strong. He flashed his tongue along it and the taste almost overwhelmed him. "Whoa, bleh." He shook his head.

"What?" Sari questioned immediately.

"Just tastes funny." Simba replied. Suri sighed and joined him in examining her sister.

"Let's see." She breathed, giving her sister's vagina a good lick. "Mmm!" She squinted, licking her lips. "Wow, strong but, kinda tingly on the tongue."

"Can you clean it off? My bum is getting cold." She whined lightly.

"Sure, here." Suri sighed again, starting to bath her sister's pussy. Simba watched on, enjoying each flash of flesh exposed every time her tongue whipped across.

"Here, I'll help." Simba piped in, placing his muzzle beside hers. Sari closed her eyes as the two went to work, licking the length, the sides and all about her sore vagina. Sari started to moan with pleasure once more, as Simba found himself feeling the tingles arise again.

He kept bathing her for a while longer until his and Suri's tongues overlapped and licked one another. She giggled a little and kept cleaning her sister while Simba started to try to make it happen again. He caught her tongue once more, and started licking along her lip. Closing her eyes, she turned and started to lick along his tongue. They carried on for quite a while until Suri backed off and looked between his legs.

"You're back out again." She noted. Simba grinned and raised his eyebrow while turning his head.

"Still want to try?" He asked. Suri tucked her head in at first, but nodded shortly after. Simba laid down on his back once again and watched as she stepped over his body and lowered her rump to his shaft.

"Want me to guide it in, like you did?" Sari asked.

"Please." Suri begged, raising her rump up a little. Sari giggled, darting around between Simba's legs, she grabbed hold of his cock and placed the tip into her sisters body. Suri nervously lowered herself down, getting about half way she gave a short cry out and stopped.

Sari sighed and grabbed hold of her sisters waist and pressed down. Suri squealed as all her weight came down on his cock, delving it deep within her. Simba sighed happily, his eyes half open as he started to press up on her gently.

"Ok, now what do I do?" She asked. Sari swung around, letting her pussy dangle over Simba's mouth. She swayed her Suri back and forth, lifting her up a little and pressing back down. Simba kept up with the rhythm, pushing himself up each time she tried to come down. Suri gasped each time he parted her to the depths.

Simba's cock was crushed as she was clinching much tighter then Sari. Moaning he kept pressing in, feeling her tight walls squeeze the entire length. He pulled Sari's tail end down to his mouth; licking inside her slit she tried to catch her breath. She kept a good hold on her sister, but started to press on Simba's face. Trying to get him to dig the tongue inside.

"Oh, Sari. I see what you mean. I .. I don't know how to, describe this." Suri moaned.

"Go a little faster; make the tingles come in you. Then you'll really feel good." She encouraged. Suri picked up the pace, though they were short, she was stroking him eagerly inside while Simba did his best to clean up Sari's pussy. He gave one good final lick inside before he needed his tongue to cool off. Sari stepped off and took a spot beside her sister.

"Oh Suri... Keep squeezing like that.. I love it." Simba panted. Suri grit her teeth and clinched inside, making her body as tight as possible. Simba yelped out, she was nearly crushing him. If it wasn't for her dampness within, she would have stripped him raw. Suri grasped her belly, feeling a strange and unfamiliar sensation build up inside.

"Ugh, what's this? Is this?" She tried to ask, but to no avail. Dwelling on the pleasure and pressure from Simba's mating she couldn't form the words. Simba felt it coming as well, he seemed just in time with her body. She started to cry out over and over as Simba felt his balls start to contract. Sari took her sisters position and watched the show between their legs.

Simba's first ejaculation was perfectly in sync with her first spasm. Each pull seemed to forced another jet from his cock to splash inside and cool her down. Suri leaned back, her head swung up, she didn't know what was happening or how to handle it. She simply kept her weight on Simba, not allowing even an ounce of his seed to seep out. Sari had placed her paw, gently on Simba's balls.

She was able to figure out where the fluid had come from. Smiling she waited for her sister to finish. Dropping hard to his chest, she grasped him tight as Simba held her. Sari waited for their panting to subside, her sister seemed so quiet, so tranquil as well.

"So, how was it?" Sari asked.

"It's so strange. Like, an instinct. It hurt, yet felt good. Dirty but, so right. Does that even make sense?" She pondered. Sari nodded and helped her sister up. Gently she eased herself off Simba and allowed him to get up as well. He took her under his chin while Sari draped herself in his arm.

"I know where that water comes from." Sari announced proudly.

"Yeah?" Simba and Suri asked.

"Mmhmm. I think it's coming from those balls below your thing. When you finished, it was twitching. Like it was trying to pump it in. I bet anything that's where it comes from." She explained.

"Makes sense." Suri agreed. "But sister, we should go. The night has gone on long. We need to eat still tomorrow."

"What? No, come stay with me, Timon and Pumbaa." Simba pleaded.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Sari shook her head.

"Yes, see. If we can find prey like that, we'd want to eat it. But we know they're your friends. We don't want to hurt them." Suri claimed.

"And don't want to fight you." Sari smiled, licking his cheek.

"But, I mean. Will I see you again?" He pleaded.

"Yes, I want that. Maybe tomorrow night?" Suri suggested.

"I'll play with you like that every night if you want." Simba chuckled. The girls giggled as well, cuddling a little closer to him.

"I'm sure, but we will find lots of games to play now that we know this." Sari said, brushing her head under his chin. She freed herself from his paw and walked a little ahead. Suri smiled and turned his head, stealing a kiss.

"Wow, what was that for?" He asked.

"For showing us that not all males are bad. That some are special like you." She answered. She joined aside her sister and looked back. "Don't forget about tomorrow." Suri reminded him.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Simba called back with a smile.

Vitani's Lesson.

Vitani scratched vigorously at her shoulder with her hind paw. Planted near the dead tree she loved to chew on, she was working as vigilantly as possible to relieve the itch caused by the termites crawling up her arm. The sun was hot, drying out her...

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