The Vessel ch. 2

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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#2 of The Vessel

A boy turns to a dark ritual to help his life.

The Vessel ch.2

Heres the next chapter, I hope you guys like it. Warning this story contains extreme content and you should look at the tags before reading it. Its a little short but I think I did a good job. I am new to the type of story I am writing so it might not be amazing. As always please comment and happy reading!

Phil got up and out of bed. He looked around his mostly empty room and sighed. He was feeling a lot better today. The events in his dream kept on flashing through his mind and he knew that what had happened had really happened, he pleged him self to a demon lord's service, was eaten by the demon's mosterous cock and then birthed out by the same demon as something else. The thought of what happened made him quickly tent his pants and he sighed.

Phil quickly walked to the bathroom that was connected to his room and locked the door. He looked down at his crotch in the mirror and could easily see the throbbing erection in his pants. Quickly checking the time on his cell phone Phil found that he had plenty of time before school started. He turned on the shower and undressed. He sat on the toilet and put his hands on his forehead. 'Why did I do that? I sold my soul to a demon, I am going to go to hell for this. I cant belive I did that, I did the ritual thinking it would make me stronger or more intimidating or something. I didn't actually belive that it would of worked.'

Phil thought to him self as he finished using the toilet. He looked at his uncut cock, it was still rock hard and he couldnt get it to go down. Phil got up off the toilet and checked the water tempurature of the shower. He then got in the shower and started to clean him self off. His cock felt so hard now, and sensative. He gripped it with his hand, it felt different than what he was used to, thicker at the base and more narrow near the head, it also seemed to be a bit longer.

He decided against jerking off for some reason, a little voice in the back of his head telling him not to for now. After finishing the shower Phil's boner finally started to deflate and he put on his change of clothes and walked out. Luckally his brother's were not around to bully him this morning and he didnt encounter them. He picked up his daily allowance money and went to school.

During lunch time Phil wondered the halls, he wasnt hungry. Well he was hungry, starving even but he didn't feel like eating anything with his mouth. He was a bit worried about it when he was shoved against the wall in a corner, a hand around his neck choking him slightly. "Well if it isn't the pussy boy. Does the Fag have my money today?" The voice and hand belonged to Jeff, Phil's personal bully. Phil grabbed at the muscled arm holding his neck agains the wall, trying to push the bully away from him and stop him choking him but to no avail.

"Whats wrong pussy boy? Cat got your tongue? I swear you damn emo types are dumber than you look." Jeff said taunting and insulting Phil. Phil felt Jeff's hand shove into his pocket and grab his wallet. "Here we are- what the? Ew! Grose you really are a fag!" Jeff slamed Phil against the wall again. "Your getting turned on by this, how grose." Phil couldnt help it, his cock had sprung to full length and hardness when Jeff had pushed him against the wall. The show of force and the muscular lines and veins on the other boy's body turning him on for some reason.

"Damn I hate pussy fags like you I aught to break your neck right here and now for that" Jeff said, growling almost as he brought his other hand back. He punched Jeff in the face hard, the pain making Phil even more aroused for some reason, and making his tummy grumble. Jeff just ignored it and punched Phil in the face again, giving Phil a black eye. Jeff released the struggling boy and punched Phil in the stomach making Phil double over in pain. Jeff kicked Phil in the crotch making Phil fall to the ground. He kicked the other boy while he was down a few more times, giving Phil bruises in his ribs and possibly even cracking one. Jeff walked off, leaving Phil on the ground shuddering and tearing up in pain. Jeff took Phil's wallet keeping it with him as he left Phil on the floor.

When Phil finally recovered enough to stand up he grunted, knowing that he couldn't go to the nurse's office. The school was sports obsessed and he knew Jeff would just try to sue him for sexual assault or some nonsense. Phil's bruised cock was still rock hard, possibly even harder than before, and he could feel it drooling precum and staining his pants. He sighed and walked towards the gym, he would change clothes in the gym and just wear his lame gym shorts the rest of the day. 'Damn lying demon, he said he would give me the power to defend my self' Phil thought to him self as he limped to the gym.

The locker room was empty as he entered it, he had gym next period and then he had an off period after that so he had plenty of free time. He went to his locker and started to undress and put his gym clothes on, getting ready for the next class. One of the assistant coaches looked out of his office as he reclined in the office room. He saw Phil changing clothes, and noticed that the boy was horribly beaten up. The man sighed and stood up and went to the door that connected the coaches office to the locker room.

"Hay, Phil, come to my office this instant!" He shouted out. The man was an ex profesional wrestler and frankly a wall of heavly placed muscle. Phil froze a bit as he heard the commanding voice of the coach call out for him. He finished putting his stuff into the locker and walked over to the coach, walking slowly cause his crotch still hurt from the kick.

Phil went into the coaches office and the man motioned for phil to fallow him as he went to his private office room. "Sit down son!" Ordered the coach. Phil sat down in a chair on the opposite side of the coache's desk. "What happened boy? Why are you beaten up so much? Who did this to you?" Phil just looked down, his cock tenting the way too tight shorts in his pants, making him trying to not to grunt as he felt his cock pulse and surge. Phil could feel something was happening, and he felt so hungry, so very very hungry. He didnt respond to the coach as the coach kept on asking him questions about who had beaten Phil up.

Eventually the coach got rather fed up with the boy being silent to him and he stood up with a grunt and walked around the desk to the boy who was just sulking. "I said who did this to you! Look at me when I ask you a question runt!" The coach yelled out at the boy. The coach's office wasnt small but it wasnt big either, and he had long ago made it sound proof. He was only an assistant coach and only had to teach two classes in the morning really, he was paid to stay and do paper work for the other coaches and help in when the other teachers were sick. He also coached the JV football team.

The Phil looked up at the man who was yelling at him and finally got a good look at the man. The man's shirt and shorts were tight and form fitting, showing off every line every muscel every vein in the older male's body. The coach was covered in layers of thick muscle that bulged as he got upset. The boy's gaze was drawn to the coach's groin as he could see the coach's huge package straining against the shorts that the man wore.

The sight made something grumble in Phil, it wasnt his stomach it was his balls as he felt them bulge slightly. Phil couldnt help but let out a moan as he felt his cock push against his pants more, growing longer. He could feel the fabric strain as it struggled to contain his changing manhood. The feeling made Phil let out a moan as he felt his cock grow.

This attracted the coaches attention to the boy's crotch. "What the hell!?" The couch shouted out as he saw the boy's cock throb and rip out of the boy's pants. Phil's cock was no longer human looking it was pure red and was tapered along its length. The head of Phil's reptilian cock was still fairly thick as it ended at a point. Phil gasped and shuddered as he started to smell a thick potent musk fill the air, his cock drooling out precum in globs, staining his gym shorts.

The Coach reached for the door to leave the room when the musk hit his nose. He took in one deep long breath shuddering as the strong phaeromone's hit his system. The coach's own cock strained in his gym shorts as he got hard from the smell alone. "Phil, you smell... you should know that this is highly inapropriate... oh so good." The coach locked the door behind him as he walked towards the boy who shuddered as he felt his cock surge slightly and his balls groan in hunger.

The coach took staggered steps towards the boy struggling against his own body as it acted on its own almost. "Phil you should put... mmm... that away... mmm you know I have some medical training, and I belive I could help you relive some...mmmm no wait I cant... pressure there." The coach said trying to resist as he kneled in front of the boy, his eyes fixated on the huge shaft. His mouth drooling heavily as he saw the globs of precum run down it. Phil had no idea what was happening but somethin in the back of his head told him to just let it happen. Phil's shaft was about 16 inches long now and 8 inches thick at the base, as it twitched and drooled out precum in heavy globs.

The coach pushed his nose against the cum covered shaft taking in the sweet musky smell. He couldnt help it, he had to suck it. The coach's tongue lapped out at the boy's tapered draconic shaft making the boy yell out in pleasure, his cock was super sensative now, making him shudder in delight and nearly feel like he was orgasming from just the lick. The coach lapped up the precum covering the boy's shaft and felt him self shudder. The taste of the wonderful cum sent the coach into an orgasm, his cock wetting his pants as his own 10 inch long cock spewed cum. He moved his head up to the head of the shaft licking and lapping at it greedily.

Phil just sat there moaning heavily as he felt his draconic shaft lurch from the coach's attention's. The coach moved his head up to the head of the gigantic tool and wrapped his lips around it sucking on the head of the tapered dick hungrily drinking down the boy's precum. Phil humped his hips upwards into the coach's willing mouth forcing his huge dick into the man's throat. The pleasure was amazing and he couldnt help him self, it felt like every little inch of his tool was orgasming but he didn't cum. Phil's balls bulged outwards as the coach pulled up for breath, the coach's short shorts were stained heavily with the choach's cum.

Phil felt his balls grumble hungrilly as he coach went back down to take his huge dick in his mouth. Instead Phil felt his dick start to grow and his urethra bulge and widen as his cock lurched up, growing obsceanly and swallowing the coach's head fully. Phil wanted to pull back and stop as he saw what happened, scared of eating someone with his cock. Phil remembered thats how his master had converted him and something in his head told him that this is what he needed to do to help his master.

Phil settled back into the chair as the coach's head was swallowed by his cock. Phil's shaft continued to grow bigger and wider as it started to engulf the other man, the coach's cock pulsed as it continued to orgasm continously. Phil expected the man to sruggle to try to call for help but instead he felt the coach push forward into the boy's monster cock as it grew and grew and grew eating the other man. The coach seemed willing no it seemed the muscle bound hunk wanted to be eaten.

Phil couldnt help but moan out and roar in pleasure as he felt his cock grow around the body of the coach, his cock engulfing the other man, quickly growing to 3 then 4 then 5 feet long, swallowing the muscled man up entirely. Phil gasped as he saw just the shoes of his coach wiggle in his huge tool, he could feel everything of the coach press against his cock as precum flowed up out of his cock and around the coach just drooling out lightly of the tip of his shaft.

Phil gripped his cock that was now 7 feet long, it was longer than he was tall and he stroked it furiously as he felt the coach finally start to slide down his shaft. The coach fell down through his shaft and into the boy's awaiting ballsack, his balls started to bulge rediculesssly as they outlined the shape of his coach as the man fell into his sack. Phil finally felt his hunger subside as his hungry balls ate the other man.

Phil's sack fell out of the chair and onto the ground wiggling as the coach he had injested fell from his cock and into his balls. Phil could feel the man's body being eaten by his sperm, the body being absorbed into Phil's. Phil's draconic shaft shrunk down in size as the coach was being digested, reaching back down to 8 inches long. Even though phil haden't yet orgasmed he still felt his sexual need satisified along with his hunger. The coach's body was being absorbed and fed into his own, the only thing left in his balls being the coach's softball sized soul in his sack.

Phil felt his body surge as his body was fed the coach's old body, his muscles clenched as the bulged outwards, his balls swelling to match the softball size of the coach's soul, making it look like he had three rather large testicles. Phil's body bulged outwards turning his nerdy scrawny frame into one that looked like he went to the gym every so often, though not a lot. He felt stronger now but not a lot more so.

Phil looked down at his sack as his cock receeded into his body fully, leaving him with a slit that reminded him of a girl's cunt. His balls stayed external though, he gripped the three orbs and smiled as he rolled them around, the coach's soul feeling warm in his sack. "Looks like I will have a gift for my master" Phil said to him self before standing up.

Gym class had already started by Phil didn't plan on staying in school anyway, he left the office, his pants still having a giant hole in them as he covered up his crotch with his backpack that he held in front of him. He went to his car and drove home, knowing that his master would love his treat.

The vessel ch.3

The Vessel ch. 3 _Sorry for the super long delay, I have been sick a lot recently and havent had much time to write. However I hope you guys like this chapter. Happy reading!_ Phil drove home, his sack full and warm with the soul of his...

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Living as a Lycanthrope ch. 5

Living as a Lycantrhope ch.5 Arther woke up with a headache, his body was sore all over. He felt like he had a massive hangover like he had been drinking for a few days strait. He grumbled, not noticing the other figure sleeping in his bed. He got...

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The Vessel ch.1

The Vessel ch.1 _Warning! This story contains adult content and shouldnt be read by anyone under 18, or pretty much anyone in the first place hehe. All characters are mine and the story is mine so no copying it!._ _Here is a new story series I...

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