The vessel ch.3

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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#3 of The Vessel

The Vessel ch. 3

Sorry for the super long delay, I have been sick a lot recently and havent had much time to write. However I hope you guys like this chapter. Happy reading!

Phil drove home, his sack full and warm with the soul of his school's coach. It made his whole groin feel warm and sensative. Phil had to focus on driving to get home, the feeling making him aroused and making the tip of his tapered draconic shaft poking out of the cunt like slit that rests where his cock used to be. Phil was excited, he was going to not only be able to give his master a gift but also he was going to meet his master again. That thought alone of just being with his master again made his cock twitch and spurt out a bit of precum.

Phil cursed as his shorts got more soaked in his musky precum, the hole in them from when he ripped out of them earlier was still very obvious. He drove to the back of his parents mansion house. He quickly wondered through the corridor's trying to avoid the maids and butlers as he went to his room. Something kept on telling him to go to his room and on his bed. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to get to his master but he just trusted his instincts.

His bedroom was cleaned and he knew his brothers wernt going to be home for a while, or really even notice him. It was the weekend and they would be going to a party with their girlfriends for the week. Phil knew that they would probably just be having sex with the random chicks they were with. Phil locked his room and lay down on his bed. He pulled off his ruined shorts and looked down at his draconic shaft. It looked quite different and a little odd but man did it feel good. He wrapped his hand around the thick and long tool.

Phil's 8 inch long cock twitched as he humped into his hand. His old cock never felt this sensative, it wasnt painfull sensative but more like his cock was exploding in pleasure as he touched him self. Phil's softball sized balls quivvered in his full sack, next to the warm soul. The soul was getting warmer as Phil was getting more aroused, and was vibrating lightly. Phil's cock started to spew out precum in massive ammounts. Acting on its own his other hand reached to the tip of his cum guzzling shaft. He covered his hand in the precum and used the precum like ink and started to draw mystical diagrams on his sheets.

Phil was unaware of what he was doing, getting lost in the plesure of pleasuring him self. Phil moaned out and closed his eyes before an unsettling cold surrounded him. He opened his eyes and gasped out, his hand still on his cock, but not stroking as eagerly. He looked about in the dark blue and gray abyss that he was in last time he found his master.

Looking down at his body, he wasnt human anymore, thats for sure. This form however, it felt, better, more right. He was a dragon, sort of a mix betwene a feral and an anthropomorphic one. He had red scales, the same color of his master. His underbelly was a dark blue, reaching all the way down to his tailtip to the bottem of the chin of his muzzle. He looked down at him self, his body wasn't very muscular from what he could tell. He rolled over to get on all fours.

Phil felt that he could walk on two legs or on all fours rather easily much like a bear but he was just wanting to be on all four at the moment. He put his muzzle down to the invisible floor sniffing at the ground a bit. He couldn't see his master but he caught the scent rather quickly. Phil's wings opened up as he thought about flying towards his master but then realising that the world he was in was an endless abyss with an invisible ground if he could call it that he decided against it.

Fallowing the smell he walked forward. His shaft, no wait he took a moment to look under his belly towards his groin and grinned heavily. He had instead of a single 8 inch long draconic shaft he had two of them, identical and side by side. Behind them was his sack with two soft ball sized balls and the soft ball sized soul nestled in it, making him look like he had three balls.

Phil didn't have to walk much futher before almost out of no where he came across the form of his master. Malz the demon was curled up on the invisible floor, a strange cage of light blue light streamers surrounded his body, trapping his master in the cage. Despite being in the cage his master still had a 3 foot long erect cock. Phil grinned at that and walked up to the cage. He stood up on two legs, his wings flapping to help him get his body up to the new position.

Reaching down to his two shafts phill grasped one in each hand and stroked them a few times. His precum started gushing again, and the soul in is sack warmed up and started vibrating a bit. Getting his claws covered in his own draconic pre he reached up and used the precum to draw runes on the cage his master was held in. Phil didn't really know what he was drawing but his instincts have yet to let him down so he just kept on drawing.

It took him a while to draw enough runes, having to collect more precum from both of his cock's in order to be able to finish the runes. When he was finished the runes glowed with magic as the cage shattered. His master took a while to stir, finally getting up and roaring as he stretched. He looked around and then grinned looking down at Phil, who was still only about 6 feet tall compared to the demon lord's massive 10 ft frame.

"You have done well my servent, I havent been truly awake in two thousand years. Now come over here and give your master that soul you have been carrying." Malz said to Phil.

Phil chirped happily as he walked to his master. He grabbed his master's 3 ft long shaft in both hands. Malz moaned, as his overfilled six balls pushed out precum through his shaft. Phil pulled the huge shaft towards his own two cock's. Phil pushed one of his cock's into the uethra of his master's member. Looking up to Malz who nodded he then started to hump into his master's cock. Using it like a big penetratable toy as he humped against it heavily, gripping the red cock heavily.

Malz moaned out as he felt his cock penetrated and his servent humping into him. It had been so long since anyone had ever touched his cock really, he had to hold him self back from cumming as he humped back against Phil's intruding member. Phil roared out a feral sounding roar as he humped into his master's shaft. It wasnt long before he came, shooting his cum into the huge shaft he was penetrating.

Phil's other shaft shot out cum all over, his cum hitting the invisible floor instead of fading away like before. Where his cum landed earth started to take shape. His other shaft bulged out as the soul in his balls shifted and started to push out of his cock. The soul shoved into his master's cock after a while pushing out of his cock and into his masters as his master's cock absorbed the soul and took it into his sack.

"Ah there we go, that feels sooo good. You have been very good my child. Now I will reward you for your obediance. Turn around and get on all fours." Malz ordered out to Phil.

"Yes master!" Phil said obediantly as he got on all fours and lifted his tail, revealing his tailhole for his master. Malz grinned and flexed his massive muscles. He angled his rock hard cock against his servents tailhole. Malz felt good to know that his servent was so eager for this and he was as well.

Phil let out a maddening roar as his virgin tailhole was penetrated by his master's gigantic shaft. The demon lord gripping his hips as he started to hump into phil's scaled rump. Phil's rear exploded in pleasure as he felt his master's huge 3 foot long cock push all the way into him. His insides gripped the tool tightly, but was still able to accept the huge cock inside of him.

This felt right to Phil, he felt like his purpose in life was now to be impailed by his master's cock. He was never gay before but right now he was a drooling cock hungry slut. His own shaft's drooled precum, painting the floor with his pre and creating earth instead of the blank nothingness in the world. Phil humped back against the demon lord's shaft as he was pounded mercylessly.

Malz hadnt had proper sex in over two thousand years and no was he was going to be slow with his child's ass. He pounded into the dragon with all the speed and expertise of a sex demon. Malz's demonic tail curled up under him and pushed into his own cunt, his pussy drooling with his femenine juices, spewing out almost as much liquid as his cock was. The soul in his sack was vibrating and searing hot, making the demon lord go even faster and hump with more frantic fury. He wasnt going to let go of the soul, he wanted needed the soul's power after so long.

It didnt take long for the sex deprived pleasure demon to come to orgasm. His six overfilled balls churned and pulled up towards his massive shaft as he pounded the ass of his servent. His cunt quivered and came as well spurting out massive ammounts of fluids around his invading tail. Phil's tummy expanded as he felt his master's heavenly seed fill his body. The feeling set him off him self as the feeling of his master's cock pressing against both his prostates made him cum hard. His own seed psurted oout of his dual cocks as he came hard.

The cum turning the ground to earth, recreating the shattered world from their love juices as they came hard together. Their love making shaking the realm that was barren, their pleasure starting the beginning of the baren landscapes rebirth.

After Malz had finished cumming he kept on humping, far from done. The two stayed togeather, the demon pounding the dragon's ass all the time, going on for hours and hours with countless orgasm's on both sides. When they were done, the small patch of earth they were now standing on was created almost purely by Phil's own cum, and a bit by Malz's feminine juices, his cunt's juice not as effective at creating the world as cum was.

Malz finally pulled his shaft out of his oversexed servent's rear. Phil was nearly passed out from the epic sex he had just experianced, panting heavily on the ground laying down on his side when his master pulled out. His belly was full, looking like he was super fat or super pregnant, his body filled with his master's seed. Malz's cum gushed out of Phil's rear, landing on the landscape as he nodded off, tired from the sex. Malz felt good and warm, the soul in his balls finally having disolved into him. His body was already about as powerfull as he could get it but he still felt stronger. He layed down on the soft dirt that they had created togeather, he then snuggled up next to Phil's body.

Malz usually wouldnt show so much affection to one of his servents but he felt that the boy deserved it, also something in his heart was warm when he did so, a feeling he had not felt before and didnt know how to deal with. It wasnt long before the boy's body dissapeared from the underworld, returning back to his own. Malz knew he would need more souls and possibly servents to revive the underworld. He was the most powerfull and only demon in the underworld but he would have no chance against the angels if they were to find out that he was back so he needed more power.

The next morning, Phil woke up in his bed, he was in his normal human shape but when he looked down at his groin, he had pretty powerfull morning wood, but instead of his old single draconic shaft he had two, he grinned at that development before getting up to take a shower.

Phil had more work to do, and if he got more souls he could spend more time with his master.

The Vessel ch. 4

The Vessel ch. 4 _Super sorry for the half year deley in chapter. I wont be writing a tun anymore but I hope to pick it up more now a days. Anywho I hope you guys like this chapter. As always, happy reading!_ Phil took a long shower, he felt amazing...

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The Vessel ch. 2

The Vessel ch.2 _Heres the next chapter, I hope you guys like it. Warning this story contains extreme content and you should look at the tags before reading it. Its a little short but I think I did a good job. I am new to the type of story I am...

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Living as a Lycanthrope ch. 5

Living as a Lycantrhope ch.5 Arther woke up with a headache, his body was sore all over. He felt like he had a massive hangover like he had been drinking for a few days strait. He grumbled, not noticing the other figure sleeping in his bed. He got...

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