Living as a Lycanthrope ch. 5

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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#5 of Living as a Lycanthrope

A man has to learn to live his life while cursed

Living as a Lycantrhope ch.5

Arther woke up with a headache, his body was sore all over. He felt like he had a massive hangover like he had been drinking for a few days strait. He grumbled, not noticing the other figure sleeping in his bed. He got up and walked over to the bathroom. He turned on the shower and opened up the lid of his toilet. He sat on the toilet groaning and rubbing his head with his hand.

He looked at his hand for a moment thinking it looked weird, not covered in fur, all small and scrawny. But then the thought of it being weird caught him as even more weird. He just tossed the thought up to his massive hangover as he finished using the toilet. He got up off the toilet and looked at him self in the mirror. Everything seemed to be in place, his gut all there, the slabby flesh of his man breasts, his annoyingly small cock, everything seemed normal.

Arther got into the shower and leaned against the wall resting a bit as he enjoyed the feeling of the warm water flow over him. As he rested his eyes flashes and images of the last few days hit his mind, he was sure the last few days were a dream but the memory's were so vivid and the feelings that came with them so real. Arther kept on mulling it over in his head, trying to think if what happened was all some dream or was real.

The sound of the bathroom door opening and then the shower opening as well made Arther wake up from his half sleep. He was about to turn around and look at who it was behind him when he felt a somewhat familiar presence of a man pressing against his back and rear. The feeling oddly made him feel more warm and safe than he would of thought it would of felt and then he heard the soft whispering into his ear.

"Well good morning hun, you had the right idea with the shower. Wish I thought of that during my first night." Said the voice of Carlos into Arther's ear, the sound made him shiver in delight for some reason. Arther started to wonder why Carlos, his camping friend was in his house and more importantly in the shower with him.

"Ugg my head, wait what? Carlos.. why are you here?" Arther asked, still groggy from his hangover. "Did we go out drinking or something?"

"Oh right, you probably dont distinctly remember do you? Its ok, things are probably weird for you right now. Look try to remember, it will come back to you." Carlos said trying to reasure Arther who was frowning and looking like he was deep in thought.

"Uhm, I think I can remember, I turned into... a werebear, and you turned into a werewolf right? And we had awsome hot sex right? And our alpha told us to stay togeather for the month to help me settle in yes?" Arther said, his face scrunched up in concentration, the throbbing in his head didnt help.

"Yup, dont worry it gets easier, just the first moon mating gives you a huge hangover sort of because of the hormones and something like that. I never got into learning much of the science of it."

"Ok, uhm, I can feel your cock betwene my but you know?" Arther said blushing a bit as he felt the hard human member of Carlos slide betwene his cheeks, hotdogging him. The man's shaft was big and thick, not as big or as thick as his wolf cock but deffently large.

"Oh? Do you want me to stop then?" Carlos said tauntingly as he rubbed his cock betwene Arther's fat but cheeks. "Cause you know the best cure for the hangover you have is to shift into that sexy bear form you have and get fucked by a big dog" Carlos said seductivly as he kept on rubbing his cock betwene Arther's but cheaks.

Arther could already feel his transformation coming, unlike the movies and story tales the transformation wasnt horridly painfull nor did it take very long. It was however very pleasurable. It started with Arther's entire body feeling warm like he was having an amazing afterglow, the warmth spread through out all his body and before he knew it he had turned into his muscled fuzzy werebear form. Arther looked behind him as the shower rained on his thick fur. A smile crossed Arther's grin as he saw that Carlos was still hugging him from behind and rubbing his cock betwene his huge bear cheaks, except Carlos was in his werewolf form.

Arther shuddered as he felt the muscled bear behind him grind its doggy cock between his but cheeks. The transformation into his werebear form had gotten Arther horridly aroused, his huge horselike cock fully erect and twitching drooling precum out of the flared tip. "Oh gosh! Yes fuck me you animal" Arther moaned out as he pressed his rear against the foot long red wolf cock that was hotdogging him.

Carlos didnt need any more incentive as he pushed Arther against the wall making the bear spread out against it. Carlos licked the side of the bear's fuzzy neck a few times kissing it as he pulled his knotted doggy shaft back and poked it against the bear's tailhole. The bear's tail wagging happily as Arther moaned heavily with the feeling of Carlos's cock against his rear. Carlos pushed his hips forward pushing his pointed cock into the bear's accecpting ass.

Arther let out a roar as he came hard, the feeling of Carlos entering his ass making his cock explode with cum as he was already close to cumming from the transformation. Carlose chuckled feeling the bear cum already. "Oh did the bear cum from just that? I wonder how he will like this!" Carlos growled as he shoved his foot long cock up into the horny bear's rump.

Arther shuddered and let out a loud moan, he wondered for a moment if his neighbors would hear him but the thought was thrusted from his mind as the wolf thrusted its cock into his ass. Arther shuddered and moaned against the bathroom wall as the werewolf mated his big bear rear, the werewolf's doggy cock moving in and out of the bear's ass going all the way up to the knot each time as the werewolf plowed the big bear.

Arther closed his eyes in bliss loving every moment of the werewolf behind him pushing its huge cock into him. The werebear's world disovled into the blissfull feeling exploding from his ass and surging through his horsecock. Arther let out an other roar as Carlos wrapped his hand around the bear's big waist and griped the bear's big horse cock and started to stroke it off furiously while fucking him.

Arther humped back into Carlos's thrusts, humping his rear back eagerly wanting the cock in him more. The shower water continued to rain on them as they mated furiously. With a few mighty thrusts Carlos finally managed to lodge his knot into Arther's rump making the bear's eyes go wide as the thick flesh at the base of the canine's shaft pressed against his prostate. The bear let out a mighty roar, making the room almost shake as he came hard, thick shoots of cum shooting out of his horsecock. This set off Carlos's own orgasm making the canine cum as well shooting cum into the werebear's rear.

The two panted heavily after their orgasm's. Carlos just grinned and continued to hump into the bear's rear as they stood in the running shower. Carlos was glad that their alpha had given them a place out of the way and sound proof to be in while Arther got used to his upcoming changes. Carlos had to pleasure the bear man constantly otherwise Arther might end up becoming needy and go feral.

The two of them ended going around the large house that they were using fucking and mating with each other furiously. Carlos was trying his best to do things that didnt involve his or the bear's cock's as he tried to make food or clean up the cum stains but the horny bear couldnt keep his hands off the werewolf. They ended up spending the entire day in their animal shapes mating with each other.

Arther woke up in bed snuggling up next to Carlos the next morning. He smiled as he felt much better than he did yesterday, he was in his human shape and his cock was fully erect.... wait, Arther lifted up the sheets first noticing that he was completely naked under them, just like Carlos. The second thing he noticed is that his cock was well, a cock instead of a small little nub. It was by no means big only being four inches long and his balls were small as well but his heart fluttered as he saw that he actually had a penis. He smiled happily to him self and kissed Carlos before drifting back off to sleep.

Living as a Lycanthrope ch. 6

Living as a Lycanthrop Ch. 6 _Here's the next chapter. I am sorry that theres not much in it, especially yiff wise. I am even more sorry for the delay in writing anything, I have had class, especially a writing class so I am often busy. Anyway...

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The Vessel ch.1

The Vessel ch.1 _Warning! This story contains adult content and shouldnt be read by anyone under 18, or pretty much anyone in the first place hehe. All characters are mine and the story is mine so no copying it!._ _Here is a new story series I...

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Living as a Lycanthrope ch 4

Living as a Lycanthrope ch4. _Heres the next chapter for you guys, I really hope you guys like it. I spend a lot of the chapter explaining things and because so there is not as much yiffing in it, though like usual there is still yiffing hehe....

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