The Vessel ch.1

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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#1 of The Vessel

A lonely teen results to a demonic ritual to stop people bullying him.

The Vessel ch.1

Warning! This story contains adult content and shouldnt be read by anyone under 18, or pretty much anyone in the first place hehe. All characters are mine and the story is mine so no copying it!.

Here is a new story series I thought up of, I hope you guys like it. Its a bit different than what I usually write but I enjoyed creating it. I will continue my other series as well but I wanted to start this one before the inspiration left me. Please comment on how you like it. And as always happy reading!

Phil was just a normal boy.

Phil lived in Carlsbad California.

Phil family was well off as they were able to afford a large house in the town thats near the beach.

Phil was a scrawny boy

Phil went to high school

Phil had no friends in school

Phil was what would be called an emo.

Phil was a loner

Phil liked to read

Phil was a fan of demonic books

Phil was often beaten up at school

Phil's parents were almost never home

Phil's full name was Philip

Phil's parents were both movie star's.

Phil had a birthmark in the middle of his chest that was a circle with a star in it. (a pentagram)

Phil had just turned 18 today

Phil had two jock's for brothers

Phil's brothers were giving him his birthday punches.

"Happy birthday!" Phil's brothers called out as they walked out of the room, leaving the newly 18 year old on the floor. His brothers had both punched him 18 times for his 18th birthday. His brothers were twins, both of them heavily muscled jocks who played for their high school's football team. Phil pretty much thought the two of them shared a single brain, especially with how stupid they were. His brothers beat him up all the time along with many others in school.

"Idiots" Phil muttered to him self as he got up off the floor. He rubbed his arms and chest, feeling the bruises already starting to form from where his brothers had punched him. He looked at the clock and sighed to him self. Phil grabbed his backpack and headed out the door.

School was always boring for Phil, he spent most of the time in school reading his strange books that most people called satanic. Phil closed his locker as he switched out some of his books. He was pushed forcefully against the locker.

"Well if it isnt the demon worshiping pussy boy?" Said Jeff, Phil's most agrivating bully. Phil just stayed quiet as he was shoved against the locker, knowing to just not give the other guy any ammo to use against him. Not like he didnt have any.

"Oh look your giving me the silent treatment" Jeff slamed Phil against the locker. "You got my money for me pussy boy? Oh it looks like you do" Jeff said as he grabed Phil's wallet out of phil's pocket and took out the $50 his parents gave him each day for food. "I will be taking that if you don't mind. Be sure to bring me twice as much tomorrow if you dont want your arm broken" Jeff said before shoving Phil against the lockers again and walking off.

Phil was angry, he punched the locker in frustration. He had had enough of everyone bullying him like this. He pulled out one of his books and put it into his backpack. School was over for him and he walked out to his car. He had a plan, a plan that would show everyone and make them pay for hurting him so much.

Much later that day, hours away from his home and town, out in the scarce brush that would be called the woods by most people Phil finished his preperations. He had found this ritual in one of his books and he had decided to perform it. The ritual promised the user power and pleasure unending. Phil didn't usually belive in these sorts of things but he thought he had ran out of options.

He performed the ritual on his 18th birthday, just like the ritual called for and added the last ingrediant to the strange cup he had bought online, a drop of virgin blood. He took the ritualistic knife and cut his finger just enough to draw a drop of blood. The drop of blood fell down into the cup and made the blackish looking water turn red. The wind picked up around the pentagram that Phil drew for the ritual, the candles blew out and lightning crackled in the air.

Other than that however, nothing happened. Phil cursed his stupidity, why did he ever belive that this would actually work. He shook his head and walked back to his car, not bothering to pack up his stuff as he got in his car.

Phil drove home, getting there late as he parked his car and walked inside the large mansion like house his family owned. He walked into his room and was going to lay down on his bed to fall asleep but as soon as he got in he was shoved from behind by his older brothers.

"Oh look at what we have here, the queer boy coming home late." Said one of the twins, Gary. Lary, the other win laughed and joined in. "Yeah, probably busy sucking his teacher's cock's to get good grades." "Yeah, he had to suck the coach's dick just to be able to watch us at the football matches I bet. Anyway dont you ever skimp out on Jeff again, or we will break every other bone he doesnt got that?"

Phil just stayed quiet and lay down on the floor, trying not to make his brothers angryer than they already were. One of his brothers stomped down on his back. "Got that pussy boy?" One of them said as they stepped on him harder.

"Yes, I got that" Phil muttered making the two of them laugh before they walked out leaving him on the floor. "Idiots" Phil muttered to him self before crawling up onto his bed. His room was completely empty apart from his bed and pillow, all of his stuff either broken or stolen by his older brothers. His parents were never home and they never seemed to care about them when they were to notice.

Despite his family being well off, nearly everything that Phil had tried to get or buy was stolen or broken and his allowance was almost always completely stolen from him. He layed down on his bed tossing and turning as he cryed him self to sleep. He normally put out a fairly tough front to others but things always got to him deeply.


Malzandriel slept. The powers of the demon were gone, his body and mind trapped in a stupor, the magical energy's that trapped the demon lord held him in the stasis. The demon lord had been sleeping like this for nearly 2000 years now and he had no power left in him.

A bolt of lightning scorched across the blank landscape that was the remains of the underworld. The lightning being the only change in the underworld for the past two thousand years. The activation of the ritual on the earth making the large demon lord stir. His eyes open with a red glow and his lips curl into a smile as he awoke.


Phil woke up with a start. It was much colder than he remembered, the cold having woken him up. He stood up, realising that he wasnt in his bed, or even in his room. He even had a sneeking suspicion that he wasnt even on the planet anymore.

What greated his eyes was well, nothing. He looked out to a nearly blank world, the sky filled with just slowly shifting shades of grey and black that seemed to go on forever. He looke down to find that the so called sky extended in all directions. He would of thought he was floating in an endless abyss except he was clearly standing on something, though he couldnt see what it was other than it was hard and flat. The sound of deep breathing caught the boy's attention as he turned and looked behind him.

The sight made the human gasp. Standing behind him was a 10 ft tall muscle bound monster. The creature had dark red skin, the kind that would remind you of old drying blood. The creature had a human looking face except more masculine than you would imagine on a regular average person. The creature had long hair, the same red color of its skin and pointed elfish looking ears. The creature was practically overflowing with powerful muscle, looking like a body builder who was clearly on steroids, each of his mucles balooned out to look massive and rock hard. However even the massive muscles did not give his body an odd look of uneven proportions.

On the creature's back sprouted two demonic looking wings and on its head were two horns that curved back along its silky hair. Phil's gaze went down and looked at the creature's 12 pack ab's and then lower as he saw that the creature was naked, and very much a he. The demon's shaft looked to be 3 feet long and fully erect. The demon's shaft looked to be human except it seemed to lack any skin at all, being a deep blood red much like a canine's all the way down to its groin.

Under the huge shaft hung a big ball sack which held 6 baseball sized balls. The demon had human looking legs, which were just as muscle bound as the rest of its body. The demon's legs ending in human feet.

The overall effect of looking uppon the massive monster made Phil's heart jump a beat and made him fall back on his ass onto the invisible floor. Phil noticed now that he him self was completely naked him self as he stared at the demon monster in front of him, shaking in fear.

"Well you must be the one who did the ritual. You must be pretty desperate to have resulted into demonic ritual's like that. Its been so long since I have seen a human or even been awake." The demon said as he walked around the shaking human, eying him inquisitively. "So, what were you looking for? Power, strength? Lust? No, clearly strength and power, your clearly scrawny and you are covered in bruises. Your not much to look at either. Well I dont know little boy, theres not much to you I have no real need to give you any gift-" The demon stopped mid monolog as he sniffed the air.

Phil was nearly scared to death, and had no idea what the demon was talking about. He only stammered as the demon bent down and sniffed at him. The demon looked down at the boy's pentagram of a birthmark on his chest. "Oh! Look what we have here, a decendent of the grand demon Belial. You can serve me quite well. Boy, I can give you everything your heart desires and more if you pledge your service to me, the demon lord Malzandriel. You will be immortal and you will even keep your soul, call it a bonus to this little deal. You will have the powers and strength to get your revenge on everyone who has ever hurt you and more. This is a one time offer, if you say no then you will have no chance and will probably live a miserable life where you cry your self to sleep at night until you kill your self." The demon lord said to Phil.

The words cut deep into Phil's heart, some part of him thought to distrust the demon but for some reason he knew that the demon could not lie to him in this deal and the demon's choice of words were so close to his own thoughts that almost without thinking his mouth opened and he spoke. "I pledge my life soul and body to you the demon lord Malzandriel for all eternity and beyond." The demon grinned as he said the words. The words had entered Phil's brain without him really knowing how they got there, he had wanted to accecpt the deal and when he was going to say yes the word changed into his pledge of fealty to the demon lord, no to his master.

Malz grinned wide, his teeth looking sharper than a human's but not being fangs. "Very well, I shall now grant you the power you need to execute my will and transform you into a form more worthy of being my servent." Phil gasped at the word transform. The tall demon picked up phil effortlessly with its human hands and brought their faces togeather. Phil thought the demon was going to eat him or rip out his soul or something but was surprised when the demon pressed his soft and tender lips against him, kissing him deeply. The demon's long tongue wormed into his mouth as wraped around Phil's own tongue as he kissed the human deep.

Phil couldnt help but suddenly get aroused by the kissing, his master showing him so much affection made him moan and his cock already starting to collect precum. Malz broke the kiss and grinned at Phil and before the boy could speak lifted the boy high up in the air and quickly spun him around. His mind clearing from the daze that the kissing had put him in Phil suddenly found he was upsidown in the air his head being slowly lowered towards the demon's three foot long erect shaft.

Malz's huge shaft twitched and the cum slit dialated as it started to widen opening up almost like a huge mouth. Before Phil could yell out for help his head was shoved into the demon lord's huge shaft. Malz let out a content sigh as he felt the human's head slide into his cock. His member drooled precum around the human as he pushed the human down into him more, the human's shoudlers quickly being gobbled up as the demonic shaft grew in length and with as it crawled up the human's body engulfing the human's form.

Malz let go of the human as his body started to do all the work for him. His huge shaft growing bigger and drooling out massive amount of precum from his six balls. It had been forever since he had last toutched his shaft let alone ate someone with it, he was loving it. The demon sat down on the floor as the struggling human kept on sliding deeper into his enlongating shaft. The shaft crawling up around the human's body as it grew longer and bigger to accecpt the human's form. "Ah Vergin's always taste the best, so pure so untouched. You havent even masterbated ever have you? Oh you will make a powerfull minion then." The demon lord said as his shaft kept on growing and eventually swallowed up the entire human. The demon's shaft was easly 8 feet long, towering past the demon's head as he wraped his hands around his cum drooling stick enjoying him self as the human slowly stopped struggling and traveled deeper towards his balls.

Malz could feel the human slide down his urethra, the demon moaning heavily into the vast nothingness that he was in as the human slid down inside him. The human had stopped struggling, reaching the lust daze that Malz knew would affect the human when in contact with his cum or precum. Even as the human started to slide into the Demon lord's balls his shaft stayed just as big, twitching as it gushed out precum all over his shaft. As soon as the pre left his body it dissapeared however, becoming part of the nothingness that the world had become.

It took a while but the human finally slid down into his balls, his corruptive cum working at the human's body eating it away as it it turned the human's form into more cum. The demon's ball sack swelled to look about as overly large as his massive shaft. Malz stroked his hyper cock harder, wrapping his muscled arms around it as he felt the human's body becoming more cum and his balls swell, he hated having to stroke him self off like this, back in the old days he had an entire harem of sluts who would do this for him while he took a new fallower, but those days were gone. His new acquisition though, the demon knew that the human would help him come back to power and he was as excited by hat prospect as he was horny to get off for the first time in two thousand years.

The demon's balls bulged slightly as they grew bigger from their acquisition, the human's entire body having been completely disolved by the cum, adding to his backed up plumbing. The boy's essence, the boy's pure soul however remained intact. The demon shuddered as he enjoyed the feeling of the pure soul in his balls fill him with a warmth that he had not had since the fall. He would of normally just absorbed the soul and digested it to add to his power but he knew he had to do something else with the pure soul. He had made a pact with the boy and had to fallow through.

The 8 foot long shaft that the demon now sported twitched then moved, it curled down on its own, the demon having full control of his prehensile member. The demon layed down on his back and gripped his overstuffed ball sack and lifted it up as his prehensile tentacle like cock curved down and pressed against the demon's taint. Well it would have been the demon's taint if the demon didnt have a wet slavering pussy there. He let out a roar as he shoved his own cock into his needy pussy, he shuddered happily as he felt his cock enter his cunt.

The demon roared out as his cock, acting almost on its own started to push in and out of his own cunt making him shudder and moan as his wide cunt took his gigantic shaft. Normally by now the soul he had in his balls would start to be corrupted by his cum, but the power the soul held due to the boy being a decendent of the old and dead demon lord belial kept it intact, and most importantly warm. The demon kept on thrusting his shaft into his pussy as he roared out.

It didn't take long for the demon to start cumming, the demon hadent had sex in forever and was quick to finish. Normally the process of making a new fallower would last months, the demon being pleasured the entire time. He felt his balls pull up close as his shaft exploded in cum, his seed spewing into his streached pussy, and then absorbed into his body as he pumped cum into him self. He came for five minutes before he felt the boy's soul shift inside his balls. The boy's soul was large and hard as it moved in his sack and then moved into his shaft as it the demon lord started to cum out the soul.

The soul however blocked his urethra, preventhing his torrent of seed from passing around it, building the preassure in his shaft as it was slowly moved up his meaty pole. The demon could see the bulge of the soul press up through his shaft as it made the slow and pleasurable journy through his shaft and into his awaiting pussy.

The demon lord kept on fucking his folds with his cock as he reached up to his hard nipples and pinched them with his fingers roaring out in pleasure as he twisted his nipples about, his body still being wracked with the pleasures of orgasm as he could feel the pressure in his cock build and build as the soul made its slow way into his pussy. Never before had he felt a soul so big in him, or had it block all of his cum from entering him it was making him wild as it kept his orgasm going. His pussy was going through orgasm too, spurting out his feminine juices all over his huge shaft as he fucked his own vag, his inner walls constricting and trying to milk the giant member of its seed.

After what seemed like forever of feeling the preasure in his cock build and build, making it feel like his sensative shaft was going to rip and explode from the pressure of his backed up cum he felt the bulge of the soul push into his folds and finally explode into his awaiting womb. He wasnt able to get pregnant by cum, no he needed the crystal like structure that was a soul in order to get pregnant.

Malz felt the soul push into his womb and his body shuddered as he was filled with warmth. His cock slid out of his pussy, spewing cum out like a fountain. The cum quickly dissapearing into the endless void as he shuddered in orgasm. He could feel the soul in him filling him with a warmth that he had long forgotten. He felt close to this soul for some reason, more than he had with any other soul he had given new birth to before. He felt a weird feeling in his heart as he kneeled up and rubbed his tummy, feeling it bulge already as the soul in his womb was given a new body. The soul was crafted a new form within the demon. A form appropriate for his new master.

The soul never was corrupted, usually by now it was as dark and cold as the demon lord's own soul as he felt the new life in his womb take shape. His new minion would be powerfull indeed, he knew that this human's soul would finally be able to break him from his prison. He sighed as his belly bulged out, making him look like his pregnancy was developing in mearly a half hour rather than nine months.

The demon lord knew that despite what was happening here, while the happenings being completely real he knew that it was mearly a dream, and that his true body was still trapped in the magical cage that he was too weak to break. The void around his self being just as real as what the hells had turned to.

He felt the human reforming in his womb and decided to depart the sad knowlage of what happeend to the demon's kind while the human was reforming, knowing he could implant knowlage into the human's brain instead of spending forever trying to explain things to the human later. It was a trait he used when creating new minions to instill the new minion's purpose.

The Demon's had ruled the underworld ever since the first angel fell from grace and became the first demon lord. The angels and demons had fought over control of the human's. A demon gains power by corrupting a human's soul and the angel's gained power when a human died and they would lead the soul to the afterlife. Also demons and angel's could not reproduce in the traditional sense, the main way for a demon to reproduce is to convert a human into an angel or demon. The only exception to that is when they mate directly with a human and create a Nephilim.

What gave them the power was the purity of the soul, the purity of a human's soul powered both the demon's and angel's magic. The demons however were able to gain power off of an unvirtuous soul but a pure soul was much better. However roughly two thousand years ago the Angel's gained the upper hand against the demon's in their war. Allying them selves with the nephilim, the people who were born of the union of an angel and demon and were able to draw power off their own soul's effectivly able to cast magic without the need of other human souls.

With the nephilim the angels eraticated the hostes of hell, destroying and killing every demon and obliterating the very realm its self, leaving a hole in the dimention the underworld existed in making it the empty abyss that it was now. Malzandriel was only able to survive because when the nephilim first invaded the underworld they took him prisoner instead of killing him outright like they did everyone else. The spell keeping him bound kept him hidden from the angels and therefor he was unharmed by the angels while they eraticated the hosts of hell.

Malz rubbed his growing tummy enjoying the feeling of the life within him. His cock shrinking back to its still massive 3 ft long length, returning to its eternally erect state. He knew that before the cull of hell he was not a powerfull demon lord but now he was the only demon within the underworld and he was king.

It wasn't long before the new life within the demon lord's womb came to its final form. He felt the almost forgotten feeling that his new minion was ready to come out. He grunted and groaned as he started to push, pushing the new life form out of his body, giving birth to his new life.

The pain was only mild as his pussy spread open and the was human was pushed out of his muff. Malz looke ddown at his new minion. Instead of a human a feral looking dragon was curled up on the floor covered in his feminin juices. Malz smiled to him self, feeling that warm feeling in his heart again as he saw the dragon laying there. The dragon had red scales, the same color of the demon lord and was as small hatchling, but Malz knew that his minion would soon grow to a mighty dragon.

Malz sighed to him self and picked up the hatchling and tapped the hatchling on its head, noting the pentagram that was still engraved onto the dragon's scales before ending the ritual that the human had started in the forest.

Malz's true form stirred slightly in his sleep, the demon lord's cock spewing cum as the dream faded, the demon's body not moving otherwise.


Phil awoke with a gasping moan, he panted heavily, the dream heavy in his mind as he looked at his sheets. "Man that was a powerful powerful wet dream" He told him self s he looked at his hands, appearing completely human and normal. However in the back of his mind he had the suspicion that what had happened was real.

The Vessel ch. 2

The Vessel ch.2 _Heres the next chapter, I hope you guys like it. Warning this story contains extreme content and you should look at the tags before reading it. Its a little short but I think I did a good job. I am new to the type of story I am...

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Living as a Lycanthrope ch 4

Living as a Lycanthrope ch4. _Heres the next chapter for you guys, I really hope you guys like it. I spend a lot of the chapter explaining things and because so there is not as much yiffing in it, though like usual there is still yiffing hehe....

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Living as a Lycanthrope ch 3

Living as a lycanthrope ch 3 _Heres the third chapter of the series, its a bit shorter than others but I hope you guys enjoy it none the less. Remember to comment on things you enjoy about it and what you would like to see more of. Happy...

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