Living as a Lycanthrope ch 3

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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#3 of Living as a Lycanthrope

A man has to learn how to live life while cursed

Living as a lycanthrope ch 3

Heres the third chapter of the series, its a bit shorter than others but I hope you guys enjoy it none the less. Remember to comment on things you enjoy about it and what you would like to see more of. Happy reading!

Arther woke up grumbling, well he was trying to grumble but what came out was a low growl. He opened his eyes wide looking down at the werewolf hugging his belly. His belly was different than what he was used to, it was covered in orange brown fur. The memory's of what happened last night came flooding back into him as he looked at the sleeping wolf.

Carlos, the wolf hugging his belly, they had had sex, no that wasn't sex it was too good to be sex. The two... Arther searched his brain for a proper word before one popped in almost uninvited, they had mated. They had mated and mated and mated for hours on end. Looking around Arther saw that the room's floor was covered in dried cum. Arther's nose started to register as his sleepy mind was waking up. The smells he could smell were explosive, almost overpowering his new powerful sense of smell. He growled out in pain as he got a headache from his brain trying to process the unusual amount of information from his nose.

Arther reached up with his right paw and pinched the nose at the end of his muzzle, he felt oddly confident with his new body, like he was meant to have it and it had been his all his life. Despite that some things were new and overpowering. As he pinched his nose with his fuzzy bear paw the wolf he had mated with stirred and shifted, nuzzling against the fluffy pile of bear that he was hugging and sleeping on. The wolf had his head nuzzled on one of Arther's massive pectoral muscles, using it like a meaty slab of a pillow.

Arther couldn't help but think the sight in front of him was absolutely adorable, The Wolf on his chest snuggling him and cuddling him like he was a big fuzzy bed made him smile and blush. Arther felt rather close to the wolf using him as a bed for some reason, but he wasn't sure if that was because he was a bear thing now or because Carlos was the first ever person to actually have sex with him.

Arther's mind went back to the events of last night, all the pleasure joy and cum that he shared with the wolf on his belly making his bear muzzle smile. He also felt something stir in his crotch, his horse like shaft starting to emerge from his sheath as he got aroused thinking about what had happened. The wolf wasn't inside his ass anymore, apparently having pulled out and climbed up onto the bear's belly while they were sleeping. The bear's growing erection pressed against the wolf's ass as he bear couldn't help but get more aroused from the feeling of actually having a penis more than 2 inches long.

The wolf's tail wagged a few times before a yip escaped Carlos's muzzle. He got up and looked behind him and then rolled off of the bear's fuzzy cuddly belly. Carlos stood up looking down at the bear. The two of them took a few moments to get a good look of each other for the first time when they were not drunk with lust. Carlos had a light gray coat of fur with a white underbelly. He had a nice pile of muscle on his frame, nothing huge or gigantic but more a seasoned athletic build. His hands were clawed and his legs ended in a pair of paws. Carlos had two pointy ears on the top of his head and a black nose at the end of his muzzle that he occasionally licked to keep wet. Between the wolf's legs was a thick sheath holding the large cock inside. Underneath it were a pair of balls that looked like a pair of baseballs in a sack.

Arther lay down on his back, his body completely covered in a bunch of golden brown fur. His body was covered in manly muscles, looking like a professional body builder. There was obvious room for improvement however and the bear had a big gut with the obvious look of muscles underneath, but covered in fat. The bear had claws on his hands and his feet ended in paws much like the wolf's. Arther had a bear's face with a muzzle and even two rounded ears on the top of his head. A small stumpy bear tail poked out above his large fatty but. Between his legs rested a thick fur covered sheath that's above a pair of orange sized balls. The shaft that was still erect looked much like a horse's except it was completely red.

"Morning sleepyhead, uhm we should go talk to the alpha, he should be around in one of the other rooms. He can answer most of the questions you probably have." Carlos said, being the first to break the silence. Arther noticed that the wolf was eying his cock hungrily

"Oh sure uhm can you lead the way?" Arther responded as he got up to his feet, he was easily able to walk up on his hind legs but felt like the could walk on all fours if he wanted to. Lots of questions were whirring through his head but he held them back.

Carlos nodded and lead them out of the secluded room. Arther was sure the wolf was stealing glances back at his still erect cock as the walked along. The feel of having a shaft arousing him way too much for it to fall limp. As they walked down to the main room Carlos looked about seeing all sorts of werewolves walking about, most of them being wolves but others being various breeds of dogs. They were all naked and all male. Arther noticed that many of them were aroused, their various sized cocks erect and out of their sheaths. Though not all had canine cock's some had human ones though not many. Arther guessed that there were probably about 15 werewolves around the place.

Arther's odd new, and especially big form attracted the attention of all the wolves who all stopped what they were doing and padded close to them, staying respectively far back but still close. Right when Arther was about to protest when a large pitch black furred werewolf walked up to them, The wolf was built like a tank, muscles bulged and flexed under his fur, just the sight of the massive wolf made Arther's still erect cock start to drool out precum. The wolf looked at Arther who looked over to Carlos for moral support. Carlos stepped out of the way and joined what looked to be like a forming circle around the bear and black wolf.

The black wolf sniffed at Carlos, his shining black nose twitching as he sized up the werebear. Arther looked worried and looked around the circle for some idea of what was going to happen. The only thing he noticed was that all the males in the circle around them were sporting erections. He looked back at the black wolf and saw the huge two foot cock of the werewolf that seemed to be threatening him. He could smell the aggression on the other wolf as a form of musk he was emmiting. A thought bounced into Arther's head as he looked back at the wolf, the two of them were the same height, both reaching eight feet tall, the thought was that the other wolf was trying to assert his dominance over him.

Arther may not of been a wolf but he knew that something was trying to assert its self over him and he wanted to take dominance him self. Arther stood up taller, trying to look intimidating as the two of them started to circle each other. Arther roared out loudly trying to intimidate the other male. The wolf however just started to growl. The wolf bent down and lunged forward, taking the first move. Arther was no fighter and even his new found instincts were rather inexperienced The wolf's shoulder hit his stomach and took the breath out of him. Arther was knocked onto his back gasping for breath as he fell on the floor with a thump. Arther coughed a bit trying to catch his breath when the Wolf pinned him down.

Arther knew that there was no way he was going to beat the wolf at this point, he was in no way a fighter and would probably only be able to beat the wolf if he had his gun but that wasn't the point in this battle for dominance. Arther growled and roared at the wolf as he tried to lift the large creature off him but to no avail, the wolf was better built than him and an experienced fighter apparently Arther kept on growling until he felt something hard and huge poke at his ass. His eyes went wide as the wolf shoved its cock deep into his ass. The cock was huge, two feet long and 10 inches thick. His ass exploded with pleasure and he roared out again, this time in ecstasy as the wolf started to fuck his ass hard.

Arther's own shaft twisted and oozed out precum as he was fucked hard by the other wolf. This wasn't the pleasured matings that he and Carlos had but a brutal fucking to assert ones dominance, Arther had trouble deciding which one he liked more. Arther roared out in pleasure as the wolf pounded his rear. The wolf's gigantic two foot long cock was constantly pressing against the bear's prostate as he was fucked and plowed. The bear's cock twitched and strained as the bear writhed on the ground roaring out in pleasure as he was plowed.

Arther looked around at those in the circle and the circle was reduced to wolves stroking them selves off or stroking each other off as they watched the show, this apparently being some sort of ritual. Arther was forced to look back at the wolf fucking his ass as a sharp pain exploded in his shoulder. The wolf was biting his shoulder his sharp teeth ripping through his hard skin. The pain however made his cock explode, his body writhed as a massive orgasm hit him, his huge horse like cock spewing out cum as he came hard.

The bear's orgasm made his ass spasm and clench around the wolf's cock. The wolf pressed its hips against the bear's ass shoving its gigantic knot into the bear's rear. The knot popped into his ass as he was orgasming, the knot pressing against his prostate and pulsing with the wolf's heartbeat. The wolf gripped its maw around the bear's shoulder harder making the bear roar out as the wolf came. The wolf's cock practically exploded as warmth filled Arther's rear. The pleasure of being filled and stretched by the wolf's shaft made his body shudder again as the bear orgasmed for a second time, the second orgasm running over the first making the bear roar out as he continued to orgasm hard. He heard howling of the wolves around him and more than a few splashes of cum hitting his fur.

When their orgasm's finished, the large black wolf pulled its jaw off of the bear's shoulder and looked at the bear directly in the eyes. Arther looked up at the wolf, a feeling welling up from the pit of his stomach. The wolf was not a wolf, it was his alpha, his pack leader He wasn't a wolf but the feeling was unmistakeable, he was now a part of the pack and all the wolves around him were his brethren. He was part of the pack.

Living as a Lycanthrope ch 4

Living as a Lycanthrope ch4. _Heres the next chapter for you guys, I really hope you guys like it. I spend a lot of the chapter explaining things and because so there is not as much yiffing in it, though like usual there is still yiffing hehe....

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Living as a lycanthrope ch 2

Living as a Lycanthrope ch. 2 _Heres the next chapter, I probably wont post the third one for a while... maby... But I hope you guys like this one, it is filled with hot were on were sex so I hope you guys enjoy your self. Happy reading!_ ...

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Living as a Lycanthrope Ch. 1

Living as a Lycanthrope Arther woke up from his bead thursday morning. His body ached as his alarm went off. He wanted to sleep in so much but he knew that he had to get up to get to his job on time. Arther was a parole officer working for the...

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