Living as a Lycanthrope Ch. 1

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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#1 of Living as a Lycanthrope

A man has to learn about how to live his life while cursed.

Living as a Lycanthrope

Arther woke up from his bead thursday morning. His body ached as his alarm went off. He wanted to sleep in so much but he knew that he had to get up to get to his job on time. Arther was a parole officer working for the city. Arther rolled out of bed, his fat belly greeting him as he looked down. He sighed looking at his gut, he was 35 with no girlfriend and no family. His only friends were police officers and ex convicts. Arther worked and lived in the city of Los Angeles in California.

Rolling off the bed in only his tightly whitey underwear the large 35 year old man walked across his apartment to the bathroom. Arther as 5ft 6 inches tall and was overweight. He wasn't morbidly obese or anything but he defiantly had a gut that suggested he had one too many doughnuts after work most nights. Arther turned on the shower and started to wash his body. The warm water woke him up a bit more and thoughts of what he had to do for work for the day were coming to his mind. The man was also completely bald, his doctor said it was attributed to stress at work and his weight. He had hair growing around the sides of his head but decided he looked better and more threatening without it so he shaved the rest of his head and was completely bald.

Arther cleaned his head and face letting the warm water run along his flesh. He picked up the bottle of soap and started to apply it to his arms and shoulders. Arther also did not grow very much body hair, he never really got too hairy as a kid when he went through puberty and often thought he never really went though puberty at all always being shorter than the other children and being much less athletic than they were. His doctor said he was just a late bloomer but when he was 26 he went to a new doctor and the man said he did go through puberty just a really light and short one. The result of which meant that he kept all of his baby fat and that he never grew arm or leg or chest or back hair, or even nose hair. He told people that he just waxed really well as he didn't want to become embarrassed.

Arther rubbed the soap over his hairless body, he was even unable to grow a beard or mustache. He lifted up his man boobs and cleaned underneath them, he hated his man boobs the most of all, he could live with his gut but the way his chest gathered fat always made him feel the worst about him self. Arther soaped up his belly and reached his hands down to his crotch. This was the worst thing about his body that he hated the most. His penis and balls were laughably small. His penis only a measly inch long when soft and an inch and a half long when erect, it was almost hard to tell when he was aroused or not. His balls were also very small the whole look of his crotch giving him the look of having baby genitalia.

His small cock and balls were the main reason why he was still single at 35, he was charismatic, it was the reason why he got the job as a parole officer. He was able to convince and help people keep on the right path or so to speak when they were on parole. Arther washed his small junk and then went down and washed his legs. His body was covered in folds of fat and he often wondered if one day his groin would be swallowed up by his fat, not like it would matter anyway his balls were so small they were producing practically no testosterone, and his cock was so tiney he might as well not have one. Arther liked to jerk off, if you could call it that and would often try to go to bars and stuff to pick up on girls but every time he managed to get a girl to come to his place they would take one look at his junk and laugh and leave.

After finishing his shower Arther got out of it and looked at his face, he never needed to shave so he just quickly brushed his teath. Arther tried to look sharp and well groomed to appear more respectable in the work place and to show his clients how they should dress and act. Arther did not look girly he looked very much like a bald fat man who lacked any hair. Arther went to his closet and pulled out one of his suits, he had a large collection of them as he needed them for his work. Putting his suit aside he picked out a new pair of underpants and pulled them up, he wore breafs as there was no reall need for the extra room that boxers provided. He opened an other drawer and sighed as he pulled out his man bra. He was so emberased when his doctor sugjested that he wore a man's support garment for his man boobs and hated the idea of wearing them but he needed the extra support and he did admit that they did help make him look thinner when he was wearing his full suite, but he still was ashamed that he had to wear bra's.

After putting his bra on he started to get dressed for the day. He was excided for the upcoming weekend, he was going to go on a hiking trip with his hiking buddies. He didnt hang out with them much when not camping around various parts of california but when they did go hiking and camping they enjoyed their time togeather. Arther only went camping with them once every 3 or four months. He went with them less and less as the years went on and he packed on more and more weight. He was almost going to give up the entire experience once and for all but his friends often changed their plans to be much less strenuous or had him sit at the campsite and watch their stuff while they went hiking.

Arther pulled on his suit and put his phone wallet and keys into his pocket. His camping stuff was near the door already packed up and ready for him to go. He wasnt leaving till early the next day but he was eager to get out of the city for a long weekend. It was presidents day that monday so he aranged with his boss to let him off that friday off to so he had a four day weekend to go camping. His boss was often nice and let him take time off whenever he needed it. Arther walked outside of his apartment on the 3rd story of the complex and took the elevator down to the first floor.

Arther went to the parking lot of his apartment and unlocked his car. The area wasnt the best neighborhood but he liked living there because he was a well known parole officer in the community and many of the ex convicts he worked with lived near him. He always carried a handgun on him as he needed to to protect him self during his job. It was in a holster on the side of his waist tucked underneath his belt and suit so most people did not notice it. Arther was a good shot and liked hunting as well.

Arther did not have a lot of money, well actually he had a lot of money in savings but never really spent much of it. He lived in a cheap apartment in a bad part of town so his rent was low and drove a cheap car so that people wouldnt bother stealing it. He also didnt buy anything very expensive as that would often get stolen too so he just kept most of the money he earned in a savings account.

Arther pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive towards down town and to the court house. He had to appear before the court first thing today before he even got to his office to testify. One of his ex convicts was already being tried for some other form of crime and much to his dismay was being called into court to explain how his client had been doing since he left jail. Frankly it didn't surprise the middle aged man too much, this sort of stuff happened all the time and he stopped caring long ago if his client was guilty or not guilty he just would show up and give his report to the jury and be off to work again.

Arther was really good at his job and was basically in the top position he could be without being hired into management. He was offered the job to go up into management but he refused it saying he was fine where he was and liked working with clients face to face. Frankly he was much better working with ex convicts than he was trying to climb the metaphoracle corporate latter that his profesion had. He was still given a raise when he declined the offer. His boss was a nice guy and often worried about Arther. Arther was an asset in his boss's mind and was given lots of leeway on things. Since Arther did almost nothing but work eat and sleep, and on occasion go camping he was trusted well enough to be allowed to leave the office on his own while still clocked in and was given lots of days off whenever he asked for them. He didn't ask for days off much but when he did his boss was more than happy to grant them as his boss wanted the man to get out and do things, if anything to make him healthyer and lower the medical costs he had due to being overweight.

Arther went through the day like normal, appearing in court, filling paperwork, talking to clients, filling paperwork, filling paperwork, answering phone calls about clients and of course filling out paperwork. Arther liked his job but it was often boring and repeditive, and with the looming idea of his camping trip coming up he pretty much zoned out and let the work day pass by. It wasnt until late at night however that he was finally able to get him self home. It was 10 pm and all the man could think of doing was taking off his clothes putting them away and flopping down in his bed.

Arther flopped down in his bed and looked out the window. The moon was full tonight, or looked full. He was glad about that as it ment he would have better visibility during the night when he went camping. Arther closed his eyes and let his mind wonder. He quickly fell asleep thinking he had locked the deadbolt on his apartment door. Few people bothered him as many knew that he would be their best bet if they wanted to pass parole after going to jail for robbing and/or killing him. Arther was tired and his mind was on his upcoming camping trip so he forgot to lock his apartment door. The thought touched his mind as we drifted off to sleep, his mind dismissing it and thinking that nothing would happen.


The moonlight shone down in a different apartment. The apartment looked barren and empty, only having a cheap bed and a small fridge. The room looked like a wirlwind of swords had gone through it not long ago as there were slashes and cuts in the walls and floors everywhere. The room was dark, the only light shone through the broken window into the bedroom. The moonlight was strong and highlights a single figure in the darkness.

It was the hunger, the hunger always came first. The hunger was what consumed you entirely, everything was focused around the hunger. The moon made it worse, the light of the moon making the hunger rise and bubble. There was no helping it, the hunger would always take over. No matter how much you tried you could never resist it and it always took you. Tonight the hunger was worse than ever before. He had been able to hold it, been able to keep it at bay been able to keep it from hurting anyone but he couldn't anymore. The delicious smells wafting from those dreaming nearby kept seeping into his nose like a drug.

The figure is curled up in the center of the moonlight from the window, the figure was obviouslly male and obviously naked but had his face hidden in his lap as he shuddered and shivvered as if in tremendious pain.

He had to hold it, he had to resist it. The hunger came every month llike clockwork for six months now and every time he was able to hold it. It got worse each time however. The hunger just grew and grew. The full moon was the cause, for six days during the full moon the hunger would come back and would eat away at his force of will, each night worse than the last. He had tried chains and bonds and silver even but nothing worked nothing kept the hunger away.

The figure of the lone man in on the floor shudders and the howling far off in the distance is heard. The figure tightens up in his ball more but his form seems to grow, the shadow of his body only outlined by the light of the full moon seaming to grow as the man got bigger.

He was losing, he knew enough to tell that. Try as he might the hunger had been there eating away at his very soul, or so to speak as he denyed the beast within of what it wanted. He was losing him self to the beast, it was the hight of the full moon, the moon reaching its maximum. The beast wanted out. The man was losing his mind, he no longer could remember his name, he lost contact with his family and friends and even any money... what was money? What was friends? His mind was deteriorating as he felt the beast take over. He knew that each time the full moon came and went he lost more of him self to the beast. The beast within seaming to tear away at his mind and his very being each time he denyed it of its hunger.

The form grew in size, the pale outline of the man's skin starting to become jagged and course as hair sprouted all over his body. Claws grew out of the mans hands and a tail sprouted from his rear. The form got up to his two feet hunched over as if trying to walk on all fours, the man, no the creature stares forward with glowing yellowed eyes. The eyes were not those of man but of a beast. The man was no longer a man but was a monster.

And inside the monsters head was only one thing, one thing only, the hunger. Nothing else mattered to the beast but the hunger. Without howling or barking or making a noise the beast lurched forward, its canine like nose sniffing the air as it walked to the door of the apartment. He could smell people on the other side, and knew that he could sate his hunger by getting to those people. The creature reached out with a hand? No a claw and grabbed the doorhandle. The man had used these before, and the beast turned the knob opening the door. Its black nose sniffing the air it looked directly across the hall and went to that door. The door was unlocked as the wolfman turned the knob and entered into the other person's apartment.

Here lived meat, he could smell it. The smell emminated from everything. The beast's nose twitching as it drank in the smell of what it hungered. The beast could feel his body changing more and more and something shift as he took in the smell. He walked past a few bags that the human would of thought had camping things in it, but that didnt matter to the wolf it only knew its hunger. Walking softly, its hindclaws hitting the soft carpet of the ground lightly as it made its way into the kitchen. The beast knew that he would sate its hunger tonight, it would not be denyed of its hunger. The beast stepped through the open door into the bedroom of his prey. Looking on the bed he saw the sleeping form of a rather fat human male, licking his lips in anticipation the beast knew that this human would be perfect.


Arther had a weird dream that night, he didnt know if it was because of the stress or because of the lack of good sleep or if it was because he hadnt gotten off in a week, but he had the weirdest dream he had ever had in his life, and also the most vivid. Arther had sex dreams like anyone else would, but they always involved women. Arther was laying down in his bed as a furred claw wrapped around his wrists and lifted him up so he was sitting up in his bed. Arther never remembered as much of any dream as he did this one, he could even remember the smell from his dream. He looked over at a hulking wolf man. Thats what it was, clearly a wolfman from one of those movies. The wolfman smelled of a heavenly musk that rid Arther's mind of almost all thoughts.

Arther looked up at the muzzle of the wolfman, the wolfman's eyes glowing slightly in the poor light from the moon coming from the closed window in the bedroom. The wolf's eyes were completely yellow, without any pupils or anything though the beast seamed to be able to see fine. The beast pulled Arther out of his bed forcefully and wrapped its arms around him in a posessive hug. Arther's face was pressed against the beast's well defined pectoral muscles as he was forced to breath in the werewolf's musky fur. Each breath he took in made his mind more sluggish and slow. Arther felt something hard betwene him and the much taller wolf man. The human's hand moved almost of its own accord and wrapped around a thick cylinder of furr. The tube felt hard and furry and strong in his pudgy hand. He moved his hand up and down the tube making the beast's tail wag and the beast smile at him. The wolfman lowered his muzzle and pressed its lips against the human's in an akward but wet and sloppy kiss as the beast licked at the human's mouth until the man opened his mouth and the tongue went inside.

The beast licked Arther's mouth as they kissed akwardly. Arther's hand gripped the tube he was stroking harder as he felt something move underneath the furry flesh he was gripping. Reaching moving his hand along the tube all the way to the top he felt something hard yet fleshy and slightly damp against his hand. But before he could look down at it the beast broke the kiss and turned the human around and gently pushed the human so Arther bent over the bed. Arther was about to look back at the beast as he felt something damp and hard press against his asshole. He was about to protest but stopped when he heard a growl from the beast behind him and something incredibly thick and warm slid into his rear.

Arther never had anything like that inside his ass before, not even in his dreams. The only thing that came close was when he would have his prostate exam and that never felt anything like this, nor did it feel anywhere near as amazing. He moaned out lightly as the thing in his ass slid into him. His pitifully small cock quickly stood fully erect though there was not much of a difference than when it wasn't but the hormones and feelings the human was experiencing were still rather large and he knew he was aroused. The thing in his ass felt huge and thick, he thought it would rip him open entirely as more and more of it slid inside of him. When the thing inside his ass hit his prostate he practically yelled out in pleasure his little cock twitching with excitement.

The shaft in his ass, as that's what it had to be kept on sliding in deeper and deeper, Arther thought it went on forever as more and more of the twitching thick cock slid inside him. Arther felt something big and hard press against his asshole but before the beast who was bending over his back and pressing his chest against the human's pressed the lump inside him the beast started to thrust. Arther was still a virgin and had never had sex before let alone be taken by a male with a gigantic cock before but it felt amazing. Everything in the dream felt and smelt and sounded so real to Arther as he was pounded on by the huge monster behind him.

Arther felt something welling up in his lower stomach as the beast humped into him like a rutting animal. The man had orgasmed before but this felt different, similar but bigger, more powerful as he was pounded on by the beast. The wonderfull feeling in his stomach only grew and grew as he was pounded, the cock in the human's ass rubbing against the man's sensative prostate making the human like he had to pee and cum at the same time but not able to, only adding to the pleasure he was feeling. The beast humped into Arther for what seemed like forever, each thrust brought the lump that was the beast's huge knot to the entrance of the humans rear.

After what seemed like an eternety of dream sex Arther felt the beast hug his body tighter in its strong furry arms and pull his body down hard on its cock as it thrusted upwards growling heavily. The human felt the knot at the base of the beast's cock press against his tailhole and slowly but surely spread his ass wide as the beast forced its cock deep into the human. It felt like it took hours for the beast to press his knot in the human's ass all the way the human's insides burning with a pleasureable fire as the knot pressed directly against the human's prostate. Arther's anal ring closed around the small part of the beast's cock behind the knot of the beast. The beast howled loudly as it came inside Arther, the human could feel the cock twitch and jerk as it shot more and more and more hot seed into his rear. The sensations sent Arther over the edge finally as he came too, his untouched cock dribbling out a few drops of cum as he orgasmed hard.

The wolfman didnt stop there however, the beast kept on fucking the human for what seemed like an eternity, Arther only able to cum when the beast did. The dream felt wonderful and he never wanted it to end.


Arther woke up with a start, he was covered in cold sweat and was breathing hard as he felt like he did when he woke up from the middle of a nightmare. But as his mind drifted to the... dream? That that's what it was a dream, it had to be. Of course it was a dream, a lucid dream probably thats what they called it right? Arther looked down at his groin and noticed that he had cum in his sleep. A small little stain on the front of his underwear was evidence of that. He chuckled and got out of bed, feeling more alive and full of energy than he could ever remember.

Arther looked over at the clock and swore alloud. It was an hour later than he was supposed to wake up, he was late. He got out of his bed and pulled on his pants. His pants were a lot bigger than normal, perhaps he was losing weight or maby his pants streached. He didnt put much thought to it as he tugged on his bra and shirt, those too seaming a baggier than usual. Arther grabbed his phone and wallet and keys and then worked on getting his camping bags into the back of his car. The bags felt somewhat lighter but he put the thought aside as he loaded his car up as quick as he could.

Arther quickly got on his way the drive to Yosemite National Park was long and boring but he was excited. He didn't have any worries out in the wilds while camping, no convicts to talk to no courts to appear in. No cell reception no electronics no city no cluster, he loved the calm that was in the wilds and was eager to get to the campground to sit back and drink beers and talk about nothing.

The drive took many hours and was long and boring. He had made the trip multiple times before and he knew how to get there very well. Once he got to the park he drove along at a slower speed the speed limits around the park were very important as they stop people in cars from hitting the wild animals, like bears that are crossing the road.

Arther got to the campsite only a bit later than he wanted. The rest of his camping group were already there waiting for him. This time there were only 6 other men there, sometimes there would be women or familys of people but more often than not it was just men getting away from their familys and or jobs for a weekend or week or whenever. Arther only recognized one of the other guys, his name was Carlos.

Carlos was 30 year old looking hispanic male. Carlos was a frequent camper with the bunch, the man seemed to love the outdoor and was actually the one who created the group. He went to every camping thing the group scheduled. Arther had no idea how the guy had enough money as he didnt seem to work ever and was just camping pretty much all the time. The guys had been there the entire week up to now, people would come and go during the functions as their lives called them. Carlos was also very well muscled, not as big as profesional body builders but deffently ripped, and hansom... wait why was he thinking about that. As Arther pulled in towards the campsite he was greeted by Carlos.

"Arther! I am glad you made it. You can set up your tent over by my tent I reserved a space just for you. We have activities all weekend and I am sure you will have lots of fun. Theres even a light hike on monday and I urge you to come along, its just a nature hike and is not up hills or anything. I hope you enjoy your stay this weekend I am glad you made it." Carlos said showing Arther the campground. The man was always full of energy and eager to help people, he also smelled very nice... Arther shook his head trying to rid the odd thoughts.

Arther settled down unpacking his car to the campground. He was going to have a nice relaxing long weekend. Arther settled in and unpacked his tent setting it up. After setting up his two person tent for him self, having spent some time trying to get the poles up right and in the right place he pinned the tent into the dirt and put up the tarp. He tossed his bags into it and knew he would unpack them later tonight. Arther walked over to the campfire and unfolded his extra sturdy foldable chair he bought special for him self and set it up. One of the other guys tossed him a beer. Arther cought it in mid air and popped it open lounging back in the chair. The weekend would be good indeed.

The weekend went swimmingly for the parole officer. He relaxed on that friday went swimming in the rivers on saterday, and partied on sunday. Monday came around and he woke up with a loud yawn. He was taking a power nap in his tent. The group had decided to go on a nature hike and Arther decided to go with. He got on his shoes and went into the car Carlos was driving. They drove for a while through the large national park.

The two made light small talk as they drove not really talking about anything interesting or important. The whole time though Arther had an erection, his rediculessly small shaft hard as it could be for some reason. The whole weekend whenever he was around that guy his cock would get instantly hard. He had to even find a place to jack off if you could call it that because he got so horny around the other guy. Carlos was spending nearly all of his free time around the other man too making things worse. Carlos was a big strong man, Arther thought to him self idly as he couldnt help staring at the man's rather large bulge in his crotch. I should sleep in his tent tonight.. wait what?

They arived at their destination, a small little shop marking the start of the nature hike. The group was already forming and it only took them ten minutes to get formed up and walking along. The hike was beautiful and things around the place were really tranquil. The path was well made and easy to fallow and stay on. During the middle of the hike however Arthur really had to go to the bathroom. There were no toilets or out houses nearby however so he thought that since he was behind the group anyway he might as well go take a leak in the woods, after all bears do it.

Arther walked off the side of the path going into the woods until he couldn't see it anymore, he walked a bit further in after that even just to make sure that no one would spy his little cock as he went. He had to poop and pee so he would probably take a while to go.

As Arther was finishing up going to the bathroom in the woods he heard some rusling behind him, he thought nothing of it till he heard the growl of a bear behind him. Before he could turn to look at it or run or play dead or anything he was knocked down onto the ground, the bear had tackled him and was now standing over him. Arther was slightly dazed from being knocked over so he didn't move or try to crawl away.

The next thing the man knew the bear was thrusting its hips down against the small of his back. The bear's huge shaft rubbed against the man's skin drooling out precum. It took Arther a minute to realise that he wasnt being mauled to death by the huge grizzly bear. It took him a minute after that of the bear humping madly against the small of his back to realise the bear was trying to mate with him. One lucky thrust by the bear shoved its huge cock into the man's rear. The pleasure exploding out of his ass felt wonderfull to Arther. He was brought back to that powerfull lucid dream he had a few nights before and this felt very similar.

The bear thrusted and thrusted, its hips moving fast as the bear's strong muscles pushed its cock in and out of the man's rear. Arther couldn't help him self, he felt the need... no the hunger for sex rise in his entire being. The hunger for cock in his ass or his cock in ass building in him as he arched his back up so the bear could hump him better. Ather's ass exploded in pleasure as he humped against the bear as best he could. The bear was jackhammering its cock into his rear as fast as it could and it felt amazing. In no time at all Arther came to orgasm, his little cock dribbling out drops of his cum from his laughably small nuts.

The bear quickened his thrusts making the bear's huge nuts slap against Arther's small ones. The Bear roared out as it came hard into the human. Arther felt his hunger get fed as it pretty much ate at the cum inside his ass. The bear didn't stop as it continued its thrusting its still rock hard cock pounding the human's tight ass. Arther rocked back against the huge member in his rear, loving the feeling of having something rub against his prostate. Arther had never thought of being with an other man but if it always felt as good as this he thought he wouldn't mind it.


Meanwhile, Carlos had doubled back on the trail looking for the missing Arther. The other man didn't seem to be with the group so Carlos went back looking for him while the rest of the group went on. Carlos was worried about Arther and had spent as much time around the other man as he could. Carlos was a werewolf, plain and simple. He had been a werewolf for longer than most people should be alive for. He smelt the werewolfism on Arther right away and knew that he would have to tell the man in the near future before the next full moon. He would of told him right away but there were always too many people near by and it was always better to show people rather than just strait up tell them. He also knew that if you told someone right away and they ended up freaking out during the same cycle of the full moon the person could end up changing right there and then which was never good as they usually went on killing and or raping sprees.

Even in his human form Carlos sense of smell was strong, he could smell all the scents on the trail as if he was a wolf him self. It didnt take long before he cought Arther's particular scent. The man fallowed the smell off the trail and into the forest a bit. It wasnt long before Carlos had to crouch down as he smelt and saw a bear, at first he thought the bear might of killed Arther or something but as he shuffled around a bush he got the full view of the huge male grizzly bear pounding its huge shaft into Arther's ass.

Carlos would of entered his wolf shape and jumped in to save the man but he noticed that Arther was loving what was happening to him. Arther's face was one of pure rapture as the bear grunted and shoved its huge cock into the human's ass. Carlos also smelt Arther's smell his sensative nose easily able to detect the distinct smell that marked Arther as one who was just turned into a werewolf. Except the smell that marked him was changing, the base was the same but it was shifting changing somewhat.

Carlos looked around the area and was sure that no one else would come across the scean. Carlos was him self getting aroused by watching Arther getting pounded by the bear. He couldn't help but reach down into his pants and pull them down enough to pull out his hard erection. Carlos was going to make sure that Arther wouldn't get too hurt but since he could smell the lycanthrope in Arther changing he didnt think that interfearing would help. Also it was pretty hot to watch him get pounded by a feral animal.


After the bear's fourth huge orgasm Arther began to feel something change within him. It wasnt very much at first but it was deffintly there but was only a small distraction from the pleasure filling his tailhole. Arther didn't notice Carlos watching him but admittedly he didn't really pay much attention to anything other than the pleasure exploding through his rear and occasionally the few drops of cum from his inch and a half long mini shaft as he orgasmed. He was never able to wet orgasm more than once a day before but for some reason he was able to drip out cum even though by now he should have been having dry orgasms.

The changes on Arther's body started slow. First came in his head of hair, his hair growing back in but this time the same brown color of the furr of the bear pounding his ass was. Armpit hair started to grow under his armpits. He started to grow out hair everywhere he should have had it but his life had robbed from him. His hair growed all over his body where it should have been, his arms growing hair and his legs growing hair as well. The hair growth kept on going and going giving him a rough rugged woodsman's beard. It wasnt long before he looked like what those in the gay community would call a bear.

An other orgasm rocked the bear as it kept on pounding the human. Arther felt more and more cum shoot into his ass. The feeling of being so full setting off an orgasm much bigger than before. The orgasm didnt feel like it went through his cock but was going through his entire body. His entire body shuddered and twitched. His bones cracked and quaked as he changed. It wasnt painfull, quite opposite it was the most pleasurable thing he had ever experianced. It took only a few moments for the change to happen but when it did Arther was not Arther anymore. He was an almost identacle copy of the bear who was still pounding his ass.

The only notable difference between the Arther bear and the feral bear pounding his ass was that Arther still had his old laughably small human cock and balls. They were nearly impossible to see as they were hidden by Arther's fur. The change wasn't finished yet however, but the feral bear humping into his ass never stopped something about the human allowed him to cum over and over and over and not stop. Arther's mind was in no position to argue with it as his changing body made him want more and more cock in him. The bear above him raored out a triumphent roar as it came harder than ever into the former human's ass.

The feral bear came hard, spewing cum into the human for far longer than any time he had mated before. The massive ammount of cum flowing into the former human's rear set off the rest of the transformation the human needed. Arther's cock and balls bulged as swelled. His formerly laughably small cock surging out of his body as blood filled it and it grew flesh. Arther roared out as well as the feral bear mating with him kept on cumming and cumming, the spooge filling his rear. Arther's cock surged out and out filling out huge until it was 18 inches long and rock hard. Arther's cock was 6 inches thick and had a flat head looking much like a horses shaft except completely red. The human's balls were the next to fill out. The shuddered and swelled with the former human's powerfull heartbeat. Arther's balls swelled up to the size of grapefruit as they pulsed and produced seed.

Arther felt his first ever true orgasm in his life, every orgasm up until this one was just a shadow of the real thing. The former human's horselike shaft surged and exploded shooting out a giant ammount of cum onto the ground. When Arther felt his orgasm fade the bear mating his rear also had its orgasm end. The bear pulled its much smaller shaft out of the human and walked off into the woods, content and happy. Arther slumped and passed out falling down to the forest floor falling asleep.


Arther woke up in his tent, fully dressed and clean. He looked at his watch and saw that it was an hour later than he was going to stay in the campsite he gasped and quickly packed up his things. He stuffed his stuff into his bags and walked them out to his car. No one else was in the campground but he thought nothing of it, it was normal for people to come and go. The campground had tents still but just no one was there at the moment. Arther colapsed his tent and pcaked it up, he didnt roll it up properly but just stuffed it into his car knowing he could just pack it up properly later.

Arther got in his car and drove off leaving the campsite and everyone there behind. As he pulled out Carlos ran out of the bathroom he was using and sighed as he watched Arther's car pull away. He was hoping to explain to the man what had happened but he missed his chance. He had a while before the next full moon to talk with his pack and figure out what to do with the man.

Arther drove home quitely and happily, he was full of energy for some reason and was happy about something but he couldnt tell. His body was perfectly normal back to the way it was but only time would tell how he would change.

((I added in some more obvious storyline breaks to make it easier to read they were always ment to be in there but aparently didnt copy over from my word processer))

Living as a lycanthrope ch 2

Living as a Lycanthrope ch. 2 _Heres the next chapter, I probably wont post the third one for a while... maby... But I hope you guys like this one, it is filled with hot were on were sex so I hope you guys enjoy your self. Happy reading!_ ...

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Its lonely in space ch. 15

Its lonely in space ch 15 _Here is the final chapter, not a tun of yiff or a lot of excitement but just me mainly closing up the main plotline. Theres a bit at the end like this so remember to read it too. Also remember to comment on how you like...

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Its lonely in space ch 14

Its lonely in space ch. 14 _Sorry for the super duper long delay, I have had writers block for a while and have been settling in. I hope to pick up writing at a more steady pace soon. Anyway, enjoy this chapter the main chunk of the story is...

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