Its lonely in space ch. 15

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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#15 of Its lonely in space

Heres the end, thanks for reading... in space!

Its lonely in space ch 15

Here is the final chapter, not a tun of yiff or a lot of excitement but just me mainly closing up the main plotline. Theres a bit at the end like this so remember to read it too. Also remember to comment on how you like the story so far, its my first one so I am still practicing on things. Happy reading!

Garth and Jared locked lips for a while, the two of them revaling in their newly pronounced love for each other. But before long Jared had to break the kiss. "I am sorry, but we have to fix you, I love you but we should return you back to normal." Garth said with a look of worry and concern on his muzzle. Jared nodded, his still mutated mind trying to take over as his tentacles started to move around again.

"Please turn me back to normal, I dont know how much longer I can keep up like this" Jared said trying to hold him self back.

Garth was about to take Jared in his arms and carry him down to the mutation rooms when he spotted the slumped over bear in the corner of his eye. "First lets take care of this bastard." Garth picked up his tablet looking device from his bedstand, wiped cum off it and typed into it a few times. Garth activated the teleporter from the other ship and was thinking of a place to hide the bear when an idea hit him. Garth grinned and entered in new corodinates for the bear's arrival. With a shimmer the bear dissapeared. Using the same teleporter Garth teleported Jared and him self down to the mutation rooms.

In the mutation rooms Garth hooked Jared up to the machines and went to the computer to program it. All sorts of fun things popped into his mind that he could do to make things better betwene the two of them and fun, the urge to turn his love into more of a cock slut came up but he sighed and knew he had to be a better dragon than that and entered into the computer to try to reverse the mutations.

Garth growled at the computer as he worked hard, the bear had been cleaver and knew how to make mutations that were hard to erase and destroy without altering the base person completely and remaking him from the top, witch would of worked except that even the pirates and slave traders didnt do that, if you erase too much of the base person what makes up their soul basically gets destroyed and eaten and whats left is a husk of a shell and no one liked having an empty fuck toy, well some people did but there were much easier and cheaper ways of getting those.

Garth removed the tentacles easily enough, those were always the easiest thing to get rid of, even if they were built into a basic part of the person it was easy enough to just chop them off anyway. Garth was able to remove them anyway. Garth did leave two things the bear did to Jared alone, he couldnt help but be a little bad. Garth left the human's cock alone, leaving the nether tongue and the enlargement it had gotten alone, he was sure Jared wouldn't mind. Garth entered in the last bits of the program and let it run.

Garth sat in the chair, the program would take a while to run and he was exausted, the day was long and he had had more sex than he knew what to do with so he found a comfortable chair and nodded off in it falling asleep.

Harold, the bear woke up with a pleasurable moan. He had a headache but something else was starting to call to his mind. Harold felt his hips thrust forward on their own and his cock shot out pleasure up his spine. Harold's eyes shot open and he looked forward, he roared in orgasm as his cock shot out cum. Cum flowed into his mouth around a cock he was aparently sucking on.

The fox had harold's huge member deep in his ass as Harold was sleep pounding the fox. The fox's tentacles were wrapped all around the huge bear, in his mouth, in his ass and wrapped around his arms and legs. The bear thought he needed to get out to stop pounding the fox but that thought left his mind rather quickly as he started to thrust into the fox his mind starting to lose its self in the lust of the fox's pheromones.

With a savage growl Harold, was that his name? Oh who cares the sex bear shoved his massive tool into the cock slut that was the fox mating him like there was no tomorrow. But for the beast, the bear there was no tomorrow he lost all sense of time, his mind was quickly taken over by the lust completely losing him self to the fox. Harold had made the fox into the perfect trap for anyone who would wonder into his secret hold, the bear's mind didn't have a strong enough anchor to pull its self from the depths of lust that Garth had.

All time was lost to Harold, his surroundings became irrelevent, at one point he felt him self move and being transported but with all time gone and his perceptions dampened he didnt know what happened but more importantly didnt care, he was happy or as happy as he thought he would hear voices but all that mattered was the fox, no the two had become one at some point not truly one but they became one their body's together forever and forever.

Jared woke up in the mutation room, his body feeling different, but normal enough. Flashes of memory appeared in his mind of what happened when he was mutated, a tear ran down his cheek as he remembered what had happened. He looked around and got up. Jared shook his body slightly settling him self in his body. Even though Jared was naked it felt like he was wearing a new outfit he instinctivly bounced up and down on his heels a few times trying to settle him self into his body like a new outfit.

Jared looked around and went out of the only door he saw, the door opened with the familiar swoosh that Jared had gotten used to. The room Jared walked into looked like some sort of control room for some sort of testing center he looked around and spotted Garth, naked and covered in dried up cum. Jared smiled looking at his love, wait... did he just think that? Did he just call the dragon his love? But now that he thought about it it seemed right, Jared seemed to like the idea and decided that even though he used to reject even thinking of loving someone else it seemed right.

Jared shook Garth awake, the dragon stirred groggily and woke up a bit. The black dragon ran a claw up Jared's cheek and smiled saying. "Hi there sweety, I was scared I would lose you."

"Its ok, I am here lets get you to our room where you can rest" Jared responded, smiling at the dragon that had taken his heart. Jared reached down and grabbed Garth's claw and helped him up. He then helped the dragon out of the room and along the ship, Garth was clearly exhausted and tired, leaning against Jared a lot as they made their way across the huge cruise liner like space ship.

Jared reached their room, holding Garth up with him as he helped the dragon to the adjoined bathroom. Both of them already naked Jared helped Garth into the shower and hit the button on the side of the wall to turn on the futuristic shower. The water felt nice against Jared's body, the shower soaping them up and washing them down for them. Jared would of liked to take a longer shower with Garth but the dragon was already starting to nod off.

Jared pulled the dragon out of the shower after all the cum and grime was washed off both of them. The bathroom already started to dry them off as they stepped out, they were perfectly dry when Jared lay the heavy dragon down on the bed the dragon crawling up onto the bed him self and starting to pass out. Jared crawled up behind him and snuggled him close he loved the feeling of Garth's strong yet soft scales against his skin.

Garth murmered lightly as he turned around facing Jared "I love you" He moved his muzzle close to the human and kissesed him lightly.

"I love you too" Jared whispered back before snuggling down for the night with his love.

Garth reprogrammed the computer sally, fixing the things the bear had done to the computer. He sat down and talked to his superiors with the intergalactic police.

"I sent in my report so you know what happened, I submitted a lot of.... ahh... evidence with it, yes the recordings look rather odd but the bear tampered with my ship's AI so theirs bound to be blips all over on my records. Ahh, no, its ok I am fine. Look, I still have the prisoner on my ship, he his my responcibility... aahh... no I am fine. Look, my ship may be slower but I still need to return to the fleet for some repairs and things. The prisoner on my ship is fine the others are on the other one. Ooh! Mmm thats good... what? Uh sorry just ignore it. So we are en route to the fleet and will be there in two months, there the prisoner can get a proper scan and see if he can be returned to his home planet or see if we cant find him a.... ooh... uhm sorry a place to move into and see if we cant get him a job or something. Either way I am heading to the fleet. Ok good, thanks... Oh, one last thing, the bear... ooh... he is going to jail right? Yeah? Good, he deserves it."

A click ended the com call and Garth let out the pent up moan. His cock was firmly being sucked on by his human lover who was kneeling down nice betwene his legs. He was getting closet to cumming, his milk filling the human's maw as the human drank hungrilly. Garth placed his hand lovingly on Jared's hair rubbing lightly as Jared drank down the dragon's milk.

"Well I managed to convince them to let you stay on my ship, we have some time ahead of us before we get you checked out proper but with any luck I can convince them to let you stay with me, we can even get married as you humans say its ok for people to do that out here, happens all the time. But that will be for later."

Garth took off his headset, Jared wasnt able to hear the other half of the conversation because of it but he didnt care all he cared about was the cock he was sucking on at the moment. Though Jared did smile when he heard that he was able to stay with the dragon he loved. With a roar Garth came and Jared drank it all down. Jared crawled up Garth's body after Garth came and kissed his mate on the lips.

To be continued?---

So, theres the end of the main storyline, I will post more chapters of these eventually, but the main plot is over and I will be working on my other storys now, thanks for reading my first story I appreciate it.

Its lonely in space ch 14

Its lonely in space ch. 14 _Sorry for the super duper long delay, I have had writers block for a while and have been settling in. I hope to pick up writing at a more steady pace soon. Anyway, enjoy this chapter the main chunk of the story is...

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Its lonely in space ch. 13

Its lonely in space ch. 13 _I am into a writing mood again so be on the look out cause I will be posting a lot more. This story mainly focuses on the plot more than my previous ones. Happy reading!_ Garth rammed his cock deep into the fox and...

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Its lonely in space ch. 12

Its Lonely in space ch.12 _Sorry for the super long delay between chapters I will go back to writing more often now that I am back home from the holidays. Remember to comment about my chapters if they are too short too long or anything I like the...

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