Its lonely in space ch. 12

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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#12 of Its lonely in space

Here's the 12th chapter of my story hope you guys like it. The story features lots of cum and musk and yiffing... in space!

Its Lonely in space ch.12

Sorry for the super long delay between chapters I will go back to writing more often now that I am back home from the holidays. Remember to comment about my chapters if they are too short too long or anything I like the feedback, just constructive criticism please. Also things will look up for these characters and I plan for the story to only really be like 15 chapters long so I am rearing up on the end of it. Also feel free to tag my work I am terrible at tagging things my self. Happy Reading

Garth awoke with a start looking around the pitch black room he was in. He couldn't see a thing and had no idea how long it was since he was last awake or where he was. He remembered what had happened to Jared and a growl escaped his muzzle. Garth had to save Jared he just had to. If not to set things right and punish a slaver but to save the one he loved.

Garth opened his muzzle and shot out a small jet of fire from his black maw lighting up the dark room for an instant. From what he saw he was in some kind of room. He let loose an other puff of fire and located the light panel. He got up out of the bed he was in and walked over to the panel and pressed it. Garth had to squint his eyes as the light came on very dim but decently enough for him to see by. Garth tried to open the door to the small room he was in but the door was locked. Garth looked around and noticed a computer node at the desk so he sat down.

Opening up the computer he noticed that he was not on his ship. The bear had apparently locked him out of most of the ship's systems but Garth was good with computers so it was easy to bypass the lock on the terminal. Once he bypassed the lock he noticed that it had only been a few hours since he passed out. Garth had to act fast if he wanted to save Jared but even with being able to bypass most of the ship's systems and even unlock the door to the room he was in there was not a lot he could do.

Garth had to be careful to not trip any security measures while hacking into the ship's computer. He did notice that the crew of the ship he was on did not know about the passengers in their hold only thinking that the place was holding some experimental weapon tech that was highly radioactive, so no one went down there except the captain. The ship had a good mutation system in it but not nearly as good as Garth's own ship. It was smaller by far and had a nice crew. The ship would head across the sector assigned to it by the galactic police and transfer goods or do missions. Though it seams the captain had decided to take up some extra cash on the side and started to deal in slave trading.

Garth gathered quite a bit of evidence on the bear and placed it all into a partition of the ship's computer that he created and hid from the rest of the ship. He would of downloaded the evidence to his own ship but sending the message would easily set off some security and he wouldn't be able to keep it hidden without being able to contact Sally or use a terminal on his ship. After storing away the information he needed to arrest the bear Garth activated the ship's teleport system. Garth knew that he couldn't activate the teleporter without alerting the rest of the ship and the bear would easily think he teleported back to his own ship so Garth teleported into the only real safe place he could go.

Garth opened his eyes as the disorientation of being teleported wore off. Garth looked around the hold of the same ship he was on seeing it empty. The bear must of teleported off his prisoners to Garth's ship. All the cages were empty and open, Garth noticed first the smell of the room, the entire place reaked of super potent musk and cum. The smell alone made Garth blush and his cock slide out of his slit. Garth was still naked from before and his cock slid out easily into the open air. Garth's shaft started to drip precum as the potent musk ravaged his brain filling it with lust. His precum dripping onto the already cum covered floor.

Out of no where Garth gasped and was lifted up in the air, for a second he thought the bear had caught him from behind. When Garth looked over however he instead saw a fox, well what was probably once a fox standing closely behind him. The fox had ten tentacle cocks protruding out of different parts of his body four of witch were wrapped around Garth's form holding him up in the air with surprising strength.

Garth struggled against the tentacle cock's holding him up in the air with no avail. Before he knew it he was turned around and was looking strait into the eyes of the fox who's eyes were fogged over with lust and need, the fox's main cock drooling out precum. "Please! You have to help me! I need you to fuck me! I am so horny and I cant get off!" Garth heard the fox say, the fox's voice laden with need and making Garth's heart fill with pity. The smell the fox was giving off alone was clouding his judgment and mind making him feel more horny than he had ever been, his cock aching with the need to be shoved up into something anything... and the fox was offering.

Before Garth could respond the Fox placed Garth down on the ground, though kept his tentacle cocks around Garth in case he wanted to flee. The Fox went down on all fours and turned around presenting his bum up for Garth. Garth licked his lips hungrily, he tried to open his mouth to make some comment to try to assert his dominance over the poor creature but the fox just shoved one of its tentacle cocks inside Garth's mouth. Garth shrugged and started to suck on the cock making the Fox moan more and pull Garth towards his rear.

The fox being apparently very dexterous with his tentacles wrapped one around Garth's cock and angled it and moved his rear back making the dragon pierce his needy tailhole. Garth and the fox both moaned as the fox came, all of his cocks shooting seed all over as he came just from the tip of Garth's cock entering the fox. The cock in Garth's mouth shot his seed down the dragon's throat making the dragon gag a little. The seed tasted like the best candy ever and Garth suckled on it more wanting more of the sweet cum.

Garth started to pull out thinking the fox was done but the fox growled cutely and pushed his rear onto the dragon's shaft. "I said Fuck me!" The fox growls out as he starts to hump backwards onto the cock penetrating him. Garth didn't need any more coaxing and grabbed the hips of the fox and started to pound his dragon shaft into the animal. The fox's two tail tentacles wrapped around Garth's legs and opened up and sucked in Garth's two external testicles playing with them and massaging them. The fox's tentacle cocks started to stroke and rub them selves against the dominating male trying to pleasure them selves on him.

Garth's thrusting was aided by the fox who apparently wanted to be fucked like there was no tomorrow. Garth growled shoving his big dragon cock into the fox's needy tailhole every few thrusts making the fox moan and cum onto the floor and all over the dragon's body and into his mouth. After a few times of making the fox cum Garth grabbed one of the wiggling tentacles around his arm and pulled it up to his maw, the tentacle eagerly shoving its self next to the other one in his muzzle as he sucked off both of them at the same time.

The fox only seamed to be able to cum from his main cock or being pounded like normal though the Fox would moan and groan in pleasure the more Garth pleasured his tentacles. The tentacles would all cum at the same time as his cock the Fox's huge balls seemingly producing endless cum. Each time Garth would drink the Fox's cum he would feel his like he could go on pounding the fox for longer and longer, the pleasure around his body rising but his need to cum lowering.

Garth spent two hours wrapped up by the fox's tentacles as he pounded the fox to no end, the fox's cum seaming to fill his body with energy as he kept on pounding and pounding and pounding. Garth felt almost all his emotions or needs or worry's flow from his mind as the only thought in his body was that he needed to make this fox cum. Garth felt like he could spend the rest of his life doing nothing but plow this Fox. The Fox seamed to be in heaven as he was plowed from behind eventually relaxing his front paws and only being held up by the dragon plowing his rear.

A few more hours passed and then a few more, Garth lost all track of time. Something was slowly building inside Garth he felt it was finally coming close. Garth started to hump harder and harder and harder into the Fox breaking the steady rhythm he had built up. Out of no where it felt like every nerve in his body was sending signals of pleasure, his entire body convulsing. His mind lost in all thoughts but the insurmountable pleasure. It felt like his entire body was one gigantic cock going through one massive orgasm. His cock inside the fox's bum finally exploded shooting out gallons of cum into the Fox. The Fox came as well with Garth shooting constantly out of his tentacles and cock.

Garth's orgasm lasted twenty minutes as his body writhed in pleasure his cock shooting out seed the whole time. When his orgasm died down Garth's mind started to clear, the fog of lust in his brain finally clearing out a bit. Jared! He had to help Jared! Though that was all he could think before the fox started to hump against his cock again and the fog of lust clouded his mind again. Garth went back to fucking eager Fox who moaned more. The floor around the two covered in the fox's cum.

Harold grinned as he looked at the camera showing his old prison cell's. That fox was a defense mechanism just in case anyone ever discovered his secret. Harold knew that the last thing he should ever do is place his cock in that Fox's needy tailhole because that fox was made specifically for a rich man who wanted a pet he could literally fuck for years at a time without stopping. The trap worked and Harold knew that Garth wouldn't be able to escape the fox.

The big bear turned towards his new slave, he needed to break the human in and he had just the cock to do it. The bear's huge member flopping out of his pants as he pulled them down presenting his cock to Jared. "Get to work!" Harold ordered.

Its lonely in space ch. 13

Its lonely in space ch. 13 _I am into a writing mood again so be on the look out cause I will be posting a lot more. This story mainly focuses on the plot more than my previous ones. Happy reading!_ Garth rammed his cock deep into the fox and...

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The Lovers Lodge

The lovers lodge _Here is my submition for the wintertime story contest. Its a standalone but I hope you guys like it. Remember to comment. Warning: this story contains sexual situtaions and you should not read it if you cannot should not do not...

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Its lonely in space ch 11

Its lonely in space ch 11 _Heres chapter eleven, sorry its late I have been sick and busy at home for the holidays. It is rather short and a bit meaner than my pervious chapters. But I hope you enjoy it. Remember to comment. Happy reading!_ ...

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