The Lovers Lodge

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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My entry for the wintertime story contest!

The lovers lodge

Here is my submition for the wintertime story contest. Its a standalone but I hope you guys like it. Remember to comment. Warning: this story contains sexual situtaions and you should not read it if you cannot should not do not want to or it is illigal to. All characters are mine and the story is mine not yours. Happy Reading!

The lovers lodge is a ski lodge. It cators mainly to singles and couples looking to have a romantic getaway. People from all over come to the lodge during the winter to find a way of warming up during the cold months. The mountain the ski lodge sits at the base of is large and has snow for most of the year. This weekend was the new years weekend and that meant it was the new years singles hookup dance. All kinds of single furs would come to the lodge for the weekend to spend a nice night with some stranger and usually have a nice romp during the night.

Sam is a white wolf, he lives far from the lovers lodge but this year he decided he would go to the new years dance. Sam is a muscle bound buff monster of a wolf. His clothes never fit him and Sam liked it like that, he loved showing off his muscles and flexing. This however never would help with the ladies. He would go to bars and things and flex and show off and flirt but every time he would end up scaring the girl off. He even tried to get a prostitute once but she declined him saying that she would just get hurt and she couldn't afford the medical bills.

Despite Sams musclebound appearance he looks mostly like a goth, well he used to but he decided to get happier clothing for the dance. Though he did keep his single lock of purple hair in his bangs on the side of his face. Sam decided that he was going to lose his virginity this weekend, that's right he was a virgin he had never had sex with anyone. He would wank off every so often but he never had the pleasure of sleeping with a woman.

Sam pulled up into the parking lot of the lovers lodge, the place was packed full of cars and he even saw a bus leaving empty. "Differently a lot of people here" Sam said to him self while pulling into an open spot in the back. He got out of his car and went to his trunk. Sam popped open his trunk and pulled out his single large suitcase with no effort. While walking to the front door he noticed many furs walking about in and out of the lodge. Most of them were males but there were more than enough females, and as advertised they were all single, or one of the few couples who came here to swing with random people and have three ways and witch ever ways. Sam didn't like the idea of losing his virginity in a three way he wanted his first time to be special but he was needy and wouldn't mind but would rather not.

While on the way to the front door someone hugged him from behind. Sam barked in surprise as the random person hugged him. He heard the person say, "Well hello there big guy you here for the singles thing too?" The voice sounded rather efemenent but clearly from a guy. Sam growled and turned around looking at the person who had hugged him. The guy let go as Sam turned around and stood up smiling happily.

The person was a fox, a male fox at that. Sam had to admit that the fox looked rather cute and he would totally go out with the fox if he was gay but he was not so he just decided that he would try to let the fox down gently. "Well yes im here for the singles thing, and I know I must be very appealing to you but I don't swing that way, sorry. Though if you want someone to hang out with I wont mind. My name is Sam by the way, look me up once you get checked in if you want to hang out at least." Sam knew he was like candy to gay guys he was hit on by them all the time but he just wasn't gay.

The fox frowned at being turned down but quickly perked up again wagging his white tipped tail. "Thats ok big guy, and my name is Max. I will be sure to look you up later I guess, sorry for hugging you, you just looked so good heh. Anyway I will differently look you up later bye." Max said before hopping away towards the lodge.

Sam sighed and pulled up his suitcase and continued into the lodge after the happy fox. Sam opened the doors to the inside of the lodge. Inside was a huge holiday tree still not taken down from x-mas the whole place decorated in winter theme's. There were furs walking about all over dressed for all sorts of things. From going out to ski or play in the snow to walking around in skin tight skimpy clothing to being fully clad in leather. There were wreaths and holly up along the walls with pictures of Olympic skiers and other things like supermodels in swimsuits and guys in speedo's all to backdrops of the mountain behind them.

After looking around the room Sam spotted the check in desk, behind it a very good looking bunny was standing behind it, she had both her ears tied together and pulled back behind her head like a ponytail. As Sam walked up to the desk she smiled up at him. "Welcome to the lovers lodge sir, do you have a reservation?"

"Yes I do, my name is Samuel Garlbar I have my reservation code in my pocket somewhere" Sam said as he started to search through his pocket.

"No need I have you right here Samuel Garlbar. Just let me get you checked in." The bunny started typing furiously on her computer before putting up a thick pamphlet on the table "Ok your all checked in, you payed ahead of time and match the photo you sent in to identify you. Just a few things I need to remind you, while this is a lover's lodge there are some rules. Please no nudity in any public places within the lodge, with the exception of course being the locker rooms and the nude bar. Also there is no hitting on the staff unless they hit on you first, many of us are married and we don't appreciate being groped and molested. Also please no sex in any place but the private sauna's you can schedule, your rooms or the few otherwise marked sex areas. The rest of the rules are in the pamphlet please be sure to read them."

Sam raised an eyebrow as he took the pamphlet from the bunny after hearing rules speech. He thought it weird to mention those but then remembered how weird people could be and nodded. "I will be sure to fallow the rules don't worry." The bunny nodded as Sam walked away from the desk, some other fur taking his spot to be checked in. He looked at his assigned room and went to the elevator. While waiting for the elevator to open Sam got the feeling that someone was staring at him, and staring at his groin. He looked to his left and saw Max standing there looking at him. "Can I help you?"

Max blushed and looked up at Sam who was looking back at him with an eyebrow raised. Max stammered as he looked back at Sam blushing heavily. "Oh sorry I just uhm was admiring your pants... Sorry I just got checked in and am going to my room." The elevator dinged and the two stepped into the elevator, no one else fallowed them in leaving the two alone in the elevator. The two didn't talk making the ride rather awkward for the both of them. Sam didn't know what to make of the fox, he was differently cute, had a nice rear and a girlish figure if the fox was a girl Sam would have been all over him but he was a guy so Sam wasn't interested, though he wouldn't mind having a gay friend.

Before Sam managed to get his voice to speak the door opened and the fox jumped out of the elevator giving a goodbye wave before disappearing in a mass of fur's. A girl wearing a skimpy outfit entered the elevator in place of the fox. She was an otter her tail swaying sensually. Sam grinned and his tail wagged. He flexed his muscles showing off his huge build. He turned to the side and rested his arm against the wall of the elevator resting on it. "Well hello there beautiful, like what you see?" Sam said in a bad attempt at a pick up line.

The otter looked over at Sam raising an eyebrow before smiling sweetly. "Sorry hun, your a looker I can give you that but your not my type. Besides I am going upstairs to meet someone anyway. Good luck at the dance though I am sure you will find someone right for you" She gave Sam a wink before looking back at the door absentmindedly waiting for her floor. Sam whimpered a little before nodding. When they came to his floor she got out too. Looking at the signs she went the same direction he did and when he got to his room she knocked on the door next to his. A male otter opened the door and gave her a hug before inviting her in. Sam sighed and opened his door the other room was right next to his.

Sam placed his suitcase on the floor in his room, he looked over the place it had one huge bed and a bathroom with a huge bath. The whole room had hearts around it. He wondered how clean it actually was. He opened his suitcase and then went to the bed and layed down against it. As he was about to get comfortable he heard muffled through the wall the sounds of the two in the other room having loud passionate sex.

Hearing the sounds of the girl moaning loudly made sam's cock start to poke out of his sheath in his pants, he didn't need to hear this he was needy as is without listening to some people have sex in the next room. Sam picked up the remote from the nightstand and turned on the TV, he skipped past the hotel's custom channel and flipped to the next one. To his surprise and his cock's enjoyment they were all porn channels. Sam couldn't help but stare at one of them as he watched the girl on the screen get banged by some guy fur before fumbling and flipping to an other trying to find a clean channel. The next one was of two girls playing with each other. His cock fully hard rose out of his sheath throbbing hard in his pants. Sam didn't come here to just look at porn and jerk off he came here to get some so he turned off the TV and shifted his pants so his stiffy wouldn't be so noticeable.

Sam could hear the couple in the other room still going at it, the sounds making his cock throb more in his pants. He figured he should go skiing so he quickly got his ski suite on and left his room. His big wolf cock still hard in his pants and showing a large bulge as much as he tried to hide it. He blushed as people kept on staring at him, mostly guys though. He made his way to the ski rental place and rented a snowboard. He went outside to the snow covered hill and made his way to the line for the ski lift. The lift had two lines and each lift went up the large hill with one person from both lines, intending to pair up random people.

Sam waited patiently when he got to the front of the line and sat in the moving lift a red fox sat down next to him. "Why hello again big guy" Sam flinched as he recognized the voice.

"Hello Max." Sam said in reply and looked over at the girlish looking male fox sitting next to him. "Guess were in the same lift" The lift lurched and they were headed up the mountain, just the two of them.

"Yup! I like snowboarding so I decided to give it a try before later tonight heh. Guess I was just lucky to be next to a big guy like you again eh?" Max said as they road up the lift. The comment made Sam's cock twitch, he was always a sucker for complements even from other guys. He took a good look at the fox and did like what he saw, Sam wasn't the kind of guy who went gaga for gigantic boobs, don't get him wrong he likes a nice pair but he didn't feel the need or obsession over them. The boy was pretty hot and made his cock throb just looking at him. If he was a girl he would normally be all over him.

"Heh, thanks. Hay mind if we go the same path as each other? Its safer with two people then by our selves" Sam asked.

"Sure! Any excuse to spend more time with a hansom guy like you" Max replied, still trying to flirt with Sam regardless of being turned down earlier.

Sam smiled and luckally the lift got to where they were getting off so he slid off the chair and went down the snow bank that was piled up to make getting off the lift easier. He went to the end of it on his snowboard and saw as Max went past him giggling like a girl. "Come get me big guy!" Max taunted as he went down the hill. Sam smiled and went after him. The hill was a beginners hill, the lodge not really known for having amazing ski hills. Max was really an amazing snowboarder and swerved and swayed in front of Sam as he went down the hill after him. The fox was constantly showing off his bum in his snow pants that gripped his ass nicely.

Sam couldn't help but get aroused while watching the fox boy, he wasn't gay but the boy looked a lot like a girl from behind and Sam always liked a good looking rear. About half way down the hill his cock was throbbing in his pants, the femboi in front of him was really good at trying to arouse him and it was working despite him not being gay. Sam's cock kept getting in his way and when he finally managed to get in front of max he lost his balance and fell down on a flatter part of the hill. Max slowed down and stopped next to him.

"You ok hun?" Max asked looking concerned before noticing the tent in Sam's pants. "Oh, seams you are hehe. I thought you said you didn't like me" Max chuckled lightly being a tease. Max reached down and helped Sam up. "Come on, lets go down" Sam just nodded and continued down the hill, his outfit covered in snow. Max continued behind him watching carefully. When they got to the bottom Sam took off his snowboard. Max pulled up next to him and asked "Going inside?"

"Yeah, sorry, id hang around but my cock needs some attention bad so I am going to the bar." Sam said, trying to hide his boner.

"Well if you need help with that I wouldn't mind giving you some head big guy." Max responded smiling devilishly. "Heres my number if you ever need a paw" Max said handing Sam a card with his number on it.

"Well don't count on it fox boy." Sam said walking away as he pocketed the number. He could of sworn he heard Max try to say something but he didn't hear it as he walked into the lodge. He went to his room and picked out a new outfit to put on to show off his body. The couple in the room next to his were still going at it heavily making Sam aroused again.

Sam went to one of the many bar's in the lodge and looked around. He noticed a female golden retriever fur standing alone and smiled walking over. He stood in front of her and flexed heavily, his biceps bulging out his clothes, almost ripping his outfit. His pillow like pecs pressing out greatly as his eight pack abs were outlined greatly by his shirt. Sam's bulge was huge and outlined in his pants. The girl's eyes went wide looking at him, and he could tell he almost had her he just needed something to drive her over the edge. "Like what you see? I certainly do, your fur is more beautiful than anything anyone could give you as a gift" The line wasn't amazing he knew it but she blushed heavily and nodded. The dog ran her hand along his side as she walked past him whispering into his ear.

"Meet me in the bathroom big guy" She whispered to him as she walked away swinging her hips tantalizingly. Sam smiled as his tail wagged about furiously. This was it, he was going to lose his virginity, he probably wasn't going to end up having proper sex with her but frankly he was so horny and aroused that it didn't matter. He wanted to get off and she was offering.

He fallowed the girl into the bathroom of the bar. She went into one of the unisex rooms, there were 5 along with the normal mens and woman's room. She was standing there holding her hands under her two breasts, they were obviously fake and huge and the way she was holding them up with her arms like that made them look bigger. When Sam walked into the room and locked the door behind him she grabbed his forearm and sat him down on the toilet. When Sam started to try to say something she put a finger on his lips and went shh

She unzipped Sam's pants and pulled out his cock. Sam's cock was 12 inches long and four inches thick, he was always proud about how big it was. The girl gasped and reached in and pulled out his two apple sized balls, Sam was proud of those too. "My my, someone is well endowed." She said before gripping both hands around Sam's huge member and started to stroke it. Sam moaned as she started to give him a hand job. His cock starting to drool out precum heavily as he moaned loudly making pleasurable noises. The girl raises an eyebrow as Sam reacted so heavily to her just stroking him.

"Don't stop! I am about to cum!" Sam moaned, his cock drooling out a lot of precum. The girl stopped stroking Sam's cock and stood up looking offended. Sam whimpered and whined looking up at her. "Please don't stop."

"Is this your first time? It is isn't it haha I am going back out, I was looking for someone more experienced" The girl said as she walked out of the bathroom leaving Sam alone to whimper as his near orgasmic high died down, his cock throbbed heavily with need.

Sam whimpered as he pulled his pants back up, his large cock making a huge bulge in his pants. He decided to go to one of the group sex rooms, he needed to cum and he had promised him self he would not jerk off while at the lodge. He needed to get off badly. Sam walked out of the bar not seeing the girl as he left and went to the other part of the lodge. The group sex rooms were often used but were fairly dangerous cause you could end up doing anyone there and could get all kinds of std's but he just figured he would use a rubber and be fine.

Sam opened the door to one of the sex rooms, the sight he saw drew the breath out of his lungs. There was on the edge of the bed a male looking hermaphrodite shark with five other furs. There was a a bunny and a cat both riding his two cock's as they faced each other and rubbed their breasts against each others and kissed each other. Two guys were between his legs a large bear and a small fox the fox was pounding the shark's pussy while the bear had his huge cock up the shark's ass. A gorilla had his cock inside the shark's mouth while the shark sucked on it needilly. The entire sight of all six of them having sex made Sam's cock shoot out a string of precum he moaned and left the room.

Sam just needed to calm down to take a cold shower and a lie down so he could think properly. He went upstairs to his room and closed the door leaning against the back of it panting heavily. Right when Sam thought he would be able to calm down came the loud noises of pleasure from the couple in the room next door as they were still at it loudly. Sam moaned and whimpered, he needed to get off! Sam quickly pulled out his phone and fumbled with it and pulled out the crumpled paper with that fox's number on it.

A muzzle is a muzzle, while the idea didn't truly excite him he called the fox and invited him up to his room the fox femboi squealed over the phone and hung up. Sam figured that he was coming up. Sam pulled off his shirt and pulled down his pants letting lose his aching member. Sam sat on his bed and turned on the TV, he turned the channels till he found some lesbian porn and watched it lightly stroking his foot long cock.

It didn't take too long before a knocking came from the door. Sam turned off the TV and went to the door hiding his body behind it and peeked it open. He smiled when he saw the fox. "Good your here, come in quick. Look I don't want much foreplay and please keep your pants on I just need you to suck me off ok?"

"Well I think I can do that" Max said as he slipped inside. Sam went over to the bed covering his cock with his hands and sat down on the bed opening his legs wide and showing Max his huge cock. "Holy cow your huge! Goodness I want that in me" Max said as he kneeled down between Sam's legs.

"Whoa cool it down there cowboy, I am not putting this up in you you are just sucking me off." Sam said. Max just drooled staring down the giant member before licking up its entire length. Sam moaned out loud, it felt wonderful to have someone lick his cock. Max licked up the length of the cock and down again and kissed the knot at the base of the wolf's red pointy cock. Max gripped both of sam's heavy balls in his paws and massaged them lightly. Sam tried to keep from looking at max trying to imagine that the figure licking his cock and groping his balls was a girl, the fox looked much like a girl witch made it easier to do.

Max put his lips around the drooling tip of Sam's foot long cock sucking on it and lapping up at the tasty precum. Max sucked on the cock hard lowering his head as he did so making it seem like he was sucking the red monster into his mouth. Sam barked as his cock was surrounded by a sucking needy muzzle. This was so much better than jerking off he couldn't believe he waited so long to have someone suck him. Sam grabbed both sides of Max's head and thrusted upwards pressing his cock as deep as it would go inside Max's muzzle. Max grunted and easily started to deep throat Sam's cock. Sam thrusted his hips upwards all the while growling and moaning as his cock was sucked on.

The more Sam tried to resist cumming early the harder it got, he cock felt like it was going to explode. Sam shoved his cock up into the fox's mouth harder, for a moment he thought he would hurt the fox but when he looked down he noticed the fox's fluffy tail wagging heavily as the fox also rubbed at the bulge in his pants. The sensation was far too much for Sam he howled and came hard into the foxes mouth, his balls pulling up and letting loose a torrent of seed. The fox simply drank down the cum through the entire orgasm. Sam's orgasm lasted two full minutes of him howling and cumming.

Sam had never came anywhere near as hard in his entire life, that was great. He layed back on the bed he was sitting on and panted heavily his tongue hanging out of his mouth, his fur covered in sweat. While Sam was resting there his cock was still hard and pulsing with the wolf's heartbeat. The whole experience was amazing, even though it was a guy who had sucked him off Sam still felt excellent as he basked in his afterglow.

As Sam sat there basking in his afterglow he felt the fox climb up on top of him, before he could protest something had covered his cock. Sam barked happily as his cock was pressed into something, it felt amazing like it was designed perfectly to take his cock. Sam looked down and saw Max there with his cock deep into the fox's pussy. Wait... "You have a pussy!?" Sam exclaimed before moaning.

"Shhhh not soo loud, yes I do." Max said trying to quiet down Sam as he him self moaned from the feeling of having sam's huge cock ripping his folds open.

"But I mmmgmm thought you were a boy" Sam moaned out as Max started to ride his cock pulling the cock almost entirely out of his cunt before falling down on it all the way to the knot.

"I am a boy, I am a cuntboy, I am a boy but well with a cunt. Look we can talk about it mmmm later, for now hump me!" Max yelled out at the end riding the cock harder. Sam grinned and grabbed Max around the the hips and sinned the two of them around. Sam sat there on top of Max and started to thrust his huge cock into Max's cunt. Max moaned his tail wagging furiously as he begged "Oh yes! Harder! Harder! Deeper!"

Sam was more than happy to oblige the cuntboy as he thrusted his cock up into the fox's folds humping wildly into him Sam bit down on Max's shoulder in a mating bite as he thrusted his cock up into max's pussy forcing the knot deep inside him tying him self into the fox. Max screamed and moaned out in a girlish way as the two of them went into an orgasm. Max's inner walls massaged and clenched down on sam's cock as his body writhed about. Sam roared again as his cock shot out an other massive load of cum deeply into his fox mate's folds.

The two of them ended up staying together the entire weekend the whole time they pretty much constantly had sex with each other, Sam couldn't keep him self off the fox.

Four years later in a nice home in the suburbs a nice two story home stood. Inside the home a couple lives. A wedding picture of a wolf and a fox kissing each other during their wedding. The fox in a white wedding dress and the wolf in a suite. A crashing is heard from the kitchen and a child's sequel of laughter from the noise.

"Jeramy don't do that!" A voice is heard scolding the child. In the kitchen a Fox is making dinner her tummy bulging as she is obviously pregnant. "Sam come help me with Jeramy please." The fox calls out.

"Right away dear." Sam walks into the kitchen and picks up the mixed fox wolf child and lifts the child up to the child's giggling. "Need any help with the food Max?" Sam asked before leaning in and kissing his wife.

Max smiled at the kiss. "No I will be fine, just make sure Jeramy doesn't break anything else I will clean up the mess and then finish dinner for my man." Max answered while grabbing a broom.

"I love you so much, you know that dear? You know what, I will give you a special surprise tonight" Sam grins devilishly as he pats Max on the rear making the Fox yip in surprise and giggle.

"Like every night dear? You give me so much sex I almost don't know what to do with it" Max giggled.

"Daddy whats sex?" The toddler asked Sam as he was carried away.

"Il tell you when your older Jeramy" Sam responds as he leaves the kitchen.


Its lonely in space ch 11

Its lonely in space ch 11 _Heres chapter eleven, sorry its late I have been sick and busy at home for the holidays. It is rather short and a bit meaner than my pervious chapters. But I hope you enjoy it. Remember to comment. Happy reading!_ ...

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Its lonely in space ch. 10

Its lonely in space ch 10. I hope you guy's like this chapter, I know I am cheapening the story a bit by having a lot of yiffy chapters here but I figure its what you wanted. Sorry about the super late posting of this chapter I have to move back...

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Its lonely in space ch. 9

Its Lonely in Space ch.9 _Sorry for the wait folk, here's chapter 9. I hope you guys like it, I took sugjestions from some comments in this one and have a nice surprise at the end. The next chapter might take a while as well as it will have much...

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