Its lonely in space ch. 10

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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#10 of Its lonely in space

The smexy bear shows up for some yiff. in space!

Its lonely in space ch 10.

I hope you guy's like this chapter, I know I am cheapening the story a bit by having a lot of yiffy chapters here but I figure its what you wanted. Sorry about the super late posting of this chapter I have to move back home for three weeks so I have been busy. Happy reading!

The bear grinned as he looked uppon the human and dragon mid coitus. Garth gasped loudly and pushed the two of them apart, the two of them still having raging erections as Garth quickly scrambled out of bed and saluted. "Capitain Harold! This isnt what it looks like! I can explain everything that you have seen here." Garth said shaking a bit, his tail twitching back and forth in fear and anxiety of being punished for becoming sexually involved with a human.

Harold, the big bear frowned as he looked upon the dragon's form. The huge erection clearly outlined in the bear's pants. Harold glanced over at Jared and sniffed at the air, the human's genetically altered pharomones sending shivvers through his body and filling his mind with lust, he had a plan to capture the both of them, say the dragon was crazy, struggled, was killed and then he could mutate the crud out of the dragon and the human. Dragon sex slaves were the new fad but nearly impossible to come across and most people want the real thing (regardless of how altered they are) not some naga or lizard altered to look like a dragon.

The bear instead figured that he might as well deal with his raging erection before dealing with the two of them, and the best way to deal with his erection would be the two other people in the room. The bear reached for his left forarm with his other paw and tapped on the mini computerish screan on it and the red orb that represented sally went black. After disabling's sally's camera for this room he grabbed the shaking dragon by the shoulders and pressed his lips against Garth's.

As much of a slave trader and jerk Harold is he did enjoy a good pounding and occasionally liked to be pounded him self. He liked being rough but also enjoyed being tender and teasing. Call him weird if you will. Garth was stunned by the kiss and Jared could only stare as the bear's huge muscles strained as Harold picked up the dragon and forcefully threw him onto the bed. Harold looked over at Jared and growled. "Take my clothes off" He growled in a commanding tone. Jared instantly went to work and pulled off the bear's shirt taking a moment to marvel at the bear's muscles. The bear had huge pillow like pec muscles, the bear's biceps bulging under his fur. The bear's muscle gut showing contracting his body's otherwise perfect build. Jared nearly drooled looking at Harold before being knocked back to reality by a sharp growl.

Jared fumbled with the bear's pants undoing the strap in the back where the bear's little tail stuck out. When Jared pulled down the bear's pants he looked up from his squatting down position and his eyes went wide. Harold was huge, his cock reached sixteen inches in length and had a nice girth. Jared drooled as he saw the gigantic piece of man meat in front of his face and licked at the red cock head. Harold moaned and pushed the human down on the ground, he picked up the prone human and placed him on the edge of the bed and slammed his huge cock home inside the human's ass. Garth sat on the bed awe struck before jumpping when the bear spoke to him. "You better get over here and mount me or I will pound you to bits." Harold threatened Garth as he started to thrust his gigantic cock into Jared.

Harold liked topping but his tailhole liked getting attention too, and the dragon had the bigger cock so he wanted the dragon inside him. Garth gulped and nodded, crawling off the bed and walking around the mating pair. Jared moaned out as he was pounded raw by the big beast of a bear, everything else in the world (or space) no longer mattering to him but that huge piece of meat that somehow fit him. Garth wondered over and grabbed Harold's muscular but cheaks and poked his pointy dragon cock at Harold's hole. "Dont be shy get it in there!" The bear growled at Garth who nodded and shoved his cock into the bear.

Jared's insides clenched against the huge cock of Harold's his insides lubing them selves up, letting the bear slam his huge cock into him harder. Jared could feel Harold's cock twitch occasionally as it started to spew out precum into the human. Garth took a moment to notice how huge the bear's balls were, each one about the size of a grapefruit, he wondered a moment that wouldnt the bear's huge cock and balls be more noticiable through his clothes then they they are but the thought was whisked away from his mind as the bear thrusted his hips back against his cock, swallowing the dragon's knot.

Harold grinned as he got the dragon to knot him, no longer needing to worry about the dragon not thrusting into him he went to town on Jared. "Yes! Yes! More! More! Harder dont stop!" Jared moaned out, his untouched cock grinding against the bed as he was ravashed from behind. Jared didnt care though the only thing he cared about was the cock in his bum and making it cum inside him.

Jared yelled out as the cock spasmed inside him spewing a huge ammount of precum into him, jared's body thinking the bear had just cum made him orgasm, spewing his seed all over the bed in front of him. Harold slowed down a bit letting the human recover before picking up the pace again thrusting even harder into Jared making the human scream out in pleasure. Garth wrapped his hands around the bear's chest holding on for dear life as his cock was milked by the bear's big bum.

Garth was the next to cum, his cock spewing his dragon seed inside the bear. Harold slowed down a moment again but then picked up his pace, the bear being far from close to cumming. The three of them went at it for half an hour, the human and dragon cumming like crazy, each time the bear would slow down to let them ride out their orgasm's in pleasure before going back to his rampant thrusting.

The bear finally went over the edge and cummed into Jared with an ear splitting roar, his cock twitching and pumping gallons of seed into Jared's body, the bear orgasming sent the other two over their edges too making them both cum one last time. Harold's orgasm lasted five minutes at the end of witch Jared had passed out with a dumb grin on his face and Garth had fallen back his cock having disloged from the bear's ass.

As Harold's cock deflated he pulled on his pants that would make the bulge they would usually make in pants much smaller (though still big). Harold turned on Garth growling and picked him up by the neck and slammed his head against a wall. "This ship is mine now... slave" Garth mumbled something before passing out.

Harold tossed the human and dragon into the holding cell on the cruise ship. The dragon started to wake up and groaned looking up at harold. "What are you doing? How did you get here?" Garth mumbled as he rubbed the side of his head.

Harold laughed, his muscle gut bouncing up and down. "Oh please, once we were in range I teleported to your ship. You know you really need to learn how to control your ship's AI better. Three days ago I looked at your ship's video logs to see how you were doing and guess what I saw? I saw you and that human mating with each other, was rather enjoyable to watch. You managed to get your ship's AI to not keep the recordings of your matings but you completely forgot to stop her from watching you two. You two are rather cute togeather but you see, he represents a huge investment to me. Humans are a rare commodity and this ship had him perfect before you cracked down on my operation. But I do have to say you do have quite the taste," Harold looks over at Jared who is still sleeping, a small stream of cum dripping out of his clenched bum. "You know, with just a few adjustments I could make him my personal sex slave, wouldnt mind having one for my self. You however, you will fetch such a high price to cover all these expenses. You know that you are worth more money as a sex slave then this entire ship, some big weirdo's out there just want to have their dragons. Though I will have to break you in so you will be a worthwhile slave. But say goodbye to your little love there cause next time you will see him he will be nothing more than my sex slave, perfectly tailored to service me." Harold grinned and picked up Jared and dragged him out of the room to one of the mutation chambers.

Its lonely in space ch 11

Its lonely in space ch 11 _Heres chapter eleven, sorry its late I have been sick and busy at home for the holidays. It is rather short and a bit meaner than my pervious chapters. But I hope you enjoy it. Remember to comment. Happy reading!_ ...

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Its lonely in space ch. 9

Its Lonely in Space ch.9 _Sorry for the wait folk, here's chapter 9. I hope you guys like it, I took sugjestions from some comments in this one and have a nice surprise at the end. The next chapter might take a while as well as it will have much...

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Its lonely in space ch. 8

Its lonely in space ch. 8 _Heres the next chapter, thanks for all the feedback guys its really nice. Please remember to comment and watch me! This chapter concludes the teasing I have been giving you guys recently I hope you like it. Happy...

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