Its lonely in space ch 11

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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#11 of Its lonely in space

an other chapter of yiff in space!

Its lonely in space ch 11

Heres chapter eleven, sorry its late I have been sick and busy at home for the holidays. It is rather short and a bit meaner than my pervious chapters. But I hope you enjoy it. Remember to comment. Happy reading!

Garth started to hyperventilate, he hated being stuck in cages and the thought of what the bear was doing to his... love... the thought calmed him down. Garth was falling in love with the human, he didnt know why but he did love Jared. Just the thought of being with the human made his hearts go aflutter. Garth growled to him self he had to stop that madman of a bear. "Sally capitains overwrite 46 alpha, open the cage."

"Overwrite accepted" Stated the computer as a click signaled the cage's lock opening. Garth pressed open the gate of the cage and stood up. He was still naked but he stood up to his tallest growling lightly to him self. He was going to save his love.

Garth stormed into the mutation room ready to take on the bear and save his love. As soon as he entered he was closelined by the bear's thick arm. Garth blinked away stars as he got up shaking his head. Harold laughed, his big muscle gut bouncing. "You think you can take me on im nearly three times as big as you welp." Garth growled and tackled down the bear his wings flapping giving him the extra force he needed to knock the bear down on his bum. Garth's claws ripped at harold's fur drawing blood from the bear's hide.

"Oh no you dont!" Harold roared as he threw Garth off his body and against the wall. Garth hit his head against the wall and his head went fuzzy. The next thing he knew he was picked up by his neck and slammed against the wall again. "Your too scrawny welp you will never defete me. And to just teach you a lesson I am going to rape you." Harold growled as he turned garth around so his face was against the wall. Harod rubbed his huge sixteen inch long cock betwene the dragon's butcheaks. Garth screamed as he was forced uppon.

Harold grinned and pressed his gigantic member into the dragon's obviously too tight tailhole, splitting it open and sending the dragon's orange blood onto the floor. Harold humped into the dragon harder and harder. Garth couldnt help but be turned on by the fact he was being taken so roughtly. The pain in his bum was horrible but it was still turning him on. His cock emerged from his slit as he was rapped forcefully.

Harold humped at the dragon for five minutes, the whole time Garth could do nothing but moan in pleasure. The pain in his bumm hurting horribly but his cock felt like it was on fire and he couldnt help but enjoy it. He looked over into the mutation room and started to cry looking at how Jared was being mutated. Jared was forced to stop looking as his cock started to cum onto the wall he was pressed against. Harold moaned as the dragon's crazy tight hole squeezed against his cock.

But the bear was far from over. Harold spent half an hour raping the poor dragon before finally letting him self cum into Garth. His huge balls pumping his gigantic load into the dragon's rear end the cum backfireing out of the dragon's hole mixed with the dragon's orange blood. Harold tapped on his wrist computer and Jared was teleported out of the room.

Harold opened up the mutation room and picked up the horridly mutated mound of wiggling tentacle cock's that eagerly touched the bear's furr and wrapped around him in various ways. Jared had fifteen tentacle cocks protruding from his body. His regular cock now 12 inches long and his balls as big as softballs. Out of his cock wiggled a small tentacle looking cock extention reaching 10 inches longer out of his urethrea.

Harold typed onto his wrist pad and teleported the mutated human out of the room before walking twards the helm of the ship. He had some reporogramming to do to sally.

Its lonely in space ch. 12

Its Lonely in space ch.12 _Sorry for the super long delay between chapters I will go back to writing more often now that I am back home from the holidays. Remember to comment about my chapters if they are too short too long or anything I like the...

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Its lonely in space ch. 10

Its lonely in space ch 10. I hope you guy's like this chapter, I know I am cheapening the story a bit by having a lot of yiffy chapters here but I figure its what you wanted. Sorry about the super late posting of this chapter I have to move back...

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Its lonely in space ch. 9

Its Lonely in Space ch.9 _Sorry for the wait folk, here's chapter 9. I hope you guys like it, I took sugjestions from some comments in this one and have a nice surprise at the end. The next chapter might take a while as well as it will have much...

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