The Lion King: Simba's Training

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#6 of The Lion King: The Rise Of A New King

Written by Aviose

Commissioned by me :)


Simba sighed softly as he lay upon the large rock, his brown eyes taking in the lush scenery sprawled out before him. The past few days had gone by rather quickly for the young prince, a bit jealous of Nala of all the attention she was getting. It didn't help that Rafiki stated that she is to eat only fresh meat to ensure she stays healthy, though Simba didn't mind the insects he couldn't help but desire the feel of real red meat sliding down his throat. The herd was a sizable trek away he'd been told, meaning that between the hunts everyone was to survive on the bugs until a fresh kill was made. Everyone except Nala of course, making the boy huff as a particularly fat beetle emerged from the tall grass.

That beetle was suddenly snatched up by a deft hand, and with a loud crunch it vanished into Timon's gullet, the meerkat licking his fingers happily before turning to the lion.

"So this is where you've been hiding." He asked, taking a seat and leaning his back upon a nearby root of a large tree. "You know a lot of the lioness have been asking where you were, you're quite popular with the ladies." He replied, before taking a leg from the beetle that had fallen off and starting to pick his teeth. "What's on your mind?"

"Everything I guess." Simba replied, laying his head atop his crossed fore-paws as he again gazed to the jungle. "I'm mainly worried about Nala, everyone says that it's a blessing and a miracle, but I'm not so sure."

"Well I don't think anyone can deny it being a miracle." Timon replied, now chewing upon the insect's limb as he folded his hands behind his head. "What with her age and the father, but yeah I kinda know where you are coming from."

"No you don't!" Simba replied, his brow furrowing at the meerkat, a slight scowl appearing on his face. "She's my best friend, and this thing in her belly could really hurt her, maybe even kill her!" He continued, his claws unsheathing to scratch at the rock he lay upon. "And then there is the father. Lousy mangy filthy hyena, he put that in her without her permission, but everyone seems to forget that. Well, everyone except Nala's mom." He stated, unable to prevent a light shiver running down his spine. Ever since she returned with the zebra after everyone learned she had barely spoken to anyone, but the venomous stares she leveled at Banzai were scarier than anything he had ever seen. Nala wouldn't go near her mother, not after she threatened to abort the child herself, only darkening the lioness's mood further.

"I'm not saying I have the same attachment you do to her kid." Timon said, seemingly unfazed by his threatening gestures or noticing the shudder that briefly overtook the prince. "All I'm saying is that I can understand that you aren't happy about it. But look at it this way, if she really is your best friend, shouldn't you be supportive of her choice rather than sulk up here all by yourself? Sure the view is great, and there are a few tasty morsels, but I bet she'd like to know you will be there for her."

Simba sighed, his ears drooping as the grown up's words struck a chord, he did want to be with Nala right now. But just about every time he went to go play with her another lioness would try to jump him again, and after having to dodge Tama three times in one afternoon he finally gave up on trying to spend time with her. He was glad that Banzai had nulled the betrothal, but if he knew it would cause him to be the object of lust for every other cub in the pride he would have rather had it kept secret. His attention was soon diverted to the sky, as a familiar hornbill could be seen gliding on the breeze, but there was another slightly larger one flying with him. This caught Simba off guard, wondering who would actually want to spend time with the annoying avian.

"That's his cousin, some new bird that fled the pridelands shortly after you guys did." Timon said, noting his curious gaze at the birds. "At least that's what he said, you'd know this if you spent more time with your pride." He said, rising from the ground to lean against Simba. "I like you kid, and I personally don't blame you for wanting alone time, but your family down there needs you. You'll never learn to be king by hanging out here with me, and the sooner you learn that stuff the sooner you'll be able to take over."

"My thoughts exactly." Came another voice from the brush, both lion and meerkat turning to see Sarabi emerge from the foliage with a warm smile. "It's time for your training now Simba, follow me." She said, the boy nodding and bounding from his perch to nuzzle his mother affectionately. She returned the gesture, before letting her eyes fall to Timon as he slowly started to scamper away. "Timon, you come with me as well. I need your help with this lesson." She said, causing the meerkat to freeze in his tracks. Confusion filled his eyes as he turned to face them, and she offered him a sly little smile before making her way back to the pride, her son in tow. The meerkat followed as ordered, wondering what on earth he could help teach Simba about being a king, when he noticed a vine wrapped snugly around her hips.

Sarabi led her son and Timon a ways away from where the pride had gathered, putting Simba a bit more at ease. Emerging into the very same clearing that Zazu had taken him and Nala when the betrothal was cancelled, they discovered another lioness waiting for them with a playful smirk. This lioness was Tama's mother, Imani, and like her daughter the lioness had a rather long tuft of hair that was draped over her left eye while the right focused upon Simba. She chuckled as he made his way forward, her gaze far too similar to Tama's when she looked to Simba, causing him to get a bit hot behind the ears.

"Today your lesson will be on how to properly mate a lioness." Sarabi stated, bringing a crimson tint to Simba's cheeks as he blushed. Timon was dumbfounded at the statement, though he was still in the dark as to why he was here. "Imani gave me all the details she got from Tama about your encounter, and I have to say I'm a bit dissapointed. A king needs to be strong, passionate, and above all he needs to take the dominant position in dealing with his subjects. Your father would never have let himself be taken while lying on his back, believe me we tried." She stated, casting a knowing glance between Imani with a light chuckle.

"Well it's not easy!" Simba argued, his tail curling up around his haunches as she spoke to him. "I didn't even know what I was doing, my paws acted on their own, and then they were on top of me. I didn't even have a chance to say anything before they started kissing me and stuff." He countered, his chest puffing out a bit as he tried to defend his apparently poor performance to his mother.

"You are the future king, and they know it. You stopped them from arguing with one another rather easily, you could have stopped them from dominating you just as easily." Imani replied, a light tone of seduction clearly evident in her voice.

"Well that's because they were going to fight each other! It's different when they are trying to, well you know." He retorted, his brown eyes focused now on the other lioness as she spoke.

"How is it different?" Sarabi countered, her red eyes brimming with intense focus as she gazed to her only child. "You need to stop being scared and let them know that you are a leader, not just in matters of territory and defense but in mating as well."

"I wasn't scared!" Simba huffed, puffing his chest out as he took a challenging posture while speaking. "Why would I be scared of a bunch of girls?"

Imani chuckled at the sudden boldness of the boy, before sauntering up and reaching her paw between his hind legs to brush against his tool. Simba let out a surprised cry at the sudden touch, instinctively backing away a few paces with an even brighter blush.

"I think we proved our point." She said before walking back over to Sarabi, swaying her hips somewhat seductively to Simba. "If a lioness initiates something, and you don't want to play, you have to let her know. You can't just go running away from the situation, as you have been. Tama has been bragging about how she'll get you eventually, she's quite persistent as I'm sure you know. She isn't going to stop until you make her stop." Simba let a growl rise from his throat as her point was driven home, taking a breath before adopting a more confident pose and staring at the two grown ups.

"Ok, so I just tell her no. Got it, is the lesson over now?"

"Not quite Simba." Sarabi said, giving the young prince a devious grin. "This is going to be a paws on lesson, but for the moment you need to have a seat. I'm going to demonstrate the proper way you should behave when handling the lioness in heat. Timon, this is where I need you. Come over here." She said, and with a huff Simba sat on his haunches while a rather nervous Timon approached the lioness.

"It would be helpful if you told me why you needed me here. I mean, don't get me wrong I'd love to help out, but I'm not exactly the right size to show him the ropes." He said, a bead of sweat forming upon the meerkat's head as he stood under the playful gaze of the two females.

"On the contrary, you are the perfect size." Sarabi said, sitting upon her haunches and spreading her legs. The vine that had been tied around her waist was done rather well, obviously she had some help in doing it, from the shaman if one had to guess. It had a small little hoop positioned right in front of her tender passage, and the lioness reached down to bounce it up and down briefly. "Normally it would be the father's job to teach the young prince this lesson, but since we are short staffed I'll be taking that role. I need you to be the shaft so I can show Simba how it's supposed to look."

Upon realizing what Sarabi had in mind Timon's jaw dropped, noticing that hoop was just big enough for him to slip around his chest. He tried to say something, but all that came out was a stammering mess of words as he stood in shock at what was being asked of him.

"You are the closest thing he has to a male role model right now, which is why I allowed you to give him his first experience. That is something Mufasa would have done with Simba when he started coming of age, though usually it would involve the king using his lips rather than coming in from behind. You have a role to play in my son's training, one that many would kill to have I might add." She continued, unable to hide a smirk at the thought. "You want him to learn the right way don't you?"

"Well, yeah....but.......but........sheesh. I'm starting to think Pumbaa was right about you lions and your sex drive." He stated, before trotting over to the vine loop and squeezing himself into position beneath her. He found that he was able to pull on a loose end to tighten the vine enough to hold him securely and reasonably comfortably beneath the lioness, his face now pressed firmly against Sarabi's already moistening folds and filling Timon's nose with her scent. "You know I've been called a dick before, but this really takes the cake." He grumbled as she stood up, the meerkat now dangling beneath her in a reasonable representation of an aroused male.

Simba couldn't help but laugh at his friend's comment in spite of himself, even the two lioness shared a brief chuckle before continuing. Imani let a lustful growl rise from her throat as she nipped affectionately at Sarabi, and Sarabi was quick to growl louder, using a fore-paw to push her head away. She then pounced upon Imani and pressed her chest against her back, sliding her fore-paws around to pin Imani's fore-paws against the soft earth.

"Before you mount her you need to prove your dominance, let her know that you are the one in control." Sarabi stated, before raking her teeth across Imani's skull sending a shiver down the now submissive lioness' spine. "If you are nervous they will sense it, and that is a weakness. You can't afford to show weakness, because if you do the lioness will seek out stronger males." She instructed, before growling in a surprisingly dominant manner causing Imani's ears to flatten submissively against her head.

Simba swallowed rather hard as he watched his mother dominate Imani, not that she was scaring him with her growls, but they along with their aroused scents were causing his own shaft to swell beneath him. He stared in fascination as Sarabi continued to growl hotly and slide herself further up the other's back. Before long Timon's feet were sliding along Imani's moist folds, the meerkat unable to prevent his own length from sprouting from his loins as he was jostled around against the lioness.

"Don't be afraid to tease her Simba, make her ache to feel you take her." Sarabi continued, gyrating her hips to brush Timon against the moist fur of the other lioness, his feet barely passing her outer lips causing Imani to let a needy whine to escape her lips. "Only when you are sure she accepts your role as the dominant one do you mount her." She said, before thrusting her hips forward, getting a surprise yelp from the meerkat as his body plunged into Imani's tender folds up to his chest. The lioness' body squeezed rather tightly against Timon's frame, causing him to rotate his hips a bit. This brought a surprised moan from the submissive lioness he was buried in, not used to something moving quite in that way while within her.

Sarabi let a rather lustful growl rise from her throat as she wiggled her hips against Imani's, getting a muffled cry from Timon as his hand slipped causing his face to briefly be buried in the dominant lioness' folds. Sarabi bared her teeth in a snarl before dragging them across the other's skull, the sharp points leaving light red marks upon the other lioness' skull in the process.

"When you're good and ready, then you can start thrusting." She continued, her son shivering lightly as he nodded. His shaft was now at full attention as he gazed upon the two grown ups, trying his best to not show the obvious embarrassment he felt. His mother chuckled lightly, but refrained from correcting her son.

"When you do, you have to bite down on the nape of her neck. Like I do to you when I carry you, only a bit rougher, trust me lioness love it." She said, before turning her attention back to Imani quivering beneath her. Though she knew what was coming, when Sarabi's jaws clamped down on her fur she couldn't help but let a rather submissive cry rise from her, especially when it was given a rather firm tug. Sarabi then began a series of rhythmic thrusts in and out of the lioness, which caused a third moan to rise from her groin as Timon was repeatedly shoved in and out of the lioness' moist body. He held on to the vine for dear life at this point, crossing his legs together and straightening himself as much as he could. Imani moaned happily as she was taken, the meerkat's tail pressing against her cervix with every powerful thrust.

A sudden noise from the bushes near the lion's quickly caught the male's attention, tearing his eyes from his mother to watch Lira emerge into the clearing. She was only a week or two older than Nala, and unlike any other lioness within the pride she was still a virgin. Her fortune came from timing, for when Scar began to claim the lioness that fateful night she was not present, her mother having taken her on a trip that day before word came of Mufasa's death. When Nia learned what was happening she had the girl hide with the gopher that delivered the message, before returning without her to rejoin the pride. Scar was intelligent, but he didn't spend a lot of time learning all of the cubs within the pride, letting the girl live within the tunnels during their time in the pridelands untouched. The girl had rejoined her mother and the rest upon their exodus, Nia's heart forever in debt to the furry beings that had watched over the girl.

Sarabi was also extremely thankful for this, other than the obvious reason that she was spared the torment of Scar's tyranny, but it was customary that a prince take a virgin during this training. Being inexperienced as she was, Lira would be a bit more resistant to Simba when he took her, thereby forcing the male to be aggressive. It was apparent that she hadn't been told the reason she was asked to come here, her pale blue eyes locked onto the other lioness with a rather shocked expression upon her face. Sarabi locked eyes with Simba when he turned back to her, and motioned for him to proceed as she pounded Timon into the other grown up. She did say it would be a paws on lesson after all.

Though Simba was still a bit nervous, he was actually glad that he'd be able to get some release for his now throbbing tool, standing upon his fore-paws and walking over to Lira in as a dominant manner he could muster. It didn't take long for her to put two and to together, her ears flattening against her skull upon Simba's approach. She had heard the stories of what the other cubs had gone through, and she was quite nervous about engaging in actual mating. She whimpered softly as Simba reached her, her tail tucked between her hind legs as she gave him a pleading gaze. The male hesitated, looking back to his mother for guidance, and recieved a hard stare and growl. He was to be the king, and she was to serve him in any way he required. The look Sarabi gave the boy strengthened his resolve, turning back to Lira and growling rather dominantly to her.

Realizing that there was no way around it, the girl slowly turned around to let her backside face the prince, a small part of her thankful that it was to be Simba taking her and not a hyena. Though she would have preferred some warning, it seemed that Sarabi and the rest of the lioness weren't fond of giving details about the prince's training, something Timon could attest to as he was taken for quite the ride beneath the prince's mother; though he was actually rather enjoying himself at this point. The heavy scents of the two females and the pressure of Imani's tunnel had already brought him to climax, though neither of the adult lioness noticed as they continued to use him as a mounting tool.

Simba's growls were dominant, though not quite the same pitch his mother had when she demonstrated, they got his point across. Lira swallowed rather hard as she lifted her tail to the prince, exposing her untouched loins to his gaze. He took in the sight for a moment, the girl's lips pressed tightly together beneath her pink pucker brought those now familiar butterflies to the male's stomach, and he growled at himself for it. This aggressive sound caused a whine to rise from Lira, thinking it was directed at her, but Sarabi murred upon hearing it. The young male's sounds were suddenly drowned out as Imani roared in a passionate climax, her walls clamping down so tightly around Timon that when Sarabi pulled back the vine snapped and the meerkat now hung with all but his arms and head buried within her. Timon, now without a lifeline to hold on to, grabbed a hold of the lioness' tail in fear as she squeezed down upon him. With a mighty tug, brought on by fear of falling in, Timon managed to pull himself from the lioness' body and fall to the forest floor in a sticky and sweaty mess.

With her demonstration over, Sarabi offered the exhausted meerkat a smile, before walking up to the cubs to get a better view of the ongoing action. Simba stopped when Imani had roared, but with that passed he again growled to the female cub and slid his body over hers, pressing his fore-paws on top of hers as he'd seen Sarabi do. He opened his mouth and bit down on the nape of Lira's neck, the girl gagging as her skin tightened rather uncomfortable around her throat.

"Not that much Simba, she has to breath." Sarabi said, Simba blushing before releasing his hold and trying again, this time managing to avoid choking the female cub beneath him. Both cubs were surprised by the submissive whine that rose from the female, holding a surprisingly lustful tone to it. Sarabi nodded to her son when he glanced her way, and with that he went for it, convinced that Lira was indeed aware of her place. Simbas first thrust missed it's mark, sliding down to let his groin press against her folds with his shaft pointing downward, the next attempt sliding off to the left. Growling in frustration, the grip on Lira's neck tightened causing her to yelp before he tried again. This time Simba put a good deal of force behind his thrust, his tool finding not the mark it wanted but the one just north, causing the girl to cry out in surprise as her backside was penetrated. Sarabi's cheeks swelled up as she bit her lip, trying not to laugh out loud at the unintentional rutting, even lifting her paw to her maw to prevent it from leaving her mouth. Simba didn't seem to notice at first as he tried to worm his way deeper into her, causing tears to flow from the girl's eyes, Sarabi having to lean down to whisper to him to alert him of his mistake. A deep blush formed upon Simba's cheeks as he pulled himself free, and a smiling Sarabi reached down and lined her son up properly.

With the guiding paw from his mother Simba's next thrust finally plunged into the proper passage, getting a rather pleasurable growl from him as her tight walls clamped around his barbed shaft. Lira again let a cry escape her as her folds were penetrated, though unlike her earlier cry this one was a mix between the obvious pain of her virginity being torn and a pleasurable sensation unlike any the cub had felt before. Biting her bottom lip Lira raised her rump against Simba's underbelly to give him better access, causing even more of his length to slip into her folds, which had thankfully begun to moisten in part to the heavy scent of Imani and Sarabi that still hung in the air.

"There you go Simba, now let your instincts take over. They won't steer you wrong." Sarabi instructed, running her fore-paw across his head and back in an affectionate manner as he claimed the girl. Simba took a deep breath through his nose, his hot breath washing over the cub beneath him as he closed his eyes. He didn't move at first, waiting for his instincts to kick in as his mother said, but eventually he began to buck himself forward little by little. The feeling was different than when the other girls were on top of him, though the walls clamping down were almost the same, the nervousness he had felt then was all but gone. The butterflies in his gut had become still, letting the pleasure that her body gave him fill the void they left behind, a surprisingly strong growl of dominance rising from the male. Getting into a rythm Simba rocked himself forward with a bit more force, causing the lioness beneath him to mewl in and moan at his attentions. This only emboldened Simba further, growling deeper still as he filled Lira with his royal package.

Sarabi looked down at the scene with pride, watching Simba's back arc just as his fathers had when he was claiming her, noting his claws extending to slip between Lira's toe-pads and dig into the soil beneath. It wasn't long after that Simba's pace quickened considerably, causing Lira to grunt somewhat uncomfortably as she was ridden, but the male didn't seem to notice at this point. His golden orbs slapped her tender flesh with every forceful thrust, the soft sound drowned out by the male's heated snarls of pleasure as he was lost to his feral nature. With one final shove the male released his grip on the girl's neck and threw his head forward in a powerful roar, nearby birds within the trees taking flight as he was overcome by his orgasm. Lira let out her own passionate and submissive cry as the barbs within her flared out, stretching her intimate passage and driving her to her very first climax, though it was all but drowned out by the male's.

It took a few minutes for the two cubs to come down from their respective highs, Simba being the first to recover slipped himself free from the girl and backed away a few paces to fall upon his haunches. He watched as Lira, now free from his body, flopped onto her side with her now puffy folds quivering in full view of the male. Beads of sweat started to drip down Simba's head at this point, the intense orgasm nearly wiping him out. It was then that he felt a tapping on his lower back, looking behind him he saw Imani a distance away smiling happily at him, too far away to be touching him. Glancing down he then noticed Timon's hand now tugging on his fur, the rest of him concealed beneath the cub's backside. Realizing where he was Simba almost jumped to the side, the meerkat taking a very grateful breath of air.

"Sheesh Simba.........let's save breath play for the advanced lesson." He gasped, this comment causing Sarabi to burst out in a fit of giggles. Timon gave her a rather odd look, not quite finding anything humorous about it, but he was too tired to really argue the point and merely flopped back down to catch his breath. Once she regained her composure she walked over to her son and laid upon her belly and dragged him close, giving him a needed though unwanted bath, and praising him for a job well done.


To Be Continued.....

The Lion King: The Prophecy Revealed, A Prince Seduced, And Hyena Abound

Written by Aviose []( Commissioned by me :) =================================================================== WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING...

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The Lion King: Zazu's New Job and Scar's Royal Treatment

Written by Aviose []( Commissioned By Me :) =============================================================================================== WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!...

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The Lion King: A Kings Royal Decree

Written by Aviose []( Commissioned by me :) ============================================= The next morning the pride was greeted by the carcass of a rather plump zebra, the hunting party...

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