The Lion King: A Kings Royal Decree

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#4 of The Lion King: The Rise Of A New King

Written by Aviose

Commissioned by me :)


The next morning the pride was greeted by the carcass of a rather plump zebra, the hunting party having returned just before dawn with their kill. Almost everyone there was thrilled with it, especially the prince as he eagerly tore into it's soft flesh, only Timon and Pumba were not that excited with the feast. Seeing the lions and the lone hyena feast upon the creature's body sent a chill down their spines, and they quickly scampered off to find their own less fearsome breakfast.

Once they had eaten their fill the lioness happily lounged about the jungle paradise, a few taking a short trip to the nearby river to drink their fill from the sparkling water. Banzai was in rather good spirits, having a belly full of real meat made for a rather happy hyena. He was actually surprised as the lioness waited for him to start eating before they joined in, the lioness pushing him towards it expectantly before he got the message, barely able to conceal his blush at the treatment. In the pack it was the females that always got first dibs on the meals, being larger and more fierce than males, and he had to remind himself that this society was very much different than his old ways. He left the pride to do their thing once full, trotting off down a small trail to enjoy the early morning air and the lush scenery.

It wasn't long after the king had left that he noticed that he wasn't alone, the wind at his back revealed the scent of another following him. He smirked softly to himself, and pretended not to notice the little cub as she snaked through the brush and crept ever closer, trotting away just as she got within pouncing distance, in a casual manner as to not alert the cub he was aware of her presence. Nala was obviously practicing her stalking, and Banzai was the intended prey that she had intended to pounce upon, but he wasn't going to make it easy upon her. Before too much longer the hyena emerged into a wide clearing overlooking the western valley, before deciding the game had lasted long enough as he could still smell Nala approaching.

"Gee, I hope no little lioness cub decides to pounce upon a hyena today." He said aloud, getting a rather surprised mew from the foliage behind him. Realizing the game was up, Nala trotted into the open area alongside her king, her green eyes showing dissapointment at her failure but unable to hide her bright smile all the same.

"I guess I need more practice huh?" She inquired, taking a seat upon her haunches next to Banzai, her tail brushing against his lower back without her even realizing it. He chuckled in response, gently patting her head with his fore-paw.

"You didn't do that badly, I didn't hear a thing. But you forgot to check the wind, I smelled you a while back." He replied, a light shiver running up his spine as her tail tuft tickled it affectionately. "You're gonna be a great huntress when you grow up."

"Oh I know..." She replied rather cockily, her chest swelling some out of pride at her abilities. "I'll find my prey and be on them before they even know what hit them!" She continued to boast, hunkering down and pouncing upon an imaginary wildabeast and rolling around in the grass bringing a laugh from the male. Once her display was complete she turned to Banzai with a bright smile, and a mischievous glimmer in her emerald orbs. "You know, we never got to finish what we started yesterday..." She murred softly, slinking towards her king with exaggerated steps to show off her curves, as undeveloped as they were it was enough to get a certain rise from the male.

Banzai didn't say a word at the display, only letting a lustful growl rise from him as she approached, her face alone staring at him was enough to get him fully aroused, and she was quick to let her fore-paw run along the throbbing length once she got within range.

"Take me, I was ready yesterday, and I'm more than ready today my king." She cooed, letting her fore-paw fall to the ground and raising her tail to show off her young body to the hyena. Banzai was all too eager to slide himself atop her once again, though this time he spent a few extra moments taking in the various scents that lingered within the breeze to ensure there were no other hyena about. Satisfied, he let another lustful growl rise from his chest before pressing the tip of his shaft into her depths.

Nala gasped as she was penetrated, the long rest had given her body a chance to heal and recover from the months of previous abuse she'd taken, but it didn't take long for her to get adjusted to the hyena's girth once more as he probed her body further, causing the cub to moan softly as Banzai started to ever so gently thrust himself in and out of her moist tunnel.

Banzai was rather surprised at how moist her passage was, though it was still as tight as he could ever remember it. Her wanting it made it rather smooth and easier for him. Not to mention the almost heavenly smell that drifted from her body as she moaned in pleasure from her king's attentions. The king found himself going slower, instead of faster as one normally would, drawing long and luscious growls of lust from Nala beneath him, and Banzai drank them all up eagerly. However the good times were not to last, as in the midst of his thrusting a rather foul screech caused both lioness and hyena to cringe and look to the skies above.

"Nala, get away from him this instant!" Zazu cried as he descended from above to land a short distance from the pair. "You are far too young to be doing that young lady, and especially with him!" He ranted, casting a rather dastardly look towards Banzai. "And you, you may be the king but you have a lot to learn about behaving as one." The bird snapped, his brow furrowing at the two. Nala was the first to respond however, growling rather lowly at the intruding avian.

"I've got every right to do this and you know it!" She hissed, drawing a rather surprised stare from both bird and Banzai. "I've proven that I'm just as mature as grown up lioness, I voted for the new king and no one said anything. Heck I nominated the first king of non-leonine blood and got the entire pride to agree with it! And besides, it's my body and I'll give it to whomever I chose, and you can't say anything to stop me!" She stated boldly, her chest swelling in defiance of the hornbill.

"He may not be able to say anything, but I sure as hell can!" Came the voice of Sarafina as she emerged from the treeline, causing Banzai's eyes to grow dangerously wide at her presence as he still lay firmly impaled upon the Sarafinas daughter. "Get off of him this instant!" She roared, the echoing cry causing both Nala and Banzai to flinch. Tears started to appear in the Nala's emerald eyes as she pulled herself free, trotting up to her mother with her ears splayed on the back of her skull.

"But momma I...." She started to say, but a vicious stare from Sarabi's green eyes caused whatever the cub was going to say to get lost in her throat.

"Banzai will not be our king forever, once Simba is old enough he will take his rightful place and you and he can mate to your hearts content. But so long as he remains our king I forbid you from ever offering yourself, in any way, to him. Is that understood?" She snarled, her daughter unable to respond as she fell into a fit of choking sobs at her mother's decree. Still crying Nala dashed away from the clearing, her mournful cries able to be heard long after she vanished from sight.

Zazu looked rather smug now as he glared at Banzai, but that look was quickly lost as Banzai openly snarled at the avian, and with a muttering of having duties to perform he fluttered off to leave the hyena with the cub's mother in the open field.

"Banzai." She stated flatly, causing the male to look upon her. He was obviously upset by the sudden developments, but he didn't snarl at Sarafina as he had with the bird. Though not happy, it wasn't hard for the hyena to understand what Sarafina was going through, and the fact that her voice wasn't openly hostile was a tad surprising. "You stole my daughter's innocence, ripping away her childhood long before her proper time, and made her lust for things no lioness cub should ever want. I should rip you limb from limb for the pain and agony you caused her back at pride rock." She said, slowly advancing upon the male. Banzai did not cower though, which surprised even himself, meeting her gaze with a silent one from his own golden orbs.

"But you are my king, and as such you do have the right to the lioness within the pride. You can have me whenever you desire, and I won't try to stop you, and I'll make sure that you are sated in every way." She continued, her voice growing softer as she finally reached him, before lowering her head down between his legs to let her rough tongue slide across his shaft. However she was rather suddenly shoved away by the male, his own stern expression having not changed.

"I don't want you." He said, his voice just as flat as hers had been earlier, and this caused the lioness' hackles to rise as anger surged within her eyes.

"So you would ravage my cub but somehow I'm not good enough for you?" She snarled, her claws unsheathing to churn the soft earth beneath her paws.

"You don't want to pleasure me." He replied, his tone unchanging as he spoke. That statement drained some of the anger from the lioness, her brow furrowing as she stared at her king. "You only offer yourself to prevent me from mating with your cub, not because you want to be with me. Well just like I told Nala before we left I don't want to be with someone that doesn't want me, not anymore." He continued, his knot deflating as his shaft began to receed into his spotted sheath once more. "I'm not the same hyena I was when I first took her, I'm not saying I deserve to be forgiven for what I did, but I'll damn sure never do it again. Now if there isn't anything else leave me alone." He stated, his voice taking on a regal air as he turned his back to the lioness, leaving her blinking in surprise at the statement.

Sarafina stood there for countless minutes watching the hyena gaze out to the western valley, her fore-legs quivering with anger; at him for the pain he caused her and Nala, and at herself for being chastised by the male. Banzai was right, she truly didn't want to service him, and for her to be denied filled her heart with mixed emotions. When Zazu first sailed down to inform her of what was going on she was ready to slaughter Banzai, thinking that he was forcing himself on her as he did prior. But only after overhearing her speech to Zazu did she realize that she was submitting to Banzai of her own free will, thus saving Banzai's life in the process. But to have the male show concern for her feelings like that caught her off guard, she could even recollect a few times where Mufasa had used his position to play with her even when she wasn't in the mood. To have Banzai put her wants above his own, especially when he was cut off in the middle of mating, was a quality that very few kings, if any, were capable of doing within the pride. Defeated, she made a quiet exit back down the hillside to rejoin the pride and start working on the rift this event had undoubtedly opened between her and her daughter.

The young lioness didn't speak to her mother upon her return, and this continued throughout the entire week. Sarafina was not in that good of a mood either, frustration churning within her at Nalas stubborn attitude towards her as time and time again she refused to even look at her mother. This prompted Sarafina to often take the lead in the hunting parties sent out to the zebra herd Timon had given them directions to, the veteran huntress soon learning the lay of the land like the back of her paw. When her mother was gone the Nala would brighten up, after all she had her playmate back from the dead, and she would wittle away the hours play wrestling and chasing the other cub across the lush valley much to the delight of the adults watching them. It was during one such playtime, as Zazu watched the pair tussle with one another that he got a rather interesting idea.

"Nala, Simba!" He called to the two, gliding softly down from his perch to where they ended up after a rather extended bout that left Nala pinning the prince yet again. "I'd like to speak to you two about something, follow me." He instructed, before guiding the cubs through a clump of trees to a small yet secluded space he'd discovered a few days prior.

"What's this about Zazu?" Simba asked, his nostrils flaring to take in the scents that lingered in this particular spot, his nose scrunching as he caught a whiff of something unpleasant.

"Yes, there is something that you need to learn, and Nala too." He stated, both cubs sighing softly as they prepared for yet another lecture on proper manners and other such boring things. Zazu noted their exasperated expressions, but he only smirked before continuing. "It's called proper mating habits, and it's a paws on course." That statement quickly got their attention, both of their jaws falling open briefly at the bird's lesson, before looking to one another to ensure they heard him right.

"Zazu, we both already know about that." Nala replied, once they got over the initial shock of what he was implying. "Sarabi told Simba all about it the other week, and you know I've gotten my own training. What on earth would you be able to teach us about it that we don't already know?" She asked, her head cocked to the side curiously as she stared at the hornbill.

"Well young lady I feel that our first topic should be choosing the proper mate." He replied, Nala snarling softly at the negative comment about Banzai, but he seemed to not notice or just ignored it. "Now seeing as you two are betrothed, and given the current situation we are in, I think it's high time you offered yourself to Simba properly, and Simba, you need to start learning how to use what you have. After all, you'll have an entire pride to satisfy come the mating season." He continued, though Simba's reaction was one of somewhat disgust than eagerness.

"But I can't do that with Nala, she's my friend! It would be too weird." He replied, and Nala quickly chimed in her agreement to the male's statement. "I'd rather practice on you than her Zazu." He commented, before catching a glimpse at Nala. Standing a short distance behind the hornbill she suddenly got a rather devious smile, one the boy quickly returned before letting his brown eyes fall to the avian once more. "That's actually not a bad idea." He suddenly said, causing the bird's eyes to widen at the implication.

"Simba, that's not funny! I am not a tool used to practice breeding on, that could.....* He started to say when his words were cut off by Nala as she pounced upon him. A brief struggle ensued before the lioness had Zazu pinned on his back by his wings, his little feet kicking wildly as the male approached with a devious smirk upon his maw.

"And you think I'm some sort of breeding tool for him?" Nala snarled as she looked down on the now helpless hornbill. "If you want to teach Simba how to use what he has, then you should be the one he practices on." Simba nodded to his friend, stepping over the bird's prone body with a rather silly smile plastered on his lips. All Zazu could do at this point was squawk, fear rising in his eyes as the cub hovered menacingly atop him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Came a shrill bark from to their left, startling the two cubs as Banzai emerged from within the foliage. "You better not be doing what I think you're about to do." He growled, Nala quickly relenting and releasing the bird's wings from beneath her paws. Grateful to see the hyena for a change, Zazu quickly fluttered up to perch upon his shoulder out of instinct, the two cubs now staring at the ground with their ears flat submissively.

"Good timing Banzai, these two are incorrigible at times." He huffed, taking a moment to brush the grass and dirt from his feathers as he glared at the young lions.

"Well perhaps you shouldn't ask me to lift my tail for Simba!" Nala retorted, her ears coming back up defiantly as she returned the hornbill's gaze. "I'll submit to him only if I am ready to, and until he can pin me in wrestling I won't let him pin me in any other way." She stated rather firmly, getting a slight glare from the boy as he was reminded of his record of losses against her, but he remained quiet about it.

"Well whether you like it or not young lady you are betrothed to him, and as such you will have to lift your tail sooner or later. It's your royal duty as the future queen!" He replied, folding his wings together firmly, the brows upon both cubs furrowing at the reminder of their future.

"What if she doesn't want to be queen?" Banzai asked, turning his head to the bird on his shoulder, though having a bit of trouble having never had to address Zazu in that position. Blinking at the king's question, he hopped off and glided to a low hanging branch to look at the three carnivores beneath him.

"Well that's tough, it was by royal decree that she become mated to Simba, just as Sarabi was to Mufasa, and their parents before them. Mufasa picked Nala out for Simba personally, if I remember correctly he said, and I quote, "This lioness cub has an air about her, her cubs will bring about wonderful change. I just know it" The bird said, getting both cubs to mimic him as he spoke.

"She doesn't need to be betrothed to Simba for that to happen. And, since I'm king, I'm making a royal decree." Banzai stated, making everyone's eyes go wide in surprise. The hyena had not made any official royal decrees since taking up the position, having been explained by the lioness during the trip to their new home exactly what invoking that power would mean. "I decree that the young prince can chose any lioness in the pride as his queen, regardless of what some self important bird would want otherwise."

The statement brought a cheer from the two cubs, and the bird's beak fell open in astonishment at the hyena's words. Flapping his wings rather fiercely upon the branch he now perched upon he squawked indignantly.

"Now see here, you can't just undo a decree made by Mufasa just like that! Why, it's unthinkable, the audacity!" He complained, but a low growl from the hyena quickly silenced his complaining.

"I can, and I did. After what I just saw, I think you would understand a tiny bit of what it would be like to be forced into something like that." He replied, causing the bird's brow to furrow at the reminded that he was indeed rescued by the hyena from a rather tight spot.

"Ok, so the betrothal is off, but that doesn't mean that they won't eventually have to mate. The lioness still need to service the king, regardless." He said, and before Banzai could issue another decree he took flight and headed back for the pride in general, to do his duty and inform them of the new royal decree.

As the sun set in the western sky, those still living within the once majestic pridelands were not fairing as well as those that had fled. The decayed edges of the land had spread inward, the once vast herds of antelope having fled to greener pastures, and without Rafiki's constant maintainence it had fallen into further disrepair from within as well as without. The hyena were forced to hunt things like crocodiles that still lingered in the shrinking rivers that lay near it's borders, and they seemed to lose two hyena to the hungry beasts for everyone they managed to kill. Scar of course cared little for the casualties, so long as the Hyenas brought him his meals. Their aggression had been tempered somewhat however, with the gift of Shenzi being demoted to pack bitch from alpha female. The males were only too happy to take their turns dominating the one that had so savagely ruled over them only a few weeks prior.

After the hyena troop returned with the day's catch, a croc that had slain three of the ones sent to slaughter it, Scar emerged from his cave with a scowl. He didn't like the taste of the aquatic creature, and in a rare show of generosity he waved his paw allowing the pack to tear into the beast before him, his attention drawn to a crowd of males piled atop their one time leader. Approaching them they all quickly scattered, save for one unlucky soul currently tied to the female. Though he did try in earnest to flee, his massive knot was wedged rather firmly within her passage.

"You're Jon'Si right?" Scar asked the male, who quickly nodded at the mention of his name. He smirked, having heard a few tales of this male from the pack. The lion placed a fore-paw onto the small of Shenzi's back, causing her to grunt at the sudden pressure, before balling his other paw up into a fist and throwing all the weight he had behind a massive blow to the well endowed male's gut, driving the air from his lungs. It also tore the bulbous knot from Shenzi's now well used passage, causing her to scream briefly in pain as she was freed from the male, his and countless other Hyenas essence flooding from her used body to splatter against the ground behind her. Free, the dazed Jon'Si scrambled to his feet as best he could and scampered away, tail between his legs before vanishing behind a nearby boulder.

"Get yourself cleaned up Shenzi, tomorrow I want you to take a small band to where the lioness are, but do not confront them. I want to know what they are up to, how well they are faring, and more importantly to make sure they are still there. And remember, if they get needy they are to turn to you for relief, I don't want their loins getting you discovered." He informed her, snarling at the Hyena as she gazed up to him. She held no anger towards Scar, her ears flattened rather submissively as she nodded her agreement. She tried to speak, but instead she coughed up a fresh batch of hyena seed that had been forcefully fed to her by some random male. "Oh, and clean yourself up good too, because I will be taking you before you leave, and I'll not have you smelling like every hyena in all of Africa when I do."


What has Banzai done!? What will Sarabi think!? Who will Simba take as a mate/queen when he comes of age!? Will he and Nala fall in love when they both become of age!? What is Scar planning!? Will Shenzi get her revenge!? Who is this Jon'Si!? All these questions and more will be answered in the coming chapters so enjoy ^___^

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The Lion King: The Death Of A Kingdom

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The Lion King: Banzai Confesses

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The Lion King: Trouble Arises In The Jungle

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