The Lion King: Banzai Confesses

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#3 of The Lion King: The Rise Of A New King

Written by Aviose

Commissioned by me :)


Once the dust had settled and the hyena lay dead around them, Sarabi vaulted towards the young lion she thought dead; murring more heavily than anyone could remember in recent memory. Simba returned her attention by nuzzling his mother affectionately on her neck with a murr of his own. Nala too wormed her head in to nuzzle the prince's side affectionately, and Sarafina lay down next to the other felines with a most happy and joyous smile upon her maw. The only one of the pride not elated to see the cub was Banzai, who instead let his gaze fall to the two prey animals that had bound in to lend a rather strange but effective assist.

"So, what's your deal in all this?" Banzai asked the Meerkat and warthog, his brow rasing as he took in the two males. Banzai was sure to be standing in front of the warthog as he addressed him, after catching a whiff of the horrorific odor that subdued the others he felt far safer facing his tusks than his backside.

"Our deal in this? Buddy, you are a hyena helping lioness kill hyena." The meerkat replied, bounding to the top of Pumbaa's head and gazing rather bravely at the other. Of course the small meerkat truthfully had his stomach tied in knots over facing down the predator, only the presence of Simba and his family let the man act and speak so boldly. "Don't get me wrong, I saw what you did for our young friend Simba over there, and I'm glad, but seriously you're more the puzzle here than we are."

Pumbaa snorted his affirmation of Timon's thanks for the hyena saving Simba from the jaws of the now dead hyena, taking a seat upon his plump haunches.

"Aw Timon, you can't judge everyone by their species." Pumbaa said, causing the meerkat to gaze at his friend curiously. "I say we don't ask why and be happy he helped!" He continued, offering Banzai a warm and friendly smile as his tail began swaying to and fro in a pleasant manner. "I'm Pumbaa, what's your name?"

"Uh, Banzai...." He replied, finding the two somewhat strange and comical at the same time, not laugh out loud funny, but humorous none the less.

"So Pumbaa, how do you know Simba over there?" "Banzai asked Pumbaa curiously"

"Oh, Timon and I found him out in the desert a while ago, and he's been with us ever since." He said, his gaze shifting to the little lion cub getting all sorts of love and affection from the other felines. "Aw, looks like they're happy to see him again."

"Yeah yeah, we all love Simba but...." Timon butted in, his gaze still upon Banzai curiously. "I thought hyenas and lions didn't like each other though, what would possibly make one turn against his own kind to save them?

Well, not that it's any of my business, I'm sure you have your reasons." He quickly said, suddenly realizing that he may have struck an unwanted cord with the predator. "Anyway, the name's Timon. I run things around this place, and I know it like the back of my paw. Anything you wanna know, ask, just don't try to eat me or my buddy Pumbaa here and we'll be fine."

Banzai was about to respond when his stomach let a rather loud and ominious growl echo across the clearing, the warthog's ears flattening as he slowly started to back away. This was the first prey animals that the hyena had seen since they settled in after all, but he nodded before looking back to the lions a distance away. He caught notice of tears within Simba's brown eyes, and he trotted closer to listen into the conversation; much to Timon and Pumbaa's relief. They too eventually crept closer to listen to the lions talk.

"I-I did it....."Simba confessed, tears falling from his eyes under his mother's affectionate and at the same time sorrowful gaze. "I...I... didn't mean to, it was an accident! I was practicing my roar.....and...and I roared real loud, and the stampede......" He stammered, burying his head into Sarabi's soft chest fur, ignoring the blood of the hyena that stained her normally creamy pelt.

"Wait, your roar caused the stampede?" Nala replied, her eyes showing obvious disbelief at Simba's line of thought. "Simba, I've roared at them plenty of times, they never went wild like that before. Are you sure? Simba tore his tear streaked face from his mother's chest to give his friend a look of both pain and anger at her accusation, but it was quickly shifted to Banzai as he spoke up, a bit of nervousness now within the Banzai's voice.

"Uh, didn't cause the stampede." Banzai confessed, his tail tucking between his legs. The cub's brown orbs narrowed angrily at the hyena, though he had been told that Banzai was helping the pride he didn't know how just yet. The rest of the feline's gaze also went to Banzai, tightening the knot in his stomach as he continued to speak.

"You see, uh, Scar kinda had Shenzi, Ed, and me at the top of the gorge. He signalled us to start the stampede, it had nothing to do with you."

For a few tense moments no one else said a word, the lions taking in this new revelation about Mufasa's murder, now knowing that is what is had been rather than an accident. Timon and Pumbaa seemed a bit lost, but they picked up on the tension and slowly backed away from the carnivores. Simba was the first to react, an angry roar larger and more fierce than any the lioness had heard from the boy rising as he launched himself at the hyena with murder filling his gaze. He was stopped short however by a rather swift leap by Nala, colliding with her friend in mid-air and starting a struggle between the two.

Simba fought Nala with more strength and power than she had ever felt, for he was not playing with her this time; but the girl still managed to keep the advantage and like so many times before she slammed Simba down onto his back, her fore-paws planted squarely on his chest and her green eyes blazing with intensity that almost rivaled the young prince's.

"No, you won't hurt him!" She snarled, her claws coming out to dig into the squirming boy's body as she held him down firmly. "Banzai's not the same as he was before, he saved your life!" She continued, the cub's words resounding within Simba. Again a few tense moments passed, before the male grudgingly nodded to her, and she quickly withdrew her claws and let Simba rise to his feet once more.

"If you knew this, why didn't you say anything sooner?" Sarabi stated, her red eyes once again focused upon her king, obviously upset with the news she had just recieved, though unlike her offspring she contained whatever rage that may have been within her.

" never asked?" Banzai said, but a low growl from the adult lionesses there caused him to shrink even further and take a few steps back. "Hey, I'm sorry ok, I was just following Scar's orders. Nala's right, I'm not the same Hyena anymore, you guys know this. I can't change what I did, but if it makes you feel better I'm sorry."

"He's right Sarabi." Sarafina said, getting a surprised look from Banzai at her coming to his defense. "What he did was horrible, but what is done is done and we can't do anything about it. But thank the ancient kings Simba survived, now he can become king instead of Banzai, and things can return to normal." Simba's jaw dropped upon hearing that the hyena was king, a most comical expression had the situation been different, but it seemingly went unnoticed.

"Woah woah, time out!" Came the voice of the meerkat as he approached the group. "Let me get this straight, you know him....." Timon said, gesturing to both Banzai and Simba. "And you know him too..." He replied, now gesturing to Sarabi and Banzai. "And he killed his dad, your mate, and you made him king? And everyone's ok with this?" He questioned, his voice surprisingly calm as he explained what he got from the conversation. That tone wouldn't last however as he suddenly shouted at them all in a confused and surprisingly animated manner. "What's going on here!?!?"

"I'm not ok with this!" Simba snarled, shaking away his initial shock and marching up to Banzai, his hackles raised aggressively. "I'm the rightful king, if you really have changed, step down and make me king!" He ordered, his claws churning the soft dirt beneath him as he glowered at the male.

"It's not that simple Simba." Came a rather overjoyed voice from the trees above, causing everyone to look as the wise baboon dropped into the clearing with them. He quickly bounded over to the young male and gave him a bit of a hug himself, smiling brightly. "I'm afraid that even though you are the rightful heir, you can't take the throne just yet. You can't handle the duties that your father once had, though you will one day, and when that day comes the pride will be happy to elect you. But you still need to learn a lot before you can take up the throne."

"And what does he know about being a king?" Simba replied, not resisting the sudden affection from the shaman but still far too upset to return the embrace given.

"Who's the monkey?" Timon asked suddenly, his jaw hanging somewhat slack at the new creature suddenly appearing from the trees above. No one bothered to answer the question however as Rafiki continued.

"Simba, the pride needs a strong leader, and one that can satisfy the lioness in ways you do not yet know." Rafiki continued, gently setting the cub down once more before turning to Banzai to address him. "The ancient kings told me a new king would rise up to take your place, because they are not thrilled with you leading the pride. Granted they have accepted you, but when Simba comes of age you had better step down, or old Rafiki will make you step down!" Rafiki stated, and Banzai quickly nodded in agreement. After seeing what the baboon was capable of with his knowledge of the various elements and his apparent mystical connections Banzai wanted no part in angering him.

The celebration of Simba's return was tremendous, and every lioness in the pride both young and old had a turn to nuzzle and kiss him affectionately. Once they were instructed by Simba not to eat Timon and Pumbaa, they welcomed his friends with open paws. The meerkat was only too happy to share prime locations of where to find good amounts of insects to feast upon, as well as sharing where actual herds of zebra and other meaty creatures that he knew of in the general area. They wouldn't have done Simba any good, for he was but still only a cub and they were a distance away through the desert. But with the entire pride of hunting lioness they would be able to make a good natural feast of the creatures, and better them than Pumbaa, and more importantly himself.

As night fell on the pride they were in great spirits, having Simba back with the promise that he would eventually take over the pride as was his right made living under Banzai as their temporary king much easier to bear. A small band of lioness, led by Sarafina using directions Timon had given were off in search of zebra meat, while the rest lounged about and made a feast of the various insects. Nala had wasted little time in testing her friend's skills at the games they loved to play, and for the first time in months the pride was filled with playful and innocent growls of cubs doing what came naturally. Banzai had taken up residence within a cave not far from the main gathering of lioness, just behind a small waterfall where he could relax without their stares reminding him of how little some of the lioness trusted him. However as he slipped inside to retire for the night Sarabi was waiting for him.

"You had a paw in the death of my husband." Sarabi stated flatly, causing Banzai to cringe and tuck his tail between his legs. These days the hyena's tail could make a new home between his haunches with the lioness' remarks and accusations, it was becoming increasingly frustrating to Banzai but he didn't have the heart to argue the point. "And you tried to kill my son." She continued, stepping to the side and walking a bit closer to the hyena, who was quick to scurry past and to his normal bedding area.

"I'm sorry about that, I really am." He said, trying to put as much true feelings of remorse he could muster within his words. "I wish I could take it back now, but there is...." He started to reply when she bounded up to him rather quickly, causing the male to let out a whimper instead.

"But today you saved my son from certain death, and in doing so gave this pride hope for the future, something many of us didn't have even after we settled in here." She stated, her tone growing rather soft as she murred to her king. "And as the highest ranking lioness of the pride, and a mother, I am truly grateful. Allow me to show you how grateful I am, my king."

Banzai's jaw would have hit the floor were it physically possible, staring deeply into Sarabi's blazing red eyes and greeted with none of the usual wary displeasure. A lustful glimmer had replaced all of that, the mate to the great king Mufasa now offering herself to the hyena was something he wasn't about to pass up. Managing to close his mouth before his tongue fell out, he could only meekly nod to her in response, unsure if any words he could say would be right without sounding either foolish or possibly cruel. She chuckled at the reaction, before using her fore-paws to spread Banzai's legs to either side and reveal his already thickening shaft.

Sarabi was rather surprised to see the male's length at full attention, mainly because he was not exaggerating about being on the smaller side of the spectrum. Lowering her muzzle down she eagerly took the male's package into her maw and began to eagerly slurp and suckle upon it, her rough tongue able to slide in circles around the throbbing tool getting some rather panted yips and moans from the dog in response. A fore-paw slid up to gently begin kneading his furry spotted orbs, drawing another whine of pleasure from her king, before pressing her nose directly against Banzai's groin and starting to swallow the eager length. This drove the hyena wild, her experience was far better than Shenzi's had been, or more likely the female hyena didn't really put effort into her oral pleasures of the other during their encounters. His hips bucked almost furiously into Sarabi's royal gullet, splattering his pre against the back of her throat.

Just when Banzai thought he was going to reach his peak she pulled away, taking a few steps down with a playful smirk upon her maw. For a brief moment Banzai was confused, until she turned around and presented herself to him, groaning with lustful abandon towards him.

"Take me my king, but I beg of you not down here." She said, a fore-paw partially covering her dripping sex, sending her scent washing over the hyena as she grabbed herself. "Go higher, fill my most treasured passage." She murred, her pink pucker quivering with anticipation at being toyed with by another male, especially one Sarabi was not only willing but apparently eager to play with at this point. Banzai didn't have to be asked twice, that tongue now flopped out of the side of his mouth as he almost scrambled on top of the lioness, taking a moment to adjust to her large size. Banzai was somewhat used to larger females, especially with female hyenas whom were often larger than the males, but a full grown lioness was far bigger than anything he'd ever taken before.

With a little guidance from Sarabi Banzai soon found himself pressed deeply into her tight backside, both of them moaning rather lustfully as he began a series of gentle and slow thrusts into her frame. He wasn't used to gaining back door entrance, though there was an occasional male he dominated, female bowels were quite new to him; and he rather enjoyed it. Thanks to her earlier attention he was plenty wet, allowing for relatively easy access to her depths, despite the intense pressure they gripped his tender bits with. Again and again he pounded himself into her backside, his swollen knot intent on tying himself with the lioness as lustful desires flooded his body and mind, but they were suddenly and rather jarringly snatched away when a shrill confused cry echoed within his chambers.

"Mom!? What are you doing!?" Came young Simba's concerned shout as he bounded in, his brown eyes wide as coconuts as he took in the sight of the lioness being mounted by the hyena. Banzai had just enough time to gaze at the cub with a surprised and slightly horrified expression before another voice rang out within the cavern.

"Simba, don't go...." Came the frantic voice of Timon as he charged in after the lion with Pumbaa close behind, his own eyes going wide as he saw Sarabi in a most compromising position beneath the hyena. He offered a nervous laugh to Sarabi before slipping in front of Simba and clearing his throat." My apologies, you know kids and their curiosity. Please don't eat me!" He begged, dropping to his knees and covering his head with his arms. She sighed softly, though no aggression was evident in her tone. Banzai tried to pull himself free, but her tail quickly wrapped around his hind leg keeping him firmly in place.

"Simba, this is one of the duties a king must do for his pride." She said calmly, and the cub trotted past Timon to get closer, throwing a nasty look in Banzai's direction before she spoke once more. "Normally we don't allow cubs your age to bear witness, but these days the pride has been forced to do many things it normally wouldn't, so I'll explain." She said, before going into the truth behind how cubs were made. Timon, once he realized that he was not going to become a snack for the lioness, merely scurried to the side of the cave to remain out of the way.

Simba listened intently as the discussion commenced, Banzai being forced to remain as he was impaled within the lioness as she rather tenderly explained mating to the cub. Once she was finished, and Simba had bounded around to get a good view of the action, he didn't seem all that pleased as he sat on his haunches.

"It can't feel that good, I mean not good enough to allow him to do it to you." Simba hissed, another glare thrown in Banzai's direction, and getting a chuckle from his mother. However it was Timon that suddenly spoke up, causing everyone to look at him curiously.

"Trust me kid, it does feel that good." Timon said, getting a perplexed look from Simba, but he didn't seem to notice as he continued. "I can show you if you want....that is....if your mother doesnt' mind that is." He added quickly, his ears flattening against his skull before turning to Sarabi. The offer came out rather quickly, and the last thing he wanted was the lioness thinking he was a pervert, even if deep down the little meerkat was. She cocked her head to the side at the request, curious as to what the meerkat had in mind. Sensing her confusion Timon scampered up and began whispering into her ear. She thought about the proposal for a few moments, before giving him a nod.

"Ok buddy, what I want you to do is turn around and lift your tail, it's best not to look at your mom while I do this." Timon said, a shudder rising from him briefly upon envisioning his own mother in a light he never wanted to see her in. "Pumbaa, come here and give me a quick hand." He said, the warthog quickly trotting over as Simba turned to face the entrance of the cave. Before Pumbaa could even utter a word Timon thrust his right arm into his mouth, getting a rather confused look from him. "Trust me Pumbaa, need to get my arm wet here." He explained, letting his arm become damp with his friend's drool before sliding it out in a casual manner.

"Go slowly Timon, don't just try to get him off." Sarabi said as the meerkat got into position behind her son. "I don't want you to overload his senses on his very first experience."

"Trust me lady, I know all the right buttons to push." Timon replied, letting his moistened hand press softly against the cub's virgin passage. His wet hand would slowly slide up Simba's inner thigh to softly press against his young golden sack, noting how they had yet to drop just yet. Timon could scarely believe he was about to do this, though not for a lack of want, he had often stole a glimpse at the lion's immature package once he got over his initial fear of the cub, wondering exactly how he would sound when he was touched in such an intimate fashion.

As Timon started to tease the cub, Sarabi murred lustfully as she craned her neck around to look at her king once more, that lustful twinkle again flickering within her red eyes. Banzai had been quiet through the entire ordeal as it unfolded, and upon seeing her gaze he relaxed a bit, assuming it was now ok to continue. Though he had gotten a bit soft as he patiently waited for the former queen to school her cub, that look and a light growl quickly brought him back to full size, and he returned her growl with one of his own as he began pushing himself forward once more; drawing a moan from the larger female beneath him.

"Ok kid, you may feel a bit of a pinch, just relax." Timon instructed, pressing his hand past the tight ring of flesh and into his untouched backside. The meerkat grunted slightly himself, despite his small size the boy was incredibly tight, and Simba whined at the sudden intrusion to his body.

"I thought males were supposed to stick their thingy in females, not get things going in them." Simba stated curiously and confused as he felt Timon's hand start to slide further into his backside, causing him to squirm just a bit at the strange new feeling. There wasn't much pain at all from the meerkat's entrance, though at the moment it felt more uncomfortable than anything else.

"You are right, for breeding you do gotta get into the girls, but that's not the only way us guys can feel pleasure. Since we don't have any girls here at the moment for you to practice on, I'll show you something I think you'll like." Timon replied, his fingers squirming around within the boy as he delved deeper in his hunt. Working in tunnels for most of his life Timon, like many meerkats, could feel into holes and such and not have to see to know exactly what they were grasping at. He smiled as the cub suddenly shuddered and let out a surprised moan of his own, his target located. "There we go, that's what I want to hear." He remarked, the noise Simba made getting his own length to swell.

The young cub was starting to have second thoughts when the meerkat's hand brushed over something within him, that caused a very strange and undoubtedly pleasurable sensation to race across his body. The first moan was uncontrollable, Simba not sure if he felt right making those noises as they sounded rather strange to his ears, despite coming from his own mouth. Timon's comment about liking it unsettled the lion, and the next time Timon struck that spot Simba managed to keep his moan bottled up, only a growl of pleasure rising from him. Another moan echoed suddenly within the cavern, this one not from the cub, but from his mother.

Sarabi was truly enjoying herself as Banzai thrust himself in and out of her backside, the sensitive region ablaze with a pleasurable fire each time the male's knot slammed into the tight passage straining to gain entrance. Her puffy folds were dripping with her juices, some of which getting splattered along the male's orbs as they bounced off her intimate passage. With a surprisingly aggressive yowl Banzai thrust himself forward and forced her tight ring of flesh to accept his swollen knot, causing the lioness to gasp as she was stretched by the organ. Moments later she felt the hyena's seed flood into her bowels as he twitched and jerked atop her, her stomach starting to bulge out some with the deposit her king made within her and setting her own climax off drenching Banzai's loins in her sweet scented fluid.

Timon chuckled as he watched the cub try to bottle up his moans, two of his fingers gently stroking his prostate in a rather teasing manner. As per Sarabi's request he didn't just start massaging the sensitive button within the boy, putting a gentle pressure with his fingers and watching Simba's reactions was far too much fun anyway. Simba began growling in pleasure almost non-stop as he was teased, his immature shaft peeking from his golden sheath below. Taking full advantage the meerkat slipped his other hand down to start stroking the flesh as it emerged, rewarded with a whine of arousal as he was touched so intimately.

"Timon...." Pumbaa said after a few moments, causing the meerkat to pause and look to his friend. The warthog was sporting a surprisingly large arousal of his own at this point, and a look of need brimming within his eyes. "Do you think you could help me out next?" He asked, getting an exasperated sigh from Timon.

"Pumbaa, look at what I'm doing to Simba, and think about what you just asked me." He replied, idly tracing a finger along the cub's button to keep him aroused and growling. When Pumbaa thought about it, looking at the situation, he started to open his mouth when it clicked, and his ears drooped sadly.

"Oh, sorry." He said, before trudging away and heading back for the entrance of the cave, his tail dragging across the floor as he walked. He was stopped however as Sarabi spoke up suddenly, her voice rather happy and lustful as she called to him.

"Come here and Timon have done our pride a great service in looking after our prince when he had no one else. You deserve a reward for your selflessness." She cooed, and the swine slowly trotted up to her. Once he had gotten within range of the lioness' claws she reached out and pulled the swine uncomfortably close to her, and without another word she let her maw dip down and take the swollen length he carried within her maw.

For a split second Pumbaa was scared for his life, having his most tender bits now in the jaws of a very large and powerful carnivore, but such thoughts were dashed as her rough tongue began to slide across the length of pork in a tender manner. Her teeth stayed far away from the pig's flesh as she began to bob her head up and down Pumbaa's tool, getting a rather high pitched squeal of enjoyment from the warthog. Letting her paw slide beneath his musky dark orbs she began to juggle them within her grasp eliciting a shivering moan from Pumbaa's throat.

Simba was quivering as these new and pleasurable sensations assaulted his nerves, unable to stop a few moans from escaping his lips as Timon guided his hand across his sensitive tool dangling between his hind legs. Instincts the cub didn't even know he had caused him to start bucking his hips forward, inadvertantly causing the hand within him to press down with a bit more force upon his tender spot he'd found. This brought out a surprisingly loud moan from the boy, his claws extending to scratch at the floor beneath him as the jolt of pleasure struck him.

"T-Timon, I think.....I think I gotta go..." He stammered after a few moments, a phantom pressure building within his loins as the meerkat worked him over. Timon let his own lustful growl rise from his lips, his package already fully extended as he toyed with the cub and took in the symphony of lustful smells and sounds filling the cave.

"That's natural kid, hakuna matata." He replied, slipping his hand from the cub's shaft to pay some attention to his own as he started to furiously pleasure himself. "It means you are almost ready, so relax and enjoy the finale." He said, his voice quivering as he could feel his own climax building up within him. Figuring that was a sign to step it up a notch Timon slipped his palm over the tender lump within Simba and began to gently squeeze and massage the flesh hidden deep within. The little lion's eyes almost bulged out of his head when the tingling pleasure was suddenly like a wildfire racing through his body, a sharp moan flying past the boy's will to echo off the walls of Banzai's cave.

Pumbaa meanwhile had placed his front hooves on top the lioness' skull as she worked him over, unable to remember the last time he'd gotten any sort of attention like this. With Sarabi's skilled tongue, having gotten plenty of practice from her time with Mufasa and from Scar's later unwanted advances, it didn't take the warthog long to reach his limit. With a mighty cry the swine unloaded his churning essence deep within the woman's throat, and she was careful to swallow every drop the warthog offered her, suckling eagerly upon him to drain every last little bit that lay within the orgasming warthog.

Timon grunted as he became overcome with his own limit, and was barely able to make sure he wasn't pointed at anyone before tiny strands of his seed leaped from his rather small package to splatter against a nearby wall, his small yet surprisingly pungent fluid adding their odor to the cornucopia of sexual scents that lingered. His climax also made the hand within Simba take a firm hold of his prostate and give it a rather tight squeeze.

It was that squeeze that sent the young prince to his first climax, every muscle in his body growing tense as his mind went completely blank. A roar unlike any the cub had ever had billowed from his lips as his tool jumped and twitched beneath him, though still too young to produce any essence his body went through the motions. The tiny barbs along Simba's shaft flared out completely, his mind reeling from the euphoric sensation of his orgasm. He lost track of time as the feelings lingered in his mind and body, but eventually the cub relaxed himself and flopped down in a heap, the sudden movement causing the meerkat's hand to slip free from his backside with a wet pop.

Banzai was enjoying the sight of the boy being driven to climax a short distance away, a small part of him now envying Timon for getting to play with the rather cute cub in such a manner. The warthog's pleasure didn't interest the hyena that much, though obviously sexy he never fancied swine in a sexual light before, and his natural scent wasn't that appealing either. Tied to Sarabi as he was though, he couldn't help but have his sensitive nose filled with it, offset by the rest of the creature's arousal and the tiny spurts of the meerkat's seed now dripping down the wall. He sighed softly, knowing that with all this musk in the air it may take some time for his knot to shrink, leaving him tied to the lioness for however long that would be. He was surprised as she stood up, once Pumbaa had collapsed to the side in a pleasured heap, and was carried forward as Sarabi picked her young up and trotted back to their previous spot and set him down there.

Once Sarabi had set Simba down, the cub all but wiped out from the experience, she gave Timon a nod of approval before lying down with her young and starting to bathe his head and sides affectionately, the boy instinctively curling up as he was cleaned, for once not complaining about taking the bath as he was too tired to care. No more words were spoken at this point, Timon stumbling over to Pumbaa and tapping him on his shoulder to rouse him from his stupor, and the two made a quiet exit from the cave. Once enough time had passed for Banzai to pull himself free from Sarafina's passage and he separated she smiled, before taking Simba in her jaws once more and headed out to join the other lionesses, leaving her king to fall asleep within moments; a look of contentment plastered across his muzzle.


Banzai is still king!? Sarabi has just mated with Banzai in front of Simba!? Will Nala become Simba's mate now? Will the other lionesses give themselves to Banzai as Sarabi has? All these questions and many more will be answered in future installments ^.^

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