The Lion King: Trouble Arises In The Jungle

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#2 of The Lion King: The Rise Of A New King

Written by Aviose Commissioned by me :)


Scar growled as he emerged to the once fertile grounds of the Pridelands, the edges of the land now broken and decayed, the once lush green grass dying away as the clouds loomed over the once bright skies. That damn monkey had obviously orchestrated the escape, remnants of the sleeping agent found in the alcoves where his guards had hidden to spy upon the lands. And the bird obviously was in on it too, only a flying creäture could spread that substance over such a vast area to hide the direction the pride had fled, both he and the monkey having fled with the females. Without the lioness to do the hunting he had no choice but to rely upon the hyena to fill in the gap, and they were nowhere near as skilled at hunting as his pride had been. And there was the matter of the one hyena missing, Banzai, whose fate the king had no wish to know.

It was obvious to him that Banzai had been singled out for breeding the young cub, and the lioness' wrath would undoubtedly make him suffer until the bitter end. This didn't sit well with Shenzi, who took the loss of her chosen mate rather hard, she and a sizable squad had left some time ago, vowing to return only when she knew where they had fled so she could bring the pack to them and make them pay for her loss. The male lion snarled at the rising sun, making his own vow that he would either have the lioness beneath him once more or have them all slain.

"So do you think Banzai is going to work out?" Sarabi questioned as she and Sarafina trudged through the massive jungle canopy, the dense foliage making seeing anything past their nose surprisingly difficult.

"I honestly don't know.........." She replied, sighing softly as she thought about the topic that the entire pride had mulled over these past few days. "I will say that he has been better than Scar, he hasn't forced himself on us like Scar had, though I don't know if I can ever forgive him for stealing my daughter's innocence." She continued, stopping briefly to slash a particularly large leaf out of her way with far more aggression than needed. "She seems to see something in him though, something deep and meaningful. It could be her grief over Simba and Mufasa blinding her, I don't think any of us have truly gotten over their loss, but looking into her eyes I just can't tell her that she's wrong. She's been through so much, it would break her heart if I told her how misguided I think her belief is in him."

"I know, I think the whole pride feels the same way." The other female said, her voice heavy at the very mention of the two males that had been taken from her. She took note of how violently the Sarafina clawed the offending greenery as they made their way, causing her to raise an eyebrow. "At least since we've gotten out here he hasn't forced himself on her, she's gotten some good rest and a chance to heal." She said, trying to get the topic back to Banzai and not on her departed family.

The pair came upon a small clearing in the forest and padding out to the center of it, their noses flaring to take in the scents that lingered in the ground before them. "There is a warthog around here somewhere, if we find it I'm sure that will brighten everyone's mood when we get back." Sarabi said, picking up the surprisingly strong odor of the beast. "Hard to tell how long ago he's been through here though, could have been a few minutes or a few days ago.

Let's rest here and see if it returns, we've been walking a while now." Sarafina suggested, to Sarabi needing no further excuse to flop down upon her belly and stretching her limbs out. The former queen looked at Sarafina as she relaxed, though it was obvious that no amount of stretching would relieve all the tension she now felt. A devilish smile appeared upon her maw as she sauntered over to Sarafina, trailing her paw across the lioness's back. Sarafina froze at the sudden touch, her bright green eyes gazing curiously into Sarabi's crimson orbs. They returned to her a playful and somewhat lustful look, drawing a similar one from the other lioness. Both lioness were in heat, and without Scar ravaging them routinely every day since their exodus they had started feeling a bit pent-up down below. Though such duties would normally fall to the "King" none of the lioness seemed eager to allow Banzai to help them with this, leaving them to help one another; not that they minded of course. Neither of them said a word as Sarabi continued to slide her paw down the spine of the other, stopping once she reached the base of her friend's tail to start kneading the lioness' soft fur and flesh beneath. She growled lustfully as Sarabi teased her, quickly rolling over on the soft grass to expose her creamy underbelly to the former queen, her tail twitching eagerly as she spread her legs to reveal her own needy loins.

"My my, eager aren't we?" Sarabi commented, a sultry tone in her voice as she let her paw trail along the other lion's tender stomach before sliding further down. Sarafina only growled in response, lifting her fore-paws to grab a hold of the others hips and pull her strong yet sensual hips over her head. Sarabi gave a murr and a sigh of defeat as she did, Sarabi usually liked to tease and play with her chosen consorts before getting down to business, but Sarafina was apparently having none of it. Settling down on top of her Sarabi began to run her rough tongue across Sarafinas' eager but already moistening folds, getting the same in return as Sarabi also got down to it.

The clearing they were in was soon filled with the lustful growls of the two lioness, each of them now trying to outdo the other in their attentions. Sarabi began using her fore-paws to grope the other's passage, her toe-pads delving into Sarafinas' tender mound, while the lioness on the bottom began to use her muzzle to part the older female's lips and let her tongue reach rather deep into her quivering body. Sarabi shuddered as her loins filled with her friend's maw, her hips instinctively bucking to take in even more as she let her roving paw slide down to Sarafinas' tight tail-hole; a single toe-pad worming its way past the tight ring of pink flesh to probe her depths. The moan of pleasure this caused muffled by her maw being buried within the other lioness' passage, her own fore-paws quickly imitating Sarabi's and toying with her soft pucker. This brought a surprised and very lustful moan from the older feline, her hind legs quivering at the intense feelings surging through her now. The former queen had always had a weakness for when someone toyed with her backdoor, and before long it drove her over the edge, forcing her to plunge her maw into the other's damp passage and roaring as her juices gushed out to splatter hotly against Sarafinas' face, staining her with the lioness's scent. The roar into her own mound quickly caused the younger to jerk upwards and let her own roar escape her mouth as she returned the favor.

Both now spent and content, they eventually separated themselves from each other and flopped down in a panting and reeking of each other's essences. The ladies locked eyes with a smile, Sarabi standing up only briefly to lie down along her so they could snuggle together in the blissful afterglow they shared. However their blissful state would not last long as a cackling laugh suddenly erupted from a short distance away, both lioness turning quickly to see a hyena with a somewhat dopey expression emerging from the foliage. Ed cackled gleefully as his rather stiff package bobbed menacingly between his legs, before several more cackling voices rose from all around them; several more hyena emerging and quickly surrounding the pair. They were all male, all aroused, and they all wore a rather devious lustful stare as they cornered the lioness.

"There has got to be some decent food around here somewhere." Banzai grumbled as he and Nala made their way down the soft slopes of the hill next to the grand waterfall. Hunger had become a problem soon after the pride settled into their new lands, though thanks to Rafiki they discovered the value of the seemingly unlimited supply of insects that made their home within the trees and beneath every rock. Still, Banzai was yearning for something with some real meat to it and not the current diet he'd been surviving on. "We haven't seen hide nor hair of any other predators, you'd think prey would be everywhere." He continued, stopping to watch the young lioness burying her maw beneath a nearby rotted log.

"It's not that bad." She said as she emerged, her mouth half full with a variety of insects and such she contentedly munched upon. "And besides, my mom and Sarabi are the best hunters we have, if there is anything else to eat I'm sure they'll find it. You worry too much." The cub said, finishing her meal and trotting next to Banzai and nuzzling his side affectionately.

Ever since they arrived at this oasis paradise she had been in far better spirits, not only able to rest throughout the night but she wasn't assaulted by the sounds of the other hyena and Scar constantly taking advantage of the other lioness. Banzai however was the complete opposite, the longer he remained here the more nervous and jumpy he became. He knew that it was a king's right to mate the lioness of a pride, but the downright vicious looks he got from them if they even thought he was in the mood scared him. Banzai was reluctant to leave Nala's side, her youthful energy and always happy demeanor helped him calm him down and give him a measure of peace. And when she wanted to out exploring he jumped at the chance to join her, the other lioness showing enough trust to allow him to go with the girl without escort.

"Let's rest here for a bit, I'm tired of walking." He said, lazily plopping himself at the water's edge and taking a long drink of the refreshing liquid. His drink cut short however as he felt a small paw suddenly groping his black orbs playfully, quickly turning around to see the young lioness groping them with a mischievous look

"W-what are you doing?" He asked, confusion in his voice with a tiny hint of arousal, he couldn't hope to hide it with such a cute face looking at him with a surprisingly seductive gaze.

"You are my king, remember?" She replied, chuckling softly as that roving paw slid around to squeeze Banzai's sheath. She was greeted with not only a yowl of pleasure, but the tip of his eager member slipping from his spotted sheath. "Your nose might be better than ours, but even we can smell your arousal, and I'm proud of you for ignoring it for so long. Now let me do my duty to you my liege. Banzai couldn't argue with that logic, even if he wanted to. The hyena hadn't gotten release since their last enounter back at pride rock, and he was quick to scramble to his haunches as his musky tool emerging even further for the cub continued to paw at playfully.

Nala giggled as she caught sight of Banzais tongue flop out the side of his muzzle, his fore-paws sliding around behind his hind legs giving her unfettered access to his now throbbing tool. Nala didn't waste any more time as his growling grew more lustful, wrapping her lips around the tip of his member and starting to suckle it softly, drawing a cackle of excitement from Banzai. His hips bucked up instinctively into her tight maw, hitting the back of her throat causing her to pause. Flaring her nostrils as she steadied herself, the cub began to swirl her head around like she'd seen the other lioness do to Scar and the other hyena, swallowing the saliva that quickly pooled in her cheeks and the pre that dribbled almost constantly from Banzai's eager tool.

The male's knot quickly began to form as pleasure raced through his body, and the girl was quick to place her fore-paws upon the large orb and began squeezing affectionately while bobbing her head down the slick length. This proved too much for the hyena, and with a howl he erupted rather quickly into her gullet, his tangy fluid being forced down her throat as she tried to gulp down what she could. But there was far too much for the girl to handle, the seed pooling in her mouth and puffing her cheeks wide, until the pressure forced her to break the seal her lips made and send it rolling down his shaft and to splash upon the cool grass beneath them.

"Oh I needed that." He panted once he came down from his high, looking down to see the girl with his essence dribbling down her chin as she let it slide out of her maw, a last spurt landing upon the bridge of her nose. Seeing the girl smile at him, smelling of him, brought more than just lust to his mind. Throughout the time they spent together he'd grown to like her for more than just her body, she had a kind and gentle demeanor about her that Shenzi lacked, and it was this innocence that really drew him to her, bringing feelings from within the male he didn't even know he had. The hyenas musings were suddenly interrupted as he watched her turned around, her tail raised high to expose her tiny loins, her mound visibly moist as she shook it invitingly towards him.

"Mate with me, I want it now." She cooed, her fore-paws kneading the ground in anticipation. For a moment he hesitated, shaking his head to make sure that she was truly offering herself and it wasn't a daydream or hallucination from a bug he'd eaten. Rafiki had told the pride about the various bugs, and noted that some might have such effects on them if consumed. She noted his hesitation, and slid her surprisingly agile tail around his still erect member and gave it a playfully firm tug. Banzai needed no further motivation than that, and he eagerly climbed on top of her, his seed covered tool brushing against her waiting body. He took a deep breath as he readied to take the girl, but stopped suddenly, a look of worry suddenly upon his face. He quickly slid off her body and took another long smell of the breeze that washed over them, leaving the child extremely confused and wanting. "Uh.......I'm over here." She mewed softly, her green eyes shining with need and confusion at her king's strange behavior.

Sarabi cursed herself as the Ed buried himself into her folds, snarling viciously as the hyena raped her. If she had just been more observant of her surroundings during she and Sarafinas' playtime they wouldn't have been ambushed, the pack of Hyenas catching them at the weak moment. Though her maw was now stained with their blood, the two that she and Sarafina slain didn't deter the mangy beasts, and their number was too overwhelming for the two to overcome. She was unable to move, with one Hyena holding each of her legs out to her sides she could only squirm and buck as the apparent leader defiled her. Sarafina was in the same boat, only she had ended up on her back in this spread eagle position, allowing the Hyena to wrap his muzzle around her throat dangerously. Sarabi knew that if she fought back now that they would kill her friend, and she'd lost too much to risk losing another. The stench of the hyenas musk quickly overshadowed the previous scent of the lioness' pleasure, so thick that the former queen had a hard time not gagging at the foul aroma.

A part of her knew that they would eventually discover their new home, but she had prayed that it wouldn't have come so soon after their flight. Sarafina grunted as she too was being violated, the one on top of her showing no concern or care as he plunged his bulbous knot in and out of her body at a ridiculously fast pace, making it far more painful than pleasurable for the lioness. Though this was nothing new to her, before their exodus the Hyenas had made a game of doing this in hopes of hearing them scream. She wouldn't give this one the satisfaction. The other hyenas lustful growl was the only other sound coming from her as they each held the lioness' limbs outstretched, a few toying with their raging erections as they watched their fellows rape the regal felines awaiting their own turn.

Ed seemed was in a world of bliss as his large knot bounced off the former queen's body, which had yet to stretch to take it in despite his best efforts. That's when he seemed to get a bright idea, and he slid himself out of the lioness' folds, and placed it at the tender pink pucker of the female, causing her to gasp in surprise. Despite the situation, Sarabi knew that if she was taken there she wouldn't be able to stop her moans of pleasure from echoing across the area, she didn't want to give the brutes the satisfaction of hearing them; having only growled darkly and angrily even as the large knotted member slammed against her bruising passage. Knowing there was nothing she could do to stop him however tears began to well up within her eyes, feeling her backside slowly start to part as Ed let off a cruel and pleasurable howl. However it was abruptly cut off in favor of a gargling choke. She felt a warm fluid splash against her back before the Hyena flopped to the side; his shaft leaving her suddenly.

The male on top of Sarafina suddenly snarled and bolted from her, and the other lioness had a look of utter shock and amazement as she gazed in the direction her violated now traveled. Shifting her neck to also look that way, her heart literally skipped a beat. Young Simba stood snarling at the charging hyena, a large chunk of flesh hanging from his bloody maw. Just as the hyena crept up on the lioness, the boy had discovered the scene and went undetected due to the lust of the rapists, and though he didn't know exactly what they were doing to his mother he knew that it was wrong. The child had vaulted from his hiding spot when he saw Ed's neck exposed, latching his small yet sharp teeth across his jugular and biting down for all he was worth, his momentum doing the rest as his throat was torn completely free, causing him to collapse in a heap next to the lioness, that devious laugh never again to rise from the Hyena as he lay dying.

The hyena holding the lioness knew better than to release their grip on their prey, lest they get emboldened by the sudden appearance and renew the fight. That seemingly left only the one hyena left to deal with the intruder, though now his advantage of surprise was gone. Of course Sarabi renewed her struggles as she saw her son, whom she believed dead, squaring off against the Hyena with an angry scowl. But the remaining pack members held fast, their teeth digging into her flesh causing her to scream in pain as they brushed against her bones, though her struggles continued regardless. The boy was quick, surprisingly so, clawing at the hyena and dodging before the beast's jaws sank into his flesh, but his efforts only seemed to infuriate the Hyena as he chased the cat.

It was obvious that the hyena was out for blood, and despite the boy's best efforts he couldn't dodge him forever. Simba yelped as he was scratched on his side, the unnamed hyena's claws slicing open a gash as it sent the cub tumbling awkwardly to the forest floor. The hyena's fore-paws quickly pinning the cub down on his back, before thrusting his jaw down intending on disemboweling the boy, in front of his mother's horrified gaze. The boy closed his eyes and braced for the pain, only to hear a surprised yelp and feel the paws holding him down be flung off. Blinking them open he saw something that truly confused his young gaze, the one known as Banzai now on top of the attacking hyena with his jaws tearing out his throat with a vicious snarl. Sarabi blessed the kings above when Banzai leaped from the shrubbery, just in the nick of time to save her son's life. She felt proud, and emboldened by his appearance, enough so that she managed to tear a fore-paw free from one of the ones holding it out. Planting the bloody paw on the ground she regained some leverage and gave a mighty yank with her other to literally fling that hyena into the one that she'd escaped from, while Banzai quickly charged forward to attack one of the four holding Sarafina prone.

Simba scrambled to his feet, not sure of what to think of this but ready to join in yet again, when a sudden pull on the nape of his neck threw him off-balance before being dragged off into the bushes. Nala could scarcely believe her friend was still alive, but the second her shock wore off the girl had launched herself at him, forcefully dragging him to safety and showering him with affectionate nuzzles and murrs. With the supposedly dead pack member's appearance and vicious attack, the remaining Hyenas released the lioness and confronted the three aggressors, still having a superior number they weren't about to back down. The lioness quickly scrambled to their feet and stood beside their king, the hackles on their neck fully raised as they hissed and snarled at the larger force. A sudden cry from the side quickly caught everyone's attention there, as a rather rotund warthog charged at full speed in between the pack and pride and slid to a stop with his tusks facing the lioness and Banzai; his head low and hind legs fully extended in an aggressive posture.

"Hey you mangy fleabags!" Another voice shouted from the warthog, the small meerkat leaping from the swine's shoulders and grabbing his tail with both hands. "You want a taste?" He said, his voice rather arrogant and threatening, though the Hyenas merely laughed at his bravado. Timon gave a rather firm yank on Pumbaa's tail, his heels digging into a soft spot just to either side of his spine. The warthog's eyes bulged as Timon hit the sweet spot, and with a rather loud and foul noise his backside erupted; a stinking cloud of fumes rushing from his body and covering the pack in its disgusting stench. Their eyes watered the instant the gas hit, their sensitive nostrils curling as they tried to scream, but only gagging and vomiting ensued. Pumbaa gave a rather nervous smile to the three in front of him, sweat dripping from his brow under the gaze of the likely hungry predators. Thankfully for the warthog the trio didn't attack him, and instead let their rage fall onto the pack as they attempted to scramble away from the odorous assault. Unable to breath properly, they didn't stand a chance against the lioness and the other hyena, falling swiftly to their tooth and claws.

Scar was highly surprised when word came that Shenzi had returned, alone. She was in an even more foul mood than when she left, and insisted on having an audience with Scar straight away. She refused to speak to any of the others about it, and nearly killed another female of the pack that had tried to stop her with a rather vicious blow. Shenzi was by far the toughest of the hyena, but she normally controlled her strength rather well, she rarely used such force when she didn't think it needed. Ordering the rest of the lounging hyenas away as she approached, he sat regally upon his brother's former rock and gazed at her curiously.

"So what news have you, and where are the others you took with you?" He asked, his tone calm and collected, measuring her facial expressions rather intently. He was obviously unhappy with what her face revealed, but that would be nothing compared to her words.

"Banzai is alive Scar, and he betrayed us!" She snarled, her claws scratching deep cuts into the stone floor beneath her. "He deceived us all and fights for the lioness. He killed the rest of the pack travelling with me with their help, but that's not the worst of it. He tricked me into deceiving you." She stated, knots forming in her stomach as she now had to confess her own part to explain the rest of her report. Scar's eyes went rather wide as she confessed this, his own claws extending to create fresh gouges within his throne. He considered himself well versed in reading others, so much so that he had thought it impossible to have one told to him without his knowledge. He said nothing however, awaiting the rest of her report. "We did not kill Simba as he had us tell you, we chased him into the desert before Banzai called it off. He said the cub was as good as dead, and we believed him, but now he's back with the lioness in the jungle oasis." Scar's face didn't even blink as he took in the rest her story, though his fore-paws started to quiver with obvious rage at his betrayal and that they had apparently failed twice to slay the tiny fur-ball. He took in deep breaths through his nose in trying to calm himself, though they did little good, and when he did finally speak it was through clenched teeth lest he end up roaring at the Hyena.

"I'm assuming they didn't find you there, which means they are unaware that we know. Tell no one else what you told me, I must think of a way to handle your ineptitude at killing that boy, but don't go far. You will be punished for your deception, and since Ed has apparently paid with his life already you will have to take his punishment as well. As for Banzai, I will see to it that he feels pain greater than anything his backstabbing traitorous mind could conceive. Now go! "He snarled, causing Shenzi to tuck her tail between her legs and scurry out of the cave. She knew that Scar would not be gentle with her, and she would be used and humiliated by the leonine king for her role in this debacle, and she'd take it all willingly. She'd use the torment she was to suffer as motivation to return it tenfold upon her turncoat mate....former mate that is. It had to have been that lioness cub that did it, ever since he got to breed the girl he'd changed, the male had hidden it well, but now she realized the truth of it. While Scar dealt with Banzai it would be her that felt the Shenzi's white-hot rage, vowing that her death would be equal to that of Banzai, and done by her claws alone.

To Be Continued....


Oh no! Scar now know's of Banzai's treachery! When will he attack!? Will he be leading the attack!? What will become of Banzai, Nala, Simba and the gang? What will become of Banzai now that Simba has been found alive!?

Fave, Comment, and Rate :)

The Lion King: The Rise Of A New King

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The Lion King: Life In The Jungle

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