The Lion King: The Rise Of A New King

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#1 of The Lion King: The Rise Of A New King

Original story Written by Akira-Kokatsuna

Commissioned by me ^^

Now it has been rewritten by Aviose

and Commissioned by me ^^


Dark billowing clouds loomed over Pride Rock, cloaking the Pride lands in their vast shadow. Soft rumbling thunder boomed in the distance as life appeared to be scarce; no bounding antelopes ran through the savanna nor were the wildebeest herds grazing on the grass of the land. It truly was a sad day in the Pride lands and even more so for the denizens Pride Rock.

Scar had formally announced the death of the king, his brother Mufasa and the young prince, Simba. The news resonated heavily within the pride, nary a single lion wasn't in mourning over the news, at least it appeared that way as they nuzzled each other in hopes to comfort one another in this sad time. Nala was just as badly affected, if not more so because she had lost her very best friend. Like most cubs she sought comfort with her mother, Sarafina, who was comforting Sarabi as she openly wept. The loss was far more severe for her, for she lost her lover and her only child from him, and no amount of sympathetic gestures would ease her pain. Scar continued on, his speech not swayed by the mourning lioness all around him, claiming himself to now be the rightful and only King. The mood shifted suddenly as he continued, a dark cackling rising from seemingly everywhere as dozens of hyenas emerged from the gloom. The lioness hissed viciously at the intrusion upon their dark hour, but Scar's word silenced them all as he proclaimed that he has merged the pride with the pack, creating a new union spoke of in prophecy to ensure that the pride would be reborn from the ashes and be stronger and more powerful than it ever was. The rest of the pride was unsure about this new direction, the cackling beasts seemingly having no respect for the fallen king and the innocent cub now gone, but darker times were still ahead as Scar used his new found power to summon Nala's mother into the royal chambers.

Sarafina's cries could be heard across the entire dwelling, drowned out only by occasional clap of thunder that boomed from the angry skies. The lionesses were shocked at the audacity of the male to start claiming lioness so soon after the tragic news. Their ears flattened against their skulls as they knew that there was nothing they could do to stop him. Sarabi, who's tears had not yet even dried on her face, cupped her paws over Nala's ears to hopefully prevent her from hearing her mother's cries as she was foricbly taken. Scar was not gentle with her, seemingly taking out every bit of anger and hate he had carried within him regarding his brother's reign and the insult that the boy would have taken the throne from him. Scar's grip tightened around Sarafina's waist as the sound of his orbs smacking her thighs echoed throughout the cave, his barbed member adding a sickening and unwanted slurp as it tugged and pulled upon her sex. Sarafina could only close her eyes and try to imagine that it was Mufasa taking her instead, though Scar's pounding was far more rough and uncaring that the late king's had been, and they only grew more and more violent. Moments later Scar let out a passionate roar as his barbs flared out against Sarafina's inner walls, making her wince in pain before feeling his hot bubbly seed filling her body and spilling into her womb.

Several hours later, after a number of the lioness had suffered the same fate as Sarafina Scar emerged once again. This time his devious green eyes fell upon young Nala, smiling rather cruelly as he placed a fore-paw upon her chin and forced her to meet his gaze.

"Such a sweet child......" He cooed, the girl quivering as she didn't quite know what to think at this point. The cries he had heard come from the cave had scared her, but she couldn't help but blush just a bit from the compliment. "A bit too young for me though." He continued, this drawing a sigh of relief from the lioness around her; though that was to be short lived as he beckoned forth one of the hyena from the mass. Banzai smiled rather cheerfully, despite the mournful and depressed aura that hung over the land.

"Yes sire?" He questioned, his tail flickering too and fro as he eagerly awaited his king's command.

"In accordance with the treaty between pack and pride, I give you permission to take this young one and start breeding her until she comes of age. At that point she will be returned to me so that she may bear my cubs as is our custom." He stated in a regal manner, bringing a tremendous roar of protest from the lioness as a few went as far as to hiss and snarl at their king. He silenced them with a roar of his own, his eyes blazing with fury at the mutinous reaction to his decree. "I am the king, and my word is law! If anyone tries to prevent this or anything I say I will have the offenders banished, killed, or even worse. Am I making myself clear?" He stated, his tone leaving little doubt that he would indeed carry out the threat should someone test it. Banzai only yipped with pleasure at the king's command, smirking as he witnessed the lioness be berated by the powerful male. Casually leaning forward he grabbed the cub by the nape of her neck and lifted her from her mother's paws, Sarafina's eyes wide in shock at what her daughter was about to face. She would have rather Scar mounted her than one of these filthy hyena's, but could only watch helplessly as her only child was now at the mercy of the hyena.

"Mufasa, please look down upon Nala and help her through this, her darkest hour." Sarabi whispered softly to the angry skies, only getting a low rumbling of thunder in response as Nala was taken from view of the pride, tears now falling from her eyes for the innocence about to be lost.

Banzai brought Nala to the old ledge that Scar had occupied during Mufasa's reign before placing her down upon the hard stone. Once on her feet the girl scrambled a short distance away and gazed at the hyena fearfully, her hackles raising in typical feline fashion while gazing at his golden hues. She had only heard rumors about breeding and what in entailed, and she wanted no part of it when Simba was around, let alone with this full grown hyena. The hyena stalked slowly up to her, licking his chops eagerly as perverse thoughts flooded into his mind before forcefully pinning the girl down by her shoulders, ensuring she wouldn't try to escape.

"Consider this payback for the trouble you and Simba put me through." The hyena barked, dragging the girl between his legs as he sat down, her quivering nose pressed firmly against his spotted sheath. "Now start licking you brat, get me ready!" He growled, shaking his hips a bit causing the furry shaft to lightly smack against her face.

"Eww, no way!" She hissed defiantly in response, her claws scrambling to retreat from Banzai's loins. Her efforts were answered with the Hyena digging his claws into her shoulder blades, causing a yelp of surprise pain to rise from the little lioness.

"Funny, as I recall you don't have a choice. You can either do as I say or I'll let Scar find out that your mother tried to stop it. And you heard what your king said would happen to someone that defied his orders." He replied, a devious grin plastered upon his muzzle as he gazed down at Nala. She let out a pitiful mew of fear, Scar's threat still ringing in her ears. With no other option, fearing for his mother's life, she closed her eyes and let her rough tongue slide across the grown up's sheath tentatively, grimacing as it became evident that he hadn't bathed himself in quite some time. Banzai moaned contently as the tiny tongue slid across his intimate tool, quickly causing it to swell under her attentions and release even more of his musky scent. It wasn't long before her licks were rewarded with the hyena's throbbing shaft emerging from the tip of the furry sheath, the girl opening her eyes to gaze up at him with the most pitiful gaze she could muster in the vain hopes that it would end soon. The lustful smile he returned dashed whatever small hope she might have had.

The lioness was highly inexperienced, but despite this it wasn't long before Banzai's entire package was bobbing over her head. The hyena let happy moans and yips escape him as she continued, in start contrast with the girl who only whined and gagged as his unwanted flavor coated her tongue. She felt utterly humiliated and disgusted to be bathing the hyena's intimate bits, the sexual scents having a weird and uncomfortable feeling upon her young body; feeling a strange new tingling within her belly unlike anything the rather young lioness had ever felt. She seemed rather surprised as the male's knot began to form at the base of the red length bobbing in front of her, she grew somewhat curious about the anatomy of the other creature she was bathing but a cackling laugh drove it from her mind.

"Atta girl, now turn around and lift your tail. I wanna get a good look at that little cubby cunt of yours." He ordered, his growl holding a sinister and lusty undertone as he glared at her. With no other option she merely whimpered but complied, slowly turning around and letting her tail rise to expose her untouched body to the horny male. Banzai gazed lustfully at her innocent folds before reaching his fore-paw forward and grabbing her by the base of her tail, dragging her towards his loins. Lining up the thick shaft with her virgin flower he forcefully pressed the tip beyond her lower lips, ripping through the girl's virgin barrier and letting her blood trickle down her thighs. The intense pain of her body being stretched beyond what nature had intended for one so young caused the girl to let out a bloodcurdling scream, one that not even the thunder could mask. Upon hearing her daughter's cry, Sarafina's face grew intensely pale before she collapsed in a heap, fainting from the realization that her child had lost her innocence to that mangy beast.

Nala sobbed uncontrollably as she was raped, the hyena only moaning in pure bliss as he mounted the girl. His shaft by hyena standards wasn't that large, often causing him ridicule by his peers, but to the lioness beneath him it was inconceivably large to be forced into her quivering loins. He hit the back of her passage before too long, the bulbous knot lying flush with her swollen lips before withdrawing to plunge right back into her. Banzai hadn't released himself in some time, which was fortunate for the crying cub choking on her own sobs, as he reached his climax five minutes after he first entered her. With a gutteral howl Banzai thrust himself as deep as he could before unloading everything his body could produce within her tiny frame, the girl's stomach bloating slightly as she felt his hot essence flood into her defiled passage. The hyena deposited so much that a fair amount was almost instantly squirted right back out onto his knot to get smeared across her creamy fur, dribbling down her legs and mixing with the girl's blood that already stained her coat. He kept himself buried as deep as he could for another few minutes, his legs quivering with the force of his orgasm, before finally pulling free with a lewd and wet "pop", letting even more of his deposit dribble down Nala's body. The sensations flooding her became too much at this point, and she collapsed in a heap beneath the male unconscious. Banzai smirked, rubbing his hot shaft against her outer thigh to remove the excess before curling up around his new concubine and falling asleep himself, a satisfied grin plastered upon his muzzle.

The next morning Nala woke up to a dull throbbing pain that consumed her entire lower body, grimacing as she look down to her abused sex. The hyena's seed lay matted against her soft fur, some of it dried during the night causing it to tug and pull uncomfortably against her thigh. With no alternative the girl began to bathe herself, trying to stop herself from gagging as her tongue worked the sticky fluid from her fur. Though truthfully the taste wasn't nearly as unpleasant as she had feared, but the thought of what it was and where it came from was revolting enough to make it a rather unpleasant task. Once she had gotten herself clean down there she sighed and rose to her feet, freezing suddenly as she spotted Banzai quietly watching her with a stupid looking grin plastered on his maw. He sat on his haunches, his legs spread revealing his sheath to her once more. She started to cry as his pungent scent of arousal struck her, knowing somehow that he wanted more, but instead of running the girl obediently sulked forward and began to lap at his sheath once more getting a groan of approval from the male. She quickly realized that the hyena was cleaner this morning than last night, likely having cleaned himself up sometime in the morning for the girl. Though she was a tiny bit relieved that the hyena no longer tasted of dirt and grime, it was still a task she wasn't happy with, wincing as his shaft bobbed fully above her. Once he was fully aroused she turned back around and lifted her tail, displaying her own recently cleaned mound for the eager male, bracing herself for the pain. After a few moments of nothing she grew confused, blinking away a few tears and looking back at the male.

"You've got a nice body there cub." He said as she locked eyes with Banzai, his voice showing genuine appreciation for the view she gave him. "But I'm not about to overwork it, now turn around and come to me." He ordered, taking his shaft in his paw and wiggling it enticingly. Nala was overjoyed that he was not going to mount her again, showing her consideration that the cub hadn't expected from the male, but it was short lived as she followed his instructions. Banzai eagerly ran the tip of his shaft across her lips when she got in range, her mind suddenly realizing what his intentions were.

"Oh please!" She cried, taking a few quick steps away from the male, her ears flattening against her skull. "You already mated with me, please don't make me do that!" She pleaded, recoiling from him at the prospect of having his throbbing length in her mouth.

"Don't be like that Nala." Banzai said, a lustful twinge in his voice as he spoke calmly. "You started off the morning so nice by giving me that show, and then getting me ready without me even asking. Don't spoil it now, unless you want me to tell Scar your mom is trying to stop us." He cooed, wagging that length in his paws invitingly to the cub. She let out a pitiful whine as he again threatened to get her mother in trouble, and despite her revulsion she found herself slowly padding back to Banzai and opening her mouth.

"Good girl." The male said as she prepared for his length, before feeding the tip into her moist mouth. She grimaced at first, imagining the worst, but like the seed from earlier the taste wasn't really that bad; his musk filling her nostrils and causing those weird feelings to again flood her body. Banzai released his tool and placed that paw on the back of the cub's head and forced her down even further upon it, getting a muffled gag from her as he struck the back of her throat. "Just relax there sweetheart." He said, that paw starting to guide her up and down his throbbing shaft, a jet of pre splashing within her gullet as he started to moan happily.

Her inexperience showed as she merely stood there, letting Banzai's paw move her head along his thick tool. Upon his order Nala tried to use her rough tongue to bathe his maleness as it violated her maw, swallowing the drool piling up in her cheeks as a result. She quickly noted that the male murred happily every time she did so, and in hopes to make it end quicker she began swallowing the length routinely, inadvertently letting the length slide into her throat. She gagged when it cut off her airway, the male holding her there with her lips pressed firmly against his knot briefly before pulling back and letting her breath the musky air around her once more. She whined softly around the shaft, his pungent aroma and flavor stirring these feelings rather intently within herself that she had never felt before, feelings that felt strangely pleasurable. Banzai was again surprisingly gentle, ensuring that she didn't take it down her throat anymore allowing her to breath freely as she worked.

The hyena growled lustfully after a few more minutes of this, his pace starting to increase as he felt his climax start to overtake him, and with only his loud yowl of pleasure as a warning he quickly released his Hyena essence into her gullet, the first few spurts flying down her throat and splashing directly into her stomach. Gagging at the sudden deluge of hot creamy seed, she quickly tried to free herself from his tool, the male holding her firmly for a few moments as her cheeks swelled with his sexual fluids, before releasing his grip and letting her pull herself off and spitting it down to the rock beneath her. However the hyena didn't stop as she freed herself, splattering her face and shoulders with his pungent offering and letting it drip down across her cheeks as she wretched and tried to make herself throw up the fluid that had been forced into her belly. Unable to, the now painted cub shuddered as she sat there and wept, her eyes stinging from where Banzai's seed had dripped into her emerald green hues.

"You did a great job Nala, and I must say you look lovely like that." He remarked, though Nala honestly felt anything but as the creamy substance stained her face and dripped down to join the rest of the fluid beneath the pair. "Now go see your momma and have her clean you up. I'll come get you when I need you again." He said, and the girl was quick to run away and back to her mother's side. Sarafina, upon seeing her daughter, couldn't hold back her tears at seeing the Hyena's spunk covering her daughter, but she said nothing as she eagerly began to lick it from her fur and console her cub as best she could. The other lioness shuddered as they saw the youngest member of their pride in such a condition, but like their mother they said nothing for fear of upsetting her further, and just lay down with her and Sarafina to offer what little support they could for the traumatized cub.

Over the next few weeks the lioness of the pride were subjected to repeated encounters with their king, who lust seemed insatiable, but their king wasn't the only male that needed attending to. The lioness at first were up in arms at the king for demanding them to submit to the Hyenas, but after he threatened to let them all use young Nala they quickly relented, taking small comfort in the fact that Banzai was the only one allowed to mount the cub. It pained the pride every time he showed up and took the girl for his alone time, though they were somewhat glad he preferred the privacy with Nala, for his Hyena brethren had no qualms about mounting a lioness wherever they happen to be laying. On more than one occasion young Nala bore witness to Sarafina being ravaged by one of the pack members, crying uncontrollably the first time she saw this. But before long such a sight became common, giving Nala a comparison between Banzai and the other males. Despite how painful it was for the girl to endure his attentions, she soon grew to fear the other's even more, for they were far more brutal than Banzai ever was with her, and she somehow knew that if one of them took her they would treat her exactly as they treated the other lioness. Though that didn't make her inevitable sessions with the male any more welcomed, and even though he wasn't as rough he seemed almost as insatiable as the king.

Six weeks after the first encounter with Banzai Nala was again beneath him, grunting softly as the male thrust himself into her small frame over and over. Her body had become somewhat accustomed to his girth, though still uncomfortable the pain had lessened to a manageable point, tears no longer falling from her as she was mounted. Something else came out of the cub, soft moans of her own as the repeated stimulation of her nether region was slowly starting to make it pleasurable for her. The funny feelings had been growing stronger with each passing day, and no matter how hard the cub fought she couldn't deny her that she liked these sensations he brought out. Sarafina tried to explain that it was her natural reaction to the feeling of her young body being touched, and though the girl wanted to believe that, deep down she couldn't. She had seen plenty of the other hyena in aroused states, smelled their pungent musk countless times, and it didn't affect her in the slightest down there. But with Banzai all she had to do was look at his loins to feel a flutter within her own, and his musk only made the feeling intensify even further. Though there was no difference between his and the others, none that she could tell, only his brought these feelings out within her.

The sudden howl above her signaled that the night's activities had finally drawn to a close, followed by the now familiar sensation of his thick seed bloating her belly and spraying from her young sex. Both of them were panting at this point, her own fluid now mixing with Banzais as it was smeared against her tender mound. Pulling himself free Banzai flopped casually onto his side to bask in the afterglow, leaving the cub free to clean up the mess he'd made of her loins. She learned after the first few days that it's best to clean herself up before going to sleep, less the sticky mess get dried in her fur and become even more aggravating to clean. She no longer gagged at the substance as she cleaned it from herself, swallowing it without a second thought anymore. She'd gotten plenty of it down her throat as she often nursed the male in the mornings, and she no longer tried to spit it out either. Secretly the cub enjoyed Banzai's flavor, though she dared not speak of this feeling to anyone, not knowing what her mother or the other lioness would think. Running her tongue across her puffy folds she shuddered, a sudden rush of pleasure coursing through her. She had to stop as it startled the cub, having bathed herself countless times down there before she had never before felt such an intense surge of feeling. Looking to her side to ensure that Banzai was indeed asleep, the girl gave herself another long lick along her used sex. She barely stopped herself from yowling as she lit a passionate flame with her rough tongue, her hind legs quivering with need.

Quickly rising to her feet the lioness bounded off a ways, squeezing her small form between two large boulders to a secret spot she knew of. It was a favored hiding spot for when she and Simba played hide and seek, the prince never discovering it to her knowledge. The entrance was small, too small for the hyena and any of the grown ups to squeeze through, affording the cub some privacy when she wanted to be alone. Nestling down she let her gaze fall to her young sex, and tentatively gave herself another lick. This time she didn't try to hide her moan as the fluttery feeling turned into a massive surge of pleasure, and without a second thought she began to hungrily lap at her moist tunnel. Her hind legs quivered violently as wave after wave of indescribable passion bubbled within her. Moments later she let out a massive cry as she achieved her very first orgasm, her juices spewing from her loins to coat her mouth as she cried out into her own loins. As she came down from the intense high the cub flopped onto her own side, panting rather heavily as her own afterglow consumed her.

She awoke with a start, for a brief moment she had forgotten where she was, causing her to bump her head on the wall of the cubby hole she was in before memories of what happened flooded her mind. For a moment she smiled, remembering the intense pleasure she had given herself, but as she thought about it the color suddenly drained from her face. If she was able to orgasm it could only mean that she was going into heat, ready to be bred, and once word got out Scar would take her into his chamber. She had grown accustomed to Banzai mounting her, but the girl had seen Scar's package on a few occasions and the thought of that monster shaft defiling her was scary enough, let alone she trusted him as much as the other hyena in regards to being gentle. But what could she do, once Banzai discovered he'd turn her over to him, and that's when she snapped. She'd rather be on her own than be beneath the dark lion, even if it meant leaving the only life she'd ever know. Gazing out to sky through the entrance she was relieved to find that the dawn was not yet broken, the rest of the pride would likely still be asleep still, and she quietly slipped from her hiding spot and started running. She ran, the only direction she was concerned with was the one that led her away from her king, tears streaming down her face as she spoke her goodbyes to her mother and the rest of the lioness she knew. She was going to miss them all, but she vowed that come hell or high water she'd never find herself at the mercy of Scar's affections, if they could even be called that.

Hours later she finally slowed down to a slow walk, casting her gaze back to see Pride Rock as nothing more than a speck on the distant horizon. Sighing softly to herself the girl trudged onward, her gaze drifting over the land she now found herself in, her nostrils flaring to take in the new scents that lingered within the area. Most of them she didn't recognize, but one did stand out rather clearly, the unmistakable scent of fresh water. Suddenly rather parched the girl followed it to a small watering hole she'd never before seen, it wasn't nearly as large or inviting as the old one back near Pride Rock, but it would do well enough. Trotting to the water's edge to take a long drink, a sudden and violent snort from her right startled her, almost causing her to stumble into the drink. Her green eyes focused squarely upon a rather large and obviously angered mature buffalo, it's red eyes focused squarely on the cub as she backed away. This beast was not like the more timid ones that had served under Mufasa, there was a hatred within his stare that shook the girl down to her core, and she made a dash to run from the beast.

With a horrendous bellow the massive beast charged after her, it's hooves nearly as big as the cub's head, and the animal attempted to smash Nala with them as she ran. The impact of the strikes cracked the dirt around them where they fell, and she knew that if one were to hit her she'd be dead meat, her fear causing her to sprint even faster as she fled from his wrath. Just as she started to put a bit of distance between her and her attacker he lunged forward and swung his curved hooves in a sweep of his neck, the side of the weapons clipping the girl's hind leg causing her to tumble into a cluster of tall grass nearby. All she could do was watch the mammoth creature barrel towards her and lift it's hooves to strike again, the girl letting out a panicked cry as she braced herself for the impact.

A loud and fearsome cry echoed across the area suddenly as Banzai appeared, lunging with speed that would make a cheetah jealous, his jaws snapping down upon the buffalo's legs just before they would strike. The sudden appearance of the hyena caught the rampaging beast off guard, it bellowed in pain as his powerful facial muscles snapped the bones in it's leg as if they were mere twigs. The Hyena's attack had also caused the giant beast to miss it's target, falling just to the side of Nala howling in fury and pain. The next thing the cub knew she had been snatched up by the scruff of her neck and being carried at a rather fast pace away from the enraged creature. The buffalo tried to give chase, but with it's leg broken it couldn't hope to match Banzai's speed as he carried the lioness away, the monster soon out of sight; its cries fading into silence.

Once Banzai was sure the danger had passed he slowed down to a trot, Nala swaying gently side to side from his jaws as they continued. The cub wasn't sure what to think as she hung limply from the male's maw, he had saved her from certain death at the hooves of that creature, attacking the creature that was easily three times his size all by himself. The angry howl he released still ringing in her ears, it was filled with a rage that dwindled that of the beast that had attacked, not even Scar's angry tirades were as intimidating as the noise Banzai bellowed when he attacked. She wondered if Scar would have been so bold had he been there, and the answer came rather quickly to the girl, not in a million years. Scar would have let the beast trample her, after all he had the rest of the pride to sate his desires, what was the loss of a cub to him? Then again the same could be said for Banzai, he could easily mate with the lioness of the pride, he didn't need the cub to sate his needs. But he did, he risked his life to save her, and he didn't need to. For the first time the young lioness felt safe within his grasp, despite the daily molestation he forced upon her she now knew that he would protect her from any threat that would come to do her harm, when the reason of her flight rushed back to her. She was headed back, going back to be given to Scar, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Her vision clouded as tears started pooling within her emerald eyes, sniffling and sobbing quietly as she began to come to terms with her fate. Banzai stopped after a few moments of this, carefully placing Nala down and gazing at her curiously.

"Hey c'mon, why you crying? That thing didn't hurt you did he?" He inquired, quickly rolling the girl onto her back and giving her an inspection, noting a bruise on her hind legs where the buffalo had clipped her. He softly ran a paw over the blackish blue lump on her hip, causing her to wince slightly from the pain, but thankfully it was nothing more than a bruise.

"'s not that." She replied, her voice quivering as she gazed up at Banzai's golden eyes. Before she knew it the cub was explaining her fears and her experience the night prior after he'd gone to sleep. The male listened quietly to the girl, nodding where appropriate, until she finished her tale with his appearance earlier with the buffalo. She then fell into a fit of uncontrolled sobs, lying upon her belly with her face buried within her fore-paws. She fully expected Banzai to hoist her up by the scruff and continue onward, and was surprised as she felt his paw pat her softly on the shoulders instead.

"Hey don't worry about it!" He said, his voice rather chipper despite her sobs, before gently rolling the girl over onto her back. "Just because you got your rocks off doesn't mean you are ready to be bred. When I was a pup I had my first orgasm when I was younger than you, and nothing even came out. And even if you're right, you're still rather small, which means as long as we keep it to ourselves no one will suspect a thing." He said, getting a bewildered look from the lioness now upon her back, gazing up at the male.

" won't tell Scar?" She stammered, the tears stopping as she grasped onto the tiny bit of hope now dangling in front of her, hope that she could still avoid being bred by the vile king.

"Heh, what Scar doesn't know won't hurt him." He confirmed, lowering his muzzle down to her stomach with a devilish smirk. "But first I'm gonna make sure you really can go that far, keep those legs open." He ordered, letting his chin slide along her soft belly towards her nether region. To hear that Banzai was willing to conceal this from Scar filled her with happiness, her immediate future now safe from the male lion's desires she quickly complied and spread her hind legs as wide as she could. Her elation was soon replaced by the fluttering pleasure as Banzai let his tongue slide from his maw and travel across her soft mound, a rather deep moan rising from the cub. He smirked softly upon hearing her cries, before starting a series of long licks upon her moistening slit, his tongue large enough to cover almost every inch of her sex and he used every square inch of the thick muscle in exploring Nala's intimate flesh. Settling down upon his belly, Banzai slid his fore-paws up to hold her squirming sides as he continued to lap at her folds, the tip of his tongue sliding past her now puffy lower lips every so often getting her to mew lustfully and buck her hips into his maw.

Unlike Nala, Banzai was rather experienced in pleasuring with his tongue, having used it to ascend the ranks within the pack to become its second in command under Shenzi; who had favored the Banzais skilled tongue heavily during her heats. It didn't take long under his oral assault to bring the girl to a mind blowing climax that had her roaring so loudly the male wondered if she'd throw her voice out. Her juices splattered against his maw and he eagerly lapped them up, savoring the sweet honey like flavor of the girl's essence. He lifted his now dripping muzzle from her as he stood, the girl flopping down in a sweating and panting heap, an almost deliriously happy smile plastered upon her face. Scooping the girl back up in his mouth, her own scent filling her nostrils as she hung there the two made their way back to their home. It was just past high noon by the time they approached the majestic outcropping of boulders they lived in, and they were both greeted by Scar, who wore a rather nasty scowl upon his maw.

"I see you managed to find her, which is strange because I sent others out to retrieve her." He commented, the girl's ears flattening against her skull as the elder lion spoke.

"My guards reported that she took off shortly before sunset, and I sent them out after her to bring her back." He said, the girl starting to quiver within Banzai's grip. She didn't think that anyone was awake when she made her mad dash, but she foolishly didn't look around to check, and now she was busted. She felt herself placed softly upon the ground as the rest of the pride gathered to watch their king to see what he would do. They wouldn't have to wait long to find out, as he slowly sauntered over to the girl.

"If I can't trust you to keep this cub from running off then I shouldn't let you keep her. From now on Ed will continue her training, and be thankful you don't get punished for allowing her to leave in the first place." He stated, and from the back of the pack a most heinous cackle erupted as Ed bounded up to claim his new toy, Nala shrieking in fear as she watched the almost ravenous looking hyena barrel down upon her. However just as he was about to snatch her away Banzai snarled viciously and thrust his head forward, colliding with the side of the other hyena's neck and sending him tumbling away a distance yowling in surprise. Banzai's tone was rather dangerous, quickly causing Scar to lunge at him, stopping inches away from the smaller creature, deadly intent filling his green eyes. "You would dare disobey my direct order!?" Scar roared, the hot stench of his breath washing over both Nala and Banzai, causing the girl to scurry fearfully into the hyena's midsection; Banzai didn't move however as he met that gaze.

"With all due respect your highness, giving her to Ed would be a big mistake, and here's why." He said, making sure that his tone held no aggression, being somewhat submissive as he addressed the lion. "You see, Ed there isn't the brightest upstairs, which I'm sure you know. But what you may have failed to realize is what he lacks in brains he more than makes up for down there." He stated, gesturing his paw to the other hyena as he righted himself. True to Banzai's claim even when he wasn't aroused the hyena's sheath was an impressive sight to behold. "There are some adult lioness here that he hasn't been able to tie with, not through any lack of effort on his part. Now I on the other hand, well I'm not on the large side of things down there. " He admitted, gently shifting the cub to the side to give the lion and any other being watching a look at his spotted shaft. It wasn't even half the size of Ed's, a few of the hyena snickering at the display. "I haven't even tried to tie her, because she's so small that even I would end up breaking her. Now if Ed gets the chance he won't have the brains to understand this, especially when he really gets going. He'd break her before he even finished, and if it didn't kill her then I'd bet she'd never be able to walk right again or learn to hunt, and I ain't a doctor but I could almost assure you that he would damage her womb as well. And what good would she be to you if she can't have your cubs or hunt for food?" He stated, his tone level and calm as he spoke, his words taking the fire out of the lion's intense stare. "And for the record, she didn't run off. She wanted to stretch her legs some, so I told her to start running. I told her that if I couldn't find her by mid day that I would give her a break tonight, but if I found her I'd play with her even more today. I've obviously found her, and if you take a whiff you'll see that I've played with her once today, and tonight I'll do the same. And if I didn't find her, she would have come back on her own in time for a late lunch." He explained, taking even more of the wind from the king's sail as he glowered at the two. Several tense moments passed as Scar debated this new information, his gaze focused upon Banzai to study the Hyena's face and eyes, his piercing eyes looking as if they could stare directly into someone's soul if they wished.

"You are right...." He admitted, Ed howling in disappointment as he bounded forward, growling at Banzai harshly, only to receive a rather fierce back hand by the king that sent him tumbling away once more. "You may keep Nala, but next time you go play games with her make sure she stays in Pride Rock. I don't want her leaving without an escort, is that understood?" He snarled, Banzai's ears flattening against his skull in full submission as he nodded his agreement. "The rest of you, get back to your duties. The antelope don't hunt themselves!" He snarled, causing the various hyena to scatter as his tone was a bit more dark than usual. The lioness were slower to leave however, a number of them casting odd looks towards Banzai as they passed. Their gazes held none of the usual disdain they had when looking at the Hyenas, though they were far from friendly looks they were more gentle than any the lioness had before given to him.

Nala had been silent throughout the entire ordeal, her stomach tying herself into several knots as she listened to Banzai talk down the irate king. She had indeed seen Ed mating the other lioness, her mother included, and knew how vicious and brutal he was with them. What's more, his gargantuan shaft was dwarfed only by his knot, which was almost as big as Nala's head when he got down to business. But what really shocked her was Banzai's bold lie about her not running away, and he'd said it so clearly that she was sure he had to have rehearsed it in his mind beforehand, Scar had a nose for sifting the truth from anyone when they lied. She was in utter disbelief that Banzai had managed to fool the king, something that many of the lioness believed was all but impossible, but he had managed to pull it off. She didn't realize how long she stood there quivering against his loins, but she was finally pulled back into reality as she felt someone pulling on the nape of her neck. Sarafina gently picked her cub up from beneath Banzai's legs, her gaze still holding obvious displeasure towards the Hyena that routinely defiled her cub, but less than normal as she sauntered away with her young. Banzai obviously made no move to stop her, and merely trotted off in a different direction to do whatever he did to pass the time without the young lioness.

Later that night, as the sun cast it's final rays of the day across the skies Banzai made his way towards the huddled group of lioness, they knew what the male wanted of course, but not a single one hissed at him as was the ordinary custom when he approached. They all stared in silence at Banzai, Nala gazing at him from the warmth of her mother's fore-paws. This time her gaze held none of it's normal sadness at the inevitable, though they weren't exactly brimming with happiness as he gazed to her. Sarafina sighed softly, obviously still uncomfortable with giving her daughter to the male, but she loosened her grip and even gave the cub a nudge with her nose towards Banzai. No one said anything of the significance of this tiny gesture, though it spoke volumes all on it's own as the girl somewhat reluctantly walked over to him. The hyena that loitered about didn't seem to take note of it, most weren't even watching the display as they lounged about on the rocks, and those that were didn't react as if it was anything out of the ordinary. With Nala in tow Banzai led her to their normal spot a ways away from the others, the girl quietly starting to lap at the large male's sheath as she was expected to once alone. She grimaced and pulled back however, tasting something rather unexpected upon his fur. He'd been with another female, one of his own kind, and her juices were still somewhat damp along his furry spotted sheath. This caused her mood to dampen slightly, finding the new flavor rather repulsive in all honesty, and for the first time in weeks she found herself almost gagging while preparing him for their nightly ritual.

Banzai groaned as he felt her tiny tongue slide across his shaft, though there was something different about his tone, as if he wasn't enjoying himself as he had every night prior to tonight. The cub assumed it was because he had already been with another, and continued as if nothing was amiss, but truthfully the male was very confused. After Sarafina took her daughter away he had been approached by Shenzi, and she had a rather playful look in her eyes. His speech towards Scar had apparently struck the proper cord with the alpha female, and she showed him exactly how proud of her mate she was at his boldness in talking down the king. Of course he wasn't going to refuse Shenzi's advances, but even during their encounter Banzai couldn't get his mind off of the young cub, the taste of her succulent juices from when he drove her to climax or the way she would wiggle her tiny hips as she adjusted to his girth. He was very careful to not let Shenzi know what he was thinking about, going through all the proper motions with his tongue and later his shaft, but for the first time in his life he felt that deep down he didn't want it. She was the alpha, and as such she had shared her fair share of rage and anger towards him in the past; often due to things that he had nothing to do with. With her he always felt less like a man and more like a plaything, and her gift of attention only reminded him of his place within their social structure.

In the past he would have shrugged it off, and focus more on the pleasure his body received from hers, but even though she was as tight and pleasurable as he could ever remember it wasn't enough. And it got him to thinking, especially as he looked to Nala whom was grimacing as she lapped at his shaft, that if he felt that way towards Shenzi then it must be far worse for Nala. At first he was only concerned with following orders and getting as much pleasure as he could from the gift Scar had given him, but as the weeks passed he slowly found himself looking at her in a much different way, finding himself more concerned with hearing her gentle moans during their couplings than her whines of displeasure. The blissful orgasmic cries of the girl when he orally pleased her were utterly divine, and though in her haze she hadn't noticed it, but the male had climaxed himself during that event. That is why he didn't ravage her while she lay there panting, he was already spent, and that one orgasm was far more powerful than any Shenzi had brought out of him in all of their previous sessions. The hyena suddenly pushed the girl away a bit, and she rather obediently turned around and presented herself to him, but he didn't move from his position.

"You don't want me to mate you, do you?" He asked, getting a rather confused look from the cub as she remained in the position.

"I was given to you by my king." She said, her tail curling just a bit as it hovered in the air in front of Banzai. "I can't refuse you, even if I wanted." She continued, her ears flattening against her skull as she spoke the words that Scar and Banzai himself had ingrained within the cub.

"Well I'm tired of taking you." He snapped quickly, his tone causing the girl to cringe a bit, before she lowered her tail and turned around to face him, confusion riddled along her young face.

"A-am I not pleasing enough for you anymore?" She asked, a twinge of fear in her voice as she stammered. If she wasn't pleasing him then he was likely to give her to Scar or another, but then again if that was the case why would he go to such great lengths to keep her out of Ed's grubby paws?

"No, nothing like that." Banzai said quickly, his gaze softening in a manner that the girl hadn't seen before. "I.....I just don't want to mate you by force. I want you to be willing, not because of some dumb old lion's orders, but because you want it. I know it sounds weird, I don't understand it myself, but it doesn't feel right anymore taking you like this." He explained, his shaft that had been brought out by her earlier lapping quickly falling back into Banzai's sheath as he spoke. "But don't go anywhere, if you leave the others will start talking." He instructed, his gaze firm as he gave that order to her.

It took a few moments for her to really understand that he was not going to rape her, but when it finally sunk in she almost squealed with joy. Murring affectionately for the first time towards him the girl nuzzled his side before curling up in a ball next to him. Banzai smiled as he watched her lay down, and quickly joined her as the pair went to sleep under the bright moon above. Just before his eyes closed for the night he caught the stars above twinkling in a gentle manner, as if rejoicing the quiet events that took place below.

The next morning neither Banzai or Nala acted as if nothing was amiss as they emerged from Scar's old home, the male bounding off to fight over the morning meal with the other Hyenas while Nala bounded over to her mother. Sarafina quickly scooped the cub up and began to bathe her tender regions as had become custom, but she stopped soon after, blinking in confusion.

"Nala, I love you. You don't need to work so hard to clean up the mess." She said, and to her surprise her cub let out a giggle at her words.

"Don't let the hyenas know but....." Nala whispered into her mother's ear, the adult lowering her head further to get her ear even closer as she continued. "He didn't mount me last night.....or this morning either." She confided, her unusually bright smile was dwarfed only by the look of sheer confusion and amazement on the older lioness. Before she could even respond the girl continued, a mirth within her voice that she hadn't heard since before the dark times fell upon the lands. "Gather all the lioness mama, I have a plan..."

The cub didn't reveal her plan to her mother just yet, insisting that she speak to the pride as a whole. Though burning with curiosity at her daughter's ideas, seeing her so exuberant and happy Sarafina wasn't about to do anything to bring the girl down from her chipper mood. The lioness couldn't speak openly without one of the hyena overhearing, but the felines were not helpless. They had taken to "scratching" themselves behind their ears, their hind legs striking the stone beneath them in a particular series of thumps. The hyena filtered this noise out, but the other felines understood. It was not a perfect system mind you, they couldn't carry on conversations, but they could coordinate with themselves the need to gather, when to do it, and even a place in which to go. Today it seemed as though all the lioness developed fleas as they scratched themselves, secretly getting themselves on the same page with one another. They even made extra attempts to appease their king, giving him a rather pleasant and exhausting ride until he was pleasantly napping in his chamber, before sacrificing the day's hunt for the hyena to ravage first. Once the hyena's were all scrambling over the fresh meat the lioness quietly slipped away behind Pride Rock a ways.

"Ok, we have maybe an hour before the hyenas start getting suspicious, Zazu is watching them and will give us a heads up." Sarabi said, the lioness gathered around a circle around their former queen. "Now, who was the one that called this meeting?"

"I did!" Nala said proudly, several confused looks falling to the cub as she boldly walked to the center of the circle. Her smile had not dimmed since this morning, and despite their confusion it became somewhat infectious as she gazed at her elders. "We all know that Scar isn't a good king, heck he's the worst king in the history of kings!" She stated, drawing a number of affirming growls and nods from the crowd. "We can't keep living like this, we've all been at his mercy for far too long. We need to abandon him, and those loyal to him, and strike out on our own! If he wants this territory let him have it, it's not the land that is important it's the lions and lionesses in it!" She decreed, drawing small roars of enthusiasm from the pride.

"A pride with no king is no pride Nala." Sarabi stated, her solemn words quickly quieting the rest of the lioness. "If we go without a king, we lose our connection to the kings of the past, and without them we will lose our way of life. We will forget the wisdom and understanding that has guided us, and before long become nothing more than simple minded creatures guided by instinct and nothing more. We won't be able to speak with the other animals, and they too shall lose the wisdom they have, reducing all of Africa into a state of feral chaos." She said, reciting one of the most ancient and deeply held beliefs that their entire way of life was built around. But Nala didn't seem deterred by her speech, her grin never fading.

"We need a new king then, one that can help us settle into a new realm and break our ties with Scar and his kind." She stated factually, causing a few chuckles to rise from the gathered lioness.

"And where do we find another male lion to take up the role of our king? Because if you know of one I'm sure we are more that ready to give ourselves to him." Sarabi replied, smirking at the cub's innocence while her tail wrapping around her haunches as she waited for the girl to answer. She as well as many lioness prayed for another rogue lion to come in, one that could challenge Scar and overthrow him, but as of yet none had arrived.

"Who says it has to be a lion?" She retorted, the simple question wiping the smirk from Sarabi's lips and causing a massive stirring of unrest upon the rather unusual thought of a king that wasn't of leonine blood. The former queen had no response to this, blinking a bit as she tried to come up with something in the old teachings that would dash the girl's question, yet nothing came to mind. Nala took a deep breath at this point, steeling herself against what she was sure to follow her next statement.

"I nominate Banzai to be our new king!"

As she expected the reaction was a mix between utter shock to rage at her suggestion, many comments about how vile the Hyenas were and how some would rather die than call a hyena their king, but Sarabi's quiet yet vibrant roar quelled the outburst before it reached the ears of the Hyenas a ways away; at least she hoped.

"Nala, I can't think of any rule that says a king has to be a lion, but Banzai? He stole your innocence well before you would even be considered ready to learn about more adult ways, let alone engage in them. He is one of Scar's upper ranking hyena, granted we all saw him come to your aide when Scar tried to give you to Ed but that's not because he cares about you. He just wants you for himself, rather than lose you to another." Sarabi said, her voice calm and soothing as she addressed the cub, convinced that it was merely her gratitude for his actions the other day and nothing more. The surrounding lioness growled their approval of their former queen's logic, nodding furiously. But the girl shook her head defiantly, her smile now gone as she looked Sarabi dead in the eye with a rather stern expression of her own.

"He lied to Scar, and Scar believed him. He didn't have me run off for a game of cat and mouse, I did run away!" She exclaimed, drawing a noticeable gasp from the crowd. "I thought I was going into heat, and I thought Scar would start mating me as he had been you all and I got scared, so I ran away." She confessed, before telling the tale of the buffalo and Banzai's rescue of her from certain death at his hooves, and then his promise to keep her secret from him made on the trip back. She left out the part about his oral stimulation of her however, feeling that was something that wouldn't exactly help her argument at this point. She went on to the previous night, repeating the words he'd spoken to her beneath the starry skies, and Sarafina had to confirm that she had indeed not been molested by him.

"I'm not saying he's always been a good guy, but even when he did those things to me, he was never overly brutal, not like the other hyena would have been. And he's shown more compassion, understanding, and bravery in the past few days than I've seen Scar show in his entire life, and if that doesn't make him a better choice as king then.....then I'd rather go without a king!" She finished, tears falling from her young face as she looked upon her family, bearing her heart and soul to them completely. For what seemed like forever and a day the pride was encompassed by a thundering silence, until Sarabi's voice broke through once more.

"Nala has put forth her nomination of king. She has explained herself and her decision, and we must now decide. As unprecedented as it may be, I believe her points to be valid, despite who he is he has shown kingly qualities that Scar has not. If the pride is with me, I will follow Banzai as king." She said, though she wore a rather grim expression as she said so. Standing on all four paws, she let a small roar echo across the gathering, her chest flaring out dominantly. This was their way of voting, as the former queen she had the first vote, those that stood with her were to kneel down submissively, while those that opposed would stand in a challenging posture. The pride looked at her in almost disbelief as she cast her vote for the new king, followed by Nala quickly kneeling down with her ears flat against her head. Cubs of her age were never allowed to vote traditionally, but given what she had gone through no one dared tell her otherwise. Slowly, one by one the other lioness lowered themselves down submissively, until only Sarafina remained seated, biting her lower lip as she mulled it over. The beast had taken her daughter's virginity well before she was ready, and now her entire sisterhood was electing him to be king, her gaze drifting towards young Nala as she knelt there, still as Pride Rock itself. Sarafina's front legs quivered violently for a few moments, before she too relented and knelt down in agreement, the simple act confirming in the eyes of the ancient kings above that the pride had chosen a new leader. A sudden rumble of thunder echoed across the entire valley from the clear skies, causing the hyena to stare curiously skyward as it caught them off guard. It was a sign that the kings of the past were with the pride, and their decision to elect the hyena as their new king.

The pride returned just as the hyena had finished their meal, most of them mumbling about the weird sound that had echoed across the valley, but none seemed overly upset or worried as they began sauntering over to the lioness with expectant smiles. Sighing softly the felines spread out as males paired off with them to work off their meals, Ed giving young Nala a lustful stare before pulling Sarafina away from another male. The robbed hyena snapped in protest, but Ed snapped harder, causing him to back off and find another. Nala shut her eyes and bounded away, her mother's grunts and Ed's devious cackle resounding in her ears long after she was out of earshot. She calmed herself however, knowing that it wouldn't be long before the entire pride was far away from this, she just had to find the newly appointed king and tell him about his new position.

She located him still gnawing upon the remains of the meal, his powerful jaws easily crunching through the hard bone and swallowing the fragmented bits. She stood silently as she gazed upon him, marvelling at the casual destruction Banzai's powerful facial muscles caused to the carcass. Giving a quick look to either side and behind, ensuring that the other hyena were otherwise occupied before approaching the male.

"Banzai..." She said softly, causing him to snap his head around in confusion as the girl trotted next to her. It was highly irregular for her to approach any hyena, and even then she always had a grown up with her. For the girl to approach all by her lonesome was unheard of, and he quickly looked around as she had to see if anyone was paying them any mind. "We need to talk, somewhere private." She continued, a bead of sweat forming upon the male's brow in response. Without warning he yanked her up by the scruff of the neck, causing the cub to squeal in surprise and fright, a low growl rising from his throat that sent chills down her spine.

"You heard the king Ed, this one's mine!" He snarled through his clenched teeth, a growl rising from the other male as he approached. Banzai put the girl down behind him, ensuring that she was between him and the more endowed male, his length still very much aroused despite the scent of Sarafina's body wafting from it. Ed barked and yipped at the other male, his tone quite challenging and it brought a even darker growl from Banzai. "Well I don't care what you think, Scar said she's mine and for good reason. If you want her, you gotta get through me." He snarled in response, getting even more aggravated barking from the other. Nala realized that Ed was speaking in the feral canine tongue, the most basic and primitive speech one could utter to another. She had heard tales about this language, and that it differs from species to species, making it impossible for other creatures to understand them. It was said that it was a punishment from above to be stricken with only a feral tongue, the ancient kings robbing the common tongue from those that would disrupt the circle of life if left to their own. She suddenly wondered why Scar had not been cursed as she listened to the Hyena bark at Banzai, her leonine ears unable to make heads or tails of the yowling male's speech, though his desires were quite easy to guess. Banzai let him go on, smiling after a while despite the enraged barking and howling of the other.

"Well then take that up with Scar, oh wait, you can't can you?" He chuckled, drawing a very nasty growl from the other. "I could take her away and have my fun right now if I wanted. And you can't stop me, not unless you want Nala here to run to Scar and say that you tried to mount her, hell maybe I'll cram my entire paw into her so she can present her bleeding cunt to him as proof." He continued, that comment causing Ed to stop mid growl at the implications that would have. "That's right, if he doesn't kill you on the spot you'll have nothing to look forward to but lifting your tail to everyone else in the pack, even Jon'Si will get in on that action." He continued, causing Ed's ears to flatten against his skull at that thought. The girl had no idea who this Jon'Si was, but given the reaction she'd wager that the hyena in question was likely on the same level as Ed in regards to his shaft. Ed muttered a final growl before bounding off, that smirk having been wiped clean from his maw as he vanished behind an outcropping of rocks. Banzai waited for a few more moments before turning back to the girl. "If you want to talk wait until tonight, I'll take you to the spot and you can say whatever it is then." He said, his voice rather stern as he spoke. "You coming here like this is gonna make the others think I'm going soft on you, and that will cause us both no ends of problems. Now grab a bit of meat and run back to your mother, we'll talk later."

Her ears flattened as the male chastised her, having been so eager to tell him that she almost made a mess of things. She meekly nodded to Banzai, tearing a chunk of the zebra's flank off in her jaws and bounded away, rejoining her mother as she was just finishing up cleaning the other male's seed from her bruised sex. That night began as so many others had, and true to his word Banzai approached the lioness huddled together, though again not a sound rose from the felines as Nala made her way over to him. The male met a few of their gazes as he reached down to take the cub into his maw, something about their looks was unsettling far more than normal, the silence only compounded this odd feeling their eyes gave him. He was relieved to bound away with the girl swinging from his maw and to their normal spot away from the rest of the pride. Once he set the girl down she smiled brightly, her tail swishing to and fro happily.

"You need to be our king Banzai, and take us away from Scar and the other hyena!" She blurted out, excitement brimming in her eager tone. The sudden and highly unexpected statement caused the male to stare at her in shock for a bit, before cackling rather loudly at the notion. So deep was his laughs that Banzai gripped his belly with his fore-paws and rolled onto his back in an uncontrolled bellow of laughter. After a few moments he finally relaxed and wiped away a tear the outburst had brought to his golden eyes.

"Wow, just wow! And here I was thinking you didn't have a sense of humor." He stated, still giggling somewhat as he managed to right himself and gaze at the girl. His laughter soon died off however as he took note of her rather stern and unblinking green orbs as they focused on the male. "You can't be serious Nala!" He replied, the mirth from his face being replaced with shock as he saw the determined look in her gaze. "First off, I'm not a lion. Secondly, and more importantly, there is no way on earth the lioness would follow me; not after me raping you." He said, his ears drooping as he spoke the last part. He didn't mean to put it so bluntly, and it was only after he heard it from his own lips did his actions towards the girl hit home. He turned away from her towards the back of the small cavern, which caused him to yelp in surprise as a pair of fierce red eyes stared into his.

"The lioness have all already agreed to it." Sarabi said as she emerged from the darkness, walking with a rather regal air about her. "We will follow you as our king, but do not be mistaken that we think you have earned such an honor. We only agree because the pride feels that you can do no worse a job than Scar, for his tyranny is causing the land to cry out in pain. He doesn't see it, but we who hunt the plains can see the devastation slowly settling into the ground, robbing it of the life it once held dearly. We are not bound to this land, and the lioness are more than ready to be rid of Scar and the constant abuse he and the other hyena put upon us every day, but we can not strike out without a king to guide us." She stated, her voice rather calm and steady as she spoke of the lion's plight; though Banzai already knew of it having been a part of it in the beginning.

"Y-you actually want me to lead you out of the pridelands?" He stammered, falling back on his haunches in pure shock as he gazed at the noble feline. "This is not something I would joke about Banzai, we are desperate to be freed from beneath Scar's brutal paw. You are the only male here capable of filling the role of king, and the great kings above stand with us in the decision we've made. But we can not force you to do this, you must act according to what lies within your heart. As the highest lioness within the pride, I ask you now. Will you be our king, and take us from this poisoned land to a better home?" She stated, her gaze filled with a look of desperation and hope that sent chills up the male's spine. It was the same look the other lioness had earlier cast upon him when he brought Nala here, the seriousness of what she was asking hitting the male like a charging rhino.

Banzai swallowed rather hard, a line of sweat forming upon his brow at the intensity of the moment, a knot forming in his gut bigger than even Ed's as he tried to speak, his jaw moving but no words coming out. His golden hues shifted from the noble lioness to the small cub to his right, her emerald orbs glistening with tears and hope as they met his, speaking volumes to him though the silence. He took a deep breath through his nose, the cub's innocent scent filling his nostrils, and visions of her yowling painfully beneath Scar suddenly washed over his mind. His brow suddenly shifted downward as he could almost smell his foul odor as he claimed the cub for his own. Hearing her screams of pain and misery in his head brought anger to his face, his lips curling back into a partial snarl as a result.

"We need to leave, tonight then." He stated, his voice returning as he finally pushed that thought from his mind, and it returned with a fierce determination that surprised even him. "I know who Scar will have watching the lioness, we'll need to find a way to stop them from reporting to Scar without waking the rest of the pack." He stated, his mind suddenly working overtime with possible ways he could accomplish this task, growling at himself as he shot down every possible plan he could think of.

"Ah, just tell me who and I'll take care of dat." Came another voice from the darkness behind Sarabi, causing the newly elected king to yelp in surprise once more. The wise baboon slowly made his way out, leaning upon his walking stick with every step.

"What many of you are hiding back there!?" Banzai asked, now looking back to the darkness with apprehension. He was answered by a fluttering of wings as Zazu emerged to perch upon Sarabi's shoulder, his avian eyes glaring at the Hyena.

"I for one am against this idea of the pride being led by you." He stated flatly, his tail feathers obviously ruffled at what he'd learned earlier. "But the kings above have spoken, and as such I am at your service. But don't go thinking for one minute I'll call you sire, you haven't earned it as far as I'm concerned." He huffed indignantly towards the hyena.

"Yes, I too have my doubts...." Rafiki said, approaching Banzai with a wary glare. "But the kings of old roaring in the clear skies told of their approval, and I will do what I can to help you help the lioness." He continued, softening his gaze as he stopped next to Banzai. "Now you tell me where to find these guards, and let old Rafiki handle them."

It took an hour for the group to come up with a plan to make their escape, the information Banzai provided being surprisingly helpful in regards to the pack's habits and details on the individual guards to be on duty. Scar had been meticulous in devising the night watch, placing the guards in various specific spots to keep an eye on any creature that dared try to flee in the night. Nala would not have found them even if she had looked for them before her earlier flight, only attesting to the devious yet brilliant tactics of the male lion. Armed with this knowledge and a plan, Zazu took flight to inform the rest of the lioness while Rafiki scurried off towards his home to gather the needed supplies for their escape. Once they left to prepare Banzai finally relaxed against the cold stone walls of the enclave, his mind still somewhat reeling from all that had happened in such a short time. Doubt began creeping into his mind, not about the escape they had hammered out, but as to his future. These thoughts were suddenly interrupted as Nala murred softly towards him and brushed her flank against his.

"I think you'll be a good king." She cooed softly, nuzzling her cheek against the hyena's leg. Sarabi, who had remained there to avoid being seen by the others, obviously didn't share the cub's enthusiasm for their new king. "Once we leave here and find a new home things will be so much better! We'll be able to hunt for ourselves again, without having to fight the bad hyena for food, and they won't be mounting us and we'll all get plenty of rest, and we'll be happy like we were before!"

Banzai couldn't help but smile towards the young lioness at her youthful eagerness as she told of her vision of the future, a fore-paw gently patting her head before gliding down her spine affectionately. Though the male didn't quite see the future as such a paradise for himself, her smile and energy gave him some hope that things might actually work out. Once Scar found out that he'd given away the secrets of his watch he was as good as dead, or even worse, should he stick around that is. And he had no intention of doing that, the now bubbly and energetic girl giving him strength and resolve, things he was in dire need of as the future loomed uncertainly before him.

As dawn broke over the African plains the pride was making their way across the desert sands, Pride Rock now far behind them as they marched quietly. Nala was at the front of the procession, walking proudly next to Banzai as he walked in silence. His ears were up, his nostrils flaring out as the rancid stench still aggravated his rather sensitive nose. Rafiki had done his job quite well, slipping to the various guards and using his knowledge of the various herbs and such to cause them to fall into a rather heavy sleep. And the baboon's aide didn't stop there, as he procured a rather potent and disgusting smelling powder he'd mixed up. So strong was this stuff that it would easily mask the lioness's scent from any hyena that would try to track them down, and Zazu had been careful to spread it across a vast area surrounding Pride Rock. Though once that was done he had "accidentally" sprinkled a bit into the king's face, gagging him violently. He had flown on ahead soon after, unable to completely hide a smirk as he fluttered off.

Breakfast was served when the pride discovered a recently dead buffalo with a broken leg, the creature unable to defend itself against what appeared to have been another of it's kind. The victor of that battle was no where in sight, likely enjoying his own spoils as there was one less bull around to mate the females, leaving the carcass for the scavengers; the leonine pride in this case. Nala took great joy as she tore chunks of the massive buffalo's flesh from his hide and scarfed it down, her tail gently brushing against Banzai's as they ate. Once they had eaten their fill, and Nala proudly rediscovered the watering hole she'd found on her first flight to parch their thirst they continued onward, the lioness's mood slowly improving with every step they took away from their former king and the pack of hyena under his command.

It took them two days of marching through the hot and unforgiving desert before they came upon a new land, the sheer beauty of this massive oasis taking everyone's breath away. Clear water falling from a massive waterfall fed a veritable garden of lush green valleys with trees thicker and taller than most of those back in the pridelands, and the new king looked to the cub at his side, their eyes met with the same thought, this was to be their new home.


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