The Lion King: Life In The Jungle

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#4 of The Lion King Nala's Training

Written by Aviose

Commissioned by me ^^

The Lion King: Life In The Jungle

The morning sun roused young Nala from her slumber, grunting as she carefully squirmed herself out of the pile of bodies from the night prior. The actions of last night had wiped the young prince out, his body likely still recuperating from his first orgasm, and the warthog and meerkat were also deep in slumber. She wagered that it had been quite a while since either of them had gotten a release, and she silently slipped out to get herself something to eat. With her more lustful desires sated for the time being it gave the girl a chance to reflect upon her situation, the pain of being so far from home and her family lessened considerably by the discovery of her best friend alive; though she couldn't help but feel a longing for her mother's gentle touch and a proper bath.

After a good hour of hunting for breakfast, finding a cache of rather fat and juicy grubs beneath a rotted log, the girl sprawled out to gaze at the vast jungle terrain that surrounded her in natural beauty, the awe of the scenery dimmed by thoughts of Simba's refusal to go back home and claim his rightful place. She had no idea about what he meant when he said "I don't have the right to go back", and the more she tried to guess what it was the more it made her mood sour until she finally shoved it aside with a vigorous shake of her head. She tried to imagine happier things, like being back at Pride Rock with her family, her mother returning from a successful hunt with a large gazelle or zebra for her to dine upon. Murring softly into the breeze, she let her tail twich happily as she continued to think of better things, imagining herself beneath Banzai as he filled her young loins with passionate and eager thrusts.

That last thought caused the girl to shudder and quickly right herself, her head again being shaken vigorously before taking a seat upon her haunches. The hyena had raped her, repeatedly, stolen her virginity well before she had entered her first heat, and yet try as she might the cub couldn't deny that she eventually found pleasure in his unwanted attentions. He was bigger than Simba obviously, and though she rather enjoyed the session they shared last night the prince had not touched her deeper parts that the hyena had, filling her in a way that the other feline couldn't. She subconsciously bit down on her lower lip as she compared the two males in her mind, and though her love and affection for Simba trumped Banzai in almost every way she couldn't get the nagging feeling of desire that rose whenever she thought about the canine ravaging her body. And this line of thinking caused another issue to rise, as her young sex began to moisten. She was horny again, and the girl quickly decided that she would need to go back to her prince and give him a chance to sate both her desire and hopefully push thoughts of the cruel hyena from her mind.

Absently taking a few steps forward to find the other lion, the child didn't realize how close she was to a not so gentle slope of a hill she'd wandered on. Her paw went to take a step only to find nothing beneath it, and the girl yelped lightly and pressed firmly with her other to prevent her from tumbling down into the grove of trees below. Regaining her balance she sighed, her one paw now pulled back across her chest as she stared at the hillside. The relief was short lived however as the ground beneath her other fore-paw suddenly gave way, the little lion giving a surprised yowl as she ended up tumbling head over heels down the side of the elevated ground, frantically trying to get some sort of grip to control her descent.

She managed to plant her hind paws onto the soft yet steep drop and instincts kicked in and she leaped forward towards the trees, her body twisting naturally as she gained control of her fall. That control was suddenly stolen away as she slipped into the upper foliage, unseen vines colliding with her outstretched paws and throwing her balance off yet again as she plummeted downward. Closing her eyes she winced as she prepared for a rather nasty crash landing, but instead of smacking into the ground Nala felt her hind-legs stretched out to her sides as the vines had wrapped around them during her fall. The young cub's flexibilty was put to the test as she finally stopped falling mere inches from the soft grass, her hind legs spread out in an almost full split while her fore-paws had been wrapped together as if she was praying, the thick tendrils holding her body rather firmly in place as it hovered quietly in the mid-morning air.

Fifteen minutes or so after she fell Simba came bounding through the foliage, a look of worry and confusion within his eyes as he frantically followed Nala's cries for help, Timon and Pumba not far behind as they crashed through the jungle. The trio of males had woken up a half hour prior, and had been in their midst of their own breakfast when the girl's cries reached them, and they dropped their beetles and dashed off; much to the insects relief. Finally reaching the suspended lioness Simba's running turned into a trot as he cautiously approached the girl, the worry within his gaze draining into more confusion and bewilderment at seeing Nala hanging precariously from the vines.

"What happened?!" Simba asked, trotting around her to make sure she had no visible injuries or cuts, which there were thankfully none that he could see. The prince's nostrils flared out to see if he could smell any blood upon her, and ended up getting a rather large whiff of her arousal instead; which caused his young sheath to swell as her feminine scent caused a light shudder to run down the Simba's side.*

"I got stuck, what's it look like?" Nala retorted, casting a glare to Simba for his question, while Timon and Pumba wisely chose to stay off to the side to look at the scene curiously. "Don't just stand there, cut me down!" She said, her glare intensifying as she struggled against her bonds. Simba slowly reached a paw up to do as she asked, but inexplicably stopped just short of cutting through the girl's restraints, a mischievous smile now upon his lips. Now that he was certain she was not hurt or in any real danger his more playful side began to show itself, aided by her rather intoxicating scent as it was surprisingly thick within the small area they shared.

"What's the hurry Nala?" He said, lowering his paw and slowly starting to walk around her to let his brown eyes drink in her creamy fur and her exposed intimate region, which despite the situation was still obviously moistened from her earlier thoughts and desires.

"I think you look good all hung up like that." Simba cooed, running his fore-paw across her hind leg starting from her paw up towards her hips. During his meal, before her cries interrupted it, the prince had been talking with Timon and Pumba about their activites last night, and the meerkat had begun to try and school the young cub on things such as fore-play and seduction; with the girl now hanging helplessly by the vines what better way for him to get some practice?

"Simba I'm serio-ooh!" She started to say, her words turning into a gasp and groan as his paw brushed against her moist slit, wriggling her hips as best she could at his touch. "Simba please...."She whined, her tail twitching to and fro above her as her body was touched by the prince. Simba was honestly not sure whether she was pleading for her release or for more of his attentions, her voice filled with desperation that could have been caused by either desire. It was the meerkat who's voice broke the silence now, a cheeky grin on the man's face as he approached the pair.

"You gotta be more gentle than that kid, and don't just go straight for the target. Women like to be teased too, observe if you will." He said, before squeezing himself between the two cubs and placing a hand next to her intimate passage. The meerkat began to gently massage the fur and flesh beneath his tiny grasp, causing a groan to rise from the girl's throat as his hands groped her sensitive region. "See? She likes it." He said, letting his hand slide away from her loins and across her inner thigh while gently kneading and massaging her. Simba nodded, before placing his paw on the other side of her now puffy folds and imitating Timon's hand.

"Uh, Timon........"Pumba called out, causing both males to turn to look at the warthog. As it had last night, his own length had emerged and was throbbing rather hotly between his legs. The meerkat chuckled, holding a hand up to stop him from saying anything further.

"Don't worry buddy, I'm sure Nala will take care of you soon enough. But right now I'm trying to give Simba here a few pointers, since he's new to this whole thing." He replied, before turning back to Simba and observing his technique on the girl's other leg. "Not bad, but you're still squeezing too hard. Tell you what...." He said, removing his hand from the now panting lioness and motioning for him to do the same. ".....why don't you try licking her like I was telling you earlier, go on. You don't mind do you Nala?" He asked, though given her now incredibly powerful scent of arousal he was pretty sure what her answer would be.

"Yes.....please yes!" She mewed softly, doing her best to lift her hips up invitingly for the males behind her. All thoughts of being cut down were driven from her mind as she was toyed with by the others, the lust in her tone unmistakeable at this point. Simba needed no further incentive than that, and he abruptly pressed his maw into her dripping sex and plunged his rough tongue deep into her quivering form. This caused the girl to squeal in pleasure as the thick muscle penetrated her folds and eagerly began to lap up the juices that her body eagerly offered up.

The male cub murred as he tasted her arousal, the sweet and salty fluid throwing his own loins into overdrive as he began to buck his hips into the air beneath him; his barbed tool already fully extended as drops of pre splattered onto the grass below. Nala's squealing turned into moans rather quickly as her depths were bathed by her prince, muscles squeezing his rough tongue as passionate fires of pleasure raced across her loins. The lioness had been forced to orally serve the hyena on several occasions, and even Zazu got a ride upon her maw, but this was the first time she'd been on the receiving end of such attentions. And like so many times before the cub was helpless to do anything about it, even if she had wanted to stop it she was unable to do anything but hang there and take it. Though Simba was inexperienced, his tongue lapping at several spots while ignoring others, the sensastions still brought the girl to a rather mind blowing orgasm rather quickly; her juices squirting from her sex and splattering hotly against the male's face as he drank down as much as he could from her sensual wellspring.

"Ok, I think that's enough." Timon said, placing a hand upon Simba's chest and pushing him from her loins as she panted and quivered in the afterglow of the experience. Swallowing the rest of her fluids with his maw he murred softly as he savored the flavor, the meerkat gently patting the side of Simba's head reassuringly.

"You didn't do too bad, but you still need some more practice kid. Now why don't you get on top of her like last night, and don't think I've forgotten about you big guy." He said, turning to face the now extremely aroused warthog, motioning him towards Nala's front. "Be a sweetheart and give him another round Nala, poor guy doesn't get much attention if you know what I mean." He said, a genuine hint of sadness in the man's voice as he spoke of the warthog's unfortunate reality.

The girl was still panting after her climax, but she nodded her head in agreement as Pumba eagerly got into position in front of her. The large pig squeezed through the tangle of vines that suspended her, placing his front hooves on her shoulders and pressing down a bit, causing a snap to echo from above them. Her fore-paws would suddenly fall down to the ground, still tangled hoplessly but now able to help support herself a bit more naturally allowing Nala to rotate her aching shoulders a bit to relieve the dull throbbing her suspension had caused. However the warthog's thick and musky tool shoved into her face quickly brought out her lust once more, and she eagerly opened her maw and slid the entire package deep into her throat; sucking hungrily upon it as if it were filled with the sweetest nectar.

Simba had also not wasted any time as Timon was calling the shots, sliding his body over the girl's as her upper restraints were broken from high above, his own eager barbed shaft pressing against her tender and moist passage, though as before the prince was having difficulty hitting his mark. Timon sighed as Simba fumbled at it for a few minutes, before taking things into his own hands and grabbing the Simba's tool and lining it up for him, and Simba rather forcefully thrust himself deeply into Nala's eager and puffy folds. The lion cub was so quick that the meerkat had not even been able to remove his hands before Simba mounted her, an arm being dragged violently into the girl along with Simba. He managed to free it after the first few thrusts, and began to lick her ample fluids from his hand. This only caused his own throbbing length to twitch and dribble even more of his own pre more steadily, and gave the man a rather devious idea on how to join in on the fun.

"Hey Simba, stop for a second....." He said, and though Simba growled at the sudden request he managed to halt himself and pull himself free of Nala, much to her own displeasure as his, but Timon was quick to soothe their worries. "Just hold on a sec, let me get myself situated here...." He replied, before slipping his arms around the base of the girl's tail and hoisting himself up. Arching his back the agile creature placed his feet directly into her moist tunnel, and actually used them to spread her tender flower apart for the male lion.

"Ok, continue." He said, and Simba quickly complied as he thrust himself back into Nala's sensivite flesh. This time however it would drag the meerkat's lower body in with it, filling Nala up even more as he added to the girth she would feel spreading her body wide as Simba began to claim her once more. Timon squealed in surprise as one of the lion's barbs actually slipped into his backside as he was dragged in and out of the girl, but it only seemed to add to his own pleasure as he was quickly approaching release pressed between the girl's moist walls and the Simba's throbbing tool.

Nala grunted as she felt Simba plowing into her, the meerkat's body only serving to stretch her just enough to make her quiver lustfully while nursing on Pumba's hog meat as it too started moving in and out of her. Nala didn't really mind the pungent aroma of the pig's body as it was thrust into her sensitive nostrils, though not nearly as pleasant as other things she could think of the male's musk made it tolerable; and the sensations of being filled while hanging precariously from the vines quickly drove her to a sudden and surprise second orgasm that bathed Timon's body in her sexual fluids as well as Simba's groin. She suckled rather hard as this one hit her, quickly bringing a rather loud and surprisingly high pitched squeal from the warthog as he too reached his limit and flooded her gullet with his potent seed; which she eagerly gulped down.

Simba was next to blow, the sensations and smells overpowered the prince's mind as he gave one final slam into her hips he roared rather loudly and unloaded his royal essence deep into Nala's quivering womb, and all over his meerkat friend's body as he was crammed in there right along with him. It was Simba's barb buried within him that brought Timon over his peak, flaring out with Simba's climax it jammed into his own pleasure button and he sent him into another world of pleasure.

Though his offering was all but lost by the sheer quantity of Simba's by comparison it didn't matter to him as he rode the waves of pleasure for all they were worth. Exhausted the four of them quivered and twitched as their physical highs slowly ebbed, Pumba being the first to withdraw himself from Nala as his pork pole slipped back into his sheath. Simba followed soon after, dragging Timon out in the process. With a quick snap of the male lion's jaw the vines holding Nala's legs were cut cleanly in two, letting the rest of her fall to the ground in a heap as her now sated body leaked Simba's seed onto the cool grass below. For a few more moments the friends said nothing, until Timon's voice again broke the blissful silence.

To Be continued....

What did Timon have to say? Whats to become of Simba, Nala, Timon, and Pumbaa? Read the next chapter to find out :)

The Lion King: Banzai The King Of Pride Rock

Simba managed to land safely inside the bushels of thorns as the hyenas were hot on his tail. He heard the screams of pain from Banzai as he was knocked in and was pricked mercilessly on his rump with thorns. Simba weaved his young cub body through the...

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