Ginga Densetsu Weed: Weed's True Love
I stumbled across this story on my external HD and I don't recall whom I had write this for me so if your the one who I had write this please lemme know so I can credit you. *UPDATE*
Written by Kamun
Commissioned by me ^^
Everyone came here, huh? *Jerome said to himself as he heard the voices and digging from above*
Thank you everyone. There's nothing left for me to do.
Jerome released his hold around the Akita he was charged with protecting, comforted by the fact that Weed would live to see the surface again. The current of the river took hold of the German Shepherd, and the tunnel filled with light, the snow above Weed having been dug through. Jerome spiralled downstream, the river claiming its dominance over the Shepherd. He didn't object. He had done his duty. He had repaid his debt to the Akita and his clan.
Wait for me...
and.... P4
Jerome closed his eyes. The water didn't seem so cold anymore. In fact, it was getting warmer. It was an inviting warmth, causing Jerome to smile a little bit. He felt safe. He felt warm. All he wanted to do now, was sleep..
My friends, I'm on my way, now.
Everything else just faded away.
Suddenly, Jerome was jarred awake, the Shepherd letting out a weak yelp as his back slammed into a large rock jutting out of the side of the river, getting caught up against it. He opened his eyes, only to be blinded by the sunlight. He was outside again. He was out of that god-damned tunnel. He panted softly, slowly, weakly wading to the riverbank, just resting his head up against it to catch his breath.
After a few minutes of rest, he brought his forelegs up onto the riverbank, trying to heave the rest of his body up onto the shore, to finally be out of the freezing water. After several agonizing minutes, he managed to muster enough strength to pull himself all the way out of the water. He was finally safe from the river, but he did not know if Hougen's soldiers were nearby, or worse, Hougen himself. He rested for another couple of minutes, then exerted all of the energy he could into just crawling towards a nearby tree.
Jerome dragged himself through the snow, the German Shephard shaking. He finally reached the tree, collapsing against it. All he wanted to do now was rest. He should be able to stay alive long enough to be rescued. He just hoped that whatever that watched him from above that had permitted him to get this far, felt generous enough to let him continue to survive.
Feeling safe, he let his eyelids slowly fall shut, and the German Shepherd drifted off to sleep.
"Look for any survivors." A familiar voice boomed, followed by the sound of several paws padding closer.
Two days had passed since Jerome had crawled out of the river. He had been drifting in and out of sleep over the time he's rested against the tree. He was still too weak to move much more than a few inches. At this point, Jerome was extremely hungry, but he was doing his best to keep it under control. He had been eating the snow that was around him to keep from dying of thirst. His ears perked up at the sound of the familiar voice.
Suddenly, Jerome smiled as the Kishu Inu, Akame, came into view leading a small group of Ohu soldiers. Jerome did his best to make his presence known, but the most he could muster was a pitiful whine. It seemed to work though, as Akame halted, turning his head in the direction of the noise. The proud Kishu Inu's eyes widened in astonishment, immediately darting to the German Shepherd's aid.
"Jerome! We thought that you had drowned.." Akame whined softly, leaning down to lick across Jerome's forehead. He then stood back up, turning his head to bark orders at the troops. "Help me bring him to Ohu! The Leader will be glad to see he's safe.."
Jerome had been transported back to Ohu by Akame and his soldiers, and was immediately brought to a makeshift infirmary deep within the mountain. Jerome had taken the opportunity to get some sleep as he was being transported. He had not been able to have a solid night's sleep for quite a few days. Any sleep that the German Shepherd did have wasn't more than an hour or two at a time. He had to make sure he wasn't too vulnerable, should anything try to take advantage of him in his sleep.
But he was safe now. He could rest, and recover like he needed to so desperately. He had to admit, it was a bit warmer, and more comfortable than the cold, wet snow he had called his shelter for the past few days. In part, he began to realize he owed another debt to the Ohu Leader, for if Weed had not won the battle for Ohu, Akame and the other officers might as well be dead or exiled. He would still be freezing to death underneath a tree.
The infirmary wasn't much more than a small alcove, but it was warm, a few fires spread throughout the room, with furs that were scavenged from a nearby human town lining the floor to provide a comfortable bed to rest on. He was disturbed from his sleep from the sound of familiar paws padding along the floor of the hallway outside. Jerome lifted his weary head to see who had decided to disturb his slumber. However, he was pleasntly surprised to find that it was the small Akita mix sitting next to him, Weed leaning down and licking the German Shepherd's ears. "I'm glad you're alright.."
Jerome felt a smile spreading across his muzzle as the Akita mix licked him, weakly lifting his own head to return a lick to the nose. He appreciated the affection, and he was in no mood nor condition to pretend he didn't notice or that it didn't matter to him. He didn't have to be strong right now. He could rest. Weed slowly slid down onto his belly, laying down next to Jerome, pressing his side up against the German Shepherd softly. Weed's soft, fluffy fur pressed up against Jerome's own helped warm the both of them up, and allowed for Weed to gently rest his head on Jerome's neck. Jerome could feel something was wrong with Weed. He felt the Akita shaking a little bit against him, as if nervous or scared. He even felt an elevated heart rate coming from the younger canine.
The Akita slowly closed his eyes, his ears flicking a little. "I.. I love you, Jerome..." he said, deciding to just come right out with it. His cheeks flushed crimson after admitting his feelings to the German Shepherd. Jerome felt his heart sink at the admission, a torrent of different thoughts racing through his head. The young Akita whined softly, seeming to want a positive response from the older canine. Jerome remained silent though, a heavy blush spread across his cheeks as he lifted his head, licking Weed on the cheek reassuredly, before laying his head back down against the warm furred floor.
Weed smiled at the apparent acceptance, burying his muzzle against his mentor's neck, a soft murr coming from the younger canine. Jerome could feel soft fur brushing against his side, and he turned his head along the floor to glance back, and he saw the tip of Weed's curled tail wagging through the air. The German Shepherd smiled and gave a soft chuckle. "I'm glad I could make you happy, Weed." He said, his voice gentle and reassuring.
Weed blushed softly as he realized his tail was wagging on its own. A soft giggle comes from the Akita mix, trying to voluntarily make it stop, before deciding to leave it alone, to show off just how relieved he was. Slowly, he closed his eyes, happily resting with his new mate. After a few short minutes, Jerome felt the steady rise and fall of his partner's chest. He smiled, licking over Weed's forehead one more time before resting his muzzle on top of Weed's. Jerome closed his eyes, starting to drift off to sleep.
*waves at you all*
You all must be in shock a Weed story by me without Weed being raped!? You must think Im not feeling well or something :P Well I figured might as well as upload a story or two not involving Weed being raped mercilessly :P Fave and Comment :)