Lady and The Tramp II: Unpleasant Dreams
#3 of Lady And The Tramp II: Mating Lessons
Later that night when they all go to sleep Lady's and Angels face their worse fears in a horrible nightmare. Can they escape this nightmare? Or will it turn into reality? Read on to find out
Written By Akiragryphon
Commissioned by Me
Later that night; Tramp, Scamp and the three little Ladies went off to bed with Tramp rubbing his daughters' little cunts and heard their moans of approval. The girls were far too excited to sleep after experiencing such pleasure from their uncles Jock and Trusty and their father and brother. Tramp nipped their tails and made sure he was out of earshot.
"If you girls behave and go to sleep, Scamp, Uncle Trusty, Uncle Jock and myself will play with you more." He whispers to them, licking his lips as well. The girls nodded and scurried off to bed, Tramp chuckled as he watched his sexy little girls scamper off and his son as well. Before he went to sleep, he kissed Lady on the lips and said goodnight to her and nuzzles his new children born form him and Scamp's fun and says goodnight to Angel as well. She yawned and nodded in reply as Scamp gave her a kiss and nuzzled her pups that belonged to him and his father. After the boys said their goodnights, they went to bed; only Lady and Angel remained awake while their young feasted on their teats which had their mother's nutritional milk.
Lady watched as Angel's pups had their fill and fell asleep, followed by her eyelids slowly getting heavy until she gave into her fatigue and fell asleep with her pups. Lady was the last now to fall asleep as her pups continued to suckle and was reminded of the incident involving her, Angel, Tramp and her son Scamp. Satisfied, the pups yipped and yawned; falling asleep one-by-one which made Lady smile in spite of the fact she didn't want more pups to start with. Lady yawned as she too was overcome with exhaustion and slowly began to drift into a light slumber, unaware of a shadow that loomed in the corner of the room that was watching her as her guard was completely down and lost in sleep.
Hours later, Lady woke up and looks around and sees Angel bound. She tries to move over to her and discovers she too was bound. She began to panic and looked around, wondering if this was Tramp and Scamp's doing so they could forcibly breed them again. She calls out to them but no answer replied. She calls out again, begging them to untie her; no answer. She began to struggle to free herself only to see Jock and Trusty walking in with smirks on their muzzles and muttered to each other which Lady could interpret as them talking about how harshly they were going to breed their new bitches.
Lady whimpered, frightened by such vile talk from her best friends about her and Angel. She wondered how they could say such a thing to her and Angel. Why are they doing this to them? As she was wondering this, she started to remember back to when she was a puppy and saw Trusty's sheathe with his glistening rod fully exposed including his knot and saw him licking and suckling it as well as hearing him moan. She learned after her reverie that he was relieving himself and realized that he was going to breed her; both him and Jock, her most trusted friends were going to rape her and Angel. They begin to walk towards her, chuckling as she struggled once more and was freed only to be pinned the moment she gets free. She whimpers and pleads them not to do anything to them and tries calling out to Tramp or Scamp but again there was no answer.
"You see Miss Lady Ma'am, you hurt us by rejecting our advances towards you," Trusty began to explain to the pinned Lady, "Jock and I wanted you to be our bitch. We would've been perfect." Jock nodded as he walked over to Angel who was still asleep. "And to make matters worse, you rejected us over that scoundrel Tramp. So now we're going to breed you so hard that you'll never look at Tramp again." Lady saw the old bloodhound's glistening rod throbbing before her and saw no way of escaping. Jock was licking Angel's snatch and enjoying her taste as she began to wake up, still feeling groggy while she felt a tongue eating her out and looks to figure out who was licking her.
"Scamp...?" She called out, still trying to fully wake up and heard a chuckle in response.
"Not even close, missy." It soon donned on her who that voice belonged to and recognized Jock right away.
"Please don't do this!! I'm Scamp's bitch!" She whimpered as the Scottie kept eating her out. Jock growled at her in reply to her pleads as his member slips out from his sheathe and rubs against her y-shaped folds.
"Not anymore yer not! Yer no longer Scamp's bitch but my bitch and only my bitch!" He barks, plunging into her sex as she cried out and started sobbing with her pleas which he ignored and continued to rape her. Angel continued to sob and plead jock to stop but that only egged him on more and bit into her neck, making her yelp and whimper softly as she felt his balls slapping hard against her body as she could hear Lady's sobbing and pleading as well. Jock began to slow his thrusts, wanting his bitch to suffer before thrusting hard inside her again and listened to her yelps and cries. He violently shoved his knot inside angel's snatch, making her cry out as he tied himself inside his new bitch and thrusts more violently while spurting his pre-seed inside her.
Angel sobbed and clawed at the floor as she could feel Jock's member swelling inside her and knew she was tied to him until he was finished. Moments later, the Scottie howled loudly and slammed deep into the Pomeranian's cunt which trembled and clenched around his member and milked his seed much against her sobbing and thrashing then turned rump-to-rump with her and chuckles. After filling her with his seed, he pops free and turns her body so that her whimpering muzzle was facing his still hard cock.
" more...." Angel whimpered softly, her body shuddering as Jock's seed leaked out of her use cunt. Jock opens her muzzle and shoves his cock in.
"Good little bitch! Now clean my cock, knot and all!" He barked, thrusting his member into her soft muzzle. Angel sniffled and proceeded to deep-throat her rapist's meat, swallowing past his knot and used her tongue to clean up his cum. Jock moans deeply and starts thrusting harder into her muzzle, his knot swelling and tied himself inside her mouth which proved difficult for Angel to breathe and had to use her nose. She whines and bobs her head faster and faster to keep up with Jock's thrusts and could taste his salty pre dribbling down her throat.
Jock howled as he climaxed once again, flooding Angel's throat with his seed and some managed to drip out of her muzzle which was forced open by his knot and soon had his cock pulled out of her mouth. She coughed and gagged, spitting up some of his seed and was surprised when his cock spurted thick ropes of cum suddenly onto her body and muzzle and heard Jock give a sigh of relief.
Lady whimpered and cried as Trusty thrusted in and out of her sex, the elderly bloodhound's massive paw pressed down on the cocker spaniel's small head while his thick member, thicker than Tramp's, grinded into her inner muscles. Lady keep sobbing the whole time, feeling like her sex was going to be torn apart if he kept pounding her the way he did and he showed no signs of letting up; only increasing more as he was nearing his climax.
"Trusty! Please! Please stop! You're hurting me!" She cried out repeatedly but the bloodhound was lost in pleasure to hear her pleas. Lady started to feel herself sliding on the floor as Trusty was thrusting more violently, his knot shoved into her sex and swelled inside her so that he could not pull out until he was finished. She tried to push the whole rape out of her mind but all she could hear was Trusty's panting and his old dog cock ravaging her poor vaginal walls. All this time, she had hoped her cries would be heard by her mate and son and that they would burst in and rescue them; but alas, nobody came to her rescue and she saw Jock lick his chops and sat in front of her, watching her being taken by the old bloodhound.
"Looks like yer a tight fit fer ol Trusty, Lassie." He remarked mockingly which made Lady blush profusely. She wanted to tell him to fuck off, but her body was losing strength as Trusty continued to rut her and she realized that given his age that it would take him a while to reach climax despite his powerful thrusts and throbbing rod inside her. Angel had managed to recover a bit from Jock's sexual assault and saw Lady underneath Trusty with Jock watching and had a new erection to boot. She crawled across the floor while the boys were busy and started scratching and whimpering at the door, hoping Jim Dear or Darling or even Tramp or Scamp would hear and come investigate; unfortunately, she was too exhausted form her romp and could barely set a scratch against the door and could barely managed a cry for help since her voice was strained during her rape.
Lady heard Trusty's panting get louder and faster, indicating the old dog was nearing climax. She braced herself, her claws digging into the floor as Trusty's rod pumped thick ropes of seed into her body. She felt his seed filling her insides and was shocked how the old bloodhound could produce so much. Then it donned on her that Jock and Trusty never had bitches of their own and must've been pent up all these years. She clenched her teeth as Trusty gave a couple more violent thrusts and turned rump-to-rump with her, still filling her off-season womb with his seed. Lady's eyes were all red and puffy form her sobbing as she felt Trusty slip out with a wet pop. She gave a sigh thinking it was over until Trusty sat on his haunches in front of her, his cock still throbbing and grinning.
"You can't be serious!" Lady protested but her protest was ceased as Trusty shoved his thick cock into her small spaniel muzzle.
"Mm such a tight little mouth Miss Lady Ma'am." Trusty moaned as he humped her muzzle. Lady began to start sobbing again but stopped as she realized she would suffocate if she started crying. She calmed herself a bit and started to breathe through her nose as she tasted the bloodhound's salty cum covered rod. After a few thrusts, Trusty rewarded his bitch with more of his seed as he pumped it down her throat which caused her to gag a little before he finally pulled out and she gasped for breath. She coughed up some of his seed and flopped onto her side, hoping this time it was all over; she was dead wrong.
She saw Trusty go towards Angel and watched Jock go up behind her and forced her to get back up. Lady protested as did Angel with Trusty before they both told them to shut up and take them like the bitches they were. Jock moaned as he plunged into Lady's well used sex with a wet schlurp, Trusty's seed providing him with plenty of lube. It didn't take long for Jock to hilt inside Lady up to his knot and heard her start crying again as he popped his knot in with a wet audible pop. She cried out as Jock violently thrusted into her with all his might and saw Trusty pin Angel's body down and tease her folds with his tip. Lady curled her paws, her claws digging deeper as Jock erupted and flooded her sex and womb with his seed. Jock sighed and turned rump-to-rump with Lady and nodded to Trusty who then plunged into Angel's used sex and began to breed her. Angel screamed and cried as she was violated once again, feeling the weight of the bloodhound's paw on her tiny frame. It didn't take long before she felt the bloodhound's knot stretching her folds and locking inside her sopping sex. Angel whimpered softly as Trusty applied more pressure to her body, keeping her from sliding around as he deeply rutted her. She felt like his big paw was going to break her body but not before the thick rod inside her would tear her poor sex apart.
Trusty was half-way there to his climax as he rutted the tiny Pomeranian mercilessly, towering over her and panting heavily. She winced as she could smell his breath which made her want to vomit where she was and only got worse as his panting increased. Trusty let out his bloodhound howl and gave one final thrust inside Angel before his seed erupted from his cock and filled her tiny womb. Trusty then turned rump-to-rump with Angel, his seed still filling her and slowly leaking out of her sealed up snatch as he looked over to see Jock popping free from Lady's sex and proceeded in front of her muzzle for his 'cleaning'.
Lady opened her mouth to protest but once again her protesting was ignored and found herself with a Scottish terrier's cock shoved into her muzzle. She whined as Jock thrusted into her muzzle but seemed to arouse him even more. She breathed through her nose as Jock's knot suddenly popped into her mouth, forcing it open like a ball-gag and gave her no choice but to breathe through his nose indefinitely. Trusty sneer and snickered as he watched Jock throat fuck the cocker spaniel they both pined for and enjoyed every moment of humiliating and raping her. Tears ran down Lady's face as she closed her eyes and tried to make this whole nightmare go away while Jock grunted gruffly and dribbled pre into her mouth. Lady started to gag as Jock thrusted harder and spurted more pre; she knew he was getting close and was only a matter of time before he blew his load.
She looked up submissively at the Scottish terrier as he let out a howl, blowing his load inside her muzzle and watched some of his seed drip form the corners of her mouth. Lady tried to swallow most of Jock's seed and felt his knot pop free, coughing and gasping for air. Jock chuckled as Lady collapsed back on her side turned towards Trusty who had just emptied his load into Angel who now had a swollen belly full of dog cum. Trusty pulled himself free from the Pomeranian's snatch and watched his seed spill out of her before proceeding over to her muzzle for his cleaning. Angel tried to plead but Trusty pressed his paw into her body, causing her to open her mouth to yelp and shoved his still throbbing member into her tiny mouth.
Both girls were awestruck and wondered how those two managed to keep filling them and still have throbbing erections. Would they truly be their bitches forever? Trusty grinned as he humped into Angel's muzzle, enjoying how tight her mouth was. The old bloodhound wouldn't last much longer after her romp with Lady and came hard into Angel's muzzle, some of his seed shooting out form her muzzle as he wasn't able to tie himself before climaxing. Instead he pulled out and finished spurting his seed all over Angel's back, head and muzzle until the cream colored Pomeranian was covered in Trusty's spunk. Angel coughed and spit up some of his seed with a look of disgust and shame on her face. The males chuckled as Jock grabbed Angel who was covered in both his seed and Trusty's seed and dragged her out of the room. Trusty turned to leave as well, leaving Lady crying in the middle of the room and covered with their seed both on her and in her but not before the girls woke up in fright and yelped loudly.
Tramp and Scamp woke up startled by the yelping of their females and rushed out to them and found them shaking violently and tears running down their faces.
"Are you girls ok? What's wrong?" Tramp asked with deep concern in his voice. The girls start to explain to them about what happened. Lady explained that she woke up in a room and heard Jock and Trusty talking about how they were going to breed their new bitches. She told Tramp how she called out for him but there was no answer and that Jock and Trusty confessed their feelings to her and were going to make her their bitch as payback for choosing him over them. Angel explained to Scamp how she woke up feeling her sex being licked and thought it was him but learned it was Jock and then he raped her, telling her she was longer Scamp's bitch to Jock's bitch and only his bitch. Both girls alternated in telling their nightmare with Lady finishing by saying they were going to breed her so hard that she would never look at Tramp again.
Tramp and Scamp's reactions were as expected; they nuzzled their mates lovingly and assured them that they were their bitches and no male was going to have them. They proceed to prove their point by mounting their bitches and had sex with them right there, their paws rubbing over their mates' many teats, giving the tiny nubs a pinch before wrapping around their waists. The girls pleaded their mates after the horrible nightmare they had but the male continued to mate with them while the three little Ladies slept soundly and didn't hear the males' howling climax, filling their bitches' stomachs and snatches with their seed much to their dislike. Although it was forced and unwanted, the girls were assured that they were their bitches and they wouldn't let any male have them. After the boys finished claiming their bitches, Lady's eyes wandered over into the other room where her three first born daughters were sleeping and wondered to herself, what about our first born daughters? Would he and Scamp let that happen to her beloved daughters? She shook her head and chucked a bit, Of course not! Tramp wouldn't let that happen to his first daughters and Scamp wouldn't let that happen either.
Unbeknownst to Lady, her assumption was very much false as her daughters slept soundly and dreaming of their first sexual encounters with their father, brother and their Uncles Jock and Trusty...