American Dragon: The Magical Prostitute Incorporated House

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Written by Shaesullivan Commissioned by me

This was written over a year ago and Im just now uploading it XD

I am thinking of having this story rewritten. If you feel up to it send me a PM.

Otherwise enjoy the story in its current form :)

The battle between the two of them was fierce and with neither one trying to submit it meant that things were starting to get desperate. Flames and fangs shot out at each other as the twin figures soared through the air while clashing into one another.

A headbutt sent the two of them spiraling back but only for a moment before the two dragons charged into one another again. The two dragons rolled throughout the sky, both of them swerving their snake-like frames across the air while growling and snapping at one another.

It wasn't easy to see who was doing what to each other as both looked almost alike yet it was easy to tell that the former was starting to wane as his stamina left him. Panting and growling the two dragons crashed into each other again but for the last time as the latter managed to get on top of the other and then use gravity to pile drive the former into the ground.

A large thud could be heard in the surrounding area as a heavy form met the ground and once an echoing silence fell the victory grabbed the loser onto the head and let out a boisterous roar. The sound of which rattled the fixtures of nearby building before all was silent yet again.

Though no one could see it there was a flash of light between the two as something dark overcame something light and then there was only one where two had been. No one could have guessed that the victory was the false of the two as he now lay victorious where the defeated one had been.

And no one could guess what tragedy lay in wait for those the former had left behind when the victory arose from the floor.

Jake wasn't sure what was going on anymore. Everything around him felt like a lie, an illusion of reality really. His body felt different and his senses were on haywire but as he continued to look around him Jake realized what exactly it was that was happening to him.

He was free.

Well to say that he was liberated from all of his usual restraints. It felt like he didn't have a nagging sense of consciousness nattering at him in the back of his mind and that he could do just about anything. Moving his arms around and rotating his shoulders Jake popped all of his muscles and then grunted before deciding that it was time to test out this new freedom.

He returned home about an hour later, traveling through the skyline was much more different when you didn't care who saw you. There were a few gawkers but Jake just didn't find it in him to care about what they thought of him.

Who'd believe them if they talked about a flying dragon roaming throughout the sky, anyway? Most people were so deluded in their own fantasy land called reality they wouldn't have known if a talking giraffe strolled through the downtown area on a motorbike.

Getting home Jake flew into the open window of his room and then dropped himself onto his bed before changing back to his original human self.

The change felt more like forcing a overstuffed coat into a handbag as his muscles and sinew seemed to pop and contort before he was once again a normal seeming human boy.

Getting up and going over to his mirror Jake looked at the image that was reflected and marveled as he noticed a definite change over himself. His eyes seemed a lot meaner and his face looked like it was set in a permanent scowl. Lips poking out in a bad boy kind of pout Jake didn't stop himself as he smirked cruelly at his reflection.

The scents in his room were all more pronounced now and as Jake turned his head to look he noticed that there was something else in here with him that made him hungry.

His stomach rumbled but it seemed like a more primal urge to have something sated than a want for food. Sniffing the air like a dog and letting his feet guide him Jake made his way out of his room and then down the hallway.

Finding the source of the smell coming from a door he was standing in front of Jake noted it was Haley's room the odor was wafting from.

A growl ripped free from his throat without his command and Jake reached up to knock on the door on afterthought as he already had his hand on the door handle.

"Yes," a sleepy voice called out making Jake grin as himself get stiff inside of his pants.

Looking down Jake noted that his pants were suddenly tenting out and the American dragon then began to realize what it was that was happening to him. While at any other time he might have been repulsed with the mere thought of what he was contemplating but again, right now, he just didn't care.

Neither about the repercussions of his actions or about the fear on the startled face that opened the door and looked at him cautiously.

"Who are you?" Haley asked as she looked up at the person that looked like her brother.

"It's me...Jake." Jake said even though he himself sounded unsure.

"No you're not!" Haley slammed the door shut and quickly began to move things around trying to barricade the door.

Jake was faster than her as he shifted back into his draconic form and then burst through the door, nearly tearing the hinges off the frame.

Haley cried out as this new Jake popped in on her and then swung his tail behind him so that he could close the door.

No sense in alerting the old fart, Jake thought with a snide smirk coloring his reptilian face.

"W-who are you?!" Haley shouted hoping that grandpa would come up to rescue her.

No such luck as Jake advanced on her and puffed noxious grey clouds from his snout like a twisted aberration of puff the magic dragon. Haley's eyes were open wide as he looked up at her brother with clear terror blooming on her face.

On instinct the little one changed into a hot pink looking dragon creature and barreled into the larger form of what looked like her brother. Jake sidestepped her easily and let the little one crash into the door but managed not to be able to avoid the tail that snapped out and smacked him across the face.

Haley shook her head and looked just in time to see Jake's body crash into a shelf before he let out a screech of a roar and then got up. Shaking him and then turning to face Haley the American dragon grunting an evil growl before taking a step to advance on the little one. Haley didn't think she could take Jake on head-to-head but as she watched the other grow closer to her, her body just reacted on response to frightened impulses.

She dove for him and hit Jake dead on forcing the two to tumble and curl as they bounced off the walls like a Ping-Pong ball. There was a lot of snarling and hissing while puffs of smoke came from the two as claws slashed into scaly hides.

Haley gave it her all, fighting for her life though not knowing why, but she wasn't a match for Jake as he began to overpower her and then got her down to where she was forced to lie on the ground. A foot on her back the American dragon roared his second victory for the day and then hefted the girl dragon to face him and see the madness in his eyes.

The thumping of her heart was so loud in her ears that Haley felt almost deaf and when Jake brought them close enough so that she could smell the sulphur of his draconic breath.

Brining the smaller one closer to his snout Jake opened his muzzle and listened to Haley let out a startled cry of surprise before he licked across her face like a dog. The feel of his tongue was both rough and uncomfortable and as Jake continued doing it Haley started to whimper in her throat.

"J-Jake...please stop..."

The American dragon pulled back and looked Haley in the eyes before replying in a slow and cold tone of voice,


Haley didn't think that she would ever be able to forgive Jake as he said this and as her little mind tried to work around what was happening she never noted the change going through Jake Long.

Then again what girl her age would have as Jake's genital slit peeked open and his draconic cock pushed out to stand half firm in the air. The scent of his male musk was hot and cloying as it filled up the room and stuck across every corner of Haley's nostrils.

His greedy eyes ate up the smaller form in his hand and as Jake looked further upon her he felt that same hunger from before return with full force.

Mind actually taking a moment to consider what he was doing and really thought about it. His dark eyes looking over the petite form of Haley and studying her carefully.

Maybe this wasn't right?

Maybe he shouldn't be doing this?


Jake didn't give his thoughts more than a breath of life before he dropped his nose down and huffed over Haley's petite ass and then began to snuff at her desperately. He felt so animal and untamed that when he caught the scent of the little girl's rear the larger dragon licked his tongue out against her sex and slathered it over his tongue.

That taste was electric as a charge flew up his spine. Something between pure want and unbridled need coursed through Jake as he continued to lick out at Haley, not minding at all as the little one began to sob and moan in his hold.

His reptilian tongue spread her open more and more, her rump getting violated with each passing second until soon Jake was able to get a third of his tongue up inside of Haley.

When he felt that he had had his fill Jake pulled his tongue back and then licked his lips before looking down at the weeping willow of a child.

"Man that was great! I can't wait to get to the real stuff, can you?" Jake snickered as Haley shook her head back and forth in protest. "Too bad, because I'm in control here."

Jake growled the last part and then turned Haley around until her back was to his front and his delicate bottom was at the point of where his fully hard cock was.

The next seconds were tense as a twisted sort of pause seemed to still everything before Jake slowly eased Haley down onto his cock, his prick dripping with pre will his saliva coated out around her ass.

There was a scream like someone being murdered sung out into the darkened room before Jake grunted in annoyance and silenced it with a paw. After that there were muffled sobs being reverberated by echoing hisses of pleasure as Jake stole Haley's anal virginity in one single thrust.

His hips moved while his hands dropped her body down into his waist.

A grunt followed a shrill scream and then there was silence.

Jake had done it. He had robbed her of part of her being all for his selfishness and wanton lust. The act was brutal yet it didn't seem to bother Jake. More to the fact that the American dragon was fulfilled himself as he allowed himself to rape Haley with neither a worry nor care.

The thought of what he was doing was playing over in his mind like a sick kind of movie reel but at the same time the draconic youth was relishing in it. His hips were pressed heavily into Haley while his breaths came out in heavy black huffs as smoke cleared his maw.

When he felt that he was ready Jake began to move himself and Haley in counterbalancing rhythm so much that he was more using her as a living sleeve than really fucking her. Her tiny body pressed up against his own looked so out of place that the evidence of this twisted union was evident in how Jake's cock was outlined inside of Haley's belly.

The turgid length of the dragon's sex was heavy and wide as Jake pumped his hips back and forth while grunting and moaning into Haley. His body was slightly elevated from the floor as he hovered in midair but that only served to give him more leverage to bury himself deeper into the little girl.

Haley was a mass of sobs and tears as she pleased with Jake to stop.

"Jake! Stop it!" Her cries rang out but they were ignored in favor of Jake driving himself over and over into her quivering ass.

Wet and sloppy sounds followed as the minutes ticked past Jake hammering Haley so much that his hips burred as he pressed deeper into the little girl.

"Shit, so good." He managed to get out before curling around Haley and then tugging her desperately against him.

Since he didn't have external balls he couldn't feel them banging up against Haley's tender little body but he could feel them starting to tighten as he got closer to orgasm. There was an itch in his groin that began to grow more annoying and as Jake power drove himself into Haley all he could think about was relieving that damned sensation.

Haley whimpered and Jake let out an open throated cry to the sky as he hilted into her one last time and then came in eager gushes. His cum was both thick and vicious and spread out around Haley's bottom making a white froth appear between both of their legs.

The flood dripped onto the floor at Jake's feet but he didn't notice it as he hissed and groaned while shuddering as he had his first real climax of his life It was better than sin and as he came down from off of his high he leaned down to look into Haley's empty eyes and said,

"Gods bedamned that was great!"

Of course, Haley heard none of this.

When Jake had finished he let Haley down from off of him with a single thud/splat as he dropped the she-dragon in the middle of her room on the evidence of the mess they had made. Haley was out cold so she didn't feel anything however Jake was not so and when he felt a presence behind him he whipped his head around and then found himself quirking an eye.

"What do you want?" He asked as Fu-dog seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Just to talk business." The scruffy looking canine said as he walked over to Haley, completely not minding Jake's dripping cock or the stink of sex in the room.

"What about?" The American dragon asked.

"How much for the cunt?" Fu-dog nodded down to Haley.

Jake didn't say anything as he thought over this; his mind not really focusing on any on anything in particular after his first great orgasm. However, when the wheels did began to turn he spoke out loud,

"Five grand."

Fu-dog jumped a little at the price and then, "A little steep don't you think?" The canine asked while staring at the other agape.

"Take it or leave it flea trap."

The talking canine grumbled but nodded and a deal was struck about ten minutes after as Fu-dog when to go get Jake's money. The dragonic youth uncaring of what was going to happen to Haley didn't even bother to look back on her as he left out of the room, still in dragon form, and went to his own room.

Haley woke up sometime later to see a familiar face in front of her,


"Hey Haley." The canine spoke with his usual good English.

She tried to form words but her eyes caught on to the canine palming at himself and something hard was sticking out from between his legs and all her words just died.

"Let's just hurry up and do this. I've only got an hour before we have to go." The dog said as he came over and grabbed the bound girl's head before tugging her face down and into his crotch.

"Fu-do...!!" Was about as far as she got before the canine began to run his hips into her face.

Fu-dog worked like a feral canine as he jutted his thighs into Haley's mouth forcing the little girl to swallow around his shaft as he sprayed pre against her throat. The contents of his fluids was thin and ropey but at the same time there was just so much of it that some of it spilled out around Haley's lips and down her chin.

The little girl tried to whine and plead with him to stop but all she could do was get a few muffles out followed by a light intake of air as she breathed through her nose.

Fu-dog grunted and groaned as he pumped and pumped Haley almost lifting his rear legs off of the floor as he continued to hold her head down with his front paws. His doggy nuts slapped into hers again and again until they made audible noise inside of the all too quiet house.

It took some time but just when Haley thought she couldn't take anymore Fu-dog came inside of her mouth with a bark and gave the little girl her first taste of dog seed. It was disgusting and salty but Haley had little time to a adjust to the taste as she was forced to swallow what the canine was giving her down into her gullet.

When Fu-dog was finished he pulled out with a few huffs and then hobbled his way around, his cock still stiff, and moved towards Haley's naked rump.

"Fu-dog...don't..." Haley whined as she tried to turn her head to look at him but the collar gracing her neck made it impossible.

"Sorry kid. Good money went into this," was the last thing he said before he buried himself inside of Haley's sex in one hard thrust.

The dog wasted no time as he began to jackhammer into Haley's pussy like his ass was on fire and stole her virginity. The cries and whines of the little dragoness were almost deaf on his ears as he sped his pelvis along into her ass making the two of them jump together across the floor.

It was a deplorable act to see as the little dragoness was taken by the smaller dog but it was a fact and Fu-dog seemed to relish in it even more than Jake had. Haley yipped and screamed while her pussy was widen more and more as the canine's knot began to swell up like a small balloon.

His nuts slapping in her cheeks, his breaths coming out into pants and Haley stuck underneath him with her smooth scaled hide gleaming from sweat all served to make the next hour between them an erotic nightmare that would only be the start of the little dragon's next couple of days.

Fu-dog didn't last long and came quickly into the dragoness' quivering sex. Ass still dripping with Jake's cum and now her vagina being flooded with canine seed Haley was left to tremble on the floor as he mind began to spin irrationalities about what was happening to her.

This couldn't be real, right?

However, no matter what she thought, this was real. The act made even more so as Fu-dog turned around and placed them ass to ass together before sighing and humping back into her with light rolls of his hips.

Haley whimpered as Fu-dog continued to cum and by the time the two were able to separate the little dragoness just flopped back down onto the ground before curling herself up.

"Damn, that was worth five g's. Well time to get going," Fu-dog spoke as he pulled himself up and then made himself look presentable.

Once he was done the canine pulled out a potion from somewhere and then threw it to ground between the both of them. A white smog filled up the air and the next thing Haley knew she was being transported somewhere else.

When Haley could next look around she opened her eyes to see several various species of women in all manner of throes of sexual intercourse with men of various races.

"Welcome to your new home Haley; the Magical Prostitute Incorporated House. Hope you like it because you ain't leaving for a real long time." Fu-dog said as he brought out a collar and then tethered it around the young dragoness neck.

A quick tug forced her to crawl after him as the canine led her through the building, which was a glorified warehouse, to the backroom before he said,

"New one up! Hot off the press!"

And Haley cried.

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