Lion King II: Simba's Pride and Joy

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#1 of The Lion King II: The Pride and Pack Wars

Written by ( I will fill this in if you wish me to do this and you know who you are :P )

Requested//Commissioned by me :)

And always if you like it, comment about it fave and rate :).

Lion King II: Simba's Pride and Joy

Simba blinked his eyes open, all around were his harem of lionesses. His favorite of course was Nala, still fast asleep on top of Simba after their massive orgy. The Pride Rock lioness's had recently come into breading season. Simba had chased out Scar, the only other male lion, so it was his duty to plant his seed into the fertile soil of all those coming into heat. Still, all that sex took a heavy toll onto poor Simba. Feeling rather parched Simba gave Nala a gentle shove off of him, and Nala landed on the floor with a dull plop. Heading towards the cave entrance, Simba looked back at his pride to see all his hard work he did last night.

Lionesses' bellies were swollen with his cum, and their pussies oozing with his seed. His pride may already be bearing his cubs, but when they woke, they would need to be satisfied, again and again. Chuckling Simba spoke in a whisper "It's good to be king." Padding down to the watering hole, Simba sets himself at a nice brisk pace, eager to quench his nagging thirst. Along the way Zazu comes fluttering up.

"Sire! The lionesses are starting to wake! If you don't go back now they will start to tear the pride lands apart looking for you!"

"Zazu, let the lionesses know I shall return, but I have a issue to take care of in the elephant graveyard, that should throw them off long enough to buy me some time to rest."

"But Sire, if they the lionesses go to the elephant graveyard, they will run into" Simba cut the now panicking bird off.

"They will kill any hyenas that have the misfortune to cross their path, it will give my little pride something to help burn their energy on." Killing two birds with one paw Simba mused.

"But Sire!"

"But nothing, I gave you an order!" Simba growled.

"Yes Sire, as you wish." Zazu spoke before flying back towards the pride rock. Simba nearing the watering hole saw all the animals that had been grazing nearby start to flee. Bending his head down, Simba looked into the crystal blue water, letting his tongue slip from his maw, starting to lap at the water. Feeling the water slide down his throat, Simba felt a renewed feeling of vigor.

In a nearby bush, Kiara who had been rolling around playing with cattails had heard the animals nearby shriek and run away. Knowing only one animal could possibly cause so much ruckus among the herds, Kiara dropped into a hunting crouch. Slowing inching her way through the tall grass, Kiara laid eyes on the animal that had caused such a commotion. It was her Father! Kiara was filled with joy when she saw him, she hadn't seen him in days after all the other lionesses started acting weird. At first they started to smell odd, and then started to want to "talk" with her dad alone for hours at a time! This was her chance to prove to her dad of the newfound hunting skills she acquired while he was away. Simba now having his thirst brought to bay decided he need a good bath. Lapping away at his fur, Simba tried to remove as much as the smell of lioness as he could.

During the last orgy, his pride was a living sex machine. When there wasn't enough of Simba's meaty cock to go around, the Lionesses would have to take turns pleasuring each other. Just thinking about that night along with the own smell that radiated off his fur had sprung Simba's cock back to life. Sighing Simba went back to cleaning himself, every once in awhile focusing on his groin. Licking his own prick Simba cleaned off his and his lionesses juices. Knowing full well he was already clean, Simba kept up his lapping and started to us his paw to rub against his sac, further increasing his stimulation. Kiara watched the sight unfold before her young eye's her father was cleaning himself? She knew he was spending waaaay to much time on his neither bits, but still Kiara watched on wide eyed, while still slowly creeping forward. Simba still caught up in his own enticing pleasure increased his speed and started moaning. Kiara hearing her father moan burst out of the bush!

"Dad are you okay?!" Kiara squeaked out. Simba felt his heart leap out of his chest, his little cub had caught him pawing off! Simba took a deep breath to calm himself, but before he could speak Kiara spoke up again, "Dad are you hurt, Is there anything I can do to help?" Simba felt his cock twitch at his daughter's words. Shaking his mane, Simba replied No. Kiara felt hurt, she had heard her father moan in pain, "Please please please let me help you, I'll do anything!" Kiara pleaded. Seeing the concern overflowing in his daughter's eyes, Simba relented his firm position and signaled his daughter to come forward.

"What do you see this Kiara?" Simba spoke with a soothing voice.

"I see your thingy, and it's poking out" Kiara giggled.

"Yes, and that is what is bothering me, are you sure you can help me out?" Simba whispered gently "Okay, what do I have to do!" Kiara spoke with excitement overflowing in her voice. "First I need you to think back on how you suckled onto your mom's teats, can you do that for me?" Simba Asked. "Yup, I kind of remember." Kiara thought, with a puzzled look on her face. "Good, now I need you to help me get some of my milk that is trapped inside my.. thingy." Simba said holding back a chuckle. Kiara looked at her father, and then back down to his rod, and tilted her head to the side.

"It's pretty big daddy, what am I supposed to do?" "Just open up your muzzle as wide as you can, and slide your head back and forth, just be careful of your teeth, you wouldn't want to hurt daddy would you?" Simba said. "NOoooo" Kiara mewed out quickly. "I know you won't, just try your best." Simba said speaking softly. Kiara now stepping closer to the male lion that towered over her, could smell the other lionesses' scents drifting off of him. Now looking closer at his rod, Kiara could see little black looking barbs all around his father's shaft. Thinking nothing of them, Kiara gave her dad's dick a tentative lick, he tasted good.

There was something alluring about the taste that made Kiara want more. Kiara opened up her muzzle and slid the head of her father's cock inside. Simba's cock started to glide across Kiara's slightly rough tongue. Kiara could only get five inches inside her little muzzle, before finding it bump against the back of her throat, making her gag slightly. Simba felt his daughter's tight maw wrapped tightly against his shaft. Slightly disappointed that he couldn't fit his entire 8 inch shaft farther down into her muzzle Simba gave a murr of encouragement. Kiara tried to fit as much of her father's meaty shaft inside her mouth before starting to suckle upon it.

"That feels nice Kiara, but I need you to start to bob your head up and down on my dick." Simba purred. So that's what it's called Kiara thought to herself, before letting the shaft slip from her mouth, before pushing her head back down. Kiara was now starting to feel her father start to occasional twitch inside her mouth as she would continue her ministrations. Kiara let her tongue dance across her dad's dick loving the taste of precum his shaft was leaving behind. Simba was in heaven as his daughter swallowed his shaft heartily. Her inexperience at giving a blowjob only thrilled Simba on even more. The fact his very own cub was helping him get off made Simba feel exceptionally naughty. His own cock was responding to the extra sensations and releasing a steady stream of pre into his daughter's maw.

Simba's delight could only increase as his daughter only seemed to suck harder as he slowly released his lubrication down into her belly. Simba knew his climax was nearing. "Okay Kiara get ready, daddy is about to give you his milk." Simba grunted. Simba loved the feeling of his daughter's hot maw around his shaft, her tongue was tickling the underside of his cock, and he could feel her sucking on him with indescribable passion. Kiara was now sucking as hard as she could, expecting any second for her dad to give her his sweet milk. She didn't have long to wait, Simba's cock started to come alive in her maw, barbs flaring, and cock twitching. Kiara was still bobbing up and down; she could feel his barbs scrape against her tongue and roof of her mouth.

"Here it comes!" Simba grunted. Simba had started to empty his balls straight into his daughter's muzzle. Kiara felt her father start to unload his "milk" into her muzzle. Kiara swallowed the first couple waves of her father's jizz, but struggled around the 4th and 6th waves as Simba's spunk had made Kiara start to choke on the sheer volume of the cum. Simba's cum flowed out from around Kiara's lips and splattered upon the ground. Kiara felt her daddy's milk start to go down her throat as she did her best to swallow it all but she couldn't swallow it all. Every drop that did make it down Kiara's throat ended up nestled into her belly. Due to the sheer amount of Simba's cum Kiara's belly bulged out slightly causing her stomach to slosh a bit as she walked* . Kiara barely had time to taste what she was given as it was being shot down her throat but the musk and flavor stood. Soon Kiara couldn't taken anymore of her daddy's cum and had to pull away allowing her fathers shaft to spring free from her muzzle and air to enter.

Simba kept on cumming, even though Kiara had dropped him from her muzzle. Simba released a few more shots onto his daughter who was unfortunately underneath his cock, giving her golden fur a nice milky completion. Simba couldn't be prouder of his daughter; he hadn't came that hard in a very long time. Simba looked down at his daughter, from the tip of her muzzle to the top of her head was plastered with cum. Kiara looked up and smiled "I think I like mommy's milk better, but yours is good too." Kiara said with weariness in her voice. Simba couldn't help but chuckle "I'm so very proud of you Kiara. You did a great job, and helped daddy."

"That's good" Kiara said slowly drifting to sleep in the savanna sun. Simba gave Kiara a couple loving licks on her forehead, tasting his own cum in the process. "She's right, Nala's milk does taste better." Simba pondered. Kiara had fallen asleep within seconds; Simba looked down on his little angel, and picked her up from her scruff. Still sound asleep Kiara naturally went into a ball position when picked up. Simba carried Kiara away from the watering hole, knowing full well if Nala didn't kill him for what he just did, she would kill him for what he planned to do as he started to use his tail to get himself hard once more*

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